3 Top Tips to Learn Spanish Language Fast

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Most people who are learning to speak the Spanish language ask the same question: What methods will best help me learn to speak Spanish as quickly as possible? There is now such a variety of differing learn Spanish language methods on offer, it is no wonder that a lot of people find it hard to choose the right one. Not every student learns in the same way of course but nevertheless, here are my top 3 picks of the methods I used that helped me to learn to speak Spanish quickly when I began my new life here in beautiful Barcelona. 1. Learn Spanish Language Courses - Attending a formal Spanish language course is imperative and I'm sure you'll find there's one available wherever you live. Usually, classes are scheduled for the evenings but some language schools do occasionally offer classes at the weekends and even though I do believe such a course is essential, there are a couple of things to be aware of. When I started to learn how to speak Spanish, I signed-up for a four-week intensive course and I have to say that it was not a smart decision. This would be a better choice for intermediate level students but for beginners, it can be too much too soon. It did the job and gave me the basics but I believe I would've fared better doing two evenings a week instead of five. Having an unimaginative teacher who merely read-aloud the course content which the students then repeated with no role-playing meant the classes weren't much fun as well. It is much better to learn how to speak Spanish if you're having fun so do try to find out how the course will be presented and ask about the teacher if you can. 2. Learn Spanish Language Software - In addition to a formal Spanish language course, I also used a learn Spanish language software course to add variety and reinforce what I was learning on the formal language course. I purchased a course called "Rocket Spanish" and I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending it. It comes complete with audio, flashcards, quizzes and vocab builders as well as simple explanations for the verb tenses. I used the audio and the flashcards everyday, just for twenty or thirty minutes and it's a nice, relaxed way to build your vocabulary. I know many other similar courses are available such as Fluenz Spanish, Tell Me More Spanish and Rosetta Stone, but the only one I used and enjoyed was Rocket Spanish. 3. Learn Spanish Language On The Streets - I admit this is probably a tad simpler for me as I'm living in a Spanish-speaking country however, I think speaking in Spanish with native speakers for just 20 minutes a day is the best method of all. It's also the way that arouses the most fear, particularly making a bad mistake but don't worry about it! I pushed myself to go and meet the locals here and speak in Spanish with them no matter what and believe me, it did wonders for my Spanish. It really wasn't that difficult and I wasn't mocked or ridiculed or shunned, actually, it was a real blast, I earned their respect and the generous people here would treat me to a drink and share tapas with me.

They know you're making an effort to speak Spanish and believe me, they will fall over themselves to help you. Now I have a lot of friends and acquaintances here and I'm still making new ones mainly because I try to communicate with the locals in Spanish as much as is possible. I may be in a shop, a cafĂƒŠ, a supermarket, the local market here where I am now greeted by stall-owners by name whenever I shop there or in a bar or a restaurant, I will speak Spanish to people and try and strike up a conversation and each time I do I learn lots more useful Spanish phrases. It may not be so easy for you but I recommend you give this a go as often as is possible and honestly, it will bring your Spanish on in leaps and bounds and you'll really enjoy yourself! Those are my three best methods to learn Spanish language and even though I used one or two other methods to help me learn Spanish, I think that these are the top three without a doubt.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Christian

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