Central Region Venturing Area 4 Newsletter - July 2015

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Central Region, BSA Area 4 Venturing Area4.CRVenturing.org


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Meet the 2015-2016 2-3 Officers Advisors Corner Nate’s Farewell

ALPS Leadership Venturing Excellence Fall Conferences Leadership and Planning Conference Creating and Sustaining VOAS, Council Venturing Organization


ALPS Personal Growth NAYLE Venturing at PTC


APLS Service 12 Messenger of Peace Council Events

How to contact us



J U L Y - A U G U S T

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Meet the 2014-2015 Central Region Area 4 Venturing President


ALPS Adventures 5-8 Mammoth Caves, WorldFest, Great Trail Luau, Summit Experience.

Caption Contest




Hello Area 4 Venturers! I am very excited for this upcoming year and can’t wait to tell you all about the great things we have planned. We are currently in the planning process of having Area wide trainings over the months of October, November, and January. We will be holding the same training but in three different places, so that we can reach all Venturers all over Area 4. We are in the process of finalizing the training locations and official dates, so stay tuned for announcements on Facebook about the location and date! Our Leadership and Planning Conference will be at MVSR on October 2-4 to coincide with the Area 4 Conference in Zanesville. We are also planning WorldFest 2016! More information on WorldFest will also be coming soon, but as of right now I can tell you that the event is going to pirate themed! It will be held at Seven Ranges Scout Camp in Kensington, Ohio from April 22-24, 2016. I want you all to know that I am very open to your comments and questions , so if you have any of those please do not hesitate to send them to me. My email is area4president@crventuring.org. I know we are going to have an amazing year, and with your help, we can help make Ventur-

ing an even greater program! Go out and be Adventurous! Biography Michael is a 16 year old Venturer from Crew 2001 from Akron Ohio. He is a Life Scout in Troop 1, and has been in Scouting since he was a young boy. Through Scouting, he has traveled all over the country, from the peaks at Philmont to the zip lines of the Summit. He attended the 2013 National Jamboree. He has been honored with the Council Venturing Leadership Award, and he previously served as the Vice President of Program on the Great Trail Council Venturing Officer Association. He is a brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow. Michael is an active member in the class of 2016 at his high school, Walsh Jesuit. Michael is the class of 2016 Student Government Treasurer. He participates in Campus Ministry, National Honor Society, Lacrosse, and is a founder of the Fair Trade Club. As Area 4 Venturing President, Michael wants to create a well-functioning, successful Area Venturing Association. Furthermore, he wishes to provide all councils and crews with helpful, applicable resources to ensure a successful program. Invite Michael to attend your events. Invite him to install your Council Venturing President into the Area 4 VOA and present him or her with the Area 4 VOA patch.

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Meet The Area Officers Jon Crawford 2015-2016 Vice President of Administration Jon Crawford is a 16 year old from Simon Kenton Council and is a member of several Crews and both Sea Scout Ships within his council. He has earned Bronze, Gold, Silver, Ranger awards, as well as the council and area Venturing Leadership Awards. Very active in the outdoors, Jon has over 200 nights of camping and attended the 2012 National Jamboree Shakedown and the 2013 National Jamboree. Jon has completed National Youth Leadership Training, Powder Horn, National Leadership Seminar and has staffed two Wood Badge courses. Jon was the Central Region Area 4 VP of Administration for 2014-2015, and is currently serving as the National Blog Coordinator for Sea Scouts and the Section C4-B Vice Chief. He is a senior at Hayes High School and is the armed exhibition commander for his school's Air Force JROTC drill team. Jon competitively sails for the Buckeye Lake Junior Race Team. He is the skipper of a C420, and is hoping to make it in the Junior Olympics.

Fun facts: Jon is an avid Sea Scout on the National Social Media Team and Scot is staffing NAYLE at Philmont this summer.

Jon’s goal is to assist the growth of Venturing membership in Area 4 and to help set a role model for Council VOAs through the efficient organization of the Area VOA. Jon looks forward to serving the Venturers of Area 4 this term. You can reach Jon at Area4VP-administration@CRVenturing.org.

Scot Nielson 2015-2016 Vice President of Training Scot is a 17 year old Venturer from Wooster, Ohio and a founding member of Crew 76 in Buckeye Council, chartered to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where he is a member. Scot is a Life Scout, a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow, and currently serves as President for the Venturing Officer's Association in Buckeye Council. He has enjoyed all of his experiences in Scouting, from staffing both NYLT and NAYLE to completing 50 mile backpacking trips and kayaking in Lake Erie. Scouting gives him great excuses to meet a lot of people and go a lot of places . Scot is competes in Cross Country, Track and Field, and Speech and Debate. He is the 2015-2016 Student Body President of Wooster High School and is a member of National Honor Society. He enjoys ultimate Frisbee, orienteering, and playing board games in restaurants. As Area 4 Venturing Vice President of Training, Scot wants to help provide the Area with access to all trainings offered by the Boy Scouts of America, and work with the rest of the Area to make sure as many people know about, are involved in, and are utilizing as much of the Venturing Program as possible. You can reach Scot at Area4VP-training@CRVenturing.org.

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Ellen Blackwood 2015-2016 Vice President of Program Ellen Blackwood is a member of Crew 64 in Buckskin Council. She served as the Vice-President for Program for her Crew and as the President of the Elk River District Venturing Officers Association. Ellen has earned the Outdoor and the Religious Bronze Awards, the Gold Award, and the Silver Award. She enjoys backpacking, cycling, and SCUBA diving. Her Elk River District Venturers completed the Summit Experience at SBR this summer and she is cycling the 350 miles from Pittsburgh to DC on the Great Allegheny Passage and the C&O canal towpath to pick up her Ranger elective for cycling. Ellen lives in Charleston, WV where she will be a sophomore at Capital High School during the 20152016 school year. Ellen plays the French Horn/mellophone in the band. She was elected the 2015-2016 Sophomore Class President at Capital High School. Ellen comes from a Scouting family and is the daughter of Matt and Julie Blackwood. Her father, Matt, is the Scoutmaster of Troop 64, the Advisor of Crew 64, and the Advisor of the Elk River District VOA. Her mother is the Cubmaster of Pack 64. Her older brother has earned his an Eagle Scout and the Silver Award. Her younger brother is a member of Troop 64. Ellen’s goals include supporting an awesome program at the area level including WorldFest 2016: Pirates of the Seven Ranges. You can reach Ellen at Area4VP-program@CRVenturing.org.

Veronica Day 2015-2016 Vice President of Communications Fun fact: Ellen and Veronica both attended High Adventures: Veronica and her crew crawled through Mammoth Caves. Ellen and her crew

Veronica is a fifteen year old Venturer from Crew 6060 from Simon Kenton Council in Adams County Ohio. She has been a Venturer for almost two years and has earned the sports Bronze award and is currently working toward the Quest award. She has traveled to Tennessee with her crew, attended Thunderbase and WorldFest, and much more. She also acts as a mentor for younger Scouts in her area. She is the President of her Venturing crew and also has served as Vice President of Program. Veronica is looking forward to going to Mammoth Caves in Kentucky and attending NYLT this summer. She is a sophomore at North Adams High School and plans to go into the Air Force and also further her interest in forensic sciences through a college education. Veronica's goals as the 2015-2016 Vice President of Communications include furthering the success of the venturing program through effective and productive communication and to make a positive impact on people's Scouting experiences and lives. You can reach Veronica at Area4VP-communications@CRVenturing.org

attended the Summit Bechtel Reserve. See their reviews later in this issue

Virginia McGhee 2015-2016 Member at Large Virginia McGhee, the 2014-2015 VP-Program returns as a mentor and a help to the C4VOA as we work towards making WorldFest the world class event it is. We are pleased Virginia is returning in her role as a mentor.

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Advisors Corner Summertime… It is a great time for families and an even better time for Scouting. As I consider some of my best Scouting memories, many of them were formed during the dog days of summer. I encourage each of you to make time to get outdoors with your crews and create those memories. Another item to watch out for soon, is the registration page for our second annual WorldFest. Last year we had 354 participants come from all over Area 4. This event set the new standard for Venturing only events.

We had climbing walls, shooting sports, tomahawk throwing, obstacle courses, a council activity midway and much more. My thanks go out to the many volunteers that made this a memorable weekend. On a final note, I encourage each of you to get involved with Venturing on your council level. Each council should have a Venturing Officer Association, and, chances are, there are leaderships seats available on that VOA. Reach out, make new friends, take on leadership and get involved! Duane Zobrist Area 4 Venturing Advisor

Farewell (sort-of) from Nate Steele Fun facts: Nate is working in the trees at SBR this summer except when he staffs Summit NAYLE using a syllabus that Duane helped write.

2014-2015 Area 4 Venturing President It is hard to believe that we already have one year behind us. Over the course of the past year, I am extremely proud of all of what the Area 4 VOA was able to accomplish. We were able to put on four trainings, establish a permanent fun event, and work to create a larger Venturing presence in Area 4. Of course, I couldn’t have accomplished this alone! With the help of all of the VPs (Jon, Virginia, Nathan, and Matt) and Advisors (Mr. Zobrist, Mr. Myers, Johnny, JV, and Josh), countless hours were put in every week in order to improve Venturing within the Area not to mention all of the other volunteers within the Area.

On top of all of this, I have been privileged to meet many new Venturers and work with an amazing group of individuals. I am looking forward to the upcoming year and I am extremely confident that Michael and his new VOA will put on an amazing program! Thank you for the great year and I hope to see you around! Yours in Venturing, Nate 2015-2016 Central Region VP Administration You can reach Nate at VP-Administration@CRVenturing.org.

Also Duane was on the first PLC course.

Nate is one of our two Area 4 President Emeriti and he is serving as the 2015-2016 Central Region VP – Administration with Ken King as his Advisor.

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ALPS | ADVENTURE Simon Kenton Crews go to Mammoth Caves On June 4th through 7th, Scouts out of Simon Kenton Council in Adams County (Troop and pack 290, Pack 250, Troop, Crew, and Pack 60, and Troop and Pack 266) Ohio made the long trip in vans to Mammoth Caves Kentucky. They had right around 80 people total. Among these Scouts was Venturer Veronica Day, Area 4 Vice President of Communications.

While at Mammoth caves they

did a lot of fun activities such as informative cave tours, an amusement park, hiking, sightseeing, dinosaur world, the wildlife museum, Lincoln's birthplace and museum, the alpine slide, tent camping, and zip lining. They had a great time and hope to return sometime in the future! Next year for their annual trip they plan on going to St. Louis, Missouri or back to Gatlinburg, Tennessee as they did the year before last.

WorldFest Photos are online for you to see To see more pictures from WorldFest go to http://tiny.cc/ WorldFest2015Photos Or Scan here

July-August 2015

Were you one of the 354 Venturers at the largest Venturing-Only Event in Central Region History?


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Our Area's fun event for 2015 was a blast. We had 354 attendees overall, two of those people were the current and past Central Region Venturing Presidents. WorldFest 2015: An International Experience took place in Kensington, Ohio at Seven Ranges Scout Reservation. We kicked off the first evening with ice breaker games, a word or two from our 2014-2015 Area 4 president, an open mic and snacks. After that we all hit the hay and prepared ourselves for whatever would come our way in the morning. Saturday morning, after a delicious breakfast and flag raising, we were told some of our options for the day. A variety of things were offered such as archery, tomahawk and knife throwing, shotgun, rifle, handgun, and black powder shooting, COPE, rock wall climbing, seminars, a midway, and so much more! And the best part was that each crew got to make their own schedule! After an exquisite lunch and a busy day we lowered the flag and gathered for dinner. During dinner, crew members were given the opportunity to volunteer for challenges and compete at games on the stage. This was entertaining to watch! When dinner was finished we had a dance and social hour instead of the traditional council fire at most Scout camps. A photo booth was even offered! Sunday morning we had breakfast and unfortunately had to pack up and leave, but it was loads of fun that will certainly last a lifetime in memories!

Will you be there in 2016

We hope to see you and your crew at WorldFest 2016!

Registration will be open this Summer at tiny.cc/WorldFest

when The Pirates of the Seven Ranges parlay and negotiate fun for all?

THANKS TO OUR HOST COUNCIL Council Venturing President Scot Nielson VOA Advisor John Fehrenbach Staff Advisor Josh Cunningham

BUCKEYE COUNCIL, CANTON, OH http://buckeyecouncil.org

July-August 2015


Great Trail Council Invites the Area to Summer Fun

Save the Date Next Summer for Summers Last Bash Central Region Venturing Fun Event, Springfield, Illinois August 5-7, 2016 Camp Illinek Springfield, Illinois. The SLB will be a fun-filled weekend of on-the-water and beach activities to help you end your summer with a bang! Some of the many activities will include sailing, kayaking, canoeing, beach volleyball, ultimate Frisbees, and tug of war. Make sure to stay tuned for more information as it comes! We will see you all there!


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Buckskin Council Crews take in the Summit Experience Ellen Blackwood, Area 4 Vice President of Program Buckskin Council Venturing crews attended the Summit Experience program offered at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve. It was a fantastic week filled with fun and exciting activities. There was something for everyone. Each day brought a new challenge and adventure. Monday's activities were centered on shooting. We walked from the Scott Visitor Center up to The Barrels. At The Barrels, we shot .22 rifles and shotguns for sporting clays. After lunch, we headed up to The Bows. We shot from various distances at static target blocks, with the easiest being fifteen yards and the most difficult, sixty yards. We also shot at 3D targets in the woods. My favorite that day was Laporte. It's like shotgun with sporting clays but instead with a recurve bow and arrows shooting at foam discs. On Tuesday, we completed a service project at the National Park Service office located just outside of camp. Some of us painted and some did yard work. That afternoon, we returned to camp and participated in kayaking at Bravo Lake. We learned how to do a self-rescue and a team rescue. Wednesday's activities were my favorites. That day we went to The Canopy and then to The Rocks. At The Canopy, we broke off into a couple groups to go through different canopy tour courses. The courses included rope bridges, rappelling stations, and even the tallest zip line in camp. In the afternoon, we walked to The Rocks. We took part in some trust and team-building exercises. We went bouldering and then climbed the rock walls. Our group also got to rappel and jump The Leap of Faith many times. The next day, we went to The Ropes, The Big Zip, and then to Low Gear in the afternoon. The Ropes was a Low-COPE course. Imagine a swinging playground in the treetops. It consisted of many different combinations of ropes, cables, logs, and PVC pipes. It tested our strength and the strength of our stomachs. When finished, we hiked to The Big Zip. At 3200 feet, it is the longest zip-line in the lower forty-eight states. We cannonballed down it, reaching high speeds. After zip lining, we went mountain biking at Low Gear. Even though it was rainy and muddy, we all had a great time and especially enjoyed the downhill section. It made the climbs worth it. On our last full day at the Summit, we walked to The Park. The Park is one of the largest skateboard parks in the country. It included a half pipe and a foam pit. We learned many tricks. Sadly, The Trax, a BMX park, had been rained out. Luckily, the Summit is equipped with many more optional activities for times like those. They were also great if you perhaps didn't care to do a scheduled activity. Most of the mini-activities were located at Action Point. It was a taste of programs offered at the Summit. Water activities took place at Water Reality. It includes many inflatables and obstacle courses. Both locations were open in the evening for free time after dinner. A cornerstone of Venturing is high-adventure. This week was a great way to explore that. We participated in many extreme activities, some of which aren’t offered many other places. It challenged us as individuals and as a crew.

For more information: see SummitBSA.org

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ALPS | LEADERSHIP Guidelines for Councils: Achieve Venturing Excellence Wouldn’t it be great if there was a checklist to follow in achieving Venturing Excellence at the council level? Well there is! In 2013, two of our councils were awarded the Council Standards of Venturing Excellence Award. Congratulations again to Muskingum Valley Council and Great Trail Council. You can use the CSVE early in the year to plan to be an excellent VOA and thereby give everyone an excellent Venturing Experience. Download the form from the link and use it like a planning check list for this year.


There are 11 core requirements and the council must meet 5 of 9 electives to qualify for the award. Do the core and the electives on the form and enjoy your Excellence.

A Short version of the core requirements are: 1) Positive growth in membership or crews 2) Have a VOA running according to national standards 3) Awarding one or more Council VLAs 4) The VOA planned at least one council wide event 5) VOA makes an effort to recognize recipients of Venturing Awards 6) Key 3 met at least 6 times 7) VOA president presents a report to the board 8) Up to date Council Venturing Website 9) VOA met at least 4 times in the year 10) A council representative participated in an Area meeting 11) VOA uses social networks to communicate. The 2016 form will be released later this year so keep your eye out for it.

Guidelines for Crews: Achieve Venturing Excellence Crews get a checklist also to help them achieve Venturing Excellence. The 2015 Venturing Crew Journey to Excellence (JTE) form is available now at

Scouting.org/JTE. Crews can achieve points in 9 objectives in three levels each: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Objectives cover Planning and budgeting, membership, program, and volunteer leadership. In program you see the influence of the ALPS planning model with standards suggested in Adventure, Leadership, Personal Growth, and Service.

Area Venturing Training Conferences Coming to You This Fall Plans are currently being made. As you read in Michael Gunther's article. Watch our Facebook feeds to learn the dates and locations. Join Our page to be sure to see those updates


Area 4 Venturing Planning and Leadership Conference , October 2-4, 2015 We will again hold our Area Venturing Planning and Leadership Conference at Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation October 24, 2015. During the day Saturday, we will participate in the Area 4 Conference in Zanesville. Details on the planning conference will be announced on our Facebook group page and on

our website. The Annual Meeting of the Central Region Area 4 Venturing Committee with the Area 4 VOA meets at the Area 4 Conference. Go to our website at


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How can Councils Organize for Venturing Success? The Problem: Declining membership in Venturing. The Solution: - More and Better Quality VOAs and - Councils that Structure their Venturing Program for Success Key 5 solution Five persons that will help your council “Structure for Success.” Council Venturing Chairman* Council VOA Advisor* Council Venturing President Council Staff Professional Assistant Council Commission-

What is our evidence? In 2012-2013 Councils in the Central Region with a Venturing Officer Association lost 9% of their members. Councils without a VOA lost 27%, that is THREE TIMES the loss in VOA councils. Is there something magical about having a VOA? Probably not (although VOAs are amazing), but councils with VOAs are invested in the success of the Venturing Program. 40% of our membership in the Central Region and 60% of our councils are not represented by a VOA.

er-Venturing *Many councils have one person serving both functions.

Request our

Contact: Area4President@CRVenturing.org and let’s talk about how the C4VOA can help you.

Starting and Sustaining a Council VOA

President Starting and Sustaining VOAs and (2) Our Area 4 Membership Plan. The latter features a section on the key 5 people in a council to operate a VOA.

and Officers to attend your council functions. Starting a Council VOA is not easy and can be a confusing task. This presentation offers ideas on how to start a VOA and how to sustain it from year to year. The page features operating procedures, a link to the VOA page on CRVenturing.org and presentations we have given in person on (1)

WE CAN HELP TRAIN AND PROVIDE RESOURCES AT  Annual Area Venturing Training Conferences  Annual Area 4 Venturing Committee Meeting & planning session at Area 4 Conference in October  Visiting or providing resources for your University of Scouting events  Participating in your College of Commissioner Science  Direct training of your Council VOA officers and Advisors

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ALPS | Personal Growth Training for all Youth: NYLT and NAYLE

Learn more about NAYLE at

Facebook.com/BSANAYLE or view the webpage at

Scot Nielson, Area 4 Venturing VP Training:

http://www.scouting.org/ scoutsource/BoyScouts/ Resources/NAYLE.aspx

The four parts of our Venturing program are Adventure, Leadership, Personal Growth, and Service and I believe that no program provided by the BSA exemplifies these four areas as cohesively and fully as NAYLE. NAYLE is the highest training experience the BSA offers for youth, and is now held at Philmont, Sea Base, Northern Tier, and The Summit. If you have completed and enjoyed National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), you are most likely eligible to participate in this program full of new Scouting skills and their application to leadership. I can guarantee that you'll meet some amazing people; I am consistently amazed at the diversity and commitment to Scouting of the people I have met. If you are looking for a new experience with Scouting, go to NAYLE!

You should take ILSC in your crew then go to NYLT and then apply for the best training experience there is, NAYLE. As to Other Training: Let me know if your VOA or council can use any assistance in bringing the best of Venturing Training to your youth and volunteers. We are available to assist with your University of Scouting or other events. Please contact Scot Nielson at Area4VP-training@crventuring.org. We will make a strong attempt to accommodate your request.

Take Your family to Philmont Training Center and learn about Venturing Venturers 18-20 and adults involved in Venturing at a unit, district, or council level, come and learn firsthand how you can take on the challenge and fun of the new Venturing A-L-P-S program. The new Venturing Planning model builds on success from the past and provides a framework for a dynamic program of Adventure, Leadership, Personal growth and Service. It is grounded in a flexible program of continuous, youth-led adventure with the new recognition system providing Venturers with benchmarks of progress. You will learn all about the Venturing award matrix and how to help your Venturers achieve the Venturing Summit award. This is a terrific event for your entire family (don’t forget your western wear for Western Night!) We're looking for a large turnout of Central Region Venturers and Advisors during the August 915 session. Faculty for this event are 2015-2016 Central Region Venturing President Brian Parro, 20142015 Central Region Venturing President Emily Mausshardt and Dr. Ken King, Central Region Associate Advisor and author-lead of the new venturing handbook and guidebook. Register here: http://reservations.scouting.org/profile/form/index.cfm?PKformID=0x34505e514 You can see the full 2015 schedule at http://www.philmontscoutranch.org/PTC/ConferencesO.aspx (other conferences may be more your “cup of tea!” or suit members of your own family better)

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ALPS | Service Council Happenings Great Trail Council Aug 22-23 Luau and Pool Party Sept 13 Goal Setting and Time Management Training Katelyn Keckler, President Kimberly Myers, Advisor

Buckeye Council

Get your events in the calendar Let us know and remember to add your events to the Central Region Venturing Calendar at CRVenturing.org /Activities/ Events_Listing

Scot Nielson, President John Fehrenbach, Advisor

Muskingum Valley Aug 3-8 NYLT Julia Roberts, President Connie Roberts, Advisor

Ohio River Valley

Messengers of Peace Launched in September 2011, Messengers of Peace is a global initiative designed to inspire millions of young men and women in more than 220 countries and territories to work toward peace. Using state-ofthe-art social media, the initiative lets Scouts from around the world share what they’ve done and inspire fellow Scouts to undertake similar efforts in their own communities. Peace encompasses three dimensions:

1. The personal dimension: harmony, justice, and equality 2. The community dimen-

Doug Reinbold, President Liz Yaron, Advisor

Simon Kenton Oct 2-4 LNT Trainer Course Patty Hisey, Advisor

Buckskin Aug 22 Venturing Leader Specific Training Matthew Blackwood, District VOA Advisor

Greater Cleveland July 26-Aug 1 NYLT Stephanie Rickets, Advisor


sion: peace as opposed to hostility or violent conflict Relationships between humankind and its environment: security, social and economic welfare, and relationship with the environment

Any Scout or Scouter who participates in a project that has had a significant impact on the community in any one of the three dimensions above can qualify as a Messenger of Peace.


Mountaineer Area Jul 26 - Aug 1 Venturing Wilderness Challenge Camp Will Drennen, Advisor

Heart of Ohio Greg Gradisek, Advisor

Allohak Stewart Lewis, Advisor

Greater Western Reserve No VOA Nov 7 Venturing Leaders Specific Training

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Photo Caption Contest

From the photo booth at WorldFest 2015 on Friday night and from a living room somewhere in cyberspace comes two photos for you to caption. Give us a great caption and you may be richly rewarded with your name and crew number appearing in the next issue of The Adventurer. So send your captions to Area4VP-communications@CRVenturing.org and you may be a winner. Submissions may also be made on our social media. And winners may be acknowledged there as well.

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Michael Gunther 2015-2016 Area 4 Venturing President Area4President@CRVenturing.org Veronica Day 2015-2016 Area 4 VP Communications Area4VP-communications@CRVenturing.org Duane Zobrist, Area 4 Advisor DZ@DuaneZobrist.com Steve Myers, Area 4 Associate Advisor Communication Area4AA-communications@CRVenturing.org Josh Cunningham, Area Venturing Staff Advisor Todd Walter, Area 4 Director

Stay in touch with us Hey Everyone! I just wanted to let you know that if you ever have any questions on absolutely anything in Venturing, from upcoming activities to the ALPS model, that myself, and my fellow

officers would be more than happy to help you in any way possible. Also, send me what your crew is doing and you could be in the next Newsletter. My email address is below. Yours in Venturing, Veronica

Want to get your event or a story about your crew or Council VOA in the ADVENTURER? Send your entries to Area4VP-communications@CRVenturing.org Recommended size: 1-2 pictures and 100-175 words https://sites.google.com/a/crventuring.org/c4voa/

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