11 minute read

People in Crypto


Name: Andrew

Location: New York City

Job: Corporate Lawyer

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Avid crypto fanatic and someone that strives to hopefully bring mass adoption to the space

When did you get into crypto and why?

I got into crypto in 2018. I took several classes in law school on crypto and was fascinated and from there started managing other people’s crypto portfolios.

What was your first coin?


What do you currently hold? And why?

I’m holding lots of projects. Some of my holds are Nano, Avax, Link, Croge, and Floki. I have a wide variety of risk profiles in my portfolio. I think all the projects have very strong fundamentals and could sit here talking about each forever.

Have you made a profit since you started?


What strategies do you use and what research do you do?

The primary strategy I use; accumulate and hold for longterm. Obviously, this strategy is not applicable for all types of projects, so I adjust accordingly. But from a high level, I try to consciously accumulate. It’s important to separate any emotions when trading, especially in crypto. As far as research goes, I’ll watch videos, read various sources online, and try to attain my own well-

reasoned opinions. I try to avoid being tempted into FOMO.

Which wallet & exchange do you use?

Binance.us and Kucoin. The former for the low fees, and the latter for the large variety of coins.

What do you think the future of crypto looks like?

I think crypto will gradually integrate itself into the daily life of everyone globally. It will take time, of course, but mass adoption takes time. It’s hard to predict what the future will look like, but one thing is for certain, without trying to sound cliche, if you’re in crypto now, you are very early.

What’s going to be your next buy?

Nano, Avax, or Link. Again, thinking long-term.

What do you think crypto has done for you?

It has helped me understand different areas of technology and how it interacts with various sectors of finance. As a corporate lawyer, there are times where I’m devoting 20+ hours a day to close a deal. Then, on the other end of the spectrum, there are times on the weekend where I can devote the better portion of my day to crypto. So, on the days that I get free time, I’ve been blessed to meet thousands of people in crypto, spanning 100’s of projects, and that’s helped fuel my passion. Crypto has introduced me to some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. So, what it’s done for me, has changed my life, and provided me lifelong friends in the process. What will it do for me in the future? That’s yet to be determined, but I’m optimistic it will help me better the lives of those around me, and those I have yet to meet.

As a corporate lawyer, there are times where I’m devoting 20+ hours a day to close a deal. Then, on the other end of the spectrum, there are times on the weekend where I can devote the better portion of my day to crypto.

Name: Dave | Location: UK | Job: Partner at Go428 Enterprises

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Ifirst got into crypto in 2013 after reading about Silk Road which then led me to Bitcoin and altcoins. My first Bitcoin purchase was through LocalBitcoins and my first altcoin purchase was actually done on eBay, which is crazy to think about today.

I’ve worked in the industry since 2018 after becoming a validator on the Tron blockchain. I’m now a part of the Go428 Enterprises team and we have multiple projects including Vision Crypto App and 428 Athletics (a sports and tech Facility in the USA which has integrated crypto and blockchain.) We are also launching our first NFT project with NFL legend Bernie Kosar.

When did you get into crypto and why? What strategies do you use and what research do you do?

In 2013, I was aware of Silk Road. Its connections to cryptocurrency made me instantly aware of Bitcoin, which then led me down the altcoin route. After reading the Bitcoin whitepaper I was hooked.

What was your first coin?

Quark Coin

What do you currently hold?

This is a question I’ve never answered in all of the time I’ve been in crypto, but here’s the exception:

Bitcoin is definitely my biggest holding, I also hold ETH, Matic, FTT, LTC, BNB, TRX, SOL plus many smaller altcoins

Have you made a profit since you started?

Yes Long-term holding, and staking are my main strategies. When it comes to research, I like to watch projects for a few months after their launch to see how they grow.

What wallet & exchange do you use?

Vision Crypto App wallet and portfolio tracker. On the rare occasions that I use a centralised exchange, it’s usually Binance

What do you think the future of Crypto looks like?

I believe the future is undoubtedly bright for crypto; there will be regulations which will give confidence to bigger investors. I’m also excited to see where the NFT markets go, especially as “the metaverse and web3” mature.

What’s going to be your next buy?

Always more BTC and I’m getting into NFTs much more too.

What do you think crypto has done for you?

Crypto has given me a reason to wake up every day and be a part of a great community.

Matt Whiteway

Location: UK

Job: Telecommunications planner

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I have a beautiful family, am very grateful to be alive, and I am blessed to be where I am today. I used to be a drug addict for 11 years, I overdosed on heroin twice during that time but I’m still alive to tell the tale. I found Jesus and he set me free from all of that, so now I no longer live for myself anymore and I no longer seek to destroy myself either. I am a partner in a new up-and-coming global financial market trading group, we currently exist on Telegram and are from over 9 different countries. We also trade crypto.

When did you get into crypto and why?

2 years ago, I was introduced to the crypto space by some trader people I worked with at the time. I no longer do business with them as they were an MLM scheme.

What was your first coin?

I think it was ETH, which I swapped out for CELO, then SHIB, then back to ETH.

What do you currently hold?

My main holding at the moment is CMCC.

And why?

There is honestly no other project quite like CMCC that has its own magazine and lots of other upcoming utilities that are soon to go live. But most of all I think it’s the community

that is the winning point for me, the integrity and the transparency of the leadership go a long way, so my investment is really in the company and the guys running the show probably more than it is the coin.

Have you made a profit since you started?

I think I’m about break even at the moment give or take, managed to avoid any major losses, and had a couple of gains here and there.

What strategies do you use?

While I’m still relatively new to the crypto space my strategy is very conservative but also loyal, mainly to just one project, so I don’t have a very wide portfolio at the moment. I’m looking to expand out into different projects as I make profit gains from the trading business.

What research do you do?

I am a part of a few Telegram groups, so I take note of wise advice, but also I study price action on charts. I use technical analysis to assist with my research.

What wallet & exchange do you use?

Currently using Metamask wallet and Binance exchange.

What do you think the future of Crypto looks like?

I think the crypto space will look very different than what it has looked like. I believe we will see the death of coins like BTC and XRP, (not sure about ETH), but we will see the likes of CMCC and other up-and-coming projects that do more for the holder than just be a coin. The projects that actually provide some kind of utility that makes the investment more than just another coin to hold.

I am a partner in a new up-and-coming global financial market trading group, we currently exist on Telegram and are from over 9 different countries. We also trade crypto.

What’s going to be your next buy?

More CMCC, I also like the look of ODL as well.

What do you think crypto has done for you?

It has expanded my knowledge of the financial markets overall, how crypto works, and what the future of money may look like.

Akpe flora

Location: Abuja Nigeria | Job: Physics teacher

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Well, I’m married with 8 children. I’m 47 years old from a tribe called tiv in benue state Nigeria. I’m a graduate of physics and i have been teaching it for almost 10 years now.

I have 7 beautiful girls and a boy.

When did you get into crypto and why?

Well, my journey in crypto started in 2020 during the Covid19 pandemic. Woah! It was rough. I didn’t know a thing. I got scammed soooo many times I can’t even count. I didn’t know what a crypto wallet was, I had no single idea as to how to buy or sell, let alone transfer or receive. It was all so confusing.

What was your first coin?

The first crypto I tried to get was Tron so I could use it for these compounding/doubling sites. The person scammed me. I didn’t give up, I kept trying,

and kept getting scammed. Until 2021, when I paid someone to teach me how to use the wallet. I got scammed again. Finally, my cousin Kenneth (Telegram: @ tersoo) came to my rescue. He took his time to teach me all I needed to know. So, my first real coin was KCL .

I didn’t have a lot of money, but I bought about $30 worth of it, and then I saved some in the KCL Wealth pool. Luckily, I found KCL early, then sold some at $0.90. It was awesome, and for the first time, I felt good about crypto.

Have you made a profit since you started?

The amount was small, but I had made some gains. No losses, no scams, this time. Then, I gave out my seed phrase and lost all my savings on Metamask��.I went on.

All taken together, I have made losses, but I have also made some gains.

Which wallet and exchange do you use?

Presently, I have a Kucoin account (love it), a Binance account, Bitmart, and I use Trust Wallet. I stopped using Metamask when I got scammed.

What do you currently hold?

Presently things have been very rough for me. Very rough. I hold a very little amount of CMCC, FCF, OLE, and I have Hibacy on Kucoin. Luna I bought at $92, waiting for it to rise, and I opened my app the next evening to see Luna at $0.9!! . Hmm. Couldn’t laugh, cry, or anything. Just looked at it and shrugged my shoulders.

What do you think the future of crypto looks like?

Since the beginning of this year, we have been seeing terrible things in crypto. Bears with long mouths and a lot of energy everywhere, swallowing tokens and coins left, right, and center. I believe that it’ll get better. Even in the bear market, gains can still be made if you watch the market carefully and learn to take profits early. In crypto I have come to realize that he who is greedy and wants to take disproportionate gains will always lose.

Do you have any advice for someone who may be just getting started in crypto?

My advice to upcoming crypto enthusiasts is that you should take your time and do proper research, study the market properly before venturing into it. DON’T TRUST ANYONE.

What’s going to be your next buy?

My next buy will come from a project that is coordinated by Nathan Hill and his team. Real world utility will thrive, even in a bear market.

If there was one thing you could change since your crypto journey began, what would it be?

If I could change anything, it would be to not trust anyone with my seed phrase.

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