© Amanda Fales Shaw | Dreamstime.com
Lamentably, not everyone had this type of response. Most people were too occupied with their smartphones even to notice. One lady, her daughter in tow, was so entranced with her device that she almost bumped into me. Since many seemed to pay no attention or even notice, I took advantage of the remaining songs to battle the indifference by punctuating the conclusion of each piece with applause. “Bravo, bravo,” I yelled as loud as possible, “give it up for the harpist.” People from a nearby restaurant joined in, as did many others. Even those formerly engrossed with their phones looked up and clapped with smiles of appreciation. Thank God, I thought, they finally took note. A lone harpist in a bustling airport is important because it reveals desires for things that are contrary to our world’s frenetic intemperance. The United States is not often portrayed in this light. One would expect woke propaganda but not a harpist in Orlando’s airport. Could this Florida harpist— one paradox among so many found in our country— be lighting the way for America’s return to order? The reaction of a friend from South Africa supported my conclusion. I sent him a video of
the harpist, and his response was effusive. “Wow, fantastic,” he responded, “I love the harp. It is so serene. It seems to civilize everything it touches and takes one to a higher place.” He astutely pointed out that, “It’s not Gregorian chant, but there is something in that direction in its effect.” Yes, it is something spiritual that clashes with the intemperance that dominates our world. It appeared unexpectedly in America, and someone from another continent recognized this important fact. It is unsurprising to me that his final comment about the Florida harpist was part of a phenomenon that happens only in America. n
Join The Return to Order Podcast If you would like to be a part of the Return to Order movement, join the podcast The Return to Order Moment, through your podcast app. Based on the book Return to Order, this podcast addresses the root causes of the nation’s moral decay and shows how we can return to those God-given institutions and principles that naturally regulate society and bring it back into balance. Hosted by Edwin Benson, The Return to Order Moment brings you insight, analysis, and information for a culture in crisis.
Please visit https://www.returntoorder.org/podcast-2/ or scan this QR code with your smartphone camera. C r u s a d e
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