Carla Gargas Area 6 Venturing Advisor
Leaving Area 6 In Good Hands! After four FUN years as the Area 6 Venturing Advisor, it's time for some fresh ideas and new energy, and that is exactly what we will have in Anne Zimmer's leadership! We have a great crew of officers on the VOA and three dedicated Associate Advisors to help Anne move the VOA into 2016 and beyond.
When I was approached for this role 4 years ago it was April (way past time for elections) and we had ONE interested youth and no Associate Advisors! No problem, right? With help from Scout Execs around the Area, I was able to identify some very able adult volunteers to serve as Associate Advisors and to help me find energetic young adults to recruit as Area VOA officers. Since then I've had the pleasure of working with four phenomenal Area 6 Presidents (Dagny Gargas, Mandi Forsythe, Jennifer Bullock, and Amber Richter) and many others in the VP positions in Area 6. We've survived CRVOO conference weekends, planned some fabulous Area events, and had a great time doing it all! It's been a wonderful cap to my 15 years as a BSA volunteer and I thank all of you for making it such a pleasure! Carla Gargas Area 6 Venturing Advisor Until 12/31/15
President’s Corner
Hello, this is your Area 6 President! I'm here to tell you what's up and what's happening! Well to start it off we had our Area 6 Fun Event called Venturing Halloweekend on the weekend of Halloween. It was a hit; we had a great time shooting rifle, pistol and shotgun! We also got to meet each other through some amazing games such as Hungry Hungry Hippos and an awesome scavenger hunt. We ended the weekend with an amazing costume party on Halloween! As of right now we are currently planning our "Manage your success to "Lead the Adventure"" which will be held on March 4th through the 5th at Camp Chief Little Turtle in Indiana. We will be going over goal setting, time management, and project management. Now Advisors, don't think we forgot about you; we are also offering crew committee challenge! This event will be so awesome and guess what, it's only $15! I hope to see you there!
Recent Events The Area 6 Fun Event: Venturing Halloweekend This awesome weekend took place on October 30th- November 1st at Camp Friedlander of Dan Beard Council. This event was held by the four officers and six advisors of your Area 6 VOA (Venturing Officers Association). On Friday night the participants watched Tim Burton’s “Nightmare Before Christmas” while enjoying freshly popped popcorn. Saturday after breakfast, everyone participated in a flag ceremony and Ice Breakers before heading to Shooting Sports. The Shooting Sports consisted of Rifle, Shotgun, and Handgun. After lunch, we continued to enjoy a scavenger hunt and other games like Hungry Hungry Hippos and Stocking Bowling, Some even participated in Gaga Ball. After Dinner, we held an awards ceremony for the winners of the events.
Then, we went back to our cabins and changed into Halloween costumes for the Halloween ball that had dancing, snacks, and a costume contest. A Scout’s own on Sunday concluded the wonderful weekend and everyone traveled home.
Upcoming Events
3-5-16 Manage your Success and “Lead the Adventure”! (Area 6 Conference) @ Camp Chief Little Turtle (Anthony Wayne Council)
7-9-16 Seabase Scuba Adventure @ Florida Seabase
7-27-16 Summer’s Last Bash in Springfield, Illinois (Central Region Fun Event)
Council Sites Erie Shores: Black Swamp: Dan Beard: Crossroads of America: Sagamore: Anthony Wayne: Hoosier Trails: LaSalle: Miami Valley: Buffalo Trace: Tecumseh:
Venturing Recruitment Kit Want to start Recruiting? Need help? The National Venturing Cabinet has put together a customizable Recruiting tool-kit that can help you in your efforts in expanding your Venturing crew. It’s Free Too! Check out the awesome fliers and recruitment materials on the national website!
Peer to Peer Recruiting Link:
Officer Emails Amber Richter – President: Billy Campbell- Vice President of Administration: Olivia Stacey- Vice President of Program: Sydney Roscoe-Vice President of Communications: If you have any questions please Email Us!
Add Your Activities
Did your Venturing crew partake in a really cool activity? We want to hear about it!! Just describe your event in at least one paragraph and include pictures (Pictures Optional), then send it to Sydney Roscoe, our VP of Communications at: !!
Scouting Comic
Hey Readers!!! Do you have a funny scouting memes or jokes for the next issue? If so, send it to‌.. We will look at all the applicants and pick the best one for the next issue! Good luck!! The Area 6 VOA
Thank you for Reading!!