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The Doorsteps to the Future

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What is an NFT?

What is an NFT?

By Anthony Burton

We are at the doorsteps of the next revolution in technology and finance. Knocking on the doorway to a digitized world, where typical boundaries and limitations are forgotten.


Most people think of crypto as a tool for illicit transactions, or nothing more than a Ponzi scheme. While there are reasons to believe the previous statement is true, there are many more reasons to believe crypto is everything but.

What if I told you that you could have transparency and privacy, all wrapped into one legacy system? What if I told you that, in my vision of the future of blockchain, every record you’ve ever kept could easily, and anonymously, be secured on the blockchain? Would you believe me if I told you that within the next 3 election cycles in the US, your voter ID, and your vote will be immutably tallied using blockchain tech?

That time is closer than most might think. If you aren’t involved in crypto, some of these visions of the future seem like something from a sci-fi novel. They are. By now you’ve probably heard of crypto, the Metaverse, or NFTs, but not understand their purpose. The Metaverse will shape how we interact, learn, and grow as a species. We have already seen a rise, during a global pandemic, in meeting in a virtual space, such as Zoom meetings. Now imagine, instead of your real face, you present your avatar in a virtual realm, where the technology allows a fluid work environment.

Meta, Facebooks’ version of the Metaverse, is already allowing students a “hands-on” learning experience, in a 3d, limitless existence. Major corporations are planting their seeds for when the Metaverse becomes as natural as a computer with the internet.

NFTs aren’t just pixelated images of ridiculous monkeys, or other loveable characters. NFTs can be set as timed, or location based, digital tokens. Picture this: You bought a ticket to a concert or sporting event. When you arrive

within a specified distance to the venue, your digital token will change to a QR code. You scan your NFT, or QR code, and your access is granted. Nobody else can copy and use your ticket.

What you didn’t know when you scanned your digital ticket was that you were the 100th person to purchase a ticket. BOOM! You just won a backstage pass to a meet and greet with your favorite artist. This is only the beginning. We have seen blockchain elections, on a smaller scale, and they work flawlessly. Your ID, medical records, birth certificate, social security number, EVERYTHING, can be stored on the blockchain. Nobody but you, and anyone you allow access, can see your private info. At the same time, everything that’s done on-chain leaves a public record. With the wallet address, anyone in the world can see what that wallet is doing, but nobody can say who that wallet belongs to. Brilliant right? After the claims that the 2020 election was stolen, what better way to secure a voting system, than to only give a vote to those who meet the prerequisites. Your vote would be administered in a specified location. You can’t use your vote in multiple jurisdictions, and it can only be used once. Are you seeing the benefits yet?

Traditionally, sending money abroad meant going to your local Western Union, or obtaining a MoneyGram. With systems like PayPal and CashApp we are seeing an end to the detriments

that held us back. I can send, or receive, payments to/from anyone in the world, in as little as a few seconds. I don’t have to worry that it will arrive at its destination, because I can see when it does. Which brings me to my next point.

Have you ever tossed some change in the red Salvation Army buckets at Christmas time? How do you know where your money is going? You don’t. In 2021, Tesla CEO and SpaceX founder, Elon Musk said he would donate $6 billion to fight world hunger. So long as the UN World Food Programme would share their plan on how the funds would be used. What he meant was, if you want me to donate a small fortune, accept it on the blockchain and allow everyone in the world to see how it’s being used. Organizations rarely do things for free, and we don’t know how much of our donations actually make it to the people that need it the most. With the public ledger that blockchain maintains, anyone with internet access could see what money is being spent, and where.

There are so many valuable resources for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Some have a proven track record; some haven’t been thought of yet. I firmly believe that the blockchain will change our everyday lives. We will use some form of blockchain daily, like we do with the internet. I’ve heard that investing in cryptocurrency, and blockchain, today, is like investing in the internet and tech in 1994. Who, in 2022, doesn’t wish they invested in Google, Amazon, Ebay, and many others in 1994? Welcome to the next revolution my friends. You’re in for a hell of a ride.

NFTs aren’t just pixelated images of ridiculous monkeys, or other loveable characters. NFTs can be set as timed, or location based, digital tokens


Holder of Shiba Inu, has the Means and Heart to Send SquidGrow to the Next Galaxy

When society looks at the crypto industry today, one cannot deny that Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are just as widely known as Bitcoin (BTC). SHIB, to date, has had the highest percentage gain which is estimated to be a 30 million percent increase from launch to its all-time high. No other cryptocurrency can claim the rights to such a high percentage increase. Yet.

While most meme coins have taken a -70% beating from their all-time highs (like the rest of the cryptocurrency market), one has promised it’s going to be a force, even during this bear market. We had a chance to catch up with Shibtoshi (anonymous alias), the CEO of SquidGrow, a meme coin launched back in June of 2022, that may show some future promise. Shibtoshi told us he has been a cryptocurrency supporter ever since the early days of Bitcoin, around 2011.

“My first major Bitcoin purchase was $30,000.”

Shibtoshi has set an example for us all by showing that diamond hands can win. Apart from diamond handing Bitcoin - he has made it to the top wallet in Shiba Inu. During the all-time high of Shiba Inu (Oct 2021), his holdings in SHIB were estimated to be close to $5 Billion. So, what does one do once they’ve accumulated all this wealth? You pave the way for others, who may not have been lucky enough to find crypto in its infancy. Crypto aside, this man has given bone marrow, donated time and money to sick and/or terminally ill children, and the list of heartwarming sentiments goes on. Shibtoshi gives

us a positive outlook that there are still amazing people in the world.

These character qualities truly highlight what kind of CEO Shibtoshi will be. Though with his success, the road to bettering the lives of others has come with its fair share of downfalls as well. Part of these failures (we’ll call them learning experiences) were getting into projects that ended up being total scams. This motivated him to make a safe place for his friends and family, and anyone else with a dream, to invest their hard-earned money, and the blessing to many that arises is SquidGrow. SquidGrow was made with the intention of having a meme quality, but with some future utility plans. Adding to the mystique behind the generous genius, when asked if he could lay out some details for the future utility, he replied: “I would rather be surprised than be disappointed.” Meaning he would rather have a working product, or close to working, than to overpromise a timeline or product that would end up disappointing investors if estimated timelines were not met. Over-deliver, underpromise.

Already attracting an investor base of over 11,500 holders, SquidGrow has reached an alltime high market cap of $50 million since its inception. With a 1 quadrillion total supply, launched on the Binance Smart Chain, audited by Solidity Finance, and listed on some of the world’s top exchanges (Bitmart, BKex, Cointiger, and Reflex) , there is still plenty of room for explosive growth. The team has the benefit of having a day 1 holder of Shiba Inu at the wheel, accelerating the means to catapult this project straight to the stratosphere.

With a team focused to deliver (staking already live, and more utility being built), and a CEO so passionately dedicated to sharing the gift of winning and profiting with crypto investing, SquidGrow is set to make waves in the memecoin ocean. Everybody in crypto wishes they were an early investor in Shiba Inu, and while that boat may have sailed, there’s another fish in the sea that promises to deliver similar surges, and its name is SquidGrow. “I would rather be surprised then be disappointed.” Meaning he would rather have a working product, or close to working, than to overpromise a timeline or product that would end up disappointing investors if estimated timelines were not met. Overdeliver, underpromise.

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