Crypto Weekly

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Changing the crypto landscape

The $3 Billion market

The power of influencers.Can they help you



Launch Issue

Undiscovered gems How to avoid crypto scams Know what to look for

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Crypto Weekly

Hello and a warm welcome to the first issue of Crypto Weekly.


rypto weekly is the brain child of the guys at CMC and I am Rob Stone, Editor, and I hope to bring you an informative read on everything crypto.

I entered the blockchain revolution back in 2011, and I had little clue about what I was getting myself into when I invested in a single Bitcoin for about 15 U.S. dollars for the first time. I was also only just beginning my journalistic career. All of this was from the back of an old United States Army Deuce N half truck we used as a chuckwagon on the Spanish Ranch, where I worked for a time as a buckaroo and cook on the North Nevada range. I had just been introduced to my first computer that we used to keep track of things and in touch with the main ranch by satellite. By the time I was ready to leave my work there in late fall, I had accomplished my first success at what I call pulling money from the sky, writing press releases for companies, and publishing them online.

We will explore how cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are solving some of the most significant issues of our time. We will discuss smart contracts, decentralization, IDO’s, ICO’s and Defi, along with the regulatory environments that rule them.

Ten years later, I have become a part of the blockchain revolution that can only be called the inevitable future of world finance. I feel incredibly fortunate to be an active participant in changing the world for the better. This publication has given me the outlet to share ideas that people would have thought were crazy to have only a decade ago. Cryptocurrency is for action takers and people who believe in the future. My colleagues and I are proud to serve all of you as curators of the best information we know how to dig up to give you what you need to keep abreast of the industry’s most recent developments. We will explore how cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are solving some of the most significant issues of our time. We will discuss smart contracts, decentralization, IDO’s, ICO’s and Defi, along with the regulatory environments that rule them. We will cover the top crypto influencers in social media and teach you, as they say, how to DYODD “do your own due diligence.” Every week we will cover newsworthy moments happening in the space. We will talk about exchanges and platforms, and wallets. We will have a section to feature NFT’s and another to cover undiscovered gems. Crypto Weekly will address all your questions. If you’re new to crypto, we’re here for you, no matter what level of understanding you have. Hold onto your hat’s and welcome to crypto. You are in for a wild ride! So without further ado its time to turn the page but please let us know your thoughts and if you would like to see something featured please do get in touch.

Robert Stone Editor



NEWS Crypto Weekly

Mastercard focuses on Crypto

ayment processing giant Mastercard has announced plans to acquire CipherTrace a crypto and blockchain intelligence company. The move is an indication that MasterCard’s focus on crypto and digital currencies has deepened. Per a press release on Thursday, the payment giant reached the agreement to acquire the blockchain analytics firm so it can integrate the platform into its own cyber security solutions for digital assets. Mastercard said in the press release that it would combine its cyber capabilities with CipherTrace technology to differentiate its card and real-time payments architecture. The payment giant said the deal would enable clients and partners to adopt digital assets while maintaining compliance with financial regulatory provisions. Reportedly, the deal will also help the payment giant provide transparency to their clients regarding payment and investment across the cryptocurrency industry.

Vietnam claims

FIRST PLACE in Crypto poll


n a recent survey by Finder it places Vietnam at the top of the crypto tree.

The rise in the number of crypto holders The presence of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain industry resonates across multiple sectors. Due to high returns in short intervals, these assets have become lucrative for investors. In the Report released by Finder, the number

Why Mastercard had to acquire CipherTrace Mastercard’s cyber and intelligence chief Ajay Bhalla stated that the growth of the crypto market had necessitated the need for trusted and safe operations. He noted that Ciphertrace would build on the payment giant existing capabilities to ensure the ecosystem’s security and protect the blooming industry from exploitation by nefarious actors. The payment giant would be able to monitor fraudulent activity across over 7000+ cryptocurrencies due to the intelligence company’s blockchain data analysis. Dave Jevans, CEO of CipherTrace, says

his business “helps keep the crypto economy safe” and that he is “thrilled to join Mastercard,” which will doubtlessly help scale his company’s reach. MasterCard has gotten itself in the crypto industry for a while now with notable crypto primitives in the crypto credit and debit card arena, such as Gemini and BitPay.In July, the payment giant CEO revealed that they need to establish a significant presence in the crypto space. Their acquisition of CipherTrace is not much of a surprise. Acquiring the analytical firm may be geared towards more significant interaction with central banks and stablecoin issuers on digital currency matters.  

of males holding cryptocurrencies are higher as compared to the number of women. There is a distinction of around six percentage points between the stats of the two sexes. When it comes to detailed statistics and percentages, it has been seen that around 30 percent of Indians and Indonesians are crypto holders, while in Vietnam, the situation is more optimistic as 43 percent of citizens hold digital assets.Other countries that make an appearance in the poll include Malaysia, Norway,

Hong Kong, The Netherlands, Brazil, Italy, and also Singapore. The largest gender gap of around 9-12 percent was seen in Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Ireland, while the smallest gaps of around 1-2 percent were seen in Portugal, South Korea, and New Zealand.  



Crypto Weekly

million users after the company had announced it was going to dissolve its corporate structure - an industry first - as part of a broader commitment to decentralization.

Following Scam Attack, Taken Offline Last week,, one of the first Bitcoin (BTC) websites, was hacked by online scammers.'s anonymous curator, Cobra, announced on Sept. 23 that hackers had managed to post a scam notice on the site. "It seems that has been hacked, and the entire site has been replaced with a scam asking for free bitcoin. "Don't send money to that address," Bitcoin developer Matt Corallo tweeted. In response to Corallo's request, Namecheap temporarily shut down the site. will be unavailable for a while, according to Cobra. Users reported that showed a classic fake giveaway announcement before going offline, with scammers managing to collect about $17,000 to their addresses.

Despite Talk of a Bear Market in Ethereum There Are Risks Since the beginning of September, Ethereum has presented both bullish and bearish arguments. At the beginning of this month, ETH rose by almost 30% to a 16-week high of $4,025 and set its sights on a new all-time high. However, a broader sell-off on Sept. 7 led to an abrupt end to its rally and triggered an immediate 25% decline. ETH was still unable to surge above certain resistance levels, at press time, due to the aftereffects of this decline. In addition, to the trendline's breach, there appeared to be a downward trend. It looked like ETH was going under the pump to prove its cynics wrong amid calls for a return to July levels. Since price levels for ETH have been trading above a few critical levels, a bear market might be unreasonable at this moment. The chances of immediate recovery remain slim.

After Decentralization Pledge, ShapeShift Announced a Second Airdrop ShapeShift, the non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange has completed its second airdrop of FOX tokens – called the "fairdrop" – as part of its commitment to encourage decentralization. As CEO Erik Voorhees explained, complete decentralization is a multi-year process, and airdrops aid in this process. On Tuesday, ShapeShift announced that over 33,000 DAO community members had received 6,613,000 FOX tokens as part of the airdrop. Due to their tokens being locked in staking or liquidity operations, these holders were previously ineligible for the airdrop reward. On Sept. 16, a proposal to include DAO community members in the token distribution process was submitted and received overwhelming support. In July, ShapeShift distributed 340 million FOX tokens to over one

Among Africans, Bitcoin Reigns Supreme Over 57% of Africans still lack banking access, and cryptocurrencies can solve this problem. With a smartphone, underserved individuals can access Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, as well as a possible means of earning a living. Today, the World Economic Forum published an article on the growth of cryptocurrencies in Africa. In the last year, the sector grew by $105.6 billion. The paper also discussed how crypto could be a good alternative to traditional banking and the potential for crypto adoption in Africa. Africa is ripe for cryptocurrency adoption due to its underdevelopment. All the blockchain networks are accessible to African citizens if they can get their hands on a smartphone.  



Crypto Weekly

Women play an important role in the blockchain and all related sectors like NFT, DeFi, and cryptocurrencies.



ith the Crypto World opening up to the masses new research has shown that 26% of Investors in the US are women. Over time, women have continued to enter the cryptocurrency industry, and the men’s cryptocurrencies club is finally opening up. Women play an important role in the blockchain and all related sectors like NFT, DeFi,

and cryptocurrencies. 2020 saw an increase of almost 43% in women now working in digital currencies; today, they represent 26% of crypto holders in the United States. 53% of all people who want to learn about digital currencies are women. There are new trade and financing initiatives to help drive women’s participation within the blockchain. Women are using digital currencies to have more control over

their finances. Cryptocurrencies are anonymous and are ideal for women to escape from bad relationships where the significant other in the couple has gained financial control. Many women have become outstanding and savvy investors in cryptocurrencies. For example, in India, about 15% of customers in cryptocurrency transactions and exchanges were women, this number has increased in 2021, where it is already over 20%. The Wall Street Journal has reported that one in four Robinhood app clients who trade digital currencies are women. The eToro Group digital trading platform also had similar findings, where they reported that since 2019, women’s participation in trading had doubled to almost 20%.  

Cardano smart contract T

he long-awaited Cardano smart contract functionality will finally be implemented on the mainnet on the 12th of September. Input-Output (IOHK), the development team behind the Cardano blockchain, confirmed this in a recent tweet, saying the Alonzo hard fork marks the “start of an exciting new phase in our development as a #smartcontracts network.” Cardano smart contract submitted successfully


In the tweet thread, IOHK announced that the update proposal for the Cardano smart contract was successfully submitted on the mainnet. This will “trigger the hard fork combinator even on Sunday.” Already there are Cardano smart contracts running on the testnet,

including MinSwap and SundaeSwap. However, the successful launch of the Alonzo hard fork, via Cardano’s unique hard fork combinator (HFC) technology, would bring this smart contract functionality to the mainnet. It will also introduce compatibility upgrades across Cardano’s software stack. MinSwap, the first decentralized exchange to run on the Cardano mainnet, encountered a concurrency issue that meant only one user could interact with the protocol at a time. People began speculating that the Cardano smart contract can’t hold with such an issue. However, IOHK recently addressed the claims, pointing out that Cardano uses a novel ledger approach that requires a different operational mechanism, unlike other protocols

based on different blockchains like Ethereum. Already, solutions to the problem have been proposed, and some protocols on testnet were able to bypass the concurrency issue, including SundaeSwap.  


NEWS Crypto Weekly

'I Have No Intention to Ban Stablecoins,' Says Jerome Powel


t the Oversight of the Treasury Department's and Federal Reserve's Pandemic Response hearing on Thursday afternoon, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said there is no plan to ban Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. During the hearing, Representative Ted Budd (R-NC) asked Chairman Powell a question about inflation in the United States. Powell pointed out that the country's inflation rate is due to supply chain disruptions caused by the government's pandemic response. According to the Chairman, the Fed's hands were tied regarding inflation and expected relief soon. The inflation rate is expected to drop in the first half of next year, according to Powell. Afterward, Ted Budd referred to Powell's comments on central bank digital currencies and how they impact stable coins, Bitcoin, and other digital assets. Ted Budd (R-NC) asked Powell to elaborate on his statement regarding cryptocurrencies in July

during his last appearance before the Committee. A digital US currency would eliminate the need for stablecoins and cryptocurrencies, Powell said. Regarding his previous remarks, he said, "I immediately realized I had misspoken." "So, are you saying you will ban cryptocurrencies or limit their use as the Chinese have done?" Budd said. Jerome Powell replied, "Leave out the word cryptocurrency from that sentence." The Chairman replied, "No," and explained again how he had misspoken. Budd restates his question, "But you have no intention of banning them?" "We have no intention of banning stable coins," Powell replied, going on to explain that stable coins should be regulated. Powell emphasized that digital tokens still need to be regulated. It wouldn't be necessary to have stablecoins or cryptocurrencies if there were a digital US currency, Powell said then. "I have no intention of banning stablecoins, but they are similar to money market funds. They are like bank deposits, but they are outside the regulatory perimeter, and accordingly, they should be regulated," Powell said.

"The same regulation applies to both of those activities." Stablecoins occupy a role that central bank currency could if approved, fill as well, Powell added. According to him, digital currencies issued by central banks could perform many of the same tasks as their paper counterparts. As different regulatory bodies wrestle with jurisdiction over digital assets, the comments come amid an interesting regulatory environment for digital assets. Crypto markets mostly rose following Powell's remarks. By the time we published this, bitcoin and ether had both increased more than 6%. For many Bitcoiners, such exchanges in Congress are frustrating to listen to as the Fed's understanding of the differences between Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies leaves much to be desired. We can, however, assume that Chairman Powell was also speaking of Bitcoin because of the constant grouping of Bitcoin with other cryptocurrencies by the Fed and members of Congress.  


FEATURE Crypto Weekly

What are NFT’s and Why Should I Invest In Them?

What do NFT’s look like? They are typically presented in pieces of art, music, or other sorts of digital files. They are an original token that can not be copied and thus their value comes from its rarity and popularity.

What is an NFT? Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT’s) have been the talk of the investing world. Seemingly coming out of thin air, NFT’s are climbing the charts, selling for anywhere from hundreds, thousands, even millions of dollars. The question stands, what is an NFT? NFT’s are like rare pieces of art. There is only one Starry Night painted by Vincent Van Gogh and there will only ever be one. No matter how many copies there are. This means it is unique and can not be replaced. When you buy an NFT, you are buying the full ownership over an unique, digital item. What do NFT’s look like? They are typically presented in pieces of art, music, or other sorts of digital files. They are an original token that can not be copied and thus their value comes from its rarity and popularity. The NFT image below was recently bought by VISA for $150,000. Yes, read it again, $150,000. VISA stated that they bought this NFT to show support for the NFT market, though their interest demonstrated just how important this market is coming to be.  Image - NFT (CrypotPunk7610) recently bought by VISA for $150,000



Crypto Weekly

NFTs in 2022. T

he ability to create unique digital representations of real-world items and assets has been a long time coming. The concept has been around since the early days of blockchain, over 7 years ago, but only recently have we seen mass adoption of this technology. The explosion in NFT collectibles started with CryptoKitties back in 2017. Since then, some of the biggest names

in tech have jumped on board; Visa recently bought an NFT for $165,000. Now, you can even buy a piece of virtual real estate as an NFT, from the French Chateaux to the Great Wall of China, with Next Earth.

they allow people to own something that represents a part of something bigger than themselves – a piece of art or a character for example.

But a year from now you will see them everywhere; in movies, TV shows, books, and more – all represented as an NFT. NFTs are becoming mainstream because

NFTs are part of the digital economy. The digital economy is made up of a variety of online markets, including game economies, virtual real estate,

NFTs and the Digital Economy


FEATURE Crypto Weekly

and even social media platforms like Facebook. The rise of the digital economy has been one of the most significant developments in recent years. It’s predicted that by 2027, there will be $7 trillion worth of digital goods traded on virtual marketplaces worldwide. And as we’ve seen with other types of commerce, the more consumers engage with these marketplaces, the more valuable they become to both creators and consumers. In 2022, it’s expected that NFTs will continue to grow within this ecosystem. In particular: NFTs will become a standard feature on many platforms. Further, Virtual Reality content creators will increasingly create experiences using NFTs as an additional monetization tool to complement their existing revenue streams.

New NFT Business Models There are two traditional NFT business models: The Supply Chain model and the Peer-to-Peer model. In the traditional Supply Chain approach, an artist sells a digital work and the revenue is shared between the artist and the intermediary (e.g., app developer, platform owner). In this model, both parties share in the risk of selling a digital work that may not be fully

In 2022, we’ll see the rise of new models, like the affiliate/network model. Instead of dealing with an intermediary, you deal directly with another party who distributes your digital work for you—for example, you can use influencer marketing to distribute your digital artworks through various social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram. monetized or may not generate enough revenue to justify their involvement. In the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) model, also known as the “flipping” model, a user can buy a digital work from somebody else, such as via Next Earth’s NFT marketplace. In 2022, we’ll see the rise of new models,

NFTs are part of the digital economy. The digital economy is made up of a variety of online markets, including game economies, virtual real estate, and even social media platforms like Facebook.

like the affiliate/network model. Instead of dealing with an intermediary, you deal directly with another party who distributes your digital work for you— for example, you can use influencer marketing to distribute your digital artworks through various social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram.

In 2022, there will be many more entrants into these spaces because it will become easier for artists to release their artworks digitally using existing technology. Once artists realize how easy it is to release their artworks digitally using existing technology they will begin releasing more artworks digitally in 2022 than ever before— therefore creating massive amounts of demand for NFTs as people look for unique ways to express themselves through artwork.

NFTs Will Beat Traditional Collectibles The current hype around NFTs is unprecedented. A recent survey shows that a staggering fifth of Americans know about the NFT space. This is a very positive sign as it means that Millennials are starting to realize how much they can buy with their digital footprint, and what they can do with it once they have it. Our society has changed rapidly over the past decade, especially since the 2008-2009 economic crisis and the more recent pandemic. The way we live our lives has dramatically altered, from where we work to how we socialize. The same holds true for our consumer habits; people now spend more time on their mobile devices than ever before, and technology has made them more connected than ever before. All these trends are coming together to shape a world where NFTs will beat traditional collectibles. Overall, 2022 is geared up to be a tremendous year for NFTs.  



Crypto Weekly

Top Analyst Predicts Bitcoin to reach $400,000 A

Nebraskan Gooner predicts a dramatic rise in Bitcoin (BTC). The Top Goon X trend indicator, appropriately named Top Goon X, has been printing a black arrow following a red arrow that precedes a bottom in recent weeks. Two times, Bitcoin rose by 5,000% when this technical pattern appeared. It's interesting to note, however, that the cycle length has tripled each time. So, if the trend as predicted by Top Goon X plays out, Bitcoin may have to rally by 5,000% over the next five years from $8,500 to $420,000, which is where the indicator predicts it will top out next. Fundamentals Behind A Six-Digit Bitcoin Furthermore, these fundamentals support the notion that Bitcoin could soon reach $400,000 and beat the expectations of cryptocurrency's countless cynics. To those unaware, if BTC absorbed all of the gold market's value, every coin would be worth between $350,000 and $500,000, or 4,375% to 6,200% more than it is currently. Though this might seem fanciful, growing evidence suggests that Bitcoin could easily compete with gold as a store of value. Firstly, the gold market is primarily made up of paper, so there isn't enough physical metal on hand to back up the billions and trillions of dollars of gold derivatives on the market. As long as these derivative markets don't blink out of existence, many

say gold will no longer behave like gold, paving the way for Bitcoin's rise. The most significant difference between Bitcoin and gold, however, is its structural superiority. BTC is mathematically scarce, capped at 21 million units; BTC is decentralized and verifiable via the Internet; BTC is portable and divisible using digital technologies; BTC cannot be confiscated. As for gold, its unlimited supply, its potential for centralization, its inability to be easily divided and moved, and concerns around its purity cannot be ignored. This isn't the only fundamental factor backing a Bitcoin rally to/around $400,000. Analyst Filb Filb said in a lengthy thread posted near December's low that if Bitcoin is released on schedule and crypto adoption follows the Internet, and if debt continues to rise,

Bitcoin could easily see six figures by the end of 2021, not decades later. Tip Of The Iceberg? There are those who suggest that $400,000 is just the tip of the iceberg. As Ethereum World News previously reported, there are a number of pundits predicting that the leading cryptocurrency will breach seven figures. Do you know how crazy it sounds? According to these experts, certain fiat currencies may begin to falter before long, causing a rush for safehaven assets. The sinking value of gold, as previously discussed, compared to that of bitcoin, could encourage many to switch to cryptocurrency, which would significantly increase or boost its long-term value. 



The KCC Launchpad Tipped a Game Changer for Fairness and Utility on the BSC Chain


CC Launchpad($KCL) is communityrun for the Kucoin Community Chain. The token, is certified to be safe by auditors. Blockchain solutions are being created for the hardest to reach and most underfunded parts of the world. The Kucoin Community Chain Launchpad is next generation. Fairness and utility have been written into the code.

How Has KCC Created a Launchpad that has Fair and Safe Utility? Binance Smart Chain's KCC Launchpad was designed for fairness & utility. It solves the drawbacks of high fees and congestion associated with the Ether Chain and the many launchpads on the BSC network. The numerous terms set by established launchpads on the BSC chain have made it impossible for many small but promising projects to launch on these launchpads, giving rise to many scam launchpads. The KCC Launchpad was created to correct these anomalies. By providing exclusive and secure opportunities for the community, $KCL aims to streamline the process for new and existing teams looking to impact the

Defi scene. With the advent of the new platform, a single, safe destination for both presale investors and prelaunch projects is provided. Investors benefit from exclusive access to safe, innovative projects and rewarding investments on the KCC Chain. Projects benefit from exclusive partnerships with leading blockchain companies, influencers, providing increased exposure, complimentary audits, better liquidity, and a dedicated community ready to back them up. Most important, the project is verified for the impossibility of an exit scam after an audit by the blockchain Auditor team of eNebula Solutions. Here is a link for the Audit Report.

creates a fair system that will allow it to pick potential projects without making outrageous demands. KCC Launchpad also helps projects to get the necessary marketing to allow a wider audience."

KCC Launchpad Features and Utility Company executives stated, "We also have a growing ecosystem to enable us to increase its utility. We also have our swap- KCL Swap. Users can exchange coins for other stable coins, do Yield Farming, Staking, Lottery & Playing games for cryptocurrency. Investors ought to see the potential of projects and allow them to actualize a personal vision. The KCC Launchpad platform

The objective of the KCC chain was to create a compatible system that would enhance confirmation speed, improve transaction performance, and reduce transaction costs. $KCL is also launching a swap where users can swap coins for stable coins. Users will be able to enjoy farming features & more.

Another revolutionary and valuable feature is being added called the KCC Bridge. It will allow other native tokens that are a part of other chains to circulate seamless transactions on the launchpad. These transactions will be compatible with coins such as USDC and USDT, working as a bridge between USDC and Ethereum. There will be no additional gas fees for these transmittances of assets into KCC, though fees may apply for other chains.

Follow KCCLaunchpad ($KCL) on Twitter and join the Telegram Community 



of the




NEWS Crypto Weekly

Regulators focus more on clamping down on crypto platforms, but why?


egulators have been at odds with major crypto projects for years now. In recent months, regulators have increased their efforts to control crypto. Regulatory bodies such as the SEC, FCA, CTFC and FSCA frequently clash with crypto networks. Currently, they seem more concerned with clamping down on crypto projects. Why are they fighting crypto?

Projects involved in regulatory disputes Coinbase One of the biggest recent spats was between Coinbase and the SEC. Coinbase is currently the most popular crypto exchange. There are a lot of trading pairs and markets available to users. However, Coinbase is in conflict with the SEC. They announced that they would be launching a Lending service (Lend) to help users earn interest. In response to Coinbase's announcement of Lend's launch, the SEC warned that they would sue Coinbase. The product

in question falls under the securities category, they said. However, the CEO of Coinbase went public after the SEC response, describing the response as sketchy. Later, Coinbase pulled the plug on the product. Bitmex Exchange The Bitmex exchange is also on the wrong side of the regulators. In October of last year, exchange executives and its top managers faced charges that AML (Anty-Money-Laundering) was not implemented properly. The company's top executives were arrested earlier this year. Iran, a sanctioned country, is one of those Bitmex was accused of allowing to operate. Binance The Binance exchange is also involved in a spat. The SEC has been investigating this network with several accusations recently. Compliance issues have plagued Binance. Binance's activities were banned in the US, resulting in the creation of Binance US. The SEC noted that some Binance documents were in its

possession back in August. They had not yet filed a complaint, however. The SEC began investigating Binance for possible insider trading and market manipulation. Investigators will investigate whether the Binance network profited from insider information. Binance, however, has publicly stated that it has zero tolerance for insider trading. Policies are in place to prevent this from happening on the network. The SEC is investigating Binance, but no formal charges have been filed. Other regulators, such as CTFC, also investigated whether Binance allowed US users to exchange Bitcoin derivatives. Additionally, the US Treasury, FSCA, and FCA are interested in Binance's operations. Robinhood There is more to Robinhood than cryptoonly trading. The network has also worked on fiat-related trades. A ban on Payment for Order Flow was announced by the SEC. Through the PFOF, the



Crypto Weekly

Robinhood network can generate income on its own. Robinhood's primary source of income would be lost if the SEC bans it. Robinhood's connection to crypto may explain the SEC's action.

How come regulators have a problem with crypto platforms? The SEC is out to get crypto and blockchain platforms. XRP, Binance, Coinbase, Bitmex and Robinhood are among the few cases where regulators have taken action against crypto. How come regulators are so focused on fighting crypto? Here are a few reasons to consider. The Control of Cryptocurrencies To gain control over crypto is the most important reason. If they control digital assets, they will be able to create regulations for the crypto market. On multiple occasions, the SEC expressed interest in crypto networks registering some crypto assets. It was the SEC, not Coinbase, that wanted the Lend service to be regulated. The SEC does not have a list of crypto-tied securities, even after a decade of crypto's existence. As a result, this network is always at odds with cryptocurrency and blockchain

networks. Having cryptocurrency exchanges regulated by other regulatory agencies is in the interest of the SEC. Getting more tax revenue from crypto Crypto networks provide a potential revenue stream for government agencies. The US Congress recently introduced regulations in crypto to gain more tax revenue. However, experts still believed US government held more bitcoins than any other holder. In discussing the $1 trillion infrastructure bill, they included a section on increasing crypto revenue. The new bill affects all crypto-related projects, and the goal is to raise billions for funding infrastructure projects. In order to generate more income from crypto, regulating authorities like the Treasury have increased their efforts. Consumers Protection Consumer protection is another reason for the increased fight against crypto. Since its launch, crypto has generally been criticized by security and regulatory authorities. There are many claims that crypto is a mere bubble, and as such users can easily be disappointed. The SEC, CTFC, and FCA are all working to protect their users.

Considering Banning Cryptocurrency In conclusion, regulatory bodies may be used by governments to fight against crypto and finally eliminate it. The Chinese government is stepping up its fight against crypto, intending to ban it. As a result, they are increasing regulations every day. Final Word In this guide, we have examined the regulatory environment surrounding crypto today. Currently, it appears that many regulators are trying to suppress crypto in any way they can. Cases such as Coinbase, Binance, Bitmex and Robinhood are good examples of regulatory suppression. What is the reason they are fighting crypto? Their increased fighting could be caused by four factors. Despite the rising popularity of crypto, most governments and regulators are keen on keeping control over it. To take complete control, they want to centralize the blockchain world and create regulations that govern it. Additionally, the regulators' goal may be to raise national revenues. Consumer protection and crypto bans could also play a role in the increased regulation. Instead of suppressing crypto adoption, governments should work to help it grow.  



The Importance of

Influencers W

e all understand the importance of social media and communities in the crypto space, but do they have real value? Cryptocurrency influencers and influence-based groups on Twitter, Telegram, and YouTube have become an essential part of project marketing over the past few years. The tech- and business-savvy influencers are happy to share their opinions on up-andcoming projects in the crypto space. Each influencer often has a unique set of skills and opinions to offer and appeal to their following. AMAs (ask me anything) have quickly become a very effective way of attracting new investors and keeping coin holders up to date with the latest developments. The Crypto Weekly team has spent the last few months watching various groups offering AMA and promotion services. A range of factors was taken into account, from the number of followers to whether or not they were

engaged to the knowledge of the admin team and their ability to run engaging Q&A sessions. One group that has stood out over the months was a telegram community entitled Satoshi Street Bets (SSB). With over 98K community members, https://t. me/satoshistreetbets they have certainly created a massive following. We soon realized that the crypto knowledge within the discussion forums combined with the admin team is vast and engaging. We were amazed that there were hardly if any crypto-related questions that they couldn't field! It was clear that it wasn't the group itself drawing in the crowds but rather the people who ran and frequented the group. Many of our readers will be aware that many people in the crypto space use alternative names instead of their real-world identities.

and Viking lord." They clearly love everything crypto, and their passion for crypto projects and the NFT market is apparent. The great thing about SSB is that their community seemed to value the opinions of all three admins and this in return acts as a strong tool when they discuss up and coming projects. While the Crypto Weekly team has been listening in on the SSB voice chats, we quickly realized that Rick Stoner and J-man have a very in-depth knowledge of the NFT marketplace and discuss the best NFTs way before the prices see significant increases. Viking Lord is also very active on Twitter with a massive 73.3K followers https://twitter. com/Viking7070 and is posting cryptorelated content regularly. With excellent knowledge of leverage trading, he is undoubtedly a man whose opinions could benefit many investors.

The Satoshi team consisted of three guys who go by "Rick stoner, J-man,

We can certainly see the importance of the growing communities and



Crypto Weekly

their influence on fledgling Crypto Currencies and NFTS. A few days ago, the now ex satoshi admin team launched a new telegram group called"crypto street squad" https://t. me/SSBVoiceCommunity, and a group of hardcore supporters followed. According to reliable sources, it will not be long before they have built this group to tens of thousands of hardened crypto members. The Crypto Street team can help you boost your portfolio whether you're a crypto beginner or advanced trader. In some cases, it's not just about the number of followers that grabs the attention of new projects. Some Twitter influencers have smaller communities, but they have more dedicated members who support the projects they talk about. Tony Montana is one of these influencers. He has a following of 25,500 on Twitter: https://, and we have identified a few projects that have gone up 1000 times for all-time highs. Tony runs a smaller Telegram group named “Crypto Libre Official”, https://t. me/CryptoLibreOfficial. Although the group isn't in the tens of thousands, it is a very active group with knowledgeable investors and developers participating every day. Getting in touch with Tony via message was a great experience, and he was candid about how he promotes projects. We will watch his progress over the coming months and maybe even take a tip or two. YouTube Influencers also provide an excellent way to attract crypto followers. Unlike telegram groups like Crypto Street Squad, whose audience is easy to verify through voice/message chats, it is tricky to confirm whether the number of followers is genuine. Our research suggests a few people worth checking out, starting with Danny and Kian @ UP Next Crypto: UPNEXTCRYPTO. Their videos primarily

promote individual projects, offering reviews and their opinions. Those lads never miss a beat when it comes to the crypto space, and they have nearly 219,000 followers. At the 2021 bitcoin conference, they interviewed Alex Mashinsky. "Entrepreneur & CEO of Celsius Network. "Alex was filmed saying, "I need to give these guys credit. Who's educating the community and caring for you guys out there? These guys!" speaking of the UpNext Crypto boys. Having people of that level of importance speak with industry YouTubers shows how much respect Up Next Crypto holds in the crypto space. Elliot Wainman runs the Youtube channel elliotrades is also impressive; His channel has 382,000 subscribers, and after watching a couple of his videos, we can tell this guy definitely knows what he is doing. YouTube influencers who produce knowledge-based videos are rare. Each time we watched a video of his, we found ourselves learning more and more about the crypto space. Elliot certainly keeps up to date with his crypto news, current affairs, and upto-date crypto information. Discussing everything from how cryptocurrencies affect the success of different projects to NFT gaming, he talks about real issues that may impact the crypto industry. Elliotrades also have a set of bespoke NFTs and we have seen these available for sale for as much as a staggering 155 ETH ($490,000) https://opensea.

io/assets /0xaf b44cef938b1be600 a4331bf9904f6cec2fcac3/ 44236707699 72200025023869896612986748948/ . For more information on everything crypto, check out his YouTube and Twitter pages. elliotrades com/c/FUDTV, and keep up the great work, Elliot!

After looking at 100s of influencers across a wide range of social media platforms, it is fair to c onclude that when listening to an influencer, investors must do their research and back up any recommendations they make with more facts. Just because they have many followers doesn't necessarily mean that they know what they are talking about or even that those followers are real crypto investors. Suppose you're looking for an engaging community or a knowledgeable influencer. In that case, we recommend checking out a few names mentioned above and hope all of our readers can discover the next 1000x undiscovered gem.  


CMC Crypto Weekly

CMC Coin is Uniquely Qualified for Real Use and Long-Term Growth

CMC coin (CMCC) is a token devised from the profound experience of the founders dealing with new and launching tokens over time. The token will be launching on the KCC Launchpad, created to provide fairness & equality on the Kucoin Community Chain. CMC was instrumental in promoting the KCC launchpad when it came on the scene just weeks ago. CMC has analyzed many crypto projects to determine the issues that many have. CMC spent 12 months creating unique tokenomics that eliminates all of these issues. Dozens of coin projects were tackled, and problems were addressed one by one. The project will give investors a strong chance of growth encouraging them to hold for maximum returns and was developed with some core principles in mind. See the CMCC website here

CMCC Core Principles A doxed and transparent team of founders each bringing a unique set of skills to the table.

To create a coin with a real potential for continuous price growth.

To create a coin that encourages people to hold it for as long as possible in a way that no other token does.

To create a coin with an actual use case that can expand in the future.

To create a coin with a continuous marketing campaign with an ongoing daily increasing budget.

To create a coin with many legitimate uses, such as a private payment gateway, a high yield staking pool, and an IDO Launchpad platform, that allow CMC holders to spend their coin on any of 15,000 products.



Crypto Weekly Developing Tokenomics as a Vehicle for CMCC to Achieve its Goals CMC founders have deeply researched market trends and the reasons why prices will increase and decrease. Every aspect found was tackled individually, as has been briefly discussed. Below is a more extensive illustration of what gives the CMC project the best chances of success, what negatively impacts other projects, and what has been done to create the most robust project possible. Get more in depth information in the CMC Telegram Group here > and follow CMCC on Twitter here > https:// 1

Market Manipulation

Sometimes a very wealthy investor referred to as a "whale" in the crypto world decides to buy or sell many coins at once. A large market order can impact the supply and demand dynamics and change the price. CMC has implemented two safeguards to reduce the chances of a dump and benefit coin holders even more if whales decide to dump some of their coins. A maximum sell feature for orders of 50,000 coins each hour is implemented along with a fee of 20% to discourage people that want to sell for small profits. 2

HODL Benefits

Everyone knows that the more people who hold their coins, the chance of the coin price rising and pumping increases! So CMC has designed a Project that TRULY offers a regular income for holders, and after all, why would anyone want to sell if they can earn a real income from holding their coins while watching the value of those coins grow. 3


Marketing is where the CMCC project comes into its own and has been one of the driving forces in its creation! The Crypto Marketing Company "CMC" owns the native coin CMCC! Who better to build a successful marketing campaign than a marketing company itself? A lot of crypto projects fail to understand the need for regular

ongoing marketing and often only have an initial budget they spend very quickly, causing the coin to pump hard but then crash hard. CMC has included an initial marketing budget of 15% in CMC coins to get the CMCC project off to a flying start and ensure that it continues to grow. The marketing wallet will gain USDT rewards from reflections - the same as holders - at the rate of 4% per buy order and 5% per sell order. CMC can promote the project effectively without the need for continuous coin dumping. 4

Founders and Devs Dumping Coins

It is a major problem in the crypto sector that many developers and project founders dump their coins for maximum gains. Some might argue they get to decide when to sell their investments, and it remains an unavoidable concern when it harms other investors. A team of three founders and developers will be sharing a total of 18% token allocation. To avoid any chance that one of them will dump their coins at once, they will be released slowly over 18 months, giving all future investors the confidence that the coins can't be dumped at once and crash the price. 5

Liquidity pool

The liquidity is set against the circulating tokens that give the coin its value. There is always a fear of the liquidity pool being drained. In order to ensure a constant increase in liquidity, 50% of presale funds and 4% of all buy orders, and 5% of all sell orders will be deposited into the liquidity pool. Because of the large number of CMC staking coins locked up and the slow-release of founders' tokens, the liquidity pool will be strong against the circulating supply. The contract will be coded to lock in liquidity for a period to ensure the project stands the test of time, making it "rug-proof." 6

Use case

Many failed crypto projects have collapsed very quickly due to having no actual use for their currency. CMC has been secretly developing its own cryptocurrency payment platform.

The intent is to launch a website CMC owns that will allow users to make purchases among 15,000 products and growing, available worldwide, and delivered directly to their door. Over the coming weeks and months, CMC will also integrate a few other cryptocurrencies and allow owners of other coins to purchase the same products, thus gaining even more awareness for the brand. The CMC group has also launched this magazine, "Crypto Weekly." It already has a weekly subscription base of over 50,000 crypto enthusiasts, making it the largest subscribed to weekly crypto magazine in the world. With such a high readership level, it will most certainly become an essential tool when other projects are looking to advertise themselves. With this in mind and encouraging other crypto projects to buy CMC coins, CMC will be offering a massive 45% discount from standard advertising rates if they pay with CMC coins. It provides a strong reason for projects to purchase and use CMC for advertising space and banner ads, earning investors high reflections and more significant price increases over time.  


OODLE Crypto Weekly

Can Oodle Token Revolutionize Commodities Trading Around the World? W

Wrong Leverage:

hen I first heard about the Oodle Market Place and how it was set to simplify commodities trading globally on the blockchain using smart contracts, I was very impressed with what I was hearing. Not being a commodities expert, I thought I would research the commodities trading market and see if oodle could change how companies and governments trade commodities worldwide.

structure. I found that the current system used seemed extremely costly, including cash availability and thin margins on numerous commodities. Since the commodities market generates trillions of dollars each year, it is an enormous market for any cryptocurrency to target. If Oodle Market Place manages to get this one right, it could revolutionize commodity trading and prove very lucrative for all its members over time.

Due to larger companies having relatively opaque funding structures, it is not always understood how a facility should look and what funding level is appropriate. Sometimes this may be led by bank policies or relationship managers at banks who feel they cannot push the boundaries and get a better option for the client.

Smart contracts and underlying blockchain technology are becoming more popular for their ability to execute secure business transactions. It will be interesting to see how the Oodle Market Place enables smart contracts in the commodity trading sector in a simple and user-friendly manner.

The Current Commodities Trading System is Flawed for Many Reasons

Sometimes the wrong facilities are used, and certain elements are not yet known. This is due to funders providing false solutions and a business not having longterm plans in place. There may be trades that a company uses their own cash for, which can fit into a facility. There may also be no pre-export finance facilities used, alternative repo structures, or receivables finance wrongly utilized when an alternative structure could be more beneficial.

It took me days to investigate why growth in many commodities companies is faltering, and I found it was due to the inefficiencies of trade and their financial

Cash: Commodities traders often rely on cash for longer than they should. We see large or relatively established traders recycling their own funds, as they have not explored the various solutions on the market. Much of this is due to distrust and perceived slow speed. Inadequate banks: Sometimes, large banks or funders are insufficient in addressing the needs of certain clients. On the other hand, some funders may be more than happy to amend facility details and increase limit sizes quickly. This mismatch mainly focuses on working with the right person and understanding the requirements of both the lender and borrowers. This includes security, products, and cycles and is constantly changing. False Truths: Banks seem to be set on the idea that the current financing system is the way it has to be. This was simply incorrect. There are undoubtedly other options by understanding how other large funders and alternative financiers may look at facilities. It is now very possible to restructure facilities and payment methods using new blockchain technology.

Poor Structure:

Unnecessary security: Security is sometimes asked for when it shouldn't be, and providing protection when not necessary could be very harmful in the long run. Friction between parties: A growth partnership should be encouraged between the funder and client and a good relationship encouraged, as it is in both of their interests to make this work. It is often thought of as a struggle and that many of these transactions may have difficulty. What I have discovered and have seen with problems in the commodity sector does not seem to apply to many other industries. Still, it is worth bearing in mind that issues may occur because it is a



Crypto Weekly

high turnover and low-margin business, and thus, the financing requirements are a lot more intense. As the first human-centric smart contract trading platform, the OODLE Market Place will provide a transparent and trusted trading environment where buyers, sellers, and trusted third parties can conduct and participate in real-world commodity trading. The ODL token is the membership utility token that members hold and use to execute trades that can be settled in real-time. The Oodle Market Place also offers oversight and governance to all its members, creating trusted relationships. This is revolutionary in the blockchain, smart contract crypto, and commodities sector. The OODLE Market Place offers its members the opportunity to create more transparent, efficient, and costeffective commodity trades using smart contracts on the blockchain, enabling all parties involved to complete the trade in a more safe, reliable, effective, and efficient manner than currently exists. The OODLE Market Place will provide its members improved supply chain and logistics support than they now have with the current systems in place. The Oodle Market Place token (ODL) only has a maximum token supply of 100 million ODL, and Oodle is only minting 20 million in total to start. A member

must hold the ODL token to become a member in the first place. After which, members are free to trade and settle out trades limitlessly and in real-time on the Oodle Market Place. The Oodle Market Place has the potential of seeing massive growth as more companies and governments adopt its platform. With only a total supply of 100M tokens, we know this membership will fill fast, given its unique functionality. The initial membership is already over 40% filled. After speaking with the OODLE founders, they have informed us that their pilot is ahead of schedule. Negotiations are going very well with many further members, so they expect the official launch of the OODLE Market Place in the next few months. The OODLE team comprises a number of fully doxed founders and developers and a team of commodity traders and finance guys with over 100 years of experience in the industry, which we think offers far bigger investor confidence in this project. We believe this, coupled with the high level of expertise that the team has, can only push the Oodle Market Place from strength to strength. The Oodle Market Place seems to offer a real solution to commodity trading industry issues, and I am certainly

excited to see what the future holds for these guys.OODLE Market Place is rumored to be looking to incorporate a private members' trading exchange where members can use pairs (assets that can trade for each other, such as BCH for ETH) and swaps (exchange a cryptocurrency for another within OODLE). Crypto is genuinely going to meet commodity trading on the OODLE Market Place. We hear a rumor that this is already in advanced development, and we should see the OODLE Exchange come to life in the near future. We will also be asking more questions to OODLE's founders. Oodle Market Place seems to offer a real solution to commodity trading industry issues, and I am excited to see what the future holds for these guys. It has also been rumored that the OODLE Market Place is planning to create its own private exchange, where members can do exchanges of assets (such as ETH/BCH) and swaps (exchange one crypto for another within the OODLE Market Place). It sounds like crypto and commodity trading are going to meet on OODLE Market Place. We should see the OODLE Exchange come to life very soon, according to another rumor. All of this is already in advanced development, and we plan to ask the OODLE Founders more about this as well.  


HIDDEN GEMS Crypto Weekly

PROJECT 1 Wraith Protocol (WRAITH)


raithSecure bestows privacy and anonymity to transactions by mixing transfers with the pool of funds within Wraith. WraithSecure ensures outgoing transfers remain anonymous utilizing built-in VPN and mixing protocols. By using WraithSecure, the traceability of transfers and your online identity is obscured. The Wraith team is tired of malicious projects infecting the Binance Smart Chain. They have vowed to ensure the community is provided with a safe and fully transparent environment where they know their investments are safe from scams. With Wraith, it is their mission to establish a secure BSC Token for investments. The project includes automated liquidity compiling to replenish the token's liquidity pool. Wraith will not use bots to manipulate the price


or attempt any "pump and dumps" because they are establishing a serious, legitimate project with morals. Wraith will have a 12% tax on all transactions: Transfers from wallet to wallet sells and buys. Wraith is developing a privacy wallet called "WraithSecure." This wallet will first be released as a Chrome browser extension that works similar to the widely used "MetaMask." The team at Wraith will be working on Metamask s code and implementing Tor Onion proxies and the widely known mixing protocol known as zk-Snark. The first privacy wallet of its kind. This protocol will allow users to deposit and withdraw funds without worrying about it being traced back to them on the public blockchain, creating a layer of privacy for all users. The wallet itself is free.

PROJECT 2 TeraBlock (TBC)



eraBlock is a diversified and totally transparent trading ecosystem built to help users retain and optimize their holdings. The Defi ecosystem hosts a retinue of scalable, secure, and flexible Defi instruments that allow customers to invest, hold, and trade assets in a safe decentralized manner. The ecosystem is designed to safeguard the privacy and security of its users. The easy-to-access platform facilitates fund aggregation, yield optimization, and protection against cyberattacks.

The playing field has by no means been level, and newbie traders looking to get their hands on crypto assets are met with barriers at every step. The roadblocks in cryptocurrency investing have kept many willing traders away and hindered them from getting into one of the most liquid markets in the world. TeraBlock is a simple solution for novice traders looking to enter the cryptocurrency space; however, it is changing all of that and leveling the playing field between veteran, novice, and institutional traders.

TeraBlock is relentlessly developing a simplified and versatile Defi Ecosystem to provide users with a genuinely secure trading experience. The native token "TeraBlock Coin" or TBC has shown remarkable agility even in a volatile market. Listed on all major exchanges, the token is a great way to earn dividends from the profits generated on the platform.

The integration of machine learning in portfolio management allows novice traders to diversify and manage their portfolios to buy into the crypto space. Complications in trading that have previously kept inexperienced potential investors from the market are eliminated through powerful automation and machine learning.



Crypto Weekly

PROJECT 3 Proto Gold (PROTO)


Vetted by United Nations


his unique new DAO Proto Gold has partnered with the U.N. Alumni Association to benefit charities worldwide. The Proto Gold ecosystem is a community-governed DAO developed to provide a savings and rewards protocol with a charitable code. The developers want to build a fully transparent organization of trust and safety where innovation and prosperity can thrive with charity. Proto Gold's foundation is a decentralized protocol, exchanged on a decentralized platform, and governed by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). It launched weeks ago. Members of Proto Gold use this community-run governance structure, a first-of-its-kind voting mechanism, to make quick and secure decisions regarding the project's direction and charitable giving on the Binance Smart Chain. WAFUNIF and Proto Gold DAO will use this technology to promote and expand accountability in distributing socially responsible contributions. smart contract code auditors, considered above reproach, have just granted the crypto company a clean security audit ensuring the ecosystem is trustworthy. WAFUNIF representatives had this to say about the audit result. ", a top-three blockchain auditor, carried out a comprehensive and independent audit on our code. They declared the PROTO coin and several others associated with the project to be "Well-Secured," with ZERO vulnerabilities. The accomplishment is the highest score, and we are incredibly proud of our technology provider, Proto Gold DAO". WAFUNIF will aggregate and keep track of the needs United Nations Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are involved with and other non-profits to assist in the efficient distribution of funds collected by the members of Proto Gold DAO.

PROJECT 4 Turbo Tron (TurboTRX)



future NFT marketplace will seek to bridge Binance NFT marketplace and OpenSea. There is a gap in a rarity check application for Binance Smart Chain, and we aim to fill that gap.

Turbo-Ecosystem will change how auto-rewards projects are viewed and will pioneer a shift in creating a complete utility platform of integrated blockchain products that includes but is not limited to an NFT marketplace and Game – lotto. We are already in the process of exploring gaming competition for our community with an earn while you play concept. Our

TurboTron, in its current form, is a reflective token that auto generates dividends to users in Tron (TRX). It is a BSC BEP20 token, and holders are rewarded in earnings for holding their tokens. Rewards get accumulated by the hour and subsequently distributed to holders at critical volumes. The project is at a stealth launch stage, and current holders are poised to reap the most when transaction volumes exponentially increase at project launch. A unique component of the token is a rewards-based referral bonus. This entails holders get more rewards as their referral links are deployed in purchasing the token.

urboTron (Symbol: TurboTRX) is a next-generation auto-rewards token built on Binance Smart Chain. It generates Tron (TRX) rewards for TurboTRX token holders. 100% completely communitydriven, the project team aims to create a Turbo-Ecosystem made by the community for the community. TurboTRX will therefore be a utility token to run the ecosystem with a marked deviation from just being a reflective token.


HIDDEN GEMS Crypto Weekly



he ODL token is a utility token with tangible commodity assets underpinning it based on genuine commodity transactions in real-world trade and allows its holders to enter high-value commodity transactions that would otherwise be inaccessible to them. The OODLE MarketPlaceallows faster transparent & more timely commodity trades while bypassing traditional banking system requirements at the same time. It is a full-fledged commodity trading technological revolution that will change the fabric of commodity trading forever. The Marketplace resides on Ethereum Blockchain with ERC 20 standards, and the ODL token will in the future be able to trade with other cryptos as well. The Marketplace has a selection of smart contracts built-in with the ability to tailor them for different commodity trading terms


and conditions, policies, and practices. It allows "best practice" for how all the stakeholders in a commodity trade contract manage and oversee their entire supply chain—from the buying and selling of commodities to the election of logistics and insurance & banking partners. This all results in a trading atmosphere that is accountable, transparent, efficient & secure. The token can be stored, saved, and transacted using ERC20 enabled wallets such as SafePal, TrustWallet, MetaMask, and more. OODLE enables international payment transfers within minutes as opposed to traditional banks taking days or weeks. It will allow mandated parties and rural suppliers to enter the marketplace and benefit from greater cash flow while reducing the cost of doing business for the buyer and increasing revenue for the seller.

PROJECT 6 KCC Launchpad (KCL)



coins for other stable coins, make passive income streams through Yield Farming, Staking, Lottery, Playing of games for cryptocurrency & lots more."

Blockchain solutions are being created for the hardest to reach areas and most underfunded parts of the world. The Kucoin Community Chain Launchpad (KCC Launchpad) is the next generation to appear.

The mission of KCC as a Binance Smart ( BSC) introduction is meant to solve the drawbacks of high fees and congestion related with the Ether Chain and accordingly the coming of many launchpads on the BSC network. The launchpad will provide a single, safe destination for both presale investors and prelaunch projects.

Fairness and utility have been written into the code. Company executives stated, "We are not limited to a launchpad project but also have a growing ecosystem to enable us to increase the utility of the ecosystem. We also have our swap- KCL Swap where users can exchange or list

KCC also helps projects with marketing to get a wider audience. Another radical and valuable feature is being added that will be called the KCC Bridge. The feature will allow other native tokens that are a part of other chains to circulate seamless transactions on KCC.

CC is a community-driven launchpad for fairness & equality on the Kucoin Community Chain. A new concept, the token is verified for the impossibility of an exit scam in the KCC Launchpad Token Smart Contract with an audit carried out by the blockchain Auditor team of eNebula Solutions.



Crypto Weekly

PROJECT 7 PeckerPunks

What is PeckerPunks? PeckerPunks are NFTs with a mission to increase testicular cancer awareness. They are donating 50% of each NFT sale to their official partners, the Testicular Cancer Society until they reach their donation goal of $84,115. These funds will go to testicular cancer fighters, survivors, and caregivers. Astronaut Labs makes the NFT Collection. They are intended to be a limited, collectible NFT series that also serves as a public awareness campaign to inform people about testicular cancer.Everyone who mints a PeckerPunk will have a fair opportunity to snag a rare NFT. They`ve partnered with Nexus Crypto Services to create a 100% randomized minter. Each NFT is unique and will be owned by only one individual.


People may keep their NFT or put it up for sale on a marketplace such as OpenSea. What makes a PeckerPunk rare? The most notable attribute that separates common PeckerPunks from rare PeckerPunks is the NFT border color. The most common border is Black (60.39%), followed by Blue (38.40%), Purple (0.88%), Silver (0.24%), and Gold (0.09%). Additionally, the accessory type + number of accessories also contributes to a PeckerPunk being deemed rarer. How does someone get PeckerPunks? Technically, you will be minting them, not buying them. After they officially launch, the only place you can go to mint an official PeckerPunk will be the You will use the Nexus Crypto Services random minter, which means everyone will pay the same price (50 Matic) to get a PeckerPunk at random.



MC coin is a token devised from the profound experience of the founders dealing with new and launching tokens over time. Having studied many coins in the crypto space and identified individual problems with many projects, their creators spent 12 months creating unique tokenomics. This project will give investors a strong chance of growth and encourage them to hold their coins for maximum returns. The CMC coin has been developed with some core principles in mind: 1. A fully doxed and transparent Team of founders, each with a unique set of skills to offer the project. 2. To create a coin that has a genuine potential for continuous price growth. 3. To create a coin that truly incentivizes people to hold the coin for as


long as possible in a way that no other coin does. 4. To create a coin that has a real use case with the potential of adding further use cases In the future. 5. To create a coin that has a continuous marketing campaign with an ongoing and daily increasing budget. 6. To create a coin that has a number of genuine use cases, including their own payment gateway that will allow CMC holders to spend their coin on one of 25,000 products, a high yield staking pool, and an IDO Launchpad platform. Having studied market trends and the reasons why prices will increase and decrease, they have tackled each aspect individually.



A GUIDE FOR Beginning Travelers OF THE CRYPTPOSPHERE We at Crypto Weekly are here for you, and as was stated in the Editor’s Letter, we are here to answer your questions. As Joseph Campbel said, “The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.” -Joseph Campbell Since this is our pilot edition, we are all just getting started here, so we might as well start at the beginning.

The First Question: What Is Cryptocurrency?


he significant advantage of cryptocurrencies over other types of currency is that they are encrypted and are exceedingly difficult to counterfeit or double-spend. Blockchain technology serves as the basis for many cryptocurrencies - a distributed ledger enforced by a network of computers. Cryptocurrencies are unique in that they are generally not issued by any central authority, making them theoretically immune to government interference.

Main Takeaways

  Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that are distributed across a network of computers. They can exist outside of the reach of governments, central authorities due to this decentralized structure.   For a network to be secure, encryption techniques are used, hence the name “cryptocurrency.”   A crucial component of many cryptocurrencies is blockchains, which serve as an organization to ensure the integrity of transactional data.   Blockchain and related technologies are expected to disrupt many industries, including finance and law.   Critics of cryptocurrency have pointed out various concerns, including the fact that they can be used for illegal activities, their volatility, and their vulnerability to attacks from hackers. In addition, their portability, divisibility, and inflation resistance have also been praised.



Crypto Weekly

Cryptocurrencies: The most straightforward explanation Crypto-currencies, which are virtual tokens represented by internal tally entries that enable secure online payments, are used by various payment systems. Cryptographic algorithms and techniques, such as elliptical curve encryption, public-private key pairs, and hash functions are used to safeguard these entries. Cryptocurrency Types The first blockchain-based cryptocurrency to gain popularity and value was Bitcoin, which continues to dominate. Several thousand cryptocurrencies exist today, each with different specifications and functions. While some of these are clones or forks of Bitcoin, others are entirely new currencies. As of Aug. 2021, there were 18.8 million bitcoins in circulation with a total market cap of about $858.9 billion, subject to periodic updates. 1 Bitcoins were launched in 2009 by an unknown individual or group operating under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. There are only 21 million bitcoins, preventing inflation and manipulation. Alternative cryptocurrencies, also known as altcoins, are Litecoin, Peercoin, Namecoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and EOS, among others. The value of all cryptocurrencies will surpass $1.8 trillion by August 2021 -- Bitcoin currently represents 46.5% of this value. The Internal Review Service (IRS) considers cryptocurrency a financial asset or property, despite billing itself as a form of money. In addition, as with most other investments, if you sell or trade it for a profit, the government wants a share. Taxpayers will be required to report cryptocurrency transactions worth $10,000 to the IRS under a proposal announced by the U.S. Department of Treasury on May 20, 2021. Capital gains are taxed differently depending on how long the taxpayer held the cryptocurrency, and ordinary income is

taxed differently depending on how long the taxpayer held the cryptocurrency.

Disadvantages and Advantages of Cryptocurrency Disadvantages Due to their semi-anonymous nature, cryptocurrency transactions can be used for a wide range of illegal activities, including money laundering and tax evasion. Nevertheless, cryptocurrency advocates often stress the benefits of anonymity, such as protecting whistleblowers or activists under repressive governments. Cryptocurrencies differ in their degree of privacy. Since the forensic analysis of the Bitcoin blockchain has helped authorities arrest and prosecute criminals, Bitcoin is a relatively poor choice for conducting illegal business online. There are, however, more privacy-oriented coins, like Dash, Monero, ZCash, or the new WRAITH token and its associated private wallet that are harder or even impossible to trace. Advantages Using cryptocurrency, funds can be transferred directly between two parties without relying on a trusted third party like a bank or credit card company. Instead of using public keys, private keys and incentive systems such as Proof of Work or Proof of Stake are used. Cryptocurrency systems usually consist of a “wallet,” or an account address for a user, and a private key that can be used to sign financial transactions. Unlike banks and financial institutions, Freewire charges a minimal processing fee, so users can avoid paying steep prices for wire transfers.

Special Considerations

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and others use blockchain technology to maintain an online ledger of all transactions that have ever been made, enabling a very secure data structure for the ledger that can be shared and agreed upon by all the computers in the network supporting them. Almost no transaction histories can be forged because every new block is verified before it can be confirmed. Many experts see blockchain technology

as having potential for uses such as online voting and crowdfunding and its ability to reduce transaction costs by streamlining the payment process, such as JPMorgan Chase (JPM). Since cryptocurrencies are virtual and not stored on a central database, if a copy of the private key is not kept on a backup drive, a digital cryptocurrency balance can be wiped out by losing or destroying a hard drive. Neither your funds nor your personal information is accessible to any central authority, government, or corporation.

Cryptocurrency Drawbacks Because cryptocurrency market prices are determined by supply and demand, the exchange rate between a cryptocurrency and another currency can fluctuate significantly since the design of many cryptocurrencies ensures their scarcity. There have been some rapid rises and falls in the value of bitcoin. The value climbed as high as $17,738 per bitcoin in December 2017 before it plunged to $7,575 a few months later. Therefore, some economists suggest that cryptocurrencies are a speculative bubble or short-lived fad. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are not rooted in any material goods, causing concern. However, it has been found that the price of a Bitcoin, which requires a large amount of energy to produce, directly correlates to the cost of producing it. Although cryptocurrency blockchains are highly secure, other aspects of a cryptocurrency ecosystem, such as exchanges and wallets, are not immune to hacking. Many online exchanges have been hacked and stolen over Bitcoin’s 10-year history, sometimes resulting in millions of dollars worth of “coins” stolen. Yet many observers see potential advantages in cryptocurrencies, such as the possibility of preserving value against inflation and facilitating exchange while being easier to transport and divide than precious metals and existing outside the influence of central banks and governments.  

The new Cryptocurrency based in London, UK Avaliable on BSC

Super car giveaway - 3 cars over one year, just HOLD KODA

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