Can You Get Pregnant - Even in Your 40's

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Yes. You can get pregnant, and you can probably get pregnant naturally. It's true that it may take more time than it would for a younger woman. But if you are still having menstrual cycles it's possible for you. There are several keys to getting pregnant: First is understanding when you're fertile. You can find out how to do this pretty easily. Charting your cycles and/or using a fertility monitor is key. Your body gives you fertility signs - they may be harder to understand initially, but they're there (and you can increase the quality of these signs). Next, as an older mother-to-be, one of the big things you need to focus on is hormone balance and egg health. You can start to balance your hormones and improve the quality of your eggs easily and right away. Begin by drinking plenty of water. I don't mean you should drown yourself trying to get 8 glasses of water down daily. But you do need to listen to your body and drink to thirst. If you can't stomach the thought of drinking water you can opt for homemade broth, herbal teas, and milk from grassfed cows (only drink non-homogenized milk from grass-fed cows). You can also drink some fermented drinks like kefir and kombucha, but don't depend on those for your major hydration. Start improving your circulation right away, too. The best way to do this is to get moving. Don't worry, you don't need to spend lots of time in the gym wearing yourself out. A good walk several times a week is great. 2 miles or so is a perfect goal to aim for, with a shorter walk around the block on the days you don't make it that far. If you're in a desk all day get up and move about as much as you can. Park farther away from stores and take the stairs. All these things get your blood circulating. Hydration and circulation are important because you need lots of blood flowing to your reproductive organs. Blood delivers nutrients to your tissues to nourish your eggs and uterus. Plenty of water encourages good production of cervical mucus, which greatly increases your chances of conception. Good circulation also helps keep your hormones flowing and working. Despite what you've been told about "old eggs," each and every cycle is a chance to nourish your eggs and improve their health. You diet is vital too. Get plenty of protein and plenty of good fats in your diet. Lots of vegetables and moderate fruit intake will also greatly benefit you. Fertility super foods are a great option for you, they'll boost your egg health and increase your ability to conceive. Your eggs begin their first development toward release about 3 months before the cycle they'll be released in, so plan to work intensively on your egg health for several months.

Focus your nutrition and eat fertility super foods. Also consider herbal supplements - they've been proven to increase fertility. Get more information on these proven herbs, such as false unicorn and general information on getting pregnant.

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