Cleaning Solar Panels Services in California

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Maintain the Neatness and Cleanliness of Everything

Often, the tropical climate in the US implies that it is a major challenge to maintain the cleanliness of solar panels. The accumulation of any dirt or debris is extremely challenging to get rid of without any rainfall or human intervention. Moreover, pigeons are infamous for building nests under residential solar panels, by piling up nesting material and droppings during the process. Over time, the pile of dirt and material from the birds will ultimately make your solar panels less efficient. It will cause a substantial drop in energy obtained from solar panels. Accordingly, to protect your solar panels from pigeons, you have to ensure that you get the panels cleaned annually by professional service providers who are occupied in solar panel cleaning services in California. Else, you may yourself perform it as well. But it might backfire.

Fake Birds of Prey

A very weird method to secure residential solar panels from pigeons is to install falcons and false birds of prey. This innovative method to frighten all pest birds is incredible. It’s a compassionate and cost-effective approach too. The installation of this reasonably priced, bird deterrent can be an effective method to keep birds like pigeons at bay from nesting under your solar panels. This kind of protection method should exclusively be applied before any bird nests under solar panels. However, if pigeons are already present there, then the false predator birds will be of least utility. Fake birds of prey are very easy to be installed and don’t require any power from either batteries or electricity. It could be an extremely productive method to intimidate a small number of pigeons.

Fixing Mesh

A very popular way to shield solar panels is to install mesh around the sides of the residential panels. This procedure is effective enough to prevent pigeons from infiltrating into the area, as it will be blocked off with mesh. It is a novel method that is developed to keep all pigeons away from your residential solar panels. The process is easy to install and can be removed for solar bird proofing services.

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