Rensselaer Bulletins

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Rensselaer County

Bulletin Board E. G. CSD CONTINUING ED. PROGRAM ANNOUNCES ALZHEIMER’S WORKSHOP • Monday, March 18th, at Columbia HS, 6:30 8:30pm, $10.00. ALZHEIMER’S - “KNOW THE 10 SIGNS; EARLY DETECTION MATTERS” - The warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease are often dismissed as inevitable parts of normal aging. Early detection is the key. Attend this interactive workshop to learn the 10 warning signs where we separate myth from reality and address common fears about Alzheimer’s and dementia. Hear from people who have the disease and find out how to recognize the signs in yourself and others. Appropriate Audience - Anyone who is interested in learning the warning signs of Alzheimer’s, and a little information about Alzheimer’s disease. To register or for further information, please call 207-2150 and follow the prompts.

CIRCLE THEATRE PLAYERS PRESENTS THE PLAY “OF MICE AND MEN” Circle Theatre Players presents the classic, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck and directed by Eric Washburn, of Castleton, NY. This iconic story of hard times, friendship, and the endurance of hope will be performed on March 8, 9, 14, 15, & 16 at 8pm and March 10 & 17 at 2:30pm. Tickets are $16, $10 Under 18. For reservations, visit www. or call 518-674-2007. The SLCA is located at 2880 NY 43, Averill Park, NY.

HOSTA - TRACTOR SAFETY CERTIFICATION/APRIL 2nd - APRIL 5th Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County will host (Hazardous Occupations Safety Training in Agriculture). This course is designed to teach agricultural safety to essentially anyone who owns or operates any type of farm tractor or equipment. According to OSHA Youth aged 14 and 15 years old who are not working directly for their parents must have a tractor operator’s certificate to legally operate large equipment. Cost is $35. Participants must Pre-register, Please contact Kirk Shoen for more information at CCE Rensselaer County 272-4210 or kjs264@cornell. edu CCE is an EOE and adheres to the ADA. If any participant has special needs to attend class, please indicate what they would be when you pre-register.

POULTRY 101 Have you ever thought of having your own backyard chicken flock? Do you have a few chickens and want to improve your production? Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County will be hosting a basic poultry class on Saturday, March 16th , 9:00 am - 11:00 am, CCE office, 61 State Street, Troy, NY 12180 second floor conference room. Topics will include; housing, feeding, basic maintenance of your flock, how to choose a breed that work best for you, production, and many other topics. Cost is $7.00. Please RSVP. For more information, feel free to contact Kirk Shoen, CCE Rensselaer County: 518-272-4210 ext 113 c: 518-951-9464 CCE is an EOE and adheres to the ADA. Individuals with questions or special needs requiring accommodation should contact Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County at the phone number above. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County provides equal program and employment opportunities.

ANNUAL ST. PATRICK’S DAY BENEFIT DINNER FOR SLCA On Thursday, March 16, at 6pm, enjoy the annual St. Patrick’s Day benefit dinner for the Sand Lake Center for the Arts at the historic home of Ron and Barb ‘Mc’Berti, 42 Schumann RD, Averill Park, NY. Our chef’s Ron McBerti and Gene O’Langley will again prepare a meal of the best corned beef and cabbage this side of Ireland, along with their homemade brownies, that are always a big hit. Be sure to come and enjoy the good food, along with some great company and live music provided by George Wilson, Bill Spence who will be joined this year by John Roberts. They will be performing The Irish Soldier, a preview of Four Seasons, Four Years-The Civil War: A Musical Journey, which they along with eight other performers, will perform in its entirety on April 20. This is part of the Squire Jacob Concert Series at SLCA. So please come enjoy traditional fare, sing classic Irish tunes, get a little preview of good things to come, and mingle with friends. Reservations needed, $25 pp and BYOB. Call 518-674-8363 or

WOODS AND WILDLIFE WORKSHOP “Caring for Your Woods and Wildlife” is a day-long workshop for forest owners at the Tamarac High

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Bulletin Board School in Troy, on Saturday, March 16, 2013. There will be seven presentations on a variety of topics in the morning, followed by a woods walk in the afternoon. The talks will be geared toward issues and concerns of woodland owners in the Rensselaer Plateau area. Speakers from NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation, the Hudson River Estuary Program and Cornell Cooperative Extension will cover topics including wildlife ecology, forest regeneration, streamside management, woodland transfer, and how to develop a forest management plan. The afternoon walk in a nearby forest will give attendees the opportunity to see how some of the management topics can be applied in their woods. The workshop is sponsored by the Hudson River Estuary Program and Cornell Cooperative Extension Biodiversity Program Work Team, with endorsement by the Rensselaer Plateau Alliance, Greene and Rensselaer County Cooperative Extension, and the Capital District Chapter of the NY Forest Owners Association. The $15 fee covers refreshments, lunch and an information packet. To register online, or print off a mail-in registration form by March 9th, Go to: For more information, contact Kristi Sullivan

EVERYONE WELCOME TO EARLY SERVICE AT KINDERHOOK REFORMED CHURCH Kinderhook Reformed Church welcomes everyone to an early service on Sunday mornings at 8:30AM at the church. It is a slightly more contemporary service with Communion being served the first Sunday of each month. Please come and join us in this new endeavor and see how it fits into your life. The church is located at 21 Broad Street in Kinderhook.

ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH • WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR LENT? How about Stations of the Cross and a movie??? When: Every Friday during Lent 3/8, 3/15, 3/22 Where: Saint Mary’s Church, Nassau, Time: 7:00 PM. We will have Stations of the Cross in the church at 7 PM, followed by pizza and a one hour movie time in the Parish Hall. 3/8 King of Kings (Part 1 of 3), 3/15 King of Kings (Part 2 of 3). 3/22 King of Kings (Part 3 of 3). • OUR JOURNEY OF FAITH What

do Catholics really believe? January to May 2013 - 7-8 PM Thursday Evenings in the Rectory. What is Faith? Who is God? Why does God care about me? • Never made your First Communion or Confirmation? Interested in learning more? St. Mary’s will be holding hour long gatherings in the Parish Rectory or Parish Hall Thursday nights at 7 PM from January 31st to May 2. Call the parish office (766-2701) to learn more. St. Mary’s Catholic Church is located at 26 Church Street in Nassau, NY.

SAINT ANN’S MARONITE CATHOLIC CHURCH MASS SCHEDULE Mass Schedule for Saint Ann’s Maronite Catholic Church located at 1919 Third Avenue, Watervliet; Pastor Father George Bouchaaya. DIVINE LITURGIES: Saturdays: 5:00 PM Sundays: 10:00 AM Monday: NO MASS Tuesday-Friday - 9:00 AM Holy Days Of Obligation: Vigil Liturgy: 6:30 PM Actual Feast Day: 7:30 AM Every Friday on lent: 6.30PM Divine liturgy followed by veneration of the cross; Tuesday to Thursday 7:30AM. Website: Email: stann1905@ Phone: 518-272-6073

ALL ARE WELCOME AT ST. MICHAEL’S With the marking of Ash Wednesday, the Christian Community has entered a period of preparation for our observance of Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Easter is central to the tenets of our Faith, with its focus on the reality of Resurrection, redemption, and rebirth. Some local Congregations have announced a homecoming theme in their Lenten observance, which reflects these concepts, and we at St Michael the Archangel Parish join in “welcoming home” all who wish to join us. Following the leadership and example of our Parish Life Director, Sister Katherine Arseneau csj, we remain mindful of the diversity of need and interest in those around us, and welcome all who

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Bulletin Board enter our door. We invite any who have been away from church for a while, to return and join us in this season of preparation and renewal. St Michael’s has beautiful, participatory liturgies and activities planned for Lent and Holy Week. This includes a covered dish communal meal following our celebration of The Lord’s Last Supper on Holy Thursday evening, 3/28. Please access our website www.stmichael-troy. com for a listing of Lenten opportunities. If you have questions, please call Sister Kate at 283-6110. You will be welcomed at any and all of our services.

COOPERATIVE CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES OF SCHODACK ECUMENICAL SERVICES Sunday evening services will bring the Cooperative Christian Ministries of Schodack churches together to celebrate the season of Lent as a community of believers. Join us for food, fellowship and a Lenten service on the first five Sunday evenings of lent. Each church will host a light supper at 5:15PM followed by a service at 6PM. March 10th - Trinity Lutheran; March 17th - Muitzeskill Reformed.

HOLY WEEK SERVICES AT THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH You are invited to join us at Third Presbyterian Church, as we celebrate and remember the events of Holy Week. The week begins with Palm Sunday worship on March 24th at 10:30 a.m. where we will celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Maundy Thursday is a time to remember and reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. We will begin the evening with a light meal of soup and bread at 6:15 p.m. followed by worship with communion at 6:45. We will gather for worship on Good Friday at 6:30 to reflect on the crucifixion of Jesus and what it means for us. We will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the promise we have of new life in Him on Easter Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Childcare is offered for children under 5. Please call the church office at 283-2420 for more information. We wish you and your family a blessed Easter season!


Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday! • Sunday, March 10th - 8:30 am Worship and Communion 9:15 am Sunday School for children and adults; 10:30 am Worship with choir and organ. Professional child care provided. 11:30 am Fellowship Hour in the social room. • Lenten Community Worship will be on the topic “Shouting Stones,” considering some non-disciples who shared Jesus’ message and how we might do so. Worship will be at Church of the Covenant at 12 noon, every Friday through March 29. A simple lunch follows, except for March 29, Good Friday. Suggested donation is $5. Church Office hours are 8:30 am - 1:30 pm, Monday through Friday. The Church of the Covenant, United Methodist, is the round church near the blinker in Averill Park. Pastor Merry Watters, phone 674-3664, Email:

HOLY WEEK AT FIRST UMC Join in fellowship to remember the joy of Easter, of the Risen Christ at the First United Methodist Church, 1 Gilligan Road, East Greenbush. Feel the awe of Holy Week with inspiring messages and beautiful music at the following services. Palm Sunday, March 24, 9:30, the celebration of the Palms given out; Maundy Thursday Communion Service, March 28, 7:00PM; Good Friday, March 29, 7:00PM the remembrance experienced with word and music; Easter Sunrise Service, March 31, 6:30AM at the outside chapel; Easter Sunday Services, March 31, at 9:30AM and 11:00AM with inspiring messages and music-the children attend the services-baby care available. You may contact the office at 477-9693;

CLOWN COMMUNION- SUPPER ON SUNDAY (SOS) Mark your calendar now, so you don’t miss this very special event at First United Methodist Church, 1 Gilligan Road, E. Greenbush on March 10th from 5PM to 7PM. We’ve invited Pastor Steve Butler of McKownville UMC to share Clown Communion with our whole church family, young, old and everyone in between. He will be here to give us a better understanding of the role of clown ministry in the church. Church

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Bulletin Board clowns do ministry without speaking. They tell a story by action, another way of reaching people. Remember many stain glass windows of hundreds of years ago told a story in pictures because a great number of people could not read. If you have never been a part of such a service, don’t miss your chance to see and participate. The program will begin at 5:00 PM with our pot-luck supper following at 6:00 PM. Please bring a dish to share. Our monthly S.O.S. programs are always free and all ages are invited. Call 477-9693 if you have any questions. www.gbgm-umc. org/egumc

HE LOVES EVEN THE LOST On the Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 10, 2013, the Nassau and Stuyvesant Reformed Churches will devote worship to Luke 15:1 -3, 11-32, the story of the lost son, a young man who demands his inheritance before his father’s death and then returns home after spending all he had. The older brother, who stayed at home to manage the animals and harvest, objected to his father’s forgiveness and welcoming home of the younger brother. Even so, the father was forgiving and welcoming of the younger brother’s return, for the father had love for them both. In the sermon titled, “He Loves Even the Lost,” the Reverend Edward L. Van Kampen will illustrate how our Father in Heaven accepts repented sinners, those who have strayed from him, wholeheartedly. The Stuyvesant Reformed Church begins worship at 9 a.m. at the intersection of Route 9J and Church St., in the hamlet of Stuyvesant. The Nassau Reformed Church begins worship at 11 a.m. in its chapel on the second level of its ChurchSchool-Building, 43 Church Street (Route 20).

WORSHIP HOURS at ST. PAUL’S UMC Sunday Hours at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 1583 Carney Road, Castleton: 9:30 - Sunday Morning Service; 10:30 - Coffee Hour; 5:45 - Informal Dinner - optional healthy covered dish; 6:30 - Casual Evening Worship Service.

5:30 p.m. and includes a praise band and praise music. For information, contact Pastor Dave Martin at 518279-1403 or The worship center is located at the corner of Garfield Road and Route 2 in the Town of Brunswick.

WORSHIP AT GILEAD LUTHERAN Gilead Lutheran invites you to join us in worshiping Christ each Sunday at 11AM. We are located on Brick Church Rd, (Rte 278) and Hoosick Rd (Rte 7) in Center Brunswick. Sunday School is conducted the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. Our building is Handicapped Accessible by elevator. For information, call the church at 279-9270.

CAFÉ THEO INTERFAITH CIRCLE Café Theo is an interfaith circle for those who want to be part of a spiritual gathering, but don’t necessarily feel comfortable ascribing to the religious options available, and for those of a progressive interfaith nature in their current spiritual/religious practice. We value peace-loving freedom of conscience and questioning. Help grow this circle of peace with interfaith discussion, spiritual music, prayer and meditation, and time for fellowship. We meet every second, fourth and fifth Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Open to adults and older teens. RSVP and questions: 518-931-4072. St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 1583 Carney Road, Castleton.

HEALING NIGHT There will be another HEALING NIGHT at Sacred Heart Church, 310 Spring Ave., Troy, on Monday, March 11, at 7PM. Brother Peter Furlong FSC will be the leader. The service consists of teaching, testimonies, healing prayer and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. For more information, call 273-1708. Come and see what good things the Holy Spirit has for you….and bring a friend!!!!



Hope United Methodist Church celebrates the word of God every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with Sunday School included for children. Hope ALIVE! is held at

Children in preschool through fifth grade are invited to join us for an Easter Celebration on Saturday, March 30th, from 1-3 PM at Third Presbyterian Church,

Rensselaer County

Bulletin Board 115 Winter Street in Troy. In celebration of Easter, we will have some craft activities, telling of the Easter story, an Easter egg hunt and, of course, snacks. A parent or guardian is required to stay with their children. There is no charge for this event. For more information, please call the church office at 283-2420.

SL KIWANIS PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISER SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH The Sand Lake Kiwanis Club wants to invite all to participate in a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser on the second Saturday of each month from 4PM to 7PM at the West Sand Lake Fire House on Rt. 43. Cost per meal is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 5 to 10 years old, kids under 5 are free. Meals will consist of spaghetti, meatballs, salad, bread, dessert & beverages. Take-out meals are also available by calling (518) 674-3677. A pasta dinner will be held every second Saturday for the rest of the year. Future upcoming dates include March 9th and April 13th. Proceeds will aid Kiwanis supported projects. Kiwanis is a global organization dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.

LENTEN SUPPERS AT TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Jim Hulihan wants to hold a discussion on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s “Life Together” during our mid-week Lenten Soup Suppers. This is a classic exploration of “Faith in community” by a young Pastor/Theologian who gives an account of fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi years in Germany. We have arranged for a 20% discount on the book “Life Together” from Market Block Bookstore. Here is the schedule: March 13th at Trinity Lutheran Church, Focus: Ministry. March 20th at Gilead Lutheran Church, Focus: Confession and Communion. We hope these Lenten series will help us be nourished in body and spirit! So come and join us at all or any of these suppers as we gather together with a hot bowl of soup. We begin at 5:30PM and end at 7PM. Please call 674-5501 for further information and to order a book! If unable to purchase a book, we can share, just come!

FIRST DAY of SPRING LUNCH & CONCERT Rensselaer County, Rensselaer Senior Center, located at the McManus Center (old St. John’s school), East and Herrick Streets, Rensselaer, proudly hosts tribute artist, in a rare solo performance, Harold Ford, “the Spirit of Johnny Cash Live.” Close your eyes and let the spirit of Johnny Cash take you away on March 20th. Lunch is served at 12 noon and consists of turkey with mashed sweet potatoes, green beans and yogurt, milk, coffee and tea. Following lunch enjoy this great tribute concert. Suggest contribution for lunch is $2.75. We want to thank CDPHP for their sponsorship of “The spirit of Johnny Cash Live.” Please call the Center at 463-2166 for a reservation or for more information. Seats are limited. There is plenty of free parking available.

BRING YOUR GRANDCHILDREN TO LUNCH DAY Calling all Grandparents, the Rensselaer County’s Everett Wagar Senior Center, 2 Roxborough Road, Grafton is hosting a Grandkids Day on Friday, March 29, 2013, beginning at 11:00 a.m. We have scheduled Easter egg coloring, and a visit from Dyken Pond Environmental Center, we will all enjoy a lunch of Macaroni and Cheese, Broccoli, Green Beans, Italian Bread and Cookies for dessert, available at a special price for the kids of $1.00. All Rensselaer County seniors and family’s welcome, reservations required 279-3485.

“ST. PATRICK’S DAY” SPECIAL DINNER On Friday, March 15th, the Nutrition Department will hold its monthly special dinner at noon at the Rensselaer County’s Everett Wagar Senior Center, 2 Roxborough Road, Grafton. This month’s theme will be “St. Patrick’s Day”. Menu will be: Corned Beef/Lite Salt Ham w/Pineapple, Red Potato in Jacket, Cabbage, Whole Baby Carrots, Garnish, Rye Bread, St Patrick’s Day dessert. Entertainment will be provided by the “Brian Zapel” sponsored by CDPHP. Our wonderful complete lunch is available to all Rensselaer County Seniors age 60 and older Monday thru Friday at noon for a suggested contribution of $2.75. Stop in for a complete monthly menu and activities calen-

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Bulletin Board dar. Please call 279-3485 to make your reservations for lunch.

“ST. PATRICK’S DAY” SPECIAL DINNER On Friday, March 15th, the Rensselaer County’s Troy Senior Service Center, 19 Third Street, Troy will hold its monthly special dinner at noon. We will be having a St. Patrick’s Day dinner of Corned Beef & Cabbage! Be sure to join us at 11:00 for a good time as we celebrate with entertainment by Tom Abbott. Our wonderful complete lunch is available to all Rensselaer County Seniors age 60 and older every weekday for a suggested contribution of $2.75. Call 270-5349 to make your reservations.

SOUP LUNCHEON & ANTIQUE APPRAISAL DAY Whether you have an item to get appraised or not, come have lunch at the Nassau Reformed Church, Saturday, March 23rd, from 11 am to 2 pm. All you can eat for $6. Graze your way through a wonderful assortment of soups, chilis and breads. Children, age nine and younger, eat for free. Also on March 23, Mr. Charles Flint will be at the church from 11 am to 2 pm. to appraise your family treasures, collectibles or mysterious what-nots. Cost: $5 for one item; $8 for two; or, $10 for three. Maximum of three items per person. No reservations taken, but if you have any questions, call Judi Markessinis at 766-3092. Come, enjoy the delicious fare and community fellowship. The Reformed Church is located on Church St., (Rt. 20), about a quarter-mile east of the only traffic light in Nassau, NY.

HOPE UMC to HOST DINNER & SERVICE AUCTION TO BENEFIT MISSION PROJECTS Hope UMC will host a dinner and service auction on Saturday, March 9, 2013. The preview of the auction items starts at 5:00 p.m. The dinner begins at 6:30 and will be pulled pork, meatball sandwiches, salad, and drinks. The auction and desserts will begin at 6:30 p.m. This event is for the benefit of mission projects sponsored by Hope UMC. The worship center is located at the corner of Route 2 and Garfield Road in Eagle

Mills. For information, call 518-279-1403.

PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER TO BENEFIT JORDAN HOWLAND A Pancake Breakfast Fundrasier to benefit Jordan Howland will be held on Sunday, March 10th, from 10AM to 2PM at the West Sand Lake Fire Hall, 3697 RT 43, West Sand Lake. Menu will include: Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Milk,Tea & Coffee. Cost is $10 for Adults and $5 for Children under 12. Raffles and more! Jordan is battling a very aggressive form of oral cancer. In May of 2012 he underwent surgery to remove a section of his tongue, several lymph nodes and a tumor in his neck. As you can imagine, the expenses related to the illness and treatments are enormous. Won’t you join us to raise some funds to help Jordan with some of the expenses related to fighting this terrible disease? Please join us.

MELVIN ROADS TO HOST AMERICAN LEGION 94th ANNIVERSARY On Saturday evening, March 16th, the Melvin Roads Post 1231 American Legion will formally acknowledge the 94th Anniversary of the American Legion. Members of the American Expeditionary Force convened in Paris March 15-17, 1919 for the first American Legion caucus. Today there are 2.4 million members in 14,000 posts worldwide, of which Melvin Roads is one, locally numbering 402 active members. A dinner dance is scheduled for the Post Banquet Hall beginning at 5:30pm with dinner at 6:30pm. Ham or Corned Beef are the entrees served family style. Draft beer and soda is included. Music and Dancing will be provided from 7:30pm to 11:00pm. Given the date, the “wearin’ of the green’ is most appropriate! The cost is $30.00 per person ($50 per couple) and open to the general public as well as members. Tickets may be purchased in the Lounge at the Post location, 200 Columbia Turnpike.

BREAKFAST WITH THE EASTER BUNNY AT HOOSIC VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Gather up your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews and neighbors… The Hoosic Valley Class of 2014 is hosting a Breakfast with the Easter Bunny on Saturday, March 23rd, from

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Bulletin Board 9:00am to 11:00am in the Elementary Cafeteria! You do not need to be a resident of Hoosic Valley to attend, all children are welcome! Featuring a homemade breakfast, ‘egg-tastic’ crafts, pictures with the Easter Bunny and a ‘Bunny-gantic’ Easter Egg hunt at 10:30! For registration form, log onto the Hoosic Valley website. We are also calling for plastic eggs that you no longer have a use for. We needs lots and lots for our egg hunt, please drop them off at either the HV Elementary or HS offices or send them in with your child clearly marked ‘Class of 2014’ and we’ll get them filled! Pre-registration by March 18th is requested so we have plenty of everything. Children 2 and under are free; Children 3 to 11 years $5.00; Children 12 years to Adult $7.00.

ST. PADDY’S DAY COFFEEHOUSE • Friday, March 22nd, 7:00 PM sharp - For the Wearing of the Grin, ... er Green! First United Methodist Church, 1 Gilligan Road E. Greenbush. The tables are set and the stage is bursting with talent. The most anticipated entertainment event of March is here! The great St Paddy’s Day Coffeehouse! Mark your calendars now and get prepared to be amazed, and do a little bit of amazing yourself. Wear plenty of green ... and a big grin! There will be plenty of great songs and stories and acts to provide the absolute best in variety and quality of talent. Enjoy all this entertainment while snacking on delectable treats and beverages. Make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to the Coffeehouse. Never a cover charge. A goodwill offering basket will be out for Joseph’s House for the Homeless in Troy. Come to the Fellowship Hall. You will be glad you did. 477-9693 www.gbgm-umc. org/egumc/

EAST GREENBUSH FIRE COMPNAY FISH & CHIPS FUNDRAISER DINNERS The East Greenbush Fire Company is expanding its series of Fish & Chips Fundraiser Dinners. After a number of requests, the Fire Company has decided to add one additional event and run our Fish and Chips nights through March 29th. The event features a Fish Fry Dinner with Fries and Cole Slaw for $8.50, Clam Roll Dinner with Fires and Cole Slaw for $7.50 and a dog Dinner with 2 Hot Dogs,

Fries and Cole Slaw for $6.50. We will also have New England and Manhattan Clam Chowder for $3.50 per bowl, Sweet Potato Fries $4.00 and Cheddar Fires for $3.00. The East Greenbush Fire Company, will be hosting the benefit fish fry dinners at our Fire Station at 68 Phillips Road from 4:30PM to 7:30PM, Friday, March 8, 15, 22 and 29th. Come and enjoy a good meal with a great atmosphere! Supporters may eat-in or take-out, beverages will also be available. The proceeds of the events will benefit community projects such as youth sports team sponsorships and our scholarship program. Any questions, contact Tim Boel at 858-2332.

ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BREAKFAST The Castleton Fire House, located at 11 Green Avenue in Castleton will be hosting an All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast on the first Sunday of every month from 8AM till Noon; 2013 dates are April 7th and May 5th. Cost is $7/Adults, $6/Seniors and $5/Children ages 5 to 11. Phone 732-4342.

SOUP DAY at the RENSSELAER SENIOR CENTER The Rensselaer Senior Center is please to announce that we will be serving soup every Thursday, along with our regular delicious, nutritious meal. And, if you bring a container, we will send you home with soup and corn bread, that you can enjoy at your leisure. Reservations are required, so call the center at 4632166, and come and enjoy our delicious soup. There is plenty of free parking near the center.

LENTEN DINNERS: FISH FRY OR CLAM ROLL Starting Ash Wednesday and every Friday during Lent, fish fry dinners will be served from 11:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m. at the Poestenkill Christian Church, 721 Snyder’s Corners Rd., Poestenkill, NY. Fish fry, French fries, cole slaw & beverage will be $8.50; Fish fry only will be $4.50; Children’s menu includes hot dog, French fries and beverage for $4.00. Reservations appreciated. Dine-in or take-outs available by calling the church at 286-2773. For information, please call Barbara at 279-9458. Walk-ins welcome.

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