Save the Historic West Sand Lake Firehouse
When I addressed the Town Board at my appointment as Town Historian back in 2013, I mentioned that I took my job seriously, as “a sacred trust” to care for the history of Sand Lake.
When it came to my attention that the 1873 West Sand Lake Firehouse and the 1913 Fire Hall would be demolished to build
EAST GREENBUSH – Supervisor Jack Conway will seek a third, four-year term with the intent of continuing the work he began eight years ago when he was swept into office on the anti-casino and good government slate of East Greenbush First.
Conway, who runs on the Democratic line, announced his decision to his Town Hall staff and on Facebook last Wednesday morning as he and the town Democratic leadership put aside their differences to head into the campaign for November.
“The job’s not done. In the last eight years we’ve built the best town in the Capital Region,” Conway said in an interview.
Conway plans to continue his approach developed when the independent East Greenbush First ticket won the 2015 election. Conway was reelected to a second term in 2019.
“The approach is to separate government and politics,” Conway said.
This resulted in the loosening of the hold
that the Democratic and Republican parties had while controlling the town government. One result has been the strengthening of the town’s ethics code. Conway first served the town as a member of the first ethics board and then became its chairman.
Conway is considered to be among the most recognizable Democratic elected officials in Republican-run Rensselaer County. He leads the second-most populous community in the county after the city of Troy.
Conway is expected to lead an all-incumbent slate of Democratic candidates when the town party caucuses in June to finalize its endorsements. “We had a discussion and we are moving forward. He’s doing a great job with the town,” East Greenbush Chairman Bob Poitras said.
Conway has disagreed with the town Democratic organization over how candidates are selected, preferring to use the petitioning process instead of the current caucus method which usually involves a small number of party activists meeting. As the East Greenbush First candidate, Conway made his way onto the ballot in 2015 by collecting petitions signed by town voters. There were also issues about whether Conway would opt to run again following his son Brian’s death a year ago. Conway and Poitras have talked about the situation and decided to proceed with Conway as the candidate after he said he was determined to run for a third term.
Conway cites among his accomplishments, the restoration of the town’s bond rating after years of its records not being audited and it being considered junk bond status. He also pointed to improvements at the town park, preparing Columbia Turnpike, the Routes 9
for the television series.
TROY — When Kathy Sheehan was 10 years old and went downtown for a piano lesson, she would make her away to the Hart Cluett House to soak in the 19th-century atmosphere of the historic Second Street building.
“It was magical,” Sheehan recalled 58 years later in the second-floor library of the Hart Cluett Museum, which she has just been appointed to lead.
Sheehan is best known as historian for the city of Troy and Rensselaer County in addition to her work with the staff of HBO’s “The Gilded Age” to find authentic 19th-century sites and buildings to film
and 20 corridor, for redevelopment, hiring the first woman police chief in the county, improvements to water, sewers and roads and holding property tax increases to a yearly average of 0.55 percent over the last seven budgets. The town faces challenges in confronting development, dealing with the Rensselaer County Industrial Development Agency’s granting of tax breaks to projects in the town, improving the 50-year-old pumps that bring water to the town from Troy, handling Regeneron Pharmaceutical’s continued growth and keeping the town independent from county government influence, Conway said.
“Regeneron is an exciting challenge to the town of East Greenbush,” Conway said.
Conway’s Republican opponent has not yet been established as the GOP faces a primary for supervisor. County Legislator Tom Grant, who won election to the Town Board as a councilman when he ran on the East Greenbush
First slate with Conway, faces Councilman Ed Nestler, a county Information Technology Services Office employee, in the June 27 primary. The supervisor’s annual salary currently is $85,000.
But that’s changed with the museum’s board of trustees naming Sheehan as executive director after serving as acting executive director for nearly a year.
Beth Schroeder, president of the museum board, said the search committee interviewed three finalists for the post when they realized Sheehan was the person they should consider.
“We had the best candidate for the job already. She has the experience and she has the vision,” Schroeder said Thursday.
Vision is what the board wants in a new executive director — to take the museum through a series of Please see SHEEH AN 13 PROUDLYDELIVERING PROPANE& DELIVERINGYOUDLRP Low-Carbon,Renewable &SustainableHeatingFuel &ANEOPRP 22B ST FTHE CAPT EGO ThinkofYourHome asanInvestment. SellYourHomewith aBusinessPlan. UseaProfessional toInitiatethatPlan. AnthonyM.Gucciardo LicensedRealEstateBroker/Owner LISTLOCAL.SELLGLOBAL. 518-331-3785 VotedBestRealtorin2012, 2020,2021,2022and2023! 10WALSHLANE AVERILLPARK,NY (518)674-5413 MON-THURS4PM-9:30PM FRI4-10PM•SAT3-10PM SUN3-9PM 1:00TO8:00 OPEN MOTHER’S D Y! WWW.KAYSPIZZA.COM 65thYear 232SpringAve|Troy 242 YorktownCt|Voorheesville PROFESSIONALLEGALREPRESEN TATION (518) 283-3546Ext.104 •Fax (518) 283-4709 298 NorthGreenbushRd. PhoneConsultationsAvailable orvisit KATHRYNS.DELL ATTORNEY& COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Freedetailed,writtenquotes,references providedwithdrivingdirections BetterBusinessBureauA+rating. REQUESTAFREE ESTIMATE Driveways • ParkingLots • SportCourts • PrivateRoads WEA CC EPT Museum names Sheehan director East Greenbush’s Conway to run again for supervisor Please see FIREH OUSE 13 | Thursday, May 11, 2023 IBUYHOUSES!!CASH!! AnyPrice,AreaorCondition FAST,FAIROFFERS R&DREHAB P.O.Box1831,AlbanyNY12201 518-441-6376• ScreenReplacement Porches,Doors&Windows WeComeToYou! 518-805-1111 Gazebos,WindowsandDoors 3rdGenerationPavingCompany Residential•Commercial Celebrating 50+Years inBusiness CALLUS 518729-8263 ALSO SPECIALIZINGIN: RETAININGWALLS, INSTALLATIONS&REPAIRS,WATER&SEWERLINES Y S D ST T S nterior&ExteriorPainting Carpentry&Restoration 30YearsExperience*USMC*FullyInsured*FreeEstimates In 518-705-8226 ALLPROPANEISTHESAME. OURPROPANE ISCHEAPER! WEBEATANY COMPETITOR’SPRICE! 518-794-9066 877-794-9066 COMPETIT HLPropane Co.Inc.
PAUL BUCKOWSKI / TIMES UNION East Greenbush Supervisor Jack Conway at his desk in 2020 in East Greenbush. Conway is seeking reelection.
WILL WALDRON / TIMES UNION Troy and Rensselaer County Historian Kathy Sheehan inside Hart Cluett Museum where she was recently named as its executive director on Second St. in Troy,
4th An nual atriot olf ournament
The 4th Annual Patriot Golf Tournament will be held at the Fairways of Halfmoon, 17 Johnson Rd. Mechanicville N.Y. Saturday, July 22nd
Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m., shotgun start 9:00 a.m., 4-person scramble, $500 per team/$125 per individual which includes 18 holes with cart, continental breakfast, lunch at the turn, buffet dinner; raffles, team and individual prizes.
Any participant who brings five donated items for the program will receive five free raffle tickets (excludes grand prize). See http:// for a list of items needed.
All proceeds will go to Operation-Adopt-a-Soldier, a non-profit volunteer organization in Saratoga Springs who send packages to our service men, women and families stationed overseas as well as helping veterans at home. Their motto is “YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN”
All reservations must be received no later than Wednesday, July 12th. For more information contact Louise Maynard 518-728-7610, email or Jackie Capone 518-649-6709 email jcapone@nycap.
Reservations are on first come, first serve basis as the response last year was tremendous.
Thanks to all who participated as an abundance of donated items were brought in and over $7,000 was raised.
At tention eterans
The Castleton/Schodack Memorial Day Parade steps off at 10:00 AM on Monday, May 29th at the corner of Seaman and Boltwood Avenues in Castleton, NY.
The Peter Andrews Castleton Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 7337 is again inviting all veterans with any kind of connection to Castleton/ Schodack to help us honor those that gave their lives for our country, by marching with us.
Guests marching with us should dress appropriately for the day (no politics). If you are unable to march, but still want to be in the parade with us, please con-
Re nsselaer lateau Al liance: Virtual olunteer raining
Tuesday May 16th, 7pm-8pm on Zoom.
Volunteersare central to RPA’s success. Volunteers lead outings, help in the office, maintain community forest trails, assist with planning and organizing our annual gala event, and so much more. We are grateful for our volunteers that generously donate their time to supporting conservation efforts across the Rensselaer Plateau.
Whether you’re a new volunteer or continuing one, we’d like to invite you to an upcoming volunteer orientation, where we cover the basics of what you need to do to become a volunteer - and for current volunteers, some new opportunities you might want to plug into.
Attending this orientation session is the first step for new volunteers. If you’re a continuing volunteer, THANK YOU. Attending this volunteer orientation is not required, but you are warmly invited to attend if you’d like to meet some new like-minded people and join the conversation. If you have questions or would like more information, contact Kim at
Upcoming rograms at oestenkill ibrary
The Teen Advisory Group (TAG) will meet on Thursday, 5/11, at 6:00 PM. TAG’s mission is to expand and promote young adult services at Poestenkill Library through teen engagement, cooperation, and partnership. At this month’s meeting we’ll be talking about summer programming and new ideas! All interested teens are welcome to attend. No registration
tact me as soon as possible so I can reserve a seat in a car for you.
Ricardo E. “Rik” Cosgrave, Commander, Peter Andrews Castleton Memorial VFW Post 7337, 105 Scott Ave Castleton, NY 12033 Email: vfw12033@ Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/VFWCastletonNY My Cell Phone: 518-694-2070.
Su mmer ennis
Camp or oung
SHAC’s Joe Behson, a USTA and USPTA Developmental Tennis Coach, along with a group of teenage Averill Park tennis players, will lead a summer tennis camp for young beginners July 10th-July
20th, Monday-Thursday
each week from 9am12:30pm.
The camp will include a variety of fun, group learning activities geared towards elementary school children (ages 8-12). Enrolled students will learn key tennis concepts, such as the rules of the game while also developing proper racquet handling skills such as the forehand, backhand, return of serve, and volley as well. Understanding the fundamentals of tennis by working together and demonstrating good sportsmanship will be greatly encouraged.
The tennis camp will take place at the Averill Park High School Tennis courts (located on the right side of the school towards
required. Drop-in to the library on Saturday, 5/13, between 10:00 and 1:00 to make a paper flower bouquet and/or a card for all the wonderful moms in your life. Participants can create their own design or follow the instructions at the craft station to create a bouquet like our example. No registration required.
Children and their guardians are invited to the library for stories and crafts every Friday at 10:15 am at Storytime with Ms. Erin.
Teens and adults can plan for a relaxing evening of diamond painting on Wednesday, 5/24, at 6:00 PM! We’ll be making mandala design corner bookmarks. No experience required however, we have a limited number of supplies for this program so registration is required. Please call the library at 518-2833721 to register.
In honor of National Senior Health and Fitness Day Maria Patrick, Certified Health Coach and Qi Gong Instructor from Core Four Health Coaching, will be leading a Qi Gong class at the library on Wednedsay, 5/31 at 6:00 PM. The class will consist of gentle warm-up moves, stretching exercises, deep breathing and flowing movements.
The class is appropriate for all ages and all fitness levels. You may participate in the class either standing up or seated. No prior experience with Qi Gong is necessary. Participants are asked to wear comfortable clothing, and may want to bring a yoga mat or blanket/towel to stand on and a water bottle. Registration is required for this program. Please call the library at 518-283-3721 to sign up.
You can visit our online calendar at www. for more details on these or any of our upcoming programming and events.
the back). In the event of inclement weather, the camp will be held at the indoor court inside the SHAC Center at 27 Lake Avenue, Averill Park, NY. Campers should bring snacks and chilled water with them daily. All campers will receive a SHAC Tennis Camp tee shirt.
* Note: Players of this age will progress best with junior tennis racquets. Junior racquets are shorter, lighter, and have smaller grip sizes ideally suited for children. Adult racquets are often difficult for elementary school children to handle. Parents are encouraged to provide junior racquets but instructor will have a number of junior racquets available for player use if that is necessary.
For additional information, you may email Coach Joe at jbehson@nycap.
Do ou epend n
Are you an active senior with an active bladder! Do you always have the urge to go? On a strong water pill? Special underwear can be very costly. We have an assortment of sizes for men and women. Call and ask for Gloria at The Rensselaer County Senior Center. We would like to help at no cost to you. Call the Rensselaer Senior Center (518) 463-2166 9am to 3pm Monday thru Friday. We are located on East and Herrick Streets.
Prints Paw
The dangers of letting cats roam outdoors
The joy that companion animals bring into a household is what compels millions of people to adopt, purchase or foster pets. Pet ownership requires doing what is necessary to keep the animal content and healthy. Recognizing various common health conditions that can turn up in pets is one component of responsible pet ownership. Popcorn paws is a common yet lesser known condition that affects popular house pets like cats and dogs.
What is popcorn paws?
Popcorn paws, sometimes called Frito® feet, is often discovered when pet owners are tending to their dogs and cats. The condition is so named because pet owners often notice their animals’ paws smell of popcorn or corn chips. That odor is a byproduct of bacteria.
Billions of microorganisms are teeming on the skin of pets like dogs and cats. According to the staff at Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey, popcorn paws occurs when bacteria called pseudomonas and proteus mix with sweat and other moisture on the paws of pets’ feet. Coupled with microbes on the pet’s tongue, which the animal will likely use to clean areas of its body, including the paws, these microbes grow and give off a yeasty odor that some have likened to the smell of popcorn or corn chips.
Dogs in particular have an abundance of sweat glands in their feet. Furthermore, the area between the pads on their paws is moist and dark, which makes this area ripe for the overgrowth of bacteria and yeasts. Even though these microbes are naturally occurring, an overwhelming smell may indicate they’ve proliferated out of control.
When should I be concerned?
Minor yeasty aromas may be nothing to worry about, and keeping pets’ paws clean and dry may help clear up the issue. Long fur on the paws and in between the pads of the feet should be trimmed to curb odor and reduce the accumulation of debris and dirt in these areas. Various hygienic measures can help the matter.
The dog health and lifestyle experts at say that if the smell is quite foul, or the pet is consistently licking its feet or having trouble walking, the situation may be more serious. An injury or yeast infection could be at play. It’s always best to err on the side of caution and discuss symptoms with a veterinarian. The doctor may suggest certain measures, including changing diet and altering hygiene routines. This is a safer bet than homeopathic treatments or strategies touted on medically unsanctioned websites.
Popcorn paws could be making pets a little more smelly than they need to be. Thankfully, getting on top of this health condition is relatively simple.
House cats make peculiar, interesting and lovable companions. Cat owners often go to great lengths to make their furry feline friends feel good, and some may allow cats to roam outside. Though such a decision may be well-intentioned, it could lead to some troubling consequences.
The animal welfare organization American Humane notes that allowing indoor cats outside could jeopardize their health and safety in a number of ways.
Cats allowed to venture outside may encounter feral cats, which American Humane notes can be carriers of disease. A 2014 study published in the journal Zoonoses and Public Health estimated that between 60 and 100 million feral cats live in the United States, and that figure could be even higher today. The animal rights organization PETA notes that contagious diseases such as herpes viral conjunctivitis, feline AIDS, leukemia, and infectious peritonitis are common in feral cats. Indoor and outdoor cats who catch these diseases could suffer serious consequences, including death.
Infection with parasites is another potential outcome for indoor cats allowed outdoors. Though American Humane notes parasites are not usually life-threatening for cats, they can cause a multitude of symptoms, including scratching, skin infections, vomiting, and diarrhea. Fleas, ticks, ear mites, gastrointestinal worms, and ringworm, which can be passed on to people in certain situations, are just some of the parasites cats can pick up if allowed outside.
Safety Safety is another factor cat owners must consider as they ponder whether or not to let their cats outside. American Human disputes the notion that cats have an innate instinct to avoid busy streets. Reliable estimates regarding how many cats are struck and killed by cars each year are hard to come by, but it bears noting that cats’ small stature makes them hard for motorists to see, which could make them more vulnerable to being hit by cars than dogs.
Vehicles are not the only outdoor safety threat to cats. Loose dogs and wild animals, including raccoons and foxes, may hunt cats allowed outdoors. Cats also could ingest toxins such as antifreeze, which has a pleasant taste but could prove fatal for cats. And though the image of firefighters saving cats from high perches in trees is common, trees are a significant threat to cat safety. Curious cats may climb trees and then be afraid to come down or struggle to come down safely, potentially leading to severe injuries.
Though owners may allow cats outdoors as an act of kindness, such a decision could place these pets in serious jeopardy.
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CreatingHealthierBonds BetweenPetsandPeople Since1937! NASSAUVeterinaryClinic Your“FullService” VeterinaryClinic 3930HWY20•Nassau 518.245-3223
Tue/Thr:8am-7:30pm Sat:8am-1pm
‘Popcorn paws’ is a common condition affecting pets
Sp ring Sa le Al l roceeds o o the apital Districts iscarded and Ho meless ats
Spring Sale! Always great bargains to be had. Come up and see us. All proceeds go to the Capital Districts discarded and homeless cats.
Sunday, May 21st 9AM to 3PM (Rain or Shine)Location: Brunswick Hadley-Davidson 1130 Hoosick road, Troy, NY.
There will be a special guest so come out and snap a picture of the kids or yourself with the special guest while finding some really great bargains.
Na ssau ake
As sociation Se eking Crafters/Vendors/ Garage Sa lers Nassau Lake Association (NLPIA) 3rd Annual Lawn Sale 6/10, 9am3pm, the same date as the Nassau Community wide garage sale.
Location: the ballfield on Nassau-Schodack Rd., East side of the Lake. To reserve a spot we’re asking for a $15 donation, which will go toward the new clubhouse. Plenty of room and parking. There will be food and beverages available as well as a 50/50
raffel and gift basket raffels.
Contact Jim or Deb Prime on Facebook or by phone, Deb Prime 518466-2631, Jim Prime 518776-0041 for more info and to sign up. Hope to see you there!
Ne ws Fr om
Averill ark CSD
Averill Park High School’s Maryssa Crosier and Jason Strickland were part of a group of students from the Questar III BOCES New Visions program that presented to superintendents and principals from the region on mental health awareness in schools.
The group prepared a presentation as part of their government class, focusing on the need for more mental health awareness for both students and teachers. Great job, Maryssa and Jason!
Seven of our Spring athletic team have been designated as NYSPHSAA Scholar-Athlete Teams.
Congratulations to the following programs:
Baseball, Softball, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Boys Outdoor Track & Field, Girls Outdoor Track & Field, and Boys Tennis!
Averill Park High School students Brady Battista, Hazel Miller and Nicole Wing had their artwork
selected to be a part of the Questar III BOCES Regional Exhibition. Way to go, everyone!
As always, for the latest news from the District, please visit our website –
You can also follow AP on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Submitted by Dr. James Franchini, Averill Park CSD Superintendent
St St ephen s Sp ring Tag Sa le Ma y 3
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, 751 County Route 7 (directly off Route 150), East Schodack, NY will host its annual Spring Tag Sale on Saturday, May 13th at 9 am.
We are just a few miles from Routes 9 & 20 directly off of Route 150.
Grab some bargains and maybe a Mother’s Day gift. We have something for everyone! The sale is in the basement fellowship hall - so we will be there rain or shine from 9 am to 3:30 pm. We hope you will join us. Sale proceeds will go towards repairs to the steps leading to our church sanctuary.
Na ssau ake Park mprovement
As soc. Me eting
Come join us Thursday May 11, 7pm at the Nassau
VFW on Lyons Lake Road for our annual Spring meeting.
We will be discussing the 2023 season on the Lake, talking about this years yard sale (June 10) at the ballfield, docks and maintaining the areas around said docks, July 4th boat parade and much more.
A reminder that dues are due and will be accepted at the meeting. As always, we are looking for new members, volunteers and folks that just care about making this a great place to live. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Looking Fo r Ar ts & raft nd Fo od Vendors or une 16th-18th iwanis
Su mmerfest
The Kiwanis Club of Sand Lake is reaching out to Capital Region crafters and food vendors to take part in our annual, weekend-long Summerfest, one of the largest summer fairs in Rensselaer County.
The carnival rides, major area bands, adult and youth activities and evening fireworks during the June 16-18th event attract hundreds of people each year.
So this is an event you will not want to miss. Please contact Janet at for more information and to sign up.
AARP efensive Driving ourse
All RESIDENTS 18 AND OVER are Invited to Attend AARP Defensive Driving Course
Refresh your driving skills. Learn the new safety rules. You may be eligible for a reduction in your auto insurance.
Wed, May 31, 2023.
9:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Everett Wagar Senior Center, 2 Roxborough Rd., Grafton.
Course fee is $25 AARP member / $30 non-AARP member. Payment by check or money order (made out to AARP) is strongly preferred. If paying in cash, exact change is needed. Bring to course driver’s license and, if member, AARP card. 30 minute lunch break, recommend bringing your lunch. Can eat in classroom. Please arrive 15 minutes early. Call to sign up at (518) 279-3413. Material needs to be ordered.
WantedOc togenarians
If you graduated from any Troy area High School In 1955, 1956, or 1957, please join us for some fun
and great conversation.
When: May 31, 2023
Where : Browns Brewery, River St. Troy , Time 11am to 4 pm.
Please call for details. 518-727-4689 or email: studedude12180@yahoo. com John or Marilyn Reichard.
East reenbush
CSD udget ote and oard lection
The East Greenbush Central School District has proposed a school budget for 2023-24 that maintains all programs and services with a 0.5% tax levy increase. The proposed budget, totaling $108,812,882, would include staffing additions, technology upgrades, facility improvements and funding to continue the Pre-K Program. Residents will vote on the proposed school budget on Tuesday, May 16.
Other items on the ballot include the purchase of eight replacement school buses from the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund with no impact to taxpayers and the election of three individuals to serve on the Board of Education.
For more information including polling place locations, visit www.egcsd. org/budget.
THE ADVERTISER MAY 11, 2023 | PAGE 3 3642NY43•WestSandLake•518-674-1111 THETRUSTEDNAMEINVEHICLEREPAIR FullServiceAuto &TruckRepair • Tires • Engines • CheckEngineLight • Inspections • Brakes • Transmissions • Tune-Ups • Welding ServingtheentireCapitalRegionsince1988 RegularOilChangesImproveYourGasMileage. FreeTirePressureCheck withEachOilChange! BRUNSWICK PHYSICALTHERAPY “MovementForLife” 518-326-9272 4164NY2•Troy,NY12180 PeterSt.Germain,PT-Owner RICHARDD.CERESIA •ElderLaw•MedicaidPlanning •Wills•Trusts•AssetProtection •EstateAdministration •EstateTaxPlanning Over25YearsExperience ElderLawAttorney 2977NY43,AverillPark 518 674-2836 1StateSt.,Troy 518 274-1500 AROUND YOUR COM MUN ITY Please send your news (in article form) to ... “Submit Article” Please include contact information. •Cleaner-Burning,SaferHeatingFuel •FullyCompatiblewithExistingOilHeatSystems •ReducesGreenhouseGasEmissionsinourCommunities ThoroughlyTested&ResearchedbyIndustryProfessionals •WeSupply&DeliverBioHeatFuelat NOEXTRACOST -Burning,Saf atible reenhous oughl • W omp sG Thor educe • MillionsofHomesAlreadyUseBioHeat,DoYourPart&JoinThemToday! Formoreinformation, UpgradeYourHeatingFuelToday! Call1-800-542-5552 BioHeat ConventionalOil BioDiesel EarnIncomeTaxCreditonyour NYSTaxReturnwithBioHeat! Needanotherreasonto switchto? NYSCLEANHEATINGFUELCREDIT $ WhatIsBioHeatHomeHeatingFuel? Low-Carbon+Renewable+Sustainable
Columbia Hi gh Sc hool Se nior ins ronze
Me dal t NYS Sk illsUSA hampionships
Columbia High School senior Will Inman ’23 won a bronze medal in HVAC at the 2023 NYS SkillsUSA Leadership and Skills Championships last week in Syracuse.
He qualified for the state championships by winning the SkillsUSA Area III Regional competition in March.
During the state competition, contestants took a written test and then completed a circuit of different stations where they were tested in their knowledge of HVAC such as heat pumps, propane furnaces, window air condition-
er units and compressors.
“It was fun,” he said. “I thought of it as a learning experience.”
For the past two years, Mr. Inman has attended technical education classes in the HVAC and Renewable Energies program through Questar III BOCES at the Robert H. Gibson Technical School in Troy.
He receives classroom instruction and training for HVAC for half of the day at that school and attends regular classes at Columbia for the other half of the day.
As part of his technical education classes, Mr. Inman has learned about the design, installation and repair of HVAC systems and emerging technologies. He also has a part-time job installing HVAC systems for a local company.
Following graduation in June, Mr. Inman plans on attending SUNY Delhi to study Plumbing and HVAC.
Buy Mo ther s ay ifts t rinity hurch
Lansingburgh s Sp ring Fe st
Trinity Church Lansingburgh will hold its 18th annual Spring Fest on the church grounds, 585 Fourth Avenue, Troy, from 9 AM until 2 PM on Saturday, May 13, 2023.
We will be selling special spring flower arrangements, both fresh and artificial, in teacups and mugs – perfect for Mother’s Day gifts. Hand-crafted items, homemade baked goods and selected garden plants will be available for purchase.
There will be a basket raffle. Coffee and donuts and lunch menu items will be sold. Free tours of the historic church building and the graveyard will be given throughout the day. For more information call (518)892-8865 or visit
Castleton-Sc hodack Me morial ay arade
Castleton-Schodack Memorial Day Parade
The Castleton-Schodack Memorial Day Parade will “step-off” on Monday, May 29th at 10:00am.
The parade will begin at the corner of Boltwood and Seaman Avenues and will conclude with a brief ceremony at Mountain View Cemetery.
We will have five divisions with the VFW Post 7337
leading the parade. As we take time to honor those who served our country, we would like to show our appreciation to any veteran or Gold Star Mother in our community by asking that they join us in the special seating area that has been reserved for them during the ceremony.
We are honored this year to have as our Grand Marshall for the parade Mr. Jeff Conlin, an Army Vietnam veteran. The Community Appreciation Award will be presented to Carol and Bud Wilkinson, in recognition of their many years of volunteer service to our community. Our guest speaker will be Ryan Marshall, an Air Force OIF OEF ODF veteran. Please join us on the day that we honor those who have served their country so valiantly. Ethel Si mmons Me morial Award
The Grafton Community Library and Grafton Historical Society announce that applications are now being accepted for the Ethel Simmons Memorial Award of $1,000. All high school juniors and seniors who reside in the Town of Grafton are eligible.
Entrants may submit either an essay or a narrated video introducing a visitor to Grafton. Include places of significance to you, and tell why you included them.
Entries must be received by 6 pm, June 2, 2023, and must include your name, address, and phone number. Entries can be submitted to or dropped off at the library, or mailed to: Ethel Simmons Memorial Award, PO BOX H, Grafton, NY 12082.
St . ude he Ap ostle nights f olumbus
Bottle an onations
Help Support Local Charities – St. Jude the Apostle Knights of Columbus has teamed up with 6 Center Redemption located at 461 Main Avenue in Wynantskill to accept bottle and can donations that have a NYS deposit.
This is to support local charities and those in need.
• Bring your clean, NYS deposit empties to 6 Center Redemption in Wynantskill.
• Say they are to support the St. Jude the Apostle Knights of Columbus.
• They do the rest, that’s it!
Thank you for your support!
Sa nd ake arden Fa ire
On Saturday, May 20th , the Sand Lake Garden Club, in conjunction with the Cornell Cooperative Extension Rensselaer County Master Gardeners, will be hosting their 2nd annual Garden Faire!
There will be plants galore (annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs and house plants), new and used garden tools, garden decorations, baked goods and several vendors selling their wares.
A raffle is also being held for items including a three tiered planter, a “Welcome” sign plus gift certificates to Becker’s greenhouse and Dunkin Donuts.
Please join us on Saturday, May 20th from 8am -1pm (rain or shine) at the Salem United Methodist Church, 349 Shaver Road, West Sand Lake, NY 12196.
PAGE 4 | MAY 11, 2023 THE ADVERTISER (518) 369-5947 NEWHOMESITEWORKPACKAGES GESACKAP Commercial•Residential •ullyInsured••reeEstimates • Inground/AboveGroundPoolRemoval • Excavating • Grading • Hydroseeding • Tree&StumpRemoval • LandClearing • Roadways • Hauling • Water • Sewer • Septic • StoneDriveways COLONIALEXCAVATING •FullyInsured•FreeEstimates Residential Commercial FreeEstimates FullyInsured Guaranteed Paving • Driveways • ParkingLots &More! NinaCrisafulli, OWNER WNER FULLFINANCING AVAILABLE 518-333-7997 KlausRoofingNYLocal.c om C ontactus f or a F REEESTIMATE ROOFREPLACEMENT ROOFREPAIR METALROOFING GUTTERREPLACEMENT A COMPLETE KLAUSROOFING SYSTEM
OF F ROOFING! BEFORE AFTER S CANME FOR A FREEESTIMATE! Coupon to bepresentedand redeemedattimeofestimate.Not valid forprior workorestimates. Not validwithotheroffers.Some exclusionsapply.Residentialuseonly Expiration06/30/23. NOWSERVING THECAPITALREGION OurServicesInclude: Pumping,Repairs,Jetting, GreaseTrapsandSepticTanks WeTakeCrap FromAnyone! 518•703•8862 NOW SERVING THE CAPITALREGION
Poestenkill usiness
As sociation An nual
Au ction
The Poestenkill Business Association, (PBA), will hold our annual benefit Auction on Saturday June 3, 2023 at the Sullivan-Jones VFW Post on Main St/Route 355 in Poestenkill. The Auction will START promptly at 10:00 AM, with viewing to begin at 9:00 AM. Assorted items such as loads of Top Soil, Crusher Run, Stone, Landscaping Mulch, Fire Wood and professional services donated by local businesses will be available for bid along with previously owned but sought after household, yard & miscellaneous items.
Each Bidder must obtain a Bid Card in order to be able to participate in the Auction. The Kitchen will be open throughout the Auction to provide mouth watering delights from the grill for your dining pleasure. Freshly cooked Breakfast Sandwiches are available beginning at 8:00 AM. All food will be prepared per individual order. Activities will be available to amuse the Kids.
All net proceeds will enable the PBA to discreetly provide assistance to Poestenkill Residents experiencing emergency situations during the year. So come early, come hungry & bring your entire family for a most enjoyable day at our Auction on June 3rd. Your interest & participation is deeply appreciated. Thank you!!
Church of he Re deemer
On Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14, service will be at 9 am followed by coffee hour in the Hearth Room.
On Wednesday, Hot Mess Crafters gets togeth-
Fo od ruck
Tuesday s Ma y at he hurch of he ovenant
If you missed the return of Food Truck Tuesday in April at the Church of the Covenant in Averill Park then be sure to mark your calendar for Tuesday, May 9! Heisenburgers, Gourmeli’s Taste and Pizza Trails will be cooking up the items you’ve loved and some new specialties in the upper lot from 4:007:00 for take out or to enjoy at outdoor seating with neighbors, friends and family.
Homemade desserts will be for sale and local performer Val Gray on guitar and vocals accompanied by Lou Amendolara on the cajon will be entertaining!
There will be indoor seating if the weather does not cooperate. We look forward to welcoming you!
Handicapped parking will be available off Orient Ave. with general parking in the lower lot.
East reenbush
Pop arner
Re gistration
No w OP EN
Come join the biggest youth football and cheer program in East Greenbush! Over 50 Years of knowledge in teaching our youth football, cheer and dance.
The only national program committed to tracking and rewarding scholastic achievements!
Football ages 5 to 14, Cheer ages 3 to 18! Register NOW until July 1st @
Teams fill up fast, dont miss out!
er at 10 am and Bible Study meets later at 2. Thursday, May 11, from 3 pm to 6 pm, there is a plant sale. Bring your friends to buy or donate plants be sold. There will also be items for sale that Hot Mess Crafters have made. Any questions? Call Joanne 518-477-9184
Come to Thrift Shop to explore our assortment of first communion and prom attire. We also have spring and summer apparel and home décor. We are open Thursdays from 3-6 and Saturday, May 20, from 9-2. The Church of the Redeemer is an Episcopal church located on at the corner of Third and Catherine Streets. There is handicap parking, a ramp in front, and a parking lot in the rear.
Fr. Robert Haskell may be emailed at rhaskell2@
Mu sicians anted
Van Rensselaer Heights is hosting a “mini-Woodstock” for residents and we are looking for bands to volunteer to complete our line up.
The tentative date is August 16th from 10 AM to 5 PM. This will be an awesome opportunity to practice your preforming skills and provide some joy to the residents.
If interested please contact Ashley by July 15th at (518)621-7585 or email:
Blessing of he An imals
Are you grateful for the dog or cat, goat or bird, or any other animal that helps you get through the day? Would you like your animal to experience, in the tradition of St. Francis, a blessing? All well behaved animals are welcome to come to
the Church of the Covenant on Sunday, May 21, 2023, from 1-3 to receive a blessing from Pastor Lori Buno-Taylor.
The blessings will take place outdoors and all animals from the community and their human companions are welcome. Animals may be brought anytime from 1 to 3 to receive their blessing (and possibly a treat).
Brunswick hurch Vacation ible
Sc hool
Brunswick Church, 42 White Church Lane, Troy, NY announces that sign up for Vacation Bible School July 10-14 from 9:00 to Noon is now open. Children ages 3 through completed 5th grade are welcome. There is no cost to attend.
At Stellar VBS, kids will set out on a cosmic quest where they will have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the word. They will participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, have yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, have great crafts that will include a do-it-yourself designed t-shirt and a photo souvenir, while all along collecting Bible memory verses to remind them of Jesus’ light!
Go to our website www. to register or call Kevin at 518-858-8109 to register by phone, get directions or for more information.
Me morial ay Ma ss “Se rving od nd
Country: A Me morial
Day Sa lute o Ou r
He roes
As the country celebrates Memorial Day, Our Lady of Angels Cemetery joins thousands of Catholic cemeteries across the United States in a national
celebration, “Serving God and Country: A Memorial Day Salute to Our Heroes.” This national program, developed by the Catholic Cemetery Conference, honors men and women who died while serving in the armed forces, as well as recognizing both active duty military and veterans.
Please join us for this special Mass celebrated by Reverend John Bradley on Monday, May 29, at 10am at Our Lady of Angels Cemetery, 1389 Central Avenue in Colonie. The Memorial Day Mass will take place outside, under a large tent, rain or shine. Veterans are invited each year to serve as lectors and Eucharistic Ministers, and participate in the presentation of gifts. Veterans attending the Mass are offered special lapel pins.
For more information about our Memorial Day Mass including volunteer opportunities for the service, please call (518) 374-5319.
Hi storical So ciety
Porch Sa le
Lansingburgh Historical Society will host an Open House and Porch Sale at the Melville House, 2 114th St., Troy, on Saturday, May 13, 2023 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. PLEASE NO EARLY BIRDS!
Come and browse the Porch Sale items and purchase a treasure for yourself or a gift for someone special. Don’t forget to enjoy the garden in the back.
You won’t be disappointed. Our dedicated gardeners have been hard at work making it beautiful and welcoming.
Averill ark
Ar t xhibition
Diane DeBlois & Robert Dalton Harris of aGather-
in’ are sponsoring an art exhibition at the Arts Letters & Numbers studios, 1548 Burden Lake, Averill Park NY, to celebrate Robert’s 80th birthday.
Over 60 artists will be represented - with painting, collage, fabric, photographs, sculpture, video, performance - interpreting Stratigraphy: Layering in the Arts. The theme is homage to Amos Eaton, New York’s first stratigrapher, who mapped the Erie Canal and the geology of our area in the 1820s.
The exhibition gala on May 27 is 6 to 9 pm, and viewing is available until May 30. For information:, artslettersandnumbers. com.
Me lvin Ro ads
Book alk n
Great G ouple
Melvin Roads American Legion is having a book talk about a great couple from East Greenbush, New York. The book “A TROJAN’S WAR” is a heartwarming story of Nan Emery & LTC Jim MacArevey. Nam a well know teacher from East Greenbush Schools, and Jim who was captured in North Africa, sent to Poland, and escaped through
Ukraine. The author is Bob MacArevey, their son, an Army Ranger, and past member of Melvin Roads Baseball. Find out about life in East Greenbush after World War II.
We will have two talks, the first is right after the Veterans Breakfast on May 25th, 2023 about 10:00 AM. The Second is MAY 30th ,2023 at 7 PM. Both are open to the public, and everyone is invited. The post is located at 200 Columbia Turnpike (RTS 9 & 20) in East Greenbush.
Town f No rth Greenbush Parade
Our annual Town of North Greenbush Memorial Parade will be held on Monday, May 29th at 1pm. If you or your organization would like to participate, please contact the Town Supervisor’s office at (518) 283-5313 or email at supervisorsoffice@ We are inviting all veterans to march and lead off our parade. If you are a business, school group or team in town, we’d love for you to participate. For organizations, please let us know you would be interested so we can include you in the lineup.
THE ADVERTISER MAY 11, 2023 | PAGE 5 Fairy,Gnome, WoodlandAccessories! Roses•Trees•Shrubs MULCH•TOPSOIL•STONE•COMPOST GARDENSOIL•HAY•STRAW•PROPANE WOODPELLETS•BIRDSEED 420ColumbiaTurnpike AcrossfromColumbiaPlaza IntheTownofEastGreenbush 518-477-4163• MON–FRI7-7;SAT7-6;SUN8-5 &MORE! BeautifulHangingBaskets &CombinationPlanters, Succulents&Savory HerbGardens! FreshSodArrivingWeekly DeliveryAvailable! GiftCardsMakeaGreatGift! YOURHOMETOWNGARDENCENTER TREATSFOR Mechanicville 664-5453 Saratoga 584-1320 GlensFalls 743-0804 pring pecial 10’x50’ $1750 J WANTITTOGO?CALLJOE! (518) 237-JUNK(5865) • ResidentialCleanouts • CommercialCleanouts • YardWasteRemoval • FurnitureRemoval • ApplianceRemoval • HotTubRemoval • LandCleanup • Demo • PoolDemo/Removal • ShedDemo/Removal DUMPSTERRENTALS FreeEstimates FullyInsured JOEY’SJUNKREMOVAL,LLC RESIDENTIAL•COMMERCIAL•INDUSTRIAL ForOver17Years! Serving TheCapitalRegion HYDROSEEDING Lawn&Landscape Quality 518-879-9312 518-879-9312 QualityYouDeserve. ServiceYouCanTrust. FULLYINSURED 8 • Grading • Excavation • Topsoil • Sand • Fill • Drainage • BrushHogging • Tree&BrushRemoval • SeasonalCleanup • RetainingWalls • Sod • Mulching • Patios • LandscapeDesign &Installation
Asphalt Patching/Add-ons
Chicken BQ t enter runswick Fi re ompany
The Volunteer Fire Company of Center Brunswick, Inc. is hosting a Chicken BBQ on Saturday, June 17, 2023 from 4:00pm–6:00pm. Dinner includes half chicken, macaroni salad, corn on the cob, roll and a drink. Cost is $15.00/dinner.
Curbside pickup only. For more information or for tickets call Renie at 518-810-2438 or the station at 518279-3878.
Come in person Monday nights to the firehouse between 7:00-8:00pm or all members have tickets to sell. Tickets also available through our Facebook page. Firehouse is located at 1045 Hoosick Road, Troy, NY 12180.
Sc hodack alley izza ings Ni ght
Don’t miss us Saturday, May 20th for our last pizza night until next September. That’s a long time to go without our delicious pizza, jumbo wings, mozzarella sticks amazing antipasto salads as well as a vast array of beverages.
This fundraiser is a dine in or take out family friendly event from 4 to 7 pm. For takeout orders please call 518477-4215. This month’s special pie is our mouth watering Chicken Parm pizza. Our firehouse is located at 1553 Schodack Valley Rd., Castleton NY.
VFW ancake reakfast
Help Support your local Veterans! The Public is welcome!
VFW Post 7338, East Greenbush, 100 Hayes Road . Sunday May 21, 2023, 9 am to 11 am. Eat in or take-out.
Breakfast includes Buttermilk Pancakes, French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Sausages, Home Fries, Corned Beef Hash, Toast, Coffee, Tea, Water and Assorted Juices.
Adults - $12.00, Children 6 to 12 - $5.00, Children
Under 6 – Free
We will have a drawing, for over $1000 worth of prizes! There is about 15 items in all and chance to win one of 5 prizes for $5. Of course, donations are always welcome and very much appreciated!
Please order in advance before Sunday’s Breakfast for take-out by emailing us at VFWpost7338@gmail. com or calling 518-477-7770 and leave a message with your name, number and the desired pickup time. There is no one at the Post to return your call. Your message is forwarded to another number which is checked the day before the breakfast.
Thank you for your support!
The Re turn f he aborton urkey inner
Zion’s United Church of Christ (741 Taborton Road, Sand Lake, NY 12153) will be having their famous turkey dinner on Saturday June 3rd . Sittings at 4:30 and 5:30 or takeout. $15.00.
The menu will include turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, green beans, corn, rolls a drink and apple pie for dessert. For reservations call Diane Hoffman at (518) 674-2746 or text (518) 649-5141 or Jane Weber at (518) 258-4307.
If you leave a message, you will be called back to confirm reservation.
Sa nd ake iwanis asta inner
Let Sand Lake Kiwanis cook a delicious pasta dinner dinner for you on Saturday, May 13th
The Club invites all to participate in the next Community Pasta Dinner fundraiser on Saturday May 13th from 4PM to 7PM at the West Sand Lake Fire Hall on Rt. 43. The cost is just $10 for adults, $5 for Kids (10yrs. & Younger). Meals will consist of pasta, meatballs, salad, bread, & dessert. Meals may be either Dine-in or TakeOut.
Pre Orders may be made starting at 2 PM (on the day of
Taborton Turkey Su pper is ack
Zion’s United Church of Christ, 741 Taborton Road, Sand Lake, NY will be having our famous turkey dinner on Saturday, June 3rd
Dine in or take out. Seatings will be at 4:30 and 5:30.
The menu will include turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, corn, coleslaw, rolls, drinks, and apple pie for dessert.
For reservations call
Diane Hoffman (518) 6742746 to text (518) 649-5141 or Jane Weber at (518) 258-4307. If you leave a message, you will be called back to confirm.
Mo ther s ay Breakfast uffet
The Latham-Colonie Columbiettes are hosting a Breakfast Buffet on Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14th, 2023 from
8:30 am to 12:30 pm at the Latham-Colonie Knights of Columbus Council, 328 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham, N.Y. 12110. Menu includes; Scrambled Eggs, an Omelet Station, Home Fries, Corned Beef Hash, Bacon and Sausage, Pancakes and French Toast served w/ Warm syrup, A Variety of Cereals and Juices, Bananas and Hot Tea, Coffee or Hot Chocolate. $12 Adults, $6 Children (5-10) and under 5 Free! Free Gift for the Mom’s, (while supply lasts)
Fi rst Re formed
The First Reformed Church (corner of NYS Route 66 and Church St in Wynantskill) will be providing free pasta dinners once again.
The dinners will be
the event) by calling (518) 202-6876. Pasta Dinners will continue to be held every second Saturday of each month. All proceeds support Kiwanis community projects.
Brunswick lk s odge resents
Mo ther s ay reakfast uffet
Sunday, May 14th, Rt. 2 Eagle Mills, seating 8:30am11:30am, $16.00 for adults and $8.00 children under 12, under 5 are free.
Featuring Eggs Benedict, omelets, Scrambled Eggs, Pancakes, & French Toast, Home Fries, Sausage, Bacon, Assorted fresh fruits, Pastries & Toast, Coffee, Tea, Juices. Reservations REQUIRED. Call Mike 518 286-1645. Proceeds local charities.
Eat ood o ood
That’s right, you are going to have a unique opportunity to enjoy a great chicken BAR-B-Q and do good for your community. On Thursday, May 18th Hope Lutheran Church is sponsoring a Giuliano’s of Troy Chicken BARB-Q. Not only will you be able to enjoy good food, but you’ll be able to do good for your community.
Here’s how it works: the full dinner, including half a chicken, potatoes, corn on the cob & coleslaw is $15.00, the Do Good part is that 100% of the profits will be divided equally between Doors of Hope, and Concerns U Food Pantries.
So you see, you will Eat Good, and Do Good.
All meals are take out, access to Hope’s parking lot is an easy in and out off of 470 Winter Street Extension, near Blooming Grove. Advance orders can be made through the web site,
The date is Thursday May 18th, running from 3pm to 6pm, a great mid-week meal without any of the work. So plan now to “Eat Good & Do Good” See you there! www.
available every Wednesday evening from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm and will be drive-thru take out only event No reservations are needed.
Troy iwanis
An nual hicken BQ
The Kiwanis Club of Troy is again holding their annual Chicken BBQ. It will again be at St. Michael’s Church at 175 Williams Road next to HVCC, on Friday, May 12th from 4-6pm.
All dinners are freshly barbequed on site, that day, & packaged for takeout.
They include a half chicken, baked potato, coleslaw and cornbread. All dinners are $15.00
All monies go to fund Troy area children’s projects!!
Call to reserve your dinners, because we will sell out that day!! Call Dean at 518-322-0826
Thanks for assisting us to make an impact in our community!!
St . ude s Fa mily
So up, howder & hili Fe ud!
Our Fall Festival committee is stirring things up this year and is excited to announce our First SOUPer competition will be held Saturday October 14th starting at 11 am!!
Cash prizes will be awarded!! We will also have live entertainment and raffles all day!! Save the date and watch for more details to follow soon!!
Sa nd ake
Baptist hurch
An nual St rawberry
Fe stival
To all our neighbors in our wonderful community, it is with great joy and delight to announce that June 17th has been declared as the official day for Sand Lake Baptist Church’s Strawberry Festival!
are hoping to be able to offer many more events, so stay posted for additional updates.
If anyone would like to participate and volunteer to help we would be delighted to have you join us.
It’s also a fun way earn community hours for those involved in Scouts or other programs. You can contact us at 518-674-3316.
Third An nual Lawn Sa le Nassau Lake Association (NLPIA) is looking for crafters, vendors and garage saler’s for our 3rd annual lawn sale on June 10th coinciding with the Nassau Community Wide Garage sale from 9AM to 3PM.
Reserve your spot with a $15 donation towards the new NLPIA clubhouse (please bring your own table).
There will be food and beverages available as well as a 50/50 raffle.
Plenty of space and parking, located at the ball field, Nassau-Averill Park Road on the East side of Nassau Lake. Please contact Jim Prime (518)7760041.
Glendora Vegeterian lub
Hey, folks, will you please take a piece of paper and write on it: “What is my conscience telling me to do?”
Then on the other side of the paper please write: “What am I doing that my conscience doesn’t want me to do?” Now keep this to yourself. Don’t put it on the front page of the New York Times.
1. When Ellen bought a dress for $450, the clerk guaranteed a fit, and sure enough, her husband had one.
2. The auctioneer said, “Sold to the woman whose husband has his hand over her mouth!”
Entertainment: EricPeter5/12@8pm BINGO5/17@8pm GraceBartow5/20@8pm
Food, fun, fellowship, and of course, lots of strawberries! We will offer a bake sale with plenty of pies and cookies. The grill will be working overtime, the popcorn will be fresh, the beverages will be cold and the shortcake just as delicious as it’s been for decades!
We are offering a beautiful quilt designed with strawberries for raffle. We
3. The man said he knows his wife will live longer than he will because she has a whole closet of clothes she wouldn’t be caught dead in.
4. Fred said his wife should go into earthquake research. She is the best fault finder he knows.
5. Benny and his wife had words, but Benny didn’t get a chance to use his.
6. Husband: You’ve overdrawn the account.
Wife: No, you under-deposited.
518-283-4425• NOW SHOWING! Drive-in Theatre GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3 PG13 ANT MAN & THE WASP QUANTUMANIA PG13 ShowtimeApprox.10:40PM ShowtimeApprox.8:20PM Open Friday,May12th, &Saturday,May13th Rt.43•AverillPark 518-674-3363 ues - hurs 12:00-8:00pm ri &Sat 12:00- :00pm Sun 12:00-8:00pm OSEDMON
TakingReservation–ServingDinners12-7pm SeeOurWebsiteforDetails CongratulationsClassof2023 LetLakeviewHelpYouwithYourPartyNeeds! BookYourPartyatLakeviewOR atHomeParty–SeeOurCateringMenu s 12 - 7pm 2339Rt43,AverillPark,NY12018 518-674-3132 SUMMERDINING ONTHELAKE EveryWednesdayandThursdayNight StartinginJune! LIGHTFARE&DRINKS! DetailsonFacebook: Daley’sOnCrookedLake FLOWERforMOM! ReservationsRequired. MenuAvailableonFacebook: Daley’sOnCrookedLake BRUNCHBUFFET11am-3pm Adults-$50•Children5-12-$25 Children4&UnderFREE MARKYOURCALENDARS FORUPCOMINGEVENTS! Sunday,May14th CELEBRATEMOTHER’SDAY Friday,May12th COMEDYNIGHT InTheOAKROOM! DashOut~DineIn! SignUpforPaolo’sPreferredClubToday! 518-283-0202 CHEESE RAVIOLI withMeatballs May16 Tuesday FISHFRY withFrenchFries May17 Wednesday CHICKEN PARM withPasta May18 Thursday Good Food,Good Time, GoodFriends• Rt.43&66,A.P.
DECKISOPEN– “WeatherPermitting” Mother’sday–SundayMay14th
1344SpringAve.,Wynantskill Rain orShine...Open All The Time Picnic Tables &Playgroundfor the Kids OurOwn Homemade ICECREAM 518-283-4901 1344SpringAve.,Wynantskill Moxie’sMoxie’s SPRINGHOURS:Mon-Fri3-9;Sat&Sun1:30-9pm 53RD HER‛S REE H ud Sund COUPON May9th1:30-9pm (ValidMay9thonlywithcoupon forMomwhenaccompaniedbyhersonordaughter) OPENFOROURYEAR OPENFOROUR 55th YEAR (ValidMay14th onlywithcoupon forMomwhenaccompaniedbyhersonordaughter) COUPON May14th1:30-8:30pm SPRINGHOURS:Mon-Fri3-8:30;Sat&Sun1:30-8:30
2023 Sp ring lean-Up ays
Schodack residents please note the Town of Schodack is sponsoring Fall Clean-up Days on May 18th, 19th and 20th at the Transfer Station on Poyneer Rd. During this
event many items that normally have a charge are free and others are reduced up to 50%.
This is great time to clean out your garage to make room for new power equipment! The following price list is only for the dates noted above: Refrigerators, Freezers, Air conditioners & Dehumid-
ifier -$8.00.
Tires, rimless (maximum size 16”) - $2.00*. *Larger priced by size. Rimmed Tires - $6.00. TVs & computer monitors (limit 2), Propane Tanks, Furniture (limit 3), Metal goods, Gas grills, BicyclesFREE. All other prices remain the same.
THE ADVERTISER MAY 11, 2023 | PAGE 7 HOME SOLUTION S (518) 733-0146 Office (518) 487-9424 Cell • LandscapeInstallation &Renovation • Trees,Shrubs &FlowerInstalls • HedgeTrimming&Mulching • PaverWalks,Patios&Walls • GravelDrivewayRepair • NewLawns(seed/sod) • SiteWork&Drainage Professional&ReliableServices LAWNCARE•LANDSCAPING HARDSCAPING NowBooking forSpringof2023 WALKWAYS, RESETTINGPOOL AREAS STONE•BRICK PAVERS•TIES BLOCK EDBEGIN 518-265-6286 FoundationLeaks,Cracks StructuralRepair Excavating RestoreValue&Safety Steps StoneWalls Outbuilding Restoration WetBasementProblems? DrainageProblems? Insured•ProvenSolutionsforEveryProject•Since1970 BEGIN’S PATIOS RETAINING WALLS MASON W ORK Free Estimates ec n ene ati n ne a in any ~OFFERING~ Quality~Efficiency ne ty nte ity t ai ice JustCallJEFF 518-653-8783 •HEATING•PLUMBING•WATERHEATER •ELECTRICAL•A/C•KITCHENS•BATHS SALES,SERVICE&INSTALLATIONS HANDYMAN-HOMEREPAIRS Concrete-Patios&Walks Drywall•Taping•Tile 20Years Experience! WQACertified Over30YearsExperience ServingtheCapitalRegionfor25Years! • WaterSofteners • Sulfur&IronStains • ReverseOsmosis • ChemicalFreeSystems • WellPumps • PressureTanks • GeneralPlumbing EastGreenbush,NY 518.265.9407 FreeWaterAnalysis FreeEstimates FullyInsured WaterConditioning SERVINGTHECAPITALDISTRICT FOROVER30YEARS AvailableEveningsandWeekends ResidentialandCommercial Licensed-Insured-Bonded LICENSED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NowSchedulingfor: • AboveGround& In-GroundSwimming Pools • CarChargingStations • HotTubs&Spas • ElectricalService PanelUpgrades EarnUpToa$600.00TaxCredit • GeneratorInterlock Systems TripleH SEAMLESSGUTTERS “Weputwaterinitsplace.” JoeHennessy-Owner/Operator• est.2007 Installationofnew seamlessgutters, guttercleaning/repairsandguttercovers. 518-599-5490 erinstalla FREEESTIMATES•FULLYINSURED
Town f Sc
Ha ppy irthday ennie 103 ears oung and St ill Ro cking nd Ro lling
Wednesday, May 24th
Please join the Rensselaer County Rensselaer Senior Center as we celebrate an amazing woman.
Jeannie Carpinello has been a active member of our Center for decades. She was a part of the Rensselaer County Senior Center Rockettes and in the Yankee Doodle Entertainers and a Lifetime Achivement’s Awardee just to mention a few of her accomplishments. Jennie still dances with our line dancer’s on Tuesday and
Wednesday. You would be amazed to see her on the dance floor kicking, tapping, and spinning to the beat. She notices when there is someone new trying the class and you will hear her say “ I’ll dance next to you just in case you need some help”.
Plan to join us on this “Special Day”. To describe her as amazing just doesn’t seem enough so let me add Astonishing, Outstanding, Stunning, Extraordinary, Incredible, Jaw Dropping Eye Opening, Phenomenal ETC … you get the drift. Luncheon menu will consist of Sausage, Peppers, and Onions w/ Pasta and special Birthday Cake. Music by The Young Winchesters. Make your reserva-
tion early at (518) 463-2166. This will be a day you won’t forget. We are located on East and Herrick Streets in Rensselaer. We are open 9am to 3pm Monday through Friday. Looking forward to seeing you.
Greenbush Hi storical So ciety resents
Protection Fr om vil
Please join the Greenbush Historical Society on Sunday, May 21, 2 PM, at the East Greenbush Community Library. Our speaker will be Walter Wheeler who will discuss the use of talismans throughout history—from ancient times to the present. Merriam-Webster defines talismans as “an object held as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune.”
This can be an object that holds protective powers and all cultures have manifestations of such objects. Evidence of protective talismans have been found at early 17th century archaeological sites and existing buildings throughout the Hudson Valley. Wheeler’s talk will present examples of some of these practices, such as symbolic markings or carvings, foundation deposits, and horseshoes hung over doors, from 1625 to the present. The relationship to similar European practices will be covered. All GHS programs are free and open to the public but registration at the library is required. Please call 518-477-7476 to reserve a seat.
Take ay rip ith he Sa nd ake Se niors
Sand Lake Seniors are taking a trip to Resorts World Catskill Casino on May 31 to see the fabulous Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Trip includes round trip transportation, Oh What a Night Show, $25 slot play bonus and a buffet lunch. Cost is $107/pp. Bus will leave St. Henry”s parking lot at 7:30am. If interested please email or call 572-888-2549.
Sand Lake Srs are also going to Lake George on June 27 for a delightful mid day cruise and delicious lunch aboard the Lac du Sacrament with a narrated tour of our beautiful Lake George. Trip includes bus transportation, buffet lunch and a stop at Martha’s Ice Cream for $97/pp. The bus leaves St. Henry’s parking lot at 8:45am. Please email Pat Lane at or call 572-8882549 if interested in either trip!
Poestenkill Re cycling ay
Waste Ma nagement
Saturday, May 20, 2023, from 8:00 a.m. – 12 Noon
Poestenkill Residents may bring white goods (air conditioners, washers/dryers, etc.) to Waste Management. There will be a $20 charge for white goods per item. Bulk items will also be accepted (mattresses, couches, etc.) for a charge of $30 per item.
Available to Town residents on a weekly basis from 8:00 a.m. – 12 Noon, you can bring 30-gallon bags of waste for $3.00 per bag charge. Checks and Credit Cards only.
Waste Management will not accept tires, or TVs on these recycling days. If you have any further questions, please contact Sue Horton, Town Clerk at 518-283-5119.
PAGE 8 | MAY 11, 2023 THE ADVERTISER FreeEstimates 15YearsExperience FullyInsured 518-764-8493 •Seamless GuttersInstalled •Gutter Cleaning •Covers •Screens •Repairs FreeFlow GUTTERS EXCAVATION SERVICES: 518-928-9992 CALLFORAFREEQUOTE TRENCHWORK STUMPREMOVAL GRADING WATERLINES DRIVEWAYREPAIR DRAINAGE ” • • • • • • ESTATE-CLEANOUT Areyouoverwhelmed withcleaningoutahouse? OrganizeSeniorMovesguidespeoplethroughthedif culttaskofdownsizing • DesignLayouts
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The arriors
Recently, NYS passed an edict that all school districts must basically purge any mention of Native Americans in relation to their sports teams, mascots, and school names. They say it’s “offensive” and “derogatory” and “racist.” What they don’t say is that we named our schools, streets, housing developments, and mascots after native Americans out of respect and reverence for
NCFL resents
Theatrical Re ading of Sc enes rom Mr s. Greenthumbs ook
On May 21 at 3 pm the North Chatham Free Library has a real treat in store for dedicated gardeners, especially those who enjoy humor mixed with good solid advice. Local, multitalented actor Sally McCarthy will offer a theatrical reading of scenes from the book “Mrs. Greenthumbs: How I Turned
A Boring Yard Into A Glorious Garden And How You Can Too” by Cassandra Danz. This program is held in fond memory of Ms. Danz. She was a comedian who worked with Chicago’s famous Second City, later made her home in Hudson and became a bestselling garden writer. A skilled landscape designer herself, she saw with a wry eye the silly things people do to ruin their yards and gardens and is remembered for her personality and wit.
Sally McCarthy has been active in many tristate venues for several decades, most recently in “Invitation to a March” at the Ghent Playhouse, for which she was given great reviews. Many of us have laughed at her annual performances in PantoLoons at the Playhouse. Although she can dance, sing and be hilarious, Sally admits she did not inherit her own
mother’s green thumbs.
The program will take place outdoors in the library’s garden if weather permits, or in case of bad weather at the nearby North Chatham United Methodist Church.
This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of The Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered in Columbia County by CREATE Council on the Arts.
Events t astleton Public ibrary, 5/14-5/20
CPL is located at 85 S. Main St., Castleton, NY. All events are free. Questions? Call 518-732-0879.
Events & Take-Home
Take & Make Craft: Dinosaur Crafts - Kit available for pick-up anytime through 5/27 - Are you a dinosaur fan? Make awesome dinosaur crafts at home with this kit!
CPL Board of Trustees
Meeting - Mon., 5/15, 7:00pm - Members of the public are welcome to attend.
Cool Science: Straws and Tubes Engineering Challenge - Tue., 5/16, 3:00-5:00pm - Learn about engineering and
them. We named our sports teams after them because they are a tough, steadfast, fight to the end kind of people. Our teams are who we put forth with pride to compete against other districts, who we send to represent us in the fiercest competitions. We named many of them after Native American tribes because they embody what it means to be BRAVE and who we want our kids to emulate.
I think the Averill Park School Board needs to tell
construct something exciting using straws, toilet paper rolls, and tape!
Pajama StorytimeTue., 5/16, 6:00pm - Feel free to wear pajamas or bring a stuffed animal to this evening storytime!
Ages birth to 8 years.
Afternoon Book Club:
Seven Days in June by Tia Williams - Wed., 5/17, 1:00pm
Friends of CPL Meeting - Wed., 5/17, 5:30pmMembers of the public are welcome.
Special Visitor Storytime: Plant a Seed - Thu., 5/18, 10:30am - An environmental educator from Schodack Island State Park will join us for this special storytime about how plants grow! Participants will plant a seed to take home and watch it grow!
Bridge Club - Fri., 5/19, 10:30am - Come play bridge with us! Geared toward beginners and players who need a refresher.
Clay Mosaic Art - Sat., 5/20, 11:00am-3:00pmCreate a unique mosaic using clay and beads! All ages welcome.
No rth reenbush Public ibrary
Crafternoons are happening in the Children’s Room every Thursday from 3-5 PM. Storytime for pre-schoolers, with songs, games, and a related
craft, all based on a theme, is held in the Town Hall Annex on Tuesday mornings at 11 AM.
Mothers are special people, and we’re celebrating that with a Mother’s Day card-making station, with plenty of supplies for your children to create a one-ofkind hand-made card.
Come to the Children’s Room on Friday, May 12, between 12 and 7 PM, or Saturday, May 13, between 10 AM and 2 PM.
We supply the Legos, you bring your imagination to our Lego Club on Monday, May 15,from 5:30-6:30 PM.
Our Tween Book Club (ages 10-12) will meet Saturday, May 20, at 12:30 PM, to discuss the graphic novel version of “I Survived The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912” by Lauren Tarshis. There will be a related craft and snacks.
Get on the road with the Upper Hudson Library Expedition, a self-guided tour of our 36 unique libraries, ongoing through July 31.
Stop in to pick up your Expedition map and get your library adventure started!
Use Hooplas ‘Bonus Borrows’ this month to access audiobooks, eBooks, comics, and video titles without using your monthly borrows. More fun guaranteed! Our Virtual Adult Book
the state education department that we aren’t changing our name for these reasons. We want our kids to be fighters. We want them to be assertive and resiliant. We want them to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. The school board needs to fight for our kid’s futures and their right to be WARRIORS. Otherwise, we should just change our name to the Possums, roll over, and play dead.
Steve Valente, Poestenkill
Club will discuss “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” by Oliver Sacks. We will Zoom on Tuesday, May 30, at 6:30 PM. Books are available at the Circulation Desk. Call for the meeting link.
Library hours are Monday-Friday, 10 AM to 7 PM, and Saturday, 10 AM to 2 PM. Call 518-283-0303 for more information.
EG ommunity
Library rograms
Open: Mon/Fri 10-6p; Tue/Wed/Thu 10-8p; Sat 10-5p; Sun 1-5p. We offer programs for adults, teens & kids. Register at https:// or call 518-477-7476. Location: 10 Community Way, E. Greenbush. The library will be closed for the Memorial Day holiday – Saturday 5/27, Sunday 5/28 & Monday 5/29. Wednesdays, 7-9p: Wednesday Night Book
A er48Years
A er43 Years
Chat (WNBC). What have you been reading lately?
Share your recent reads and gather recommendations from librarians and other readers.
Look for our post: https://www.facebook. com/eglibrary.
5/14, 2p: An Injustice at Greenbush Cantonment, the Execution of Pvt Samuel Helms presented by EG Town Historian, Bobbie Reno. Register.
5/17, 11-1p: EGPD: Car Seat Check at the library. Appointments are recommended, contact EGPD at 518-479-2525.
5/18, 1p: 3rd Thursday
Movie: Crazy Rich Asians. Register.
5/21, 2p: Historical Society: Protection from Evil presented by Wally Wheeler. Register.
5/23, 6p: Virtual Trivia! Join as an individual or team. Register.
We're still growing OldF vorites & NewSpecialties r
Beautiful Mother's Day Gifts
We’re stillgrowing OldFavorites& NewSpecialtiesfor BeautifulMother’sDayGi s
An n uals•Pe ren nia s • Trees•Shrubs • Gi ftC er t i f ica t es
ZEMA'S Bee � - Friendly NURSERY,INC. Produ ion 154 esbyte a H llRoa ,Stephe tow ,NY12168 (518)733-5868•zemas se
INSPECTBRANCHES Notebrokenorrubbingbranches, brancheswithoutleaves,ormissingbark.
INSPECTTRUNKS Lookforoozing,missingbark, exposedroots,decayingandcracks.
LEAFWATCH Yellowingofleavesmaysignalexcessmoisture,poor drainage,orotherstressorswhichmayaffecttreestabilityandoverallhealth.
IT’STIMEFORAMONSTERTREESPRINGCHECKUP Springtimeisanimportanttimefortreecare. Useourexperttipsbelowtokeepyouryardhealthy TIMEFORSPRINGTREESERVICE CALLTHE MONSTERTEAM $100OFF ANYSERVICEOF$1,000ORMORE Couponvalidattimeofestimate.Notvalidon
otheroffers.Expires4/1/2023. Calltodayforafreeestimate! 518.320.8777 Commercialand ResidentialServices: • 24HourEmergencyService • CompleteTreeRemoval • Tree&ShrubPruning • TreeInspection
PlantHealthCare 518.320.8777 ©2022MonsterFranchisingSPELLC.Allrightsreserved. Eachlocationisanindividuallyownedandoperated franchisebusiness.License18332. CallNowfora FREETreeorShrubAssessment SpringTreeCare Completetreeremoval,Treeremoval,treeandshrubpruning,
priorwrittenestimates,invoicesorPHCservices. Validatparticipatinglocationsonly;eachlocation independentlyowned&operated.One$off couponmaybeusedinconjunctionwith$100 SigningBonusoffer;itmaynotbecombinedwith
QuestarIIIBOCESannouncesexcitingopportunitiesto workasaTeachingAssistantinour2023SpecialEducation
ExtendedSchoolYearSummerSchool.Classesrunfrom July6toAugust16,withafulldayorientationonJuly 5.Theprogramwilloperateunderanormalschoolday schedulewithanapproximate8:00amstartand2:30pm endofday.
Highschooldiplomaorequivalentandadesiretowork withkidsrequired.Preferredcandidateswillhaveteaching AssistantorTeachercertificationandexperienceworking withSpecialEducationstudents.
HOWTOAPPLY:Emailresumewith coverletterto
Town f No rth Greenbush Su mmer Camp mployment
The Town of North Greenbush is now accepting ALL employment applications for Summer Staff for the town beach and summer camp.
Are you looking for a great job working with our youth in the beautiful surroundings of our town beach and camp, then apply now.
Applications can be found on our website on the YOUTH and RECREATION page at www.
If you have any questions, please contact Tammie at (518) 283-2574, x-15. You can also email tobrien@northgreenbush. org. Positions available include:
Gate Keeper, Concession Stand, Assistant Camp Directors, Assistant Medical Directors, Camp Counselors, Waterfront Staff.
Come join the fun and be part of the Town of North Greenbush summer TEAM!
Town f runswickSu mmer ob Op portunties
We are now accepting application for our summer program. Camp counselors, maintenance workers, gate guards and Lifeguards.
Applicants must be 15 years old by June 26, 2023 to work at the beach. 16 years old to be a camp counselor.
• Castleton,NewYork12033
• F:518-477-9833
Sc hodack Su mmer Camp Ap plications Available
The Town of Schodack is pleased to announce that the 2023 Summer Day Camp for children will run from July 10, 2023 through August 4, 2023.
The program will operate Monday through Friday, grades K-3 from 9:15 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. and grades 4-8 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Registration is $125.00 per child, with a $325.00 maximum per family, all inclusive.
Applications will be available during regular business hours starting May 1st at the Schodack Town Clerk’s Office or online at www.schodack. org (under Youth & Recreation).
All health immunization forms are required with camper applications. No application will be accepted without proof of immunization. Bus service information will also be available.
See registration applications for age requirements, camp locations and details. Completed applications and registration fees will be due no later than June 1, 2023
For further information please contact the Recreation Director Shelia Golden at youthdirector@
Join s o revent
Identity heft!
May 20th – location 333 NY 351, Averill Park, NY.
Although most shredders charge $5.00 to $10.00 per “banker’s box” this event is free! And yes, Sand Lake Kiwanis will graciously accept your donations. There is a limit of 5 banker’s boxes per family. No plastic: DVDs, thumb drives, etc. can be accepted.
So start now to and gather all your shedderable paper items. Remember this is one day only, Saturday, May 20th, event.
For additional information you may contact Kiwanis member Pat at
To learn more about our Kiwanis Club go to www. or visit and friend us on www.
Poestenkill ibrary/ Clement Sc holarship
The Poestenkill Library/Clement Scholarship of $1000 is available again this year for a 2023 high school graduate who is attending a two or fouryear college in the Fall.
The student is asked to write a 500-word essay expressing their love of reading and mail it to the library at 9 Plank Rd Poestenkill, NY 12140, email it to or bring it directly to the library.
The deadline is 6/16/23
BerkshireCommunityCollegeo ersthefollowingcareer opportunitiestoboldacademicleaderswhowanttobecome partofadynamicteam.Asthe rstcommunitycollegein Massachusetts,wearecreatingthefuturethroughthegrowthof ourprograms,infrastructure,andmission.Helpustransformthe livesofourstudents,whilesupportingtheeconomicandcultural vitalityofBerkshireCounty.
AcademicCounselor-TRIO Full-time;Bene
Lifeguards must be certified prior to beach opening. You can find the application on our website, under forms and documents. Any question, please call 518-279-3461 X 104.
Sand Lake Kiwanis is providing a free community shredding event from 9am to noon on Saturday, May 20, 2023.
We invite folks in our greater community to bring their outdated bills, bank statements and other personal paper documents to the Algonquin Middle School’s parking lot on
The candidate must be a Poestenkill resident but can attend any high school or be home schooled. Please put all pertinent information - name, address, phone #, and name of college on a separate sheet of paper so the winner can be picked solely on the content of the essay.
IntheMatteroftheProbateofthe PROPOSED LastWillandTestamentof CITATION 2022-446 KATHRYNG.KORNETZKI, Deceased.
TO:JOHNDOEandMARYROE,saidnamesbeingÿctitiousand intendingtodesignatealldistributeesofKathrynG.Kornetzkibeing unknownandwhichcannot,afterduediligence,beascertained,andifany suchdistributees,bedeadthenallofthedistributees,executors, administrators,devisees,andlegatees,ofsuchdeceaseddistributeesand allpersonswhobypurchase,inheritanceorotherwise,haveorclaimtohave aninterestinthismatter,derivedthroughanyofsuchknowndistributees, executors,administrators,devisees,andlegateesandallotherpersons, ifanytherebe,theirnamesanddomicilesand/orplacesofresidencebeing unknownandwhichcannot,afterduediligence,beascertained.
ApetitionhavingbeendulyÿledbyTimothyKline,byandthrough hisattorneys,Devine&Bruno,LLP,withofÿceslocatedat52Corporate Circle,Suite207,Albany,NewYork12203,
YOUAREHEREBYCITEDTOSHOWCAUSEbeforetheSurrogate’s Court, CountyofRensselaer,at802ndStreet,Troy,NewYork12180,on the24dayofMAY, 2023at10.00o’clockintheforenoon/afternoonofthat day,whyadecreeshouldnotbemadeintheestateofKathrynG.Kornetzki admittingtoprobateaWilldatedJanuary27,2010,relatingtorealand personalpropertyanddirectingthatLettersTestamentarybeissuedto TimothyKline.
NOTICE:ThisCitationisserveduponyouasrequiredbylaw.Ifyou withtocontestthereliefrequested,you,oranattorneyonyourbehalf, mustcontacttheCourtpriortothisdate.IfyoudonotcontacttheCourt priortothisdate,itwillbefoundthatyouconsenttothereliefrequested. Dated,AttestedandSealed, HON.PAULV.MORGAN
NameofAttorney:MichaelN.BrunoTelephone No:(518)464-0640
AddressofAttorney:Devine&Bruno,LLP-52CorporateCircle, Suite207-Albany,NY12203
NOTE:Thiscitationisserveduponyouasrequiredbylaw.Youare notrequiredtoappear.Ifyoufailtoappearitwillbeassumed youdonotobjecttothereliefrequested.Youhavearightto haveanattorneyappearforyou.
DirectorofAccounting Full-time;Bene
BerkshireCommunityCollege isana rmativeaction/ equalopportunityinstitution.
ounting ed ormation, yment t ollege yinstitution. .edu/employment
pleaseviewtheEmploymen sectionofourwebsitea
PART TIMEFLAGINSTALLERGETTYBURG FLAGWORKSinEastGreenbushisseekingapart time FlagPoleInstaller.PleasecontactPatrickorAndyat(518) 479-3153
PART TIMEYARDWORKReliable personforyardwork.AverillPark.Callformoreinformation. (518)674-3892
TOWNETAVERN-PARTTIMEPOSITIONSAVAILABLE PartTimeBartender.Mustbeavailablenights&weekends. Minimum2yearsexperiencerequired.Applywithinoremail
The TownofSandLakeiscurrentlyacceptingapplicationsfora Planning BoardClerk.Thisisapart-timepositioninvolvingnineteen hoursperweekincludingtwotothreeeveningmeetingsper month. KnowledgeoftheZoningCodeisdesirable,asistheability toworkwithpeopleandtheabilitytocomprehendmunicipal code. FamiliaritywithMicrosoftOfficesoftwareisrequired. Please submitaletterofinterestandaresumetoTownClerkBarbara Hansen(bhansen@sand-lake.usormail/dropoffat8428Route 66, SandLakeNewYork12153)nolaterthanMay2nd,2023.
The TownofSandLakeisacceptingapplicationsforLifeguardand Beach Aidepositions.ApplicationscanbefoundontheTown’s website:,attheTownClerk’sOfficeat8428 MillerHillRoad,AverillPark,NYorcontactDeputySupervisor Clemens atsclemens@sand-lake.usformoreinformation
Sat/Sun, 5/20&5/218am-6pm at 202HidleyRd,Wynantskill. Many horseitems-feeder,water troughs,saddleracks,Helmets, Gates,poultryequipment, Tack,Trunk,Tools-large & small,etc.HouseholditemsEVERYTHING GOES.-NOTE: house, 4stallbarn,paddock& 23 acreswillbelistedlaterin June.
Antiques wanted.Paintings, furniture, glassware,silver/gold jewelry, toys,jazzalbums, nautical items,andvintage watches. Icometoyou! (518)424-4626
TomatoPlantsForSale-Heirloom,Organic,4"pot,10 kinds.EastNassau.Callfor appt.(518)766-5345
ACCOUNTING&PAYROLL SienaGrad.25+yrs.exp.No jobtoosmall.(518)475-8782.
APPLIANCEREPAIR Washers,dryers,fridge,ranges, etc.Prompt-guaranteedrepairs. MikeHorowitz(518)477-8378
CARS-WEBUYJUNKCARS Top$paid.Cashonthespot! Freeremoval.Callortextfora freequote!(518)779-5497
CASHFORMETAL/CARS Webuyfarmequip.,metal,cars. Wehavetheequip.totakecareof bigjobs.Highestpricespaid.Demolition.Towing&transportavail. Partoftheproceedsgototheveterans. (518)339-8710
Patios,firepits,retainingwalls, newsidewalks,sidewalkrepair.Anykindofmasonry/ concretework.(518)423-0946
Allsizesavailable.Also,dump trailerforthetrickyspots.Laboravailablefordemo&loading.Partoftheproceedsgoto theveterans.(518)339-8710
DUMPSTERS Lowestratespossible6,8,10,12,15, 20,25,30yardsizes. EdLaplacaW.S.L.Cell(518)378-1080
EXCAVATION,TRUCKING, STONE&TOPSOIL Waterdiversion,driveways,brush hog,landclearing,oiltankremovals,septics,grading,digging, lawns,poolfill-ins,siteprep.Partof theproceedsgototheveterans. (518)339-8710
FASTFIXHEATING andPLUMBINGLLC 24hr.service,fullyins.32yrs. exp.Installs/replacements,tuneups,troubleshooting.Fixing allyourheating&plumbing needs.(518)256-1346
C&SFirewoodFarm.Seasonedfirewooddelivered,camp wood,firewoodbundles& more.(518)416-7615
FIREWOOD&MULCH Green-$250/cordcut&split. Mulch-allcolors$40/yd.Honest &dependableservice.Call/Text Harvey(518)338-5898
INTERIORPAINTING-Oneor multi-roomprojects.Popcorn andCathedralCeilings.2-story foyersandkitchencabinets. Exteriorpaintingprojects,too. Freeestimates.CALLUSAT (518)330-9507orvisitusat WeLoveWhatWeDo!
GLASS/SCREENREPAIR Brokenglass,tornscreensrepaired.Homerepairs.Makes housecalls.(518)203-8595
HANDYMAN 35yrs.exp.Kitchens,baths, carpentry,plumbing,electrical, etc.Fullyins.(518)727-9077
230 PropertyLLC,Artsof Org. filedwithSec.ofState of NY(SSNY)3/3/2023.Cty: agent uponwhomprocess against maybeserved& shall mailprocessto3Ivy Rd., RockyPoint,NY11778. General Purpose
F &CCollaborationsLLCNoticeofFormationofaLimited Liability Company(LLC):
Name: F&CCollaborations LLC, ArticlesofOrganization filed withtheSecretaryof StateofNewYork(SSNY)on April 26,2023.OfficeLocation: RensselaerCounty. SSNY hasbeendesignated as agentoftheLLCupon whom processagainstismay be served.SSNYshallmaila copy ofprocessto:4Elm Street Nassau,NY12123: Any lawfulpurpose.
Kayode OdutayoMDPLLC, Arts ofOrg.filedwithSec. of StateofNY(SSNY)8/ 2/2019. Cty:Rensselaer. SSNY desig.asagentupon whom processagainstmay be served&shallmailprocess to3602NewburyDr., Troy, NY12180.Purpose: Medicine
EmailYour LegalNoticeto: classifieds@
ThenameofthelimitedliabilitycompanyisRedDogReal EstateServicesNY,LLC. Thedateofthefilingofthe ArticlesofOrganizationwith theSecretaryofStatewas04 /12/2023.TheCountyin whichtheofficeoftheLLCis locatedisRensselaer.The agentoftheLLCuponwhom processagainstitmaybe servedistheSecretaryof Stateandsuchshallmaila copyofanyprocessto301 HoosickSt,Troy,NY12180. Thebusinesspurposeofthe LLCisanylawfulbusiness purposeorpurposes.
Noticeofformationof InMotionY.T.StudiosLLC. ArticlesofOrganizationfiled withNewYorkStateDept.of Stateon4/24/23.TheCounty withinthisstateinwhichthe officeofthelimitedliability companyislocatedinisRensselaer.TheSecretaryof Stateisdesignatedasagent uponwhomprocessagainstit maybeserved.Theaddress towhichtheSecretaryof Stateshallmailprocessisto thelimitedliabilitycompany atBradHughes-7AvenueA, MelroseNY12121.Company isorganizedforDigitalmedia productioncompanyspecializingin(S.T.E.A.M.)Educationalcontent.
SHAC ommunity enter
NOTICEOFFORMATION OF113PorterSTREETLLC adomesticLLC.Articlesof Org.filedwithNYSec.Of Stateon04/24/2023.Office location:RENSSELAER County.NYSec.ofStateis designatedasagentupon whomprocessmaybe servedandshallmailservice ofprocessto8PLUMSTRENSSELAERNY12144There isnoregisteredagent.Purposeisanylawfulpurpose.
COMPANY.NAME: SageLaneProperties,LLC. ArticlesofOrganizationwere filedwiththeSecretaryof StateofNewYork(SSNY)on 3/13/23.Officelocation:RensselaerCounty.SSNYhas beendesignatedasagentof theLLCuponwhomprocess againstitmaybeserved. SSNYshallmailacopyof processtoZenbusiness Inc.41StateSt.,Suite112, Albany,NY12207.Purpose: Foranylawfulpurpose.
Noticeofformationoflimited liabilitycompany.NAME: BULLISPROPERTY MAINTENANCELLC.Arts. ofOrg.werefiledwiththe SecretaryofStateofNY (SSNY)on4/6/23.Officelocation:RensselaerCo.SSNY hasbeendesignatedas agentoftheLLCuponwhom theprocessagainstitmaybe served.SSNYshallmaila copyoftheprocesstothe LLC,480CAMPBELLAVE, TROY,NY12180.Purpose: Foranylawfulpurpose.
SHAC Community Center is proud to announce our Annual Spring Fling taking place on May 20th, 2023 between 9am and 3pm on the SHAC Community Center grounds located at 27 Lake Avenue in Averill Park, NY.
This is our 3rd annual event and is bigger and better than ever! This year our theme is RAISE THE ROOF - we are raising funds to continue to make improvements to the Community Center so that we can offer even more community programs. We are actively seeking donations from community partners and individuals. For more information, please contact Holli Boyd-White at 518-2814398 or
SHAC Community Center is a registered charity with 501(c)3 status and 100% of the money will go to support keeping the lights on and addressing the needed improvements to the building so that we can open our doors for year-round programming both inside and outside the building. Your support will help us bring programs to youth, adults, families and senior citizens throughout our community.
This year’s Spring Fling will offer food prepared and served by the SHAC Board of Directors and the Towne Tavern, a rock climbing wall presented by the National Guard, bounce houses, Girl Scout led children’s activities, kid crafts, a farm animal petting zoo, a sports equipment swap, an open mic opportunity and area community organization information. We will also have silent auctions and raffles with prizes all donated by local businesses and residents. There will be a schedule
Framing,roofing,newdecks& repair.Allflooring,fence,sheetrock,trim,paintingint/ext. Freeest.Call518-833-4608
HANDYMAN Remodeling,carpentry,decks, porches,masonry,int./ext. paint,fences,doors/windows. Fullyins.25yrsexp. (518)669-0814
HOUSECLEANING Calltoday foranestimateona one-timedeepcleaningorregularly scheduledcleanings.Excellent references. Linda(518)222-9734
Dependable,thorough.Exc. ref’s.PerfectPremisesHouse Cleaning,Jill(518)727-1342
HOUSECLEANING Exp.Reliable.Reas.rates.E. Greenbusharea.Exc.ref’s.Free
JUNKREMOVAL&DEMO Oiltanks,hottubs,pools, sheds,barns,houses,fence& retainingwallremoval,yard cleanup.Res./comm.cleanout &organize.Fullyequippedto handleanyjob.(518)339-8710. Partoftheproceedsgotothe veterans.
LANDSCAPING Fullyins.,freeest.Mowing, cleanups,mulch,sod,lawnrpr, landscapedesign,trimming,& snowplowing.Jim,Herbert’s Landscaping(518)334-0015
LAWNCARE Mostlawns$35.Seniordiscounts.CallHarry(518)2272411or(518)479-4263
LAWNMOWERREPAIR Prompt,guar.repairsonmost brands.P/u,del.MikeHorowitz (518)477-8378
J&GLawnCare Reasonable,Reliable,References.CallJonah(518)915-4520
LONGARMQUILTINGSERVICE Doyouhaveaquilttopwaiting tobeturnedintoafamily treasure?Icanmakethathappen.CollarCityQuiltWorks (518)944-4069
CONSTRUCTION Newinstallations&old restorations.Fullyinsured. John(518)269-6804
COMPANY.NAME:Elizabeth Loccisano,NPinFamily HealthPLLC.ArticlesofOrganizationwerefiledwiththe SecretaryofStateofNew York(SSNY)onMarch30, 2023.Officelocation:RensselaerCounty.SSNYhas beendesignatedasagentof theLLCuponwhomprocess againstitmaybeserved. SSNYshallmailacopyof processto3HannahCourt, Wynantskill,NY12198.Purpose:Foranylawfulpurpose.
NoticeofformationofM&M AutoandMore,LLC.Articles ofOrganizationfiledwithNew YorkStateDept.ofStateon 09/27/2022.TheCountywithinthisstateinwhichtheofficeofthelimitedliability companyislocatedinisRensselaer.TheSecretaryof Stateisdesignatedasagent uponwhomprocessagainstit maybeserved.Theaddress towhichtheSecretaryof Stateshallmailprocessisto thelimitedliabilitycompany atMichaelGarcia63SMain StreetCastleton,NY12033. Purpose:Foranylawfulpurpose.
EmailYour LegalNoticeto: classifieds@
NoticeofformationofSHLOK PROPERTIESLLC.Art.Of Org.filedwiththeSecretary ofStateofNY(SSNY)on 04/13/2023.OfficeinRensselaerCounty.SSNYhasbeen designatedasagentofthe LLCuponwhomprocess againstitmaybeserved. SSNYshallmailtheprocess totheLLC,6BrookhavenLn, EastGreenbushNY12061. Purpose:Foranylawfulpurpose.
Noticeofformationof StaasecakesLLC.Articlesof OrganizationfiledwithNew YorkStateDept.ofStateon1 2/28/2022.TheCountywithin thisstateinwhichtheoffice ofthelimitedliabilitycompanyislocatedinisRensselaer. TheSecretaryofStateisdesignatedasagentuponwhom processagainstitmaybe served.Theaddresstowhich theSecretaryofStateshall mailprocessistothelimited liabilitycompanyatStacey Bennett8106thAveTroy, NewYork12182.Purpose: Anylawfulpurpose.
NSAENTERPRISELLCArt. OfOrg.FiledSec.ofStateof NY2/22/2023.Off.Loc.:RensselaerCo.SSNYdesignatedasagentuponwhomprocessagainstitmaybeserved. SSNYtomailcopyofprocess totheLLC,448Hoosick Street,Troy,NY12180,USA.
Purpose:Anylawfulactor activity.
MASONRY-ReddenMasonry Allphases,new&old.Brick, block,concrete,stonework. Fullyins.Shawn518-577-0962
MOUNTAINVIEWLandscaping SpringClean-Ups.Mulch,Rock, Plants,Mowing,TreeRemoval/ Pruning,BrushRemoval/ Hauling.Call(518)330-0504
PAINT/PRESSUREWASHING Decks,housepainting/alum siding,concrete.Weclean& paintanythingTown/Country. JJ518-618-8051
PLUMBING,HEATING&ELEC. License,Cert.&Exp. Service,Repairs,Installs, (518)283-2331
ROOFING DEPENDABLEROOFING& REMODELING,LLC Springintoanewroof!Fora dependableestimatecallor stopbyourshowroomon483 W.HousatonicSt.,Pittsfield, MA.AllphasesofRoofing• Siding•Windows.NowofferingSlateCeiling&Painting. CustomMetal-CertifiedInstallers.Chimney-Repoint•Rebuilds.Gutters-Aluminum& Vinyl.Familyowned&operated.Owneroneveryjob.Nojob toobigorsmall.5Starsonall majorwebsites.Available24-7 Emergencies.FreeEst.HundredsofRef’s.Lic.&Ins.FINANCINGAVAILABLE(413) 281-5655OR(413)441-1380
ROOFING Specializinginarchitectural, 3tab,metal,cedarshakes&repairs.Freeest.(518)378-6298
SEPTICCLEANING SANDLAKESEPTIC Tankscleaned,repair,new installation.(518)674-3000
SEPTICSERVICES Pumping,repairs,installations. Sewer&draincleanin. A.P.Septic.(518)674-0908
SEPTICSERVICE Tankscleaned,grouprates avail.Callaneighbor! Gene(518)674-5223
STARROOFING AlltypesofResidentialRoofing.26Yearsinbusiness.Fully Insured,Bonded,Factoryand OSHAcertified.(518)449-3422
PITCHFORKPROPERTIES, LLC.Arts.ofOrg.filedwith theSSNYon04/10/23.Office:RensselaerCounty. SSNYdesignatedasagentof theLLCuponwhomprocess againstitmaybeserved. SSNYshallmailcopyofprocesstotheLLC,9076NY66, AverillPark,NY12018.Purpose:Anylawfulpurpose.
SIXPILLARSHEALTH NURSEPRACTITIONERIN FAMILYHEALTH,PLLCArt. OfOrg.FiledSec.ofStateof NY1/24/2023.Off.Loc.:RensselaerCo.SSNYdesignatedasagentuponwhomprocessagainstitmaybeserved. SSNYtomailcopyofprocess toThePLLC,106Menemsha Lane,Wynantskill,NY12198, USA.Purpose:Nursepractitionerinfamilyhealth.
NOTICEOFFORMATIONof DESKSPACE,LLC Arts.ofOrg.werefiledwith SecretaryofStateofNew York(SSNY)on03/16/2023. Officelocation:Rensselaer County.SSNYhasbeen designatedasagentofthe LLCuponwhomprocess againstitmaybeserved. SSNYshallmailacopyof processtotheLLCat:16 NorthGreenbushRoad,Suite 201,Troy,NewYork12180. Purpose:Anylawfulactivity.
of free classes to showcase some of the SHAC Community Center’s most popular offerings including pickleball, magic demonstrations, tennis, yoga, and self defense. Visit for more information about our current and past program offerings. Follow us on Facebook at for our latest news and updates.
Capital Ar ea Fl ute lub
25th An niversary oncert
The Capital Area Flute Club (CAFC) is celebrating their 25th anniversary season with a concert on May 21st at 3 PM at the Algonquin Middle School in Averill Park. This concert will include the World Premiere of Silver Jubilee by Ricky Lombardo.
Following the concert, there will be a flute “petting zoo” where audience members can explore the various types of flutes and ask questions. There is no charge to attend thanks to the generosity of donors.
For more information follow Capital Area Flute Club on FaceBook or email us at capitalareafluteclub@gmail. com.
Latham-Colonie olumbiettes
An nual Fl ea Ma rket
The Latham-Colonie Columbiettes are hosting their Annual Flea Market on Saturday, May, 20th, 2023 at Latham-Colonie Knights of Columbus, 328 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham, N.Y. 12110, (Rain or Shine)!
STUMP’NGRIND Stumpgrindingservice,big orsmall,insured&backyard accessible. (518)301-5712
TOPSOIL,STONE,MULCH Freedel.shale,sand,fill,dirt, gravel,coloredstone,natural& coloredmulch.Installation& haulingavail.518-339-8710
TREESERVICE (518)312-8005,(518)674-2444 DonBradleyJr.Brush,tree, shrubremoval&trimming.Alsosmallbuildingdemolition. Insured&experienced.
TREESERVICE C&STreeandProperty Services.Freeests.Insured. SeanFinn(518)491-4206
TREESERVICE& EXCAVATION Driveways,Waterlines& Ponds.Freeest.Farmrates. Quickservice.518-423-6885
TREESERVICE Scheffler’sTreeService.Removal,pruning,trimming.Ins. Freeest.Bill(518)479-9749
TREE,SHRUB,STUMPSRVC Bucket,crane,chipper,stump removal.Smalljobstomega. Truckingavail.Wesellwood. (518)339-8710
TREE&STUMPREMOVAL Brushhoggingavailable.Free Estimates.Fullyinsured.Call RayatN&RTreeandProperty Services(518)573-1133
WANTED-AllAntiques,comic books,musicinstruments,vinylrecords,pocket,watches, oldtoys,oldcoins,oldsigns, artwork,fishingitems,old tools.(518)801-4673
WINDOWCLEANING Ken’sWindowCleaning.Fully insured.Comm./Res.40-yrs. familyexp.(518)766-4975
WANTED-Aplacetocultivate honeybeesintheWynantskill area.Call(518)928-1372
TOWNOFSANDLAKE NOTICEOFADOPTIONOF BONDRESOLUTION SUBJECTTOAPERMISSIVEREFERRENDUM Atameetingheldonthe 26thdayofApril,2023,the TownBoardoftheTownof SandLake,NewYorkduly adoptedaresolution,anabstractofwhichfollows, whichresolutionissubject toapermissivereferendum pursuanttoSection35.00 oftheLocalFinanceLawof theStateofNewYork.Ifafterthirtydaysoftheresolution’sadoptionbythe Town Board,nopetitionobjecting totheresolutionandrequestingapprovalbythe votersisfiledwiththe Town ClerkoftheTownof Sand Lake,theresolutionwillbe declareddulyadopted.
Thefollowing isasummaryofaresolutionadoptedbythe Town BoardoftheTownof Sand Lake,RensselaerCounty onApril26,2023.Said resolutionauthorizestheissuanceandsaleofaserial bondorbonds,andabond anticipationnoteornotes inanticipationoftheissuanceandsaleofsaidserial bondorbonds,inan amountnottoexceed $775,000.Theproceeds fromthesaleoftheobliga-
tionsauthorizedinsaidresolutionshallbeusedfor(A) theacquisitionof(i)two (2) mediumdutyplow trucks withequipment package and(ii)one(1)heavy duty plowtruckwith equipment package;and(B)the replacementofthe current 2,000galloncapacity fuel systemwitha3,000 gallon capacityfuelsystem and costsincidental thereto. Theestimated maximum costofsaidobjector purposeis$775,000,and the periodsofprobable usefulnessthereofisfifteen (15) years.Theproposed maturityoftheBondswill be inexcessoffive(5)years.
Dated:April26,2023 TownClerk TownofSandLake RensselaerCounty,New York
EmailYour LegalNotice to:
Vendor space still available is Outdoor Undercover, area is 4 (w) x 8 (l) $25 or $30 w/electric. Outdoor 10 (w) x 10 ( l ), $30 or $40 w/electric (with your own pop up set up). Our signed vendors have a wonderful display of items; Paparazzi Jewelry, Original Art Work, Boutique Clothing, Handmade Artisan Crafts; Crocheted Items, Wax Melts and More, also Collectible Items, Books, Household Items, and so much more!
Call(518)454-5503 ToPlaceA ClassifiedAd
Automotive Merchandise Auctions, LegalNotices, Business Opportunities, Services, Memoriams
CombinedLargest ReachInThe CapitalRegion
8711Miller Road, Averill Park
VThis Averill Park home with a midcentury feel was built in 1979. eiled by a thicket of trees, 8711 Miller Road is a 3,600-squarefoot midcentury modern nestled on a 19-acre woodsy oasis. Built in 1979, the house was designed by the late Ralph Rapson, an influential architect who was once the head of the School of Architecture at the University of Minnesota.
Embodying a natural aesthetic, the contemporary home seamlessly connects to its surroundings through its collection of windows, large screened porch and warm, earthy hues. The house offers three bedrooms and three full bathrooms, lofty ceilings and warm-toned wood flooring. One of its two fireplaces — a soft gray brick structure that slices through the living and dining room on the
main level— is a real statement piece, as are many of the house’s modern accents and lighting fixtures. The airy kitchen features towering windows, quartz countertops, a travertine tiled floor and a vaulted, wood-planked ceiling. A family room, on the lower level, opens to a gazebo and the expansive grounds.
List price: $950,000. Taxes: $9,671. Contact Joseph Briggs, real estate salesperson with Houlihan Lawrence, at 917-975-9926 or jbriggs@
A Sp ecial omputer raining lass for isplaced Ho memakers Of fered n roy
The Capital District Women’s Employment & Resource Center (WERC) is hosting a free computer training class on Thursday, May 25, 2023 from 9:00 – 11:00am at WERC’s Troy office at 120 Defreest Drive, Troy (in the Rensselaer Tech Park, North Greenbush).
Join us for “Overview of Microsoft Word” to pick up some great tips that will save valuable time and make creating and formatting Word documents quick and easy.
One of the highlight features includes an impressive replace, top. At left, one of three full bathrooms. Below and below left, ways the home shows off its wooded landscape through large windows and entryways.
This training is open to women (Displaced Homemakers) who are seeking employment and want to update their computer skills.
A Displaced Homemaker is someone who has lost their source of support due to divorce, separation or their spouse’s job loss, disability or death. Single mothers or women who are pending loss of public assistance also qualify for free services. This session will be facilitated by Lisa Ryan, Executive Vice President and Co-owner of MicroKnowledge, Inc. and is sponsored by the Workforce Development Institute (WDI). Space is limited. To register: call (518) 238-3845. WERC is a not-for-profit organization that works to advance women’s success in the workplace by building their economic and personal independence.
Since 1988, WERC has provided quality workforce development services to more than 10,000 women from the Capital Region. Visit WERC’s website for more information about all of the services offered: www.cdwerc. org. WERC’s Troy office is accessible on several CDTA bus lines, including Route 224 (Albany – Troy – Rensselaer)
and Route 808 (Albany – North Greenbush Shuttle). Check more CDTA’s website ( for more information about fares and routes.
SL own ibrary oard Me eting nd vents
LEGO Tuesdays, 3:30 – 6pm. Drop in, bring a friend, build! We have lots of LEGOs to design with. See previous designs in the photo gallery section at
Storytime, Wednesdays at 11am. Learn early literacy skills through stories, rhymes and song, followed by a simple craft.
SLTL Board of Trustees meets Thursday, May 18 at 6:45pm - approval of updates to policies on fines and circulation periods.
SLTL Friends Meeting, Tuesday, May 23 at 6:30pm.
Author Visit with Karen DeBonis to discuss her book “Growth: A Mother, Her Son, and the Brain Tumor They Survived” on Wednesday, May 24 at 6pm.
SLTL will be closed Saturday, May 27 through Monday, May 29 for the Memorial Day weekend, but our digital offerings are always available.
New art display: wonderful landscape photos of near and far by Ron Greenberg through June 30.
Join the 2023 Upper Hudson Library Expedition and become a #Library36er! Prizes available after visiting 6, 12, and 24 libraries; visit all 36 and get a “gold” library card! Runs through July 31. Info at or at your local library.
Museum passes are available for The Clark, MASS MoCA, Hancock Shaker Village, Norman Rockwell Museum, & the Albany Institute of History and Art.
Located at 8428 Miller Hill Road, Averill Park.
Hours: M-TH 11 – 8; F 11 –4; Sat 10 – 2. Call 518-6745050 with questions.
you have seen or own a particularly interesting home for sale to feature, send the address to
more real estate stories, sign up for the Places & Spaces newsletter: newsletters/realestate/
$850,000 Marinibuiltcustomhomein Pinehaven4BR3fullbath 2halfba4006+sqftbrick frontedcolonialwith 3cargarage
Sellers,callustodayto findyourhome’smarketvalue! S D T SC C i e e A o iate eal tate roker orCreative esults 1 2 a e elaerS are,S ite e elaer,NY12144 518 225 1433 518 286 1000 518 286 1140 Sheisinthenation’s Top10%ofrealtors! NorthGreenbushBranch 263N.GreenbushRdTroyNY12180 TheMcMahon&CrosbyTeam @HUNTRealEstateERA ExceptionalService.RemarkableResults. CindyMcMahon Lic.AssociateBroker PenelopeCrosby Lic.RealEstateSalesperson FEATUREDHOMEFORSALE 19TAMARACKLN,EASTGREENBUSHNY12061 PLUS $125 PAID AFTER EACH WEEK FOR 8 WEEKS! BECOME A TIMES UNION CARRIER TODAY ★ $125 SIGN-ON BONUS ★ CONTACT US TODAY! TEXT: CARRIER to (518) 419-3555 EARN UP TO
a new facility I listened in disbelief. The last few years have seen rehabilitation and repurposing of numerous historic buildings. The Knights of Pythias Hall/Bonesteel Furniture building in West Sand Lake is now Dater House Americana Antiques. The old Nash/Horton Store is nearing completion as the Sand Lake Mercantile.
celebrations and to position the nonprofit to grow and serve all community members.
This year is the bicentennial of the Christmas favorite poem, “’Twas the Night Before Christmas,” which was first published in the Troy Sentinel in 1823. That is followed by the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution in 2026, then in 2027 comes the bicentennial of the Hart Cluett House and the centennial of the museum, formerly known as the Rensselaer County Historical Society.
Sheehan can trace part of her family history to Sand Lake in the 1750s. She comes from a family that is proud to share its stories. Sheehan found that her interest in history led her to major in public history at the University at Albany and to work at the museum 36 years ago as a curatorial assistant. Eventually Sheehan became the city and county historian and the museum’s educator.
“I love having Rensselaer County roots. The history is in my blood,” she said.
Sheehan has become the go-to person for the county’s local history.
“It’s a great next step for the museum. It’s a great next step for Kathy with her experience of 36 years,” said Karin Krasevac-Lenz, a former executive director at the museum.
We are also grateful for the hard work of Janis and Marty Keary and Kevin Tighe for bringing back to life the Old Daley Inn at the Crooked Lake Hotel and the Glass Lake Inn. A great investment of planning, time and money have gone into restoring these historic buildings. Working together we have made Sand Lake a destination. Please stand and make your voice heard in support of preserving the old firehouse. As a community we should be able to find a way to not only preserve but repurpose this historic structure.
The Sand Lake Historical Society, by the way, needs a home. For more information, call 518 674-2026. Also, come to the Sand Lake Historical Society Gala on May 21, 1:00 at the Arlington House, 518 281-4398 for Gala ticket info.
Dunham Ho llowWest St ephentown
Sc holarship
The scholarship committee announces the availability of the Dunham Hollow-West Stephentown Scholarship. The scholarship is in memory of Frank Johnson.
It is open to anyone (graduating senior, post graduate, or adult wishing retraining) living within the boundaries of the Averill Park School District and has been accepted to a trade or vocational school.
The deadline for submission of an application
is May 15th. Scholarship applications may be obtained by contacting the Averill Park High School guidance department at 518-674-7025 or by emailing
Your losets?
Rensselaer County Rensselaer Senior Center is in need of quality gently used spring, summer clothes for our corner boutique. Drop off is 9am to 2pm, please call when you get here. If you need a receipt of donation leave your name and address. We
Sheehan succeeds Starlyn D’Angelo, who resigned as executive director last year. Sheehan stepped in as acting executive director with no plans to seek the position permanently. She will continue with her historian duties while the museum board has agreed to hire a deputy director to help with operations and an educator to help with programs.
“We can help people understand the history that’s right under their noses,” Sheehan said about telling the local stories.
“Be at tourist in your own county,” she said, urging residents to take a drive and explore the county’s 14 towns and two cities.
Sheehan is particularly keen on telling the stories of
greatly appreciate your generous donations. All proceeds go to senior programs and help our seniors.
For more info or to make a donation please call 518-463-2166.
Elmer A. rogan
Sc holarship
Applications are being accepted for the scholarship award of $300.00 for the best essay on “What Freedom Means To Me” by a graduating senior from Brunswick Central School District or Berlin Central School District who is continuing on with his or
her education. The essay should not be less than 250 words or not more than 500 words.
The scholarship is being given by the Carner, Etman, Smith V.F.W. Post 6340 in memory of a former member Elmer A. Grogan.
The deadline for applications is May 31st Applications are available at the guidance counselor offices of both high schools and should be mailed to Carner, Etman, Smith V.F.W. Post 6340, PO Box 361, Grafton, NY 12082, attn: Commander Len Claus, Jr.
those who have been ignored in traditional historical accounts. She has pushed to bring forward the county’s rich Black history. She can name Abigail Littlefield as perhaps the first woman to be a pharmacist in the county showing another aspect of ignored history.
When it comes to pieces of local history Sheehan enjoys, she points to the chamber pot owned by Samuel Wilson, the inspiration for the iconic Uncle Sam personification of the United States, a letter from Black resident Charles Gidiney describing the draft riots in 1863 in Troy and the county surrogate court records from 1791 to 1916 in the museum archives.
THE ADVERTISER MAY 11, 2023 | PAGE 13 FIREHOUSE CONTINUED FROM 1 SHEEHAN CONTINUED FROM 1 50Year LimitedWarranty Labor&Materials. Nooutofpocketfor50years. NoProratio NOW ING ES IM E PP S FOR2023 OFFERS CallNow! 518-855-672 SG oo ng com Notvalidwithanyothero ersorpriorpurchases Mosthouses withcoupon alidthru6/30/23 3800S ES EE S ENE DY E E EN ES I B E 0 IN N ING YINS ED EEES IM ES 518- 00-1858 CHECKOUTOURREVIEWS 10 O NY OO P O E BOO EDBY NE30,2023 P O 1000 E 110RotterdamCorporatePark,Schenectady,NY SPRINGCLEANINGEVENT END S MAY 31 ST ! CALL FOR A FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION (518)881-1066 TheFirst.TheBest.The#1 Gut terProtection Systems Inthe World. SPRING CLEANING EVENT NEVERCLEAN YOURGUTTERS AGAIN! FREE* GUTTERCLEANING & TUNEUP WITHGUTTERHELMETINS T ALL A TION 20%OFF* ALLGUTTER & GUTTERHELMET PRODUCTS FOR12MONTHSt NO MONEYDOWN NO PAYMENTS NO INTERES T PL US AND It’snottoolateforusto cleanyour guttersforFREE. We’llcleanandtune upyourclogged,leakyoldguttersfor thelasttime.Thenwe’llinstallGutter Helmet®andHelmetHeat®soyou’ll neverhavetoclimbupashakyladder againtocleanyourgutters. 4.7/5starswithover300localreviews. SERVINGEASTERNNYSINCE1973 W e’v e installed ov er14,000gut t erjobslocally BEFORE AFTER Raingoesin,leaves & debrisstayout • Installsonneworexistinggutters HelmetHeatmeltsdamagingice andsnowduringwinter • LifetimeGuarantee *Voidwhereprohibitedbylaw.Promotionsmaynotbecombinedorusedwithpriorpurchases.Customerwillreceive20%offtotallistpurchaseprice.Promotiontobeappliedbysalesrepresentativeattimeofcontractexecutionwith75footminimumpurchase. Availableattimeofinitialvisitonly.Expires5/31/2023.FreeguttercleaningandtuneupappliesonlytoguttersonwhichnewGutterHelmetispurchased.(t)NoMoneyDown,NoInterest,NoPaymentsappliesifthebalanceispaidinfullwithin12months.Gutter HelmetofEasternNY[GH]isneitherabrokernoralender.Financingisprovidedby3rdpartylendersunaffiliatedwithGH,undertermsandconditionsarrangeddirectlybetweenthecustomerandsuchlender,allsubjecttocreditrequirements,approvaland satisfactorycompletionoffinancedocuments.Financetermsadvertisedareestimatesonly.GHdoesnotassistwith,counselornegotiatefinancingotherthanprovidingcustomersanintroductiontolendersinterestedinfinancingGHcustomers.GHisnotresponsible fortypos.©2023GutterHelmetofEasternNY
Upstate PressureCleaning “ThePressure’sOnUs!” -HomeSiding-RoofSoftWashing -Decks,Fences&Patios-GutterServices -GraffitiRemoval-MasonrySurfaceCleaning -SurfaceRustRemoval-OxidationRemoval Callusforafreeestimate! 518-229-0129 $25OFF aFullHomeWash NotCombinable $25OFF aFullRoofSoftWash NotCombinable
Don’t miss it – the Sand Lake Historical Society’s Annual Gala, Sunday afternoon May 21st from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, at the historic Arlington House, 3532 Route 43, West Sand Lake.
The Arlington House –also known as the Journey’s End, the Old Journey’s End, the Arlington Hotel, and the Elk Horn Hotel – was Trolley Stop 22 on the Troy and New England Railway which connected Averill Park to Troy and brought visitors (including the mysterious Hazel Drew) to our beautiful town of Sand Lake.
Our 2023 theme is “Trolley’s, Transportation, Hotels, and Recreation.”
In addition to food, drink, and conversation, this year’s fundraising gala will feature a special recognition program.
This will be buffet-style event (with cash bar). There is limited seating. Additional information, tickets, and sponsorships are available at http:// . SLHS turns fifty in 2024. Fr om he esk of anice Ha nnigan
Kerwin, No rth reenbush
Town lerk
IF YOU: Make it, bake it or cook it…………. We Want You!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are looking for Food Trucks & vendors for our 3rd Annual WEDNESDAY Night Food Truck Event in North Greenbush. We will be starting on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The event will be every Wednesday night throughout summer until
August 9, 2023.
If you are interested in participating, please contact the North Greenbush Town Clerk, Janice Hannigan Kerwin for information at townclerk@ You may also call the office @ 518-283-4306 any day Monday- Friday.
Is Al l our Paperwork one
Before ou eave This orld?
The Rensselaer County Senior Center will be hosting a number of informational sessions on Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy, Wills, Trusts and so much more.
Just an over the counter drug can affect you in a negative way and put into question your cognitive ability. Our esteemed Director in Schodack Barb Fausner had a terrible experience with Benadryl “She took a trip and never left the farm”. She’d be willing to share her experience with you.
Don’t let someone else decide your last years of life. Take care of your business while there is no question of your ability. The court could appoint someone you never would have chosen to care for you and you would have no choice.
Make life decisions easy. Take care of business.
Bring a Friend This is
Join Elder Attorney John Florsch of Fowler, Doyle, Spiess & Florsch on Thursday, May 18th 11am. Keep reading the advertiser for our schedule of attorneys and dates.
We are open 9am to 3pm and are located on East and Herrick Streets in Rensselaer. Call (518) 4632166 for more information.
Sa nd ake
Se nior lub
The Sand Lake Seniors have put together a 3 days/2nights trip to Niagara Falls, Canadian side for Oct 16th through the 18th
A valid ENHANCED Driver’s License or a current PASSPORT is required. We will be staying at the Holiday Inn Fallsview which is across the street from the Fallsview Casino (Bonus $35/pp).
Two breakfasts and 2 dinners are included one of which is at the Skylon Tower. Enjoy the 20 minute Hornblower Cruise of the Falls! There is a guided full day tour of historic Niagara on the Lake where you can lunch on your own followed by a wine tasting at a local vineyard. A ride on the Skywheel prior to departure for home as well as a Duty Free stop at the border.
All taxes, meal and driver gratuities are included in the price: $509/pp/DBL, $639/pp/SNG, $499/pp/ TPL. Contact Bette Bieg 518-663-8292 for reservations or questions.
Re nsselaer
Plateau Al liance
Ne w Me mber Hi ke
Are you a new member of RPA? Did you recently give to or volunteer with the organization? Are you not a member, yet, but interested in learning more about what it means to become one?
This opportunity may be for you! The new member hike is a chance for us to say thank you for your generosity, care, and commitment toward ensuring the Rensselaer Plateau region can continue to thrive for years to come. If you are brand new to everything RPA, this is also an opportunity to get to know the organi-
zation and the staff better, meet other new members in the community, learn about programs & outings through RPA, and be introduced to one of our favorite community forests that members like you helped make possible.
We will meet at Albert Family Community Forest (East Nassau, NY) at 10am on Saturday May 20th and offer three different hikes that may interest you. When you register on our website, choose the hike you’d like to take.
This event will include one to one and a half hours of on-trail hiking over moderate terrain. Please bring a picnic lunch (optional), snacks for the hike, plenty of water, hiking/ walking clothes and shoes, and some questions about RPA (if you have any)! After the hikes are done, you are more than welcome to stay and explore the property, eat lunch at one of the picnic spots, and spend your Saturday in nature!
If you have any questions contact RPA Communications Associate Elizabeth Hayes, elizabeth@rensselaerplateau. org. To register, please go online to our events page, www.rensselaerplateau. org/events.
SHAC enter olf
Fu ndraiser t LCC
Please join us for SHAC Center’s first 1st Annual Golf Tournament!
The tournament will take place on June 3, 2023, at the Burden Lake Country Club serving as a fundraiser to benefit the SHAC Center in Averill Park. Entry into the tournament will be $100 per person or $380 for a foursome group. All pricing options include lunch, green fees, and a golf cart.
SHAC offers the following sponsorship opportunities: Foursome Sponsor$500. Presenting Sponsor
- $1,000. Title Sponsor - $2,000. This tournament will also include a silent auction, a 50/50 raffle, and more!
Contact Info: Erin Berical: with questions.
Capital istrict
Chevrolet lub
An nual ar, St reet Ro d nd ruck Sh ow 023
The Capital District Chevrolet Club announces its 40th Annual Car, Street Rod and Truck Show 2023 - June 25th, 2023 (Sunday) including all makes, model and years of vehicles.
It will be held at Cook’s Park in the Village of Col-
onie from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM with registration from 9:00 thru 12:30 PM. Reg is $20 per show vehicle and free to walk-ins as is their parking.
Vendors $20 prior to 6/24 -day of show $25.
Food available all day, DJ music, door prizes, 50/50 drawings, goody bags and dash plaques to first 150 vehicle owners.
Two (2) Best of Show trophies and 35 plus trophies from participant judging will be awarded. Show is on the Grassed area.
Information: Phil (518) 429-0203, Vendors: Karen (518) 281-8333. We are also looking for any kind of vendors except food type.
Location: Lincoln Ave off of NY Rte. 5 (Central Ave.) 1/4 mile from Exit 2W on I87(Northway).
PAGE 14 | MAY 11, 2023 THE ADVERTISER ALLPROPANEISTHESAME. OURPROPANEISCHEAPER! WEBEAT ANYCOMPETITOR’SPRICE! HLPropane Co.Inc . WeGuarantee YourComfort, Year-Round! 518-794-9066•877-794-9066 •24HourEmergency Service •YouWillNotRunOutof PropaneWhileOn Automatic •ProfessionalTesting EquipmentforYour Tune-Up •YourCallsAlwaysAnswered ByaPerson,Notan AnsweringMachine ★ IN HONOR OF ★ MEMORIAL DAY LOCAL FIRST & THE ADVERTISER WILL BE CLOSED MAY 29th. DISPLAY and CLASSIFIED ADS WILL HAVE AN EARLY DEADLINE MAY 29th DISPLAY: 4:00PM - WEDNESDAY, MAY 24TH All Editions CLASSIFIEDS: 4:00PM - THURSDAY, MAY 25TH Twin Brid ges Edition 3:00PM - FRIDAY, MAY 26TH Saratoga North Edition & The Advertiser FOR OUR JUNE 1ST EDITIONS Al l Ab oard!
ala t he Ar lington Ho use!