After years living under the cloud of a pandemic that limited where they could travel, many people have a strong desire to head off for parts unknown. As individuals and families ponder business trips or vacations, they may think about bringing a beloved pet along.
Beyoncé’s humans just want her back home. Thank you!
• Disappeared on 7/12/2022 from Millers Corners Rd. In EGBush.
• She is microchipped through Please, if you have seen her, or know where she might be CALL 480-428-9357
We are so excited to announce the return of AWANA at Brunswick Church this fall! Awana is a mid-week Bible-centered program that teaches children the importance of scripture, learning about God, and encourages fun. We will meet in person on Wednesdays from 6:00 - 7:30 PM. The kickoff will be an Open House on September 14, where we will have hot dogs and participate in a typical Awana night. Awana will continue on Wednesdays through April.The program is open for all children from 3 years old through 5th grade, and you do not need to attend Brunswick Church to participate. All are welcome! Brunswick Church is located at 42 White Church Road, just off Rt. 351 (1 mile south of Rt. 2) If you have any questions or would like the link for registration, please write to: wickchurch.orgchildren@brunsofChurchtheRedeemer
Roberta Mullins Rick Mullins CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT
• “Beyoncé,” a young calico cat, has a constant tremor that causes her to bounce up and down while standing or walking.
• Beyoncé is not sick, and her condition is not contagious. She is an indoor-only cat who might have gotten out when workers were at the house.
Company, Friends of The Castleton Public Library, and the Castleton Kiwanis for taking time out of their summer to provide a food and treats for our park guests. Also, a huge thank you to all the bands, all of them were great and we found some awesome bands to bring back again. I want to thank all of you who came out and enjoyed the concerts and park. And most especially, I want to thank our Park Director Kevin Konig, his assistant Carl Ashby, and my assistant Dawne Kelly, without whom we wouldn’t be able to pull these events off. There may be four months of 2022 left, but 2023 budget season is already underway here in Schodack. I will work to keep you apprised of developments and look forward to collaborating with my fellow Board members to deliver a balanced budget that continues their tradition of holding the line on taxes while finding ways to expand services. And finally I want to wish all the Students, Teachers, and support staff a happy back-toschool! Grafton Senior Center News Rensselaer County’s Everett Wagar Senior Center, 2 Roxborough Rd, Cropseyville, will be open with limited hours. State and County
According to a AAA/Best Western survey, 85 percent of dog owners travel with their dogs. The most popular vacations to let pooches tag along include going to the beach, camping and hiking. As a greater number of people are engaging in more activities with their pets, businesses in the travel and hospitality sector are taking notice and have become more accommodating to fourlegged guests. However, there’s still plenty to learn when taking a dog along as a travel companion. Explore these dog travel tips. • Invest in a crate. Even if the dog does not need a crate at home, it’s best to have one for travel. Crates often are required for airline travel and can keep dogs safer in cars. Many hotels also require that dogs be crated in the rooms to keep them out of trouble and prevent damage. A crate should be large enough that the dog can stand, turn and lie down, according to the American Kennel Club.
• Carry copies of pet-related documents. It’s important to prove that the dog is healthy and current on vaccinations. Officials may ask to see documentation when traveling abroad. Some travelers also may want to investigate pet passports. The USA does not require a pet passport, but the European Union pioneered pet passports to enable animals to move more freely throughout its member nations.•Plan a short excursion first. If you have never traveled with a dog before, make the first trip a short one, such as an overnight or two-day stay. This way, if the trip turns into a fiasco, checkout isn’t a week away. Shorter trips also help people figure out what works and what will need to change the next time.
• Expect some fees. Most hotels charge a fee for doggy clients. A fee of $25 to $50 is pretty standard. There also may be a designated pet floor to minimize the chances that guests without pets will be forced to interact with animals.•Normal behavior may go out the window. A dog who is calm at home may be out of sorts while traveling. It’s not uncommon for a dog unphased by people at home to suddenly be anxious and bark at sounds in a hotel hallway.•Look into pet-friendly restaurants. Smarter Travel says that some hotels won’t allow a guest to keep the dog alone in the room. That means meal time can be tricky. Find restaurants nearby that allow pets. Many that have outdoor seating may enable a leashed pet to stay near the seating perimeter.
Constituent Report for August 2022 from Schodack Supervisor Charles Peter After being forced to cancel in 2020 and running a modified camp in 2022, we were able to return to a more traditional structure for our summer camp this year. Youth Director Shelia Golden and her team oversaw multiple sites and provided a fun filled schedule that included various field trips, science experiments, and games. We appreciate everyone who worked for our town as counselors, administrators, and support staff. We also want to thank Schodack Central Schools for once again contracting with the town to provide camp sites and transportation. We look forward to offering this long-standing service once again in “Music2023.
in The Park” finished up its first extended run ever with a twice postponed concert by the “Yankee Doodle Band” on August 24th. A well-received addition to our summer concert series, we plan on continuing with this extended run again next year. My appreciation to our Town Board for agreeing to extend the concerts this year. I want to thank our food vendors including East Schodack Fire
Columbia HS ‘50s ‘60s Reunion It’s back! The Columbia HS classes of the ‘50s and ‘60s will hold their annual reunion September 10 from 4 until 9 at the Phillips Road Firehouse outside pavilion. A food truck from Little Big Fatz will be on site and a cash bar with beer and wine will be available. This is a popular, informal gathering of classmates. A $5.00 donation is requested. For more information or questions contact Valerie Figel (
Reproduction without permission is prohibited. The majority of the ads in this publication were created by and are the sole property of Local First and cannot be reproduced without express permission from the publisher.
Margaret518-454-5503Bunkoff Fax:crwnewspapers.comMargaret.bunkoff@timesunion.comclassifieds@ 518-454-5542
Welcome Back and Celebrate at Salem Church!
Hours: Mon-Fri 8-7:30; Sat 8-1 and tricks for traveling with dogs Cat
All are welcome at Salem United Methodist Church, Sunday, September 18 at 11am as we celebrate a new year of sharing the Good News in our community. Whether you are a new to church, new to Salem, or new to the new church season there is a place for you in our church home. Pastor Charlie Yang will share a message of hope and bless the staff and families of one of our important community ministries, Jubilee DayComeCare.join us in worship and fellowship as we celebrate “Back-to- ChurchSunday.349Shaver Rd, West Sand Lake, NY Are Invited to AWANA Brunswickat Church
Love ChurchLutheran Sunday mornings are a great opportunity to thank the Lord for reminding us of how blessed we are! Please join us each Sunday for worship at 10 am, followed by coffee hour at 11 am. On September 25th Pastor David Dietsche will be leading our worship service. You don’t want to miss him! Love Lutheran Church is located at: Pheasant Lane & Middlesex Road, East Greenbush, NY. For more information or directions, please call 518-488-4991.
Creating Healthier Bonds Between Pets and People Since 1937! NASSAU Veterinary Clinic Your “Full Service” Veterinary Clinic Tips
Guidelines will be posted and must be followed at all times. The center is now open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 3:00 with congregate lunch and activities. Mondays and Fridays the center will be open 9:30 to 11:00 for our 10:00 Chair Yoga class. On Tuesdays, there will be Senior Yoga Plus class at 10:00. Both are low impact classes that ALL seniors can do at their ownSeptpace.13th will be the monthly Eat Smart Celebration and Trivia at 11:15 and Senior Games following lunch. Also, Sept 13th Rachel will do haircuts/mani/pedi’s by appt only. Sept 15th will be the monthly Birthday Celebration and Trivia following lunch. Sept 20th, Donny ELVIS will provide entertainment at the Special Luncheon. A special thank you goes to CDPHP for sponsoring this event. Please call to let us know you plan to attend lunch and the event. Sept 22nd will be Movie Day with Root BeerCongregateFloats. lunch is served at the senior center Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon for a suggested donation of $3. Grab-n-Go meals are also available on Tuesday and Thursday. Please call early to be added to the lunch list at (518) 279-3413 so we can be sure to have enough food prepared.
Free Sundaes and School Supplies at Church of the Covenant UM! Join us Sunday, September 11 for a celebration of back to school with your choice of FREE school supplies and ice cream Sundaes provided by Stewarts! Join us for this fun event from 11:00am to 1:00 pm at Church of the Covenant United Methodist (the Round Church) in the center of Averill Park across from Jiff-E Mart.
Sunday service, September 11, is at 9:00. Please join us for coffee hour and socializing following the service. Hot Mess Crafters meets on Wednesday at 10 AM. We are finishing our work on mariners’ hats and continuing with items for our upcoming craft fair. Bible Study is on Wednesday at 4:00.We are coming to the end of our study of the Book of Esther.Thrift Shop’s End of Summer Vacation Bag Sale was quite the success. Thank you to all who came. Your support is appreciated. Thrift Shop is open on Thursdays from 3-6, and on Saturday, September 17 from 9-2. The Church of the Redeemer is an Episcopal church located on CDTA bus route #214 at the corner of Third and Catherine Streets. There is handicap parking, a ramp in front, and a parking lot in the rear.Fr. Robert Haskell may be emailed at rhaskell2@
Jennifer518-454-5513Morrell DISPLAYCONSULTANTADVERTISING Heidi 518-965-1714Gaschel
DISPLAY AD DEADLINE: Friday 4:00pm CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: Monday 2:00pm Twin Bridges Edition Monday 4:00pm Saratoga North Edition The Advertiser
• Bring water from home. When packing food, pack a few gallons of water as well, even though it can be cumbersome. Some dogs with delicate digestive systems may be upset by drinking the local water. A case of diarrhea is compounded further by having to make it into an elevator and outside the hotel in time. • Tire the dog out. Exercised dogs tend to be well-behaved dogs. Make time to go on long walks, visit a dog park or engage in other activities that will make the pup tired so it’s less likely to cause problems at the hotel. Learn the ropes of traveling with a dog to increase the opportunities for having lots of fun with Fido in tow. HWY 20 518.245-3223Nassau
Also involved, the East Greenbush Y will be passing out water and granola bars; the East Greenbush library will be offering a craft and signing up anyone who doesn’t currently have a library card. Staples is giving out certificates of Lynne25th.Rainhealthy,havinginformationsafetyKiwanisparticipation.TheEastGreenbushispassingoutwhistles,offeringonticksandaraffle.It’safree,familyfunevent!!!dateisSunday,Sept.Forinformation,call(518)479-3959.
Joe Stevens, Jr #33 Memorial Award
Submitted by Dr. James Franchini, Averill Park CSD Superintendent St. Stephen’s E. Schodack Tag Sale St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, 751 County Route 7 (directly off Route 150), East Schodack, NY will host its Annual September Tag Sale on SeptemberSaturday,10th, at 9 am, rain or shine, in conjunction with the East Schodack Village Wide Sale. Grab some Treasures! We have kitchen and household items, vintage china, linens, decor, holiday items, books, kids toys, a little of everything! Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 10, so you don’t miss the Village Wide sale!
THE ADVERTISER SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 | PAGE 3 Now with children back in school Moms can get things done, Like catch up on some dental care. I’m sure that sounds like fun. BRUNSWICKPHYSICALTHERAPY “Movement For Life” 4164518-326-9272NY2•Troy,NY 12180 Peter St. Germain, PT - Owner Protect Your Assets FREE Initial Consultation Elder Law • Medicaid Planning • Wills • Trusts Estate Administration • Estate Tax Planning Guardianships • Asset Protection 1 State St., Troy 518 274-1500 2977 NY 43, Averill Park 518 ceresialawfirm.com674-2836 Frederick W. Kirwin AROUND YOUR COMMUNITY Please send your news (in article form) and photos to ... “Submit Article” Please include contact information. • Prepay & Budget Plans Available • Guaranteed Fuel Supply • Reliable Delivery • Fair Competitive Prices • Professional Service by Expert Technicians • Service & Support Available 24/7/365 • No Hidden Fees or Long-Term Contracts For more information, additional resources can be found at Upgrade Your Propane Supplier! Call 1-800-542-5552 or Email Propane & Ultra-Clean Heating Oil Supply & Delivery Administrative Fees Delivery MinimumFeesUse Fees$$$ Tank Rental TerminationEnvironmentalFeesFeesFees$$$ Stop Paying These Costly Hidden Fees, Call Us Today & Discover the Difference! News AverillfromPark CSD Welcome back! We are very excited about the 2022-2023 school year. In this space we will be sharing student and staff achievements, upcoming events and other importantPleaseinformation.notethat during the pandemic, the USDA ensured that all schools were able to offer free meals to all students. However, this pleasenewspusbackthepuseseffortforwithprovideopenedthecouragedandourapplicationfreearequirepurchasedreducedliesopportunity2022-23toillonreimbursementuniversalexpiredJune30,2022.Aver-ParkCSDwillreturnchargingformealsinandwillofferanforfami-toapplyforfreeormeals.Allmealsatschoolwillpaymentunlessfamilyisapprovedfororreducedmeals.AnisavailableonFoodServicespageallfamiliesareen-tofillitout.Additionally,duringpandemictheDistrictupitscampustothecommunityoutdoorspacestousephysicalactivity.Inantomakeourcam-assafeaspossible,Districthasrevertedtobeingaclosedcam-duringtheschoolday.Asalways,forthelatestfromtheDistrict,visitourwebsite
The Friends of the North Greenbush Public Library are having a puzzle sale on Saturday,September 24 from 9 AM - 3 PM in the Annex Bldg. of the Town Hall. The Annex is located at the end of the Town Hall by the playground. It is handicapped accessible. We have vintage,1,000 piece, children’s, opened and unopened puzzles for sale - all at reasonable prices. Hope to see you there! East TagNeighborhoodSideSale@Hope 7 Community Center Hope 7 Community Center will be participating in the East Side Neighborhood Tag Sale on Saturday, September 10th fromGreat9am-3pm.selections, great prices and a percentage of any food purchased (dine in or take out) from Carol’s place will be donated to Hope 7.
On Sunday, Sept. 11th , from 11 - 2, the East Greenbush Police Dept. is teaming up with local organizations for a bicycle ride along the Albany Hudson Electric Trail. The police will talk about helmet and trail safety and lead a bike ride. Upon return, they will be serving hot dogs and chips.
Please come and check out the East Schodack Village wide garage sale on September 10,2022 fromThis9-3.will be on Route 150, Country Route 7, and side roads like East Hill road and more. Check for signs. Always have some great bargains! Cub PackScout2528 Registration is now open for Cub Scouts Pack 2528! Our group covers all youth in Grades K-5 in the Averill Park School District!Parent meeting will be Sunday September 11 at 4PM at the VFW 25 Veterans St. Poestenkill, NY 12140. All ideas are encouraged! Bring a friend who may also be interested in learning more about the Pack! #adventureon Contact Troop2528@gmail. com for any questions
HighColumbiaSchool 197250th Reunion Columbia High School, class of 1972, is holding their 50th Reunion on Saturday, October 1, 2022 at the Rensselaer Elks Lodge, Columbia Tpke., East Greenbush.Ifyouare a class member and have not been contacted please send information to chseg72@ Time to Register for the Sand Lake Garage Sale SAVE THE DATE! Save your stuff. Sell your stuff. Register now for The annual Sand Lake Townwide Garage Sale Sat. & Sun., Sept. 17 & 18 sponsored by the Sand Lake Business Association. You can participate three ways. List your home garage sale and it will be publicized for free in all our social media and on our event map. Join our Vendor Corral open both Sat. & Sun. and rent a booth (two sizes) conveniently located on NY43 (corner of NY 43 & Averill Ave across from Eastview Dr).Or travel among the home sales and the Vendor Corral to find treasures of all kinds! This is a wonderful opportunity to sell your crafts, antiques, collectibles, and items of all kinds. Great for sport teams, the Scouts, and social organizations too. To register your garage sale or reserve a vendor booth go to event!!com.www.sandlakebusiness.Don’tmissour2022
Bike with GreenbushEastPolice
Village Wide Garage Sale
I’d like to take this opportunity to announce that Ryan Heffner is the 2022 recipient of the Joe Stevens Jr. #33 Memorial Award. This award is given to a senior who played football for APHS and demonstrated leadership, dedication, loyalty and honesty on and off the field. Given in Memory of Joe who wore #33 and was a 2001 graduate of APHS. Ryan was voted unanimously by the members of the football team, stating he exemplified the most qualities like Joe did. Ryan’s name has been added to the Memorial Scholarship plaque and will be displayed outside the high school gym. I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed, and made this award possible to present for the 20th year. Thank you again. From the family of Joe Stevens, Jr. Puzzle Lovers Alert!
The Sand Lake Kiwanis Club Thanks Our Summerfest 2022 Community Sponsors
The Averill
PAGE 4 | SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 THE ADVERTISER The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s® is full of flowers, each carried by someone committed to ending this disease. Because like flowers, our participants don’t stop when something’s in their way. They keep raising funds and awareness for a breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer’s and all other dementia. It’s time to add your flower to the fight. Join us at 2022 Walk to End Alzheimer’s - Albany The Crossings of Colonie Saturday, October 1 More Information and Membership Application at Membership Drive 2023 162 Totem Lodge Road North 518-674-1770Nassau New Memberships at Burden Lake CC this year! Buy an Adult/ Senior Membership this month & save $$$! *Play the rest of 2022 as a Member *Receive 6 Free Carts ($132. Value) *Receive 3 Free Guest Passes ($120. Value) We have 3 types of Young Adult Memberships: •Junior (17 years & under) •College (18-25 years) •Young Adult (26-30 years) Special Discounts apply if you are a snow bird, work or live outside of Rensselaer County or Family Discounts. S e p t 1 3 t h | 9 A M 9 P M i n L i b r a r y 2 0 2 3 B U D G E T V O T E & L I B R A R Y E L E C T I O N D e t a i l s a v a i l a b l e a t C i r c u l a t i o n D e s k a n d h t t p s : / / e g l i b r a r y o r g / a b o u t / b o a r d 1 0 C o m m u n i t y W a y , E a s t G r e e n b u s h N Y Please Join Us Gala Event to Benefit “The Outcome of Courage” With the 1st Annual Henrietta Messier Award A Tribute To Founder Henrietta Messier September 15, 2022 @ 6:00p.m. Franklin Plaza Ballroom 4-4th St., Troy And a Drawing of Our $10,000 Raffle! $100 Buys You a Chance to Win! 299 Tickets Will Be Sold* 1 First Prize of $10,000 1 Second Prize of $2,500 Plus 10 Prizes of $150 *8 Limit Ticket per Person. Must be age 18+. Email: or call 518-274-3110 ext. 3028 Thank You To Our Sponsors Pioneer • Amsure • Callanan Industries Bouchey Financial Group • One Group Banadio • Capital Region RX Rosenblum Development Corp. Congressman Paul D. Tonko • Ross Enterprises LLC Please Respond by September 5th by going to our website SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th 9AM TO 2 PM CASTLETON-ON-HUDSON Village Wide
If you play a musical instrument, the Averill Park Community Orchestra is excited to be starting rehearsals again soon and we are looking for new members!Ifyouor someone you know plays an orchestral instrument (strings, woodwinds, brass, or percussion) and may be interested in joining, please call or text Christina Desmond at 518-948-0565.Weareespecially in need of string players (violin, viola, cello, string bass) and are planning a special event for strings in earlyAPCO2023.rehearses at Algonquin Middle School in Averill Park on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30, and we anticipate performing three concerts this year, one in December and two in the spring. Rehearsals begin September 14th, and we will accept new members through early October in preparation for our performance on December 17th (snow date December 18th). You can also find us on Facebook or check out our website at apcorchestra. org. We look forward to hearing from you!
The Major Sponsors Troy Sand and Gravel, Stewart Ice Cream Shops, N&L Auto Body, The Lakeview Restaurant, Dr. Geoffrey Gamache, Patanian Homes/Westfall Village. Additional Valued Sponsors Bradway & Bros Enterprises, Kay’s Burden Lake Restaurant, Leckonby’s Autoworks, Creek Bottom Contracting, Lane Refractories Corp., Country Auto Repair, Inc., Bubie’s Garage, DEA Computing , The Tennis Coach, AB Daley Insurance, Poestenkill Auto Supply, Inc ., Quinn Motor Car, Worthington Flowers, Legenbauer Gas & Oil, Botsy’s Barber Shop, Hart’s Fuel Service, Kevin J. McGrath, L.S., Reiniger’s Home Improvements, William E. Bradway, Ryan Smithson, Gipfel Coffee Company, DB Paving, Heller’s Wine & Liquor, Doby’s Submarine Shop, Sand Lake Center for the Arts, Custom Cutters, Miller’s Auto Service, Bradley Park, Sand Lake Septic, Bob’s Rental Center, Averill Park Septic, Sand Lake Clipper, JIFF-E Mart , Burden Lake Enterprises, Art Herman & Son Builders.
Old AnnualCemeteryChathamMeeting
Woodlawn Cemetery Annual Meeting The Woodlawn Cemetery Association, Inc. 111 Burden Lake Road, East Schodack will hold their Annual Meeting on Tuesday evening September 13, 2022 at 6:30pm at the East Schodack Fire House, 3071 NY Route 150 in East Schodack.Ontheagenda will be the report of the Treasurer, discussion of general upkeep of the cemetery, including costs, election of Officers and Trustees as well as any other business that comes before the Association.Donations for mowing, and upkeep of the fountain, are greatly appreciated and can be sent to Woodlawn Cemetery Assoc. Inc P.O. Box 14, East Schodack, NY 12063 All lot owners or their designated representatives are encouraged to attend, and your participation is most welcome. This is your opportunity to be part of the decision making concerning your cemetery. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact President Frank Curtis at 518-766-3318, or mail your comments or questions to Woodlawn Cemetery Association.
Kiwanis sincerely thanks the many community businesses and organizations that helped us present Summerfest 2022. Their sponsorships contributed greatly to the success of this multi-event, four day party for our surrounding communities. Year after year, these sponsors support Sand Lake Kiwanis Club’s efforts to bring quality services to our community. We encourage residents of Sand Lake and our surrounding communities to show their appreciation by patronizing these local stores and businesses.
The annual meeting of the Old Chatham Union Cemetery Corporation will be held on Saturday, September 17th, at 2pm in the Vedder Hall of the Malden Bridge Community Center located at 1087 Albany Turnpike, Malden Bridge NY 12115. All lot owners or their designated representative of the Cemetery located on Shaker Museum Road, Old Chatham, are encouraged to attend. Agenda for the meeting will include a financial report by the Treasurer, including a report on a recent letter sent to lot owners requesting help in supporting the upkeep of the cemetery. Other business will include a discussion on general maintenance, election of officers and directors as well as any other business that may come before the Corporation.Theinputof all lot owners is most welcome and necessary in the decision making process to make this truly your community cemetery. If you have any questions, feel free to contact President Elizabeth M. Hurley at 518-766-3815.
Rensselaer High School Student Serves as Walk Ambassador for Walk to END EPILEPSY® CAPITAL DISTRICT - The support the Epilepsy Foundation of Northeastern New York provides through their 22-county service area is critical for their consumers, which includes Rensselaer high school student, KaylaKayla’sBeaudoin.mother, Jerilee, is board president of EFNENY and says, “My daughter, Kayla, had over 40 seizures before the age of one. This included many trips to the ER, stays in the PICU, 5-day EEGs and a trip to Boston Children’s hospital. We felt alone and very afraid.” Finally, in 2008, Jerilee found the support they needed with the Epilepsy Foundation of Northeastern New York (EFNENY).TheEpilepsy Foundation of Northeastern New York is excited to offer a fun way to get some fresh air AND help a good cause with their Walk to END EPILEPSY® on Sunday, September 11, 2022. The Organization chose to make this a hybrid event, so walkers can join at Saratoga Spa State Park, Arrowhead Park in Inlet, NY or wherever they choose to walk!! There’s no fee to register, and you can find the registration page as well as more information on our website For more information, call the Epilepsy Foundation at 518-456-7501 or visit our website at
SaleAnnualHistoricalBrunswickSociety-Bake/Tag Brunswick Historical Society is looking for vendors for our Annual Tag sale on September 10 2022. Rain or shine. We are located at 605 Brunswick Rd in Eagle Mills. We will be offering a limited number of spaces (1)- 8x10 for free. Don’t miss out. Sign up now. Contact Tracy for more information at 518-2793020 or email at Call for an Averill ExhibitionPark aGatherin’ is sponsoring a third Art Exhibition with Arts Letters & Numbers: “Erie, Eerie, Aerie, Wired, Weird & Wild - Art at the Border of Strange” to open October 26 for 3 days. Inspired by the 200th anniversary of the Erie Canal - that audacious slice through New York State - we choose the season of All Hallows Eve, to host art works in all media, representational or performative.Theexhibition will be mounted at the Faith Mills Studios in Averill Park. Deadline for proposals is October 1; deadline for delivery of material October 22. Contact Diane DeBlois,
THE ADVERTISER SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 | PAGE 5 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL ForOver17Years!ServingTheCapitalRegion HYDROSEEDING Lawn & QualityLandscape • Grading • Topsoil • •ExcavationDrainage • Brush Hogging • Tree & Brush Removal • Seasonal Cleanup • Retaining Walls • Sod • Mulching • Patios • Landscape Design & Installation • Asphalt Repair 518-879-9312 518-879-9312 Quality You Deserve. Service You Can Trust. FULLY INSURED (518) 369-5947 NEW HOME SITE WORK PACKAGES Commercial • Residential Fully Insured • Free Estimates F Inground / Above Ground Pool Removal F Excavating F Grading F Hydroseeding F Tree & Stump Removal F Land Clearing F Roadways F Hauling F Water F Sewer F Septic F Stone Driveways COLONIAL EXCAVATING Only $18,999 perarch Regular$25,000 Interest-FreeFinancing Available Fix yourentire toporbottomof yourmouth andhave itlast formany years tocome GETITALLFIXED TODAY Restrictionsapply DENTALIMPLANTSALL-ON-4® 518-830-2333 East Greenbush VFW Auxiliary Vendor Fair Vendor Fair Saturday, November 5, 2022 from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.100 Hays Road, East Greenbush.Table rental availablecall Lynda at 518-732-2111 or email at: schoolrn52@ aol.comMany vendors, Bake Sale, Raffle, 50/50.Kitchen will be open. Help us support our Veterans. Don’t miss this event!
The Italian Community Center Charitable Foundation, 1450 Fifth Avenue, Troy is holding a $3,000 bingo on Sunday, September 11 Doors open at 11:30 am. All bingo proceeds will be donated to Troy’s First Responders in honor of 9/11. For pricing com/dinners&eventswww.lathamcoloniekofc.klmajer@outlook.cominformationor
Park. SLHS monthly programs are open to the public and are also simulcast on Spectrum Channel 1303. Archived video can be accessed at the SLHS website onannouncements!$5donationsuggestedfornon-mem-Newmembersarewelcomed.Thismonth’smeetingalsoincludeseveralupdatesandLikeusFacebook. forBerkshiretoHistoricalStephentownSocietyHearTalkontheFarmBoys
Please join us on Tuesday, September 13th at 7:00 when the Sand Lake Historical Society presents “a look back” at the history of the Crooked Lake Hotel. Using old photos, correspondence and video tour by former owner Al Coons, Sand Lake Town Historian Bob Moore will cover the Crooked Lake Hotel from stagecoach stop to the Old Daley. Be sure to bring your own stories of Crooked Lake to room,LakewillSeptember’sshare.meetingbeheldattheSandTownHallCourt-8428NY66,Averill
Craft Fair ColumbiettesLatham-Colonieat Latham hostingColumbiettesColoniewillbetheirAnnual Fall Craft Fair on Saturday, September, 17th, 2022, 9 am to 3:30 pm! Rain or Shine!Vendor Space available Outdoor Undercover and Outdoor Areas for your own popup display.
Dodie Gearing will give an illustrated talk on the history of the Berkshire Farm for Boys, on Sunday, September 11, at 2:00 p.m. This state-wideServicesBerkshire1886severalboys’positivefactoranedthat“waywardforIndustrialbecametyformerwasingsacresFrederickherdrenBurnham’s733-0010.directions,icappedandYork.Road,HeritageheldgramHistoricalStephentownSocietypro-meetingwillbeattheStephentownCenter,4StaplesStephentown,NewTheprogramisfreethebuildingishand-accessible.Fortelephone(518)In1886,Catherineloveforchil-andfamilymotivatedtopersuadehusbandtodonate580oflandandbuild-forwhatshebelievedagreatcause.TheShakercommuni-inCanaan,NewYork,theBurnhamFarm;arefugewhatwerethencalledboys.”TheideatheFarmrepresent-afamily,ratherthaninstitution,wasakeyinitssuccessanditsinfluenceonthelives.TheFarmhashadnamessinceitsfoundingandisnowFarmCenter&forYouth,alargesocialservice
North Greenbush Kiwanis will be hosting a Craft Fair at North Greenbush Town Hall in Wynantskill 9 am - 4 pm, 10/1/2022. There will be Craft Vendors, Raffles, and a BakeAllSale.Kiwanis proceeds from the event will go back to services provided to the community.Interested Vendors can contact: Donna Ford @ 518-331-1441 or dlf083@ Sand Lake Historical Society
agency serving more than 2,000 children and families every day. Dodie Gearing, a longtime Columbia County resident, is the Town Historian for Canaan, New York, and a retired social studies teacher.
Bingo to Benefit First Responders
Food Trucks at Church of the Covenant UM This is your LAST CHANCE to enjoy the Food Trucks, Music and Fun at the Church of the Covenant in Averill Park!! If you’ve missed the others, be sure to mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 13! Livin’ the lowerwithavailablecappednotseatingAmendolara.edtainmentwillandingorfromlotwillco’sHeisenburgersDream,andDiFol-RoamingOccasionsagainbeintheupperofthe“RoundChurch”4:00-7:00fortakeouttoenjoyatoutdoorseat-withneighbors,friendsfamily.Homemadedessertsbeforsaleandenter-willbeprovid-byValGaryandLouTherewillbeindooriftheweatherdoescooperate.Handi-parkingwillbeoffOrientAve.generalparkinginthelot.
Chili Cookoff on Saturday, October 1 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Valley Falls United Methodist Church located on State Street in the village of Valley Falls, NY. For a $10 admission you may sample and vote for your favorite chili. Desserts and drinks are also for sale. For tickets in advance, cntact Brian Backstrom bbackstrom@gmail.comat or call 518-527-6631. If you wish to enter as a Chef or for more information about the competition. please contact Bill Bobear at 6bbobear@ or call 518-2812281 to get an Entry Form. Entry forms must be submitted by September 10.
North KiwanisGreenbushCraftFair
Chili Cookoff at Valley Falls United ChurchMethodist
Save the date for the St. Jude’s Fall Festival & Craft Fair, on Saturday, September 24th , from 11:30 am6:30Livepm.entertainment including Habiba Belly Dance, Hill County Cloggers, Boland School of Irish Dance, Pete Yakel from Whitewater, Anthony Michael, South Paw and more!! Delicious food & drinks, children’s games, crafts, haunted house, raffles, craft fair and more!!! Super Raffle Drawing will start at 6:30! Call 518-283-1162, there are still tickets available, or for more information!! September 11th Melvin Roads American Legion is conducting the Patriot Day remembrance Ceremony on Sunday September 11, 2022, One (1:00) PM at Melvin Roads Post 1231 parking lot, (inside if raining), 200 Columbia Turnpike, East Greenbush, New York. September 11th, 2001 has mostly been forgotten by the public. This ceremony reaffirms our commitment to remember those that lost their lives that day and heroes who went into the World Trade Center to help them.
PAGE 6 | SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 THE ADVERTISER Seniors Love Glen Eddy! Call (518) 348-5727 to schedule your tour! Make Your Move to Niskayuna’s Premier Senior Living Community! • Maintenance-Free Living • Life-Enriching Activities • Chef-Prepared Meals • Luxury Amenities & Services Independent Living • Enriched Housing • Respite Care 1 Glen Eddy Drive, Niskayuna • (518) 280-8368 • 420 Columbia Turnpike • East Greenbush 518-477-4163 • Hours: Mon – Fri 8 – 6, Sat 8 – 5, Sun 8 - 4 FALL Is The Best Time To Seed Your Lawn Quick Grow Specifically Formulated for Quick Grow Grows in Poor Soil Salt Resistant Dense Shade Specifically Formulated for Dense Shade Exposure Insect and Disease Resistant Self-Repairing Full Sun Specifically Formulated for Full Sun Insect and Disease Resistant Durable and Deep Greening Sun and Shade Specifically Formulated for Areas with Sun/Shade Exposure Insect and Disease Resistant Grows in Poor Soil High Traffic Specifically Formulated for High Traffic GrowsDroughtAreasResistantinPoorSoil 25% Off All Bonide Grass Seed Mulch • Topsoil • Garden Soil • Compost Stone • Hay • Straw • Wood Pellets • Propane SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS • BUYBACKS Visit our display center & see which lift is right for you. EXPERIENCE COUNTS 888-301-7256 $200 Off the purchase of any new stair lift LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED BY EAZYLIFT ALBANY, LLC. Stair LiftsResidential ElevatorsPlatform Lifts New Office/Warehouse: 747 Pierce Rd., Clifton Park Doors of Hope Food Pantry and Thrift Store
If you would like to know more about the program, or if you would like to inquire about the employment opportunities, please email We would love to have the opportunity to talk with you!
TLC Christian Daycare is a community ministry of Brunswick Church, providing loving care to children 8 weeks to 5 years old. The daycare, which has been in operation for 31 years, is located in the church building on White Church Lane (just off Route 351).
North Greenbush Town Celebration
Clinton Heights Fire Company will fly the flag from their Aerial Ladder Truck and perform the last call for emergency workers lost that day. We have this program to enlighten the public about the day the United States was attacked and to “NEVER FORGET”
OLV Vendor & Craft Fair
There will be a neighborhood garage sale with 4 participating families on Saturday and Sunday, September 3rd and 4th, from 10 am - 5 pm at 30 Coldwater Tavern Rd. in the town of Nassau. Sale items will include furniture, household items, tools and rider mowers. St. Jude’s Fall Festival is BACK!
The Our Lady of Victory Columbiettes of Troy will once again be hosting their Vendor & Craft Fair on, Saturday, October 1, 2022 from 9A.M. - 3P.M. Spaces are $30.00 per space, and includes 1 table & 2 chairs. Those who are interested may contact us for a registration form. Louise at (518) 708-4342 or you may e-mail us at We are located at 55 North Lake Ave., Troy. We are handicap accessible.
All of us at the Doors of Hope Food Pantry and Thrift Store would like to thank the wonderful generosity of our communities who continue to amaze us with their generosity. Your donations amaze us both in variety and Your encouraging words and appreciation of our efforts make us feel that you are all a part of our team. Together, our Food Pantry is thriving and able to meet the needs of all those who request our assistance. We have also been able to send ten children to summer camp this year. Doors of Hope assists in times of emergencies such as home fires. We help support the Sky High Community Center. When we have an overflow, we donate clothing and other items to local organizations such as Unity House and Grass Roots, as well as other community groups. We organize our yearly adopt-a-family for Christmas and coat collection. The Doors of Hope is open Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm, and Saturday from 9am to Noon. Doors of Hope is open late until 7pm on Thursday. Be sure to drop by to say “Hi” and browse through our treasures! You never know what you might find and best of all, you’re helping your community at the samePleasetime.remember, donations need to be clean and in good condition. Please call (518) 674-4048 before donating furniture to be sure we have space for it. Household goods, toys, holiday items and collectibles are always welcome, but once again, keep in mind that all things must be clean and in good condition. Also, please drop off your donations when the store is open until 3pm, Monday through Friday (until 7pm Thursday), and 11am Saturday. Please do not leave donations outside our door when we are closed. This can at times be overwhelming to deal with at the beginning of our day! With all the community support, and with all the volunteers of Doors of Hope, we are an incredible team, and great things can be accomplished! **Exciting News! We will be expanding soon! Call for Singers Capital Community Voices Inc., an SATB volunteer, non-audition choral group, is seeking singers in all voice parts for its December concert, “A Northern Lights Noel”.Rehearsals are Tuesdays at 7 pm at Green Meadow Elementary School in East Greenbush, beginning September 13, 2022. Call 518-370-5434 for more information.
TLC Daycare in Brunswick
Knock Out Sale
Supervisor Joe Bott is pleased to announce our annual North Greenbush Town Celebration will be held September 9-11 at town hall, 2 Douglas Street in Wynantskill.Come join the fun as we kick off the events with amusement rides and games for the children, great entertainment, demonstrations, food trucks and more! The fair runs Friday, September 9th from 6-10pm, Saturday, September 10th 1-10pm and Sunday, September 11th from Noon - 4pm. The fair is being organized by Deputy Supervisor Kelly Hoffman and Councilwoman Jessica Merola. For more information, please email jmerola@ or call the Supervisors office at (518) 283-5313, x5. Look for more exciting information in the coming weeks.
to kick off the season in Week 0. Averill Park (1-0) appeared to have things under control against the bigger Middie Bears (0-1) through 24 minutes of action as the Warriors led 20-0 at halftime on the strength of two rushing touchdowns from Galuski, plus a 30-yard touchdown pass from Galuski to senior receiver JakeTheRizzo.second half, however, proved to be a battle of attrition for Averill Park as players such as Rizzo and middle linebacker Jacob Kellar, who finished with three sacks before departing with injury in the third quarter, seemingly were going down every three plays. If game balls were awarded Friday, Averill Park trainer Rachel Brown certainly would have received one. “It was tough. Hopefully, Jake is good,” Gobel said of Kellar. “It was their numbers against our numbers.” As more and more starters for the Warriors found themselves on the sidelines, Middletown’s running game amped up. The Middie Bears took the lead with 5:07 remaining when senior running back Tayeln McKinney, who led all rushers with 179 yards, burst down the right sideline for a 65-yard touchdown run. The extra-point boot provided Middletown a 21-20 lead. Phelps, who also produced a 65-yard kickoff return to open the game, set up the Warriors with excellent field position to the Middletown 47. “It just feels good that we got the return past midfield and got that drive going,” Phelps said. Averill Park’s final drive was aided by a 15-yard facemask penalty. Galuski, who left immediately after the game to catch a plane for a Division I baseball visit, capped the series with a sweep left for a 4-yard touchdown run. A star receiver for the team in 2021, Galuski completed 6 of 10 passes for 93 yards and added 27 yards rushing and three touchdowns. “He’s our star player, so it is expected from him,” Phelps said.
Sat. Oct.15, Frear Park Golf Course Price $ 120.00 per person,includes -18 hole scamble w/cart,Lunch @ the course @ 11.00 (Park Pub),Shotgun Tee off @ 12;00,Two beverage chips included per person,Barbecue Dinner ( Giulano’s Catering) following golf back at the Legion w/ 1 hour of draft beer charites.Legiontomatchsome0013.callMainlaughs.fle,auctionsoda.Prizes,giveaways,raf-andandplentyofSignup@theLegion111Ave.WynantskillorBillMcGuirk@441-Ifyoudon’thaveafour-signupandwewillyouup.ProceedsbenefitSonsofTheVeteranandyouth
CDPHP Sponsors Donny ‘Elvis” at SeniorGraftonCenter
Troy Library Evening Book Discussion
Golf Tourney to Benefit Alzheimers
Rensselaer County’s Everett Wagar Senior Center, 2 Roxborough Rd, Cropseyville, will host Donny ‘Elvis’ on Tuesday, September 20,2022. A special thank you goes out to CDPHP for sponsoring this event. Bring your friends for this Special Luncheon (Veal Pattie Mushroom Marsala with mashed potatoes) starting at noon. Be ready to dance, listen to the music, sing-along, and be entertained. You don’t want to miss this event. There is a $3 suggested donation for all seniors. Call 518-279-3413 to sign up. AppreciationVolunteer Day Special Dinner Tuesday, September 13th Join the Rensselaer County Senior Center as we celebrate our wonderful volunteers. We will be dinning on Fish Fillet w/ butter sauce, quartered potatoes, sliced carrots, dinner roll and fresh fruit. Music by The Paul Slingerland Trio Band. After some dancing we will be ready for our make your own sundae bar. We would love to see our Happy Hookers who work hard day and night at home hooking beautiful shawls, lap robes, blankets, hats, scarfs booties and mittens. Join us please we appreciate you so much. Volunteers are so important to the great success we have here at the center. Thank you and please join us. Call today for a reservation or for more information (518) 4632166 we are open Monday through Friday 9am to 3pm we are located on East and Herrick Streets In Rensselaer Sycaway Seniors
Boutique Bag Sale
THE ADVERTISER SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 | PAGE 7 Second Generation Owned Paving Company! ~OFFERING~ Quality ~ Efficiency Honesty & Integrity At A Fair Price! We Buy Junk/Unwanted Cars and Trucks Up to $50000 Plus* No Title. No Problem. Prompt, Courteous and Professional for a change of pace *(Market Price) Please Call R.C.’s 518-683-9285 Free Towing • Open 24/7 CASH FOR CARS AND TRUCKS Free Estimates 15 Years Experience Fully Insured 518-764-8493 Gutters•SeamlessInstalled•GutterCleaning•Covers•Screens•Repairs FreeGUTTERSFlow SHAKER HERITAGE SOCIETY September 10 & 11 • 10AM - 4PM Over 65 Artisans and Vendors ALL OUTDOORS & SOCIALLY DISTANCED Family Activities • Craft Demonstrations Tours • Food • Live Music Pony Rides (11am -1pm, Sat. & Sun.) Admission -- Pay What You Will Tickets atorwww.shakerheritage.orgatfairentranceFREEPARKING Proceeds to benefit The Shaker Heritage Society America’s First Shaker Settlement • 518-456-7890 25 Meeting House Road, Albany, NY 12211 CraftHarvestFair
More than 20 million Americans are living with or caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. Each of us know someone whose life has been affected by this terrible disease. It has certainly had a profound impact on my family. We invite you to come support the cause and join us for a great day of golf to help raise awareness and find a cure.Details: September 25th at the Burden Lake Country club, $110 per person. 4-person scramble, shotgun start, food and drinkContactincluded.Keith Stay keith.j.stay@gmail.comat or 518.944.7288 for registration information. If you represent a business, sponsorships are also available: $100 Tee, $250 Cart, $500 meal, we will create signage or use yours. All entry fees and sponsorships are tax deductible. Burden Lake CC is well equipped to make the event safe and fun.Get your foursome together and we’ll see you there!
AARP atDrvingDefensiveCourseSeniorCenter
Rensselaer County Senior Center will be having a bag sale. Starting September 12th through the 16th. All our spring and summer clothes need a new home. Special thanks to all you wonderful people that donated to the boutique. You make us beautiful! Thanks. Call for more information 518-463-2166 we are open Monday through Friday 9-3pm we are located on East and Herrick streets in Rensselaer.
Rensselaer County’s Everett Wagar Senior Center, 2 Roxborough Rd, Cropseyville, will host an AARP Defensive Driving Course on 8:30SeptemberWednesday,14thfromto3:00 . Residents 60 and over can refresh their driving skills, and may be eligible for a reduction in autoPre-registrationinsurance. is required as space is limited and material needs to be ordered. The cost is $25 for AARP members and $30 for non-members. Checks are preferred and should be made out to AARP. Participants should sign in at 8:15. Please bring a bag lunch (no lunch provided as in the past) and your AARP card with you. Call the center at (518) 2793413 to sign up.
The Capital District Humanist Society Presents: Everyone Belongs Outside: A Prescription For Nature Across the Lifespan CAPITAL DISTRICTWe all feel it - at a beach, in a field, on a mountain top. Dr. Sonya Jakubec will share lessons from collaborative, community-engaged research and programming the importance of parks and nature for people experiencing cancer, disability, dementia, palliative care, and grief. She highlights the evidence promoting parks and parks prescribing as an intervention within the “Healthy Parks-Healthy People” and “Social Prescribing” movements. Collaboration across health and parks sectors points to practical applications, ideas for implementing parks and nature connections, and recommendations for health and nature innovations. Through rich research discoveries, practical examples, images and stories, Sonya shines the light on ways to fill your own prescription for parks and nature across theThislifespan.program will take place online, via Zoom, on Sunday, September 11th, 2022 at 1 PM EDT. Current paid CDHS members will automatically receive an invite to the meeting via e ANYmail.ONE WHO IS NOT A CURRENT PAID MEMBER of CDHS CAN ATTEND. Send an e mail request to: tothethethenist-Society/.Capital-District-Human-,orLogourMeetuppage:ClickonJoin,onAttend,anduseRSVPfunctionandlinkwillbeavailableyou.
The Troy Public Library’s Evening Book Group will be meeting on Monday, September 12th, at 6:30pm. We will be discussing Christy Lefteri’s “The Beekeeper of Aleppo.” Copies of the book will be available at the checkout desk throughout the month of August.Ourmonthly book group meets to discuss a wide range of book selections. New members are always welcomed. Monthly participation is not necessary, come for the books that interest you! This will be a hybrid meeting, participants may choose to attend either in-person, or through Zoom. This discussion is free and open to the public. Registration is required. To register call the library at 518-274-7071 or online at Troy,catedTroywww.thetroylibrary.orgPublicLibraryislo-at100SecondStreet,NY.
We will be having our first meeting this season on Sept. 12th at noon at the Park Pub on Lavin Court. Our Entertainment will be Elvis. Please call President Nancy McCloskey at 518-279-0847 to make noon.theholidaymonthandjoinanyonemembersseeingChristmas,adoptionthiswillCenter19thnextonSincereservations.LaborDayfallsthe1stMonday,ourmeetingwillbeSept.attheCommunityonKeysLane.WebehavingatagsaleattimetohelpfundourofafamilyforLookingforwardtoallourpreciousandwewelcomethatwouldliketous.Wemeetthe1st3rdMondaysofthe(unlessthereisathatmonth),atCommunityCenterat
PAGE 8 | SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 THE ADVERTISER HOME SOLUTIONS ALL PROPANE IS THE SAME WE BEAT COMPETITOR’SANYPRICE!OUR PROPANE IS CHEAPER! 877-794-9066518-794-9066 Call M-F 8 am to 4 pm Rte. 20, West Lebanon, NY HLCo.PropaneInc. (518) 733-0146 Office (518) 487-9424 Cell • Landscape Installation & Renovation • Trees, Shrubs & Flower Installs • Hedge Trimming & Mulching • Paver Walks, Patios & Walls • Gravel Driveway Repair • New Lawns (seed/sod) • Site Work & Drainage Professional & Reliable Services LAWN CARE • HARDSCAPINGLANDSCAPING Now LandscapeBookingWork for September and October Just Call 518-653-8783JEFF• HEATING • PLUMBING • WATER HEATER • ELECTRICAL • A/C • KITCHENS • BATHS SALES, SERVICE & INSTALLATIONS HANDYMAN - HOME REPAIRS Concrete - Patios & Walks Drywall • Taping • Tile 20 Experience!Years 743-0804584-1320664-5453MechanicvilleSaratogaGlensFallsServing The Capital District Since 1945 ALL WORK GUARANTEED • QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Free Estimates • Fully Insured RESIDENTIAL • Driveways • &ResurfacingNewWork • Repairs COMMERCIAL • Parking Lots • &ResurfacingNewWork • Repairs Summer Special 10x50 Driveway Only $1750 Residential & Commercial • Free Estimates • Fully Insured • Guaranteed PressureUpstateCleaning $25 OFF a Full Home Wash $25 OFF a Full Roof Soft Wash Call us for a free 518-229-0129estimate! “The Pressure’s On www.upstatepressure.comUs!” - Home Siding - Roof Soft Washing - Decks, Fences & Patios - Gutter Services - Graffiti Removal - Masonry Surface Cleaning - Surface Rust Removal - Oxidation Removal Not Combinable Not Combinable
Open-concept homes have become increasingly popular in recent years. An open-concept home is one in which the rooms flow into one another with limited obstruction from walls or other barriers. According to the National Association of Home Builders, 84 percent of new single-family homes have fully or partially open layouts.While they may seem like a new trend, open floor plans are anything but. Early American homes featured open, often one- or two-room units built around the central kitchen/hearth. This maximized warmth and functionality. Homes evolved as incomes grew, and soon homes had several smaller rooms with specialized functions.What’sold has become new again. However, before diving head first into a new home purchase or a big renovation to realize an open-concept dream, consider the pros and cons of this type of setup to determine if it’s really right for you.
Disadvantages of open floor plans Open layouts are not for everyone. The same sense of space that occurs when walls are taken down may make rooms feel cavernous and less cozy, particularly in homes with ample square footage. In addition, privacy can be hard to come by when all rooms feed into one another. When the kitchen is not separate from the family room space, that makes it easy for noise to compromise the area’s comfort levels. There is no hiding from noise in an open floor plan, as sounds from voices, television shows and appliances tend to echo and blend together. And if the home is a single-story layout, those noises from the main living areas also may carry to adjacent bedrooms. Smoke and smells are another thing to consider. When something on the stove spills over, a small range hood will not be practical for clearing smoke from a large space. Though the aroma of freshly cooked food is enticing, it can make it hard for cooks to keep guests out of the kitchen.Open-concept homes are popular, but homeowners should weigh the pluses and minuses to see if this trend is truly right for them.
Advantages of open floor plans Open floor plans facilitate the flow of natural light throughout a space and can promote air flow, helping to reduce warm or cool pockets of air in otherwise make socializing easier, even when people are doing different things. While someone is cooking dinner in the kitchen, he or she can still interact with someone else playing video games in the family room or paying bills in the home office. Entertaining also is easier, as mingling with guests is much more convenient when walls are not getting in the way. A smaller home can feel much larger if it employs an open concept. The square footage is not divided into per year. This eliminates underused spaces and opens up sight lines in the layout. The value of real estate has risen dramatically since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and prospective buyers may prefer an open-concept plan because it can help them minimize building costs.
Pros and Cons to Open-Concept Homes
ChoiceYour North Greenbush Public Library Update
You are all invited to a Birthday Party September 10th at the Riverfront Park in Rensselaer from 12 to The5pm.City of Rensselaer will be celebrating 125 years young and we will be enjoying music, food and fun. This is a family affair and food will be available by Class Act Catering. You can always pack a picnic basket if you like. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the music of Rockin Rob Carson from 12:30 to 2pm and Donny Elvis from 3 to 4:30pm. The park has a great Playground, Tennis Court and Basketball Courts. We will also have a Bounce House for this special day. We have ordered a gentle breeze off the river and a full moon at night. Plan on joining us. It is going to be a lovely day.
Put on your shoes and get over to the library today, Thursday, September 8, and vote on the North Greenbush Public Library 2023 budget and trustee election, from 10 AM to 8 PM in the lobby at the North Greenbush Town Hall entrance. Town of North Greenbush registered voters are eligible to vote. For more details, visit in the forests? Bring your little ones to Outdoor Storytime on Tuesday, September 13, to hear about all those woodland critters, and join in song, story, and craft about our forest friends, starting at 11 AM on the lawn outside the library. Get ready for cooler temperatures and more indoor time with a few new puzzles at the Friends of North Greenbush Library’s puzzle sale. The sale and 50/50 raffle is slated for Saturday, September 24, from 9 AM to 3 PM in the North Greenbush Town HallOurAnnex.Tween Book Club will meet SeptemberThursday,29,at5:30 to discuss “Dragonsong” by Anne McCaffrey. A craft and snacks will be available. Copies of the book are at the circulation desk. Library hours are Monday-Friday, 10 AM-7 PM; Saturday, 10 AM-2 PM. Questions? Call the library at 518-283-0303.
PAGE 10 | SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 THE ADVERTISER Flexible Partials & Full Dentures (METAL FREE) ALL WORK IS GUARANTEED Not valid with any other offer. SAME DAY DENTURE CENTER 0% INTEREST FREE FINANCING AVAILABLE. | PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $85/MO. SENIOR, VETERAN & LAW ENFORCEMENT DISCOUNTS BEFORE AFTER SOMEREPLACEORALLOFYOUR MISSING TEETH THE SAME DAY! • Do you have a denture that does not fit right? • Are dental implants too expensive? • Are you tired of not being able to smile! 518-218-6449 • FREE CONSULTATION plus 50% OFF With this coupon. Free or Low-Cost Health Insurance Find out if you are eligible today * . MVP Health Care® has a range of affordable, high‑quality health plans available through the NY State of Health Marketplace. • Free or low cost New York State sponsored Medicaid Managed Care and Child Health Plus • Essential Plans with a $0 monthly premium and no deductible • Many individual and family plans Visit or call 1-844-687-1106 (TTY 711). *Discounted rates are dependent on subsidy eligibility and are not available in all counties. Individual premium rate may vary. To learn more about applying for health insurance including Medicaid, Child Health Plus, Essential Plan, and Qualified Health Plans through NY State of Health, The Official Health Plan Marketplace, visit or call 1 855 355 5777.
MVP Health Plan, Inc. complies with Federal civil rights laws. MVP Health Plan, Inc. does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity). benefit plans are issued or administered by MVP Health Plan, Inc.; MVP Health Insurance Company; MVP Select Care, Inc.; and MVP Health Services Corp., operating subsidiaries of MVP Health Care, Inc. Not all plans available in all states and counties.
ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística, llame al 1 844 946 8010 (TTY 711). 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1 844 946 8010 (TTY 711). This information is available in other formats for members with special needs or who speak a language other than English. Please call us at 1 844 946 8010 (TTY 711). MVPad_FOLC_Local-First_202208.indd 1 8/3/2022 9:11:06 AM 420 Columbia Tpke • East Greenbush (Across from Columbia Plaza) Phone (518) 477-4163 • Fax (518) 477-1360 Email: Mon.-Fri. 8-6; Sat 8-5; Sun 8-4 •Garden Mums •Fall •FloweringAsters Kale & •FallCabbageDecor Orders must be placed, paid & delivered by October 1, 2022. Three (3) bucket min. of same product for delivery at sale price! Prices subject to change. Call 518-477-4163 or stop in to place your order! Customer pick up available during regular business hours. PREMIUM BROWN MULCH ~ Our Best Seller COLOR ENHANCED MULCH Red, Black & Walnut Brown COMPOST ~ For Soil Enrichment TOPSOIL ~ SCREENED GARDEN SOIL - Topsoil/Compost Mix NATURAL MULCH suitable for playgrounds CRUSHER RUN ~ For Road Base LANDSCAPE SPECIALTY ITEMS White Stone • #2 Round River Stone • Bank Run Gravel Pea Stone • River Rock • Stone Dust ------------------ DELIVERY AVAILABLE -----------------( I bucket is approx. I cu. yd.) PRICE INCLUDES DELIVERY within a IO mile radius (additional del. charge outside of IO mi. radius) FALL SEASON SALE ON BULK MULCH & TOPSOIL Only $52 per bucket ~ Reg. Price $60 MostAvailableAlsoItemsinbags
Happy Birthday City of Rensselaer
a splash of black on
“I’m sure the courts will interpret [the amendment], ultimately,” Seggos said, noting some cases had already been“Thatfiled.ultimately will then help us understand the metes and bounds of that amendment.” In the meantime, it means nothing and changes nothing at DEC and the Dunn dump will remain open.
Agatha Christie Trivia Night Thursday September 15, 6:30 PM. Try your luck at trivia, enjoy tea food, and discuss Dame Agatha’s literary legacy. Ages 16+, please call to reserve your spot.Rensselaer Public Library, 676 East St. Call 518-462-1193 or Renselaerlibrary.orgvisit for more information.
Michael Myer, North Greenbush “Green Amendment” Changed Nothing
LETTERS very friendly, lbs., with his seen on Best Rd., Greenbush any information on dog’s whereabouts. My family misses and loves Timber. Please help us find our dog. Thank you.
Parking at North Greenbush Town Celebration North Greenbush is hosting their annual town celebration this weekend (9/9 - 9/11). Last year, there was no parking accomodations for those with mobility issues (people in wheel chairs, walkers, strollers, etc.). I wrote about this in the Advertiser last year and I mentioned at the May 2022 town meeting, the lack of parking for low mobility people. Last year organizers of the town celebration parked in the parking lot adjacent to town hall. I hope that this year, the lot off of Main Ave is restricted to parking for those with mobility issues. The town is having a celebration, let’s make it easier for those with mobility issues to attend.
It seems as if on an almost weekly basis now, the people of Rensselaer affected by the Dunn dump have yet another letter in the Advertiser pleading with Governor Hochul to close the landfill, which raises in my mind the question why. Why would Kathy Hochul, who is running for office in November, and thus, in need of a steady stream of incoming cash donations, risk annoying and alienating the powerful people who benefit from keeping the landfill open by siding with a small group of people from Rensselaer who have no clout or power, or else they wouldn’t be writing letters to the Advertiser every week begging her to take Besidesaction?nothing, what is in it for her? She has made it quite clear since she took office that with her administration, money talks. So why should she do something for the people of Rensselaer for free, and start a precedent? Because of the so-called “green amendment,” which supposedly guarantees “clean water, clean air and a healthful environment,” which amendment became law of the land on 1 January 2022? Has anyone ever heard a word in favor the amendment uttered by Kathy Hochul since she has been in office? And what about Basil Seggos, her “environmental chief?”Hasanyone ever heard Basil utter a word in favor of the so-called “green amendment?” And of course they haven’t, because Basil has never even acknowledged the “green amendment” as applying to him as DEC commissioner and his agency, and to the contrary, in a WCNY Radio article titled “Green constitutional amendment still ‘undefined’” by David Lombardo on July 18th, 2022, Basil was quoted as saying said the amendment is still “very undefined.”
back. Last
on 7/24/2022.Pleasecall 518-805-9602 if you have
Please join the Greenbush Historical Society on Sunday, September 11, 2 PM, at the East Greenbush Community Library for historian Michael Barrett’s illustrated lecture about Russell Sage. Born in poverty, Sage was a self-made man who made himself into the quintessential “Robber Barron” of the Gilded Age. After leaving Troy for the richer pickings of NYC, his financial manipulations of the Wall Street stock market, the banking industry, railroads and other major corporations became the stuff of financial legend. Along with his primary partner Jay Gould, Sage pillaged and plundered the American economic marketplace for almost forty years, He was probably the wealthiest American at the time of his death in 1906. His wife’s reaction to his passing is one of the greatest stories of philanthropic retaliation in American history. The program is free and open to the public. Because seating is limited, please call the library at 518-477-7476 to register.
Their work will be on display in our program room September 6 – October 28. Museum passes to The Clark, USS Slater, MASS MoCA, Albany Institute of History & Art, and Hancock Shaker Village are available for loan, as are wi-fiLocatedhotspots.at8428 Miller Hill Road, Averill Park. Hours: M-TH 11 – 8; F 11 – 4; Sat 10 – 2. Masks encouraged. Call 518-6745050 with questions Annual BudgetElectionLibraryand2023Vote
Thousands of used books, DVDs, and audiobooks for adults and children. Huge selection, low prices! Cash, check, or credit card accepted. Friday, October 7 - Noon - 7 PM; Saturday, October 8 - 10 AM - 4:30 PM; Sunday, October 9 - BAG SALENoon - 3 PM. Proceeds to benefit the East Greenbush Community Library Sand Lake Town Library News Sand Lake Town Library is welcoming fall with a free educational series on finance and retirement issues. Wednesday, September 21, 6:30 – 7:30pm learn how to protect yourself & your family from Identity Theft which impacts 1 in 3 adults.Reducing Prescription Costs is the focus on Wednesday, September 28, 6:30 – 7:30pm. In October we’ll look at Social Security on 10/12, 6pm; Medicare on 10/19, 6:30pm; Wills & Healthcare Proxies on 10/26, 6:30pm. A new adult writing class starts on Tuesday, September 13, 1:30 – 3pm. At the end of the six week course, participants will have their short story piece published in a short story magazine. Call 518674-5050 to register. LEGO Tuesdays – ages 4 and up can drop in anytime between 3:30pm and 6:00pm to build with our LEGOs.SLTL Board Meeting –Thursday, September 15, 6:45pm.SLTL Friends Fall Book Sale! Saturday, September 17, 10am – 2pm; bag sale 1 – 2pm. We have a lot of new donations. Plus Tom Chesnut, Taborton Mountain Photography, will have a table of his photos at the sale. All proceeds from this special photo sale will be donated to the library.
silver and white
East Greenbush Community Library Annual District election will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. at the library (10 Community Way, East Greenbush). The 2023 budget was prepared with an eye toward maintaining the services and programs so valued by our community while still supporting library efforts to innovate and evolve. Four major considerations drove the development of the 2023 budget:1.Maintain quality library services by providing vibrant physical and virtual spaces, developing diverse collections and programs, investing in technology safety and security, and supporting library staff who make this happen.2.Join more than 25 UHLS libraries by migrating to “Fine Free” in January 2023, eliminating most fees for the late return of items. 3. Ensure the library’s long-term sustainability by replenishing reserve accounts to mitigate the financial impact of necessary but costly building repairs.4.Offer transparency to the community by including all income and expenses, including gift, grant, and capital income and expenses, in the voter approved budget. The proposed 2023 budget (including all fund accounts) is $2,332,682. In previous years gift, grant and capital funds were managed outside the budget. The tax impact on an average homeowner is $9.45/year increase. A second proposition on the ballot is for the election of two Trustees to serve five-year terms on the Library Board of Trustees. On the ballot are Michael Poost and Charlie Pensabene.Fordetails go to @eglibrary.atrector,,518-477-7476ordirector
Artist Reception & Live Demo with East Bank Arts Alliance, Saturday, September 24, 11am –1pm. Enjoy refreshments while meeting the artists and watching them work.
Paul Plante, Poestenkill
East BookLibraryGreenbushFallSale
Do you have time to give back to your community? Do you want to help your neighbors in need? The Nassau Sunshine Fund is looking for interested people to join our Board of Directors.Wearea organizationcharitablethathas been making no interest emergency loans since 2009 to people who live within the Town of Nassau as determined by the tax map. All of the funds to make these loans come from loan repayments and donations. All loan application and repayment information is kept strictly confidential. The Board of Directors meets every other month and decides how loans are processed, how funds are raised, how the community is informed of this program and how our organization collaborates with other local charitable groups. During the pandemic we had been meeting using Zoom; we have recently returned to the Nassau Free Library for meetings on the first Thursday evening, every other month. We have a website where you may read more information about how we started and what we have done since thePleasebeginning.learn about our organization at efforts.borcluding#10,Sunshineforyouwebsitethebeforehand.comeBoardofconsidersausunshinefund.orgwww.nas-andjoiningourBoardDirectors.Potentialmembersarewel-toattendameetingYoumayuseContacttabatourtosendamessage;mayalsosendarequestinformationtoNassauFund,POBoxNassau,NY12123.Welookforwardtoin-youinour“Neigh-HelpingNeighbor”
PAGE 12 | SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 THE ADVERTISER EMPLOYMENT STARSHINEYOUARELIKETHEALBANYMARRIOTT 189 WOLF ROAD, ALBANY OCTOBER 10, 2022 10AM - 4PM Meet with representatives from local companies who are ready to hire. EXHIBITORS AND JOB SEEKERS REGISTER AT: TIMESUNIONJOBFAIR.COM PARTICIPATING COMPANIES Albany Medical Center Any Time Homecare Bay State Pool Supplies Ducommun Incorporated Fusco NYSNationwideLIFEPlanPersonnelCCONYRetirementSolutionsNorthColonieSchoolsOfficeofChildrenandFamilyServicesOrthoNY Redshift Recruiting St. Peter’s Health Partners Spectrum Field Techs Spectrum Mobile SUNY TransportationPolytechnic/NYCREATESSecurityAdministrationUnitedStatesPostalServiceVisitingNursesHomeCareWarren,WashingtonAlbanyARCZiebart TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 | 8:30 A.M. Renters, you’ve likely seen your leasing costs increase lately, maybe as much as 25%. Now is the perfect time to put your money to better use by buying a home. Building Wealth: Put that Rent Check to Better Use. Presented by REGISTER TODAY TO BE ENTERED TO WIN A $ 500 GIFT CARD MODERATOR LEIGH HORNBECK Times Union Staff Writer & Editor Spaces Katrina Ruberti Lic. Assoc. RE Broker Bill Coons Lic. Assoc. RE Broker Brandon Ford, Sales Team Leader 1st Priority Mortgage Sponsored by REGISTER TODAY! TeachingNowBOCESHiringAssistants Join Our Team! Come make a difference in a child’s life! Questar III BOCES, winner of multiple Top Workplace Awards, now has Teaching Assistant openings available for the 2022 - 2023 school year. Work for a great organization with a supportive culture and great benefits. We offer: •10 month school calendar and hours (optional summer school employment) • Paid sick and personal leave time available as soon as you start • Full health and dental benefits (5% employee contribution) • Tuition Reimbursement • Enrollment in the NYS Employees Retirement Pension Systems • Optional enrollment in 403b and Flexible Spending accounts Requirements : NYS Teaching Assistant certification (or willingness to become certified) required at time of hire. Candidates with a high school diploma or equivalent and a desire to work with kids are encouraged to apply. Preferred candidates will have experience working with Special Education students. Location of positions at sites throughout Rensselaer, Columbia and Greene Counties. For more information on Questar III and our programs, visit How to Apply: Email your resume to: and include Teaching Assistant in the subject line of your email. You may also contact Human Resources at (518) 479-6945. WetoLookingHire?CanHelp!DIRECTMAILEDTO180,000WEEKLYToplaceanadinourpapercontact: Jennifer Morrell • Heidi.gaschel@timesunion.comHeidijmorrell@timesunion.com518-526-6330Gaschel•518-965-1714
APHS Class of ‘72 Reunión The Averill Park Class of ‘72 is planning its 50th class reunion to be held on September 24th If you are a class member and have not submitted your contact information please send details mation.comkakingsbury54@yahoo.totoreceiveeventinforThe Nassau Sunshine Fund Wants You!!
"NOTICE OF FORMATION OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Name: Michael J. Bobersky, CPA PLLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 02/10/22. Office Location: Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail acopy of process to the PLLC, 302 Waters Rd., East Greenbush, New York, 12061. Purpose: For any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company: Name: County Line Property Services LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 7/24/2022. Office location: Rensselaer County SSNY has been designated as the agent of the LLC, upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail acopy of process to the LLC, 111 Bunker Hill Road, Nassau, NY 12123. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.
The Hoosick Falls Senior Center, 69 Church Street, will host the Grafton Historical Society to do a presentation about the Rutland Railroad on Wednesday, September 21st following lunch. All are invited to jump aboard for a nostalgic adventure along the Rutland RR fabled Corkscrew Subdivision through Bennington, Petersburgh, Berlin, Cherry Plains, Stephentown and pointsExploresouth.rails and tales, and history and mystery along this route via a video presentation. Historians, railroaders and local residents’ anecdotes will all be included in this presentation. Plan to come early for a healthy lunch (Sausage and Peppers with Spaghetti) served at noon. There is a suggested $3 lunch donation for seniors and a $5 charge for non-seniors. You won’t want to miss this informative and interesting presentation. Please call (518) 686-7561 to be added to the event/lunch list.
DUMPSTER RENTALS All sizes available. Also, dump trailer for the tricky spots. Labor available for demo & loading. Part of the proceeds go to the veterans. (518) 339-8710 DIVORCE $389.00 Uncontested Make Divorce Easy only 1 Signature, Inc. poor person app. Info: (518) 274-0380 CUSTOM STONEWORK Patios, firepits, retaining walls, new sidewalks, sidewalk repair. Any kind of masonry/ concrete work. (518) 423-0946
CASH FOR METAL/CARS We buy farm equip., metal, cars. We have the equip. to take care of big jobs. Highest prices paid. Demolition. Towing & transport avail. Part of the proceeds go to the veterans. (518) 339-3369 CARS WE BUY JUNK CARS Top $ paid. Cash on the spot! Free removal. Call or text for a free quote! (518) 779-5497 $$CA$H$$ FOR JUNK CARS $100-$1000. FREE PICKUP (518) 914-8633 BUYING GOLD & SILVER Highest cash prices paid. Jewelry, vintage costume and turquoise, coins, watches, knives, military, toys, antiques, etc. 50+ yrs. exp. Call Joe first. (518) 669-2274 APPLIANCE REPAIR Washers, dryers, fridge, ranges, etc. Prompt-guaranteed repairs. Mike Horowitz (518) 477-8378
Antiques, vinyl records, comic books, old signs, instruments, toys, coins, watches, new/old stock items, etc 518-801-4673
MASONRY & LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION New installations & old restorations. Booking for Fall. Fully ins. John (518) 269-6804
LANDSCAPING Fully ins., free est. Mowing, trimming, mulch. Lawn, tree & shrub inst. & rpr. Spring/Fall cleanups. Jim, Herbert’s Landscaping (518) 334-0015
JUNK REMOVAL & DEMO Oil tanks, hot tubs, pools, sheds, barns, houses, fence & retaining wall removal, yard cleanup. Res./comm. clean out & organize. Fully equipped to handle any job. (518) 339-8710. Part of the proceeds go to the veterans. HOUSE CLEANING Call today for an estimate on a one-time deep cleaning or regularly scheduled cleanings. Excellent references. Linda (518) 222-9734
TODDLER TEACHER Join our team! FT Toddler Teacher needed, NYS OCFS qualified, resume required. $14-16/hr. Jubilee Day Care Center Salem UMC. West Sand Lake, NY. Call (518) 674-2705 or email: jubileeny@msn. com FULL TIME Call (518)
LAWN MOWER REPAIR Prompt, guar. repairs on most brands. P/u, del. Mike Horowitz (518) 477-8378
SEPTIC SERVICE Tanks cleaned, group rates avail. Call a neighbor! Gene (518) 674-5223
PAINTING/HANDYMAN We paint anything! Carpentry. Free est. Town/Country. (518) 833-4608 or (518) 833-2447 PAINTING Custom Int/Ext Painting. Town/ Country. Free est. 35+ yrs exp. Prompt Srvc 518-618-8051
DUMPSTERS Lowest rates possible 6, 8,10,12, 15, 20, 25, 30 yard sizes. Ed LaplacaW.S.L. Cell (518) 378-1080
The name of the Limited Liability Company is Same Day Fascia Soffit Gutter LLC articles of organization of the LLC filed with the NYS Secretary of State on 7/19/22. Purpose is to engage in any lawful act or activity. Office of the LLC is to be located in Rensselaer County, the street address of the principal business location is 230 3rd St, Troy, NY 12180, the Secretary of State is designated as the agent of the LLC upon whom process against the LLC may be served. The address to which the Secretary of State shall mail acopy of any process against the LLC is Same Day Fascia Soffit Gutter LLC c/o Flexer, 230 3rd St Troy, NY 12180.
UPHOLSTERING CHAIRS, SOFAS, CUSHIONS, OTTOMANS. CALL OR TEXT LESLEY (518) 466-4773 TV & STEREO REPAIR Vintage & new stereos repaired & recycled. TVs repaired & installed. Antennas installed. Small appl. In home service. 30yrs. exp. (518) 272-0475 Paul TREE & STUMP REMOVAL Brush hogging available. Free Estimates. Fully insured. Call Ray at N & R Tree and Property Services (518) 573-1133 TREE SERVICE C & S Tree and Property Services. Free ests. Insured. Sean Finn (518) 491-4206 TREE SERVICE (518) 312-8005, (518) 674-2444 Don Bradley Jr. Brush, tree, shrub removal & trimming. Also small building demolition. Insured & experienced. STUMP ’N GRIND Stump grinding service, big or small, insured & backyard accessible. (518) 301-5712
PRESSURE WASHING Deck restoration, stain, painting, homes, concrete. Fast response. Town/Country. (518) 618-8051 PENTAGON SEWER DRAIN CLEANING & REPAIR Comm/Res. Fully insured & bonded. (518) 428-7230
WINDOW CLEANING Ken’s Window Cleaning. Fully insured. Comm./Res. 40-yrs. family exp. (518) 766-4975
The name of the limited liability company is Eden Real Estate &Development LLC. The date of the filing of the Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State was 05 /10/2021. The County in which the office of the LLC is located is Rensselaer. The agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served is the Secretary of State and such shall mail a copy of any process to 118 Phillips Rd, Valley Falls, NY 12185. The business purpose of the LLC is any lawful business purpose or purposes.
Same Day Fascia Soffit Gutter LLC
THE ADVERTISER SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 | PAGE 13 9/16, 3pm-7pm, 9/17, 8am-5pm, 9/18, 8am-3pm, at 2 Morning Circle Rd, Averill Park. Furn, Women’s clothes/accessories, seasonal decor, kitchenware, tools, tractor/snowblower, etc.
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: Megawatt Electric LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 6/23/2022. Office location: Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail acopy of process to the LLC, 38 Climer Cir., West Sand Lake NY 12196. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.
Notice of formation of PMCG, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with New York State Dept. of State on 05/31/2022. The County within this state in which the office of the limited liability company is located in is Rensselaer. The Secretary of State is designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The address to which the Secretary of State shall mail process is to the limited liability company at Pierre-Phillip Massena 8Evergreen Way East Greenbush, NY 12061. Company is organized for PMCG, LLC provides estimates, inspections and advocacy services.
MOUNTAINVIEW Landscaping Fall/Leaf cleanups, tree removal /pruning, brush hogging. Ins. Call/Text (518) 330-0504 MASTERSON AFFORDABLE SERVICES Brush Hogging, Small Land Clearing, Stone Delivery, Small Excavation Jobs, Drainage & More. Call Ian (518) 209-5251 MASONRY Redden Masonry All phases, new & old. Brick, block, concrete, stone work. Fully ins. Shawn 518-577-0962 Rensselaer- 1BR, $900. Heat & Elect. inc. 2nd Fl. No pets, no smoking. (518) 465-0379 or (518) 477-7483 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS
FRIDHOLM PAINTING INTERIOR PAINTING One or multi-room projects. Popcorn and Cathedral Ceilings. 2-story foyers and kitchen cabinets. Exterior painting projects, too. Free estimates. CALL US AT (518) 330-9507 or visit us at We Love What We Do! FENCE REPAIR All types of fences repaired. Free estimates. Call or Text (518) 948-2655
HANDYMAN Remodeling, carpentry, decks, porches, masonry, int./ext. paint, fences, doors/windows, gutters, all repairs. Free est. 518-669-0814 or 518-271-9161
ESTATE SALES Trinity Lutheran Church’s Annual Chicken BBQ & Cookout at the Castleton Village Garage Sale, 9/10. Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers & Hotdogs 10a2p. Bake Sale 9a-2p. BBQ Chicken 12p-4p,inc: ½ Chicken, coleslaw, baked potato & dinner roll $12.00. Items avail. until sold out. To pre-order chicken dinner call Mike (518) 477-4871 To purchase day of, please see cashier at cookout table. COMMUNITY EVENTS For Sale- Beauty salon equip. Hair, nail & skin care. Used, exc. cond. Tables, sinks, closets, hydraulic chairs, pedi, lockers, mirrors. 518-596-8781 Airtight Wood Stove/Fireplace. VG condition. Heated 4 rooms. 18" logs. $300. Manual inc. (518) 286-3731 before 2pm.
Notice of formation of THE REDNECK REPAIR LLC. Articles of Organization filed with New York State Dept. of State on 08/03/2022. The County within this state in which the office of the limited liability company is located in is Rensselaer. The Secretary of State is designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The address to which the Secretary of State shall mail process is to the limited liability company at 77 SCOTT AVE. APT. 1, CASTLETON, NY 12033. Company is organized for ANY LAWFUL ACTIVITY.
Notice of formation of 518 Dumpsters and Materials, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with New York State Dept. of State on 05/26/2022. The County within this state in which the office of the limited liability company is located in is Rensselaer. The Secretary of State is designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The address to which the Secretary of State shall mail process is to the limited liability company at Brian Cardella30 Burden Lake RDEast Greenbush, NY 12061. Company is organized for Waste management. JM Design Boutique LLC. Articles of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/ 04/22. Off. loc.: Rensselaer Co. SSNY des. as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 15 Atlantic Ave, Wynantskill, NY 12198. Purpose: General. Hoosick Falls Redemption, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 3/21/2022. Cty: Rensselaer. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served &shall mail process to 3Saratoga St., Hoosick Falls, NY 12090. General Purpose NOTICE OF FORMATION OF ALIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Name: Frontline Power Washing LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/ 9/2022. Office Location: Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail acopy of process to Nathaniel Ferreira 1346 Maple Hill Road Castleton NY 12033. Purpose: for any lawful purpose.
The Day of the event, same day registration begins at 7am till 8am. A signed waiver will be required of each participant. Parking will be available in the Fire Hall Parking lot, behind the West Sand Lake Fire Station and at West Sand Lake Elementary School. Should you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to contact us via email at You may visit our Facebook page for further details.
MERCHANDISE TOWNE TAVERN JOB OPENINGS FULL & PART TIME BARTENDER 2 years minimum experience. Nights & Weekends. COOKS Will Train DISHWASHERS/UTILITY Will train. Inquire within, call 518-674-3040 or email inquiries to
ACCOUNTING & PAYROLL Siena Grad. 25+ yrs. exp. No job too small. (518) 475-8782.
GLASS/SCREEN REPAIR Broken glass, torn screens repaired. Home repairs. Makes house calls. (518) 203-8595
Notice of formation of BlockCoin Digital Assets LLC Articles of Organization filed with New York State Dept. of State on 04/21/2022. The County within this state in which the office of the limited liability company is located in is Rensselaer. The Secretary of State is designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The address to which the Secretary of State shall mail process is to the limited liability company at BLOCKCOIN DIGITAL ASSETS 124 ADAMS STREET, 2ND FLOOR TROY, NY, 12180. Company is organized for Participate in the cryptocurrency blockchain technology, contribute to the ecosystem development and process. To Add new blocks, To collect pending transactions from the memory pool, verify authenticity and check that the key image has not been used before.
TAYLOR IDEVELOPER LLC (the “LLC”) filed Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State of New York (“SSNY”) on 8/5/2022. LLC office location: Rensselaer County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail acopy of any process served to LLC, c/o CT Corporation System, 28 Liberty Street, New York, New York 10005. Purpose: any lawful activity.
LOST DOG- LAST SEEN ON BEST RD, EAST GREENBUSH 7/24! Timber is a very friendly. 120 pound silver and white with a splash of black on his back. Please call (518) 8059602 with any information on the whereabouts of Timber. My family misses and loved Timber. Please help us find our dog. Thank you. LOST PETS Adorable pomeranian puppies/ registered. Black, chocolate, and brindle. Healthy, playful. Cash only. (518) 596-8781 DOGS AAA-Antiques Antiques wanted. Paintings, furniture, glassware, silver/gold jewelry, toys, jazz albums, nautical items, and vintage watches. I come to you! (518) 424-4626
first come, first serve basis. Registration is $25 per person. To sign up for this event email us at Events@wslfd. org. In your email please include your name, contact information and also indicate whether you are walking the full route or as a team. We can accept Cash, Check or Credit Card. Checks can be made payable to the West Sand Lake Fire Company No.1., in the memo portion of the check please include “Memorial Walk”. All profits of this event will be donated to Tuesday’s Children. You may walk in whatever attire you would like that is comfortable but a traffic safety vest must be worn for the entire duration of the event. If you have a safety vest, please bring one, if not, one will be provided. If you are an active Firefighter, you may walk in your turnout gear, a safety vest is still required.
SEPTIC CLEANING SAND LAKE SEPTIC Tanks cleaned, repair, new installation. (518) 674-3000 ROOF REPAIR No job too small. Fully insured, free estimates. Holland Roofing (518) 451-9325 ROOFING All phases of roofing & repairs. Shingle, Metal, Slate Repairs, Torch Down/epdm, Flat Roofs, Chimney Repairs & Rebuilds, Chimney Sweeping & Rooftop Snow Removal. 24/7 Emergency Repairs. Accepting Credit Cards. Fully licensed & insured. Call DEPENDABLE ROOFING for a FREE Estimate. (413) 281-5655, (413) 441-1380 P.W. PAINTING All phases of painting & staining. Your int/ext painting residential specialist. Excellent workmanship. Great prices & reas. rates. Free est., fully ins., ref’s. (518) 396-0898 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE All types Snow to grass. Call CREEKSIDE PROPERTY MAINT. 518-286-8370 / 856-206-3956
HANDYMAN 35 yrs. exp. Kitchens, baths, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, etc. Fully ins. (518) 727-9077
NAME: D Tremont Enterprise LLC. Articles fo Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/30/2022. Office location: Rensselaer County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 1985 East Schodack Rd, Castleton, NY 12033. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.
454-5503 To Place A Classified Ad Combined Largest Reach In The Capital Region AutomotiveMerchandise Auctions, Legal Notices, Business Opportunities, Services, Memoriams Email:
SEPTIC SERVICES Pumping, repairs, installations. Sewer & drain cleanin. A.P. Septic. (518) 674-0908 25 Carey Ave, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 3/21/2022. Cty: Rensselaer. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served &shall mail process to 3Saratoga St., Hoosick Falls, NY 12090. General Purpose 2278 PEACEDALE, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 7/27/22. Office in Rensselaer Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 1 Madison St., Ste. 300, Troy, NY 12180, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
For Display Advertising
Contact: Heidi Gaschel Account Executive (C)
MISSING CAT Disappeared on 7/12/2022 from Millers Corners Rd, East Greenbush. “Beyoncé,” a young calico cat, has a constant tremor that causes her to bounce while sta nding/walking. Beyoncé is not sick. Her condition is not contagious. She is microchipped through Please, if you have seen her, or know where she might be CALL (480) 428-9357. Beyoncé’s humans just want her back home. Thank you!
Rutland Railroad Presentation at Grafton Senior Center
Saturday morning classmates will gather at Troy’s Waterfront Market. In the afternoon a special Gilded Age tour will be offered by Kathy Sheehan of the Hart Cluett Museum. Cost is $20 pp. Saturday evening the main Reunion Event will be held on the Rooftop of Franklin Plaza from 6:30-10 pm. Cost is $85 pp. Sunday at 10 am a Farewell Brunch is being organized.Reservations in advance may be made by contacting (518) 274-5423 or mwhalen3@<span class=”oe_displaynone”>null</span>
The butler’s pantry, above. There are several touches to the house that speak to its 1800s construction, including decorative corbels and cornices, ceiling medallions and more, at left. A bedroom with skylight, below left, and the kitchen with a Viking stove and a gas fireplace, below.
—Sara Tracey
The Friends of Poestenkill Library are pleased to bring back our popular Fall Market Day. The event will be held on Saturday, September 17th on the library lawn from 9am-12pm, with a rain date of Sunday the 18th. The board game sale is back, and we will also have our book sale, bake sale, a special raffle of a handmade quilted tote bag, and more, along with our hot food offerings. This is always a nice opportunity to chat with your neighbors and support the library, a community hub in the heart of the village. Hope to see you there!
PAGE 14 | SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 THE ADVERTISER REAL ESTATE / HOUSE OF THE WEEK 518.477.1000 569 N. Greenbush Rd. North greenbush, NY 12144 518.674.3238 4350 NY 150, Suite 1. West Sand Lake, NY 12196 PRESIDENT’S COUNCILReal Estate Services BUCHERDEBBIE WAGER Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker For Creative Results 102 Van Rensselaer Square, Suite L Rensselaer, NY 12144 Cell: 518.225.1433 Office: 518.286.1000 • Fax: 518.286.1140 She is in the nation’s Top 10% of realtors! North Greenbush Branch 263 N. Greenbush Rd • Troy NY 12180 Cindy McMahon Lic. Associate Broker c: 518.496.1299 Penelope Crosby Lic. Real Estate Salesperson c: 518.222.5726 The McMahon & Crosby Team Demand for ExceedContinuesHomestoSupply. We have the winningLet’ 225 North Greenbush Road, Troy, NY 12180 • 518-424-1608 REALTY PARTNERS ERIN ROBILOTTA Licensed Real Estate Salesperson C: 518-461-4710 192 Quaker Lane, Delanson n If you have seen or own a particularly interesting home for sale to feature, send the address to n For more real estate stories, sign up for the Places & Spaces newsletter: T HOUSE OF THE WEEK
HOUSE OF THE WEEK THS Class of 1971 to Hold Reunion September 17 Troy High School’s Class of 1971 will hold its (COVID-delayed) 50th Reunion Weekend September 16-18, 2022 in Troy. Classmates interested in attending may contact Mike Whalen at beginninggatheringclass=”oe_displaynone”>null</span><spanFridayNightSeptember16aninformalwelcomewillbeheldatRyan’sWake,403RiverStreetat5pm.Cashbar.
East Side Seniors Our next meeting will be on September 13t h, at 1:00 PM, at the American Legion Post, Main St., Wynantskill. We will have a dessert after the meeting. Bingo or games of choice will be played. We are looking forward to a BIG turn out as our Bocci season begins. Be at the ICC AT 9:00, Monday 12th to play, and enjoy the fun. We will have two meetings each month the 2nd AND 4th Tues. at 1:00. come make a suggestion for a trip, outing just games. Hope to see you at the meetings.
Do you enjoy reading to children? Do you have an hour a week to spare? Literacy Volunteers of Rensselaer County needs volunteer reading mentors for the Everybody WINS! Power Lunch program at Van Rensselaer Elementary in Rensselaer as well as School 2 and School 14 in Troy. Everybody Wins! is an innovative reading and mentoring program that increases children’s prospects for success in school and in life. Power Lunch pairs elementary school children one-to-one with volunteers from nearby businesses, colleges and the community. Once a week, reading partners enjoy conversation together at the school, and the adult reads a book aloud to the child while he/she eats lunch. Readers will be required to attend a training session. The first one will be held on Tuesday, September 20, 1:00p.m - 2:30 p.m . in Troy (location TBD). Other training dates will be announced. To register or for more information, contact (518) 244-4650 or litvoldirector@
Laura Cannamela received her MFA in Painting from Queens College of CUNY before moving to the Hudson Valley area. Her artwork has been featured in numerous exhibitions at galleries in New York and New England. Her ceramic sculpture was entered into the permanent art collection of the Samuel Dorsky Museum at SUNY New Paltz. She was a Platte Clove Artist-In-Residence and has received grants from the New York Foundation for the Arts and Martha Boschen Porter Fund of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation. To register, email the library: Audience will be limited. Registration is required.
Harmonic Nature
Laura Cannamela will present “Harmonic Nature,” featuring her art, at the North Chatham Free Library on Sunday September 18 at 3 pm. She finds inspiration by observing the Kinderhook Creek and patterns in nature. She will show her work and discuss some of her art historical and geological sources, such as Japanese illustrations, ancient Chinese scholars’ rocks, and the glacially carved gorge in Valatie where she lives. She will also explain the ceramic and paper techniques she uses to interpret natural patterns.
Power Lunch Needs Reading Mentors
The house at 192 Quaker Lane in Delanson has five bedrooms and two full baths. alk about idyllic: This week’s selection is an 1800s Colonial beauty, with more than enough antique charm to make you feel like you’re stepping back in time but modern touches that bring you to the present day. It strikes that balance in a way that makes a home feel livable. There are five bedrooms and two full bathrooms in more than 3,200 square feet of living space, all sitting on nearly an acre. Those heirloom touches include wide-plank floors, cornices indoors and corbels outdoors, a clawfootedBuilt-intub.shelving in the butler’s pantry, library and some of the bedrooms create even more utility within a large space. The kitchen comes equipped with a Viking stove and gas fireplace. A new roof tops the home, and the basement houses a new furnace. Outdoors, there is an in-ground pool, a hot tub and a white picket fenced-in yard. Four garage spaces, laundry on the second floor. Property is zoned for mixed use, for those interested in a rental space or bed & breakfast. Duanesburg schools. Taxes: $3,437. Listing price: $425,000. Contact Chad Majewski,,
Fall Market Day at the Poestenkill Library
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