core Harnessing the benefits of technology for the good of humanity ISSUE #12 AUGUST 2016
Exclusive Interviews With HEAT Ledger and Ardor Platform
PAGE INDEX Blockchain News - Bitcoin: Back to the Classics - Ethereum Pulls of Hard Fork - Zcash: Anonymous Blockchain Core Radio & Core TV Heat Interview Digital Catallaxy: Be the change you want to see
Ardor Interview Digital Catallaxy: Corrupton begins and ends with thyself Waves Wrap-up SuperNet News New Members in CORE EOM Report
You may have heard of Bitcoin on TV, or in a conversation with friends. Truth is, Bitcoin is more than just “funny money”, in fact it is now a force to be reckoned with. Dig a little further and you will find Bitcoin is actually an extremely fascinating concept. Bitcoin is an internet digital currency. Unlike other digital currencies like PayPal, Bitcoin is decentralized. Decentralization, in the context of Bitcoin, means every transaction made on the Bitcoin network can be viewed by anyone around the whole world. Furthermore, all the information of Bitcoin transactions is downloaded onto every Bitcoin users computer making it impossible to shut down the Bitcoin network.
The Bitcoin protocol cannot be hacked and if backed up correctly can be even safer than storing your money in a bank. Bitcoin can be used to buy things in the real world. Want a new TV? A cup of coffee to start the day? Try paying for it with Bitcoin. “At its core, bitcoin is a smart currency, designed by very forward-thinking engineers. It eliminates the need for banks, gets rid of credit card fees, currency exchange fees, money transfer fees, and reduces the need for lawyers in transitions… all good things” - Peter Diamandis
Holy smokes! What a month! This month alone should give you the utmos confidence that cryptocurrencies are indeed the future. This month we ha the Bitcoin halving which turned out to be a fairly non event. What is worthy of note is that Bitcoin has kept it’s value even after the halving giving crypto enthusiasts more confidence to reinvest in decentralised technology. Wha was meant to be the highlight turn out to be tame in terms of the news cycle
The DAO hack in June was a shock to the system and the aftermath of those events still carried through to July.
One of the most incredible moments in the crypto occurred this month, i where miners agreed to a hardfork of the Ethereum blockchain. This changes the rules of crypto completely in where things are now never definite. Thi month our new writer wrote a fantastic piece on the Ethereum hard fork breaking it down piece by piece.
You may have noticed a change in the cryptocurrency that occupies third place on Steem after its first payment to contributors
st shot up like a rocket, from 50,000 satoshis to 500,000 satoshis in almost ad the blink of an eye. But don’t say I didn’t tell you so, last month Steem CEO y was exclusively interviewed before the rally! Just another reason to read this o magazine every single month. CORE Media are now putting content onto at Steem all revenue is moving through to the CORE Media asset. e. Is that an upgrade to CORE Magazine I see? We this month are experimenting with a new graphics designer. Also, for CORE Media and CORE as a whole, f we have really been moving forward at a rapid rate. CORE Radio is now more active as ever with some exclusive interviews from JL777 on Iguana, LBRY and All interviews have been an instant home run. Furthermore, we have the upcoming CORE TV with our new member Christian being Creative Director and Producer. It is now important, more than ever, to rally behind the crypto cause. Central bankers and politicians around the world are spreading destructive Keynesian ideas; making the case to bail out reckless banks and hedgefunds. This month we saw the ECB considering bailout packages to European banks, with a focus on Italian giants. It’s time we stopped this nonsense and move to move sound money instead of indefinite inflation. -3rdstryker
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and validate after said block is mined, which is counted as wasted time since it's no being put to use building a new block, users will have an incentive to mine on the poo with the highest hash rate. Others believ that the Block Size should be changed to 2 MB, and possibly more in the future, o the premise that the current block size wil not be able to support mass adoption of th cryptocurrency, since the transactions pe second (TPS) are limited to 3 tps on th current 1MB Block Size system, Satoshi's vision of Bitcoin had no block bottlenecking the Network's capabilities size limit, and this was the case until thewhich currently pales in comparison to 0.3.1 version/release. The 1MB Block Size payment systems like PayPal or VISA, and was first introduced as a measure to preventsmaller blocks will also require higher fee attack vectors found in the early stages ofas block rewards halve and the bitcoin price Bitcoin, in which a malicious actor could rises. Although there are off-chain solution continuously create big blocks that would that have been presented, but there is also take longer than 10 minutes to validate. Theconcerns regarding the creation of infamous Block Size debate can be fractional reserve systems with th considered as an "impossible decision"implementation of these solutions. when considering the possibilities. Some believe Bitcoin should maintain the current 1MB Block Size, claiming that raising the block size will pose scalability problems regarding storage and bandwidth.
Many argue that Centralization can come as a result of these higher storage and bandwidth requirements, as the amount Classic people with the resources to run a full node decreases. This has turned out to be a falseBitcoin Classic team members argue tha immediate action should be taken to dea threat, however. Read more Since bigger blocks take longer to process with this problem, by implementing the
hBitcoin Improvement Proposal 109 (BIP that would mitigate attack vectors found in ot109), in which the block size limit would a bigger block size limit protocol when sbe increased to 2mb. The BIP 109 was verifying one block at a time. Classic claims olwritten by Classic Developer Gavin that Bandwidth requirements can be reduced veAndresen and would be implemented afterby implementing Weak Blocks (Blocks preo a 28 day period once a 75% super majority announced by the miner that is working on nof miners agree with the changes proposedit) and Thin Blocks (Blocks would refer to llin this BIP. transactions that have been well propagated he The Bitcoin Classic client acts as a votingrather than including them) reducing the ertool for the BIP 109 implementation and amount of data broadcast. In the future, heit ensures that miners that are alreadyBitcoin Classic would also implement , running this client do not have to upgradedynamic block size limits and a simplified s,the software in case of the hard fork version of the Segregated Witness soft fork oimplementation. The 28 day time frame isproject from Bitcoin Core, once It's released. dconsidered to be long enough to allow esevery miner to perform the upgrade, sinceClick here to see the Bitcoin Classic e the current Bitcoin Core client has a builtRoadmap nsin function that tells its operator an upgrade ois required. A great deal of effort has been f put into taking the opinions of major Bitcoin heCompanies and Mining Pools before starting the project. Comments about the options presented by the Classic Team Members shows that the majority of the people involved in the inquiry support a higher block size limit.
Classic Roadmap
Bitcoin Classic proposes solutions that ensure the "wasted time" between blocks (orphan rates) in which miners will not be profiting, will not be a downside to the atincreased block-size. alParallel validation of blocks Headers-first emining is two of the proposed solutions
Competition The hypothetical implementation of the BIP 109 should not be seen as a change from Bitcoin Core to Bitcoin Classic, but simply as a feature that would be implemented in Bitcoin by members of the Bitcoin Classic development team and agreed upon by the community. Miners will still b able to use an updated version of Bitcoin Core that will allow them to validat blocks larger than a 1MB and to stay on the right blockchain, in case a consensus to increase the block size limit is reached. In that sense, none o the teams should be seen as trying to take over one other, or bitcoin itsel in a competition. But are simply two teams that are working on differen ways to achieve the same purpose, which is to ensure Bitcoin's functionality security and scalability.
Bitcoin Core has also presented many solutions to the scalability problem such as Segregated Witness (separating transaction data from cryptograph signatures), Sidechains and Lightning Network. The biggest concern regarding these solutions the creation of federations and fractional reserve system like the ones that have lead popular Bitcoin Exchanges to ruin and continue to do so for our current banking system. None of them are released, however while Bitcoin Classic released the 2MB change in February.
Bitcoin Classic's main goal is, in this sense, to provide an on-chain solutio to scalability and to allow users to make transactions in Bitcoin and not i Bitcoin substitutes.
BLOCKCHAIN NEWS ETHEREUM PULLS OFF HARD FORK The Ethereum Social Contract is not written in stone. It evolves as situations arise and it is subject to the consensus of the community. After an attempt to gain time by blacklisting transactions made from DAOs 1.0, the Ethereum Foundation and its community have shown the world that solutions can be presented, reviewed, voted on and agreed upon in a time of crisis, by implementing the Hard Fork in a time of crisis.
consequences. Since Ethereum is a timeThe Hard Fork will, at a basic level, withdraw the Ether stolen from the original DAO and return it to a Refund DAO, which has the sole function of returning Ether on a 1-100 scale to DAO holders. The DAO hard-fork consensus was reached, not by miners, but by coin holders who could easily vote by sending a transaction to a YES or NO Ether Wallet address. The votes were not counted by Ether sent , but by YES or NO addresses. All the Ether sent to the voting addresses was then returned to the voters.
Now, We can put the DAO hack behind us and move forward to what really matters, building and using decentralized application on the Ethereum Network, but what consequences will the Hard Fork and the DAO hack itself cause?
The DAO hack was first spotted about a month ago, and since then the Ethereum Foundation has been working tirelessly on fixing the problem which shows that the Ethereum Team is "ready for action" in a time of need, but will no doubt have consequences. Since Ethereum is a time-sensitive project, the DAO hack has further delayed its progress, which may not seem
may not seem like a big deal (Hey, really keeping up with the difficult Rome wasn't built in a day) but it and hashrate, miners may soon los can have some palpable the incentive to mine altogether consequences for the project itselfwhich would cause miners to leave and for the community. the consensus. In mos cryptocurrencies this wouldn't b Ethereum's difficulty and globala problem, since difficulty would hashrate has been rising at reduce with the global hashrate unforeseen proportions, due tobut in Ethereum the difficulty i Ethereum's ASIC-resistant hard-coded to keep rising even if algorithm, which has kept Ether the hashrate decreases. Mining in the hands of GPU users Proof of Stake would solve this making it a fair and decentralizedissue. Since users would no longe system that attracts average users.need to provide computationa power the cost of mining Ethereum Ethereum Difficulty Growth Chart would be close to nothing (Assuming you have Ether that you can use to stake), but there's a catch: Casper, the proof of stake protocol that will be implemented in Ethereum, is not ready, and with Team Members working round the clock for a whole month trying to Mass adoption of Ether Miningfix the DAO issue the problem has came as a double-edged sword,obviously been aggravated. since it's what makes Ethereum Many suggest that a hard fork to Mining decentralized but it alsoremove the hard-coded difficulty makes it harder for miners to findrise for Ether Mining, known a a block, and since the price isn't
ty"Ice-Age", may take place in the sefuture. Of course, this Is a direct r,consequence of the Hack and, not ethe Hard Fork itself. st Something that can be seen as a Ethereum was able to steer away bedirect consequence of both thefrom disaster and to do so, while d Hack itself and the solutiontaking the input of the community e,presented (hard fork), is the releaseinto consideration. What we're left Priceisdata isof a big piece of the Ethereum with anbyEthereum that is more f cake back to the market, which organized, but also more careful may cause the price to react in aregarding the development, s very negative way, as selling testing, auditing and deployment er pressure rises. The Ethereum priceof complex smart contacts. alwas hoveirng around $8 before mThe DAO, and it's possible we may g see this kind of price once more. u a The general feeling regarding the ehard fork seems to be positive dhowever when one looks at the hcharts a few hours before the fork e took place. o Ethereum Price Chart s
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Zcash is a privacy driven cryptocurrency, which is due to launch in September 2016, created with the single goal of bringing real anonymity to the cryptocurrency world. Many users mistake Bitcoin for an anonymou cryptocurrency when in reality it can be just the opposite, since ever transaction is recorded on the blockchain (including sender, receiver and amount). Bitcoin is, in reality, a pseudonymous cryptocurrency. It allows us to mak payments under a randomly generated pseudonym (wallet address), which are recorded In the Blockchain. Experts are known to be able to connect a wallet address to an identity, by studying transaction history, patterns, service used and IP addresses. Mixers provide some level of anonymity but the require us to trust a third party service, which can be shut down, maliciou or simply incompetent.
Zcash comes as the first solution to provide a completely Anonymou payment system, after attempts like Darkcoin and Monero. In Zcash there
are no built-in mixers, Ring transactions or any other feature that may help users make their transactions untraceable, in Zcash there is no need for such features, as the blockchain is fully encrypted by default. Roughly speaking, if we'd open the Zcash block explorer all we will see about the transactions is the time in which they took place. Having an encrypted blockchain is something that may confuse users, since if all the transaction is encrypted how can we make sure that there isn't any double spending?
Zcash uses a decentralized anonymous payment scheme (DAP scheme) that does not rely on digital signatures to validate coins, nor does it require a central bank to prevent double spending. Instead, it relies on zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge (zk-SNARKs) that allow a proving key and a verification key to be created out of a nondeterministic decision. The proving key enables any (untrusted) prover – user - to produce a zk proof of knowledge of the given transaction. Anyone can use the verification key to verify the proof produced by the users' software in an r encrypted public ledger, meaning that users don’t have to reveal ownership e of a specific private key, only ownership of a specific amount of Zcash. s y Having a completely encrypted blockchain can, however, pose functionality d problems, in a sense that not much can be done when there is no information. Smart contracts, for one, need information as variables to act. In order to ke accommodate these types of features, Zcash plans to be a "privacy optional" h cryptocurrency, in which users will be allowed to choose layers of data they a wish to reveal, such as sender, amount, balance, etc... These features are not esyet possible in the current state of Zcash and will probably not be available ey upon release. us The Zcash team, however, plans to develop the currency in a dynamic way, introducing soft and hard forks to improve the network and implement new features. us e
Zcash will follow the same emission rate as Bitcoin, with 21 Million ZEC ever to be produced and a halving every 4 years (840,000 Blocks), but unlike Bitcoin, Zcash will have a 10% founders' reward where the reward is only spendable as it is mined. This is significant because of the incentive it give the founders' to maintain the health and usability of the currency. Th founders will keep 20% of the 12.5 ZEC Block reward during the first 4 years of mining, which will leave 2.1 million ZEC in the hands of the developers and investors. Unlike Bitcoin, however, Zcash will use an asymmetric memory-hard Proo of Work algorithm based on the generalized birthday problem. It relies on high RAM requirements to bottleneck the generation of proofs and making ASIC development unfeasible. Zcash is due to be released in the end of 2016 and is currently in the Alpha stage. Users can keep up with the project progress through github milestones.
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NXT but with the real time FIMK websocket API added to it. Before I had read the NXT announcement thread on bitcointalk forum which was exploding at that time, I never before heard of bitcointalk, let alone know how a Bitcoin worked. But reading that NXT thread among the other bitcoin clone threads, as a developer, this immediately stood out and caught my CORE: Hey Dennis , could you give interest. Around that time all the us an introduction on yourself, yourfundamentals of NXT/POS were sti team and how you got into being discussed (with hundreds o more posts each day). I don't know cryptocurrencies. why but probably the fact that almos DENNIS : Hi! I'm Dennis and live in everything discussed there wa Holland. I have worked professionally completely alien to me is what made and mostly full time on NXT relatedme try and understand it all. technologies basically since NXT wasFrom there I started building variou launched (that's becoming 3 years next solutions on NXT tech which allowed November). Together with Svante we me to not only earn a living but also launched the FIMK crypto platform inslowly improve my skills in something May 2014 and we created the that I believed had a lot of potential multicurrency (NXT & FIMK) full(blockchain technology). From that client/wallet which was called position I came in contact with Svante MofoWallet back then. I also created with whom I launched FIMK and who the Offspring desktop client (in earlynow is my partner in HEAT. 2014) which was basically an NXT client for enterprise use and I maintainCORE: What is HEAT? You describe the NXT+ project, which is standardHEAT as a "chain of blockchains". How does this differ from projects such
Kas NXT? How do you plan to compete (storage, networking, view plane, against these projects? mempool etc.) So HEAT can’t really T be considered NXT clone but maybe kDENNIS: HEAT is our implementation rather a rewrite of NXT. Even though t of an NXT style POS peer to peer fundamental operation rules remain the f consensus network. HEAT’s core same we did not alter the POS a working mechanisms resemble thoseconsensus mechanisms the internal T of NXT. You start the app, it connects implementations have changed in eto a list of other `peers`, you exchange major ways. What is unique about sblocks and transactions to/from thoseHEAT compared to other crypto ypeers. Blocks are stored on your drive,platforms, is that it basically solves the etransactions in those blocks areblockchain scaling problem both in size llapplied and finally balances areand in speed of processing. HEAT orupdated. That is basically how a peersolves these problems to such extremes wto peer consensus network works. Butthat since we've started live testing the stthat is where the similarities end. Oncomponents that we have made so far. sthe inside HEAT is very different from It has become clear to me that not so e NXT, overall architecture remains thefar in the future literally all banks and same but the implementation hasall of the Visas and Mastercards of the uschanged in a big way. world will be running a good part of d Before I continue I’d like to point out their systems on systems based on these oour choice to build on NXT as opposedsame principles. It simply must happen, gto one of the other existing POS you get such an amount of affordable l frameworks. NXT, I believe, is (one security from the blockchain in the t of) the most mature frameworks andmiddle and your redundancy through ehas been under heavy real world usethe p2p network is so cheap and so ofor many years now. It's a complex fast! And as HEAT will prove you can code base, sure, but once you scale consensus networks to understand how it all works there isMastercard processing and storage no better or more mature base to startlevels. To understand how we can make from. such bold claims you need to h We have rewritten most subsystems understand cryptocurrency code
touched on and worked with all them finally I could do what I think I am actually best at which is looking fo combinations to come to new solutions. Not so much invent anything, but combining existing idea and technology in new ways. Everyone has his/her talents and I think this i mine. It was clear now that we had to solve the following problems to make a crypto platform that could scale to the blockchain in the middle and your world scale usage redundancy through the p2p network. is so cheap and so fast! And as HEAT - Best utilized network bandwidth will prove you can scale consensus- Balance lookups and updates happen networks to Mastercard processing andat microsecond level speeds (up to ten storage levels. To understand how we of millions of reads/updates pe can make such bold claims you need second) to understand cryptocurrency code- Total balances count should support architecture. You need all the parts thattens of billions of individual balances make your cryptocurrency tick to beaccounts able to sustain tens to hundreds of - Blockchain scans happen as fast as thousands of transactions per secondpossible (at RAM speed data is (to keep up with Mastercard for organized linearly) - Old blocks and transactions should instance). It took a while for me to understandbe able to be archived (after all disk what all these parts were in the firstspace is cheap) and should not be place, which is most likely what kept needed by all nodes on the network me from thinking about follow up solutions. But once all parts and their While not being a homegrown workings became clear and I hadcryptocurrency builder it was something I had to learn I do know
m,or better, know how to figure out how Colored Accounts and eliminating the m to ‌ solve all those individual issues.need to limit blockchain storage in the orAnd it's exactly what we did for HEAT. first place). w We are replacing the single threaded t and non-optimized network layer in But back to the storage plane. Let's asNXT with one that uses not only astart with the slowness of existing e more efficient binary protocol but alsosystems like NXT, Ethereum, Bitcoin ishas peers that are smarter and etc.. almost all suffer from the same o communicate with each other beforeinherent weakness and most will not e sending large pieces of data I have scale beyond a certain usage. It's just o not done the math on that part but not possible, you can try it yourself, it's my estimate that we use about 75 get one of those apps setup a testnet to 90% less bandwidth that way. On for yourself and see how many top of that we have replaced the rather transactions per second they can handle nheavy single threaded Jetty (on a full chain not talking about the snetworking library with thefirst few blocks). You won't get above erasynchronous and more performant10 transactions a second for any serious Netty networking library, exclusively amount of time (say you bombard them t running over websockets but with afor 3 hours and take the average). With s/much higher capacity even for HEAT this is completely different: relatively light servers. HEAT guarantees to do 100 to 1000 s So we have reimplemented the times those numbers. In fact during s networking internals in order to havetesting we have been able to push the enough bandwidth on the HEAT number of transactions applied and dnetwork. The next important step waswritten to the blockchain close to k to solve the storage problem, which 150,000 per second. e was both: too slow and not able to Yes you read that correct 150 scale beyond any serious usage. The THOUSAND per second, and this current NXT Ardor rewrite is partially was on my slow (10 year old) n about this same scalability problem desktop with spinning disks s (as well as a means to allow for child (however not over a network). w,chains in HEAT we solve that through Imagine the speed on a 16 CORE
parts need to be able to cope with those huge numbers and still be transactional (support rollbacks/reorg and recover from system crash). Wha we came up with was to write ou custom storage backend from scratch and replace the NXT H2 database wit that customized and optimized solution. This however came at a huge (and continuing) cost, standard NXT heavily relies on the H2 SQL databas to perform lots and lots of tasks an Yes you read that correct 150 have transactions and blocks applied THOUSAND per second, and this was in an atomic/transactional manner on my slow (10 year old) desktop with Using plain SQL this is easier, doing spinning disks (however not over a this without relying on SQL meant we network). Imagine the speed on a 16 had to look hard at what exactly our CORE server with SSD disks, what will storage backend had to do to make it that be? 5 times? 10 times as fast? as reliable and safe as NXT is through Can't wait to try that out! Or better their use of a full SQL database bu even private in house networks now through our custom storage Mastercard datacenter? The solutions that allowed for 10,000 times transaction speeds will no doubt be or more traffic. sufficient to support any level of What this lead to was a data store processing requirements. The reason with custom storage optimized fo those systems don’t come above 10 archiving transactions and another par transactions a second is twofold. optimized for storing and updating First there is the limit to the number balances. Those two things of transactions that fit in a block and (transaction archival and balance the number of blocks that fit in a keeping) are totally different in nature minute. Secondly and this was the hard the first has to be able to flush binar part to fix, the storage and consensus data to disk as fast and efficiently a
hpossible (write and forget stored inblocks or balances. In HEAT the view esuch a way that you can iterate over plane is implemented as an external gsthem as fast as possible which is whyadd on to the HEAT server, it works at it needs to be stored linearly) thethrough event listeners that act on rsecond part has to support randomunconfirmed transactions and transfer h lookup and updates to a data pool asthe derived data in realtime to a hbig as physically possible (in theorypowerful MySQL database model. The deach balance store can be as big asview plane API which powers clients e the biggest hard disk which is enough also looks in the MySQL database for Tto store hundreds of billions of its real time blockchain data. The huge eaccount balances). benefit with this model is that with d First I need to explain one other each new transaction that arrives we dimportant principle of HEAT. We don’t have to update some big and slow r.believe there are three different planesdetailed MySQL view model with g in a consensus network (this is alsoindexes and constraints and all that edescribed in a whitepaper called “Oncomes with that. r Scaling Decentralized Blockchains”). As a bonus, MySQL or other cloud t These are the important planes: based mass storage solutions (the h addon mechanism is flexible) is perfect ut1. Consensus plane for serving truly web scale numbers of e 2. Block/data distribution plane users. The real time integration through s3. View plane events to the mass view/storage also allows us to match orders in the HEAT e I’ll try to keep this short. Theasset exchange (virtually) in real time, orconsensus plane can be seen asdisplayed instantly in your client. We rtanything that involves validating already had this feature in FIMK but gtransactions, the distribution plane ismade it better and scalable this time sthe part where one peer can askthrough what we call the replication eanother peer for past or currentlayer (the view plane implementation). e, transactions finally the view plane isNow that we have removed all speed ywhat a desktop or web client uses to bottlenecks (this includes a rewrite of sdisplay user transactions, forgedthe unconfirmed transaction pool, ..
to keep the cryptographic security tha comes from a set of interlocking blocks but instead of only blocks there also is a similar interlocking through the checksums we perform on each balance store. Transactions in HEAT are stored in files of a capped size (blocks files), if the max is reached (several GB) a new file is started, you can keep the old file around on your server if you wish but to function as match orders in the HEAT asset a peer on the network, you only need exchange (virtually) in real time, the most recent blocks file. To promote displayed instantly in your client. We data redundancy the protocol reward already had this feature in FIMK butusers for keeping archived files made it better and scalable this timearound, this works through a challenge through what we call the replicationthat is written to the chain and anyone layer (the view plane implementation). with those files can solve the challenge Now that we have removed all speed To ensure that a new user who comes bottlenecks (this includes a rewrite ofon the network and who does not have the unconfirmed transaction pool, ..any blocks downloaded can validate etc) what remained was the issue of transactions back to the genesis block storing an ever increasing collection ofHe needs to download all balance file for each blocks file from the pas transaction and block data. The amount of transactions in a(remember these are less than blockchain is virtually endless, which10,000th the size of a transaction means that the consensus plane or thestore). The following balance file ha distribution plane could never work asa cryptographic signature that has to long as they are dependent on access match the checksum of the previous to all this data. By separating balancebalance file and so on and on. When and transaction storage we were ablethe user has all the balance files an knows the latest balance store is valid
atall the way from genesis, he can now realtime client framework. The s validate all transactions he receivesframework was created to create the obased on the balance data he has. frontend for a commercial project eThis mechanism will however not bewhere we implemented a FIMK based h in the initial release, it’s whatprivate blockchain which had to do T everything else in HEAT is aligned for account management, trading and ebut also something which needs amessaging. dlarge amount of attention and testing. u We are touching the core POS The client framework uses Angular/ r principles here afterall. There is moreGoogle Material design, Angular 2 sto HEAT, I haven’t even talked about (style) code structure (through a dour powerful DAPP platform which wrapper that we built) and is written e we call Distributed Servicesin TypeScript. TypeScript is a typed sArchitecture. For more on that pleaselanguage similar to java created by s check out the discussions on theMicrosoft and which compiles to eforums. javascript. e javascript. Through strong typing and e.CORE: Is the technology being writtenexcellent tooling you can code a s from scratch? javascript app as if you had a powerful e full IDE. Bringing on frontend eDENNIS: Because of the maturity and developers and starting a successful k.completeness of a system like NXT it and popular crypto client project has eswould be foolish to lay out all that proved to be difficult, which is totally tarchitecture by ourselves. Our clientunderstandable since they are so nframework, which is something verycomplex to work with for a starting nspecial, is however written from developer. Through our simple gulp sscratch. Using the experience from based build setup and use of TypeScript obuilding and maintaining theand a prepared package to start s MofoWallet client (which has a very development with the open source nlarge code base) we have created a cross platform Atom editor. We think ndnew project that gives us a we have a good chance of bringing on dmaintainable and extensible advancedskilled or starting frontend developers
is marketing since it was so successfu for Ethereum. Do they have a marketing strategy for HEAT? Svante: Heat Ledger Ltd is a fintech startup company. Thus the HEAT blockchain is just one of Heat Ledger Ltd’s products, designed to showcas on live crypto platform and real use cases the various solutions availabl for corporate customers and join venture partners. HEAT’s marketing since they are so complex to work withwill emphasize the implementation o for a starting developer. Through ourreal world use cases that the crypto simple gulp based buildsetup and use world strongly needs. Any kind o of TypeScript and a prepared package tokens can be easily traded agains to start development with the openeach other in the HEAT blockchain. source cross platform Atom editor. We As we know, this is a feature already think we have a good chance of a few platforms carry (at least WAVES, bringing on skilled or starting frontendFIMK, and the NXT Ardor) bu developers to this powerful but fun toalthough the claim for easy transmitta of fiat currency (USD, EUR) is easy to work with framework make, the regulatory arrangements ar . CORE: What was your inspiration for a whole different ball game. Heat Ledger Ltd is sorting that out with ou HEAT? JV partners through a pending mone DENNIS: When we ran into limitations transmitter license in an EU country. while pushing FIMK to the max, it wasCORE: Where does this leave FIMK clear that something fundamental hadnow that you are focusing on HEAT? to change to handle the potential larger Svante: FIMK will be supported by the HEAT multicurrency client. FIMK is user base. CORE: On the mind of a lot of investors also accepted on the HEAT ICO at favorable rates, so FIMK holders can
ulexchange some or all of their FIMK a to the HEAT tokens. FIMK will Svante: For the HEAT ICO we use four however continue on a separate escrow companies as well as accept h blockchain on its own right, supplying direct investments to our BTC, FIMK, Ttechnically advanced communityETH and NXT accounts. Detailed r crypto platform and coordinated by instructions for participating in the ICO ethe nonprofit association. Communitycan be read at ebased features such as the blockchainico/. There are four different price lestrong ID authorization, decentralizedladders for each cryptocurrency ntwebshops and monthly basic incomeseparately, based on first come first g will continue to draw interestedserved basis. Token prices, for instance ofparticipants towards the FIMK those payable in BTC, started from oeconomy to sustain its growth. This0.0001 BTC. Once a price ladder is oftarget market and mode of operation “sold off”, the token investment price stare very different from HEAT’s increases some 20% to 30%. commercial business based focus. OurAt the simplest, the participant needs ygoal is that the synergy from HEAT’s to only send cryptocurrency to our business solutions will also help FIMKaccount to ensure his stake in the HEAT t to attain its place in the world moretoken distribution. No registration alclearly. whatsoever is necessary at this phase. o After the ICO period is over from eCORE: What sort of timeline do you August 9th onwards, we aggregate the t have? When do you estimate testnet various funding sources and run urand mainnet to be released? through accounting to distinguish and ey verify the price stage of each individual Svante: Testnet and alpha client investment, and assign a number of K release goal is the latter half of August.tokens from the total pool of 25 Million ? Mainnet preliminary release date isHEAT. eSeptember 5th. HEAT tokens will be distributed to the s HEAT wallets of the stakeholders t CORE: What are the details for the through an online facility on our web n HEAT ICO? site, after verifying each investor’s
sources and run through accounting to distinguish and verify the price stag of each individual investment, and assign a number of tokens from the tota pool of 25 Million HEAT. HEAT tokens will be distributed to the HEAT wallets of the stakeholder through an online facility on our web site, after verifying each investor’s access to the original investment source cryptocurrency account.
When the HEAT tokens and mainnet are live, we’ll release the company options plan for preparation of the Heat Ledger Ltd IPO. Each HEAT holder will be eligible to receive options in proportion to a still undecided numbe of HEAT tokens they hold. Each option enables its holder to purchase Heat Ledger Ltd shares from the IPO at a minimum 50% discount compared to standard IPO purchase price.
IPO stock options can be traded on the public HEAT p2p blockchain exchange. The IPO is planned to be completed in November 2016. Since then the Heat Ledger Ltd stocks can be traded on the online HEAT p2p exchange, and possibly on other online exchanges a bit later.
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We all have the ability to change our system, mainstream media, th surroundings, but effectively it canuniversities and their intellectuals, an only be done when we have truth onorganized religion. our side. By that I mean that the actions you take must ‘click’ in the minds of Anything that is top-down controlled others, and thus they then start toand pushes information down the “broadcast” that same message. throats of people is part of this engine It was built to “guide” people, or to There will always be disagreement,steer the mankind to a specifi but through dialogue the consensusdirection, or to outright brainwash and truth tends to rise on the surface.people. The ‘engine’ can be used to Anyone is positively contributing tochange public opinion about war and the society as long as he honestlycontrol the overall narrative. For believes what he preaches and activelyinstance, it can make people fear th tries to seek out information. At the“enemy”, cheer for their slaughter, moment when someone deliberatelyand praise the killers. starts to spread lies he will become part of the problem. The good thing is What if we could spread some though, that those lies would be provengoodness into the world through thi false and no further attention wouldtype of centralized organization? I’m be paid to him. sure many good men have thought to do so when they take part in such a Why then are we surrounded by liessystem. For example, a priest might and false beliefs? It’s because thoseuse his position and organization to who want to spread them around have “guide” the sinful people to more hol realized that in order to effectively dolife. But by doing so he might leave so a manmade structure is needed.something untold, and incorporate a These structures are top-downcouple small lies, and then watch the managed institutions, businesses, andother way when his organization is organizations that centralize thecaught in immoral actions. information flow. The biggest ones I can think of are the state educational Now I must get back to the original
etopic: people believe that the only way One of the greatest realizations a man ndto create change is through these can have is that we are not on a ‘readcentralized institutions, i.e. become aonly’ mode, but we can and do politician, control the media, vote,broadcast our own world-view and detc. As long as the majority of peopleinfluence others. There is no limit to ebelieve this, there indeed won’t behow many people can connect to your e.any change. But they are wrong! An mind, and thus a single person can o individual can cause change! cause a lasting effect. As an example ic I could give any great name that is still h being read. Furthermore there was a o study that found every person to be d connected through 6 people. r he Who else could change your life, your , surroundings, and the world to a better place if not you? You are responsible for your own life, and your e community’s life, and even how the is Human society is in fact a peer-to- whole society functions. No mpeer system that is made from people.government, dictatorship nor republic, o Each of us has our own mind that can sets rules that would upset the public a be connected to other minds. We too much. Instead of raw force the t cannot connect to all the minds atpublic opinion is controlled by these oonce, but instead we must choose tocentralized organizations. ywhich ones we pay attention to. Most e people have wired themselves to theseWe are in trouble, because people pay atop-down institutions, and thus theyattention to the wrong people and e set their world-view. Myself I try to meaningless things. A man either fights s keep a healthy balance between theor decides to do nothing, in any case brains I “connect” to, and so shouldhe is committing an action that has we all. consequences. An attitude of “let’s go l along to get along”, and “yes sir, no HTTP://DIGITALCATALLAXY.COM
BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE force the public opinion is controlled by these centralized organizations.
We are in trouble, because people pay attention to the wrong people and meaningless things. A man either fights or decides to do nothing, in any case he is committing an action that has consequences. An attitude of “let’ go along to get along”, and “yes sir, no sir” won’t create a positive change. Staying idle is a deliberate and conscious action too. Such action would show a bad example and pass all the information through to others withou any filter.
Going back to the ‘peer-to-peer’ allegory: I would say we either broadcas truth and goodness or then we broadcast ignorance and lies. To begin th transmission of truth you must pay attention to individual people rather tha organized institutions; read books rather than news; and seek wisdom fro yourself, not from the crowd. The change starts from yourself, as before we can help others we must help ourselves. We create change, positive o negative, even if we try not to. If you are reading this, I’m sure you want to create positive change, so do as Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world”.
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What is the most influential feature light weight and users will not have that would encourage someone to the problem of bloat. Another innovation is that Assets wi invest in Ardor? be tradeable across ALL child chains Ardor introduced so-called “childwhich opens up the possibility of a true decentralised market, includin chains. On Ardor, the consensus is done ondedicated child chains which wil a Mother Chain that handles all contain Assets pegged to currencies. verification for the platform. Fees on this chain are paid in “ARDR”. Child Initially with NXT, at lot of the Chains only record the transactioncrypto community were frustrated ledgers, and these transactions are sentwith the initial ICO. With a lot of to the Mother Chain for validation. the whales leaving over time do you Fees on the Child Chains are paid in a think Ardor could give NXT a fresh native token that is unique to each start? Child Chain. These fees are paid to so called “bundlers” who have the task This is one of the reasons we do the of exchanging the child chain tokens Ardor distribution like we do it. We to ARDR and these “bundlers” are thehave a 9 month period of trade to firs once submitting the bundles to theaccumulate Nxt and then to trade the Ardor Token on the Nxt Asset Mother Chain for verification. A side effect of this architecture isExchange. This should lead to a much that it is possible to remove the content better distribution than Nxt ever could of transactions from child chains afterstart with. We also want significantl a period of time and just leave proof increase trading volume, which at the of the actual occurrence of transactionsmoment has increase from 30,000 to in the form of a hash. The role of peaks of 4 million USD per day. “Archival Nodes” will be introduces which will keep a copy of the full In the space of a few days we have seen the NXT price go up over 100%, ledger. This means child chains can be veryhow do you interrupt the jump? We don’t. Our aim is to just put our
e information on Ardor and show it to comfortable to quit my day job and be a good investment. There will bemove to a full time working schedule llrises and falls, as is normal. We hopefor NXT. It was also needed, as I was s,to establish a new support level higheron a 80 hours per week schedule at the athan we currently have, it is impossibleend, and that is simply just unhealthy. ngto control the price to the extent thisRight now, I am very happy with the ll question implies. Traders will way I have set up my work. I work for speculate and they are free to. We trythe platform via the Foundation and to make sure people understand theon my own projects via my startup fundamentals of their investment andBlockchain Wizards. This also allows are confident this will ensure a goodme to offer jobs to some people whom support over time. I consider undervalued in the community. We are just beginning to I heard you left your full time job create an economy for Nxt and Ardor. for NXT. What lead you to that There is a lot I still want to do. decision? e The announcement of NXT 2.0 (now e When I started in Nxt in 2013, I named Ardor) caused a lot of stdecided that I would try and make acontroversy initially. A bulk of users epaying job out of it within three years.moved to WAVES with Sasha t If it hadn’t become viable by then, I’d Ivanov. Looking back on it now, do h try a different tack. you think it could've been handled dMy main aim has always been to a little differently? lystrengthen the basics of Nxt in suchYes, it could, but that side is not up to ea way that people can work from us. othese. This means websites, points ofThe Nxt Foundation very specifically contact, unified message, a vision andhas chosen NOT to have devs in its procedures. I was lucky to find like- board, nor do we interfere with the minded people along the way, likedevs. From a governance point of view, Dave Pearce whom I have worked that introduces levels of conflicting with for over two years now. interests that should be avoided. We r I’ve now reached a point where I feel have seen what happened when Gaven
Yes, it could, but that side is not up a zero sum game, not for a long time to us. yet. So I consider all this as a healthy The Nxt Foundation very specificallygrowing pain. has chosen NOT to have devs in its In the end, and this is true for any board, nor do we interfere with thecrypto project: it’s the devs who make devs. From a governance point of view, the final calls. They will listen carefull that introduces levels of conflicting to all parties involved and then make interests that should be avoided. We their decision. It would be unrealisti have seen what happened when Gaven to think this will always please Adresen was on the board of the Bitcoineveryone. Foundation and how every proposal by him was subsequently questioned. What are some potential real life uses for Ardor? We have a group of very talented and dedicated developers. They also have As Foundation, we are actively talking a stubborn streak a mile wide. I considerto banks for trade clearance, documen this a good thing. They are stubbornand license management, trading because they take a very long view ofopportunities with pegged currencie the platform and will not introduceand ticketing possibilities. things they consider to be harmful. IOne of the things on my personal rada often wish them to be more tactful,are loyalty systems, secure messagin but sometimes a no is just a no and nosystems combined with a piece o amount of sugarcoating will change hardware and governance that. possibilities.
People should leave if they want to There have been slight hints there do things their own way and cannot maybe some big news in the get that in a project. That is normal background that cannot be and healthy. Sasha now has a brand revealed, could we get an hints? new platform to develop his own vision I can say we are talking to banks, bot with, and the people who are lookinglocal and national government in the for that will be attracted. Crypto is notNetherlands, and larger IT businesses
e We have a new member on our board The industry has changed a lot! People ywho works at Sopra Steria in France are open and interested and the to give an idea what level we are maximalism we saw last year seems to yworking at. have subsided. So every speaking eWe are also very active in creating engagement is generally a joy to do. I lycollaborations like we have with theam looking forward to doing a lot more eLinux Foundation and with Civic Tech this year and I hope that I will gain a icAmsterdam. lot of new acquaintances and friends e in our growing community! Some of the things we are working are already taking a year. This is normal. It’s also sometimes frustrating to us as we understand people would like to see real solid results. I can only gsay we are doing our utmost and will ntcommunicate anything we can when g we can. es You have been doing a lot of public artalks about NXT over the past year. ngHow has the audiences been ofresponding to NXT technology? e Surprise mostly! Nxt has always worked under the radar, so most people are amazed this is all already working. Our Asset Exchange is more than two years old, yet often people seem under the himpression we I am describing a proof eof concept. s.
In 1830's Alexis de Tocqueville traveled to America with a mission to find the reasons for its incredible success. Here are his conclusions: I sought for the greatness and genius of America in fertile fields and boundles forests; it was not there. I sought for it in her free schools and her institution of learning; it was not there. I sought for it in her matchless constitution and democratic congress; it was not there. Not until I went to the churches of America and found them aflame with righteousness did I understand th greatness and genius of America. America is great because America is good When America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. Tocqueville
It looks like people have ceased to be good, and with that America along with western countries has ceased to be great. However, what then does i mean to be good? In my view a good man thinks for himself, takes care of himself, and help those who are in need. For a good man the life isn't an endless and meaningles feast, but rather a journey. During that journey we have to make decisions and take action, and those are guided with certain principles we hold. To be a good person we have to find those principles and then incorporate them into our life.
Do people today thrive to be better than yesterday? Do they have and uphold certain principles? Are they self-reliant, independent, and do they help other in need? No, those men are in few. Instead I see easily corruptible men who prefer the easy choice, who believe what they want to believe, and who have replaced ethics and principles with moral relativity. Those men toda seek their wisdom from the crowd, believe in nothingness, and blame other for their own problems.
What I'm saying is, that people are not thriving to be good. Does that then mean that they are evil? I would rather say they are lost, and even worse:
d they have given up. Rather than trying to find a glimpse of light they now embrace ignorance, stupidity, violence, control, and so on. Most are not ss happy, and they don't feel like they could even change the course of their ns life. As a result of that they get involved in various destructive activities (such d as drinking) and escape the reality with entertainment and fantasy worlds f The decisions they take are driven by short term gain and enjoyment rather he than a long term plan. d. What is then the fundamental thing that has led America and the whole western world in decline? Many believe to have found that answer from politics, regulated economy, capitalism, government, the politicians not g upholding the constitution, and so on. What we see at the first glance are it the symptoms and not the cause itself. The cause is usually harder to see.
ps For some time I have believed that the root cause has been the centralized ss authority and its war against freedom. However, I now think we could go a s layer deeper and say that the fault is in us on the individual level. Nothing To will change until people become good again. That is, until we change m ourselves, until we thrive to be a better man. From that freedom will be sprung into the world.
d If Tocqueville were right, then we must simply seek to become a better rs man. I say simply, because we can all begin the change from ourselves – today. o o By Audo Kryptowitz - ay rs
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WAVES WRAP-UP Blockchain Incredible Party It's been a big week for Waves in Odessa, as Sasha and Bez joined a group of developers, entrepreneurs and corporate representatives at the Blockchain Incredible Party, on the shore of the Black Sea. Alongside a series of other speakers, Sasha presented the vision for the Waves Platform and some of the technical and practical applications, including: Picture:
Simplified payment verification forMycelium Integration assets, storing only essential data to There's some big news from one of minimise bloat at high transactionour existing partners, Mycelium. As part of its relaunch, the popular wallet volumes. company will be integrating Waves at Trustless HFT: centralised ordera far deeper level than previously matching, executed on the stated. Users will be able not only to blockchain – enabling the speed of send and receive custom tokens traditional exchanges without the riskthrough Mycelium, but to create them of storing funds with a centralisedon the Waves platform. Waves tokens will be supported across the range of party. Mycelium's applications and devices, User-defined network tokens –including the Mycelium Card – enabling transactions to be paid for inhardware wallets in the regular ISO any agreed currency (e.g., transactionID1 size fees for USD transfers paid for in USD). Naturally, they also stayed for the BIP001 after-party.
with wireless units, keypads, The start of this week sees the launch rechargeable batteries and built-in of the public full node release displays. Each card is the wallet and candidate on testnet. The code will b POS terminal in one. Cards performrigorously tested before it is released peer-to-peer connections that will lateron mainnet. Latest code can be found upgrade to full-scale mesh, and we welcome feedback from Besides prominent bitcoin and fiatanyone who wants to help with the wallet usage, cards are perfect for process of ensuring the Waves loyalty programs, airline milesnetwork remains secure and stable collection, etc. This is a fantasticBounties will be available for anyone opportunity for Waves to be adoptedwho can produce a replicable bug and across Mycelium's large and rapidly- will be announced in a short time. expanding user base.
Full Nodes on Testnet: Configuration You can find information on how to configure your Waves node for testnet at Waves/wiki/How-to-configure-Wavesnode. If you need more information you can ask on our Slack channel #testnet-maintainers. Bugs should b reported on our forum at:
TokensFull Specification Public Node Release Candidate
h The specification for Waves’ asset exchange and tokens system has now e been published ongithub. Waves’ tokens protocol includes asset-to-asset be trading at the core level, as well as centralised order-matching – enabling d the speed of a crypto traditional exchange but with trades executed on a d peer-to-peer level. A separate update providing details for implementation m of custom tokens will be provided in due course. e s Lite Client Updates e. In other news, we are making several minor alterations to the lite client to e make it more user-friendly. These include some styling and the addition of d a dialogue box after a SEND transaction has been initiated, confirming recipient and amount. We will also add a variable fee option. As things stand the overwhelming priority is to roll out full nodes and enable a stable, secure public network. Consequently the next round of major changes to the UI will occur after that critical update is complete. o You can always find the latest version of the client at t /
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SUPERNET NEWS HTML/CSS/JS code and code it’s link with the Iguana API providing nice GUI Update "It is not simple, as we are trying touser interface for wallet. to build a good product, though we are on a good move. Now we in 0.1 Better and probably more detailed development, in which we are update can be expected from @boogieman. covering Basic Wallet features:
I have already started working on Account Creation/login Iguana EasyDEX part of wallet GUI Dashboard (Bitbox) independently, which once completed Sending coin A > coin A can be linked/integrated to exiting GUI Transaction history wallet without any issue. On technical Reference currency basis, I took different path to official Contacts Book Iguana Wallet GUI team. I understand Receiving Coins We are experiencing some blockers, the wallet was expected sooner and but all of them are solvable, thoughit's a need to have something useful. may take some extra time." - Also, I am not so certain on the Iguana GUI team’s time on wallet GUI code, Boogieman” so I picked nice HTML template code from market, and started coded using Iguana and EasyDEX Update "Last update I know that James wasit, to which I completed first initial doing Decentralised like ShapeShift functionalities like, Login/Register/ functionality testing and debugging.Lock Wallet with options to have We should wait for an update from Iguana (256bit), NXT (128bit), and Waves (160bit) wallet passphrase him directly on it's status. The official Iguana Wallet GUI team options. Then later I hit a roadblock got another team member Yara as the author of the HTML template Abdallah (@yaraabdallah10). She's did not allow it to be used with an taken the responsibility to convertOpen Source software. O the Iguana wallet designs designed by Anton Leogky (@antonleogky) toSo, I have now got another HTML
(128bit), and Waves (160bit) wallet history of particular wallets (e.g. BTC passphrase options. Then later I hit aBTCD). I have got list of API calls from roadblock as the author of the HTMLJames ( jl777) already specially bui template did not allow it to be used for this Dashboard. It's my with an Open Source software. understanding that without James help this little dashboard info lik So, I have now got another HTML transaction history could have bee template and confirmed with it’s authormuch headache for a GUI dev just to to be allowed to use with Open Sourceshow the relevant data as expected o project. The reason is to give boostfrontpage. He really makes a GUI dev' start with the Iguana EasyDEX walletlife easier. GUI, and have something ready as soon as possible. I am just building features Later, will be to add the sections t as per the needs arise to the wallet. allow users to much basic tasks lik send/receive by selecting a particula Earlier version of Iguana EasyDEX wallet and particular address from Wallet GUI had wallet creation/login selected wallet, BTC or BTCD. related features coded, and DashboardOnly after that I'll be doing EasyDEX with available wallet widgets was features coding, because just codin ready as HTML code, which was in EasyDEX related feature doesn't mak process to be populated with real datasense. Unable to do send/receive, se through Iguana API. transaction history of particula address, is necessary for a user to fun Now, I'm porting the existing Wallet the wallet and then do any other furthe creation/login code to the new GUI,transactions. It will take some time t and that should be done soon. May be get these things done. this week. My full focus is on Iguana EasyDEX Once that's done, I'll start working onwallet these days, as I have put my the Dashboard wallet widgets to SuperMESH tasks on hold for a while display available wallet’s info, like This GUI is indirectly useful fo Wallet balance, and Transaction SuperMESH as well, as the same o
C, similar codebase will be used in SuperNET uses Iguanacore APIs and m SuperMESH to manage SmartChains, runs multiple blockchains at the same iltspecific to SuperMESH. So, it’s kind time, with the choice of running some y of the features that I planned to doblockchains in lite mode (Basilisk s'sfor SuperMESH alpha-0.0.4 are being mode, it's called in iguana), and some kealready coded with this Iguanawith full blockchain data available enEasyDEX wallet. locally (with iguana full blockchain o data is far lesser than the actual on I'll share some screen shots of walletimplementations of that X 's screens soon as I do some portingcryptocurrency you'll find). done." - Satinder Grewal SuperNET as can run multiple to blockchains at the same time, that ke creates a network of Iguana nodes, in ar a similar way any other specific Crypto m currency network is made. The difference is those crypto currencies X only are a network of ONLY 1 specific ng currency, and serving their specific ke features and functions in that network. e ar Whereas in SuperNET you get 100s nd and 1000s of multiple crypto currency erWhat's the difference between networks at the same time. This allows toSuperNET, Iguana, and enormous opportunities to develop SuperMESH ? much flexible and feature rich "Iguana is the core platform of blockchain based Decentralized X SuperNET. Iguana is theAPI provider Applications or so called DAPPs. y for different functions and featuresOfficial examples of SuperNET DAPPs e. using which different set of would be InstantDEX, Pangea and such orapplications can be developed usingmore. orthat.
Whereas in SuperNET you get 100s and 1000s of multiple crypto currency networks at the same time. This allows enormous opportunities to develo much flexible and feature rich blockchain based Decentralized Application or so called DAPPs. Official examples of SuperNET DAPPs would be InstantDEX, Pangea and such more.
Iguana makes life of end users far easier than any other blockchain wallets or technologies out there. It's more easier for grandpa when a decent use friendly GUI is available doing back end API calls for him. He doesn't need know what's inside, only what he wants to do.
Iguana makes life more easier for blockchain tech developers to develop DAPPs as well, as many API calls does many complex things for the devs It's like Microsoft made a Visual Studio, which does 90% of the task for the dev and dev does another 10% of the task. The difference is in this case Iguana is not a Visual Studio, with visual elements to develop with, it's ONLY the command line level API provider. It's the base platform combing many different features related to crypto tech in single small package. I don' believe you'll ever find such developer friendly blockchain software packaged in just 2MB to 3MB anywhere around.
SuperMesh uses Iguanacore in it's base. SuperMesh will use iguanacore AP to develop many sort of applications that generates revenue and those who'l hold token of SuperMesh will earn that revenue as dividend. It's possible only with Iguana as I know.
What SuperMesh project is trying to do is to make life of end users easie at physical layer. Giving application and set of libraries which if installed on an IoT device allows any person to connect to different secure and private networks.
Also, allow the end users to use crypto technology with much ease, an
y give freedom to people to make their own network which is self sustaining opand running even in case they are cut off or censored out of Internet. ns e
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Iguana is the piece of software which will help secure and incentive this network. That's whySuperMesh software need to include Igauna. Plus I don't PI find any other software which could provide features like Atomic Swap, ll micro-payments, Smartchains which are securing the network and also playing e the role of being an Asset paying token to pay dividends. It's more secure to develop DAPPs using smartchains as it's architecture is being build on solid grounds. If you want you can may be also think SuperMesh er as a 21 Inc's Bitcoin Computer. But, instead of facilitating just Bitcoin and n related APIs, SuperMesh IoT device or SuperMesh Computer, is facilitating e many more things than blockchain API. It's a pack of many decentralized applications." -Satinder Grewal
Christian will be Creative Director and Producer or our latest Core Medi Project CORE TV. He brings with his extensive skills in live streaming and video production valuable sense of professionalism that is well received.
His established connections throughout crypto are comprehensive an along with ties to the movie mecca city of Hollywood there leaves little room for doubt of the heights that we expect CORE TV to reach
Alex brings with him a sincere passion for crypto. His diligence and intense ia research in all things crypto align perfectly with our CORE Principles. As testament to this fact please review his work here -> and n ahere ->
Alex is currently our TV host on CORE TV. He also writes articles for Core nd Media, is a charismatic and energized individual who is driven to make a m difference.
core View CORE's End of the Month Report HERE
core asset CORE is an asset listed on the NXT Asset Exchange. We generate revenue from multiple investments as well as "dynamic revenue" streams. CORE is a big believer in the WAVES, NXT blockchain and SuperNET. SuperNET is difficult to define, however, in its simplest form it is a web of services centered around decentralized cryptocurrencies. CORE is also backed by gold, silver, USD and BTC while also investing in technologies which we believe are beneficial to humankind as a whole. July CORE Dividend: Distribution of 1.768 superBTC and 13144.82 NXT to 112 assetholders. 0.00000210 superBTC and 0.0156 NXT per asset. CORE ID: 18026565504333172181
core media asset CORE Media is an initiative that will give legitimate assets built on innovative platforms a megaphone to pitch their ideas to the world. CORE Media also has a range of writers dedicated to bringing the most up to date blockchain and asset news from across the globe, good or bad. As the internet is riddled with scams, CORE Media aims to praise legitimate assets and to shame scam assets. Along with our website, we have also issued a CORE Media asset on the NXT blockchain. Content that is created for the website will be paid for by this asset which creates another opportunity to bring returns for asset holders on a monthly basis. The CORE Team intends to create a vast network of media contacts inside and outside of crypto, acting as a bridge between the two worlds.
CORE Media ID: 1584198250936051677
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