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IT WOULD BE AN HONOR TO CONTINUE TO SERVE Dear North Greenbush Residents: I am proud to announce my candidacy for North Greenbush Town Judge. I have more than three years of service as Town Justice, and it has been an honor to serve my community. During my service, I have fairly resolved and decided a wide range of cases, and as an attorney in private practice, litigated cases in courts throughout the area. I believe my experience and understanding of how Town Court operates makes me a uniquely qualified candidate. Operation of Town Court is important to our community, and I take great care with my decisions and in ensuring our court operates honestly and effectively. As Town Judge, I have strived to give equal consideration to each case. Working with court staff, we applied for, and were successfully awarded, $13,884 in grant monies over the past three years resulting in enhanced security at no cost to taxpayers. Other accomplishments include initiation of an internship program with Hudson Valley Community College and local high schools. In addition to the training I received as a Town Justice, I have been an attorney for 16 years, in Capital District firms and have been engaged in my own practice serving community residents. For over a decade, I have served as an assigned attorney for children. For several semesters, I was an instructor at RPI. I would be honored to earn your vote on election day to continue the work I started. ~ Sincerely, Judge Megan Miner Malone
Page 2 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
The following students working toward a Doctor of Pharmacy degree have been named to the Dean’s List at Western New England for the spring semester of 2015. Students are named to the Dean’s List for achieving a semester grade point average of 3.80 or higher. Emily Eddy of Schaghticoke, Megan Ooms of Rensselaer, Katie Schmidt of East Greenbush. The following students have been named to Dean’s List at Western New England for the spring semester of 2015. Students are named to the Dean’s List for achieving a semester grade point average of 3.30 or higher. Anthony G. Judge of Troy, Jennifer L. Brady of Castleton On Hudson, Kyle A. Thibeault of Wynantskill.
SUNY NEW PALTZ OUTSTANDING GRADUATES The 2015 SUNY New Paltz Outstanding Graduates ceremony was held in recognition of the superb achievement, in and out of the classroom, of a select group of undergraduate and graduate students representing all five of New Paltz’s schools. The following Outstanding Graduates were recognized: Kelly Moak of East Nassau; and Sarah Walling of Castleton on Hudson.
SCHOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMER Summer is upon us and you still have the chance to make it memorable for a New York City child! Each summer, nearly 4,000 inner-city children visit suburban, rural and small town communities across 13 states from Virginia to Maine and Canada through The Fresh Air Fund’s Volunteer Host Family Program. By volunteering as a host family in the Albany area, you can help give a child a break from the heat and noise of the crowded city streets while enjoying your own backyard! The Fresh Air Fund is currently seeking more families to give inner-city children a Fresh Air experience this summer. Fresh Air children are boys and girls, from six to 18 years old, who live in New York City. Children on first-time visits are six to 12 years old and stay for one or two weeks. Children who are reinvited by host families may continue with The Fresh Air Fund through age 18 and can enjoy extended trips. For more information on hosting a Fresh Air child, please contact Tenniel Hansen at 518-441-4407 or visit www.freshair.org.
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ADOPTION DAY JULY 25TH at the Animal Hospital in Slingerlands Please spread the word and stop in to meet your next forever friend! Also, we would like to thank all of YOU for helping us reach our goal of donating more than 20,000 lbs. of food to the rescue animals!
OPEN HOUSE at NASSAU FARM NEAR PROPOSED COMPRESSOR STATION On Saturday, July 11th from 3:00-6:00 PM, the Reilly family and Stop NY Fracked Gas Pipeline (SNYFGP), will host a tour at the Reilly Farm, 149 Clarks Chapel Road, Nassau, NY, which is across the street from the 142 acre parcel where one compressor station has been proposed. A high-pressure fracked gas pipeline is being planned to traverse Albany and Rensselaer Counties, by Texas-based energy giant Kinder Morgan, which requires industrial scale compressor stations to operate every 30-40 miles. This event, will offer the public and elected officials the opportunity to see first hand, how the proposed compressor station will dramatically affect the lives of the residents of the area surrounding the site. The proposed compressor station would be one of the largest in the country, having three compressors totaling 90,000 horsepower. The facility will consume approximately 20 acres, with the compressors and flared gas providing a 24/7 source of noise, light, and contaminants to pollute the surrounding area. ~ Dan Spilman, Nassau Editors Note: The above article does not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the Editor or the Staff of THE ADVERTISER, and for all intents and purposes is impossible to verify the truth and veracity of its contents.
EAST GREENBUSH PLACES NEW APPARATUS IN SERVICE On Tuesday, June 30th, the East Greenbush Fire District No. 3 dedicated their new 2015 Spartan ERV engine tanker in a ceremony held at the Fire Company’s Frank Becker Pavilion. The truck was dedicated to Chief Charles Link, the 1st Fire Chief of the East Greenbush Fire Company, who served at the inception of the Fire Company in 1916. It was especially significant as Chief Link’s daughter was present to witness the dedication and played an integral role in the ceremony. In addition to affixing the commemorative plaque to the apparatus, Ms. Link directed a water stream at the new truck, carrying on the traditional fire service practice of “wetting down” a new piece of apparatus. The family of Chief Link was present as well; his family has been instrumental in the East Greenbush Fire Company over the years and continues to be, currently spanning four generations. At the conclusion of the historic ceremony, the new truck was placed into service at the Company’s Main Station on Hays Road. The truck was furnished by Arrowhead Equipment and replaces a 1997 Pierce engine which served the residents of Fire District No. 3 faithfully over the years. The Pierce was sold to the Cherokee Falls Fire Department in South Carolina and they are proud to have this apparatus on their roster.
Poestenkill Town Board Abandons Their Town Residents — They’re Not Blacklisted Letter to the Editor: In a recent inflammatory and accusatory Letter to the Editor published by the Advertiser July 1, 2015 written by Poestenkill board member, David Hass, he inaccurately blames the Sand Lake Ambulance for “blacklisting” Poestenkill and not caring about children or pregnant women. The fact is that the same Poestenkill board member, other board members and the town supervisor voted to dissolve their town ambulance service and enter into an agreement with Mohawk Ambulance, a commercial service, to provide coverage to their town in 2014 without increasing any resources in that area. While this may sound good in theory, (Save money to stay under the 2% tax cap and have the Brunswick Mohawk ambulance unit cover Poestenkill) the reality is that the Mohawk Ambulance has increased their responsibility in Rensselaer County, but has not increased their resources and responds from their Town of Brunswick station to all calls in Poestenkill “when resources are available”. This same Mohawk unit that covers the town of Brunswick also responds to Grafton, Berlin, Petersburgh, Pittstown, or any area in Rensselaer County to the Vermont/Massachusetts state line if a paramedic is needed. There is no dedicated ambulance unit for the town of Poestenkill and no ambulance located in Poestenkill. The Brunswick unit responds to EMS calls in the town of Poestenkill when available. The red units pictured are Paramedic agencies; the blue units are BLS (Basic Life Support - Non-Paramedic ambulances). As you can see, there is little Paramedic coverage in rural Rensselaer County. If there’s anyone to be upset with, it is the leadership (or lack thereof) in the town of Poestenkill. We at Sand Lake Ambulance have voiced our concerns on numerous occasions that their plan would spread resources too thin, result in lengthy response times and that the Mohawk unit may often be unavailable for calls in the town of Poestenkill. The Poestenkill town supervisor, Dominic Jacangelo’s response was, “If you want a 10 minute response, move to the city of Troy”. Mr. Jacangelo and his supporters were admitting that a 25 minute response time would be acceptable to their town residents. Most of their residents are not aware of these facts. Robbie MacCue, President Rodney Brenner, Chief Sand Lake Ambulance
Editors Note: The above article does not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the Editor or the Staff of THE ADVERTISER, and for all intents and purposes is impossible to verify the truth and veracity of its contents.
Letter to the Editor: In response to “Matters and DiMartino Way Off the Mark” in the June 25, 2015 edition of the Advertiser, we are, in fact, spot on the mark. Since taking office in 2014, Supervisor Langley has refused to recognize us as elected officials. Instead, he has treated us like employees under his control. When we were unable to support his every decision, he took offense and ousted us from his inner circle of colleagues. In our recent “Smart Way Forward Not Meant To Be” article, we were not airing “petty political disagreements,” we were informing the residents that the pledge we made to work with Supervisor Langley to “fix the town” was meaningless since he never intended to adopt our campaign platform, and, inexplicably, he never told us this while we were campaigning, which showed his complete lack of regard for us as candidates and for the residents of the town as well. After 18 months in office, we are now realizing the fallout from Supervisor Langley’s lack of attention to long-term planning and internal controls. The new quick-fix strategy for the town’s finances has gone from applying for a casino to applying for grant money; however, as the town searches for free money, we are discovering that money is, of course, never free. The grant-application process is lengthy, involved, and costly. The only way to take full advantage of grants is to have strategic, long-term planning; however, since the supervisor is more of an “in the moment” kind of guy, applying for grants has been a tenuous start-up process at best. While we know nothing of “political stunts,” we know everything about yet another supervisor who is simply not suited to performing the critically important job of running a town. This was supported by former Deputy Supervisor Ed Gilbert when he recently reminded us of “the very real fiscal problems and issues [still] facing East Greenbush.” ~ Mary Ann Matters and Deberah DiMartino, East Greenbush Town Board Members
Editors Note: The above article does not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the Editor or the Staff of THE ADVERTISER, and for all intents and purposes is impossible to verify the truth and veracity of its contents.
Merrimack College Dean’s List for spring 2015 has been announced. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student must achieve a 3.25 GPA out of a 4.0 grading system. The following local students have earned Dean’s List Status: Niall Coughlin of Castleton on Hudson, Jessica MacDonald of Rensselaer, Julie Salisbury of Rensselaer, Nora Baker of Troy.
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 3
ED GILBERT IS WAY OFF THE MARK AGAIN Letter to the Editor: Another week has passed — another week of Mr. Gilbert’s pot shots at Councilpersons Matters and DiMartino. In his recent Letter to the Editor, Mr. Gilbert places blame for dysfunction of the TB’s Republican majority squarely and solely on the shoulders of Matters and DiMartino. His skewed perspective runs contrary to all that I’ve observed over the past years. To anyone tracking the actions of key players in this town, it’s well understood that Langley has bullied DiMartino and Matters since the day they were elected. Through intimidation and iron fist tactics, he demanded that they fall in line like good little soldiers, with him barking the orders. There are too many stories about his tirades and screaming tantrums, directed at Deb and Mary Ann, not to be believed. As testament to their intelligence, they finally had enough and mutinied. The current TB, PB, and ZBs are fraught with practices that run contrary to good government and Langley sets that tone. Their actions speak to self-interest and backroom deals; NOT fixing EG’s many problems. Gilbert’s repeated statement that Langley achieved a $1.6 million debt reduction is unsupportable based on the town’s inability to produce auditable documentation of such. As a long-time business professional, I am stupefied by Langley’s lackadaisical attitude toward our “broken beyond repair” financial accounting system. In the real world, any competent manager would be urgently working 24/7 to fix this crisis. It’s been 3.5 years and he still hasn’t repaired the problem. This is a dereliction of duty and any manager in the business world would have been fired after one year of such substandard performance. Are there “fingers in the fiscal cookie jar?” Who knows! Is Langley’s apathetic attitude a sign of laziness, incompetence or more? Regardless, it’s a pathetic legacy of nonperformance. The residents of EG are finally waking up and taking notice. Mr. Gilbert’s so-called “small special interest group” is actually an ever-growing number of voters who are fed up with years of town government mismanagement. Mr. Gilbert’s rock throwing can’t obscure the truth. ~ Bill Reinhold, East Greenbush Resident Editors Note: The above article does not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the Editor or the Staff of THE ADVERTISER, and for all intents and purposes is impossible to verify the truth and veracity of its contents.
Understanding Mutual Aid Mutual aid is, as defined by the N.Y.S. Department of Health; “ a pre-planned, organized and coordinated response of EMS agencies to a request for assistance when local EMS resources are either temporarily unavailable, or have already been expended”. However, mutual aid plans are not intended to substitute for the following: An EMS agency’s continued, routine, or frequent inability to provide EMS response when requested due to staffing or equipment shortages; Or contracting with an appropriately authorized EMS agency. The Sand Lake Ambulance does not have operating authority (as required by NYS DOH) to cover the town of Poestenkill for primary ambulance service as Mohawk & Empire ambulances do, and under the mutual aid guidelines to respond it MUST be a mutual aid situation. When Mohawk’s ambulance is unavailable to serve Poestenkill because it is servicing another town, this is when Rensselaer County dispatch has called for SLA to respond. However, under these conditions, the call is not for mutual aid, the call is for primary ambulance service to Poestenkill. Poestenkill giving up their ambulance service and relying on another town’s service without adding additional resources is not considered a mutual aid situation. Sand Lake Ambulance provides mutual aid BLS (Basic Life Support, ambulance staffed with an EMT) coverage at a reciprocal level to Hoags Corners, Nassau, Schodack, Stephentown, Berlin, and ALS (Advanced Life Support, an ambulance staffed with a Paramedic) coverage at a reciprocal level to the towns of North and East Greenbush. These towns have DEDICATED ambulance services that are used to meet their own needs, and the needs of their mutual aid partners as well. Unlike the commercial service remotely covering Poestenkill, they do not run to every corner of the county leaving their towns unattended. Our mutual aid partners do not complain because Sand Lake Ambulance provides a dedicated service to their towns and only call for mutual aid service when their own resources are being used for and within their own town, and they do not call us for a primary response position. If Poestenkill established a dedicated service for their town, as they had before dissolving their service, we would respond, as we did in the past, for mutual aid calls at a reciprocal level. Protecting Our Residents Spreading our existing resources too thin would jeopardize the safety of the residents of Sand Lake, and the last scenario we would want is to be in the town of Poestenkill for a sick person when a child in Sand Lake goes into severe anaphylaxis or sudden cardiac arrest. The fact is that our organization has been more concerned about the residents of Poestenkill and rural Rensselaer County than their town boards have been. Furthermore, Mr. Hass complains that SLA is refusing to cover the schools in Poestenkill. It is still the responsibility of Poestenkill to provide primary ambulance service to these schools. The town of Poestenkill dissolved their ambulance service, and directed Mohawk to take on this responsibility. Poestenkill’s decision to alter ambulance service to their town does not transfer that responsibility to Sand Lake Ambulance. We are extremely concerned about the negative effect of Poestenkill’s decision to break away from the cooperative mutual aid system that
LOCAL STUDENTS NAMED TO BUCKNELL UNIV. DEAN’S LIST Bucknell University has released the dean’s list for outstanding academic achievement during the 2015 spring semester. Dean’s list students have achieved a grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a scale of 4.0. Matthew De Santis of East Greenbush was named to the dean’s list at Bucknell University for the spring semester of 2014-15 academic year. Emily Mack of Troy was named to the dean’s list at Bucknell University for the spring semester of 2014-15 academic year.
Page 4 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
LOCAL STUDENT NAMED to HAMILTON COLLEGE DEAN’S LIST KaraLin R. Pintye-Everett, daughter of Rosemary Pintye-Everett and James Everett of West Sand Lake, has been named to the Dean’s List at Hamilton College for the 2015 spring semester. To be named to the Dean’s List, a student must have carried throughout the semester a course load of four or more graded credits with an average of 3.5 or above. Pintye-Everett, a rising junior majoring in psychology, is a graduate of Emma Willard School. we and other towns have successfully used for so many years, and we have discussed this at length with our town and our attorneys. We have voiced our concern to the Averill Park School District, the Town of Poestenkill and Rensselaer county leadership to no avail. We at Sand Lake Ambulance are dedicated to protecting the residents of the Town of Sand Lake, we are contracted and 50% subsidized by the Town of Sand Lake. The average $200k property assessment in Sand Lake pays $60 per year for Paramedic level ambulance coverage in the town of Sand Lake. Many want this service provided, but the Towns of Sand Lake, North Greenbush & East Greenbush are currently the only ones willing to pay for it. Households pay more for a month of cable than a year’s worth of Paramedic level ambulance coverage. We have offered our services to Mr. Hass to help Poestenkill recruit and retain members to build a service. This is a lengthy and time consuming process that takes dedication, community involvement, and of course, money. We at SLA work very hard through the efforts of our concerned citizen/volunteers to make our organization viable, productive, and responsive to the needs of our community. We have not packed up our bags and quit when the task at hand was difficult. We hope that the town of Poestenkill comes up with a plan to ensure their residents have adequate coverage so that we can continue our mutual aid efforts to our neighbors. We are deeply concerned about our residents and our neighbors and we urge others to be as well. Robbie MacCue, President Rodney Brenner, Chief Sand Lake Ambulance Editors Note: The above article does not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the Editor or the Staff of THE ADVERTISER, and for all intents and purposes is impossible to verify the truth and veracity of its contents.
NED PIPELINE FERC PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED Letter to the Editor: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will be holding a series of public hearings along the proposed Kinder Morgan Northeast Direct (NED) Pipeline route. There are hearings scheduled On Tuesday, July 14th; and Wednesday, July 15th, for southern Rensselaer County, with both nights starting at 6:30 PM, and lasting as long as necessary. These hearings will be at Birch Hill, One Celebration Way, Castleton-on-Hudson (518)732-4444. The hearings are required to allow for people to provide comments to the federal agency that is responsible for approving interstate gas pipelines. Comments can be made in person at these events, but also can be made online using the eComment feature on the Commission’s website (www.ferc.gov) under the documents and filings link, or by mail to Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426. The proposed NED Pipeline is a 36" pipeline that will carry fracked gas at 1460 PSI from Pennsylvania to Dracut, Massachusetts, traversing the Towns of Schodack, Nassau, and Stephentown. There would be several extremely large compressor stations along the route, included one proposed at the intersection of County Route 15 and Clarks Chapel Road (just south of Burden Lake), in Nassau, NY. Currently, a small percentage of this gas is projected to be used in the US (none in New York), with other natural gas infrastructure already proposed to allow for export of this gas overseas. ~ Dan Spilman, Nassau Editors Note: The above article does not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the Editor or the Staff of THE ADVERTISER, and for all intents and purposes is impossible to verify the truth and veracity of its contents.
AREA STUDENTS GRADUATE from PAUL SMITH’S COLLEGE The following students graduated on May 9, 2015, from Paul Smith’s College, which is located in the Adirondack Park of New York state. Paul Baker of Buskirk, N.Y., earned an associate of applied science degree in forest technology. Nathan Piche of Hoosick Falls, N.Y., earned a bachelor of science degree in forestry. Alexander Piela of East Greenbush, N.Y., earned a bachelor of science degree in environmental sciences. Nicholas Stevens of Hoosick Falls, N.Y., earned an associate of applied science degree in arboriculture and landscape management.
EGCC Scholastic Team: (L-R Front Row) Mokshagna Ravilla, Balaji Mahadevan, Ellie Cerf; (L-R Middle Row) Sam Koblensky, Ian Shaughnessy, Peter Truesdell, Quen Rappazzo; (L-R Rear Row) Jared Wargacki, Nick Rappazzo, Connor Hurley, Mary Livingston, Shane Thorkildsen. For the fifth consecutive year, the scholastic team of the East Greenbush Chess Community (EGCC) was awarded first place for the 2014-2015 academic year. In addition, EGCC’s Balaji Mahadevan was awarded Player of the Year. More than 500 competitors participated in a series of chess tournaments held in various locations throughout the Capital Region. The tournaments were sponsored by Make The Right Move, the capital region’s chapter of The Right Move, dedicated to free chess tournaments for youth. Adult competition is also encouraged. Brother John McManus from La Salle School serves as the Senior Level USCF certified Tournament Director in these nationally certified chess tournaments. The mission of EGCC is to promote a chess community in Rensselaer County. The club meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 in the Sunshine Day Care building at 14 Hayes Rd in East Greenbush. EGCC provides various chess activities that include weekly classes, monthly tournaments and individual coaching. The club is open to people of all ages and membership is free. Individuals with an interest in chess are encouraged to browse their website at www.egcc.club. They can also contact Bill at 477-2820 for more information.
A TASTE of SAND LAKE MASQUERADE THEME!!!! Come join us at the Old Daley Inn on Crooked Lake for our 8th annual A Taste of Sand Lake event to benefit the Sand Lake Center for the Arts. This lively and fun event will be held on Thursday, August 13th, from 6PM-9PM. Enjoy fare from local restaurants, silent auction, live entertainment, with a cash bar. The cost is $50 per person, also available is the Honorary Committee and Sponsorships…Shining Star $500 (includes 8 tickets) Four Star $275 (includes 4 tickets) Three Star $150 (includes 2 tickets) all committee and sponsorships include V.I.P. tasting starting at 5:00….If you are interested in donating a silent auction item contact Debbie Bucher Wager at 518-225-1433. Tickets available at www.slca-ctp.org or by calling 518-6742007…Masquerade attire optional!
AREA SUNY POTSDAM STUDENTS NAMED TO PRESIDENT’S LIST The State University of New York at Potsdam recently named 907 students to the President’s List, in recognition of their academic excellence in the Spring 2015 semester. The SUNY Potsdam students were honored for earning top marks by President Kristin G. Esterberg. The students included: Molly Bonnier of Melrose, NY, whose major is Dance; Emily Chevrette of Troy, NY, whose major is Music Education; Katherine Danforth of Hoosick Falls, NY, whose major is Theatre; Rebecca Derubertis of Troy, NY, whose major is Business Administration; Angelina Doherty of East Nassau, NY, whose major is Visual Arts (Bachelor of Fine Arts); Jillian Dolder of Castleton On Hudson, NY, whose major is Physics; Sarah McHugh of Nassau, NY, whose major is Biology; Cory Moon of Schaghticoke, NY, whose major is Music Education; Madeline Morizio of Troy, NY, whose major is Music Education; Jack Moulton of Castleton On Hudson, NY, whose major is Politics; Adriana Rizzo of Cropseyville, NY, whose major is Childhood/Early Childhood Education; Jatinder Sharma of East Greenbush, NY, whose major is Mathematics; Erik Viner of Stephentown, NY, whose major is History. To achieve the honor of being on the President’s List, each student must have satisfactorily completed 12 numericallygraded semester hours, with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 5
RED CROSS BABYSITTING COURSE American Red Cross Babysitting Course will be held at Church of the Covenant in Averill Park on 7/11 & 8/12 from 9-3pm. The cost is $65pp and includes the certification, for ages 10 & older. To register for one of the classes, message Brenda at brendaleigh7@gmail.com.
JMS Party Rentals
Bounce Houses • 15x15 • 18 ft. slide • Bounce/Slide Combo • Obstacle Courses • Joust/ Boxing Ring • Water Slide We also have tents, • Slip ‘n Slide tables & chairs.
283-5803 • www.jmspartyrentals.com TIE-DYING IN THE VILLAGE OF NASSAU The Village of Nassau Youth Committee and the Nassau Free Library are pleased to announce the 3rd annual tie-dying workshops at the Village Commons, John Street, on Thursday, July 16; and Tuesday, July 21. Learn the art of tie-dying, listen to “groovy” music from the 1960’s, and enjoy homemade desserts. Open to kids of all ages, these events will start promptly at 6pm—rain or shine—and last about an hour. Participants need to bring a clean white or very light-colored T-shirt. Tie-dying can be messy, so an apron to protect your clothes is recommended. Choose the date you want to attend, and give us a call at 522-2916 or email judyz_05262@yahoo.com to reserve your spot! There is no charge to come, but we are asking everyone to bring a nonperishable food item (for people or pets) to donate to the Nassau Resource Center.
Page 6 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
SUMMER SAMPLER at CRAILO STATE HISTORIC SITE Reservations are now being accepted for Crailo State Historic Site’s Summer Sampler. This week long experience is open to children aged 7 – 12 and runs July 2024 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm daily. Children may attend any or all of the days. Each day of the camp is dedicated to its own theme relating to the history of Crailo and the Dutch presence and legacy in the Hudson River Valley. This year days include, archeology, military, food, children and medicine. Each day will feature lessons, hands on activities and crafts. This year’s crafts will include grenadier caps, drums and hornbooks. Activities will include an archeological dig, cooking and drilling with colonial soldiers. The cost of the camp is $5 per day, $3 for children of members of Friends of Fort Crailo. You are strongly encouraged to call the site at (518)463-8738 to make reservations, as space is limited.
The free program BEST (Bringing Educators and Students Together) recently completed its third year of service to the Sand Lake Town Library. A huge thank you to our volunteers: Kathy Benson, Lindsey Bush, Beth Cioffi, Kristin Card, Carol Leith, Emma Mancino, Sally Southard, and Alicia St. Germain. Thanks also to Peg Squazzo for helping out when we needed it. BEST averaged 15 students per week this year and their families helped us donate $349 to the library and 47 cans or boxes of food to Doors of Hope. We are proud to help this community and look forward to starting up again this fall. Contact Nancy Bush at nbush7@nycap.rr.com if you’d like to know more about BEST.
M. VAUGHAN GRADUATED from KEENE STATE COLLEGE On Saturday, May 9, Keene State College’s Commencement honored the graduating class of 2015. Among the graduates was the following local student: McKenzie Vaughan of Nassau, NY graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication.
BOY SCOUT TROOP 528 MONTHLY BOTTLE DRIVE Troop 528 holds bottle drives on the 2nd Saturday of each month, this month is June 11th. Returnable bottles and cans can be dropped off next to the Troop’s signs located at main intersections in the Town of Poestenkill or placed curbside if you live along one of the routes on the morning of the bottle drive, or dropped off in the bin behind the North Greenbush Town Hall any time. Money raised from the bottle drives helps fund Troop activities. For questions or to schedule a bottle drop off or pick up, please call (518)9520528 or email Troop_528@yahoo.com.
JULY at the RENSSELAER PUBLIC LIBRARY Sign up for the free reader club at: www.Rensselaerlibrary.org and tell us what you’re reading to get prizes and enter raffles! Sign up ends July 31. • Craft Time– Tuesdays at 2 (kids ages 5-12) • Preschool Story-time– Fridays at 10:30 (ages 26) No sign-up required. • Teen Time– Thursdays, 6-8 PM (ages 13+) • Lego Party– July 11, 1 PM (ages 4-12) Food, fun and building. • RiverJackZ Beat box songs– July 18, 1 PM (ages 5-15) Write a song together! • Making Snacks– July 25, 11 AM (ages 8-18) Learn with Honest Weight Food Co-Op. Rensselaer Public Library, 676 East Street, Rensselaer, NY 12144 (518) 462-1193 Please call to sign up for events. Rensselaer Public Library is located across the street from the Amtrak parking lot. To learn more, see http:// rensselaerlibrary.org/ or visit the library’s Facebook page, http:/ /www.facebook.com/RensselaerLibrary.
WILDLIFE ALIVE! MEET LIVE BIRDS OF PREY IN GRAFTON The Grafton Community Library is sponsoring Wildlife Alive! on Saturday, July 18, at the Grafton Summer Festival from 11 am until 1 pm. Licensed wildlife rehabilitator Kelly Martin will introduce some of the birds of prey and other live animals in her care. Learn about where and how they live, and what to do if you find orphaned or injured wildlife. Wildlife rehabilitators licensed by New York State DEC care for injured or orphaned wildlife for release back into the wild. Rehabilitators volunteer their time and do not receive funding for expenses associated with their services. Kelly Martin serves as president of the New York State Wildlife Rehabilitation Council, is an education assistant at the Huyck Preserve, and holds a federal Migratory Bird Permit and a New York State Education/Exhibit Special License. Stop by the library’s booth to browse the paperbacks for sale and learn more about the Grafton Historical Mosaic project and other unique programs to come. Visit www.graftoncommunitylibrary.org for information about the free services and programs available at the library. In case of rain, the program will be at the library, located at 2455 NY Route 2.
NASSAU NURSERY ASSOCIATION of the KIDS’ PLACE PRESCHOOL THANKS YOU! The Nassau Nursery Association of The Kids’ Place Preschool in Nassau, New York, would like to thank the following businesses for their donations to our annual raffle fundraiser: Bountiful Blooms, Chuck Scott Auto Repair, Hoffman Car Wash, My Place & Co., Becker’s Farm, Therapeutic Touch, Lickety Split, Funplex Fun Park, Off Shore Pier, Nassau Vet Clinic, Karen Casey Cakes, Brookview Station Winery, Nassau Computer Repair, Hannaford, Honest Weight Food Co-op, Nassau Pharmacy, Jewelry Repair Center, Kinderhook Wine & Spirits, East Greenbush Bowling Center, M&M’s Sweets and Treats, Justin Coletti Acupuncture, M&M’s Tap and Tavern, Naturally Grown Boutique, and Country Trunk. The annual fundraiser helps the preschool provide the community a quality education for preschool age children. Please support these local businesses that generously give back to their community.
OPEN LETTER TO COUNCILMAN DAVID HASS Letter to the Editor: I am writing to correct the erroneous characterizations contained in Poestenkill Town Councilman David Hass’ letter to the Advertiser where he attacks the Sand Lake Ambulance (SLA) and the Town of Sand Lake for refusing to provide reciprocal emergency response services to the Town of Poestenkill. Here are the facts. The Town of Sand Lake contracts yearly with SLA (a not-forprofit organization) to operate, conduct and maintain ambulance services for all the people within Sand Lake. SLA operates within the boundaries of the Town under a certificate from the NYS Health Department. The taxpayers of Sand Lake pay $256,000 annually for basic and advanced life support on a 24-hour basis. The Town of Poestenkill no longer has a certificate to operate an ambulance and no longer funds ambulance service in Poestenkill. This was a deliberate policy decision by the elected officials of Poestenkill. As a replacement, the Poestenkill Town Board decided to utilize Mohawk Ambulance (a privately owned, for-profit organization) not housed in the Town of Poestenkill, but in the Town of Brunswick. Mohawk Ambulance serves multiple towns in Rensselaer County and the City of Troy out of the Brunswick location. New York State Law - Article 30 of the Public Health Law directly defines mutual aid agreements – as pre-planned, written agreements, entered into by ambulance services for the organized, coordinated, and cooperative reciprocal mobilization of personnel, equipment, services or facilities for back-up or support. Mutual aid agreements are not intended to substitute a Town’s unwillingness to fund and provide routine ambulance services within its Town and then enable that Town to strain and expand the resources of a neighbor. The Town of Poestenkill does not have a mutual aid agreement with SLA because the Town of Poestenkill is not able to provide reciprocal services to Sand Lake. Without this reciprocal service, SLA would be providing a gratuitous benefit for Poestenkill at the expense of the taxpayers in Sand Lake. NYS Constitutional Law – Article 8 prohibits Towns from “gifting” services. Councilman Hass’ transparent attempt to characterize the SLA and the Town of Sand Lake as heartless miscreants more concerned with their own parochial interests than the medical needs of their neighbors is egregious. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is the Town Board of Poestenkill is solely responsible for finding itself in this predicament by recklessly abandoning its own ambulance service. Hopefully, the citizens of Poestenkill will compel its own governing body to provide essential ambulance services rather than succumb to the mischaracterizations of Mr. Hass. Many years ago, SLA experienced difficulty getting a crew “off the floor” to respond to emergency calls mostly during daytime hours when many volunteers were working. In response to their struggle, the Sand Lake Town Board had the foresight and commitment to supplement SLA’s volunteer crew with funding for paid staff because they deemed ambulance services as vital and necessary for the health and welfare of the inhabitants of the community. Not surprisingly, it comes with a cost. Perhaps the Poestenkill Town Board will re-think and then refund ambulances services for their Town residents and the children attending schools within their Town. SLA and the Town of Sand Lake has and will continue to offer to help Poestenkill re-build capacity for ambulance services - to the mutual benefit of all. ~ Flora Fasoldt, Town of Sand Lake Supervisor Editors Note: The above article does not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the Editor or the Staff of THE ADVERTISER, and for all intents and purposes is impossible to verify the truth and veracity of its contents.
UNIV. of NEW HAMPSHIRE ANNOUNCES DEAN’S LIST for SPRING SEMESTER The following students have been named to the Dean’s List at the University of New Hampshire for the spring semester of the 2014-2015 academic year. Hannah Glanville of Averill Park has earned Honors, Kristina Spencer of East Greenbush has earned Honors, Sarah Spencer of East Greenbush has earned Honors, Jillian McDonough of Rensselaer has earned Honors, Devon Mullen of Rensselaer has earned Highest Honors, Christina McDonald of Rensselaer has earned Highest Honors, Lukas Goerigk of Berlin has earned Honors. Students named to the Dean’s List at the University of New Hampshire are students who have earned recognition through their superior scholastic performance. Highest honors are awarded to students who earn a semester grade point average of 3.85 or better out of a possible 4.0. Students with a 3.65 to 3.84 average are awarded high honors and students whose grade point average is 3.5 through 3.64 are awarded honors.
JULY PROGRAM AT GRAFTON HIST. SOC. Parker Francis Dunn: A Boy, His Bravery & A Bridge - More than 35,000 motorists drive over the Dunn Memorial Bridge each weekday, heading into work in Albany or home to the suburbs beyond the city of Rensselaer. It’s a safe bet that none of the commuters who cross the bridge know anything about the person for whom it is named. Even former Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings was stumped when asked. So, just who was Parker Francis Dunn? Where was he from? What did he do to have this span over the Hudson River named for him? Local historian Mark Bodnar has put together a Power Point presentation which will enlighten the audience on a piece of local history that’s all but forgotten in today’s world. Mark will reveal the life and bravery of this young, local hero that is only remembered today for the bridge that bears his name. The program is FREE and the public is welcome. Refreshments will be served. The Grafton Historical Society will meet at 7 PM in the Grafton Town Hall on July 15, 2015.
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 7
PET VACCINATION CLINICS During the upcoming clinics Rensselaer County Department of Health staff will provide the appropriate rabies vaccination and booster shots as mandated by the New York State Department of Health to cats, ferrets and dogs. Owners are asked to present their pets’ most recent immunization certificate, and all pets must be secured either in a carrier or on a leash. The first hour of each clinic is dedicated to cats and ferrets with the second hour dedicated to dogs. The dates, locations, times, and contact numbers are as follows: • 7/9/15, Thursday- 115th Street Firehouse, 115th St. and 5th Ave, Troy from 5 PM to 7PM; •9/3/15, Thursday- Brunswick Community Center, 18 Keyes Lane, Troy from 5PM to 7PM; Residents with questions regarding the rabies prevention program or other programs and services offered by the Rensselaer County Department of Health should call (518) 270-2655 or visit www.rensco.com and navigate to the Department of Public Health page.
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Page 8 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
PATROON DOG TRAINING CLUB NEW BEGINNERS OBEDIENCE CLASS Patroon Dog Training Club will be starting a New Beginners Obedience class on Monday, July 13th. The class will help you teach your dog basic commands like - to sit, to lie down, to walk with you on a leash, to come when called, and in general, to improve his/ her manners. The 8 week course will be held each Monday evening at 6PM at the VFW Post field in Poestenkill. For more information or to sign up, call Barb at 463-8615 or Janice at 235-3409.
LOCAL STUDENTS NAMED to COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE DEAN’S LIST The College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York, announced that 733 students have been named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2015 semester. Full-time students who complete a minimum of 12 credit hours and achieve a semester grade-point average of at least 3.5 with no grades of D, F, Incomplete or Pass/Fail are eligible for the Dean’s List. Students from this area who are on the Dean’s List for spring 2015 are: Eamonn Coughlin of Castleton, Alessa D’Alessio of Berlin, Kyle Harder of East Greenbush, Greg Meyers of Wynantskill, Daphne Soleil Paz of Troy, Connor Ramon of Rensselaer, Amy Zobre of Nassau, Jason Zobre of Nassau, Rachel Brandenberg of Troy, Tyler Casavant of Rensselaer, Quinn Massaroni of East Greenbush, Herman McLean of Troy, Christopher Miller of Averill Park, Colin Myers of Rensselaer, Jayson Overocker of Castleton, Tyler Prinzo of East Greenbush, Michelle Blaauboer of Troy, Heidi Brown of Nassau, Leah Dugrenier of Melrose, Emily Lisosky of Castleton, Fiona Lyons of Wynantskill, Brianna Mann of Troy, MacKenzie Mitchell of Valley Falls, Kristen Padula of Averill Park, Brittany Provencher of Troy, Alexa Reyes of Troy, Katherine Agard of East Greenbush, Margaret Baker of Troy, Kristin Bent of Rensselaer, Anna Carey of East Greenbush, Janet Garcia of Castleton, Amanda Harrington of Averill Park, Katelyn Kasmier of Troy, Ashley Keenan of Castleton on Hudson, Rosemarie Lenz of Troy, Alissa McGee of Troy, Sydney Ritchie-liddle of Valley Falls, Samantha Willson of Wynantskill.
RENSSELAER JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL HONORS LIST Ms. Karen T. Urbanski, Principal of Rensselaer Junior Senior High School, 25 Van Rensselaer Drive, Rensselaer, New York 12144; Telephone Number 436-8561; has announced the following students for the Principal’s List (89.38 - 98.00 average) and the Honor Roll (84.62 – 89.37 average) for the fourth quarter marking period. Principal’s List: Grade 12: Abhishek Anil Nair, Natasha Apple, Joshua Cirillo, Gabrielle D’Alessandro, Jonathan Hall, Shane Hamilton, Pwint Hnin, Krsna Jevons, Olivia Knapp, Emily Kretzschmar, Sabrina Medina, Roberts Moya Mercado, Ezra Neal, Gabrielle Pike, Curtis Rodriguez, Yasmin Santiago, Brian Sousis, Jr., Teresa Walls. Grade 11: Htat Aung, Phil Balabala, Jolene Bell, Donovan Burrows, Raven Bushey, Cassandra Costa, Cheyenne Cronin, Christopher Gil, Anthony Moore, Jr., Alexander Prusky, Crystal Rafferty, Sirawit Ratchatacharoenpong, Chelsey Reed, Christopher Spath, Gabriel Stephan. Grade 10: Christina Bellamy, Dean Biancaniello, Jr., Dylan Biancaniello, Isaac Brightbill, Annalise Burdick, Thomas Burgess III, Jordan Caywood, Bailee Dykeman, Moo Law Eh, Mae Endres, K Thari Han, Halana Hayner, Sudarat Hormhuan, Joshua Kenna, Natalie Mercedes, Ethan Radley, Ciara Saure, Imanda Silver, Valerie Stephan, Mia Stewart, Madison Tyndell, Zin Zin Wai, Hein Zaw, Hiluan Zi. Grade 9: Madison Berhaupt, Autumn Brown, Francisco Concepcion, Emily Davies, Rebecca Gier, May Hlaing, Kenneth Kenyon, Zo Ko, Htat Lwin, Zachary Mackey, Bryanna Mangual, Bryan Mangual, Alexandra Maxian, Brandon Myers, Xavier Nixon, Tyrese Smith, Alaysia Thomas, Ngun Tial. Grade 8: Motasam Alshami, Purevsuren Batdorj, Jayleigh Bellefeuille, Isabelle Bollman, Max Brady, Izaek Bulibek, Navia Bynum, Jenna Downey, Elijah Foust, Matthew French, Omar Garcia, Sean Gillan, Gianna Johnson, Matthew Kahler, Justine Katras, Allison Knapp, Catherine LaPorta, Brezney Lyon, Olivia Mangione, Priscilla Marrero, Monica Par, Olaposi Peters, Tino Rodriguez, Hsar Roe, Kaitlynn Salvinski, Joseph Sweet, Jr., Alani Thomas, Joshua Touzin, Kira Weston, Pavarisa Wongworaphornkun. Grade 7: Abigail Biancaniello, Jorge Concepcion, Naomi Davies, Annastasia Felt, Angel Garcia, Gianna Harwood, Hatanar Htain, Alexis Jensen, Andrew Kretzschmar, Eh Doh Kyi, Myint Myant, Akhil Nair, Alanna Patenaude, Aiden Sanders, Laura Snyder, Patrick Sullivan, Jordan VanWie. Honor Roll: Grade 12: Kurt Donner, Catherine Felt, Alaina Harrington, Emily Hemming, Dakota Hempstead, Aliyah Linnen, Cody Rifenberick, Autumn Shambeau, Kristine Snay, Min Zar. Grade 11: William Bouton, Elizabeth Brooking, Winston Edmonds, Edward Karlkquist, Zachary Katras, Tiffany (Alex) Kelley, Kya Nee, Keondre’ Nixon, Jazmine Sousis. Grade 10: Corey Buell, Emma Cicchinelli, Joshua DuLong, Lay K’Pru Htoo, Alexis Leonard, Guy Montgomery IV, Jalen Wilcox. Grade 9: Shiref Abuzaid, Anthony DeFrancesco, Giovita Johnson, Nicholas Karlquist, Angela Marrero, Nikitia Monroe, Perignon Rogers, Dylan Sousa. Grade 8: Nathaniel Breedon, Michael Burdek, Tianna DGinnyewer, Sherraz Elshiekh, Brandon Fogarty, Henry Goca, Kymeik Gonzalez, Blaine Goodell, Thiri Htun, Julius Johnson, Ruslan Kourin, Karina Pirani, Kiernan Teator, Aminah Wingfield. Grade 7: Anthony Burchell, Megan Carter, Edmund Collier, Jr., Jordan Monroe, San Naing, Richard Oo, Makayla Salvinski, Hay Say, Hannah Schmick, Jordan Schmick, Savannah Snay, Ashley VanVorst.
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 9
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WSL FIRE DEPT. LADIES AUX. BREAKFAST Please join the WSL Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary for Breakfast on July 19, 2015, 7:30am to 11:30am at the West Sand Lake Fire hall. Eat-In or Take-Out. Call 674-3677. Breakfast Includes, Scrambled Eggs, Cheesy Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Homefries w/ cheese, French Toast, Pancakes, Mickey Mouse pancakes, Homemade Muffins, Fresh Fruit, Toast, Bagels, Juice and Coffee! Cost: Adults $8, Children (5-12) $5 and children under 5 are free.
GLENDORA VEGETARIAN CLUB 8-year-old Clint says, “I’m vegan because I like meeting and petting animals; I don’t want them to die. It hurts them to be killed. It hurts their feelings to be locked up. I don’t want people to do that to animals. I want everybody to be vegan. I don’t want people to eat animals. I don’t know yet what I’m going to do about it, but I want to tell everyone that the animals want to do fun things. “Men who eat animals- I don’t know why they do that. Maybe they have not watched the animals play. Maybe the men need to have more fun. Maybe they forgot that everyone wants to do fun things.” The Glendora Vegetarian Club meets the last Wednesday of every month at the Nassau Free Library, 18 Church St., Rt. 20. July 29th the Hawaiian Vegetarian Society presents a Doctor’s study that people who followed a plant-based diet overcame heart disease, prostate cancer, diabetes, and colon cancer. Those who did not failed to recover. You are invited to our free food. Call Glendora at 518610-5810.
Join us at the Sullivan Jones VFW Post 7466 in Poestenkill on July 12th, 8:00am – 11:00am. Enjoy our buffet including scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, homefries, pancakes, homemade French toast, fruit, juice, tea and coffee. “Build your own Omelets with ham, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, cheeses, peppers and onions. Cost: Adults – regular buffet $8:00, with Omelet $10.00; Children 6-12 $4.00 and under 5 free. Thank you for your support!
HEARTH COOKING at CRAILO STATE HISTORIC SITE On July 18, 2015, Crailo State Historic Site will be hosting an open hearth cooking demonstration with costumed interpreters from 12:00-3:00 pm. The cooks will prepare waffles, cheese, olicooks, sappaen and discuss seasonal food preparation and techniques with the public. Learn how the hearth, fire and utensils were used to prepare food while standing in a cellar which dates, on part, to the 17th century. The event cost $5/ $3 for Friends of Fort Crailo. The museum will be available for open house style tours during the event. The public is also invited to preview the exhibit “A Dishonorable Trade: Human Trafficking in the Dutch Atlantic World” which will fully open in September 2015.
Class Reunions ATTENTION ALL APHS ALUMNI As part of their reunion weekend activities, the APHS Class of ’65 wishes to invite other graduates from APHS to an Alumni Meet & Greet on Friday evening, July 17th, at 7:00pm. We will meet at the Melvin Roads Post located at 200 Columbia Turnpike in Rensselaer, NY. Come and share memories with other graduates from APHS. A cash bar will be available. As a reminder to the Class of ’65, our reunion will be at the Burden Lake Country Club on Saturday, July 18 th, beginning at 5pm. For further information, please call Joyce Dickinson at 518-283-4728.
APHS CLASS OF 1975 40 YEAR REUNION! Please join us for a night of laughter, friendship and nostalgia as we celebrate our 40 years as Averill Park High School graduates! Our reunion will be held on Saturday, July 25th, at The Lakeview Inn on Crystal Lake from 7pm-11pm. The cost is $25/pp for a “heavy hors d’oeuvres buffet”. A cash bar will be provided. Please RSVP to aphs1975@gmail.com and send a check for $25.00/pp made out to cash to Charles Bogosta,126 Pinehurst Lane, Gibsonia, PA 15044 by Saturday, July 11, if you’re able to attend. The class has an active facebook account at Averill Park High School Class of 1975 with close to 70 members. Please join if you haven’t already done so. We’re still missing contact information for many classmates. Please send any information to aphs1975@gmail.com or to our facebook account. Also we ask that you spread the word about the reunion to anyone you keep in touch with. Hope to see you all very soon.
COLUMBIA HS 1970-1979 ALUMNI PARTY 2015 The annual CHS Classes of the ‘70s Alumni Party is planned for Saturday, August 15, 2015, at the E.G. Town Park. $20 per person includes food/soft drinks (BYOB), or $3 entry to just mingle! Contact Caroline Lynch Zeyak for more info atelvis628@fairpoint.net or 518928-3223. Friend us on Facebook for updates: Columbia-hs EastGreenbushny. SPREAD THE WORD!
COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL EARLY 60’S REUNION A reminder to save Saturday, September 12, 2015, for the 3rd annual Columbia H.S. early 60’s Reunion. The classes of: ’60,’61,’62, ’63,’64, ’65, ’66 and all pre ’60 are invited to meet at the East Greenbush Firehouse Pavilion at 68 Phillips Road, Rensselaer, NY 12144 on Saturday, September 12th, from 4 to 9 PM. Food and beverages will be available at a reasonable cost. Each person is asked to pay $5 to cover costs. Any surplus money will be donated to the CONSERNSU Back To School Program which serves needy East Greenbush students. Pictures of last year with over 160 attending can be viewed at QECO.com. Please share this notice with others and encourage them to join you in attending. No reservation is required.
*not good with other offers
Page 10 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
Join Us For Our JULY
HCFD HOSTS GIFFY’S BBQ The Hoags Corners Fire Dept is hosting a Giffy’s Chicken BBQ on Saturday, July 18th, from 4PM7PM at the Hoags Corners Fire Hall. The 1/2 Chicken Dinner is $10.00 with reservations or $11.00 at the door. The dinner includes 1/2 chicken, baked potato. coleslaw, roll, butter, cookie and drink. Dinners are eat-in or take-out. For more information or reservations, please call Tracy Dobert at 766-5907 or hoagsfirecosecretary@gmail. com. For reservations the day of the BBQ, please call 7665474.
ROUSE PICNIC On Wednesday, July 29, the ROUSE Organization will hold a picnic at Grafton State Park in the Deerfield Pavilion. Entertainment with Brian Zapel, coffee and donuts will be served at 10:00 a.m., noon B-B-Q Chicken from Giffy’s. Cost will be $10.00, with van transportation available from all Rensselaer County Senior Centers. Tickets are available at all Rensselaer County Senior Centers. For more information, call the Center at (518) 279-3413.
CHICKEN BBQ LEGION POST #1021 Sergeant Walter A. Adams American Legion Post #1021, located in Averill Park, will be holding Monthly Chicken Barbecues on the third Saturday of the month July 18th, August 15th, September 19th, and October 17th. Please call the Post at 674-2309 to reserve yours for pickup from 11AM to 4PM.
The Nassau Village Beautification Committee presents The Nassau Community Band in a free concert on Thursday, July 9th, at the Village Commons Gazebo in Nassau. Located on John Street, just off US Route 20, the program starts at 7 pm. Community bands have a long history in Nassau, dating back to the post-Civil War era. The group today is made up of volunteers ranging from college students to folks well into their retirement years. The program will offer a mixture of contemporary, popular and traditional selections ranging from Mozart to polkas, American marches and a little bit of ABBA. Lawn chairs or blankets are always a good idea. For more information, call 766-2291.
2015 BRUNSWICK SUMMER CONCERTS Every Tuesday night, June 30th - Sept. 1st, at the Brunswick Community Center, 18 Keyes Lane, Troy NY. Concert Hours are 6:30-8:00. Visit our website: Townofbrunswick.org, or Facebook page. • July 14 - Emerald City Classic Rock; • July 21- Big Fez & The Surfmatics - Surf & Beach; • July 28 - Whiskey Highway - Country; • Aug 4 The Lustre Kings - Rockabilly Rock & Roll; • Aug 11 - The Tichy Boys- Rockabilly; • Aug 18 - Get Up Jack- Irish Folk; • Aug 25 - Stray Dogs -Acoustic Rock; • Sept 1 - Donny Elvis Romines - Elvis Impersonator.
KIWANIS OF RENSSELAER FAMILY SUMMER CONCERT SERIES Family Summer Concert Series sponsored by Kiwanis of Rensselaer NY ~ Every Wednesday Starting June 24th-August 26th ~ Time: 6:00 to 8:00 PM ~ Place: North End Firehouse 2 St. Francis Place, Rensselaer, NY (I -90 and Washington Ave.), (Weather Permitting) - Bring a Lawn Chair. Performances: • July 15th Donny Elvis - Elvis Tribute, Co-Sponsor Mabey’s Moving and Storage; • July 22nd Working Class Rock Classic Rock, Co-Sponsor Yankee Trails; • July 29th Mixed Company -Oldies, Rock, Mix, Co-Sponsor Empire Generating; • August 5th Diva and The Dirty Boys 60’s Rock, Co-Sponsor Polsinello Fuel; • August 12th - Courtney Shayne Patsy Cline Tribute, CoSponsor Rensselaer Democrats. August 19th and 26th are Rain Date’s.
EAST GREENBUSH MUSIC IN THE PARK • Music in the Park Summer Concert Series - Free Concerts Every Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. in Onderdonk Park Aug 4th: The Doc Scanlon Trio; Aug 11th: Winchester and Young; Aug. 18th: Marty Wendell; Aug. 25th: Carmine Dio. For more info on any events, go to eastgreenbush.org or call 477-4194.
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www.moscatiellos.com The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 11
TAG, BAKE & PLANT SALE! Don’t miss this HUGE sale at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Rt. 9, Valatie, on Saturday, July 11, 9AM to 2PM. Household items, clothes, infants and children, books, collectibles, jewelry, games and toys, yummy baked goods, plants and garden perennials and more! Proceeds will benefit the Building Fund.
“EAT SMART LIVE STRONG” Rensselaer County ’s Troy Senior Center, 19 Third Street, Troy, wil l host Rensselaer County’s Cooperative Extension monthly “Eat Smart Live Strong” cooking demonstration, on Friday, July 10th, at 11AM. The topic will be “Color your meal, we eat with our eyes.” There will be free recipes and samples for everyone who attends. A delicious lunch will immediately follow and is available to all seniors age 60 and over. For reservations for lunch, call 270-5348.
WHAT’S IN A NAME? Letter to the Editor: I think the recent articles about the proposed “Project Red” are whimsical for many reasons. Unless you live under a rock, a Major, Well Regarded, corporation got run out of Schodack not long ago when they proposed a distribution center on the same vacant property. You have to give Pied Piper SAY NAY RAY and his robot follower’s credit for keeping jobs and revenue from coming to Schodack. Inevitably, I unfortunately see the same fate for the yet unnamed Project Red Corporation. If Dollar Tree wasn’t good enough for Schodack, the anti-business faction in town will view every company the same negative way. So why make a big deal out of the secrecy. It’s just lip service for Say Nay’s. I am pro-business, but I too was a little upset with the secrecy. I’m sure Supervisor Dowd’s’ intentions were good, but he struck a hornet’s nest with a stick. I always found it was a good idea to align your friends and business associates when looking to get any project done. The complete opposite happened. Even the Town Board bailed on him. They don’t want the same fate to doom them like what is going to happen in the next East Greenbush elections. If “Project Red” fails to materialize, I have a suggestion for Mr. Valente. Raise chicken, LOTS of Chickens on the property. That way on a hot summer day, the residents can be reminded how STINKY Schodack is to businesses trying to come to our town. ~ Jim Adams, Castleton Editors Note: The above article does not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the Editor or the Staff of THE ADVERTISER, and for all intents and purposes is impossible to verify the truth and veracity of its contents.
Page 12 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
LOVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Revolutions cannot succeed without revolutionaries – individuals willing to join others in the trenches, fighting for what they believe in. Continuing last week’s theme of the Christian Revolution, come and hear Pastor Henry ask “Are You a Soldier of the Faith?” The answer is contained in the text for the day, II Timothy 2:3-4. Love Lutheran Church is located at Middlesex Road and Pheasant Lane in East Greenbush. For more information or directions, please visit our website – www.lovelutheran.net, or call 477-8685.
RENSSELAER COUNTY GARDEN TOUR - JULY 9th Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County will hold its annual “Rensselaer County Garden Tour” on Thursday, July 9, from 4:00 to 8:00 P.M. This tour of thirteen gardens in and around the City of Rensselaer has it all! We’re featuring two beautifully restored Victorian homes with views of the Hudson River, one with a garden right on the banks, plus the garden behind Fort Crailo, a New York State Historic Site. A few streets away is a small town garden full of flowers and edibles, surprising for what can be done with a modest space. Another town garden features flowers, food and six lively chickens, while four homes in one neighborhood display rock gardens, shade gardens, perennials, landscaped swimming pools, patios and gazebos. Two suburban homes feature extensive fruit and vegetable plantings, and one is also an official American Hemerocallis (Daylily) Society Display Garden, sure to be in full glorious color. Completing the tour are a Capital Roots Community Garden as well as the green roof at the Doane Stuart School, where students and staff will give you a tour. Maps for the drive-it-yourself tour will be on sale for $10.00 per person (maximum $30.00 per car) and can be purchased from 4:00 to 7:00 P.M. the day of the tour in the parking lot of Rensselaer City Hall, 62 Washington Street, Rensselaer NY 12144. The tour will be held rain or shine. Proceeds will benefit the Rensselaer County Master Gardener program. For more information contact Cornell Cooperative Extension at 2724210 or dhc3@cornell.edu
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 13
Jolly Joel... Are those all for me? JOLLY JOEL
It’s Christmas In July at DeNooyer... Come Unwrap Our Red Hot Deals! ‘11 CHEVY SILVERADO X-CAB 1500 4X4 LT Z-71
Nope! These are the Red Hot Deals for our customers!
Yoo Hoo, Sarah! I found our presents over here!
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MSRP: $25,530, 36 mo, 10k/year, 25 cent/mile over. $1,999 down includes first payment plus taxes & fees due at signing.
4X2 6 CYL
MSRP: $23,565, 36 mo, 10k/year, 25 cent/mile over. $1,999 down includes first payment plus taxes & fees due at signing.
Where’s my juice box?
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MSRP: $32,420, 36 mo, 10k/year, 25 cent/mile over. $1,999 down includes first payment plus taxes & fees due at signing.
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MSRP: $36,440, 24 mo, 10k/year, 25 cent/mile over. $1,999 down includes first payment plus taxes & fees due at signing.
Please present current ad to receive advertised price. GM Lease Loyalty must have a GM leased vehicle in household, Conquest lease must lease non-GM vehicle. In stock units only. All lease payments are to well qualified ‘A’ tier customers. Chevrolet Loyalty must own 99 or newer Chevrolet vehicle. Offers end 7/15/15.
127 Wolf Road Colonie, NY 12205
Page 14 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
DeNooyer Chevrolet 518.458.7700
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015
Page 15
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Page 16 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
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CANS for a CAUSE Recycle empty returnable containers and support - Schodack Area Land Trust (SALT). 6-Cent Redemption will give SALT 6 cents for every returnable brought in. Just drop off your containers and say “These are for SALT.” No need to wait; no feeding bottles into a redemption machine. 6Cent Redemption hours are Monday - Saturday, from 9AM5PM. The white building behind Starbucks in Hannaford Plaza. SALT, established in 1992, is a 60 acre not-for-profit nature preserve open for passive recreation accessible from Thoroughbred Dr. off Palmer Rd. Its major budget expense is insurance.
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 17
WINTER and SPRING APYSL TRAVEL COMMITMENT of INTENT to PLAY REGISTRATION Winter and Spring APYSL Travel commitment of intent to play registration is now open for the 2015-2016 seasons. Registration is from July 1-July 25. While tryouts are not required, registering a commit to play IS to ensure consideration for a team. If you are considering the travel program, and would like to learn more, please visit the League’s website at www. averillparkyouthsoccer.com.
The following is a list of results from the BLCC Monday Night Ladies Golf League on Monday, June 29, 2015: 1st Low Score: 36 - Jen DiIorio, Karen Ratigan, Suzanne Martin and Lori Minassian; 2nd Low Score: 37 - Deb Jewell, Heather Morrison, Ronnie Ciccarelli, and Carol Ciccarelli; 3rd Low Score: 40 - Karen Lorette, Deb Myers, Laurie Furlong and Liz Gaudet. 1st Low Putts: 8 - Brooke Hastings, Nancy Dunn, Katie Baldwin and Jill Filuta; 2nd Low Putts:9 - Kelly Hammond, Cathie Becker, Patti McArdle and Marybeth Steinburg; 3rd Low Putts: 9 - Babe Scully, Theresa Jones, Darcy Houser and Arlene Lashway. A total of 44 women competed on 11 teams.
The La Salle Institute Soccer staff is proud to announce the offering of a Summer Soccer Camp. The camp is open to boys and girls in grades 6 – 12 and will take place from August 3rd through August 6th from 5:30 to 8:30 at La Salle Institute in Troy. The cost of the camp is $100. The camp will be hosted by the La Salle Soccer coaching staff, local high school coaches and special guest coaches from Norwich F.C. of the English Premier League. For more information, and a copy of the brochure, please send an email to mmichaud@lasalleinstitute.org.
6th MAPLE HILL CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT 6th Maple Hill Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday, September 20, 2015, to benefit The Anchor Food Pantry and The Christopher Beebe Memorial Scholarship Fund. The tournament will be held at Winding Brook Country Club, Valatie, NY. For information, please contact Karen Casey at karencakes@hotmail.com (subject golf tournament) or call 518766-3776. We are accepting donations of, sponsoring a hole, raffle prize or monetary donations.
EXERCISE CLASSES at the TROY SENIOR CENTER The Troy Senior Center, located at 19 Third St., Troy, invites you to join us for one of our many exciting, up beat and fun exercise classes. The Troy Senior Center offers programs, services, information, and assistance to Rensselaer County Seniors age 60 plus. There are no membership fees to join, and we are open Monday through Friday, from 8:30-3:00 Aerobics: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9:15 Exercise with Ellio: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:30 in our fully equipped Gym: Weights, treadmill, elliptical, and much more; stop by for a tour!
Page 18 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
I’d like to take this opportunity to announce that Patrick Wellington is the 2015 recipient of the Joe Stevens Jr. #33 Memorial Award. This award is given to a senior who played football for APHS and demonstrated leadership, dedication, loyalty and honesty on and off the field. Given in Memory of Joe who wore #33 and was a 2001 graduate of APHS. Patrick was voted unanimously by the members of the football team, stating he exemplified the most qualities like Joe did. Patrick’s name has been added to the Memorial Scholarship plaque and will be displayed outside the high school gym. I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed, and made this award possible to present for the 13th year. ~ Thank you again. From the family of Joe Stevens, Jr.
Lady Bombers Softball tryouts for the 2015 - 2016 season will be held on the following dates: August 1 with a rain date of August 2. Registration for the 12U & 14U will be at 8:30am with the tryouts beginning at 9am. 16U &18U registration will begin at 11:30am with the tryouts beginning at 12pm. The second tryout will be held on August 5 with registration beginning at 5:30pm. All tryouts will be held at the South Colonie softball complex off Everett Rd. Anyone with questions should contact Ken Yodis via email kyodis1@yahoo.com or visit our website ladybombersoftball.com
AVERILL PARK POP WARNER 2015 FALL SEASON Averill Park Pop Warner is seeking energetic youth to join the Warriors for the 2015 fall season. Participants will learn fundamentals of football/cheer from a supportive and trained coaching staff that promotes safety, sportsmanship, teamwork, inclusion and scholastic achievement. Highlights of our program include: safety awareness, no tryouts, minimum play guarantee per player for each game, cheer competitions and an annual banquet. Registration is as follows: Online Registration: Opened: May 1 — Closes: July 31; $10 discount for early registration: May 1 — May 31 ($70 Flag Level/$125 Tackle Level); Registration from June 1 — July 20: ($80 Flag Level/$135 Tackle Level). Paperwork & Payment Hand In: July 20, 6 - 8 PM; Practice begins: Monday, August 3, 5:45 PM. Participants must be at least 5 years of age by 7/31/15. Additional information and online registration are available on APPW’s website: www.appopwarner.com. Click on Registration. Payment and paperwork is due by 7/20/15. Practices will begin on Monday, August 3, 2015, 5:45 PM, at Butler Park on Gettle Road, Averill Park. Please visit Capital District Pop Warner for more information on program benefits and guidelines: www.cdpopwarner.com/.
THE 2015 CLOVE RUN ROAD RACES ARE COMING SOON! The Castleton Road Racing Commission in conjunction with the Castleton-Schodack Kiwanis Club have scheduled the Clove Run races to be held in the beautiful Village of Castleton on August 15th. All proceeds will once again benefit the Anchor Food Pantry in Castleton. There will be a childrens 1 mile fun run, a 5K walk, a 5K running race and a 10 mile race all starting from the Castleton Elementary School at 8:30 am.. The awards ceremony will begin immediately after the races are completed with a great lunch and live music. For more information, visit the Clove Run web site at http:// www.vanrensselaerdivision.org/clove_run, or call the Race Director at 518-732-2940. Runners who are interested in online pre-registration can do so at Active.com or via a link on the Clove Run web site. A brochure containing the Race Application may be downloaded from the Web Site and mailed to the address on the Race Application. We look forward to seeing you at Castleton’s Community Running Event of the Summer!
AP YOUTH SOCCER SPRING REC PROGRAM Averill Park Youth Soccer League invites you to join our local soccer league for our Spring Recreational Program. This is an all-play, non-competitive league that focuses on learning the skills and fundamentals of soccer, and most of all, having fun! Teams are formed for Kindergarten through Grade 8. Games will be held on Sunday afternoons with 1 practice during the week. The season runs from August 24th - November 1st. Registration is online at www.averillparkyouthsoccer.com. Registration is June 1st - July 18th at $75; and March 19th31st at $100 (Scholarships are available to those qualifying for the school lunch program.) Questions? Send an email to springrec@averillparkyouthsoccer.com.
7th ANNUAL TRI-STATE POKER RUN NYS Chapter 19-1 Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association’s 7th Annual Tri State Poker Run will be held on July 25th. Camping available Friday & Saturday night. VFW will be open Friday night for refreshments (some rules apply). Registration between 10am-11am. Start & Finish: VFW Post 7466 Poestenkill, 25 Veterans St., Poestenkill, NY 12140. $20 Rider, $10 Passenger (includes food/beer/soda & entertainment). All are welcome to attend, open to the public. Proceeds to benefit Fisher House & other veterans’ organizations. For details, please contact: Lisa Saunders 518-275-3843 or Shane Brino 518-4297621. Email: cvma19.1@gmail.com
SCHODACK TOWN CLERK - 2015-2016 FEDERAL DUCK STAMPS ARE AVAILABLE Donna L. Conlin, Schodack Town Clerk, would like to announce that the Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps (Duck Stamps) are available starting June 26, 2015. Please be advised that the federally mandated fee has increased to $25.00. The stamps may be purchased for $26.00 (a $1.00 convenience fee has been added) from the Town Clerk’s Office. Each waterfowl hunter, 16 years of age and over, must carry on his/her person a valid Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp and also carry a valid New York State small game hunting license. For local hunting regulations, please contact the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. The stamp sales provide money for migratory bird habitat conservation projects. Additionally, Federal Duck Stamps can be used to gain free admission to National Wildlife Refuges. If you have further questions, please feel free to call the clerk’s office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday at 477-7590.
Burden Lake Country Club 162 Totem Lodge Rd. Averill Park, NY 12018
GOLF SPECIALS Green Days ENJOY JULY OUTSIDE! • Friday, July 10th - Outdoor Tykes: The Buzz about Bees at 10:30am Sometimes bees may seem like a bother, but without them we wouldn’t have our summer bounty of berries and fruits, or be able to enjoy their sweet honey! Come explore the secret world of the bees through shapes, numbers, stories, touch, and movement to discover what their homes look like, how they communicate, and why they are so important. Free Pre-K age program held at 194 Shaver Pond Rd in Grafton. Preregister: 279-1155 • Friday, July 10th - Star Watch at Cherry Plain State Park at 9pm. Meets at main parking lot. Cloudy skies may cancel so call Bernard to confirm: 658-9144. • Saturday, July 11th – Garlic Mustard Pull and Pesto Party at 10am. Lend a hand to help Grafton’s forest stay diverse by pulling invasive Garlic Mustard. We’ll enjoy a savory pesto made from the naturally garlicky plant on fresh, locally baked bread afterwards. Meet at playground on north end of main parking lot. Please pre-register: 279-1155. • Saturday, July 11th – SCENTsational at Cherry Plain State Park at 3:30pm. Our powerful sniffers trace back to a time when the nose was more important than the eyes and ears. Your nose is mightier than you might think! Come channel your inner bloodhound and explore the world of smells with a smell centered game and interactive hike. Saturday, July 18th- Skyhigh Triathlons at Grafton Lakes State Park. 8am Adult Triathlon and 11am for Youth. Challenge yourself! For more information, visit www.skyhighadventures.com. • Saturday, July 18th – Jump, Slither, & Swim! At 3pm at Cherry Plain. Meet some local reptiles and amphibians with naturalist Jorel Spain. Program set up above beach. • Friday, July 24th - Summer Fun and Fitness Day from 1:303pm. Get the kids active in the park! Free program includes obstacle courses, nature hike, and other outdoor fun. Preregister for a t-shirt by calling Lillian Porteus by July 17th: 2702685. • Friday, July 24th - Star Watch at Grafton Lakes State Park at 8:30pm. Enter via winter entrance on Long Pond Road and follow signs to program. Cloudy skies may cancel—call Bernard to confirm: 658-9144 To sign up for these outings, join their group: http:// www.meetup.com/Friends-of-Grafton-Lakes-State-Park/
Thursday, July 9, 2015 – U7/8 Coed and U9/10 Boys and Girls – Check-in/Warm-up at 5:30 pm; Evaluation is at 6:00pm-6:30 pm – U11/12 and U13/14 Boys and Girls – Checkin/Warm-up at 6:30 pm; Evaluation is at 7:00 pm-7:30 pm – U15/16 and U17/18 Boys and Girls – Checkin/Warm-up is at 7:30 pm; Evaluation is at 8:00 pm-8:30 pm **U19’s – Sign-ups will be taken at all Tryout/Placement dates Monday, July 13, 2015, at 6pm for all age groups as an alternate for those who cannot make it on July 7th or July 9th* All tryouts are held at the Brunswick Soccer Club fields on Route 2 in Tamarac. All interested players must register at: https://brunswicksoccer.sportssignup.com/. Registration will open soon. Player age determined by CDYSL age matrix at: http://cdysl.org/ Home/FormsAndDocuments (under “Player”). Players will be rostered according to age. Play-up requests will be required for exceptions.
18 Holes of Golf with Cart Plus Lunch, & Beverage
Red Zone Times
1/2 Price
Every Day
Greens Fees
Wed. Senior Specials
9 Holes with a Cart
Friday Twilight For 9 Holes After 4pm
Saturdays & Sundays After 4pm ~ 9 Holes w/ Cart
20 $ 10 $ 20
Greens Fees
Check Us Out At www.burdenlakecountryclub.com or call 674-1770 x1 JUNIOR NATURALIST SERIES Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center is offering a Junior Naturalist Series this summer for kids of all ages through August 28th. Each Tuesday afternoon program will offer a different theme and will run from 1pm – 2:30pm. Each program will offer unique ecology-centered activities. The series kicks off with “Plant Partnerships” on July 7th and “Insects” on July 14th. The complete Jr. Naturalist Series and Dyken Pond Center programs can be found at: www.dykenpond.org. Preregistration is encouraged to help with planning, but not required, and can be done by contacting the Center at dykenpond@fairpoint.net or 658-2055.
BIRDS, BEAKS AND SONGS Join us at Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center for Birds, Beaks and Songs. This Junior Naturalist Program for kids of all ages will be held on July 21st from 1:00pm – 2:30pm. Naturalists will use their senses to seek out the feathered flyers at Dyken Pond Center and learn to identify common birds by their songs as they hike to some popular bird areas. The day will end with a fun, pinecone bird craft. $1 suggested donation per child. The complete Jr. Naturalist Series and Dyken Pond Center programs can be found at: www.dykenpond.org. Preregistration is encouraged to help with planning, but not required and can be done by contacting the Center at dykenpond@fairpoint.net or 658-2055. Greenbush Youth Make A Difference, Inc. (“YMAD”) is a notfor-profit corporation that provides funding for recreational programs currently or formerly provided by the Town of North Greenbush for the benefit of the youth residing in and around North Greenbush and the North Greenbush community as a whole. YMAD’s biggest fundraiser is the annual YMAD 5K held in early September each year. YMAD provides support for the Town of North Greenbush summer concert series, the Easter Egg Hunt, and the annual Christmas party. In the future, YMAD intends to offer scholarships to local high school students and to sponsor a program at the North Greenbush summer camp. YMAD is open to sponsorship opportunities to benefit the Town’s youth. Sponsor forms are available at the North Greenbush Town Offices. For further info., contact Michael Miner 283-2714, ext. 7.
Chad P. Woodrow of Averill Park, NY, received the Department of Mechanical Engineering Award for Outstanding Senior and the Marston Engineering Award at the College Honors Ceremonies at Western New England University. The Mechanical Engineering Award for Outstanding Senior Award recognizes outstanding academic performance. The Marston Award is given by the entire Engineering faculty to the senior student judged to have the most mature understanding of the principles of engineering practice. This award is based on a combination of academic, extra-curricular, and leadership qualities, as well as having demonstrated meaningful engineering experience outside of the classroom. Dr. Jose Riofrio, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, presented the award. Graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Woodrow is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Beta Tau, Mortar Board, Alpha Lambda Delta, Omicron Delta Kappa national honor societies and is named to Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges 2013-2014. Dr. Riofrio describes Woodrow as an ambitious student who strives for excellence in everything he does. Woodrow will be pursuing a Ph.D. at Northeastern University in Boston starting in the fall and was given a Dean’s Fellowship, which is their highest award.
9 AND ½ GENERALS, A CIVIL WAR TOUR What, you never heard of a half general? That’s just one of the many intriguing stories you’ll hear on Oakwood’s upcoming tour Saturday, July 11th, from 9AM to 12 noon. Led by well-known local historian Michael Barrett, this is one of Oakwood’s most popular tours. You’ll hear about the private lives of some of these generals as well as the Civil War military battles they fought in. Be sure to make your reservation by calling 1-800-556-6273. The $12pp fee is payable on arrival. Children under 12 are free. Meet by the Veterans’ Flag Pole near the Earl Chapel. This is one of many wonderful tours offered by the Friends of Oakwood Cemetery, a non-profit volunteer group. Check our Facebook page for updates if the weather is questionable: Oakwood Cemetery, Troy, NY. New volunteers are always welcome. Call 272-7520 or email oakwoodcemeterytroyny@gmail.com
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED IN RENSSELAER COUNTY: YOU CAN HELP! Literacy Volunteers of Rensselaer County (LVORC) is actively seeking volunteers. Literacy Volunteers welcomes all kinds of volunteers, from tutors to administrative helpers and event planners. As a volunteer you can develop new skills, make friends, and see how your efforts make a difference in your community. To find out more about tutoring and other ways to help, join us for a one-hour Volunteer Opportunities Information Session at 12:00 noon on Thursday, July 23rd, at the LVORC office, 1915 Fifth Avenue, Troy. Call 274-8526 to reserve a space. LVORC is looking for individual tutors to be paired with adult learners, as well as reading mentors for Everybody Wins! Power Lunch, a program where adults serve as positive reading role models for elementary school kids in Troy, Cohoes, Albany and East Greenbush. There is also a need for math tutors and for tutors to help with a financial literacy program at the YWCA. LVORC recruits and trains volunteers to provide individual and small group tutoring. A professional staff supports volunteers who make our programs run. For more information, visit www.lvorc.org.
FUR TRADE DISCOVERY DAY AT CRAILO STATE HISTORIC SITE Crailo State Historic Site, the museum of the colonial Dutch in the Hudson River Valley, invites everyone to attend the second Discovery Day of the season on July 12, 2015 from 11:00 am4:00 pm. Fur Trade Discovery Day will focus on the fur trade conducted between the Dutch and Natives of the area. This trade was vitally important to the area and was the impetus for Dutch settlement in New Nertherland. During these events, the museum will be open for self-guided tours. Admission for Discovery Day is $3, children 12 and under are free. For information on this season’s special events, programs, exhibits and this year’s Saratoga-Capital District Regional Geocache Challenge, please find Crailo on the New York State Parks website at www.nysparks.com or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CrailoStateHistoricSite or by calling (518) 463-8738.
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 19
SEXUAL ASSAULT PROGRAM SEEKING VOLUNTEERS The Sexual Assault and Crime Victims Assistance Program for Rensselaer County at Samaritan Hospital, a program affiliated with St. Peter’s Health Partners, is seeking individuals interested in training to become a volunteer advocate. Training sessions begin Tuesday, Jul. 14, 6–9 p.m., at the Margaret Krause Center, Northeast Health, 2212 Burdett Ave., Troy. Volunteers must complete a 40hour training course that will cover the psychology of victimization and how to counsel those in crisis. Topics include child sexual abuse, college campus safety, stalking, elder abuse, and crimes and legal advocacy. Volunteer advocates will help answer calls on the sexual assault hotline and provide support to survivors. Individuals interested must be 18 years of age or older, and fit other requirements. The Sexual Assault and Crime Victims Assistance Program is the only agency in the county to provide comprehensive, specialized services for victims of sexual assault, crime and violence. All services are free and confidential. For more information on the training or to volunteer, please call Kate Hobbie, (518) 271-3410.
LEGAL NOTICE Krill Sealcoating LLC Arts of Org filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/7/15. Office in Rensselaer Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served & shall mail process to Adam Krill, 521 Ford Rd, Melrose, NY 12121. Purpose: General. The name of the Foreign Limited Liability Company is: LINGUALINX HOLDINGS, LLC. App. for Authority filed with the Dept. of State of NY on 07.01.15. Jurisdiction: Delaware and the date of its organization is: 04.21.15. Office location in New York: Rensselaer County. The Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 433 River Street, Troy, NY 12180. Address maintained in its jurisdiction is: 615 South DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901. The authorized officer in its jurisdiction of organization where a copy of its Certificate of Formation can be obtained is: DE Secretary of State, Division of Corporations, PO Box 898, Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: any lawful act.
Page 20 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
Notice of Formation of an LLC Uncharted Wild LLC Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on June 10th, 2015. Office location: Rensselaer county. The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served. The address is within or without the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the limited liability company served upon him or her is: Adam Bornt, 312 Log Woods Road, Troy, NY 12180.
NOTICE TO BIDDER Roofing Bids-Castleton Volunteer Ambulance is seeking bids from reputable roofing companies who will follow the specifications set forth by the Castleton Volunteer Ambulance Board of Directors. Specifications can be obtained by contacting (518) 506-1078. Sealed bids are due by July 30th 2015.
PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF SAND LAKE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Notice is hereby given that the Sand Lake Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA): will hold the following Public Hearing at the Sand Lake Town Hall, located at 8428 Miller Hill Road, Sand Lake NY 12153, where all interested parties will be heard on Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 7:00 pm. A hearing regarding an application for Mark Cioffi, located at 3859 NY Route 150, West Sand Lake NY 12196, for a Special Exception to convert a s/f home into three, one bedroom apartments, by order of Monica Hardy, Secretary, ZBA.
The name of the Foreign Limited Liability Company is: LINGUALINX INVESTMENTS, LLC. App. for Authority filed with the Dept. of State of NY on 07.01.15. Jurisdiction: Delaware and the date of its organization is: 04.21.15. Office location in New York: Rensselaer County. The Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 433 River Street, Troy, NY 12180. Address maintained in its jurisdiction is: 615 South DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901. The authorized officer in its jurisdiction of organization where a copy of its Certificate of Formation can be obtained is: DE Secretary of State, Division of Corporations, PO Box 898, Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: any lawful act.
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 53 3rd LLC The name of the limited liability company is 53 3rd LLC. The Articles of Organization were filed on June 16, 2015 with the New York State Department of State. The County within this State where the office of the company is to be located is Rensselaer County. The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the company upon whom process against it may be served. The post office address to which the Secretary of State may mail a copy of any process against the company is 6 Franklin Place, Troy, New York 12180. The purpose of the business of the LLC is any lawful purpose permitted of a limited liability company in the State of New York.
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: Livingston Financial LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 2/26/2015. Office location: Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 100 South 5th St, Ste 1400, Minneapolis, MN 55402. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.
The name of the Foreign Limited Liability Company is: BABEL HOLDING GROUP, LLC. App. for Authority filed with the Dept. of State of NY on 07.01.15. Jurisdiction: Delaware and the date of its organization is: 04.21.15. Office location in New York: Rensselaer County. The Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 433 River Street, Troy, NY 12180. Address maintained in its jurisdiction is: 615 South DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901. The authorized officer in its jurisdiction of organization where a copy of its Certificate of Formation can be obtained is: DE Secretary of State, Division of Corporations, PO Box 898, Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: any lawful act.
Notice of Formation of an LLC: M E P Support Services LLC Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on May 26, 2015. The County, within this state, in which the office of the limited liability company is to be located is, Rensselaer. The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served. The address within or without this state to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the limited liability company served upon him or her is: c/o LLC, 7 Maria Drive, East Greenbush NY Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: MADISON STREET ENTERPRISES, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Department of State of NY on June 8, 2015. Office location, County of Rensselaer. Secretary of State ("SSNY") has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of such process served to: 120 Second Street, Troy, New York 12180. Purpose: any lawful act. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Adjustable Anchor Systems, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with NY Dept of State on 5/22/15. Office location: Rensselaer County. Secy. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of BERKSHIRE BLUEBERRY LODGE LLC. Articles of Organization filed with NY Secy. of State on 05/26/15. Office location: Rensselaer County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 36 Knapp Road, Stephentown, New York 12168. No registered agent. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Flint Law Firm LLC, 75 Main Street, P. O. Box 363, Chatham, NY 12037, (518) 392-2555 Notice of Organization of Bolton Ventures, LLC On May 21, 2015, Bolton Ventures, LLC (the “LLC”) filed Articles of Organization with the NYS Department of State. The principal business location of the LLC is 77 Troy Road, East Greenbush, Rensselaer County, New York. The NY Secretary of State is designated as the agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. The post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC is to the LLC at 77 Troy Road, East Greenbush, NY 12061. The LLC is organized for the purpose of any and all lawful business.
To place Legal Notice: call Sharon E. at 674-2841 ext. 25
EMPLOYMENT “A Caring Alter ti ve ffor ved Ones” Alterna nati tiv Lov na or Your Lo
PART TIME WEEKEND POSITIONS AVAILABLE working with the elderly in a private residential home located in the Averill Park area. Motivated, Energetic Individual Available Days, Nights & Weekends PLEASE CALL FOR AN INTERVIEW DAYS 674-6087 EVES 674-5369 PLEASE ASSIST STEPHANIE WITH VOLUNTEER TRIP to NICARAGUA Stephanie Fiebke (Belardo) was born and raised in Castleton and was a 1988 graduate of Maple Hill High School. She has been in the US Army since 2004 and is currently serving in the New York National Guard. She is a veteran of two deployments to the Middle East. Stephanie is currently raising money to go on a volunteer trip to Nicaragua to build a free school for adults who never received a high school education. Education in Nicaragua is not free like it is here in the United States. The volunteer trip is sponsored by Random Acts, a non-profit United States-based organization that has already built the Jacmel Childrens Center in Haiti. They are now working on building a free school in Nicaragua called the Center for Human Development with a full computer lab and updated learning materials. The first 25 people to raise $5,000 toward the building fund will have an opportunity to attend the volunteer trip. Additionally, volunteers will pay their own travel expenses. There are several ways she is trying to raise the money including on-line campaigns and writing a cookbook of family recipes. For more information, or to help with her efforts, please go to:https://www.crowdrise.com/D2A-Nicaragua2015/ fundraiser/stephaniebelardohttps://www.indiegogo.com/ projects/help-me-random-acts-build-a-school-in-nicaragua/
E.G. LUNCHTIME TOASTMASTERS MEETING It is more than just public speaking, learn a variety of communication and leadership skills. Capital View Toastmasters Club meets the first and third Wednesday of each month from 12-1PM at the East Greenbush Library. Contact capitalview.toastmastersclubs.org
E.G. SEEKING VENDORS for TOWN WIDE FESTIVAL The Town of East Greenbush Community and Recreation Department is currently seeking vendors of all types for our Town Wide Festival on Saturday, August 29th. For details go to eastgreenbush.org or call 4774194. Food vendors, crafters, artisans, non-profits, everyone is welcome!
HELP WANTED Church Organist/Pianist: St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church in North Greenbush is seeking a church organist/pianist to provide music for one service every Sunday morning. Salary commensurate with candidate’s experience & current rates of pay. Contact Bob Crowley 283-7364 or crowleyrh@aol.com
GIRL SCOUTS of NENY HONOREES FOR 11th ANNUAL WOMEN of DISTINCTION Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York is proud to announce the honorees for the 11th annual Women of Distinction event! • Ms. Alice Recore, recently retired from Mountain Lakes PBS, Distinguished Trailblazer • Ms. Hannah Provost, Glens Falls National Bank, Distinguished Personal Achievement • Ms. Alice Sample, Journey Into Reading, Distinguished Community Leader • Ms. Maxine Perry, recently retired from STOP Domestic Violence, Lifetime Achievement Women of Distinction is a nationwide Girl Scouts of the USA program that recognizes the achievements of women. As Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York educates girls to be future community leaders, we want to recognize the community leaders of today. Since 1985, GSNENY has been hosting Women of Distinction events across the council. Honorees are awarded for their strength of character, dedicated community service, emphasis on life-long learning, along with their dedication to fostering self-confidence and leadership skills in others. These events are one of many ways we keep Girl Scouting vibrant in our communities. Many women who are leaders in their fields credit Girl Scouting with helping them build the set of skills that paved their road to success. We are seeking sponsors for the 11th annual Women of Distinction event. This event not only highlights local women leaders, it also serves as a fundraiser for Girl Scouts. Proceeds from the event are used to offset program costs for local girls and provide direct financial assistance to girls in need throughout the North Country. Sponsorship forms are due by June 30. For more information, see the event page at www.gsneny.org/ events/. Questions about the event can be directed to Nikki Hilchey at events@gsneny.org or (518) 563-1560 x 307.
HELP WANTED Siding applicator w/ hand tools & truck, must have experience, Ron 732-4096 or 852-2754 Construction laborer. Exp. preferred but not required. Must have good transportation. Non smoking work environment. Starting pay $10-12/ hour. (518) 6748182 Drivers: Dedicated run. Owens Corning. Great home time. $180 daily plus bonuses! Full benefit package. 855-582-4627
PCA position, 25 year old wheelchair bound woman looking for a FT female aide, able to do a full lift/ transfer. 30 hrs available per wk. at $10/hr. Nights and weekend help. Must be 18+ with valid drivers lic. Alissa 545-9942 PT Bartender, experience required. Also dishwasher. Apply within: 2850 NY 43, Averill Park.
BUSINESS Unhappy? Need a change? Cosmetoligist needed to accomadate a large volome of clientele.Great opportunity to build your business further in a busy modern salon. Close to RPI campus. Booth rental, F/Tor P/T Call June 274-4573
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 21
REAL ESTATE MANUFACTURED HOMES Bolton Landing Adirondack Cottage w/beach, 3BR, all amenities. Avail. 7/24-8/1/15. $1,350. 783-3190 Schroon Lake efficiencies. 1 or 3 BR, private sandy beach, boat docking, walk to town. 532-7649
Mobile Home for Sale: 3BR, 1 bath, $15,000 located in Schodack. 1 min. from I90, off 150. 577-4623 Schodack 2 BR, 1 ba. mobile home (14x56), refrig, stove, wash/ dry, indoor cats ok, no dogs. $14,500. 477-7883
off Spring Ave. Ext. Starting in the mid $300’s Jump into Spring with a new home by
• Granite Counters • SS Appl. • Maple Cabinets • FP • HW Floors • CT • C/A • Paved Driveways • Landscape Pkg • Public Water • 2+ Treed Acre Lots • Views • Av. Pk. Schools
Call Maria Martin 857-6966 For Details • www.alani-realty.com THE CHURCH OF THE COVENANT INVITES THE COMMUNITY TO WORSHIP! Summer Schedule: Service at 9:30 a.m. July 5 - Aug. 2 at Church of the Covenant, Averill Park. Aug. 9 - Sept. 6 at Salem UMC, Shaver Rd., West Sand Lake. Office hours are 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Church of the Covenant is the round church near the blinker in Averill Park. Rev. Joe Auslander, pastor, 674-3664 www.cocumc.org
Pet Adoption of the Week BEAR - HAPPY GUY! He is a possible Rotti/Lab mix. He is approx. 2-3 years old, current wtih vaccines, heartworm negative and weighs approx. 50 lbs. Bear is a happy guy who loves other dogs and loves to play with them. He is happy to spend his days outside in a fenced yard with another dog and you while you are doing your yard work. He enjoys watching tv with you inside the home also. If you would like to meet Bear to possibly adopt him, Contact : Sherry at Sherry427@verizon.net OR 518-393-0755
Page 22 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
STUDENTS NAMED TO CLARKSON UNIVERSITY DEAN’S LIST The following students have been named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2015 semester at Clarkson University: Paul M. Ancin of Nassau, N.Y., a junior majoring in engineering & management. Anthony Angelini of Rensselaer, N.Y., a sophomore majoring in business studies. Ian P. Castle of Rensselaer, N.Y., a junior majoring in engineering & management. Brian Gale Davis of Wynantskill, N.Y., a sophomore majoring in mechanical engineering. Kaitlyn E. Morris of Troy, N.Y., a senior majoring in electrical engineering. Kylie Ring of Troy, N.Y., a senior majoring in biomolecular science. Anthony J Ruggiero of Castleton, N.Y., a senior majoring in chemical engineering. Lane E. Simonin of Troy, N.Y., a senior majoring in biology. Andrew Donald Walzer of East Greenbush, N.Y., a freshman majoring in engineering & management.
The following students received degrees at SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s 41st annual spring commencement May 9 in the Wildcat Field House on the SUNY Poly campus in Marcy, N.Y. Amanda DiPierro of Averill Park, NY - MS, Family Nurse Practitioner; Zachary Hook of Averill Park, NY - BS, Network and Computer Security; Aaron Estabrooks of Cropseyville, NY - BS, Civil Engineering Technology; Kyle Dickinson of Schaghticoke, NY - BS, Mechanical Engineering Technology; Marcy Shultes of Troy, NY - MS, Nursing Education; Nicholas Davis of Troy, NY - BS, Civil Engineering Technology; Anthony Ragosta of Troy, NY - BS, Civil Engineering Technology; James Kanveho of Troy, NY - BS, Civil Engineering Technology; Ryan Farley of Troy, NY - BS, Mechanical Engineering Technology. More than 650 candidates for undergraduate and graduate degrees awarded in 2014-2015 were eligible to participate in the ceremony.
LOCAL STUDENTS on DEAN’S LIST at LOYOLA Loyola University, Maryland has announced the members of its spring 2015 Dean’s List. In order to qualify for the Dean’s List at Loyola, a student must achieve a minimum QPA of at least 3.500 for the term, provided that, in the term they have successfully completed courses totaling a minimum of 15 credits. The following local students have achieved this honor and indicated that Loyola can release their directory information: Chloe Sickles, a member of the class of 2017 from Troy; and John Bond, a member of the class of 2018 from East Greenbush.
REAL ESTATE Lowest Taxes Around!
BRUNSWICK RUNSWICK M MEADOWS EADOWS B Open Sundays 1-4 Rt. 7 to Rt. 40 to Rt. 142 to Brunswick Meadows
New Condominiums starting at $179,900 2-3 BR units available, 1336 to 1736 sq.ft., attached 1 car garage, fully handicapped accessible
Call Maria Martin 857-6966 or Stuart Nippes 858-6534 • www.alani-realty.com
HOMES FOR SALE EG - Hampton Manor Totally redone cape. New bath, new kit., redone hardwood floors, new windows, new furnace, new Everything!! $165,000. Broker 859-9656 Executive home in North 40. Everything like new! 6BR, 3.5 ba. home, office/ inlaw potential. $359k BRYCE 9375120 Lake Lauderdale/Cambridge $399,999 Picturesque year round home on almost 2 acres. 210 ft. of all usable shoreline. Your own boat ramp, storage for all your water toys. Close to capital district, Saratoga & VT Al Konieczny @ Bryce 441-4353 Nothing to do but move in! 3BR, 2.5 bath, fin. lower level, New kitchen, HW flr. $239,900. BRYCE 937-5120
Open Sunday 12-2: Gorgeous Water & Mountain views! Custom Colonial located over the Brunswick line; 10 miles to 787, less than an hour to Saratoga & 15 mins. to Vermont & Mass. Promise to take your breath away views & super private setting. Gardens, fruit trees, acreage. Brittonkill Schls. 512 Ford Rd. Kyle Bryce @ BRYCE 4880434 Twin Open Houses! Sunday 12-3. Open to All offers! Big homes w/ acres! Unbelievable, over 3000 sq.ft. Your choice! Dir.: Snake Hill. BRYCE 488-0434
Open Sat. 1-3: $156,900 Excellent end unit townhome, 2 master brs., F/P, HW Flrs. Finished lower level, deck, pool overlooking Poestenkill Creek. No Fees. Dir: 21 Cheryl Ct. Al Konieczny @ BRYCE 441-4353 MLS # 201504451 Open Sunday 1-4: $219,999 Melrose, Outstanding ranch home made for entertaining and family fun. Gourmet kitchen w/maple floors finished basement, huge living room w/ HW flrs. and pellet stove. Trex deck w/ hot tub, inground pool. Dir: 20 Rice Mtn. Pl. Al Konieczny @ BRYCE 441-4353 MLS 201512740
Office Space, 1,210sf (5 offices/open area), Rt. 2, near Latham Circle. $1650/ mo. incl. all services. 3390091
Schodack: Lg. 2-Fam. 2+ car gar. lg. barn, lg. grounds, new roof. $164,900 2 lots also avil. Proske Realty LLC 2503149 ¨Troy -10 Albert St Albia section Awesome 3bdrm 2+ba ranch on corner lot. Must see to appreciate. Great neighborhood on quiet street. Updated baths, finished basement with office, gas fireplace, IG pool w/ cabana area,stamped patio w/ firepit, large 2 car garage (mechanic or wordworker’s dream) Call Patrick at Bryan RE Group for details 518-928-4306. $234,900 $164,900. West Sand Lake. 3 BR farmhouse w/ 1 BR income cottage, 2.3 acres. AP school dist. Good well, septic, new furnace, barn. 712-5258 Fixer uppers starting at $75k BRYCE 588-6755
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Camp Sold As Is, Reichards Lake. Only $49,900. BRYCE 588-6755
APARTMENTS FOR RENT $815 + sec. 2 BR, 1 ba. mobile home in Schodack. Includes heat, water, septic and garbage. EG schools. No pets/ smoking. Credit/ backgound check required. 477-7883 $850 Averill Park, quiet country 2 BR ht/hw incl. laundry on site, no pets. Sec. dep. req’d. 221-0770
RealtyUSA Congratulates Their Top Agents for June 2015 723 /,67,1* $*(17 %8<(5 %52.(5
Debbie Bucher Wager
723 6(//,1* $*(17 723 6$/(6 Vera$*(17 V. Cohen
723 6$/(6 7($0
2 BR apt. no pets. 1st month, last month, sec. 10 Albany Ave. Nassau. No washer/ dryer hkup. $700. 766-4839 Diamond Rock Terrace: Senior living for every lifestyle! 2BR apt. homes avail. now! Take a tour and receive a $5 Snowman gift card! 11 Gurley Ave., Troy, NY 518-213-5222. DiamondRockTerrace.com
&LQG\ 0F0DKRQ /LFHQVHG $VVRF 5( %URNHU (cell) 496-1299
5DM .XPDU /LFHQVHG 5( 6DOHVSHUVRQ (cell) (201) 689-0533 $SULO 6HQH\ /LFHQVHG 5( 6DOHVSHUVRQ (cell) 669-5240
Latham, small 2BR, 2-family, upstairs. $800 + utilities. 7830077
(GZDUG 5 %UHZHU /LFHQVHG $VVRF 5( %URNHU (cell) 428-6184
Troy: East side residential. Nice 1br, carpets, appl., all util incl. No pets. $690. 495-0917 / 271-7910
Jolene Morris, /LFHQVHG RE Salesperson (cell) 331-1579
North Greenbush apt. Large 2 BR, large closets. No smoking, no pets. Applâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s included. $925/mo. + utilities. Available 8/1. 283-2891
Suzanne DeLyons, /LFHQVHG RE Salesperson (cell) 598-7633
West Lebanon Spacious 2 BR ground floor. $650/mo. 1st mo. last mo. sec req. NP. 337-1500
Wynantskill interesting 2 BR townhouse style, 1-1/2 garages. Well maintained country property. 10 min. to Troy, 20 min. to Alb. AP school, private, no smoking, no dogs. INCLUDES HEAT! $1100. 813-6795.
$730+ sec. + util. Schodack, 1 BR with den, 2nd floor, no pets/ smoking. Credit check required. 477-7883
A â&#x20AC;&#x153;55 & Betterâ&#x20AC;? Active Adult Rental Community Visit Our Model Rental Cottage: M-F 8-4; Sat & Sun 12-4pm
Feel at home without the woes of home ownership with attached garages, front and back porches, private driveways, emergency maintenance and landscaping included. Included In Rent: TW Cable, Internet, Water/Sewer, Trash Removal, Mowing, Attached Garage w/Remote, Washer/Dryer, 24hr. Emergency Services
2500 Pond View, Schodack (Off Miller Rd) 479-0800 â&#x20AC;˘ www.thespinneyatpondview.com
723 %8<(5 %52.(5
Christine C. Dingley /LFHQVHG 5( 6DOHVSHUVRQ (cell)
John M. Mooney
Erica Petrone Fisher
Luanne Sciotti
Theresa B. Maloney
Sandra L. Thomson
HOUSE FOR RENT $15k Applied if purchased by July 2016! 3+ BR, $1500/mo. Rent w/ option. RPI area. BRYCE 937-5120 2 BR House, Schodack. East Greenbush schools. Yard, quiet area, sec. dep. refs. $850 429-1143
Debbie Constanza
You can reach any of these fine agents at our Rensselaer County Office
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 23
Bradley Maintenance Service
Storm Damage?
3-Family Yard Sale: Tools, cameras, yoga/sports equip., old bottles, clothes, housewares, books, canoe, vehicles. 7/11, 9-3. Rain date: 7/12. Signs from 43. 147 Greenman Hill Rd., W. Stephentown
•Tree Service •Backhoe Work Muddy Driveway Repair
Storm Clean Ups \
DUMPSTERS 10 -1 Ya 5-30 rd
•Tree Removal FULLY •Backhoe •Stump Grinding INSURED •Lot Clearing •Bucket Truck Service •Storm Damage Delivery of:
286-1865 Steve Mason
Latham, 3 Rose Garden Ct. Apt. 11, off Sparrowbush Rd. Thur.-Sat. 7/9-11, 9-3, Sun 7/12, 9-12. Qn. sz bed, entertainment. center w/ tv, 2 end tbl & coffee tbl, tbl w/ lamp attached, computer desk & chair, 3 storage cabinets., microwave w/ cabinet., sm. tbl w/ 2 chrs. 10x10 vendors tent w/ sides, lg. Christmas Village, craft items, misc. items. Moving sale. July 11, 9-3. Furniture, household items, Cash only. 47 Green Meadow Dr. Clifton Park. Neighb’hd garage sale. Lape Rd. area, Defreestville, N. Greenbush, off Rte. 43. Multiple families. 7/11-12, 105.
rates possible 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30 yard sizes Ed LaPlaca - W.S.L. cell phone 378-1080
LEGAL NOTICE Taa Management LLC Arts of Org filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/7/15. Office in Rensselaer Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served & shall mail process to C/O Taylor Baruffi, 13 Thomas St, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Purpose: General. Trembath Staffing Management LLC Arts of Org filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/18/15. Office in Rensselaer Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served & shall mail process to 119 Sherman Ave, Troy, NY 12180. Purpose: General.
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ROCK THE BOX PHOTO BOOTH, LLC The name of the limited liability company is Rock The Box Photo Booth, LLC. The Articles of Organization were filed on May 29, 2015 with the New York State Department of State. The County within this State where the office of the company is to be located is Rensselaer County. The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the company upon whom process against it may be served. The post office address to which the Secretary of State may mail a copy of any process against the company is 29 Plum Avenue, Troy, New York 12180. The purpose of the business of the LLC is any lawful purpose permitted of a limited liability company in the State of New York.
Mixed breed loving fem. dog, 5-6 yrs. old., needs love & attention, stay-at-home or retired. Free to good home. 518-813-9188 Pedigree Lionhead Bunnies Pedigree lionheads 8 wks. & up many colors and litters to choses from. All very friendly. $25-$45 they all come with a bag of transition food. 518931-0043 www.facebook.com/LovingBu nnyRabbitry
MISCELLANEOUS Cash for old postcard collections, accumulations, old photos and iron door stops. 383-5126
AREA STUDENTS NAMED to MORRISVILLE STATE COLLEGE PRESIDENT’S LIST Morrisville State College recently announced those students who were named to the President’s List for the Spring 2015 semester. To be named to the President’s List, a student must achieve a perfect 4.0 average for the semester and complete 12 credit hours. Katherine McIntyre of Averill Park; Chad Badger of Troy.
SAND LAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY SEPT. MEETING Revisit the Crooked Lake Hotel of 1989 through the eyes of former owner, Al Coons. Last April, the Sand Lake Historical Society successfully hosted “TR” at Crooked Lake. As a fascinating follow up, the SLHS will kick off its 2015-2016 season, Tuesday, Sept. 8th. Town Historian Bob Moore will present a program on the Averill Park Video Discovery Program 1985-1991. Over a six year period, Mr. Moore, as a 7th grade social studies teacher, supervised student produced video programs in the school district. These programs were often collaborations with town organizations. The highlight of the show will be the 1989 tour of the Crooked Lake Hotel with then-owner, Al Coons. This was a joint venture between the Sand Lake Historical Society and the school district. For more information about the Sand Lake Historical Society, Events, Membership and Historical Markers, please check out our web site at HTTP://sandlakehistory.org. All are welcome. Our programs are usually at the Sand Lake town hall at 7:30 on the second Tuesday of the month, except for July and August. ~ Submitted by Dee Erickson
•RETAINING WALLS •PATIOS •WALKWAYS •Pool Areas •Stone •Brick •Pavers •Ties •Block •Resetting •Landscape Amenities •Stone Driveways
SCOTT TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 8/9/13. Office location: Rensselaer County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Brian Y. Scott, 80 Valley Dr., W. Sand Lake, NY 12196. General Purpose. Notice of Formation of SENIOR SELECT LIVING SOLUTIONS, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/19/2015. Off. Loc. Rensselaer County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 14 Empire Drive, Poestenkill, NY 12140. Purpose to engage in any lawful activity.
Page 24 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
Free t s E imates Insured
• Foundation Leaks, Cracks • Structural Repair • Restore Value & Safety • Steps • Stone Walls • Outbuilding Restoration • Excavating • Drainage Problems, ditches, systems
ED BEGIN FOR QUICK RESPONSE CALL 477-0491 Proven solutions for every project • Since 1970
I bid to get the work!
SERVICES AC TTT CONTRACTING Paving and sealcoating. Free estimates. Call 894-4675 AFFORDABLE CARPENTER
Kitchens, baths, decks, windows & doors. Fully Insured.Call after 6pm 6743756 APPLIANCE REPAIR Most brands including Sears. Prompt service. Mike Horowitz 477-8378 BUYING GOLD & SILVER Highest cash prices paid. Jewelry, vintage costume and turquoise, coins, watches, knives, military, toys, antiques etc. 30+ yrs. exp. Save time call Joe first. 669- 2274
CASH FOR JUNK CARS $200-$2000. Free pick-up. 365-3368 CHIMNEY CLEANING Chimney cleaning & repairs, wood stoves installed. Insured, experienced. Don Bradley 674-2444 C. L. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Taking care of all your window and remodeling needs. Neat and dependable. Fully insured. Free estimates. Call Rich (518) 528-7173.
CLEAN-OUTS Junk Removal, salvage from old barns, sheds, houses, basements etc. Jeff 339-0037 CLEAN-OUTS Specializing in residential and commercial clean-ups, attics, bs’mts, garages, estates, insured. Simple Solutions - Mark 2836527 CLEANOUTS Weekly garbage service. Bulk pick up, metal removal & more. Fully ins. “Doing things you don’t want to!” Call Bill 256-5430. CLEANOUTS, DEMO & JUNK REMOVAL Free est.cheaper than a dumpster & we do all the work. 339-3369 CUSTOM STONEWORK Patios, firepits, retaining walls, new sidewalks, sidewalk repair. Any kind of masonry/ concrete work. 4230946 Decks, Sheds, Remodels Decks, sheds, coops, play yards, int. flooring, basements, etc. Mike 6698526
DECKS/ PORCHES Decks, porches, 3 season rooms, siding and roofing. Insured. 669-5734
DEMOLITION Any size removed - quick & clean! Complete demolition Houses, barns, buildings, trailers. Land clearing. Concrete broken up & removed. Fire damage clean up. Building & warehouse clean out. RICK CARBONE, prompt service. 696-3000 Best rates! DIRTY WINDOWS? CLOGGED GUTTERS? Call, text or email Clear View Window Washing 518- 4509357 cvww@outlook.com Prices starting at $8/window. Fully insured. Free estimates. Gutter cleaning prices: $90 single story, $140 two story. DIVORCE Uncontested Divorce papers prepared $349 Incl. poor person app. custody & support Pet. 274-0380
HARD WOOD Cut, split and delivered. $200 a cord. Hitchcock Timber Harvesting. 894-3682 HOUSE CLEANING Excellent references. Reliable. Since 1988. Jill 7271342. HOUSECLEANING GLEAM TEAM. Res./Office. Over 37 yrs. local exper. FULLY INSURED. Gift cert. (518) 477-7566 HOUSECLEANING Res/comm. Extreme. reas. rates, 25+yrs exp free est. ref 894-2049 HOUSEHOLD HELP Help with your errands, cleaning, organizing, projects, meals, etc. Linda at 222-9734
ELECTRICAL WORK Installations & repairs. Quality work, reas. rates. Steve 3647231
JOEYJUNK.COM Cleanouts, hauling, attics, b’ment, garages. Get it done fast for less cash. Fully ins. 237-JUNK “5865”
ELECTRICIAN Stone electric. Residential repair and installs. Insured, experienced. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free est. 3645200 EXCAVATION, TRUCKING, & LOGGING Driveways, drainage, septic, brush hogging, lawns, water diversion, sm. & lrg. jobs 3393369. GARBAGE SERVICE Weekly pick up, bulk pick up, cleanouts & more. Fully ins. “Doing things you don’t want to!” Call Bill 256-5430. GARDENING, LANDSCAPE Yard work, handyman, odd jobs and hauling. Reliable. Mike (518) 810-4522 GOT MOSQUITOS & TICKS on your property? Or mold in your home? For safe chemical free solutions to these problems, call Wise Home Solutions, Inc. 3302268. Free estimates, fully insured. HANDYMAN 30 years experience. Kitchens, baths, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, etc. 5261604
or 674-8613
Specializing in Staining HANDYMAN Remodel, carpentry, masonry, deck porches, int./ext. paint, fences, door/window, gutter, all repairs. Free est. c 669-0814, 271-9161
DO IT ALL HOME REPAIR Carpentry, plumbing, electrical, drywall, paint and more. Over 20 years experience. 270-9084
ELECTRICIAN Lammon Electric. Fully lic. & ins. 30yrs exp., res./comm. Panel upgrades. 274-5100
LANDSCAPE/ PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 1 time, weekly & biweekly, stone, topsoil, mulch, ponds, brush hogging, clean-up 3393369 LAWN CARE Mowing, weeding, shrub trimminng, brush removal, storm cleanup, odd jobs & more. Fully ins. “Doing things you don’t want to!” Call Bill 256-5430. LAWN MOWER REPAIR Prompt, guaranteed repairs on most brands incl. Sears. Pick-up/del. Mike Horowitz 477-8378 MASONRY All phases, new and old. Fully insured. Call Shawn 5770962 ODD JOBS Mowing, shopping, cleaning, doctor appts. etc. Rebecca 428-7778 PAINTER - PAPER HANGER 30 yrs exp. Free estimates. Fully ins. Economical prices. Nancy 248-4044 PAINTING - INT./EXT. AA Season’s Best Painting & Contracting Svc. 20 yrs. exp. Member of BBB. Ins. & refs. Major credit cards accepted. 424-0078
PAINTING Afford. Summer Prices! Int./ext. Pwr. washing. Fully ins. 590-6375 PAINTING/WALLPAPER Bringing Colors Together. Pressure / Window washing. Fully insured. 415-5733 PLUMBING & HEATING Repair, installs, service, licensed experienced, insured. Cert., 24 hr. service 518 283-2331 PLUMBING A need for a plumber? Fully insured. Major credit cards accepted. 424-0078 POOL FILLING Will fill your pool with clean water. Call Jack 279-9451, lv. message. PURE WATER WINDOW CLEANING Prices starting at only $4 per window. For details go to windowcleaning411.com 518618-7146 Rainbow Vacuum Cleaners Authorized service. New and used units, free pickup. Call for holiday specials! 1- 877-265-8367 Toll free. RICK CARBONE EXCAVATION CO. 40 yrs. of exp. House demolition, cellar excavation, septic systems, tree cutting, driveways, water lines buried, top soil, sand & gravel, poured concrete foundations, retaining walls, fuel tanks installed & removed, lawns installed (seed or sod). Fully ins. Free est. Best rates & job satisfaction guaranteed! 6963000 ROOF REPAIR No job too small. Fully ins., free est. Holland Roofing 4519325 ROOFING A&J Roofing, shingles, slate, rubber. Fully insured. Free est. (518) 283-9094 ROTOTILLING Vegetable gardens, & flower gardens. Base price $50, depending on size & location. Call or text Steve 703-9895 Sand Lake, Averill Park and surrounding area.
~ Senior Citizen 15% Discount - Veteran’s 20% Discount ~ Free Estimates • Fully Insured • Over 25 Years Experience
Remington BLACKTOP Call us 729-8263
SERVICES SEPTIC CLEANING Sand Lake Septic. Tanks cleaned, repair, new installation 674-3000
TOP SOIL / STONE Topsoil, crusher run, #1, #2, drainage, sand and more. Delivered. 669-5734
SEPTIC SERVICE Tanks cleaned, group rates avail. Call a neighbor! Gene 674-5223
TREE SERVICE Brush, tree, shrub removal & trimming. Also small building demolition. Insured and experienced. Don Bradley Jr. (518) 674-2444
SEWING MACHINE REPAIR Household/industrial, all makes, tune-ups,parts, supplies 674-8491 Shades of Green Specializes in hosta & perennials for shade. Tues.Fri. 10a-6p; Sat. 10a-4p 2036 Cook Rd., Charlton. lotsahosta.com 882-5433 STONE & DIRT DRIVEWAYS Repairs, Excavation, Ditching, Drainage. Stone & Gravel & Topsoil deliveries. Free est. insured. 258-4092/712-5332 STONE / TOPSOIL / MULCH Sand, Gravel, Manure, Free Delivery, Bolders, Decorative Stone, Shale, Installation avail. 339-3369 Stump ‘N Grind Prof. stump grinding service. Ins. backyard accessible. 301-5712
TREE SERVICE DJ Tree Service, 25 yrs. exp. Free est. Stump removal, ins. 427-1590 TREE SERVICE Scheffler’s Tree Service. Removal, pruning, trimming. Ins. free estimates. Bill 4799749 TREE, SHRUB, STUMP SRV Bucket, crane, chipper, stump removal, small jobs to mega. 339-3369 WELL PUMP SERVICE Residential/commercial, service & repairs (518) 2832331 WINDOW CLEANING Ken’s Window Cleaning. Fully insured. Comm./ Res. 40-yrs. family exp. 766-4975
TELEVISION REPAIR Flat panel TV service. Exchange TV. 400 Columbia Tunrpike. 482-1255 or 4777123
LOCAL STUDENTS RECEIVE DEGREES at UNIVERSITY of RHODE ISLAND At the University of Rhode Island’s 129th Commence-ment on Saturday and Sunday, May 16-17, 2015, about 3,200 undergraduate and 660 graduate students became the University’s newest alumni. The following students from the area were awarded undergraduate degrees from the University of Rhode Island: Beth Evans of Castleton, NY, received a Doctor of Pharmacy Magna Cum Laude; Ashley King of East Greenbush, NY, received a Doctor of Pharmacy Magna Cum Laude; Daniel Joseph O’Brien of Troy, NY, received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Marketing.
SEALCOATING Crack filling. G & C Sealcoating. (518) 857-2886 Senior Companion Care In-home, errands, assist with daily activities, appointments, etc. Visits to nursing home residents. Free in-home assessment. 17+ years in Human Services. 674-2765.
$100 OFF Any 6” Drilled Well $25 OFF Any Service Call Coupon must be presented at time of work One coupon per service • Expires 12/31/15.
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 25
WANT A FREE EVENT FOR YOUR KIDS THIS SUMMER? Parents, we are on a “mission”!... a VBS mission. So, have your kids “swing” on into Connecting Point Church and “hang out” with us as we are “wild about hunting for treasure” and “going bananas” over “adventure” . Our “safari guides” at Connecting Point Church will lead our life changing, Jungle Safari Vacation Bible School as we “explore” the nature of God! Every night of the week from 6:00-8:30, August 3-7, 2015, for “hunters” entering K-6 grade, we will “discover” God through music, lessons, games, crafts, and snacks. Don’t let your kids miss out on this “great adventure” that they will “treasure” for years to come! And everything is FREE… including some summer evenings for you parents! You will need to register online at www.connectingpoint.church.Connecting Point is located at 568 Columbia Turnpike, East Greenbush, in the Van Den Houten Square, across from Dunkin Donuts.
On Sunday, July 12, 2015, the Nassau Reformed Church will focus on the letter of Paul in Ephesians 1:3-14. Paul writes this letter to strengthen and encourage the believers in Ephesus, as city of modern day Turkey in their Christian faith. In these verses he presents a well developed image of believers as God’s children, as adopted through Jesus Christ and made heirs of all the promises of “God’s Overflowing Graciousness.” In the sermon of that title, the Reverend Edward L. Van Kampen will point to the reality that; although we are drawn from different nationalities and backgrounds, the church of Jesus Christ is a community where divisions break down and all are in God’s hands to the praise of His glory. Summer worship is at 10 a.m. in our chapel on the second level of our Church-School-Building at 43 Church Street (Route 20).
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ST. JUDE THE APOSTLE CHURCH, WYNANTSKILL, NY JULY 20-24, 2015 (9:00A.M.-NOON) - AGES 312 ($20.00 for 1 child, $10.00 for each additional child) SHINING STAR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Shining Star will help all of God’s children-girls and boys, young and old-to shine with the light of God by listening, studying, taking action, forgiving, and being stars for Christ through loving ways. You will be inspired to believe and sing “This little light of mine; I’m gonna let it shine!” and to better understand what Jesus told his disciples in the overall Scripture, “You are the light of the world!” (Matthew 5:14a). Enjoy great music, snacks, bible stories, games and theatre, and so much more. For a registration form, please call the Parish Office at 283-1162.
SAND LAKE ECUMENICAL VBS INVITES YOU TO JOIN US FOR EVEREST VBS Registration Is Open! When: Sunday, July 26 – Thursday, July 30, 2015; 5:45pm-8:30pm; Where: Salem United Methodist Church, 349 Shaver Rd, West Sand Lake off Rte. 150. At Everest VBS, Kids will embark on an icy expedition where they will overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. They will be anchored in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges. We’re looking forward to sharing this exciting event with the children and parents in the community. VBS is open to children ages 3 and older and there is no registration fee. You can get your registration forms in the church offices of Salem United Methodist, Church of the Covenant, St. Henry’s, Zion’s United Church of Christ of Taborton, or Trinity Lutheran Church. Or, you can request one be sent to you via email by contacting us at sandlakevbs@yahoo.com. If you have any questions, please call Melissa Barber at 477-5607 or Keri Stern at 674-3818.
Page 26 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of 195 Hoosick St Apartments LLC. Arts .Of Org. filed with Secy. Of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on 2/6/2015. Office location: Rensselaer County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 217 Hoosick St., Troy, NY, 12180. Upon whom it may be processed. Purpose: any lawful activity. 2200 19TH STREET LLC filed Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/8/15. Office location, Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and mail process to the LLC, 2200 19th Street, Troy, NY 12180. Principal address is 2200 19th Street, Troy, NY. Purpose: any lawful act under Section 203 of the New York Limited Liability Company Act.
260 HOOSICK STREET LLC filed Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/8/15. Office location, Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and mail process to the LLC, 260 Hoosick Street, Troy, NY 12180. Principal address is 260 Hoosick Street, Troy, NY. Purpose: any lawful act under Section 203 of the New York Limited Liability Company Act. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Name: 3167 Route 20, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 4/24/15. Office location: Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 228 Malden Bridge Road, Nassau, New York 12123. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.
LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of limited liability company (LLC). Name: David J Browe LLC. Articles of Organization filed with NY Dept of State on 4/14/15. Office location: Rensselaer County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o United States Corporation Agents Inc., 7014 13th Ave., Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. NOTICE OF FILING OF ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION IN NEW YORK BY A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Name: Donny Hughes LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SOS) on 2/12/2015. Office location: Rensselaer County. SOS is designated as agent of LLC for service of process. SOS shall mail copy of process to 9 Fairfax Street, Wynantskill, New York 12198. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. Notice of formation of a Limited Liability Company (LLC): Name: EPIC WINE AND LIQUOR LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 5/27/2015. Office location: Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom served. SSNY shall mail a copy process to: C/O EPIC WINE AND LIQUOR LLC, 50 Geneva Blvd. Wynantskill, NY 12198. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Notice of formation of Greenbush Property Services llc. On 04/28/2015 articles of organization were filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY). Office located in Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process may be served .Process shall be served at 31 Glenmore RD. Troy N.Y. 12180. Purpose :any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Hoosick Haven Farm LLC. Arts Of Org. filed with Secy. Of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on 5/20/15 Office location: Rensselaer County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 1420 Tamarac Road, Troy NY 12180. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of a Limited Liability Company (LLC): Name: J & T’s Revitalized Homes, LLC, Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on May 7, 2015. Office Location: Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: C/O J & T’s Revitalized Homes, LLC, 110 Green Avenue Castleton, NY 12033. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Notice of Formation of Kevin Miller Realty LLC, Articles of Organization, filed with New York Secy. of State on 5/12/15. Office location Rensselaer County, SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o LLC@ 340 Shaver RD, W. Sand Lake NY 12196. Purpose, any lawful purpose.
WYNANTSKILL UFSD ANNOUNCES VALEDICTORIAN AND SALUTATORIANS Wynantskill Union Free School District is proud to announce the top students of the 2015 8th Grade Class. The Valedictorian is Justin Cioffi. The co-Salutatorians are Gracie Driscoll and Amaya George. Justin Cioffi, the son of Nicole Ford and Dean Cioffi, has participated in sports, accelerated Math and English programs. Justin was also Class President, earning an overall GPA of 97 during his final year at Gardner-Dickinson. He will continue his education next year at Troy High School. Gracie Driscoll, daughter of Wendy and Michael Driscoll, has participated in sports, accelerated Art and English programs. She earned an overall GPA of 96 during her final year at GardnerDickinson. She will continue her education next year at Averill Park High School. Amaya George, daughter of Kristi and John George, has participated in sports, band and Builder’s Club, earning an overall GPA of 96 during her final year at Gardner-Dickinson. She will continue her education next year at Troy High School.
ERIK WAGNER LAURIN GRADUATES from UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER Erik Wagner Laurin, a resident of Castleton, N.Y., graduated from the University of Rochester on Sunday, May 17, at the 165th commencement with a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering. Laurin is the child of Tom and Mary Ann Laurin, and a graduate of Maple Hill High School in Castleton, N.Y.
THRIFT SHOP The Church of the Redeemer Thrift Shop (1249 Third Street, Rensselaer, at the corner of Third and Catherine Streets) will be open on Thursday, July 9th, from 3PM to 6PM; and on Saturday, July 11th, from 9AM to 2PM. The shop features clothing in sizes from newborn to 4X, books, toys, games and puzzles, greeting cards, themed gift baskets, housewares, glasses, dishes and many one-of-a-kind items. Ask to see our handicapped equipment. Everything is very reasonably priced. The Thrift Shop is on CDTA B usline #214, is handicapped-accessible and can be entered from the parking lot behind the building.
LEGAL NOTICE CALL THE GARDNERS LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 06/08/15. Office: Rensselaer County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 159 Woodward Road, Nassau, NY 12123. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
LADIES BUS TRIP TO BENEFIT HOPE 7 COMMUNITY CENTER October 17-19 there is a bus trip to Mystic, CT, that will benefit the Hope 7 Community Center. This trip will include a scenic train ride in Essex, wine tasting in Stonington and a Ghost tour in Mystic. Also included are two nights accommodations at the Hampton Inn and Suites, two buffet breakfasts, two buffet dinners and luncheon at the Griswold Inn. Price for a double room is $420. Reservations can be made by contacting Vincenza Zucaro, 274-7845 or vincenza@nycap.rr.com. Reservations must be accompanied by a $50 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit, payable by check to VINCENZA ZUCARO.
AARP DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE Rensselaer County ’s Everett Wagar Senior Center, 2 Roxborough Road, Grafton will be holding an AARP Safe Driving Course, Thursday, July 23rd, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., with a break at noon for lunch, available at center. Save up to 10% on your car insurance! The cost will be $20.00 for AARP members and $25.00 for non-members. Please call Penny at 279-3413, or stop at the center for reservations – SPACES ARE LIMITED!
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NOTICE OF FORMATION of CastelloCo LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 6/1/15. Office location: Albany County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to CastelloCo LLC, 196 1st Street Rear, Troy, NY 12180. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.
2002 Chrysler Voyager 92,500 mi., orig. owner, many new parts, good cond. $2500 674-5521 “67 Chevelle Malibu, 4 dr. 327. Very good cond. Automatic. $12,500. 7297643
Notice of Formation of D L LUKE LLC pursuant to NY Limited Liability Law, section 203, Art. of Org. Filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/19/2015. Office location: 351 6th Ave, Troy, NY 12182. SSNY designated as agent for LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to: c/o the LLC, 351 6th Ave, Troy, NY 12182. Purpose to engage in any lawful act or activity. HELPIR, LLC filed Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/22/15. Office location, Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and mail process to LLC at 1694 Columbia Turnpike, East Schodack, NY 12063. Principal address is 1694 Columbia Turnpike, East Schodack, NY. Purpose: any lawful act under Section 203 of the New York Limited Liability Company Act.
Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). COLLAR CITY CONCRETE, LLC Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York on May 28, 2015. Office location: 19 Central Ave., Troy, NY 12180, Rensselaer County. NY JAMES M. STROPE, Sr. has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, at the above address for any lawful purpose.
The Advertiser (South) July 9, 2015 Page 27
Hormone & Antibiotic Free www.gemfarmsbuffalo.com
Robert (Bobby) Krause Holy Cow! 50 years old? Happy Birthday big brother!
NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Calling all â&#x20AC;&#x153;New Lifeâ&#x20AC;? Families â&#x20AC;&#x201C; PAST and PRESENT â&#x20AC;&#x201C; for a potluck reunion on Saturday, August 1, 2015, from 2PM until 6PM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 292 Hays Rd, East Greenbush. Bring a dish to share, we will provide the drinks. This is New Lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 35th YEAR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; so the perfect time to catch up with old friends! Contact Caroline Zeyak at elvis628@fairpoint.net or 518-928-3223. Church email is nlaogeg@newlife.com. Look forward to seeing you!
Page 28 July 9, 2015 The Advertiser (South)
SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE DEANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LIST STUDENTS for 2015 SPRING SEMESTER Nicholas Kuhn of Rensselaer is studying Applied Exercise Science. Elizabeth Dickie of East Greenbush is studying Athletic Training. Courtney McDowell of Wynantskill is studying Communication Sciences and Disorders. James Mariano of Troy is studying Communications/ Sports Journalism. Sarah Laranjo of Averill Park is studying Criminal Justice. Taylor Lockrow of Troy is studying Health Science/PrePhysician Assistant. Samantha Scanu of Averill Park is studying Health Science/ Pre-Physical Therapy. Chelsea Lillpopp of Castleton is studying Management. Logan Murphy of Rensselaer is studying Sport Management.
OURâ&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; NOW OPEN â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; â&#x2014;&#x2039; OWN HOMEGROWN T WEBB AT CORN VISIT US ON THE WEB A .MARKET WEBB.MARKET
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WEBBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Farm Stand
In an effort to recognize outstanding achievements of our students, Maple Hill High School presents each month a Student of the Month Award. For the month of April, 2015, the students selected to receive this recognition are: Freshman â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Erika Duraski; Sophomore â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Victoria Olsen; Junior â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lauryn Krupa; Senior â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Timothy Cooke Erika, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Duraski, was nominated for being extremely dedicated and always puts forth her best effort. Here at Maple Hill she is a member of Drama Club, Band, Chorus, Swing Choir, and Key Club. Outside of school Erika attends Isabelleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s School of Dance, takes voice, flute, and piano lessons while also participating in theatrical productions. After graduation, she plans to attend college to study musical theater in NYC and hopes to perform on Broadway. Victoria, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Olsen, was nominated for being a very hard worker who always has her work done on time and is of high quality. Here at Maple Hill she is a member of the Volleyball and Basketball teams, along with being a member of Student Council and SCCP. Outside of school Tori competes on an AAU Basketball team and works as a hostess. After high school, she plans to go to college and hopes to study something related to math. Lauryn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Krupa, was nominated for being an exceptional student and athlete. Here at Maple here she is a member of Soccer, Bowling, Track and Field, SADD, Newspaper and International Club. Outside of school she plays travel soccer and works at St. Josephâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center in Valatie. After high school, Lauryn plans to attend college and possibly study something related to medical research. Timothy, son of Mr. Timothy Cooke Sr., and Mrs. Susan Ward, was nominated for working hard in his CTE program, along with being a good friend and kind to others. Here at Maple Hill he has been a member of Drama club, Recycling Club, and SCCP. For the past two years, he has been attending a Career Technical Education program for Cosmetology. After high school, Tim is going to attend HVCC to study Environmental Science. The faculty and staff wish to congratulate these students on being selected April students of the month for their respective grades.
The largest graduating class in WPIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s history, 1,680 students, received their degrees beneath a large, billowing tent that shielded graduates and well-wishers from the sun that occasionally peeked from behind generally cloudy skies. In all, the Institute awarded 956 bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degrees, 682 masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degrees, and 42 PhDs during its 147th Commencement exercises. The following local residents recently graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). Dominick Bossalini of Hoosick Falls, was awarded a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering with distinction. Ona Papageorgiou of Wynantskill, was awarded a master of science degree in environmental engineering.