J&c vol1

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One sunny day, Crystal and Jer were wandering along down a windy dirt road. They were tired of walking so they stopped at a farm that was nearby.

No one was there, but there was an old truck beside the barn.

“We should borrow this truck so you don’t have to walk anymore.” said Jer. “Do you even know how to drive?”asked Crystal. “I don’t know,” said Jer. “Probably.”

It doesn’t look very fast, thought Crystal, but she found a can of red paint beside the barn. She knew that if they painted the truck red it would go faster, because everyone knows that red cars are the fastest.

“Ugh,” whined Crystal, “this is taking forever.” “Here’s the thing...” replied Jer “what is a windmill, really, but a giant painting machine!”

“I don’t get it.” said Crystal. “It’s like this,” said Jer, “we just need to dunk these old mops into paint, and then tie them to the windmill and the wind will do the painting for us!”

Crystal thought hard about it for three whole seconds before saying “I can’t think of a single thing that could go wrong. You’re so smart Jer!”


Crystal and Jer laughed until their sides hurt and spent hours pretending they were being chased by zombie sheep. Then the sun set so they drove away into the moonlight, looking for their next crazy, stupendous adventure.

The End

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