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CRYSTAL CONNECTIONS A Holistic Lifestyle Magazine Issue #08

July/August 2017

let's chill

Sacred Spaces Issue

Crystal Connections Table of Contents Body












The information in this magazine is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Holistic health and spiritual healing should not be used for a substitute for treatment by a health care professional, but to be used as a supplemental and complementary treatment. There is no statement herein as to therapeutic efficacy. Crystal Connections magazine shall bear no liability whatsoever for direct or indirect, special or consequential damages relating in any way to the used of information provided in this magazine, or resulting from any defects or failure of this information. Consumers are urged to evaluate practitioners and modalities thoroughly and make well-informed decisions regarding their physical, emotional and psychological health. The opinion expressed by the contributors and writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the magazine and it's Editor and Assistant Editor.

Crystal Connections From the Editor It's Getting Hot in here It's halfway through 2017. Has this year gone as wonderfully as you imagined it would? Probably not. Intuitively I knew things wouldn't open up until mid-year. So how do we deal with the outward appearance of a world gone mad? Find your chill. That's how. No, you don't stifle your emotions. No, you don't rant, rave, or passive aggressively tell your social media audience they are all bat shit crazy and wrong for their beliefs. You be "The Observer". You take a step back. You see the situation from another perspective. You go within and find the answers,


and you create your own peace. For a few months now, I've wanted to call this issue "Chill the F*ck Out". Life will ALWAYS be challenging. How can we deal with challenges? Be cool, man.


I've teamed up with a local friend, and we have a new office space, in West Fargo, ND! I will be offering energy healings, readings and classes. Bonnie Bee will be offering intuitive readings and tarot readings. If you are local, be sure to keep an eye out for future events, or even if you aren't local and would like to support us, feel free to like our Facebook page: @BridgingtheJourney

Contributors Alicia


Alicia Stiles is on a mission of authenticity, pleasure, and

Teri Bach, MFT, has been a psychotherapist for 25 years and

empowerment. As a Sexuality and Relationship Coach, she

coaches women entrepreneurs who want to earn more in

works with individuals and couples to empower them to bring

their businesses by helping them change the beliefs they have

their sex life to the next level and reconnect to love. Her

about money. When clients work with Teri, they are able to

program: Awakening Your Sexuality is a self-guided video and

earn unexpected income, get new clients or sales and have

meditation series that allows participants to get in touch with

increased levels of confidence and motivation.

their own sexuality while maintaining their anonymity



Terry Romine is a Fargo-based Intuitive Psychic and teacher

Committed to growth and expansion of consciousness in

specializing in Spiritual Relationships and Guidance. He tunes

humanity, Tammy Campy studies and specializes in her

into his client's spiritual connection and receives messages

practice of meditation, numerology, Core Passion,

from their Higher Self, Angels and Guides. He also connects

Hypnotherapy, dowsing, personal development coaching,

with those loved ones who have passed over and enjoys

Reiki and Access Consciousness.

reuniting them in a joyful experience.

Jasmin Spencer Jasmin Maurer started reading tarot as a fun activity with

Spencer Dearing is the Mindful Creator behind Lion Heart

friends, and a method of self exploration. Over the years, her

Living; the first Official Self- Empowerment Brand. Spencer

tarot journey has introduced her to new people and ideas, as

is a Teacher and Coach in the fields of Functional Medicine,

well as new understandings of herself. She currently lives in

Functional Fitness and Spirituality; of which he incorporates

Pennsylvania with her cat, Faulkner, where she dreams of a

into his programs for his clients to experience their own true

future of fully automated space commune.


Contributors Kailee Demetria Kailee Holbert is the Founder of Healthy Soul 360. She is a

Demetria Black is a dynamic Energy Coach and Healer,

college student studying for her Bachelor’s degree in Biology

with three decades as an Akashic Records Reader. She

with a Psychology minor and Public Health pathway. She has

specializes in Crystal Resonance Therapy, Chakra

always had a love and passionate interest in eating healthy,

Alignments, Soul Print Alignment and Mind Engineering

working out, and being an inspirational light to those around her. As a Light Worker and Spiritual Healer, Kailee's mission is to help and guide people on their spiritual journey while getting healthy and confident.

Joel Joel Young is The Creator & Custodian of The NPA Process, a simple way to stop taking things personally and embrace your humanity, which has helped thousands of people in over 18 countries around the world. You can access the process for free at www.JoelYoungNPA.com

Want to connect even more? Click on the links! Click on the contributors photos to be connected to their websites! You can also click on any hyperlink where you see an @ symbol, throughout the magazine. Click it and kick it!

Tapping Teri Bach, MFT @ www.coachteribach.com

and The Law of Attraction

I typically write about money and the limiting beliefs and thoughts we have about it and why all of

As someone who truly believes that the Law of

that blocks us from earning the income we desire

Attraction DOES work (Attract Now Coaching was

and keeps us stuck in debt. But today I’m focusing

my previous business name), I want to address one

on the technique I use and the practice of Law of

of the reasons it isn’t working for YOU.

Attraction. One of the problems with working with positive Do you follow the Law of Attraction? If so, are you

statements or affirmations is that often that energy

noticing that much of the time the thing that you’re

is on the surface but underlying that positiveness is

wanting to attract is not attracting?

a whole lot of negativity that isn’t being dealt with. And no matter how positive your statements are, if

You think all of these positive thoughts over and

you have ANY negative beliefs or negative thoughts

over again. You tweak them. You stand on your

running through you, the vibration won’t be high.

head hoping that will change things but it doesn’t.

Remember, “what we resist persists.”

So you give up on the idea of the Law of Attraction or you think that you’re doing it wrong or it just

That is why I love Tapping! Tapping is actually the

doesn’t work for YOU.

perfect tool to use with the Law of Attraction.

It releases the negativity that someone may not even know they have because it’s in the subconscious.

If you’d like to learn more about Tapping, go to coachteribach.com/what-is-tapping/

Tapping also helps let go of repressed emotions, memories, patterns, and vows.

If you have negative and limiting beliefs or thoughts and you’re trying to be more positive, what better way to deal with the negative than to get rid of it through Tapping. It simplifies the process and makes the whole journey so much easier. Training yourself to be, think and feel more positive is a lot of work, but by using Tapping, it doesn’t have to be! AND Tapping on the positive stuff opens up the energy pathways and makes affirmations that much more powerful.

Your body needs 90 essential nutrients

True health and wellness is only possible if it radiates from a solid, fundamentallysound center. There is a core group of 90 essential nutrients that has the greatest positive effect in bringing vibrant health to the human body’s complex and multidimensional systems.

Youngevity Not just vitamins: Essential oils, mineral makeup, skin & hair care, fair trade coffee, probiotic chocolates, healthy weigh loss, sports & energy, wholesome foods, pet care, home & garden, fashion & jewelry, memory keeping. www.sarahjacobs.youngevity.com

Joel Young @ www.joelyoungNPA.com This is an invitation for you to embrace your humanity... Unconditional love is a common aspiration for heart centered folk, which is great. But, there's a common misconception that you can, or should, hold that state in perpetuity. This can lead to the dark side of the aspiration i.e. where it becomes a judgement, an expectation or a rod to beat yourself or others with. The truth is, unconditional love is an energy,

unconditional love


and like all energies it comes and goes in its expression through us.

As humans we contain, channel and express many energies and, the fact is, there is no light without the dark in the experiential realm. Because, for there to be ANY experience at all, requires the contrast. As humans we are also in the 'bath' of the collective human consciousness and are therefore subject to it, with all its faults and wonders. All this adds up to the evolutionary reality that there are many situations where (if we are honest) unconditional love is not the truth of us.

So... you may indeed have many moments of unconditional love, but if you are humble enough and willing to honour both your humanity and your true state of evolution, then at times the 'highest and best' truth, is that love is most definitely NOT unconditional.

Not convinced? Try these on:

And I'm not saying that no-one EVER meets these kind of situations with genuine

"I love you unconditionally, darling!" "Phew, that's great 'cos last night I pretty much did the entire Kama Sutra with your sister."

Or this: "I love you unconditionally, darling!"

unconditional love (and when I say genuine, I mean no suppressed rage, no denial, no bargaining that you will 'keep' them if you show them unconditional love etc.) What I'm saying is let's get real about where we are and how we genuinely experience unconditional love.Â

"OK. Then you won't mind that I put our entire pension fund on red and it came up black."

And finally, I'm not saying this to bum you out... Quite the contrary... I'm inviting you to give yourself full permission to be you

If you're honest, what state do those put you in? What's your first impulse (before your spiritual/mental constructs kick in)? I doubt unconditional love is, 100%, your first

(not some spiritual concept of who or what you ought to be) and do yourself the kindness of honouring the truth of your feelings...

impulse. I'm not saying that you won't at some point come to a state of unconditional love in these circumstances.

My experience has taught me the kindness of self-honouring trumps concept every time when it comes to well-being, wholeness and, dare I say it, love. And that, my friend is what I wish for you <3

How could I have been so foolish to make this mistake again?

My own company became a comfort and in this comfort my healing began. The thing that I realized fairly quickly

In the wreckage of my second failed marriage, at only thirty one, I

was that I didn’t know myself, not the

thought about giving up on love. How could I have been so foolish to

way that I should. I had somehow

make this mistake again? To invest so much of myself into someone

gotten lost in titles. I was a wife, a

who wasn’t the person I thought they were? Or worse, was exactly

mother, a friend, a sister, a collection

who I thought they were, but I had been feigning our compatibility

of relationships and actions that

all along? Most of all, I was tired of losing myself in love. It had

defined my moments, but not my soul.

always felt like love existed outside of me, I was searching, giving,

Sure those things had built my

begging, and needing the validation that I was not giving myself. I

character, they shaped me into the

decided that instead of giving up on love, I would dive headfirst into

person I had become and yet, they

it, but not with another person, rather with myself.

were not who I was.

I’m not going to sugar coat it, being alone was absolutely terrifying

I began unraveling myself using poetry

at first. In a seemingly cruel experiment, I would force myself to be

as a medium. I wrote and cried, letting

alone as often as possible. I would go to coffee shops alone,

words spill out of me. Sometimes I

restaurants, and parks. I would watch movies alone, spend evenings

read them later and didn’t remember

reading and writing without engaging with anyone but myself. What

writing the words on the paper and yet

I found was that slowly, but most definitely, I began to enjoy the

they drove me deeper within myself.


I’m not saying poetry is the path to self-discovery, perhaps for you it is painting, or sculpting, maybe you sing or volunteer for a cause that impassions you. The point is you do something for no reason other than your heart tells you to. When you do something your heart loves it begins to soften and unfold. For me it told me stories, the heartache of past pains, the fears I had about my future, and it allowed me to be honest without judgement.Then it let me forgive myself. There are many moments in divorce when you blame the other person and yet there will inevitably

(the gift of endings Alicia Stiles @ www.aliciajoystiles.com

come the time when you must take responsibility for your part in it. Sometimes that hurts, to look at your own faults. There is also freedom in accepting those faults, because nothing weighed so heavy on my shoulders than the unrealistic idea that I had to be perfect.

Starting over for me was a gift, I got to take everything I had learned, all the mistakes I made along the way and I found the love that existed inside of me all along. When I woke to find I truly loved myself, it felt more powerful than any love I’d ever


know. It was deep, all encompassing, and erotic even. I was stunned by my own beauty, enveloped by my own heart. I felt full, sated, and happy. I realized that the crumbs of approval I’d been accepting from others


would no longer do. I deserved this love, this passion; this feeling in my chest like my heart could no longer be contained. The fireworks, the butterflies they always talk about, those come from

to Crystal

within. This was the point in my healing that I knew my heart would open to love another again. My new heart was tentative, but even stronger than before.

Connections Magazine by liking our

It was deep, all encompassing and erotic, even Relationships end for all sorts of reasons. It’s hard when they end, most often heartbreaking, regardless of which side of the decision you are on. And yet, there is hope in the ending. There is a chance to break down all walls and find the compassion and love inside you. Once you know what love is not, you have the truest chance to know what love is.

Facebook page!

Be curious.

Ask "What else is possible?" And allow the Universe to deliver something amazing.

Angel Connection Are you in need of some help connecting to your higher self, or receiving divine guidance? Connect to Arch Angel Raphael, for assistance! Close your eyes, place your hands over your heart (like angel wings!), and take a deep breath. The angels always need to be INVITED in to help you, so ask Raphael to assist you in receiving Divine Illumination, knowledge and opportunity! the answers are within you, so have the confidence that you know what is best for you, or ask to be shown the true answers to your questions. Â Raphael will clear blocks from your crown chakra, which is located at the top of your head, and is a violet color.

Spend a few minutes looking at the prayer board (below) and use it to connect to Raphael's energies, as well as your crown chakra.

Summer Madness beach days, vacations, and endless days of barbecues

Kailee Holbert @ www.healthysoul360.com @ www.countryclassmentor.comt

Now that summer is in full swing, this means sun-tans (or sunburns if you’re like me), beach days, vacations, and endless days of barbecues. We want to eat all the yummy barbecue chicken, ribs, potato salad, etc. Trust me, I get it. We all struggle to eat healthy during the summer because of all these temptations, then we feel guilty or WAY TOO FULL from all that deliciousness. But don't worry, I got your back. I’ll help you stay healthy at those family barbecues and to still eat what you want! First things first, let’s talk about eating healthy at our family outings.

1. Stick with water. Yes, skip the soda and alcohol.

4. Grilled chicken. Grilled chicken is so much healthier than crispy, breaded chicken.

2. Go for the fruits, for dessert. Okay, one cookie is allowed, I can’t even pass up on the cookies! But load up

5. Switch out the mayonnaise for Greek yogurt. It still

on those fruits. Blueberries, strawberries, watermelon.

tastes delicious and does the same job, low-fat Greek yogurt in potato salads or on sandwiches isn’t filled

3. Load up on veggies. Whether it’s the veggie platters or

with as much fat.

salads, that fiber will help you stay fuller for longer, holding off those sweets cravings. The best salads are

6. Stay protected. Wear at least 50SPF sunscreen, bug

broccoli scrunch salads or spinach and kale salads.

spray, and be sure to check yourself for ticks. Make sure you buy organic brands or sunscreen and bug repellent!

We hear “moderation” all the time. Barbeques is definitely a time for moderation. If you have any sweets, keep the portions small. And make sure you stay active! Choose to stand the majority of the time and go play some games! Keep these tips in mind at your next barbeque and you'll stay on track! Now, go have some fun with a little bit of friendly competition against your family members!

Crystal Connection Lapis Lazuli You want to express yourself, but first you might want to practice a little discernment! Enter: Lapis Lazuli! This stone works with the throat chakra as well as the third eye chakra, and because it is tied to the element of water, it also will support you in expressing your emotions in a healthy way. (Or why not connect to your inner mermaid/merman?) This beauty can also lift the emotion of depression, and strengthen your sense of self worth. Power Mantra: "I speak my truth in a kind, and loving manner. I am open to being a channel for my higher guidance, so that I may receive the answers that will best serve me, along my journey."

Aromatic Elixers The Blending Library

Patchouli Essential Oil Emotional Support: Peaceful, Reflective, Grounding, Balanced, Protecting and Stability Physical Support: Aphrodisiac, fungal infections, weight control, some types of acne, and tissue regeneration. Also effective against poisonous plants, relief from bee and insect bites. Build your own blends!

Add a little bit of a carrier oil such as coconut, almond, or grape seed *Consult a physician regarding usage if pregnant, for children, and the elderly *Do not use citrus oils on skin that will be exposed to sunlight

"Summer Lovin" Blend: 4 drops Lime 3 drops Grapefruit 2 drops Patchouli

"Heavily Meditated" Blend: 3 drops Cedarwood 2 drops Patchouli 3 drops Lavender

Purchase this oil and find much, much more at my Youngevity website! www.sarahjacobs.youngevity.com

The Aspects Of Woman Trilogy Acknowledging the female and all her aspects lead to the creation of this MoonLite trilogy. Patiently awaiting solstice energies and propitious flowers, trees and buds to share their whispering stories, these noble elixirs have now boldly emerged full of distinction and grace. There’s a Jewel-like, regal integrity held in every bottle that offers purity, wisdom and a deeper knowing of self which naturally enhances self-love and compassion.

How to Embrace: Commit to taking one bottle per

Made during a New moon the sweetness of her elixir

month for 3 months in the following order: Maiden,

sings with self-assurance to her own creative tune.

Mother, Crone. Take between 2-4 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day. Drops may also be added to bath

Healing Benefits:

water or a space clearing spray to clear unwanted,

Peach Blossom Wand – The fruit of immortality

stagnant energies from around the subtle bodies and

expands us into our own truth, fulfillment and beauty.

auric field, room or building.

Peach Blossom raises our energy levels so that we can perform our daily tasks and see life from a higher

Maiden: This cornucopia of spring flowers, pinks and

perspective and with greater optimism.

whites leads us innocently to the aspects of our first bottle ‘Maiden’.

Apple Blossom – Have peace and clarity from unwanted thoughts, doubt elimination and a child-like

During Maiden adventures we touch the most creative


and innocent sides of our personality, as a young woman she is responsible for no one but herself, she

Cherry Blossom – Cheery cherry draws out our

has no worries. She rules new beginnings and is the

lighthearted energies that reside in all of us. Seeing the

aspect of ourselves that we call upon when undertaking

good in everything and swimming daily on the sea of

any form of new venture. She is the fresh light and life

life: A child like playful innocence.

that we see during springtime.

Mother: Mother, the giver of life, the selfless nurturer

Crone: Steeped in wisdom, the knowing one and the

of all. Her image is one of maternity, maturity

bringer of endings. The Crone is often the least

pregnancy and fertility: Swollen belly and prominent

understood aspect of the Triple Goddess, she may cause

breasts. She nurtures all that requires innovative input

fear because her duty has us facing our deep inner

from projects to giving birth to new life.

wisdom and death. In ancient stories the crone was always part of the Underworld and it’s mysticism.

The Mother's energy is dominant at Full Moon, being the patroness of the harvests, summer, re-birthing and

The underworld was seen as a place where souls went

bringing new ideas to life. Call this aspect of the

to rest between incarnations, before returning to the

Goddess when assistance is required with motherhood,

earthly plane. She takes on the role of guide through

protection of marriage, guidance, the need for inner

the final phase of our lives, preparing us for the next

peace, choices of any kind, spiritual development and

level, watching over the souls of the dead while they a


wait their rebirth.

Healing Benefits:

The Crone energy can be associated with the Waning

Willow: Her message is one of ‘breaking down to

Moon, winter and late autumn, we should call on this

break through’. She is the over-hauler, the excavator,

aspect of the Goddess when we deal with work or

the re-creator. If we are willing to rise above the lower

emotional relationships that have come to an end,

mind and see the light and shadow side, the Gu-Ru, we

during the menopause, and for rest and connection with

can experience a deeper healing on all levels.

inner wisdom.

*Building bridges

Healing benefits:

*Flexibility when times are tough

Oak/acorn winter solstice: Her message is one of

*Softness and a nurturing attitude

inner wisdom. See yourself as an old oak tree full of

*Cleanses old patterns

wisdom, knowledge and life. Plant your roots deep within the core of mother earth and feel her presence beneath you and within you. This elixir works primarily on the core of your inner being, just by looking at the old English oak you can see the gifts she has to bring.

*Connects you deeper to your inner wisdom *Opens you to your intuitive and higher self *Gives you a sense of self acceptance *Connects you to worlds beyond the earth plane *Inner calm and peace

Purchase this trilogy and much more at: www.silent-moon.co.uk

(leafmold & Earth Tarot Tarot-cast July & august '17

Jasmin Maurer



@leafmoldandtarot storenvy com

Deck used: Dark Days Tarot by Wren McMurdo

If you're holding on to any old hurt, now is a good time to let it go. July calls forth the energy of the King of Cups, a wise and gentle energy that's here to tell us it will all be okay. Negative emotions can feel like a burden, especially if we carry them around long past their relevance. It's okay to feel them, but at a certain point it's good to show yourself the compassion needed to heal and move on. You don't need to forgive and forget, just remember to feel so much love for yourself that it overshadows everything else. The energy this month is sure to help you unlock new sources of emotional strength and fortitude as you journey onward. Don't be afraid of working through it, for the path towards emotional intelligence and security can be a scary one. If you're not used to feeling through your emotions, it can be easy to seek to avoid them and never truly deal with them. Stick with it, trust that this king has your back, and that this month will support your journey.

August brings a swift change in energy with it. The Knight of Swords is about action on the mental level. It's a time to sharpen your mental abilities and move forward with new ideas and projects. It should feel good to stretch your legs and flex your power at this time, but try to maintain a speed where you feel comfortable and in control. It can be easy to overdo with this kind of energy, and sprinting through life is a good way to miss key points and tire yourself out. It's best to allow the energy to guide you without allowing it to take over. Resist distractions that tempt derailment from your goals. Keeping focused and clear on what you hope to achieve will help you not get caught up in a whirlwind of frantic activity, but settled on what is truly important. Move through the month fearlessly knowing that you're taking great strides forward.

It's going to be important to focus on the big picture these next two months. Our day to day activities are just a small part of the overall path our lives take. And beyond that, our lives are just a small aspect of the greater world around us. The World challenges us to think long-term and big picture. Each action we take has the opportunity to aid or derail us along our journey. Choose wisely where you exert yourself, and try not to be too hard on yourself for every little thing. It's okay to have off days, so long as you keep at your goals and progress when you're able. You may be approaching the end of a cycle, or some closure may come your way. It's important to understand that the world will keep turning and offering us new opportunities and challenges. And that it's a wonderful gift to be alive.

Number Nirvana

Tammy Campy @ www.tammymariecampy.com

Then we will walk into August! 8 is a time of harvest. A time to sow the crops and reap the benefits: financially, abundantly, with a pure, authentic heart. Now that is powerful, as well! Would you agree? Our work pays off and can pay off this month on a collective level. Of course our personal timelines would determine something more specific for us, but as a whole it can be a great money month. What is your personal Welcome to July 2017! And happy 4th, one and all! So

relationship with money? This is a great month to

there has been a shift this year and now we get to

review those ideas about money. Is your relationship

redirect some energy in the month of America's

with money balanced? How's the checkbook? Do you

freedom! Our declaration of independence! What does

come from fear around money? Do you allow it to come

personal freedom and independence mean to you?! As

in? Are you not connected to money at all? Does it just

we enter into July which is our 7th month in 2017, we

always magically show up and you are always taken care

get to go within, be silent, trust, let go and let God,

of? Are you expressing gratitude for all you have and

Father, Mother, Spirit, higher self, whatever it is for

receive? Do you save or not? This is a great month for

you. Really allow, this month. Allow your intuition to

that a financial review....AND amazingly....love and

be your guide and trust what comes. Be conscious! And

money hold the same frequency when it comes to

that is what it is all about, right?!

numerology....so look at that! How's the area of love in our life? Scarce? Abundant? Balanced? Unbalanced?

When we add the 1 from the year we are in within the

Honoring? Respectful? Nurturing? Engaged?

Universe it now becomes an 8...7+1=8, and 8 means

Passionate? No passion? Lacking communication? How

power. As we stand in our personal power, I am

connected are you to YOU? This will help view what

encouraging you to take a look within. Where does

you are attracting into your world! Again.....an

your personal power reside? Are you standing in it

opportunity to observe, expand and grow!

powerfully, authentically, truthfully, balanced? Whole? Complete? This doesn't encourage ego or being bossy,

Upgrades are available, especially when we connect the

or bullying, or manipulating to get our way. Which is

powerful 8 month of August with the 1 year in the

sometimes what can occur in a strong energy of 8. We

Universe, 8 + 1 = 9 . 9 is the time to let go of what no

have this great opportunity here to ask some honest

longer serves you in the area of love and money! What

questions. How do I operate in the world when it comes

works in your relationship to money? What about

to my personal power? Do I dominate? Am I

LOVE? What doesn't work as well as you would like it

submissive?? Am I balanced? Do the lines get blurred?

to? In the area of Money? LOVE?! What do you desire?

When we connect to our personal truth and desire,

More? Balance? Abundance? Are your thought patterns

authentically, and stand fully and powerfully in it, to

in alignment with your desires? For Money? For love?

embrace our honor and respect for ourselves, we then

If not...let it go, let it go, let it go! and Allow, Allow,

allow ourselves to powerfully connect to others with

Allow! When we can truly be conscious here, observe

compassion and understanding, and without judgement!

where we are, have grace with ourselves, trust our

Now how's that for some things to reflect on for the

higher self and intuition. Allow ourselves to dream, and

month and bring a whole new level of operating, in the

consciously connect to our desires! They CAN COME



How to Manifest Anything! Demetria Black @ www.demetriablack.com I am of the belief, we are all very powerful manifestors, we’re always in creative mode. Our thoughts, beliefs and energy make this possible. So, it is extremely vital for us to be present in the awareness of our thought life, what it is we truly believe about ourselves as well as our personal energy.

These three ingredients: thought, beliefs and energy are in constant motion; streaming our powerful energetic signal out into the Universe, who is responsible for reflecting these signals back to us with a physical manifestation of into our lives.

Many of us aren't getting out of life what we truly desire or even intend to create such as; the manifestation of love, relationships, career, success, money, enjoyment of life, family, lifestyle, leisure travel, friendships, adventure, health/ fitness or even the satisfaction of life in general which for many seem out of reach. The first question I’m often asked is, “What am I doing wrong?" Or “Why am I not receiving the things I'm trying to manifest?”

There’s one answer to both of these questions, which is we're all manifesting in two parts. And both of these two parts utilize the same thoughts, beliefs and energy system that govern our ability to create with the dynamics of Universal Law. We know these two parts as subconscious and conscious.

Our subconscious, is that part of ourselves we'd rather avoid. You know, the parts of Self where we don't belief we measure up with thoughts of comparison and self-judgment seeping into our actions. Or it may be a belief system we've been locked into by accepting it as our own truth such as believing in statements like, “the struggle is real” or money doesn't grow on trees or maybe you believe you just weren't meant to be happy. Although, the verses may vary the song is still the same and, this recording is playing on repeat in a never ceasing loop, inwardly in your subconscious thought life which has adverse effects your energy as well as your actions.

Now, our conscious thoughts, beliefs and emotions tell us a different story. We have wonderful affirmations, the greatest faith and we are firm in beliefs and, our goals, dreams, aspirations, desires and spiritual pursuits are rock solid in their foundation. (continues)

Unfortunately, the conflict of internal dialogue versus

Follow these 8 easy steps to begin manifesting your list:

external conscious activity collide, sending mixed signals to the Universe. Thereby, creating a

1) IGNITE YOUR INTENTION – Be clear and precise

manifestation similar in appearance to what asked for,

about what it is you are desire to create. Use detail.

wanted and desired but somehow we aren't quite able

Write it down and remind yourself of it daily as well as

to make them a lasting experience with the desired

being prepared to take action.

outcome we’d intended.

2) GRAB YOUR GRATITUDE – Gratitude is where you plant your seeds of desire and then intention to

But instead of giving up hope, take the experience as a

watch it grow. The energy of gratitude does two things;

lesson and then ask yourself, “How did I create this?”

first it shifts you into a higher energetic vibration and

Then gently walk yourself backwards through every

then secondly, sets you up for emotional connectivity

thought you had leading up to the moment your

by grounding your energy into the Earth plane which

manifestation started changing into an experience you

magnetized your manifestation to you much more

didn't want. After you're able to understand your


thought patterns and your deepest beliefs, you can heal

3) PAMPER YOUR POSITIVITY – Stay optimistic,

your energy and begin manifesting anything.

be hopeful and see the bright side. I recommend listening to your favorite song, watching an upbeat

We begin by Mind Engineering subconscious thoughts

movie, hanging with positive minded friends, treat

and beliefs bringing them into conscious awareness,

yourself to a nature walk or just get outside in general

this allows us to delete old outdated thoughts and

and be enthralled with life!

beliefs once held to be true and create new thoughts

4) LIGHTS, CAMERA… ACTION - Here's where you

and beliefs which are in alignment with our current

do something toward your intention. Immediate

values and beliefs. Once we begin this process of Mind

movement on your part makes the Universe rise up to

Engineering, we're better able to define exactly what it

meet you.

is we want, desire and deserve for our lives.

5) BELIEVE, BREATHE & RECEIVE- Once you are clear about your intention, faith and trust are vital to

We can manifest anything with these 8 easy steps. I

knowing you can let go and, be taken care of by the

always recommend start with testing your creative


manifesting power with small things. I suggest three

6) VISUAL-EYES- IT – See it as already done. See

entirely different things, for example: I'd like to be

yourself doing it, having it and how it feels. This is the

invited and treated to lunch at a great restaurant this

spark to stokes the second flame.

week and have a wonderful time and enjoy the

7) CHANGE YOUR MOTTO – Instead of saying, “I

company, it is my deepest intent is to book 10

can't wait for this or that.” Say, “I love my job, my boss

successful parties with great hostesses and their friends

is so cool and my co-workers are friendly."

for the month June and lastly, I deeply desire an

8) IT'S GREAT TO MEDITATE – There are many

unexpected but pleasant surprise, one that exceeds my

forms of meditation. The art of silence must be

expectations and imagination that will bring joy and

mastered. But do practice. However, there are many

excitement into my life.

forms in which one can meditation, learning to engage

Get ready, get set, and enjoy your journey into becoming a powerful manifestors!

yourself and creating a quiet a sacred space in self are the most important part of meditation because this is how you recharge your soul, revive your spirit and gain mastery over your old internal dialogue.

"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality. Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see." -- Bohemian Rhapsody In my long life I have visited many locales and lived in many houses. There is one or two that appear in my dreams on occasion that seem so familiar and yet I cannot place them as being in reality. Strangely configured domiciles that just don't fit into my recollections. Perhaps they are montages from dreams, configured by my subconscious to deal with real life decisions, or perhaps, strange as it may seem, come from past life memories. A dream version of deja vu. Whatever the case, I just wanted to explore the theme

Sometimes we get a "feeling" that something is about to happen, or that we have just avoided, almost like a video replay that shows what might have been. It's a form of deja vu; that tickle of instinct that warns you of something to avoid. I get them sometimes while driving. Almost like seeing myself driving into an accident but in reality, avoiding it. Has anything like that happened to you?

of dreams vs reality. But when we consider what Reality really is, we can There are times when you dream of someone close to you, perhaps deceased, and that dream seems so real, and remains in your consciousness well after you awake. These are Visitations. It is one way that the spirit realm can communicate with us, by tapping into our subconscious while we are asleep. It can also foretell a real life experience yet to happen, such as a love connection, or a fulfillment of a desire. My father was rather conservative, and I doubt that he would have imagined where my life path has led me. Yet, there was a dream only a few years ago, where I saw my father, as lifelike as ever, and he welcomed me as

begin to consider all the variables that occur daily to effect our lives. What we "see" as motion is really just a string of still images, 24 per second, that register on our retinas, and that our brains string together like a movie. In fact, TV and movies do the same thing, stringing together still images to make it seem like movement. But consider that for a moment: are we really seeing reality? Or is this a video that our brains are projecting into our consciousness? When we dream, is it just our brains creating desires and problems to be worked out, or is it night time entertainment?

successful. It was his chance to tell me he was proud of what I had become.

Maybe we are in the Matrix. Maybe what we have been taught was history from a thousand years ago and


we are just repeating loops in time? Maybe we are all players on the stage of life, given our part to play, subconsciously of course, as we go about our daily dramas and comedies. Maybe what is happening in the world today doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. Or maybe, what is going on, is a trigger to better ourselves as a race, to live to our highest potential and love one another.

Terry Romine @ www.terryromine.com

Spirituality – The Modern Man, The Hidden Past & The Doorway To Infinity Spencer Dearing @ www.lionhaeartliving.com

This day and age bring about a plethora of methods to raising one’s consciousness, becoming aware and understanding hidden truths. It is like never before have we; The Modern Man, come to realize that there is something much more powerful at work, even within the entire negative dribble that feeds from leaky mainstream pipes. We are coming closer to the Age of Aquarius, which would bring about the tides of truth. The media would have you not be Spiritually Awake, for you then represent a quake in their agenda. However, the cycles of time show that what was; Hidden Past, is now coming into the light.

Spirituality is a very broad topic, it is a term used in safety measure for it does not quite allow offending, while not giving justice against religious teachings. It can be grey area. Fear not my friends; light has shed upon what would be best suited to this term: Spirituality.

Spirituality creates an exciting methodology for placing life’s philosophical teachings, modalities and such into a way of living that represents a harmony within The Universe. It will, undoubtedly create an authenticity in the individual that will resonate on the three facets: Mind, Body & Spirit. This is a good thing and should be a continuous goal for that individual “seeking.”

Offering a magnificent journey that we all deeply desire will bring about experiences that usually bring the person to a critical point where it is essential to step out of the box and away from the Group Mind.

A developing love of Nature begins to strengthen and solidify within the heart of the individual being and so from there, if they wish to “seek” deeper, will begin to listen to what Nature, Mother Gaia has to teach and will eventually conceptualize the Laws of Nature, moreover, the Laws of the Universe. The Laws of the Universe are essential for one to know and use at will. Understanding the Laws will allow the individual to develop a life of abundance, happiness, harmony and of course, LOVE!

Once more, Spirituality is not some “way out there” hippie, occult thing, nor is it a religious, strict and rigid box mind set. Spirituality represents Freedom, because no one can really pin down the word to any such object, belief, person or circumstance, it would be best suited as Freedom.

Now, the best thing one could do after reading this article would be to meditate on the suggested opinions and concepts above. While meditating/contemplating, try to really feel, not think, but feel, how this may be in effect in your life. How does Spirituality resonate within you? How would you define it within your Spirit? What can you do to open yourself up to the Universe?

How does Spirituality resonate within you? How would you define it within your Spirit? What can you do to open yourself up to the Universe? Lastly, The Universal Laws are of something of magnificence, it can be difficult to grasp some of these Laws as you may find they goes against your current programming. Rest assured, the Universe is looking out for you, and is designing itself for you and you for it. Allow yourself to enter the hallway that holds the Doorway to Infinity. Be brave and step through, what you may find will change your Life forever, for the better. I'll see you on the other side!

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