Central Region Venturing Area 2 Newsletter - August 2013

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Summer 2013

Area 2 Newsletter Everything new in Area Two! Area 2 is comprised of the lower peninsula of Michigan, also known as the Michigan Crossroads Council. It serves the four Field Service Councils: President Gerald R. Ford, Water and Woods, Great Lakes, and Southern Shores.

Area 2 Introduces its 2013-2014 President: Jasmine Dittel! Jasmine Dittel is the 2013-2014 Central Region Area 2 Venturing President. Jasmine has been part of a Scouting family all of her life, and for the past 3 years she has been registered with Crews 2977 and 1006 in the Great Lakes Council. She has been President and Vice President for her crew, and was instrumental in re-forming Crew 1006. Jasmine has participated in a Philmont Cavalcade, and has been a staff member for National Youth Leadership Training in the Great Lakes Council for 3 years. (cont. on pg 4)

In this Issue: Page 2

Advisor at Jamboree

Page 3

Communication’s Commentary

Page 4

A Weekend in Review: Recapping the Central Region Venturing Conference

Page 5

Program Feature: Sea Scouting

Page 6

Jasmine Dittel Cont.

Summer 2013

Area Advisor at the Jamboree I had the great experience of attending the BSA National Jamboree in West Virginia along with 3,000 other Venturers and Advisors. It was the first time that Venturers were invited to attend as participants. Although it was rigorous camping, we had fun with Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs, 3 Doors Down as they played Kryptonite, the King of Sweden, meeting Baden Powell's grand daughter and camping with international scouts from 20 countries. Some of the activities included scuba, BMX bikes, ATVs, shooting, climbing, rafting, and more. The young men and women we had in the Area 2 Venturing Crews were outstanding. Crew F510 had Venturers from the Great Lakes and Water & Woods FSCs, as well as Venturers from South Carolina. Crew F514 included Venturers from the President Gerald R. Ford FSC and Southern Shores FSCs, and some Venturers from Pennsylvania. If you're interested, go to the GLC Venturing 2013 Jamboree Crews Facebook page to see some pictures, and be sure to scroll all of the way down. I look forward to more Venturers attending in 2017.

Like Area 2’s Page on Facebook! Area 2: http://www.facebook.com/groups/CR V.Area2/?fref=ts Water and Woods: http://www.facebook.com/groups/44 602549603/?fref=ts President Ford: http://www.facebook.com/groups/58 006254760/?fref=ts Southern Shores: http://www.facebook.com/groups/45 491999635/?fref=ts Grat Lakes: https://www.facebook.com/groups/8 1835021000/

Jeff Geralds Area 2 Venturing Chairman

Have a Scouting comic or one-liner? Send it in to be in our next newsletter! CRVenturingArea2@gmail.com 2

Summer 2013

Communications’ Commentary A letter from the editor

Hello Area 2! As fall flies in, what are you thinking about? Are you worried about buying books and pens, getting an afterschool job, or preparing for colder weather ahead? I can tell you that among all of those, VENTURING is on my mind. The Venturing program is something I feel very passionate about. I feel it’s a program that is irreplaceable! I have been introduced to so many people, found myself, and learned and taught new skills. I know few people that have shot a Thompson machine gun, lived for eight weeks with one hundred of his/her closest friends, spent a week on and eighty foot sail boat, or had the honor of distributing mentor pins to three of the most influential people in his/her life. I know even fewer that have done all of the above. As a Venturer, you will be confronted by so many more opportunities than the average individual. Some will come as a scream; other’s as a mere whisper. If you take the opportunities you receive, you will find a program worth pursuing. If you follow

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them further, you’ll find that the opportunities never end. Rather, that they only become bigger and better. You will find a program that provides outdoor camping, winter sports, shooting, climbing, leadership, personal growth, and friendship. You have the ability to not only pursue the chances offered to you, but also to provide opportunities to others. You have the ability to enhance the Venturing program for those who will answer the door. Without you, other Venturers can lose the opportunity to have a strong crew, council, area, and so on. With some initiative, the Venturers of your Crew will have a better structure, a better program and better opportunities. Maybe, your knock could provide a stellar event, a new VOA, or help recruit new Venturers and increase membership. This fall, and throughout the year, I challenge you to not only answer opportunity’s knock, but to knock whole-heartedly on the doors of others.

Events Looking Ahead 2014 Powder Horn - May 9-11 and May 16-18 at D-A Scout Ranch 2014 Can-Am event with Canadian Venturers in August at D-A Scout Ranch 2014 Area 2 Venturing Conference in January (date and site TBA soon) 2015 Powder Horn at Gerber Scout Reservation 2015 World Jamboree in July/August at Yamaguchi, Japan 2017 National Jamboree at the Bechtel Summit Reserve, WV 2019 World Jamboree at the Bechtel Summit Reserve, WV 3

Summer 2013

A Weekend in Review: Recapping the Central Region Venturing Conference I recently attended the Central Region Venturing Conference for the first time. All 7 areas were represented with many others coming to their first regional conference. On Area 2’s agenda was nailing down a few details about our area conference. While there was a lot of information for me to soak in about Venturing— While was a lot Operating of information for fromthere Standard me to soak in about Venturing—from Procedures to the new Standard Operating Procedures to the Advancement system—it new Advancement system—it still managed to be a fun filled weekend. still managed to be a fun filled weekend. Although I Although I knew no one before knew no one before attending thetheconference, attending conference, therethere was a friendly atmosphere, even with those was a friendly atmosphere, even with those Blackhawk fans from Area 7, which Blackhawk fans from Areaallowed 7, which fit me toallowed fit right in. Ifme thereto is one thing that II have learned in scouting, right in. If there is one thing that have learned in it is that we are very approachable scouting, it is that we are very approachable people people and through activities like this and through activities likeconference, this conference, including including a night out on Navy Pier, I walked away with some a night out on Navy Pier, I walked away with some friends that will last a lifetime. I would friends that will also like to thank Area 7 for being wonderful hosts during this brilliant last a lifetime. I weekend. Submitted by Joseph would also like to Jenkins, Area 2 VP for Program thank Area 7 for being wonderful hosts during this brilliant weekend. Submitted by Joseph Jenkins, Area 2 VP for Program While there was a lot of information for 4me to soak in about Venturing—from Standard Operating

We Want Your Events! We are interested in what your crew and field service council are doing! If your event is open to other crews, councils, or even areas, please add it to our Central Region Calendar via http://www.crventuring.or g/event_submission.php.

This calendar is a great recourse if your crew is looking for something fun to do. Check out all events on the calendar here: http://crventuring.org/Acti vities/Events_Calendar/.

Program Feature of the Season: Sea Scouting Ahoy Matees! I’m here to give you a look into the always-exciting part of Venturing that we call Sea Scouts. Sea Scouts is a specialized part of Venturing that focuses on water activities such as sailing, scuba diving, motor boating, and so much more. Sea Scouts, as well as being able to earn all of the Venturing awards, have their own set of advancement that goes from Apprentice up to Quartermaster. There are currently 19 Sea Scout Ships in Area 2, and we are working every day to develop and charter more. We have exciting activities lined up this year including the very first Area 2 Sea Scout Camporee, which will be held in conjunction with the Water and Wood Camporee, October 18-20 at the Midland county fairgrounds. Other exciting events and ideas are the works and will soon be available for your enjoyment including sailing and rank advancement opportunities. If you have any ideas for what you would like to see done at a statewide level, don’t be afraid to contact your area Sea Scout Committee. Hope to “sea” you aboard!!!!!!! Nathan Lippert Task Force Area 2 Boatswain’s Mate

Jasmine Dittel cont. (cont. from pg 1) Jasmine works year round at D-A Scout Ranch as a wrangler, where she helps to maintain the health of the horses, cattle and other livestock, as well as leads trail rides and helps scouts earn merit badges. Jasmine resides in Berkley, MI, and frequently attends district and council Venturing meetings and events. When she is not at the Ranch, she attends Wayne State University where she is pursuing a business management degree. Jasmine previously represented Area 2 Venturing as the Vice President of Administration. Jasmine’s term began on June 1, 2013 and continues until May 31, 2014.

About Venturing Venturing is a new "old" program of the Boy Scouts of America. Originally part of the Exploring Division, it finally came into its own in 1998. It has become the fastest growing program of the BSA. Young adults have found through the Venturing program the outlet they have been looking for in their age group. Venturing provides positive experiences to help young people mature and to prepare them to become responsible adults. Venturing provides the skills needed for young adults to make a fun program full of adventure and challenges, acquire leadership skills, and to take advantage of opportunities to advance their skills and knowledge in the areas of high adventure, sports, arts, hobbies, religious life, and Sea Scouting.

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