Ten Things to Do When You Get Pregnant

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There is some happiness when you know that you are pregnant. However, there are also some concerns that you may do something wrong during that time. There may be some tips on what to do. This article will give you some information on what you should do when you get pregnant. Here are ten things you should do when you get pregnant 1 You will need to exercise regularly. Make sure that you have consulted your doctor before you exercise. Exercise will help you go through delivery without any trouble. If you don't know what to exercise, consult the expert. If you do it right, you will get a lot of benefits from this. 2 You should eat in small amounts. Eat in small portion through out the day. Optimal meal will help you reduce the chance of being too overweight. 3 Make sure that your meals contain well balanced nutrition. This will make you have a healthy pregnancy. It's good for you and your baby. 4 We don't have to recommend this but your doctor will do. Anyway, be sure to take prenatal vitamins according to doctor's suggestion. 5 Reduce your stress. Stress is bad for you and your kid. Keep it at the minimal level so that you do not have to suffer from the side effect of it. 6 Drink enough clean water. Regular person needs eight glasses of water a day. Pregnant person needs ten glasses of water per day. 7 Do stretch regularly. The same principles as exercise must be applied. This must be done with enough knowledge. Consult the expert before doing that. 8 Apply enough sunscreen lotion. Use the one with SPF 8-15. Sun can be detrimental to your skin condition. Make sure that you do this every time you go out to face the sun. 9 Elevate your feet when you have chance. This will help you blood circulation to the area. It will reduce your chance of having varicose vein which is one of side effects of pregnancy. 10 Some of essential amino acid can not be synthesized by human. It must come from the food you take. During your pregnancy, make sure that you take enough of those amino acids. You don't need it in high amount. But you will need to take some. There are some certain things you will need to do when you got pregnant. This article will give you

ten things to do when you get pregnant.

Jim Somchai Jim is a registered pharmacist who turns himself to be a full time online marketer. His interest in health and nutrition is combined with his background. If you want to read the review by his sister of the book Pregnancy without pounds Or go to http://pregnancywithoutpoundsreview.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Somchai

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