How to Learn Spanish Words Fast

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Spanish is second only to English for the number of language learners. Its spoken in Spain and most of South America. Not only that but if you master Spanish you'll be well on your way to mastering the other Romance languages such as Italian, Portuguese and French. There's a number of techniques you can use to speed up your learning of Spanish words and retain them. It's all about using memory tricks and maximizing your mind by working to its advantages. Firstly you need to work out whether you're a visual or Then you need to get a good set of flash cards or you can use an inline service such as When you go through your flash cards don't just memorize them by rote but try to link them to familiar sounds, ideas, vivid imagery, etc. For example you look at the card for "yellow" which in Spanish is "amarillo". It's pronounced slightly differently but its spelled like the famous song about Amarillo. So picture the the yellow deserts of Texas as people troop off to Amarillo. Using your imagination like this will help the memory stick. Now you may think that remembering all that extra information will mean you retain less or it gets cluttered in there but you'd be surprised. Your mind will let go of the linked ideas and retain the word. The other great tip to keep in mind is to practice all the time, every spare minute of every day. When you're waiting at the bus stop, in a lift, on hold to your utility company, etc. The more practice you get and the more exposure to the words the better you'll get.

For more tips on learning Spanish words I've put together a great page expanding a few of these ideas.

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