Year 48 November 2016

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Crusader Seward County Community College

Liberal, Kansas

Year 48, No. 4

Athletic Director steps down after 30 years

November 30, 2016

p. 14

Full-pay policy causes p. 3 financial struggles

Study tips: How to survive finals p. 10



November 30, 2016

Students question degree worth Wandering? Feeling lost? Kathleen Alonso

News Editor

Our parents and grandparents grew up in a time where public college tuition was $1,207. Whereas now, that number has risen to $11,034. According to the average student of the class of 2014 will take out more than $33,000 in student loans. Which in many cases is accompanied by mortgages, credit cards, and auto loans. With continuing rising book prices and college tuition, it has made acquiring a college degree less desirable today. In 1970 a college student was able to work a part-time job at minimum wage and afford their schooling. Now today students are having to tackle fewer school hours and more work hours. With several students working two and sometimes


Web: Phone: 620.417.1459 Fax: 620.417.1169 Editors: Aubrey Holt and Brynn Grieshaber News Editor: Kathleen Alonso

Staff: Odalys Avalos Valeria Corrales Andrea Baca Angelica Alfaro Ailyn Gomez Joseph Ortega Keynitra Houston David Gomez Yesenia Montanez Follow us on: Twitter@CrusaderNews

The official student newspaper of Seward County Community College is publsihed monthly by journalism students during the regular college year, except on school holidays and during examinations periods. One copy of each isssue is distributed free to each student, faulty and staff member, with subsequent copies avialable for purchase in the Crusader office at 50 cents each. Letters to the editor will be considered for publication if they are signed and the authenticity of the writer’s signature is verified.The staff reserves the right to edit for length. Opinions voice in letters and editorials are not necessarily those of Seward County Community College. Advertising is accepted. Rates are $5 per column inch or $5.25 pci for color ads. Insert rates are $50 per thousand. The Crusader staff reserves the right to refuse advertising. Mail to: Crusader, Box 1137, Liberal, KS 67905, or email

three jobs. Lucy Sandoval, first year nursing student, has always aspired to become a nurse. She shares how important a career is. “I think it’s important because you’ll earn yourself increase to your learning skills and you’ll earn higher amount of money” says Sandoval “it’s harder for students that have to pay for classes and books without any help.” This leaves students asking, is a degree even worth it? The major you decide to pursue is definitely a factor. Technology is changing now faster than ever. The landscape of the job fields will look completely different in 20 years, than they do today. Job growth outlook includes STEM majors. But where does this leave those who aren’t interested in science, technology, engineering or mathematics? Chances are you haven’t made a choice on a specific major. This is normal, especially in our fast changing world. According to an average person will change their career 5-7 times in their lifetime. This number will continue to increase. Aside from this, several grads get thrown into the world with difficulty acquiring a job in their field of study. You hear of a guy with a master’s degree cleaning toilets or a woman with her bachelor’s bartending. But if we look at the numbers, a high school diploma alone doesn’t get you much. In fact those with a high school diploma alone earn $15,000 less than those with a degree. Find the degree that’ll pay for itself. Do your research before you commit to a $33,000 debt. If you haven’t found your niche take some time off. Go explore the world and find your passion. And if all else fails, let’s just hope you’re as ambitious as Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.

Find the right path You run around everyday and your head fills up with so much anxiety you think you’re crazy. You are crazy!

Brynn Grieshaber Co-Editor

An ode to college students: Life is a Trip. Life is hard. Life isn’t pretty, it’s not all fun and games. Movies make life look so amazing. They always have a fairytale ending. Isn’t that a lie? The truth is that life is rough. It will force you to make decisions that you thought you’d never have to make. It’ll make you do things you thought you’d never do. You’ll be pushed to your limits and find out what you’re really capable of. You feel alone because you are alone. You probably cry a lot because you’re confused. You’re going to get hurt by people and you’re going to hurt people. Life is a fickle bitch. You’re searching, but you’re never going to find it. It’s so confusing.

You’re wondering about people from high school. What are they doing now? Are they lost too? Remember your ex? You miss them and wonder if you did the right thing when you left them. But he’s married and has a baby now so he probably doesn’t even think of you. You’re going to make bad decisions. There is no roadmap! Nobody knows what is next or where you’re going to end up. You make every single one of those decisions. That’s the crazy part. It all comes back on you. What is your purpose? What now? You’re going to want to go back to the first day of history class because the teacher told you what to do and when to do it. Life was so simple then and you wanted out. Well now we are in the real world with no direction. You’ve come to the realization that the real world feels a lot like being thrown out of moving train into a battlefield with no phone, no map, just you.


November 30, 2016


Full-pay policy leaves students struggling Aubrey Holt Co-Editor

As the year winds to a close, students look forward to the new semester ahead. Once finals are over, the next set of classes should be on the horizon. Early enrollment for Spring 2017 semester classes began Oct. 31. In order to enroll for the next semester of classes, all student bills must be paid in full. For some students, finding the funding for education can bring difficulties. “I get that they have to pay their bills and all but it means that I have to fork over a lot more money right away and that can leave me without good options,” said freshman graphic design major T.J. Cecil. “I almost didn’t enroll for next semester.” The current policy regarding bill payments states that all bills must be paid in full before enrollment is allowed in the next semester of classes. For students already stressed out by classes, adding on the time commitment of working to pay their tuition and housing can be a challenge. “The worst part about bills is that even when you are trying to do something else, like work or doing classes, you fall into the worrying and the guilt of debt really easily,” said Chaz Casey, diesel tech student from Ulysses. For some, the cost can end up being too much between semesters. “I almost didn’t enroll for next semester but they let me pay off part of my bill so that I could enroll,” Cecil said. “Otherwise I would not be back for at least a semester.

Carlos Ramirez works with Jeanne Beer, Accounts Recievable Manager, to pay off his current school bill. Students are encouraged to settle their accounts as soon as possible as enrollment for the spring semester lasts until Jan. 13. (Photo by Aubrey Holt) I don’t want to take time off but I will do what I have to in order to live first.” The change from having to pay a certain amount to paying in full went into effect fall of 2015. Students who were used to the previous policy have expressed feelings of annoyance and stress towards the change. “When I went here before, we only had to pay at the end of spring in order to keep going here the next year. The new way is kind of stressful. Honestly I just want it to all be over with now,” said returning sophomore Mason Jones. Between work-study opportunities and Pell grants, some students still can’t make the money needed to complete their payments. “I took out a loan to pay for my dorms. It only gets harder from here,” said sophomore Laura Freisen. “When you have to pay up, that’s what you do. Theres no ifs, ands or buts about it.” Not all students have a gripe about the current payment system as they remember the policies of other schools. “Big universities and even other community colleges make you pay it all up front. We really don’t have it too bad here,” said Daniel Kincer, sophomore pre-engineering major. “I got two [associates] degrees last year when I graduated but I don’t want to move off to a big school yet. Its really expensive and you have to take out loans at the start

Students who pay off their full school bill recieve a piggy bank and a thank you note courtesy of the business office. (Photo by Keynitra Houston) so I would rather do a few more classes here and online for way cheaper. The end result is the same, so why waste the money in the long run,” said Alyssa Fisher, biology major. Along with the understanding that with education comes spending money, students are being encouraged to educate themselves on money management and terms of loans both before and after enrolling. “My parents made sure this was what

I wanted to do. I even remember in first year seminar [a member of the admissions office] came in and talked to us really early on and gave us information about paying for school. It helped and you can’t make excuses,” said Cecil. Freisen said, “My education is what is most important. I am going into nursing so I have a long ride ahead. The money being spent here is like drops in the bucket... If that means loans, then I guess I am taking loans.”



November 30, 2016

Parking permits cause dilema on SCCC Campus David Gomez


A big change came to campus with the implementation of mandatory parking permits to all Seward County Community college students. The students have not been shy about expressing their opinions for the new parking permit and the fines they are receiving. Parking permits were not made mandatory until two months into the fall semester. This means it was half a semester until students would begin to receive fines for not having a permit. Students believe that if the permits were not mandatory until October, that they should not have to pay for a permit until the spring semester. Anthony Anaya said, “I think if they are going to charge us, they should at least do it at the beginning.” Security Director Dennis Mulanax assured that this concern has been addressed. Starting in Spring 2017, the parking permit fee is a part of the student’s initial enrollment fee rather than it being a secondary charge. When students purchase a parking permit, they are also shown a list of the possible fines that SCCC security tickets. On this list is a fine for parking in two spaces. This is a questionable fine considering that both students and faculty have complained that the parking lane lines are not in the best condition. Business major Rosa Montes asked,

Infractions which can be fined: Parked over two spaces-$25 No parking permit- $50 Parked on grass - $25

Speeding- $25 (speed limit is 15 mph) Drivng wrong way through parking lot- $25

Parked in handicap- $50

Hit and run- $250 plus damages.

Car left abnandoned for more than 3 day- $25 (Fine increases with each day)

*All fines increase after first offense

“Why did we have to pay if those lines are shitty as fuck?” She also mentioned that she cannot park in some spaces because her truck is too big for the small parking spaces. With only 600 students registered for a parking permit, that leaves more than 400 students who have not purchased the permit. While some students do not own cars or live without while on campus, there are others who have opted not to purchase permits at all. When students who had not purchased a permit were asked why they chose not to participate in the mandatory parking permit, some said they would just rather risk it than participate in something that

they are not aware of what it is for. Other students simply said they would rather risk the chance of not getting a ticket. “Oh wow! They are actually giving tickets?” Ashley Oropeza said. “I should get my pass now.”

Campus security also installed new speed bumps on the north road between the main campus the vo-tech and ag building. The speed bumps only cover one side of the road. Mulanax said he was getting numerous complaints of students driving too fast on that road and this was one way to slow everyone down. “I don't have a problem with the speed bumps because I just go around them,” Ecxon Vela said. The speed bumps were added to increase student safety, yet when drivers swerve around the two bumps, it creates another problem — reckless driving. “Why would they put speed bumps that only go halfway when people are just going to swerve around them?” Zane Chance asked. When Mulanax was told about the numerous complaints of the new speed bumps, he explained that the plan is to put more speed bumps on the same road. He stressed the main concern is to keep everyone on campus safe.

November 30, 2016



Cell phones valuable to college students Keynitra Houston

Yesenia Montanez, Liberal freshman, uses her camera to take a self portrait during her free time. Montanez uses social media all of the time. (photo by Keynitra Houston)


In today’s world, students are often on their cellular devices instead of interacting with others around them. Why are cellphones so valuable to college students? Is it just a source of entertainment when sitting by ourselves or is it an extended comfort zone? Many students tend to stay on their phones during class time and while they are walking around campus. When anyone is seen hanging over their smartphone, people want to know what they could possibly be doing that’s more important than what’s going on around them. What is your go to application? What do you automatically open when you unlock your phone? Freshman from British Columbia Sydney Epp said, “My go to app is Snapchat because you gotta keep those streaks.” Epp used the popular term, “streak,” which is often used for Snapchat. It means the amount of days you and that person have snapped each other. A number with a flaming emoji will appear when you have started a streak. Jasmine Murillo thinks many Seward County Community College students on campus get on social media hours at a time each day. The pre-med major said, “Twitter is something I get on frequently because you have to watch the Tweef - the Twitter beef, meaning the latest drama.” If it isn’t Twitter it’s Snapchat or Instagram. Gloria Porras, from Liberal said that her phone is the one thing that has to be on her at all times.

“I don’t care if anyone is texting me at the time or not. I have to have it with me, I spend 70 percent of my time using it,” Porras said. According to news reporter Candy Johansen, 90 percent of college students own a cell phone. While there are students that only use their phones for social media, there are others that use their phones for research and as a resource to gain knowledge. “I always have my phone to google the information teachers lecture about,” said biology major Christine Garcia. She uses her phone for information in all of her classes especially music appreciation since she is learning about music that she has never heard about before. How do you use your cell phone? What’s your cell phone routine?

Baseball players Ethan Earheart, Tabor Johns, Cristian Erives and Owen Martin enjoy Madden NFL, a popular mobile game, before class time. (photo by Keynitra Houston

Friends Melissa Sanchez and Camilla Gonzalez, take a selfie together. (photo by Keynitra Houston)



November 30, 2016

SCCC registrar helps students Alvaro Rengifo


“When I was growing up, my neighborhood was so diverse that I learned how to deal with every type of person and culture,” said Alaina Rice, SCCC Registrar. Alaina Rice was born in California and her mother is Mexican and her father is Caucasian. Alaina is the oldest of four children and when they were little, she told her siblings a story about a pink man who was hidden under their parents’ bed. Her siblings are still mad at her for this as they were scared of that “pink man” for so long. Rice grew up in both sides of her family, gaining knowledge from each side. When she was 13 years old, she and her family moved to Arkansas where she could finish her school. She did not last much time there and quickly moved to San Antonio after finishing her senior year at Greenwood High School. Rice attended Our lady of the Lake University during two years where as she said “I learned a lot in that University and most of the things I learned summarize the person I am today.” She then moved to Columbia College in Columbia, MO, where she finished her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Rice started working on Prestige Arts Company when she was 21 years old and worked there for two years. In 2007, she received a call from Seward County Community College offering her a job which she could not reject. The place where she was going to work for more than 10 years had just knocked on her door. She started working at the Wellness Center as secretary on September of 2007. Then she got a job promotion and started working as thr Administrator of Dean of Instruction in January of 2008. She was not feeling really comfortable at those workstations until she moved to the Registrar office where she started as Assistant Register in 2011 to end up as the main Registrar two years after. Rice said, “I feel so comfortable doing this job, I think I found my major asset here.” “Seward County is home for me, I love the place and I love my co-workers. Before I came here, I never fit in any of my old jobs, but here I fit perfectly,” said Rice. “She is so helpful, she is always there

to help you in anything you need. It is a pleasure to have people like her around.” said Ngoni Makambwa. Rice is loved by many people in Seward County and as she said “This place is home and the people who attends it are my family.” (right) Alaina Rice points at her favorite poster in her office. She expresses that she thinks it best fits her personalitly. Alaina Rice received this poster from a friend who traveled to Africa. (Photo by Keynitra Houston) (below) Helping students is one of the any things Alaina does here at SCCC. Tabor Johns seeks help from Alaina Rice in order to transfer to a new school. (Photo by Keynitra Houston)


November 30, 2016


SCCC Music Department prepares for Christmas concert

Valeria Corrales


Get ready for a nontraditional Christmas concert. Seward County Community College’s band promised that these Christmas selections won't be what people usually hear this time of year. For the traditionalists, don’t worry! The school’s choir will perform a few pieces that audience members might know. The music department will present their Winter Concert on Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. It will feature the concert band, the concert choir

and the acapella group known as “Fermata this World.” Tickets for the concert are $3 while it free for students with an ID. Visit the Humanities office (H116) in the Shank Humanities building or call 620-417-1451 to purchase/reserve tickets. The proceeds will go to the SCCC endowment fund. Darin Workman, instrumental music instructor, said the band is well prepared for the Winter Concert. “We’re at the point where it’s not about being able to play, it’s about taking it and making it sound a little bit better,” Workman said. “It's Christmas music but we

SCCC choir students prepare for their Christmas concert on Dec. 9 at Seward County Community College at 7 p.m. (Photo by Brynn Grieshaber)

Dr. Magda Silva, Vocal Music Instructor, helps students hit the right notes as they go over music for the upcoming concert. (Photo by Brynn Grieshaber) are doing some really different stuff. Not traditional Christmas songs this year. A lot of multimeter stuff and even incorporating some electric guitar in one of our songs.” The concert choir will sing a few songs and then Fermata this World will have a Sugar Plum Fairy Theme section. “The acapella group is doing the sugar plum fairy theme and a couple of other surprising things, but that has Silva feeling a little “scurred,” as she put it, for their performances. "They [Fermata This World] will be doing three concerts around the same time. The first one is at OPSU on Dec. 1, and then our own concert on Dec. 9 and finally they will be performing with the Southwest Symphony on Dec. 11. We are all learning tons of music, so it’s a little scary,” said Silva. The money made from tickets to the concert goes to a scholarship fund for the music students. “Magda and I give almost all of our performers in choir and band a book

scholarship,” Workman said. “When I first came here, I had five scholarships and now I have like 15 scholarships. So that money has built up over the years."

Save the date! Winter Concert:

Dec. 9 @ 7 p.m. in the Shank Humanities Building



November 30, 2016

What’s in you Random items students Angelica Alfaro

Among hundreds of everyday backpacks there’s always one that stands out. Jared Biddy shows off his Rawlings Rugged leather backpack. (Photo by Brynn Grieshaber)


Being in school pretty much requires students to carry around a backpack. Items carried aren’t always the same as someone else’s. The items that are usually in backpacks are books, notebooks, folders, pens, pencils and sometimes laptops. The essentials, right? Wrong. Essentials are different for everyone, but yes, these are the main items in a backpack. Along with school items, students tend to carry snacks in their backpacks. Chips and water are usually the most common objects found. Paloma Amador said, “I used to carry Tapatio Hot Sauce because when I have chips I always have to add it.” Other healthier snacks students carry around are granola bars and powerade. Cindy Aguilar said, “I carry a can buck-

Like Paloma, Junior Acosta also carries around Tapatio hot sauce in his backpack. You never know when you will need it! (Photo by Brynn Grieshaber)

et thingy of lemonade powder because I never know when I might want lemonade.” Aguilar mentions that it might be weird but she doesn’t care. There are lemonade packages available to pour into a water bottle, which many students carry. Aguilar explained that she would carry the packages if her mom would buy them, but her mom just buys big cans of lemonade powder. “I used to always carry ranch in my backpack, I know it’s weird too,” said Aguilar. Ranch is essential for Aguilar because she never knows when she might eat a salad and ranch is her go-to dressing. Being prepared for class is always something to make sure of and that’s why students carry everything they need in their backpacks.

November 30, 2016



ur backpack? carry in their backpacks Noemy Salas said she always makes sure to carry girl essentials. “You never know what can happen throughout the day. I’d rather be prepared than sorry,” said Salas. Salas carries a water bottle and usually adds something in it. “I like to add cucumber to my water to give it a better taste, and it helps me to stay hydrated throughout the day,” said Salas. Having Tylenol is a must because headaches come and go. Hair ties and chapstick are always good to have too, mentioned Salas. “My friends might think it’s weird, but I like to carry Victoria’s Secret lotion because it smells so good,” said Joseph Ortega. Along with carrying lotion, Ortega carries other random items in his backpack such as dog food. “I carry dog food

because when I take my dog on walks, he gets hungry sometimes,” said Ortega. Ortega also carries a dead butterfly in a picture frame, he says he bought it at a garage sale for 50 cents. A juicebox and random candies are a few more things found in Ortega’s backpack. Other essentials could be hand lotion and hand sanitizer to keep clean and moisturized. Earphones, because some students say music helps with staying focused. Wallets are also carried because it holds important items such as your license, school ID, money, and cards which are used daily. Think about what items you carry in your backpack, do you ever forget them?

When asked if he carried anything unusual in his backpack, Luis Martinez replied with “not really, but I do carry around my Bible.” (Photo by Brynn Grieshaber)

Alexis Delgado and Erik Vazquez don’t usually roam the halls without their backpacks. (Photo by Brynn Grieshaber)



November 30, 2016

Student nursing majors Gracie Chandler and Danyell Thomson get together in order to study for their anatomy test using a heart model and an ear model. (Photo by Brynn Grieshaber)

How to survive during finals week Aubrey Holt Co-Editor

No matter the events of a hectic school year, one thing is always certain. We all know about it and we all dread it coming; finals week. Students spend weeks prior going over notes, consume one or two cups of coffee more than usual and cram for countless hours at the library. Finals week can be a stressful and overwhelming time, especially when your grade and GPA are on the line. Here is some advice to keep you calm and get you prepared before, during and after finals week.

1. Before finals begin, ask yourself how many exams do you have and when are they? Most classes have exams as their final grade. Knowing the schedule for finals week is the key to knowing what to study at the right time.

2. What structure is each final?

Every teacher likes to administer a

final in his or her own unique way. The two most common formats include a comprehensive test, which covers material over the entire semester, and a partial final, which includes material from a certain period of time. Knowing which test you are taking for each class means you won’t spend time studying the wrong thing and you won’t skip out on something important.

3. What notes do I need to collect beforehand?

After answering question two, you can now begin gathering relevant notes, homework, class lectures and any group

discussions you’ll need to prepare yourself to be successful. Hopefully you have kept your papers well organized so it will be easier to create a study guide for yourself.

4. During finals week please get some sleep.

Finals are designed to make you think and clearly show that you understand the course material. When you don’t get at least six hours of sleep, your mind tends to lose focus which is something you don’t want during the middle of a final. Block out time to sleep and stick to it so your mind can retain the information you

studied for and you can increase your focus. 5. Eat a good breakfast. On the day of your final, make sure to eat a good breakfast so that you are alert and awake. Even just eating a small amount of food can boost your brain power for those 8 a.m. finals that you don’t want to go to.

6. Don’t forget to take regular breaks. Studying for an overwhelm-

ing period of time can have a serious strain on your brain and focus. Schedule a time to take a break so your brain can digest the information you studied. Some ideas are heading to the gym for a quick workout, talking with friends or just simply going outside for a walk. 7. Don’t overload yourself on coffee and sweets just to find yourself crashing later. Load up on healthy snacks like nuts and make sure to eat energy boosting foods like fruits when you do find yourself needing your dose of sugars. Apples, orang-

November 30, 2016


es, and pears are regularly available in the school cafeteria and peanuts and cashews are sold in almost every vending machine on campus as well as in the Saints Bookstore located in the Student Union. While coffee and energy drinks might help you, don’t go too overboard. Even caffine needs to be consumed in moderation.

8. Find a place where you can focus.

Facepalming in annoyance, freshman David Gomez reads and rereads information in preparation for finals. While the library is usually bustling with students studying and working on assignments, finals week brings in larger crowds looking to focus. (Photo by Brynn Grieshaber)

Distractions are everywhere and it seems that many distractions just happen to occur when you’re about to start studying for a final or in the middle of a study session. Find a place on a campus where you know you’ll be focused and have the least amount of distractions around you. Think about it, you need to be in a place where you can concentrate and not go off on

CRUSADER 11 different tangents before an important exam. Studying with friends can be fun, but if you aren’t actually studying then it might not be a good idea to continue on in a group.

9. Turn your phone completely off. Don’t just

silence it or put it on vibrate- turn it all the way off. The biggest source of distractions when studying is social media and texting. Without your phone on, there will be zero temptation to use it or to check it when you hear an incoming text. It can even be helpful to ask your friends and family not to message you when you plan on studying so that you will know without a doubt there is nothing to check on. 10. Once finals week is over, take time to relax, replenish and enjoy your vacation. Now that finals are over, worry less about the outcomes and start getting back to your normal everyday routine. Many students head back home after finals, but spending time with friends is a fun way to celebrate the end of the semester. Regroup yourself and enjoy your vacation, but be ready for the upcoming semester to begin so you can do it all over again in a few months time.

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November 30, 2016

Allied health student travels to conference Nichole Siebol Takes part in 62nd International Respiratory Congress House of Delegates Yesenia Dorado Reporter

It was a huge step to be entering the airport by herself with her luggage for the first time. Finding her flights, booking her hotel. She had a nervous feeling, but being excited overcame that feeling. Walking into a congress meeting not knowing what to expect, like a smalltown girl moving to a big city to chase her dreams. This meeting was that big city, it was a step closer to achieving her goals. Siebol went from being in respiratory class to the 62nd International Respiratory Congress House of Delegates meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Knowing that she was one of two students from the state of Kansas made her trip a whole lot more amazing, and honoring. On her return, Siebol gave a presentation to her class. The right side of the classroom contained three black long tables with chairs all facing a whiteboard and podium. The other side there contained eight machines for students to use either along the wall or beside the black tables. On the left side of the room there were four tables that had sinks and plugs in with them. There were sorted tubes, mannequins and books on them. In this area, the students experiment and learn from the machines. While on the right side of the room the lecture was being given. At this point, four people were sitting down on the right side of the room. They began facing a brunette behind a podium who was giving a presentation. Siebol’s voice sounded nervous yet excited. At points of the presentation she would start to rapidly talk and at some points stutter, as if she felt in a rush to explain everything in detail and excited to share her information. The tension in her voice was beginning to show as two more people entered the room. Siebol, a second year Respiratory Therapy student, explained how she got to the congress. She was in class when a email was sent out to all the CRA members. The email encouraged the students to sign up in which they could get invited to a international congress meeting in san antonio. The process was to write an essay, get a recommendation letter, have a

Instructor Janae Zachary and students of the respiratory program smile big in front of their new Mechanical Ventilators.

(photo by Keynitra Houston)

certain GPA and volunteer work. She strongly stressed that living in a small town, the hospitals didn’t have all the needed equipment or some of the skills for all the community needs. She knew if she had this opportunity given to her, she would gladly use those skills to bring back to the hospital in order to use. Then one day Siebol was contacted by a woman named Dana Evens telling her she had been chosen to go to San Antonio. Forty applied but only 24 got chosen to go. She couldn’t believe it, as a big smile on her face formed. She was nervous and anxious because it was her first time ever traveling alone. When Siebol got there, she was so scared she didn’t know what to expect. They welcomed her with open arms. During those few days of being there, she met a lot of new people. Even the writers from her textbook, although they were not any Hollywood stars. It was still exciting for her to meet her favorite authors. Also some of them she sat down and ate lunch with her. She learned so much while being there. Siebol knew that she would definitely encourage any of the students to apply also.

“Student Nichole Seibel talks about her trip to San Antonio, Texas. (photo by Keynitra Houston

Siebol concluded, ”It was such a great experience.” A convention filled with known doctors, delegates and professors from the respiratory world. This whole experience made nichole happy. With the help from Celeste Donovan and Ed Anderson, Siebol got

funded and a grant to go on this trip. She knew they were the only reason she got to go, and she was very grateful. After this experience and graduation she hopes to go to a pediatric hospital in Kansas City.


November 30, 2016


Holiday traditions: families celebrate the holiday season with food, fun Angelica Alfaro Reporter

It’s that time of the year— Thanksgiving and Christmas. Seward County Community College students are off for the holidays. Most students are spending the holidays with their loved ones eating tons of food or playing board games. The holidays are always the best time of the year. Ashley Oropeza spends time at her sister’s house. All of her family gather for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Oropeza explains that they prefer doing this gift exchange because it is better than having to buy everyone something. “We have a gift exchange in which we draw people’s names. Everyone spends up to $250 on their person,” said Oropeza. Like Oropeza, Vianca Gasca also has a gift exchange. Gasca said, “We always open gifts at midnight because thats really when

Christmas begins. The sooner the better.” Foodwise, Gasca’s family have tamales to eat and ponche to drink. Besides always having tamales, Gasca mentions that her sisters bring side dishes because they have a big family. “We celebrate the holidays at my house because my house is my

kids have kids. Aquino mentions that her family is always getting together, not just for the holidays. The Aquino family spend the holidays usually at her house because it’s one of the biggest to fit everyone in. Since the entire family gets together they always have a lot of food to feed everyone. On Thanksgiving, the musts are turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, and pumpkin pie. Along with all that food everyone in the family brings a small dessert. For Christmas Aquino explained that they make tons of tamales and pozole verde and ponche. “I don’t know why, but on Christmas Eve we tend to watch scary movies up until midnight,” said Aquino. All the kids get gifts and the adults have Secret Santa. “New Years is like Christmas all over again. It is my brothers birthday on the 31st so we are celebrating him along with the New Year,” Aquino said. Aquino mentioned that her brother always gets the most presents since his birthday falls during the holidays. These students make it clear that the holidays are about being with loved ones for quality time, food and happiness. Getting together, eating food, opening gifts and giving thanks are simple things to bring joy to families. During the holidays don’t forget to be thankful and have fun. Happy holidays!

“We always open gifts at midnight because thats really when Christmas begins.” —Vianca Gasca grandparents house,” said Gasca. John Dylan Mitchell Ketcherside mentions that his family has the traditional holiday dinner every year. “We eat turkey and ham every year, along with many sides. There’s plenty to eat for everyone,” said Mitchell Ketcherside. The holidays are always fun because it’s when family comes together, explained Mitchell Ketcherside. Eloisa Aquino’s family goes big for the holidays. They go big because they are a big family, just on her mother’s side there are16 siblings, who have kids, and some of those



November 30, 2016

Coach McSpaddens’ legacy will continue as baseball coach

Yesenia Montanez

Galen McSpadden Athletic director- 30 years Baseball head coach- 30 years More than 20 banners were hung up while coach McSpadden was athletic director Jayhawk division baseball champs 9 times

Everyone has a personal philosophy, or life motto they live by. Even if it is a single simple rules or a long thought out sentence. Galen McSpadden’s philosophy for being a successful person, parent spouse, employee and employer includes five simples rules: be on time, do things right, finish the job, respect all others and have some fun. “If you apply these five things to everything you do, you will be successful,” -President McSpadden said. After 30 years of service to Seward County Community College’s sports programs, McSpadden is


stepping down from his role as Athletic Director. Starting spring of 2017, he will remain as the Head Baseball Coach for SCCC as well as in leadership positions around campus. Both jobs have demanded full time attention. McSpadden knows this is a good move for himself professionally and personally to let go of this high stress position and allow it to be filled by someone able to commit to it with their fullest Ken Trzaska ability. “I consider Galen a colleague anyone would be lucky to have,” said President Ken Trzaska. “Galen

ranks as one “ofGalen the strongest, most

dedicated and kindest colleague I have had the honor to work side by side with.

November 30, 2016

ranks as one of the strongest, most dedicated and kindest colleague I have had the honor to work side by side with.� As Athletic Director, McSpadden was responsible for all sports, the athletic training program and the cheer and dance teams in day to day operations. As a man of many talents, his office says it all. Trophies scale the walls along with baseball bats and balls, a few couches and a desk covered with family photos. His day is constantly busy as he assumes both of his titles. In the morning he is


the athletic director to the stars, handling deadlines, managing all sports and solving problems with coaches, students and the community. Come the afternoon, he is in coaching mode himself as head coach for the baseball team. One of his players, Cristian Erives, knows his coach is tough on him and the other players because that is what it takes to make a great player. McSpadden always preaches to his players about developing into men, taking care of responsibilities and learning from their mistakes. Knowing he is stepping down from his more demanding position into only being a full time coach allows the positive influence McSpadden is known for having to stay on campus. “Everyone is gonna make mistakes, but what you do after you make the mistake matters,� McSpadden often repeats to his players. From his dual roles here at Seward, McSpadden has claimed to have learned many valuable lessons including learning from himself, learning how to deal with others and learning how others deal with him. We thank him for his hard work and dedication to his students and fellow staff and wish him the best of luck on this next section of his life as a Saint.




November 30, 2016

LouiE the Saint Odalys Avalos Reporter

On Oct. 27 the announcement of a new mascot here at Seward County Community College not only left students speechless but also faculty and parents with questions. After decades of going alone without a mascot, the athletics department finally decided to provide SCCC with a mascot. Several ideas were thrown around, but the decision was made to adopt Saint Louis IX. “We’ve been outdated with logos. Watching everyone else have a mascot made me realize that it's what the Greenhouse needs,” said Assistant Athletics Director Roy Allen. After hours of researching Rachel C. Coleman, Executive Director of Public Relations, and Richelle Ballenger, Marketing Assistant, knew that King Louis IX of France would be an interesting pick both visually and in his background story. “The reason why Louis was chosen was because he is the first knight and crusader to become a saint,” said Allen. Louis is set to make a debut at the first home basketball game of the spring semester on Jan. 21. Freshman Ramona Lizarraga said, “Its pretty cool that we’re getting a mascot. Every college has one so now that we have one its cool. I also bet the games are going to have more spirit.” Michelle Mattich, freshman, said, “I think that the new mascot will be a good advancement to the school atmosphere.” Many students have also asked why our mascot is a knight when SCCC has always been the “saints”. While Louis IX was a knight, he was also the only knight and crusader to be named a saint. Julio Esquivel, sophomore, said, “The mascot is good advertisement for the teams of the school and it's something to look forward to during the halftime shows.” According to the SCCC press release, Seward County Community College Saints fans will get more than a sneak peek at the 2016-17 Saints and Lady Saints Thursday night. They can take a first look at the college’s new mascot,

New mascot moves into greenhouse pious person, which is good — but Louie was also a guy who got things done.” He founded a hospital for the poor, sick, and blind, in an era where the idea of medical care for everyone was still a novelty. A friend of the educated of his time, he funded the Sorbonne, or University of Paris, which remains one of the premiere institutions of higher learning worldwide. He and his wife, Margaret, had 11 children. Louis maintained a menagerie, which included some lions and a porcupine. He kept falcons, sparrow hawks, dogs and horses. Most of all, Louis seemed to enjoy the company of other people, scholars note, especially his family and the guests he invited to meals. Like SCCC student athletes, Louis spent significant time in physical activity. He led two Crusades in an effort to reclaim the Holy City of Jerusalem. It was a significant challenge, at which Louis failed. Even then, he stood out as a man of excellence, scholars say. “From the safe distance of many

which will join athletes and fans in the Greenhouse during the upcoming season. The mascot in knight’s armor, which the college has dubbed Louie, may be new to SCCC, but he’s been around for a long time — 800 years to be exact. Louis IX, King of France is the only knight and crusader to be named a saint, and his life offers more than enough inspiration for students with big dreams. Born in 1214, Louis became a king at age 12, and worked for years to unify the many parts of France. He protected the working people from oppression, promoted the notion that laws be written down, and eliminated trial by ordeal: No more walking across a bed of hot coals to prove one’s innocence. “Louis was pretty awesome,” said Roy Allen, SCCC Assistant Athletic Director. “You hear the word ‘Saint,’ and think of a

centuries, it is easy enough to scowl in disgust at the Crusades. Religion, after all, is nothing to fight wars over,” notes Thomas F. Madden, associate professor and chair of the Department of History at Saint Louis University. “And yet, both the medieval and the modern soldier fight ultimately for their own world and all that makes it up. Both are willing to suffer enormous sacrifice, provided that it is in the service of something they hold dear, something greater than themselves.” King Louis IX died at age 56 and many of his accomplishments lived after him, serving as beacons of light. Louis wrote out his ideas of government in a set of precepts which he gave to his son, Philip. They say, in essence: "Love God, do justice, and serve the poor.” When Louis “visits” the SCCC Greenhouse, Allen said, “We hope he’ll inspire our fans. There’s a lot to admire about somebody who made the most of the opportunities he had, and was willing to keep fighting no matter what the odds.” With support from the SCCC Booster Club, Allen said, the athletic department is in the process of ordering the mascot suit for use during the upcoming season.

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