Cruwsible #2 June 2013

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Where’s my iPad?




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WELCOME BACK! We hope that the previous edition of the Cruwsible brought you some interesting articles. With the final exams looming and the light of intersession break beaming from the end of the dark semester tunnel, we bring you the newest edition of the Cruwsible! In our new melting pot, we bring you fresh articles, novel segments and a UWS Love Guru! This edition features a studentapproached article about the issuing of iPads to incoming UWS students. We have featured some talented UWS students bringing you comedic pieces like UWS Horoscopes, and culinary pieces featuring drool-worthy recipes. In addition to this, we hear from a student in response to the pro-life article written in our first edition. Our hardworking team aims to bring you the most relevant, recent and readable articles which will hopefully stimulate some discussion within the UWS community. But the core of this hard work stems from YOUR support. We extend a very humble thank you to the writers featured in the Cruwsible -- the establishment and continued publishing of the Cruwsible isn’t possible without your help. And to our lovely readers, the success of the Cruwsible is dependent on your enthusiasm. So, share the Cruwsible with your friends and family, and keep stirring with us on our latest melting pot. Also, our next issue will be coming out before the next mid-semester break – so, keep your eyes peeled! Any enthusiastic writers with article ideas, please forward these to Happy Reading! From the Cruwsible editors.

CONTENTS: Where’s my iPad? - Liam Bell // 3 Residential development at Campbelltown - Kelvin Tran // 4 NTEU - Janet Falloon // 5 Abortion response- is it any of your business? - Octavia Martin // 6 Racial profiling in light of the Boston bombings - Vanya Rufus // 7 Does racism have a seat on the Australian bus? Zahraa Ahadzada // 7 G20 Youth Summit: St Petersburg, Russia Coral Yopp //8 Tarmon’s Tale, part II Tarnus Mariner // 9 Pathways to dreaming Jenyfer Joy // 10 Cupcake Heights Anston Ratnayake // 11 UWS Debating Club Robert Barrie // 11 UWS dirt rider’s motorcycle Club Launch James Lang //12 Love Letter from the old fart - Peter Horsfield // 13 Get out and vote! Make a difference - Leam Farrar // 13 Let’s get loud - Yasmin Lewis // 14 Sony Ticket Giveaway // 15 Postcard from the US - Hannah Bowyer //15 DIY Rainbow Crossing - Nicholas Toledo //16 WSW - Timothy Harrison //16 Twilight: not just for vampires and werewolves! - Patrick Baquir // 17 Love Guru // 18

A Healthy Lifestyle - UWS Connect // 17 UWS horoscopes // 18


WHERE’S MY IPAD? LIAM BELL With iPads coming into campus, and lecturers and their units walking out, much controversy has surrounded decisions of senior UWS staff in the past six eight months. Many have been furious at the cutting of units across several schools of the universityUniversity, and their anger was not abated by the announcement of a thirty million dollar surplus and ipads iPads for all new students in 2013. Among the courses cut at UWS are Arabic, Spanish and Italian, Bachelor of Communication sub-majors of writing, performance and animation, key law units including anti-discrimination law, advanced criminal law and environmental law, and not to mention the entire Economics degree. This, coupled with the announcement of the iPad initiative, and projects in motion to improve the look of campuses, has many students are under the impression their university University is investing in aesthetic appeal and gimmicks to bring in paying students, rather than investing in our education. In order to gain some insight into the situation, I, along with Leam Mark Farrar (Penrith Student Campus Council), was able to interview the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Students), Angelo Kourtis over the summer break. The editors at Cruwsible are very appreciative of Mr. Kourtis giving up his time to answer several questions proposed by interviewed students of the universityUniversity. It was revealed that the decision to discontinue the units listed above was made over the course of 2012, with results of a university review showing that 80% of students, were enrolled in 20% of available subjects. The growth of approximately 18% in student numbers from 2008 to 2011 was thus not evenly shared across units. This also countered the suggestion that cuts were made due to an over-estimation by the university University in regards to 2013 enrolments, brought about by the uncapping of university placements by the Federal government. Mr. Kourtis stressed that these decisions were not made lightly and that it was “unfortunately not financially stable to continue to offer these subjects with very low enrolments and little student interest.” However a key grievance of students was also the communication of these changes. Interviewed students were outraged that they were given little to nolittle-to-no notice of the cuts, with emails received in the middle of their endof-year exam period. Without takingthe spare time for proper consultation, the predominant belief of students was that the University was sneaking through these changes. Mr. Kourtis informed us that the university University followed prescribed timeframes agreed between the University and staff unions, outlined in their collective agreements. It was also stated that students were invited to discussion forums, along with emails sent out to students with further information. It was unfortunate timing that these agreed timeframes led to announcements which flew over the heads of many students with their heads in the books. A published projected surplus of thirty million dollars in 2012 by UWS also didn’t help their cause. Upon raising this with Mr. Kourtis, we were told that this surplus was actually made up of tied grants, research income and capital grants. These can only be spent on specific tasks, such as construction around the university, and thus wasn’t available to fund these units previously said to be financially draining for UWS. There had also been a circulated figure of the university only spending 37.5% of its income, for academic activities in the Schools. The figure suggested UWS spent far too much in itson administration sectionexpenses, however the 37.5% did not take into consideration such things as research activity. Angelo Mr Kourtis gave us the actual percentage to be around 71% of income being used for academic expenditure, encompassing both teaching and research.

With the cutting discontinuation of several language subjects in a culturally diverse university, UWS had appeared to have disregarded its mission statement of working for the benefit of western Sydney. Responding to this, Mr. Kourtis again stressed that these decisions were not taken lightly and pointed to the levels of both student satisfaction and teaching performance being well above average for the universityUniversity. These cuts were however necessary, says Mr. Kourtis, to ensure that UWS is financially sustainable. Furthermore it was stated that current students will still be able to finish their degrees in Economics, however students in other courses where units and majors have been cut, will have no option but to continue with a depleted range of subjects to choose from. Economics will still be offered at UWS, but as a major and sub-major in the Bachelor of Business and Commerce course, a trade-off many students did not welcome. The iPad initiative has angered many students (apart from most first years), with the prevailing belief amongst interviewed students being that the university had diverted funding from units, towards greater student access to ‘Angry Birds’ in lectures. The rollout of iPads to first year students is a move towards the “Blended Learning” approach to university education, and a part of a broader investment in wireless networks and general IT infrastructure. Whilst this initiative may provide increased access for students to online teaching resources, these school-leaver students are the same group who received laptops from the Federal Rudd Government whilst they were in high school. Survey information provided by Angelo the PVC (Students) indicated that just 45% of students were for supportive of using iPads in their learning. The decision to hand out these iPads to first year students was also not communicated to the Student Representative Council (SRC)student representative bodies before its announcement, which would have provided the opportunity to inform continuing students of the changes to come and reduced some of the backlash to the scheme, and .in In response to this, the university’s University’s stance was that they simply have too many decisions to communicate to the student body. Not the best of excuses. We can see that most decisions that were made by UWS executive Executive staff, although initially appearing ludicrous to students, had method in behind the madness. In the view of UWS students however, the announcements of these cuts and initiatives, should have been handled more delicately and in a better fashion than occurred, with a and wish for the University to continue to be transparent to the student body. Whilst these decisions seem to go against the mission of our university,, they may be necessary for the universityUniversity, and its mission, to exist at all in the future.


RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AT CAMPBELLTOWN KELVIN TRAN Campbelltown campus will be undergoing major construction work starting JUNE 2013. This will affect how students and staff access campus, whether you are a motorist or a pedestrian. Stage one of the Campbelltown Residential Development involves construction of 240 residential lots to the southwest of campus (shaded red). Goldsmith Avenue will undergo reconstruction into a tree-lined boulevard with lanes separated by a 4-metre green median strip, footpaths and bicycle lanes in both directions, addition of pedestrian crossings and a proper kerb with stormwater drainage. The intersection of Gilchrist Drive and Goldsmith Avenue will be shifted 100-metres north from its current place. Earthworks are planned between Macarthur station and the campus. HOW THIS IMPACTS STUDENTS •

Pedestrians from Macarthur train station: be attentive to signage and directions. The current footpath will be closed but safe 24-hour alternative access to campus through construction is expected to be maintained.

Motorists via Gilchrist Drive entry: allow more time to enter and leave campus and drive with care. Expect construction workers and vehicles to be sharing this entryway. Use the Narellan Road intersection instead, especially in the morning rush period.

Parking: P2 carpark opposite the School of Medicine (building 30) will lose the row of spaces closest to the road with the reconstruction of Goldsmith Ave. Those affected are directed to park in the new P8 carpark adjacent to building 20.

Urban Growth informed us that all efforts will be made to minimise impacts on staff and students at Campbelltown, however some construction noise may still be present during exam periods. Contractors have been instructed to use low-noise techniques however their modes of construction are ultimately at their discretion.

All campuses of UWS have individual master plans; Campbelltown has been in planning since 2003. The extensive land on Campbelltown campus was divided into two uses: academic and non-academic. Fifty-five hectares has been set-aside for expansion of teaching spaces and university use. A further 100 hectares of non-academic land has been contractually sold to UrbanGrowth NSW for the development of approximately 850 residential lots, green space, two new sports fields and rehabilitated waterways and zones guarding against bank erosion. This land was deemed unsuitable for large campus buildings due to steep and rolling topography. Maintenance costs of this land will no longer be the responsibility of the University and funds generated will be used for teaching and research, benefitting both staff and students.

On completion of stage one, UrbanGrowth expects the University community to expand into and embrace the residential estate. The two entry points via Narellan Road and Gilchrist Drive will remain the only shared access to the residences and campus, as no new road entries are planned. Modelling is underway for the upgrade of these intersections to accommodate the increased pressure, with contribution from the University, RMS and UrbanGrowth NSW. Students should be aware that this construction is long-term and will likely continue over the next decade. Keep an ear out for briefing sessions on campus for a chance to speak with those involved in the development. For documents and information on the Campbelltown Residential Development, go to campbelltownresidentialdevelopment or email au with questions and concerns. Campbelltown Student Campus Council will continue to update students on development impacts.



A quality education… •

No cuts to jobs, courses or degrees. A broad range of courses adequately staffed.

Smaller class sizes - more staff per student.

Availability of Academic staff.

Access and support to student support services and programs

Adequate time to engage in quality learning, teaching and research

STUDENTS AND STAFF UNITE TO PROTEST AGAINST THE CUTS Since the Funding Cuts announcement was made on 23 April, students and staff have continued to hold protest activities and rallies around the country to call for the following demands to be met: •

More government funding to higher education.


No cuts to jobs, courses or degrees.

No removal of the upfront discount for Student Contributions


No conversion of the Start-up Scholarship to loans

Smaller class sizes - more staff per student.

Australian universities and their students have contributed more than $4 billion in budgetary savings since 2011. This includes the most recent $2.3 billion cuts and the $1 billion cuts announced less than six months ago. The government has characterised the cuts as reductions in the rate of increased funding for the sector, however, when added to other cuts* they will have real and lasting impacts at our universities. The assurance made by the Prime Minister and other Ministers that universities will receive more funding each and every year is not correct, if adjusted for cost and student load factors. The most recent cuts to funding mean that universities will have fewer resources to support a growing number of students, resulting in real consequences for students and staff. The funding per student over the next 4 years will be less then in 2012. This means the real resources available to universities to educate Commonwealth Supported Students (CSP) and to undertake basic learning, teaching and research will fall. The Gonski Review (2012) highlighted the inadequacies of funding to schools in Australia, similarly the Bradley Review (2008) and Base Funding Review (2011) concluded that the level of funding universities received to educate government supported students was not sufficient to cover the real teaching, scholarship and basic research capability costs associated with their education. Bradley recommended an immediate 10% increase in funding per governmentsupported student to ensure universities had the necessary resources to provide high quality and internationally competitive education. This finding was supported by the evidence contained in the Base Funding Review, which found that universities were significantly under-resourced to provide the teaching and basic research capability expected of them. Unfortunately these recommendations were never adopted by the Government.

WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? Impacts on Staff •

Student numbers have risen by over a third since 2007 and universities are already struggling to provide teaching and support to the new generation of students.

Not only have universities not employed sufficient staff to match the rise in student numbers, but too many new and replacement staff appointments are employed casually, or short term.

Half of the teaching in universities is now being done by casually employed lecturers and tutors who are paid by the hour, and do not know if they will be working from one semester to the next. Casually employed academics often provide learning support to their students in their own time.

Support services are also inadequately resourced, with professional staff also giving hours of their own time to assist students.

Flowing on from these cuts, students will likely experience: •

Increased class sizes and cutting of lectures, labs and tutorials.

Increased reliance on online learning at the expense of face-to-face teaching.

Lack of availability of teaching staff due to casualisation and overload.

Long queues to see administrative, library, IT and learning support staff.

For students, the cuts may mean fewer courses, bigger classes and reduced face-to-face class hours. For academic and professional staff, this may mean more redundancies and casualisation, and at very least, even higher workloads

Long waits for appointments with counsellors & advisers.

The ‘efficiency dividend’ also affects the grants for equity programs, such as funding for disability support services and Indigenous programs. This may impact upon the level of support universities can offer these students.


Student debt. The NTEU is concerned about the impact the most recent policy announcements will have on the affordability of attending university, particularly in regard to the level of HELP (HELP) debts some students are likely to accrue in attaining a university degree.

The NTEU has repeatedly observed how universities currently deal with inadequate funding decisions and it is likely that universities are expected to absorb the ‘efficiency dividend’ by further contraction of staff and services. In 2012, Executive Management of the University of Western Sydney announced a major blended learning initiative as a part of the Making a Difference strategy and in December 2012 the University Executive announced an operating deficit which led to over 45 continuing academic and student literacy and numeracy support positions made redundant. In addition, the UWS Executive cut in excess of 20 course and unit offerings without consulting Academic Senate or School Academic Committees. Universities Australia’s Agenda for Higher Education cites, “The impact of the digital revolution will be enormous. However, the public conversation to date about the digital age and higher education is characterised by a narrow debate about how it will cheaply replace traditional face-to-face teaching. In fact the costs of course development, delivery and assessment will be high”. The NTEU branch is committed to ensure that UWS Management will not use the Higher Education funding cuts and the blended learning initiative as reason to further reduce the staff profile or further deplete critical student support services. The NTEU will use UWS Governance forums; Academic Senate and Board of Trustees, to lobby UWS Management about how the University Executive intends to respond to funding cuts, in particular with interest to protect staff and students and the quality of Australia’s Higher Education.


Visit the NTEU Website ( for more information and resources about the funding cuts and events

There are opportunities for students to write and engage in discussion with the University Executive through the SRC and elected staff representatives on the Board of Trustee and School Academic Committees, to engage in dialogue with the University Executive about how your money should be allocated.

*Queensland Flood Levy January 2011; Abolition of Capital Development Pool grants ($300m), Abolition of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council ($90m); 201112 Federal Budget, Cuts to Higher Education Performance Funding ($95m); MYEFO November 2011, Cut to Higher Education Reward Funding ($241m), Increased costs to students by reducing the discount available to students paying their HECS fees up front ($230m); 2012-13 Federal Budget, Increasing HECS fees for Maths and Science students by removing National Priority discounts ($400m); MYEFO October 2012, Delaying Income Support payments to Masters by course work students by a further three years ($167m), Pause of indexation to Student Start-up Scholarships ($81m), Slowed phasing in of Sustainable Research Excellence (SRE) funding ($499m), and Cessation of Higher Education Facilitation Funding (part of Performance funding) ($269m)


ABORTION: IS IT ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS? OCTAVIA BARRON MARTIN I recently went to my Great Uncle Dick’s funeral. He was a singular sort of guy. Intelligent, accomplished, a regular DaVinci amongst the poor, Lancastrian working class of the Northern Beaches of post-war Sydney. He lived alone for most of his life with the rest of the family kept, at his behest, at arm’s length. The one abiding passion in his life, after Gilbert and Sullivan and the Iris Society, was the Pro-Life movement. He donated and was very active to the point where, along with the traditional Catholic white pall, he had his Right To Life pin placed on his coffin throughout the service and then buried with him. As I stood for the final blessing, I remember thinking how easy that must have been for him. This was a man who never married, lived with his mother until her death and was the epitome of a good catholic; there really was no chance of him ever being personally faced with a real-life unplanned pregnancy. The warmth of his belief, with no prospect or risk of it ever being questioned or shaken, of being RIGHT, must have been so comforting.

Uncle Dick and I were not very close- as family or ideologically- but he had a right to his opinions, as does Joshua Henderson in his article “Abortion; is it an issue for university?” (ed1, 2013). In said article, Mr. Henderson asserts that the discussion of the issue of abortion on campus has been up until now silenced by the Pro-Choice movement.

I can already tell that the discussion is not going to be a healthy, rational or productive one.”

I have seen his group’s posters up around campus and there is a part of me that would love to engage in an open discussion with them about abortion. I would want to talk about how 1 in 3 Australian women will have one in her lifetime, how it is one of the most common and safe surgical procedures and the reasons for it are as diverse as the women who have them. I would say that the idea that women are being routinely coerced into terminations they don’t want is a myth and infantilises and patronises adults who are more than capable of making important decisions about their lives and medical treatment for themselves. I may even bring up the tale of my own termination; the hardest and wisest decision of my life. There is another part of me though, that reads words like “murder”, “atrocity” and “evil” in the aforementioned article, and I shrug my shoulders- I can already tell that the discussion is not going to be a healthy, rational or productive one. So often, with abortion, it never is a discussion, it’s a judgment, or a polemic, or an outright attempt to overturn hard-won laws and rights. It was a discussion once. We had it in the Seventies and it was agreed that access to safe abortions is a good thing for the women who need it. (When Oliver Stone asked Fidel Castro why, after criminalising abortion he then decriminalised it again, Castro’s response; “Because women were dying.”) But abortion is the fight never won. It is never off the table. I am fairly confident that my right in Australia to vote as a woman is safe, that my right to equal employment opportunity as enshrined in law is safe; but my right to an abortion (when it threatens my health, mind you, there is no such thing in Australia as abortion-on-demand) will never sit safely in the law books of NSW thanks to those people who always want to have another “discussion”.

It was these people Barack Obama was thinking of when he recently said; “After decades of progress, there’s still those who want to turn back the clock to policies more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century… and they’ve been involved in an orchestrated and historic effort to roll back basic rights when it comes to women’s health.” With the almost inevitable prospect of Tony Abbott (who was instrumental in preventing the Therapeutic Drugs Association from even testing RU486) as Prime Minister, the “discussion” will inevitably resume again. Yay. Nobody I know is “pro-abortion” or “anti-life”, that would be like being “pro-divorce”, it is not something you ever plan or want but if the time comes, you deserve to be in expert hands and live in a country that, in line with the U.N. Human Rights Commission, recognises a woman’s right to govern her own reproduction- her person and her destiny. For me and plenty of women out there, it comes down to this: If you don’t agree with abortions, fine- don’t have one. It’s that simple. End of discussion. If you are seeking support or advice regarding an unplanned pregnancy that will discuss all options available to you, please contact Children By Choice; .


WRONG PLACE, WRONG RACE: A LOOK AT BLATANT RACIAL PROFILING VANYA RUFUS When the investigation of an innocent Saudi national’s apartment revealed no evidence that could implicate him in the tragic Boston marathon bombings, the media reported he was just “at the wrong place, at the wrong time”. The 20-year-old student was in fact a victim of the bombings; however, he was detained because he appeared to be “acting suspiciously” at the marathon finish line. Let us first take into consideration that not only was this man sporting horrible injuries from the event, he also had to deal with being held by the FBI as a person of interest for a crime he did not commit. Let us then consider the apologist statement made by a U.S. official on CNN News about him after it was confirmed he was no longer a person of interest in the investigation. “At the wrong place, at the wrong time” seems like a poorly veiled and inelegant way of saying, “Look, it was his fault for being a Saudi national and coincidentally being at the finishing line of the marathon”. The problem with statements like this made in the media is that they consistently and very discreetly perpetuate incorrect stereotypes about terrorists and criminals. It associates the image of a middleeastern individual with that of a terrorist, and this reinforces racism in our communities. In this day and age, when we think we have made progress by condemning racism and fascism in society, racial profiling is still a prevalent issue. The United States police force is notorious for its selective inquiry based on racial or ethnic groups, and is making people lose faith in their alleged fair and impartial government. Time and again, we have seen numerous arrests being made based only on a suspicion of criminal activity and when the investigation leads to a dead end, the media is quick to condone or cover up the actions taken against those poor individuals by the police, effectively silencing their cries for justice. After 9/11 we have observed a sudden increase in vigilance, stricter security, and if the number of innocent middle-eastern detainees at Guantanamo Bay prison is any indication, an increase in racial profiling. These detainees, many of who were cleared by the government but are still held at the prison, were put through horrific forms of torture and those who were acquitted after years of torment are just expected to continue with their lives and forget the past. Racial profiling not only affects people in America, but also in Australia. In Victoria, six African-Australian men were involved in a legal struggle which was put to an end in February of this year. They were stopped and searched by the police because they were wearing “gangster clothing” and were “loitering”. Statistics collected from 2005-2008 showed that these so-called criminal offences appeared to be twice as likely to happen to African-Australian individuals as any others. There also appeared to be fewer offences made by African-Australian individuals, however there were a high number of these frisks taking place with individuals of that ethnic background. Australia is lucky to have a fewer number of reported racial profiling cases compared to other parts of the world, however this does not mean it never happens. Racial profiling lowers the confidence people have in their country’s legal system and puts undue pressure on certain ethnic groups by eliminating their freedom and rights. It could affect someone close to you – a family member, a friend. The one thing to take away from this is that no matter how much the media condone the behavior of officials who carry out racial profiling, people must always stand against issues like this and support people who are experiencing this injustice.

DOES RACISM HAVE A SEAT ON THE AUSTRALIAN BUS? ZAHRAA AHADZADA As children we are taught to fear what is unknown to us. Do not speak to strangers, they told us. Do not run far away from the playground, they told us. Do not let go of my hand, they told us. And inherently, we feared what was “strange” to us. But as we grew, and fostered our growth with diverse relationships and experiences, we learnt that sometimes what we perceive to be “strange”, is purely unfamiliarity. Speaking to strangers sometimes provided for new friendships. Getting lost away from the main playground helped us find ourselves. Letting go of our parents’ hands didn’t necessarily result in apocalyptic consequences. If we saw a woman with a headscarf, or a man with darker skin than ours, we used to fear the difference because we didn’t understand it. But now, we interact with different people every day, and the childish fear of differences and the unknowns have been eliminated. Or so I thought. It has come to light in the news recently that there have been not one but three counts of racist attacks occurring in the confines of Australian public transport. Honing in on one incident in particular, a lady of Chinese ethnicity was attacked by teenage girls on a bus with racist slander debasing her as an “Asian prostitute”. After asking the girls to behave themselves, she was greeted with the removal of her wallet and a kick to the stomach upon attempting to retrieve it. Are you disgusted? I myself felt physically sick with abhorrence and rage. I am disgusted at the notion of living with such racist Australians. I am disgusted at the prospect of such animosity and tempered hatred. I am disgusted at such low human behaviour. Yes, racism will always be unfortunately present in every society. There will always be someone with extremely misled thoughts of racial superiority – but this? This is unacceptable. To the statistics that nullify the presence of racism to a discrete one in ten Australians – you have left my mind in shambles. If I can still walk into a department store in Sydney, and be completely ignored by a caucasian female representative, and have another female caucasian be delighted by said representative’s racespecific customer relations, I am dumbfounded. I am dumbfounded by statistics that glaze over the reality of the situation. Australia is still racist. How else can we reason the impoverished and disadvantaged state of the traditional custodians of our land? How else can we reason the existence of 200 languages spoken in Australians, and very little being learnt and recognised? How else can we reason the harm instigated towards mere passengers of public buses who look “strange” in the eyes of racist perpetrators? We must calm the tempest of racism that still blows in the corners of Australian society. If we can all actively disregard the childish perception of the “strange” surrounding us, and value this to be the differences that bring us together – racism will have no means of defeating us and will never be given a seat on any Australian bus.


FREE THINKERS IN RUSSIA: AN EXPERIENCE OF THE G20 YOUTH SUMMIT CORAL YOPP Looking back at my intra-session break, I still find it hard to believe that I managed to pack the adventure of a lifetime into the week I usually fill with catching up on readings and assessments. But here I am, now fully recovered from jetlag, and reluctantly coming back to reality after my whirlwind trip to attend the G20 Youth Forum in St Petersburg, Russia. Arriving in St Petersburg was definitely a culture shock – especially for a rookie traveller like myself – but there was no doubt that I was in one of the world’s most interesting and spectacular cities, and having good company in Sam and Taylor was a saviour. I was exhausted after travelling for over 24 hours, but seeing the city was enough to wake me up. I was ready for an adventure… There was so much to see but so little time. However, the first thing to see was the reason why tourists flock to St Petersburg – The Russian Ballet. Everything I had heard about it was true; I have never seen a show more beautiful and elegant than Swan Lake by the Russian Ballet. Every move had been perfected and each transition was seamless, truly making the classic story come alive on the stage. But the beauty on the stage had very close competition from the city of St Petersburg itself, and indeed the Hermitage. The Hermitage is one of, if not the most famous building in St Petersburg. People say that to see the whole thing, it can take up to three weeks. We had three hours. But in that three hours, I saw the most brilliant artwork imaginable, and it wasn’t just on canvas. The building itself is a piece of art, each room and corridor painted, sculptured and mosaicked in a different theme - definitely one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. And just to make the day more interesting, a tour to see St Isaac’s Cathedral, the Church of our Saviour on Spilled Blood, Nevsky Prospekt, the Astoria Hotel and the Peter I Monument (just to name a few of the attractions) was still to come. While this was all fun, it was time to get down to business. To say that I was nervous before my presentation to the round table on Economics and World Finance is an understatement - a HUGE understatement. Here I was, presenting my ideas on Economic Cooperation not only to fellow Youth Forum Participants but also experts who have dedicated their lives to researching the topic that I was presenting on. But as it turns out, I had nothing to worry about. The experts listened, took my ideas on board and asked for my opinion. I didn’t quite save the world’s economy but for my twenty minutes of presentation time, it sure felt like I had. The next two days of the conference were fascinating. Bringing together so many people from around the world and hearing different perspectives on topical issues and innovative research projects gave me a whole new way of thinking about the world. The only disappointing part was that I couldn’t split myself into four pieces so that I could listen to all of the round table presentations. I was intrigued by all of the subjects listed in the program but in the end my true passions came through; I listened to presentations on Economics, Law and Politics, and I definitely was not disappointed. Then came the night of the ball. Taking into consideration over 24 hours of travel, running through airports and presenting to the G20 Youth Forum, the biggest challenge was still ahead of us: getting ready for a Grand Ball in just an hour. Okay, so maybe calling it the biggest challenge is an exaggeration, but I think any girl can relate; an hour to get ready for anything is a challenge, let alone a Grand Ball! We had been promised a Grand Ball, and we were certainly not disappointed. It was an amazing sight to see all the Ball Gowns floating around the ball room, dancing to the classical music being played by the orchestra. It was almost like watching trained ballroom dancers after the three master classes everyone attended during the week. But when it came down to the dresses - let’s just say that us Aussies certainly did not disappoint in the fashion stakes – not being biased, but we were definitely the best dressed country on the night! Overall, I had the experience of a lifetime thanks to UWS. Not many people can say that in their intrasession break they saw all the greatest parts of St Petersburg, presented at the G20 Youth Forum, had their paper published in the conference journal and attended a Grand Ball. But I can, and I will always be truly grateful for the experience.


TARMON’S TALE – PART II TARNUS MARINER The journey back to the camp was a thoughtful one. I kept mulling over what Jenny had said about Sergeant Ptolemy. I was trying to work out if it had anything to do with what had happened to him. Was it possible that it was not an infiltrator that executed him in such a horrifying manner? Could it be someone whom he had forced himself on without their consent? This I did not yet know the answer to, and likely wouldn’t for some time depending on whether Command felt we needed to know. I also wondered whether or not the General wanted us to pull out and head south to re-establish base closer to our main line. We had been in a forward position north of Townsville for a few months and in some ways it would be nice to get some R&R in Brisbane even if I would have rather gone home back to my family in Penrith. Though our current post had meant that the supply lines were prone to vulnerability, this was due to the aging infrastructure that hadn’t been maintained effectively over successive governments and had been failing of late. So many promises to fix the northern rail networks, not to mention the highways, lots of promises just to win votes and none of them ever delivered. Should our outpost fall, it would not help us to maintain control of our once proud nation and all that had been established post-reconciliation when we came together as one nation, rather than disparate ethnic groups. “Tarmon!” exclaimed George, “There is smoke up ahead, do we deviate and check it out or keep going?” “I’ll get Jenny to report its co-ordinates to the outpost and see what they say” I replied. “Jenny, can you raise the outpost and report our sighting of smoke on the horizon? See whether they want us to check it out or continue back.” “Sure, as soon as we get to a better covered position then I’ll jump on the Vox and put it through” It took us about ten minutes to find a decent spot to put the call through and once we did it almost felt like a waste of time as General Schnaeder still wanted us to keep on our way, back to the outpost. Though I wasn’t too sure about not taking a better look at what was going on over the horizon, I had to follow orders. So that meant that we continued to the outpost, which by now was only a few hours away. When we arrived back at the camp General Schnaeder called me in for a briefing. I was able to relay to him that we hadn’t encountered any visible threats on our journey aside from the skirmish that we had called through via the Voxcaster. This didn’t seem to worry him all that much, though the lack of tracks suggested differently, an issue yet to be seen. We continued on until we reached the topic of Sergeant Ptolemy and his demise; it turned out it wasn’t revenge for abusing women of the outpost (though if someone had, I personally wouldn’t have stopped them). It was an emissary from the Feng Leigh Corporation, the polymers that were found at the scene were easily traced back to them and their weaponry. Whilst I was in discussion with the general, the others – Jenny, Abdul and George – were all enjoying a rest and having a chance to be off their feet for the first time in ages. This was a good thing – it would also be a relief for Jenny to know that it was a Feng Leigh assassin that had made it into camp and taken out the Sergeant. We would all enjoy being able to get some rest tonight before what could be a long day tomorrow when we would know more of what had happened, and tasked with our new orders.

In the late 2030’s the Oceania Alliance formed, comprising Australia, New Zealand, East Timor and Papua New Guinea. This new regional alliance was not based on the failed European Union, and was built on more than just an economic necessity. The alliance was based on regional free trade and defence agreements and the sharing of scientific research and development between members, so that a regional approach was always taken. The alliance was one of regional co-operation and sharing of ideas that, until recently, had rotating meetings between Canberra, Port Moresby, Auckland and Dilli. When the Feng Leigh Corporation marched into the Indonesian archipelago the meetings were all centralised in Canberra and the heads of each government were all brought to Australia, as the one nation considered to be the safest due to its size and isolation. Australia has always been seen as the centre of the Oceania Alliance. Australia’s people are free, no longer caught up in the wars of the old world and focussed on being a productive region without a need to fall back on America or Europe. This led to Australia taking its presence and control of most of Antarctica seriously, having started setting up scientific research bases down there. The benefits of having research done in such an isolated place meant that the chances of discovery were reduced and the trouble another nation or mega-corporation from outside the region would have to go through to get at them was greatly increased. The northwest part of Western Australia was the first to fall as the enemy made their way across from the Indonesian archipelago. At first we didn’t know where they had come from, but later we learned that they were the Feng Leigh corporation security forces. Though there are still many theories as to where the Feng Leigh forces came from, as yet there are no answers to what they came looking for. What we do know is that their empire is more of a dominion that has expanded around the Pacific rim from what was old China, systematically destroying any who rebelled and taking what they needed. This has helped them grow into the entity they are now. The board of the Feng Leigh Corporation is not well known or publicised and there are rumours that it comprises both American and Chinese members. This mix has helped it to evolve over the last 50 years into the powerhouse it is today, having purchased media companies as well as defence contracts. There are many theories as to what they may have come looking for – everything from uranium deposits to payback for being refused a defence contract. It is also likely that, with the developments that the Oceanic Alliance has made, they are after our new technologies. Either way their presence here in Far North Queensland wasn’t welcome and nor were any of their allies.


PATHWAYS TO DREAMING JENYFER JOY As a first year uni student, I considered it would be a great way to interact and make friends with like-minded people, by joining the UWS Indigenous School Student Mentoring Program. I’ve had experience as a tutor as well as a mentor but it was never catered specifically to Indigenous young Australians and I think this was one of the motivating reasons for me to join. This initiative was instigated in order to encourage and promote the educational aspirations of Indigenous school students in Great Western Sydney. The first trial was a success and now this wonderful program runs in 21 schools and is expanding! A mentor is expected to inspire and strongly encourage educational ambition and confidence of young Indigenous students. As a result of UWS students volunteering to visit schools, these students will have access to role models both Indigenous and non-Indigenous. Furthermore, they will be aware of options previously unnoticed. Andrew Forrester, Chief Executive Officer, major shareholder of Fortescue Metals Group and one Australia’s most wealthy stated, ‘“This is the welfare generation, and that is incredibly sad. The solution is education, training and a guaranteed opportunity.”

As university students we can make a great difference through simple actions, such as joining volunteering programs offered by the university. Clearly as Mr. Forrester stated, there is no wisdom in focusing on the past. We are young and we have the present moment to alter the future in the lives of these young school students. We are young and we have the time to inspire and pass on our knowledge to these kids. We are young and we have the opportunity to positively impact a student’s life, something which they will remember forever!

Those who lose dreaming are lost…” ABORIGINAL PROVERB Manager of Schools Engagement at UWS, Anne McLean says, “Students develop trusting relationships with their mentors, who are like older friends outside their usual circles. Mentors are drawn from a wide range of degree programs and have diverse backgrounds. This, along with other elements of the program, helps to broaden the school students’ horizons”. University students are simply required to attend one day per month at their allocated school and spend no more than two hours with these wonderful children, it’s that easy. The coordinators are friendly and understand the need to be flexible in terms of exams and other commitments. UWS staff, Indigenous educators and other guest presenters have run workshops on subjects such as chemistry, creative writing, neurophysiology, Indigenous dance, industrial design, law, art, maths and river ecology, as well as exploration of Indigenous cultural awareness, racism and study and career options. Each component of the program is designed to improve Indigenous school student retention rates, engaged learning and, over time, participation in tertiary education. Students also gain confidence, communication and teamwork skills as they progress through the program.” says Ms McLean. Throughout the year thestudents work with the guidance of their mentors on a group project. For instance a group of Year 11 student at Leumeah High School produced an artwork for the school foyer. The work draws on the story of how the white waratah became red and also features the lyrebird, which is the primary symbol and a totem of the D’harawal people. The artwork was presented to the school principal at the investiture of the 2011 school captains and prefects. One of the year 11 students from the program was elected as one of the 2011 school vice-captains. Year 10 students at Ambarvale High School organised a day of Indigenous celebration and recognition, inviting students from Rosemeadow Public School and younger Indigenous students from the high school to participate in Indigenous games, artwork creation and Traditional storytelling run by Tharawal knowledge-holder, scientist and educator Aunty Frances Bodkin. All you need is a positive friendly attitude, the passion to make a change in the lives of young people and perhaps some experience working with them. What these young people need is to hear someone say, “Yes you can do it”. It is possible to do the work you love and study the course you are passionate about if you put in the effort. As Catherine Freeman said, “I want to be a positive role model, especially for kids and Aboriginal people…’ The opportunity to mentor is rare and highly regarded by future employers because it says that you are dependable and care about Australian social issues. I’d like to end on something said by the famous Australian television journalist and social commentator, Caroline Jones, who worked alongside Aboriginal broadcasters at Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association and was made officer of Order of Australia committee (1988): ‘’Aboriginal people are a steady beating heart at the centre of our Australian spiritual identity.”


CUPCAKE HEIGHTS ANSTON RATNAYAKE Chocolate, caramel, strawberry mousse, vanilla, coconut and chai spice, some of the most amazing flavours out of a hundred that makes our mouths water. Just imagine all of these in cupcakes. Yup that is what Cupcake Heights does. I always used to make cakes and cupcakes for friends when I was back in school and I never took it seriously, or had the time to take it seriously. But 2 years ago, with the help of my partner and the push of many friends, I decided to put this whole concept of cupcakes into a business. Thus Cupcake Heights was created and like every other business in this world we are on Facebook and we have a website. Hahaha, these days if you do not have a website or Facebook page, you’ll be judged. The journey has been quiet hard. Waking up early everyday or doing an all nighter with assignments and baking for a wedding or birthday has been hard. But seeing the smile on a customer’s face makes it all worthwhile (I mean the work not the dark circles and bags under my eyes). In simple, if you have a dream pursue it, let it be engineering, teaching, practicing law or like my baking, just go for it. You got nothing to lose but gain experience and build relationships you will cherish for life. Mind you, I study something completely different at UWS. But what I have learned so far is, if you believe in something, go for it. Smash it and even if you win or fail, you can look back and say … damn I gave it a shot and it was so worth it.

UWS DEBATING: BIGGER AND BETTER IN 2013 ROBERT BARRIE: UWS DEBATING PRESIDENT Hello UWS! What an incredibly busy and rewarding semester for UWS Debating! Where to begin? We kicked things off this year with our first weekly meetings at Parramatta. The Parramatta campus has been growing ever stronger since. Weekly meetings at the Campbelltown Campus have been continuing this year as well. On March 9th UWS Debating hosted our first ever inter-varsity debating tournament: “The Inaugural UWS Open.” Held at the Campbelltown Campus, this event attracted over 60 debaters and adjudicators from UWS, Sydney University, UNSW, Macquarie, UTS, Campion College and the Australian National University. There were three rounds of debating before the grand final between Macquarie University and the University of Sydney. The grand final topic was “that flirtation and the flaunting of physical attractiveness is a legitimate tool of career progression.” Sydney came out victorious in a close contest, taking with them the prize money. After the grand final everyone headed over to the Macarthur Tavern for the social! Special mention goes to the Best Speaker of the tournament, Daniel Farinha. Congratulations as well to UWS students Jessica Bracken and Andrew Olivares who were selected to adjudicate in the Grand Final. A huge thank you to Elle Jones (Sydney) and Mark Slaven (Macquarie), who put in so much time and effort as our Chief Adjudicators. Thanks also to Brendan Hoey, Campbelltown Campus Life Officer for his help! And our course we must thank all the debaters and adjudicators who travelled from far and wide to make our first tournament a huge success! In April, for the first time ever, UWS attended the Australian Intervarsity Debating Championships on the Gold Coast! Known as Easters (as it happens during Easter), this is the largest debating tournament in Australia, bringing together over 400 people. Our team – Robert Barrie, Blake Lamont and Jonathon Rusual – did UWS proud, finishing with two wins from six debates. This is a huge achievement for such a new debating institution, and our results placed us in the top half of the competition.

We’re now preparing for our next big challenge- attending the Australasian Debating Championships in Malaysia! This tournament will bring together hundreds of debaters and universities from Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Region for 8 days of luxury in Kuala Lumpur in July. This year marks the first time that UWS will have attended this event! Team trials were held on the 28th of April, and we’d like to congratulate our first ever team: Robert Barrie, Sonyia Juarez and Jonathon Ruasol! We’ve also been busy with lots of other tournaments over this semester! We’ve had representatives at the Commonwealth Debating Championships at Macquarie University, the University of Sydney Grand Slam, UNSW Pre-Easters Round Robin and the University of Wollongong “Mini-Gong 2013”. Upcoming tournaments include the University of Sydney Open on the 4th and 5th of May, and the Australasian Women’s Debating Championships hosted by UNSW in September. Plenty more tournaments will be happening over the next few months as well. Anyone is more than welcome to attend any tournaments, and there is no compulsion to attend all of them. We’re always looking for new members, and it doesn’t matter what you experience is, or what you’re studying. If you’d like to join UWS Debating, or would like more information, make sure you like us on Facebook:, and follow us on twitter: @UWS_Debating. You can also email us at We’d love to see you at one of our meetings! We meet at 5pm on Thursdays at both Campbelltown and Parramatta. Please check the Facebook page for confirmation of the meeting room.


UWS DIRT RIDERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB (UWS DRMC) JAMES LANG GET DIRTY ON THE WEEKEND: UWS HAS FIRST DIRT RIDERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB! As we all know, Western Sydney is a fantastic place to live, and for most things we have the best on offer. Along with all of the great things we have, we also have the best opportunities for dirt bike riding. We have hundreds of kilometres of trails spanning between the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Nepean and Southern regions, and presumably, thousands of dirtbike enthusiasts too. If you are one of the many dirt-bike riders in Western Sydney, and are a current student at UWS, we would love to hear your interest in joining the University’s first dirt rider’s motorcycle club.

Western Sydney has the highest number of dirt-bike riders in the state Western Sydney has the best, longest and most varied trails – allowing beginners and pro’s alike to get involved The noise/mess a motorbike makes is directly proportional to the coolness of the rider* Riding a motorbike is much better procrastination for your uni work than Facebook! *not actually a fact, but probably is.

We want to make a club which promotes a positive, social and adventurous culture to motorbike riding amongst our students. Male or female, dirt-bike rider or not, any student can join, and we think the people who would get the most from the DRMC are those who have a keen interest or wish to participate in dirt-bike riding as a group. Students don’t need to pay anything to join the club, the only thing we need from you is a passion for motorbikes, a love for going on the dirt, and a positive social attitude towards it. Also, to go out on DRMC rides, all riders will need to have a valid rider’s license and a registered motorbike to ride with us to trails or in national parks. The DRMC are hoping to provide some awesome experiences and services for its members. The first annual DRMC pilgrimage is planned to be held in the summer of 2013, and will be a long-weekend of riding, mud, dirt-bikes and mateship. The club is also planning to organise mid-year meets, as well as opportunities to engage in forums – online and in person – to discuss all things dirt. We’re committed to making the DRMC a great place for occasional weekend riders to socialise and keep active outside of uni, and we hope the resources made available to us from UWS will help make this happen. So if you are someone who is always looking for someone to go riding with, you want to be part of a group that lets you be either a core member or a sneaky one-time rider, you love riding for the adventure and the social aspects, then look no further for a better place for you and your bike to belong than at the UWS DRMC!

We are asking for your expressions of interest so that we can get this great organisation off the ground and running. To get in touch with either Mitch or James to register your interest in becoming involved in the UWS DRMC in any way, shape or form, send us an email at,we would love to hear from you! Happy Riding!


A LOVE LETTER FROM THE OLD FART PETER HORSFIELD History: To many people history is a list boring dates and irrelevant facts. I have discovered history due to my life experiences. You too are part of history, whether you like it or not. Two recent events are now engrained into history’s pages: the retirement of the Pope and the election of his replacement; and the attempted Labor party spill on Thursday 21 March 2013. In this article I will talk about my time in history. My paternal grandmother’s father fought and died in South Africa, and is buried in South Africa. My paternal grandparents lived through World War I in England. My paternal grandfather was not allowed to enrol in the Army because he was a steel-worker. His job may have saved his life. My maternal grandparents’ were killed in a bomb blast during one of the many Irish up-risings. My mother was an orphan. My mother lived in London during the blitz of World War II, and sustained a lifelong back injury. My mother was evacuated out of London to various rural locations during the period of the war. My father is a veteran of the Korean War, but he never talks about ‘the silent war’. I grew up during the political and social turmoil of the Vietnam War. In 1972 I was nineteen years old, my mother also died that year. I registered for the conscription ballot even though I was politically and socially opposed to Australia’s involvement in the conflict. I left my fate in the hands of the ballot. I was not called up and nor did I volunteer to ‘Nam. I can also remember very important dates. In November 1963 I got home from school and my mother was crying. JFK (President Kennedy) had been assassinated. I remember the deaths of Princess Di and John Lennon, because they both meant so much to me then and now. I can tell you exactly where I was on 9/11. Editor’s note: History is unavoidable, shaping the world we live in and the people that inhabit it. In the annals of history, our great gift is the chance to write a verse. Peter is a regular contributor to Cruwsible and can be found at the Penrith Student Campus Council office (N.G.30) and is always prepared to have a chat.

GET OUT AND VOTE! MAKE A DIFFERENCE LEAM MARK FARRAR Something that always got me in the political arena has been that there are people who complain that the government is not doing anything for them and all this negativity about the government, and yet when it comes time to elections time to vote - they can’t be bothered to get up and vote, or they go to the polling booth just to get their name marked off and avoid a fine. It’s their ballot paper that has nothing written on it, or has fake names, or worse, profanities; and the cycle begins all over again. We have that very same culture in student politics. Now I’m not calling for violent protests or the like, what I am calling for is for students who want to see positive changes in their university, be whatever it might be, in whatever area that they are passionate about, to get involved and to get active. Don’t sit in the background and think that the Student Representative Council or your local Student Campus Council knows your issue, knows your problem and can fix it. Stand for election, stand for what you believe in and make a difference. This is especially important for people like myself and many others who are postgraduates or those who are doing Masters degrees, Ph.D degrees, higher research degrees and any others that I may have missed. There might be a smaller number of these students at UWS than undergraduates, but that does not mean that postgraduates don’t have issues, because we do. One thing that got to me with the recent elections where I stood as a General Member on the Penrith Student Campus Council was that not one single postgraduate student stood for election. I was appointed in February as the SRC’s Postgraduate Representative and it is time that postgraduates had their voices heard and their issues known. It is time that the university and everyone else understands that postgraduates have a very loud voice and that our issues are different to those of the undergraduate cohort.

What I am calling for is students who want to see positive changes in their university...”

The fact that last November’s general election here at UWS garnered only three contested elections with less than 6% of the entire student population voting is a big concern. The time is right now, we are at the crossroads of tertiary education in this country and it is time that we all get out there and vote!


LET’S GET LOUD: NEW SOUTH WALES ABANDONS THE RIGHT TO SILENCE AND WHY YOU SHOULD CARE. YASMINE LEWIS You’ve all heard it before - the famous Hollywood line, “you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law”. Before March 20th this year, all police officers in New South Wales were required to give a similar caution. But that’s not quite the case anymore. Instead of this widely recognised statement, both anything you say as well as anything you don’t say can now be used against you. Before: “You are not obliged to say or do anything unless you wish to do so, but whatever you say or do may be used in evidence. Do you understand?” Now: “You are not obliged to say or do anything unless you wish to do so. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say and do may be given in evidence. Do you understand?” Doesn’t quite have the same television-drama ring to it, does it? What this change basically says to arrestees is that yeah, you can still choose to remain silent but if you do, we may use it to prove that you are guilty. This might make it a bit clearer: A serious shooting has just happened and James* is found sitting in his car near the scene of the crime. Police have a reasonable suspicion that James was involved in the incident so they arrest him and take him into custody for questioning. James is anxious and confused. He was not involved in any shooting. He was meant to be at work but instead decided to go out and have a few drinks. The police ask James what he was doing in his car. James chooses to remain silent in fear that he was driving over the limit and his boss may find out the real reason why he wasn’t at work. He also doesn’t know the law too well and thinks he should probably seek some legal advice before he says anything that could get him in more trouble. The police then caution James under the new silence laws, warning him that if he doesn’t answer their questions now then he won’t be able to in court either. James feels pressured and considers telling the police that he was “just waiting for a mate.” Before March 20th, James could respond to police questions by simply saying “no comment”. This was the right to silence. James would then be able to collect himself, find an appropriate lawyer and be able to tell the court why he was really there. But what happens now is that this right can be used against you. So even if James remains silent, obtains legal advice and then tells the truth in court, it won’t count. It cannot be relied upon because he did not answer the question when arrested. Why is the right to silence so important? Let’s be straight. The legal system, especially the criminal one, is complex and confusing. The copious amount of legislation, procedures and regulations makes it difficult for even the most knowledgeable citizen to get their head around. The right to silence somewhat aids that. It ensures that everyone is able to seek sufficient legal advice before they do say something that could then be used against them in court. It underpins the crucial universal right to a fair trial and the right to not be arbitrarily arrested. **

But it goes deeper. By far the most fundamental principle under criminal law is that you are innocent until proven guilty. This means that in all criminal matters it is up to ‘the State’ (the prosecution) to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you are guilty. Some people have argued that the new changes to the right to silence will threaten this vital concept. Justin Dowd, the president of the NSW Law Society, emphasised that the right to remain silent has been “enshrined in the common law and legislation of all Westminister countries for centuries,” and the new changes significantly undermine “the most basic protection that we citizens have against excesses of the use of state authority”. The NSW Council of Civil Liberties added to this highlighting that the right to silence is an international standard and lies “at the heart of the notion of a fair procedure”. Essentially, by forcing the suspect to ‘speak up’, the accused is placed in a position to prove something. It assumes that you are guilty until proven innocent. Then why the change? The NSW government says the change was needed to combat high-scale criminal activity, particularly sparked by last year’s shootings involving ‘bikie gangs’. The Attorney-General added that the changes would make trials “more efficient”. But will it? Dowd says that it won’t be the high-profile criminals who are affected by the change. Top criminals, such as those in ‘bikie gangs’, are the ones who actually know the law and have access to the best legal representation, “the people most affected would be those charged for the first time, who are nervous or panicked, or who have a disability, language difficulties or other disadvantages.” The NSW government has also said it is simply reflecting the reforms that have been in longstanding in the United Kingdom. Indeed, the UK removed the right to silence in 1994. But the legal systems between NSW and the UK are incomparable. The UK has European human rights law incorporated into their domestic law. We don’t. The UK has duty solicitors to assist people for free in all major police stations. We don’t. Yet even with this, the UK approach hasn’t been all fine and dandy. The United Nations Committee on Human Rights said they remain “troubled by the principle that juries may draw negative inferences from the silence of accused persons” and declared that the UK “should reconsider, with a view to repealing it”. Apart from the UK, NSW and Singapore are the only other common law jurisdictions to abandon the right to silence. The scary thing is that whilst the NSW government claims to be simply “reflecting” UK law, they have no plans to mirror assistive measures or even consider the multitude of problems that the UK has had with the change. The right to remain silent is not for criminals. It’s for you. It is for you, as a citizen, to be protected from groundless accusations. It is for you to be able to seek sufficient legal advice. It is for you to be given the right to a fair trial - for you to be innocent until proven guilty. You have just lost this right and that is why you should care. *May or may not be loosely based on hit YouTube video. **Unless you’re arrested under suspicion of acts relating to terrorism...but I’ll leave that for another time.



Hello again, Y’all. I’m writing from the backseat of a pick-up truck heading to Cabtawa campgrounds. As I write, I’m sitting beside a Malaysian and a German, in the front there is an American and a Spaniard. We, and 25 other internationals, are heading to Cabtawa for out ‘last get together’ because in seven days, we will all be leaving Raleigh for the summer, and unlike myself, a lot of us will not be returning. As the saying goes, ‘time flies when you’re having fun’, and fun is the only way to explain how the past jam-packed four months have flown by. Spring Break in the Bahamas was just like any Hollywood film depicts. After a turbulent ferry ride from Florida to the Bahamas, which saw more people chundering than not, American college students could do nothing but let loose in a country where they were legally allowed to drink alcohol. And you don’t just get one Spring break here, for Spring Holiday, we, a group of Swedes, Australian’s and Englanders, rented an apartment in Brooklyn in an endeavor to experience the real NYC. Despite our best intentions not to be ‘tourists’, the lure of visiting the empire state, seeing ‘Chicago’ on Broadway and riding bikes around Central Park proved too much. On top of these travel experiences, a lot has happened at NC State. For the first football game of the season, as the photo depicts, 15 students from all over the world were crammed into the back of a pick up truck and driven to the arena. In April, the university held a real life ‘Pool Battleship’, involving teams of four in canoes trying to sink the other teams boats using water buckets. Although it was an unanticipated workout, my team, ‘The Titanic’, emerged victorious. Kayaking on lake Raleigh, hosting Halloween in April, watching $2 films at the campus cinema and Beer pong are some more of the many amazing things that have made up our weeks here at NCSU. And as the final week of semester commences, it’s scary to contemplate that there are enough digits on my fingers to count the days I have left with my exchange family. Although it’s devastating to face the reality that I will never see a lot of these people again, clichéd as it may be, these thoughts are outweighed by the amazing time we’ve had together! Catch Ya next semester! Hannah

Competition closes June 9 at 5pm. Entries must be sent using your UWS student email. Include ‘After Earth’ as the subject line.


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CAMPBELLTOWN’S RAINBOW CROSSING NICHOLAS TOLEDO Editor’s note: The rainbow crossing at Taylor Square, Darlinghurst was painted by the City of Sydney as part of 2013 Sydney Mardi Gras celebrations, and removed in April on the grounds of pedestrian safety. Find out more about the movement at The idea came from the worldwide campaign ‘DIY rainbow crossing’, a protest that was sparked from the removal of the famous and popular rainbow crossing at the Oxford and Flinders Street intersection by the NSW state government. Sure, the removal was based on pedestrian safety and not anti-gay motives, however no effort was raised to trial the crossing as a landmark and it was seen as an immediate threat by the government even though the ‘crossing’ wasn’t a crossing at all. In the spirit of gay pride and following suit, my friends and I decided to make the residential college at Campbelltown a little more colourful one night by chalking the main apartment steps rainbow! To my surprise it seemed that nobody at all put in a complaint, tried to rub it out or protest in any way. In fact it was met with praise, laughter and joy; getting texts and Facebook messages about how good of a job we’d done, how pretty it was and surprisingly, some people were even disappointed we didn’t let them know so they could be involved! Passers by helped with the colouring as well so it leads me to believe that nobody had an issue with the crossing at all. UWS has always been a gay friendly campus – even having a private queer room on campus and rainbow flags on Mardi Gras month. It makes me feel good to be a part of an organization that supports a myriad of different people. Personally I think it should be permanent. People involved: Nicholas Toledo, Blaise Hennessey, Riley Hughes, Isadora Martins, Jace Sumners and Victor Woodward.

WE SING FOR WANDERERS! TIMOTHY HARRISON The Western Sydney Wanderers (WSW) astonished Australia’s A-league with making it through to the grand final in their debut year. Unfortunately they lost 2-0 on Sunday 21st April to the Central Coast Mariners. Despite their loss, supporters roared and sang for their team throughout their extraordinary season. The Wanderers moved in leaps and bounds in their inaugural season, winning the Premiers Plate, breaking win records and selling out stadiums. Parramatta City Council was at the forefront of supporting the Wanderers. Along Parramatta’s Church Street, black and red flooded the restaurants and café’s. Lord Mayor of Parramatta, Cr John Chedid, said the Wanderers have achieved the remarkable – they were through to the Grand Final in their debut season, a great source of pride for the people of western Sydney.

I think next year will be even better.”

“In our eyes, the Wanderers are champions and to have won the Premiers Plate and made the Grand Final in just their first year in the competition, is worthy of special recognition,” Cr Chedid said. With such a remarkable debut to the A-League, the WSW will enter next season with confidence and determination, to aid them in taking one more step, to win the grand final. During the end of season march at Parramatta’s Church Street on the 23rd of April, local supporter Raymond Nair mentions “I think next year will be even better.”




UWS CONNECT “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” ~John F. Kennedy


Currently employed with UWS Connect (Connect Fitness) these students and alumni talk about their experiences. ASHTON – CONNECT FITNESS CAMPBELLTOWN I am in second year Sport & Exercise Science. Working for Connect Fitness helped mould my career pathway in the fitness industry while my degree teaches me new skills that I can use in fitness training. Within the degree so far we have covered sport psychology, nutrition, training and science subjects such as anatomy and physiology. During my free time I play tennis regularly and exercise at the gym. I believe it’s important to follow your goals and do what you enjoy. TYLER – CONNECT FITNESS NIRIMBA POOL AND HOCKEY CENTRE I studied a Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Advanced Business Leadership) with a key program in Sports Management from 2009 to 2011 at UWS. I have been working with UWS Connect for seven months as a Sports Facilities Coordinator and I find the degree I studied very relevant to my current role. The theory and content learnt throughout my degree has assisted in understanding the unique sporting industry and performing my role effectively, ranging from business basics such as networking and communicating effectively, through to sports marketing and budget generation and evaluation. Since working within the sporting industry with uwsconnect I have enjoyed seeing how the theory is put into practice, and how my studies have greatly benefited me by allowing me to execute my responsibilities effectively. CHRISTIAN – CONNECT FITNESS BANKSTOWN I am currently studying Bachelor of Health Science. I enjoy all forms of exercise and sport and I train whenever I have some free time between my work at the gym and my Uni work. Working with Connect Fitness has been and continues to be wonderful and educational. The staff and members are friendly and it’s a great experience to work within the field that I am studying. I appreciate everything the company has shown me. KIM- CONNECT FITNESS KINGSWOOD I completed my Master Trainer certification at the Australian Institute of Fitness which included my Cert III and IV in Fitness. I am currently completing my Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Nutrition and physiology. I believe the role of a personal trainer is so much more than just getting people quick results that don’t last. It’s about educating and empowering people with the knowledge and understanding of how to maintain the results they get for life! I am passionate about helping people become the best version of themselves because this is all you should ever be. ‘Feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself is not a luxury - it’s an absolute necessity.’


UWS students and alumni have taken the quote by John F. Kennedy to heart.

One of the few things better than socialising with friends after a long day of uni would have to be socialising with friends whilst enjoying some great live entertainment. The UWS School of Medicine at the Campbelltown campus was the place to be on April 29, where medical students showcased their spirit and energy at the 2013 Twilight Festival. First conceived in 2010 by Mitchell Waters and Rachel Brennan, the Twilight Festival is an annual event where UWS medical students sing, dance and perform their hearts out to an audience of staff and students. Now in its fourth year, Twilight remains an outlet of the performing arts for those in medicine and is run by the UWS Medical Society. “Little has changed,” Waters says, “the students entertain their peers in a four-hour music, dance and performance festival.” Set to commence at 6pm, beginnings of an audience were already moving to the lawn area behind the School of Medicine before the opening act. Those in the audience put down picnic rugs to get a good spot for the long haul while organisers worked to finish sound checks and ensure cakes, coffees and the like were well stocked on the snack tables. Following a rousing opening act by the band “The TJ’s”, Twilight was off to a blazing start. Some of the noteworthy performances included Kenny Cho, a second year medical student who dazzled us with his piano-mashup of “Chopsticks”, the theme to Pirates of the Caribbean, “Apologise” and “Just Give Me A Reason.” The effortless harmonies and musicianship of Sophie and Ben Bennett as they played Bastille’s “Pompeii” were delightfully refreshing while a poetry slam-esque reading by Chendu Gnaneswaren rounded off the first half of Twilight with a strange yet resonating story about guardian angels masquerading as cereal box mascots. The most entertaining performance of the night would have to have been, almost unarguably, the “Sexy Second Year Gents Expose” (not exposé, expose). While words cannot begin to describe the cross-dressed K-“Bubble Pop!” dance sensation witnessed on the night, it can be said that these medical students won’t have any problems about shyness in the hospital. The continued success of Twilight since its founding has been attributed not only to its talented performers but also to the positive feel that surrounds Twilight itself. “It is so immensely popular with the students [because] anyone can get up and perform,” Waters says, “everyone is given a go and it is a very relaxed and supportive environment. It was a beautiful night.” With the growing success and interest in Twilight, people may expect even bigger festivals in the coming years however, as with many good things, they are often best left small. Twilight co-ordinators have agreed that the intimacy that is part-and-parcel of the festival would be lost in a larger event and so plan to keep in line with its tried and true format. After experiencing the festival for myself, I can agree that the close-knit intimacy between performers and audience is something too special to risk losing.




With the uncertainty of exams, assignments and finding wi-fi connection around your campus, many students crave an insight into what lies ahead of them this month. The editors at Cruwsible are here to relieve your anxiety.


ARIES will feel empowered after using your $50 textbook subsidy, before Connect recover their money in a single chicken baguette. TAURUS will be drawn to the movement of Jupiter into the orb of enlightenment, as Mercury’s path extends towards Alpha Centauri, before crossing into the realm of the metaphysical. A sure sign to go for cheddar cheese on your sandwiches instead of the usual tasty. GEMINI will be favoured this month, waking up to full battery on their iPads....oh...but this only applies to first years. For the rest of you, have a coffee and bond over the days when Economics graced the grounds of UWS. CANCER, always remember that less is more this month. For inspiration, look to the UWS approach to parking. Love is in the air LEO. Saturn’s influence is strong this month, so be on the lookout around your campus. For tips on this saucy area, why not take a look at the UWS Love Guru’s advice? VIRGO’s will be showered in epiphanies this month, better not think big or this might hurt! LIBRA shall (insert contradictory statement here) before (insert generic saying here), all the while realising the great value and truth of living our lives based on the movement of the stars. Make sure to run away with your imagination this month SCORPIO, you will stumble upon several inventive ideas. Let’s hope you’re not a sharp thinker! For SAGITTARIUS, take some time for yourself, everyone needs time to wind down. The half hour taken for IT to fix the projector in your lecture is a perfect opportunity. CAPRICORN should remain vigilant, the aura guys have a goat crossed with a fish? AQUARIUS will feel inspired, and feel compelled to send in articles for Cruwsible’s third edition Never underestimate the power of trying new things PISCES. Why not take a course in physics and realise that the light of these moving stars takes millions of years to reach planet Earth, thus rendering our astrological attempts redundant.

DEAR LOVE GURU, MY GIRLFRIEND IS GETTING MORE AND MORE SUSPICIOUS ABOUT MY SUDDEN DISAPPEARANCES WHEN I’M WITH HER. BEING A MASKED CRIME FIGHTER, LEADING A DOUBLE LIFE IS TIRING. I’M RUNNING OUT OF APPLIANCES TO FIX IN MY NAN’S KITCHEN, AS EXCUSES TO BLOW OFF DINNERS AND MOVIE DATES, EVERY TIME A 000 CALL COMES THROUGH. SHOULD I BREAK THE NEWS TO HER, AND IF SO, HOW DO I TELL HER? I DON’T WANT TO PUT HER IN DANGER, BUT FINDING PLACES TO HIDE EASILY ACCESSIBLE LYCRA TIGHTS WHEN WE GO OUT IS GETTING HARDER. HELP ME LOVE GURU! SINCERELY, WONDERBOY TM Dear Wonderboy, If I’ve learnt anything from watching movies like ‘Superman’ and ‘Spiderman’, it’s this – the guy always gets in to trouble trying to save the world, he reveals his true identity to his love interest in the heat of the moment, he saves the world with her by his side and they live happily ever after. If she is the one you want to be with, she will love both sides of you – everyday you and Wonderboy. Also, girls are quite capable of looking after themselves, so I’m pretty sure you are only hurting her by keeping her in the dark – the longer you keep the secret from her, the harder it will be to reveal your true identity. After all, she deserves to know and you are only revealing to her your true identity, not exposing your Kryptonite. Good luck Wonderboy, the Love Guru will sleep easier at night knowing you are out there making the world a better place.

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