Crux Magazine

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What’ is

In A Name?

by Chuck Missler

Internet Making Money on the


Content Editorial Team

Welcome to the

Francis Obasogie EDITOR - IN - CHIEF

December edition of Crux Magazine

Gloria Obasogie EDITOR

Dear Child of God

ENQUIRIES // Email: admin@cruxmagazine. tv/ Web: Cover Photo Bishop N. A Tackie/ Bishop & Rev. Mrs Clement Asihene

FEATURES Making Money on the Internet


Wisdom for Women Camp Meeing 2013


Kings Family Church “40 days of prayer & fasting“ Impact 2012


VBCI Camp Meeing 2013 “Raised to be Released“


What’s In a Name by Chuch Missler


RCCG Power of Jehovah “Jericho Praise“


How quickly we seem to have come to the end of the year? It has indeed been an eventful year for some of us, Working with several churches and businesses, I know what challenges are being faced, particularly financially, this year and I believe that God meant it for His church to also taste the pain of this current recession. In other words, the Church does not seem to have enjoyed the “Goshen Factor,” whereby God’s people perhaps should have been exempt from the consequences of this recession. The reason for this I believe may be the current state of the Church. Accountability and hence morality are at an all-time low, and ministers of the gospel are preaching everything, but messages that call people to repentance. And as long as this is the case, God may not bless His Church like He would want to. If the Church is to enjoy the full blessing of God, we must do a 180o turn and return to God…this I believe is possible if we the ministers would lead the way. Just like the bitter waters were made sweet for the Israelites at Mara when Moses called on God, we can also receive the goodness of God in the bitter recession if we the ministers call on God and serve Him faithfully. Have a joyful Christmas and may God richly bless you. Pastor Francis Obasogie



o what is affiliate marketing?

Simply put, affiliate marketing is the practice of getting paid for promoting the products and services that other people have created and or are offering. Are you ready to be an Affiliate Marketer? How does it work? In today’s economy, the predominant way in which this is done is via the internet. You simply send visitors over to the online stores that you affiliate yourself with – and when these visitors make a purchase, you get paid a generous commission amounting up to 75% of their purchase. There are numerous ways to drive traffic (i.e. send visitors). That includes everything from writing reviews to posting a link on your own blog post. You can send this traffic to places like Amazon, Ebay, Best Buy, or my personal favorite CLICKBANK!


The best thing about affiliate marketing is that starting up is extremely fast and inexpensive because someone has already created the product/service and is taking care of things like credit card processing and product delivery…which means that your job then is simply to drive traffic to the site!

The key to becoming a top notch affiliate is in being able to generate traffic. If for example you are promoting a product that makes you $40 per sale. And for every 100 people you send to that website, 3 of them buy. Then you will make $120 per day if you can send 100 visitors to the product/website you’re promoting each day. A great way to do this is to start a free blog that has to do with a particular

topic matter (weight loss, stop smoking, dog training, etc…) and then constantly post information on that blog having to do with the subject matter you chose. Then you can add links on your blog to the affiliate products you’re promoting. Just make sure that the affiliate products have to do with what you’re blogging about. This means that if your blog is about quitting smoking, then all of the affiliate links should be about the same thing! The common pros would, of course, include the fact that there is no need for capital. You can readily start a blog for free at various blog hosting websites. Perhaps the only con here is the fact that it will take time for you to develop a significant amount of traffic to your site.

If you really want to help “ensure” your success then you’ll want to find something you are already passionate about. That way it won’t seem like work. It should be noted that like with any other industry there are tricks of the trade. That is tools and strategies that are commonly used for greater efficiency and productivity. PSS: To access more of my insightful articles, go to:

By Francis Obasogie

Every good affiliate publisher knows that the more hits or people you get on your site or blog, the better the chances are for profit.








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here are some surprises - and some very serious concerns - lying behind the meaning of “a name.” (Hebrew: shem; Greek: onoma; Latin: nomen.) A “name” is that by which a person, place or thing is marked and known. In Scripture, names were generally descriptive of a person: of his position, of some circumstance affecting him, hope entertained concerning him, etc., so that “the name” often came to stand for the person.1 Besides designating persons, the name also stands for fame, renown, reputation, character gained or expressed, etc.2 It might be an “evil name.” 3 The “name” can also be equivalent to a “people” or “nation” (which might be “blotted out”; i.e., destroyed.4 ) To speak or write “in the name” signified authority.5 To “call one’s name” over a place or people indicated possession or ownership. 6 To act “in the name” was to represent; 7 to be called or known “by name” indicated 10

special individual notice.8 us

The Name of God Of special interest is the usage with respect to the name of God. He revealed Himself to Israel through Moses by a new name (YHWH: Yahveh, or Yehovah) - the nature of which would be shown by His manifestations on their behalf. 9 The name of God was therefore not a mere word, but the Divine manifestation, the character of God as revealed in His relations to His people and in His dealings with them.10 The “name of Yahveh” was proclaimed to Moses on Mt. Sinai, “Yah, Yahveh, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness and truth,” etc. 11 His sole Deity was such an important element in His name that Deuteronomy 6:4 was termed the “Shema” (from Heb:

shema, “hear,” the first word in 6:4), the first article of Israelite faith, taught to all the children, written on the phylacteries, and still recited as the first act in public and private worship “twice a day by every adult male Jew.” (In later Jewish usage, the sacred name Yahweh was not allowed to be pronounced in reading the Scriptures: the Hebrew word Adonay (“my Lord”) was substituted for it (the vowels belonging to Heb:


Chuck Missler

Adonay were written with the consonants of the Divine name), hence, the frequent term “the Lord” in the King James Version, for which the American Standard Revised Version substitutes “Yahweh.”) Where Yahweh is said to record His name, or to put His name in a place (or on a person), some special Divine manifestation is implied, making the place or person sacred to Him.12 His “name” was in the angel of His Presence; 13 what He

does is “for His great name’s sake,” in fidelity to and vindication of His revealed character and covenant relationship; 14 the great things He should do would be “for a name.” 15 God, in calling His people into new and close relationship with Himself, gives them a new name. Abram becomes Abraham; Sarai, Sarah; Jacob, Israel. So spiritually, in the highest sense, God’s giving a new name implies His giving a new nature. So, too, Messiah, Jesus, Immanuel, and the Word all indicate His manifested relations to us in redemption;16 “His name shall be called Wonderful,” etc.17 Also His gracious and glorious attributes revealed in creation and providence,18 authority,19 and manifested glory.20 He would give His people a new “everlasting name”;21 to be called by the name of Yahweh is “to be His people”;22 it implies protection, etc.23 To “call upon” the name of Yahweh was “to worship Him” as God;24 “to confess” His name, to

“acknowledge Him”;25 to love, trust, act in, etc., “the name,” was to love, trust, etc., Yahweh Himself.26 But there is also a dark side. To “forget His name” was “to depart from Him.”27 Instead of a “curse,” as the name of Jews had been,28 the elect Jews shall have a new name: God’s delight, “Hephzibah,” and married to Him, “Beulah,” instead of “forsaken” and “widow.”29

New Testament Usage In the New Testament Greek, onoma has also the significance of denoting the “character,” or “work” of the person; e.g., “Thou shalt call His name Jesus; for it is He that shall save,” etc.30 The “name” of God has the same relation 11

to the character of God as in the Old Testament;31 it is manifested by Christ (the name of Jesus, as manifesting God, takes the place of the name of Yahweh in the Old Testament32). Men “called upon the name” of Jesus, as they had done on that of Yahweh.33 We have, with reference to Jesus, simply “the Name.” 34 The “name of Christ” is equivalent to “Christ Himself.”35 “To believe on His name” is to believe in Him as manifested in His life and work.36 In like manner, we “prophesy” or “preach” in the name of Jesus.37 The “name of Jesus” represented His “authority” and “power”; e.g., working miracles in His name,38 and it is contrasted with casting out evil spirits by some other name or power.39 The Gospel of salvation was to be preached “in His name,” by His authority and as making it effectual; 40 sinners were justified “through His name”;41 and, sins were forgiven “for His name’s sake.”42 “To name the name” of Christ was to belong to Him;43 the calling of His name on the Gentiles signified their acceptance as God’s people.44 To “hold fast His name” is to be true to Him;45 “to baptize in” or “into the name” of Jesus Christ46 is contrasted with baptizing into one’s own name. 47 Christians receive their new name at baptism, indicating their new relationship. They are “baptized into the name


of (eis onoma) into living union with 48 the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” 49

Unrecognized Gravity To take His name “in vain” was to swear falsely;50 the penalty for which was death by stoning.51 However, the commandment, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain,” would seem to go far beyond just swearing, as is commonly taught. To minister, prophesy, or speak in His name signifies divine appointment, inspiration, and authority.52 We are to be His ambassadors. 53 We have no higher calling than to be the personal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Savior of the world. Yet, therein lies a peculiar jeopardy.

Ambassadorship An ambassador is an official representative of a king or government, as of Pharaoh,54 of the princes of Babylon,55 of Neco, king of Egypt,56 of the messengers of peace sent by Hezekiah, king of Judah, to Sennacherib, king of Assyria.57 The same Hebrew term is used of the messengers sent by Jacob to Esau, 58 and by Moses to the king of Edom.59 The inhabitants of Gibeon pretended to be ambassadors to Joshua in order to secure by deceit the protection of a treaty.60 To do injury to an ambassador was to insult the king who

sent him.61 When one takes on the mission of being an ambassador, he is commissioned to represent his king to others, and he “takes on the name” of his sovereign to others. His effectiveness is, of course, critical to the plans and purposes of the king. Malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in the role of ambassador of a sovereign is a dereliction of duty that can have grave consequences. If he faithfully represents his king, people will respond in a manner that the king requires. If he misrepresents his king, the king’s purposes may be thwarted, and the king’s enemies may prosper in their deceits or crosspurposes. As Jesus’ ambassadors, we have “taken the name” of our Sovereign. What does it mean to “take it in vain”?

or responding with theological clichs. We are commissioned to “make disciples.”62 But do we? We need to consider this very, very carefully and be diligent in daily prayer over this if we take Him seriously. This also casts a dark shadow over the performance of many present-day churches. How effective is our collective ambassadorship? It is a disturbing reality that the divorce rate among “believers” is no better than the divorce rate among non-believers, etc. Many sincere seekers drop away from their initial encounters, underwhelmed by contemporary practices.

For Biblical references visit;

“Vain” is the adjective of “vanity,” and it is virtually synonymous with empty, hollow, or idle. “Vain” implies either absolute or relative absence of value; “empty” and “hollow” suggest a deceiving lack of real substance, soundness or genuineness; and, “idle” suggests being incapable of worthwhile use or effect. This reveals an even darker side of the Third Commandment. When we misrepresent His name, we are guilty of malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance as His ambassador. “Being a witness” is more than giving out tracts 13


Earn $500 by Christmas! Those that know me will tell you that I am a very private person who does not like discussing money making publicly. However, this opportunity has arisen and with the recession biting hard, I cannot help but share it.

If you are looking to get an extra income before Christmas or looking to start your own Home Business Join me at the next Webinar The Business Opportunity Webinar PT2 The last event held some days ago was very successful with attendees from different parts of the world. Some have now gone on to start their own Home Businesses and are on their way to increasing or replacing their current income source.

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Sunday 9th Dec. 2012 @ 11am

Reception follows immediately after service Pastors




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(PECKHAM BRANCH) INVITES YOU TO JOIN US TO FELLOWSHIP. Heb 10 vs. 25 “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the day approaching…”

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