A Truly Alternative Source of Energy

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Much debate takes place on a daily basis about global warming, whether it exists, how to deal with it and the use of alternative energy sources in the future. Despite massive safety concerns a consensus seemed to have developed with nuclear power chosen as the way forward. A tsunami in Japan and subsequent events at the Fukushima Power Plant may have destroyed that consensus and forced everybody to think again. There is little doubt that change must occur. The production of energy using fossil fuel resources will not be possible for very much longer because world resources are seriously depleted and the pollution produced is no longer deemed to be acceptable. Unless alternative technology can be developed, long distance travel using aircraft (and maybe even cars) might be a thing of the past. This is luxury that the majority of the earth's population do not enjoy and neither did our quite recent ancestors. It will not be seriously missed especially in the age of broadband internet when conference calls involving colleagues from different continents take place daily. We all want to maintain a reasonable standard of living and it will be necessary to cook food, keep the lights on, keep our homes heated and our computers running. This should easily be possible as long as common sense efficiency savings are made and I predict that before long, all homes will have discreet solar energy units installed. Much more energy could be produced by burning waste but I don't seriously think we will be subjected to a wind turbine per property. They are ugly, noisy, inefficient and, except in certain locations, are more trouble than they're worth. I know of a much neglected source of energy which is free, efficient, readily available and does not have any nasty bi-products or cause any pollution. It is the oldest form of energy in existence and has been used throughout history. I regularly visit a gym and observe many, many people hard at work on exercise machines such as bikes, rowing machines, cross- trainers and treadmills. It would be very easy to adapt an exercise bike so that it drives a generator and the energy produced could either be stored or put to use. I estimate that an average person could produce enough energy to power a light bulb, a TV or a PC. This energy is being produced right now and is going to waste. Perhaps, on a trial basis, some exercise bikes could be adapted and used to contribute to providing the energy for a hospital or an old people's home. Volunteers could be sought and any participants (the organisers would be inundated) would be both serving the community and keeping themselves fit. The scheme could be expanded and if enough volunteers were found, could easily provide a significant source of energy throughout the country.

With our rising prison population and the resultant increase in cost, many offenders are given community based sentences. Maybe some offenders could be asked to pay for their crimes by making a contribution to their society's energy requirements and spending some time on an exercise bike. The vast majority of people (especially young people) could generate electricity, serve their community and improve their health and fitness in the process. Perhaps it could also be a way of giving benefit claimants some gainful employment. Our growing obesity problem needs to be addressed too and this could help to provide a solution. This truly is an alternative source of energy.

For more information about alternative energy CLICK HERE

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_M_Williams

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