Find Your Magic! May June 2017

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CRYSTAL CONNECTIONS A Holistic Lifestyle Magazine Issue #07

May/June 2017

Find Your Magic

Sacred Spaces Issue

Crystal Connections From the Editor Magic is what you make it I have been spending a lot of time thinking of magic and teaching magic, lately. Why? Because we are moving into a time when you can manifest almost instantly. OK, some things take a little more time for the Universe to align all the players, but for the most part, we're always manifesting. Every choice you make affects your life, and someone else's life. Every thought, every feeling has an outcome, a consequence. So why not consciously choose what it is that you WANT to feel and experience? Because that's my definition of magical manifesting. Conscious


choices of EXACTLY what it is that I want, in my life. What are you choosing?

I've teamed up with a local friend, and we have a new office space, in West Fargo, ND! I will be offering energy healings, readings and classes. Bonnie Bee will be offering intuitive readings and tarot readings. If you are local, be sure to keep an eye out for future events (such as TEA & TAROT!), or even if you aren't local and would like to support us, feel free to like our Facebook page: @BridgingtheJourney

Contributors Crystal


Crystal Rasmussen is a Licensed Soul Therapist, Professionally

Teri Bach, MFT, has been a psychotherapist for 25 years and

Trained Generational Healer and Spiritual Guide who serves

coaches women entrepreneurs who want to earn more in

women who are stuck in fear and co-dependent relationships.

their businesses by helping them change the beliefs they have

She supports and guides others in awakening their authentic self,

about money. When clients work with Teri, they are able to

discovering their truth, tapping into their own heart wisdom,

earn unexpected income, get new clients or sales and have

becoming empowered, and how to love themselves deeply.

increased levels of confidence and motivation.



Terry Romine is a Fargo-based Intuitive Psychic and teacher

Committed to growth and expansion of consciousness in

specializing in Spiritual Relationships and Guidance. He tunes

humanity, Tammy Campy studies and specializes in her

into his client's spiritual connection and receives messages

practice of meditation, numerology, Core Passion,

from their Higher Self, Angels and Guides. He also connects

Hypnotherapy, dowsing, personal development coaching,

with those loved ones who have passed over and enjoys

Reiki and Access Consciousness.

reuniting them in a joyful experience.


Daring Spirits

Jasmin Maurer started reading tarot as a fun activity with

This group of 4 women will teach you how to meditate,

friends, and a method of self exploration. Over the years, her

discover and work with your unique vibration, and "go all in"

tarot journey has introduced her to new people and ideas, as

in your life. Life is better when you access your cosmic

well as new understandings of herself. She currently lives in

information and bring those insights into the body. They know

Pennsylvania with her cat, Faulkner, where she dreams of a

that integrating mind, body, and spirit - keeping all three in

future of fully automated space commune.

balance - makes things feel easier and gentler. Come grow and play with Daring Spirits!

Contributors yuri Lila Lila Jones is a mermaid instructor and teaches how to

Yuri Zagreus is a transformational artist, conveying the

spiritually work with and connect with the ocean and

beauty and truth of Divine Providence and true love

mermaids. Currently living on Maui, she holds a degree in

through passionate thought-provoking poetry, ethereal

Marine biology from Hawaii Pacific University and is

channeled paintings, and spiritually oriented crafts for

active in marine conservation efforts. After a spiritual

ritual workings and sacred altar displays.

awakening in Alaska., she then pursued developing her clairvoyant abilities and educating those within the spiritual community about how to incorporate mermaid energy into their healing practices.

Kailee Lynne Lynne Hartwell has been assisting both the general public and

Kailee Holbert is the Founder of Healthy Soul 360. She is a

professionals alike with successful transformation of their

college student studying for her Bachelor’s degree in Biology

life’s path & direction. She shares methods and techniques

with a Psychology minor and Public Health pathway. She has

that have worked with shifting her own life and the lives of

always had a love and passionate interest in eating healthy,

others into one of personal empowerment, success and joy.

working out, and being an inspirational light to those around

She is a Multi-Dimensional Energy Healer, Spiritual Guide

her. As a Light Worker and Spiritual Healer, Kailee's mission

and Psychic Intuitive with numerous certifications and

is to help and guide people on their spiritual journey while

experience in the field.

getting healthy and confident.

Want to connect even more? Click on the links! Click on the contributors photos to be connected to their websites! You can also click on any hyperlink where you see an @ symbol, throughout the magazine. Click it and kick it!

Crystal Connections Table of Contents Mind What's your money vibe? Page 5



Everyday magic: Page 6

Your monthly energy forecasts for Numerology and Tarot are back!! Pages 9-12

Real life clairvoyance: Page 13


Body Holistic healing of the month features: Lavender &


Frankinsence essential oil, and Aventurine: Page 15

Goals! Resolutions! The halfway mark: Page 16


Soul The magic of Mermaids: Page 18

Weaving magic into your life. Page 19

The Divine Twin Flame: Page 21



Spirit New! An oracle card spread and an angel mediation: Pages 23 & 24

The Wizard is in: Page 25



The information in this magazine is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Holistic health and spiritual healing should not be used for a substitute for treatment by a health care professional, but to be used as a supplemental and complementary treatment. There is no statement herein as to therapeutic efficacy. Crystal Connections magazine shall bear no liability whatsoever for direct or indirect, special or consequential damages relating in any way to the used of information provided in this magazine, or resulting from any defects or failure of this information. Consumers are urged to evaluate practitioners and modalities thoroughly and make well-informed decisions regarding their physical, emotional and psychological health. The opinion expressed by the contributors and writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the magazine and it's Editor and Assistant Editor.



Teri Bach, MFT Are you engaged in actively attracting or creating money or are you engaged in actively blocking or sabotaging money? When we identify where our vibe is, we can change it!

And here’s a surprise… it isn’t what it seems. It seems like you’re REACTING to your income and the REALITY of it. But what’s really happening is that

Fill in the following:

your nervous system has been wired long ago to react with those exact thoughts and feelings when it comes

I earn $__________ (monthly income).

to money. And you have created your reality from that programming.

First, notice what you are feeling and any “sentences” you are hearing in your head. Does one sound like this,

So the best way to address this is at the nervous

“It is not enough”? If so, how true does that statement

system level because if you shift it there, your whole

feel on a scale of 1 to 10?

money reality starts to shift. If you aren’t familiar with Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), please

And now really sit with it…what is the feeling inside

go to my website and watch my video on what it is

you when you say that sentence and it feels true? If

and how to do it. If you already use it, let’s do some

you get a certain sensation in your body, what would


that sensation say to you if you were to give it a voice?

Tapping on Karate Chop Point: The truth is, I try to be positive. But this number is

This is your immediate vibration about money! Why?

just not enough and I really feel that right in my

Because our income represents the main way money

stomach. It’s depressing. It’s scary. It’s hopeless. And

comes into our lives. So if it triggers negative feelings

I’m really disappointed. I totally honor all of these

like anxiety, fear, worry, failure, embarrassment,

real feelings and I’m so open to healing them because

frustration, anger, THAT is your pervasive money

this is a conflict. Even though this money just isn’t

vibe. Do you see how that is a huge conflict when you

enough, I’m going to accept all my bad feelings about

think about bringing in more money? Money that is

that. This hopelessness. This shame. All my

flowing into your life, through your income, is

disappointment and fears. What if it never changes?

triggering some very negative feelings and vibes!

I’m really feeling the pain of money!

Tapping through the points: This feeling in my stomach***I don’t want to look at this***My income just isn’t enough***I try to be

I’m saying YES to all sorts and forms of money***cash, check or charge***I’m saying YES to money***a whole new vibration about money.***

positive***I’ve been being positive for years*** And it’s still not enough***It hasn’t ever been enough*** It’s really scary***It feels hopeless*** Disappointing *** Shameful***It’s just not enough ***Panic ***Fear ***Anger***Every time I think about money***Every time I see my income***It’s really hard to be grateful***When I feel so bad***It’s just not enough. Take a deep breath. Tap through this a few times to clear.

Now let’s do some positive tapping and open up to some receiving!

I’m letting go of fear and depression***I’m letting go of shame and anger***and I’m now allowing***the REAL me***to resonate with money***I really love money***It’s fun because I’m good at what I do*** I really love earning money***I love what I do***I’m really good at it***and now I’m open to receiving***with one simple word***YES to money***I’m saying YES to money.***

I’m going to say YES to money***all day long***when I wake up in the morning***when I go to sleep***YES to money***even when I dream, I’m

Tapping on the Karate Chop Point: "Even though my income still isn’t enough, I’m totally open to the millions of ways that money can show up for me."

saying YES to money***I love this vibration***I love this vibration of receiving***I’m now receiving and welcoming ***more money into my home***into my business***right into my hands***I’m so curious as to how it will show up***and I’m already feeling

"Even though it isn’t what I want it to be, I recognize that I’m just looking at a result on paper from my

***excited***and grateful***for more money showing up.

past. But in this present moment, I’m a powerful manifester so I’m changing my vibration about money. I’m totally open to all of the ways money can start showing up for me. And everything I need I’m now attracting to me to allow more money into my life."

"I’m now attracting ideas, inspirations, actions, people, circumstances and anything I need to allow money to show up for me. I’m opening up my vibration about money by saying one simple word YES! I’m now saying YES to money!"

Tapping through the points: Looking at money used to make me angry***or fearful and depressed***now when I look at money, I just say YES.***I actually love receiving money ***It’s really fun to get money***I am actually grateful for the money I have right now***I’m now open***to receiving any kind of (legal) money***

YES to money***thank you for money***open to receiving money***all the way through me***mind, body and soul***money is an energy***like any energy***and now I’m saying YES to it.

New to EFT? Check out Teri's instructional video at her website!

Do you remember being a child when magic

Each morning grab your journal, a hot cup of

truly existed? From these awestruck eyes you

tea and get comfortable in an inspiring location

saw beauty, wonderment and pure love in each

where you can light a candle or sit outside in

moment, leaving you open to experience a life

nature. Begin each practice by breathing deeply

filled with possibilities, expansion and

and grounding into the earth, allowing each and

curiosity. You were free to explore and play

every worry, fear and uncertainty to fall away.

with Mama Earth and all her beings, ask

Become extremely present in your body. Today

questions, see new things, and live from your

is a new day, filled with possibilities,

heart free from the conditions and beliefs that

opportunities and Spirit is ready and willing to

now keep you stuck.

assist you on your journey as you dedicate yourself to this sacred ritual to create magic.

Over time you’ve closed off those doors to this

Invite your Spirit Allies, Wisdom Council,

magical gateway. You’ve become burdened

Mother Earth and your Ancestors forward to

with responsibilities, obligations, obstacles and

assist you. (If you feel called, please invite any

limitations. Your mind has taken over telling

other light beings in to support you.)

you all the things that are not possible. Today, I want to invite you into a sacred space where you

1) What would you like to do today?

can awaken the magic that still resides within

This first question is not about what you

you to create it in your everyday life. With a

“should” or “have to” do. This is about listening

few easy steps you will eliminate the unhealthy

to what feeds and nourishes your Soul. Create

thoughts that are stopping you and activate your

space each day to honor what she is asking to

ancient heart wisdom.

have more of in your life. It could be big or small. Would you benefit from taking a pottery

Practice this sacred ritual daily to feel the

class? Going for a walk in nature? Meditating

transformations take place in both your mental

for an hour? Going dancing or catching up with

and emotional bodies. As you raise your

friends? Getting a massage or manicure? Pause

vibration, gain clarity and become focused you

and listen. The answer will not come from your

will begin to invite the possibilities of magic

mind, but from within you; a small voice asking

and new opportunities into your life easily and

to be seen, heard and acknowledged. Create


space in your day for what comes through.

Create Magic in your daily life

Crystal Rasmussen

Certified Generational Healer™ Spiritual Guide and Licensed Soul Therapist

It may not look the way you expect it to. Question, what are the possibilities and options available to invite this into your life today? Then take action and do it.

2) Create a Gratitude List and Fill in the Why. Everyone can find something to be grateful for, it’s expanding on WHY you are grateful for it that begins to raise your vibration and activate

Awaken the magic that still resides within you to create it in your everyday life.

your heart energy on an even deeper level. List at least 5 things you are grateful for and why. Here are a few suggestions to show you how you can get started: I am grateful for my partner when he makes me laugh and forget about my fears. I am grateful for my son and how every time I see him, I smile and am filled with pride. I am grateful for the colorful birds and the songs they sing as they add beauty to the world. I am grateful for my feet and their ability to take me wherever I want to go. I am grateful for the pure clean water I drink as it cleanses and purifies my system and keeps me healthy.

3) Send Blessings.. This gets super fun when you use your imagination! When you bless others you raise your vibration and feel good. Plus, it amplifies the vibration of love within the universe allowing each thing, person or situation that was blessed the opportunity to grow and experience more love, freedom and joy. For this exercise write down 5 people, things or situations you would like to send blessings to. As you write them down, imagine a fairy sprinkling them with lots of love and sparkling fairy dust. In doing this, you completely let go of attachment to what they may or may not receive. You’re simply sending them extra love for their day.

4) Magic Ball of Creation. What would you like to create or have more of in your life? Take a few deep breaths and ask your Spirit allies to create a Magic Ball of Creation. Picture a golden ball of energy in front of you. Call in and invite the energies or physical manifestations and see them being placed in the ball by your allies. For example: Peace, Freedom, Happiness, Clarity of Purpose, 3 new clients this month, etc. This can be anything you desire, but in order to stay focused and allow the flow into your life keep it to no more than 3 items. Then imagine the ball of energy being placed into your heart. Breathe in this energy and watch it as it expands throughout each and every cell and beyond sending out a call to the universe and inviting it to you. Remember, what you seek is seeking you.

5) Close the ceremony. Close your journal and place your hands over your heart giving thanks to Spirit, to your allies, to your ancestors and other beings that supported your ritual.

When a space to honor intentions, creations and possibilities is upheld in the highest integrity, then magic begins to take place in your life. As you become clear on what your Soul desires more of and operate from a place of gratitude and love, your vibrations begin to raise to a higher frequency matching the manifestations of what you are inviting in.

Would you like more support in consciously creating your life? Book a 30 minute complimentary Soul Therapy Consultation with Crystal today at

Are you living the life your Soul craves? Sadly, most of us aren’t fully living our lives based on what our soul craves. Instead, our choices are based on fear. We don’t take that chance. We don’t pick up the phone, because we are afraid of rejection. We pass on forgiving, in fear of being hurt again. We don’t start that business, because we are afraid of failing or being laughed at. We don’t quit the job we hate, because we believe there is no other option. We don’t take that trip, because we can’t lose the job we hate. The list goes on and on. We put off living until tomorrow. What if there wasn’t another tomorrow to achieve all you wanted? Would your choices in life be different? Life is made up of moments, and each of these create our legacy. These moments are the marks left behind by us on earth, the memory we leave for our loved ones when our time is up and the footprints saying we were here. These ideas leave me with a few questions: How are you living your life right now? Are you embracing it, or are you pushing it away and telling yourself you will do it later? Are you willing to take a risk and begin to fully live your life, embracing the short time you have here on this amazing planet? Are you willing to answer your soul’s calling? If you desire to be free from the conditions that hold you back so you can reach your highest potential, be fully expressed, and understand who you are and how to love yourself deeply I invite you to schedule a complimentary 30 minute Soul Therapist call at

Crystal Rasmussen is a Certified Generational Healer™ Spiritual Guide and Licensed Soul Therapist who serves women who seek freedom, happiness and sacred relationships. She supports and guides others in awakening their authentic self, discovering and speaking their truth, tapping into their own heart wisdom, becoming empowered, and learning how to love themselves deeply.

6 Week Soul Awakening Bring awareness to how limitations have been created. Open to an awakening of your authentic self. 3 Month Heart Immersion Dedicated to women who desire to communicate their truth from an authentic place of personal compassion and deep understanding of love, truth and honesty. 6 Month Life Path Journey A deep exploration of discovering who you are and why you are here and what life path is the most beneficial and rewarding for you. 9 Month Soul Expression A life altering experience of knowing compassion as a strength, enabling self-love as a launching pad for greatness and speak truth for self and others. You will understand how your core soul expression shows up in the world.

Book a Complimentary 30 Minute Soul Therapist Consultation or visit

Number Nirvana Tammy Campy, Numerologist

Marvelous May and Joyful June, one and ALL!

Abraham, Wayne Dyer, Matt Kahn...they remind us of several things and so much of it has to do with

Let's play with numbers shall we?! As we recall, we

where our state of consciousness lies. As we are in

are starting this new 9 year cycle this year in the

the flow of life, in that ever effortless flow in the

Universe. New beginnings! Time to start anew! May

river of abundance, we are so graciously

is a 5 month, which reminds us about taking some

ALLOWING ourselves to be SUPPORTED,

risks! Thinking outside the box! Having fun! Being

TRUSTING that all is well, and DETACHING

charismatic! Having freedom in our lives! So, how

from the outcome of what we DESIRE! And LOVE

can we do this?! What are some old ways of being

is completely present. Can you feel this as you read

and thinking?

this, or see it, or know it?! However, when we are

· You have to work hard for money

moving UPSTREAM, against the current and flow of life.....lack, poverty, DIS-EASE, worry, doubt,

· Work before play · Money doesn't grow on trees · You are not worthy to receive So these old patterns, at some level, we have bought into, would you agree? We were wired to operate more from a thinking and planning, analytical state of consciousness. Now consciousness shifts and changes, grows and expands. It is time to do something new, in a new cycle, in a new year. AND in a change month such as May, there is no better time to engage in that process! So I encourage you.....let's all consider: Love and Money hold the same frequency so we can correlate this in a number of ways....this is not limited to money, shall we say.

Again, I encourage you to consider.....a shift in our relationship to love and money....I recently have connected to some really great YouTube videos, on manifesting. Whether it be Esther Hicks with

and fear are in that space, correct?!

So this is our opportunity in the month of May to really take some time to observe our thoughts in such a conscious way that we can start working WITH them and CHANGE of thoughts and behaviors. Really start dreaming again about what we desire! Allow ourselves to be in a conscious state to match the energy of our desires and believing it can come to fruition first, and I can guarantee you things will magically start to appear in your world that you never thought possible! Abundance, blessings, peace, love, joy and grace. VS. fear, lack, doubt, worry, judgement, scarcity. I am not suggesting this will never come in again. It will, this is how we have opportunities to transform old patterns. It will come in and when it does, we get to simply choose what we are willing to participate in or not. And work with the energy to move through us to be in a state of love, grace, joy and harmony! May is truly the time to change and think outside the box!

Next comes June! Joyful June! An opportunity to

When we are crystal clear there is a new opening for

transform our relationships, friends, family,

these beautiful desires to be manifested with ease,

community as a whole. Six is service energy. Service

love, and joy! When we are unclear there is a latter

being the teacher, counselor, healer. Mother energy.

available....what do you want? AND then of

This energy reminds us of old patterns of...

course....detach from the outcome! The PRACTICE

· martyrdom - giving to the point where you are not taking care of you, just others · judgement - justice being served, blaming others · unbalanced energy of giving and receiving

in the development of our consciousness on the path to enlightenment is to be able to remain neutral around it attachment, being in a state of allowing, being grateful and full of love and service to ourselves and humanity. BALANCE is the key in June! Like the scale....are you giving more than receiving? Are you taking more than you are giving? Are you clear about your boundaries? Loving oneself

· being a doormat

first, having clarity, and honoring all will support So what is a new pattern to embrace to manifest your

you in manifesting all you desire!

desires in the month of June? Really identifying what you want and desire! What do you want?! It is

May you truly step into a new state of expansion for

soooo easy to be clear about what you don't want,

yourselves and your lives in May and June! May this

right? So let's once again start dreaming, what do

new growth empower you to have all your dreams

you want? In relationships? Career? Finances? Your

come true!

spiritual connection? Your health and wellness?

Beautiful LOVE and LIGHT to you all!

(let's be facebook besties @crystalconnectionsmagazne

Leafmold & Earth tarot Tarot-cast for May/June 2017 Jasmin Maurer The number two is calling to us over the next two months, asking us to be patient and find balance. Easy concepts, right? For May, we have the 2 of Cups, a card of love and caring. Connect with those who make up your community. Take time for your friends and loved ones this month. Their company can help you on your journey forward. At the same token, if someone is bringing you negative energy or making you feel tired, don't be afraid to disengage. This is a time to take care of yourself and your emotional needs. Be picky about who you spend your time with, and what kind of emotional labor you provide for others Don't give too much of yourself without getting anything in return. Remember that balance. The right relationships can make you feel part of something bigger. If this month feels a bit lonely, don't forget, your relationship with yourself is just as important  as the ones you have with others. It's a time to be intentional about our relationships on all fronts and be as caring as we can.

June brings some 2 of Wands energy with it, and the card says dominion. Dominion is about control. Whatever life might bring you this June, look for the areas where you can take control. Plan your next steps and be ready to enact your plan when you feel ready, but also remain flexible. Sometimes our best laid plans meet the greatest twists that lead us places we weren't expecting, but end up being right. Look ahead and don't be afraid to take the necessary steps forward. If you've been nurturing yourself and your relationships, like May asked us to do, you should have a good foundation of support backing you up. It is possible to follow our dreams while remaining realistic and grounded. Make some decisions and boldly go forward, always knowing that if something doesn't feel right, you can always adjust as needed along the way.

The over-arching energy for these two months is Magic Maker, a great card for this issue's theme. We all have the capacity to make magic in our lives. This card asks you to look within at your own inner resources, gifts, and power. Set your intentions during these next two months and build your path towards how you plan to reach them. Remember your external resources as well, your friends and community who bring out the best in you. Use your connections to build upon your hopes and dreams and take charge of the future. It's a great time for transformation as the world itself transforms through spring and into summer. As you move through these months, it might feel like you have one foot in the present and one towards the future, which is a good stance to make some magic happen. Good luck.

Deck used: The Sun and Moon Tarot and Spirit Cats Deck by Nicole Piar

ay of ergy is a w n e g in d a Re rent om a diffe r f g in iv e c per w. point of vie

Real Life Clairvoyance Barbara Holbrook

I love to read, I always have. Books and I are totally BFF. I love the feeling of burying y nose in a book & getting lost in a tale; I get butterflies in my stomach when I feel the handful of pages in my right hand get thinner and I know that I';ll soon be at the end of the story, yet it brings me great joy to close the back cover and sit, eyes closed, savoring the experience of being slowly transported back to real life.

Do you know what I'm talking about? Do you also experience a little jolt when you finish a great book, look around, and see that the characters aren't actually sitting

Words on a page convey information, insight, connection, the sense

in the room with you? Have you ever

that there is more happening, and has happened, in the world than what

spent an afternoon watching the clock,

we are experiencing in this moment. We see the world through the

anxiously awaiting that precious moment

eyes of another. We suspend ourselves for the time we are transported

when you can dive back into the story of

into a story...into a picture...a picture that someone created for us......

your current book crush?

just like we do when we read energy.

Stories can completely engage and

The only difference is that the story we watch unfolding when we're

transport us. They get under our skin and

tapping into our clairvoyance is our own. It’s our story, life, our

change us. We carry lines of text and

information. That can be incredibly helpful when we’re feeling lost,

visual images and snippets of dialogue

confused, discouraged, uncertain, or unclear in any way.

within us and allow them to move through us and become woven into the

Reading energy, or “clairvoyance” (which simply means“clear seeing”)

fabric of our being. Are you with me?

is a way of perceiving our stories from a different point of view. It’s super helpful when things feel stuck or stagnant, or when things feel

When you read (a book or, say, a

particularly intense. Pulling back and taking in a wider swath of the

magazine article) — do you also see

picture give us information that we couldn’t see when we were in the

pictures in your mind's eye? Do you

thick of it.

become the character, feeling what they're feeling? Do you see the story play

Here’s an example from my own life, a page from my story that might

out as if on a screen in front of you? Are

light something up for you: It was one of those seasons when life felt

you hearing the story from their point

like it was moving really fast. Physically, mentally, emotionally,

of view?

spiritually - I'd been firing on all cylinders. And you know what?

I won't lie to you, it was brutal. Finding a spot to rest

It sounds easy, and in many ways it truly is. Yes, it

— all I really wanted after a while, a simple spot to

takes practice. Yes, it took time to develop the skills.

catch my breath and regain a little control — seemed

Yes, I really believe you can do it, and it is totally

out of reach.

worth it. Open up to the possibility of your own clairvoyance. Learn to read your own stories in a

Do you know the feeling? Every time I turned around,

different way.

I was either making another breakthrough or having some kind of system breakdown. I started feeling

And notice what happens.

overwhelmed, confused, and incapable of moving forward. My wise bestie/biz partner/soul sister listened to me say that and replied that the only logical thing to do in that case, obviously, was to stop turning around!

That little pep talk started as a joke, a silly quip to lighten things up. Then I realized it's actually spot on. The picture came to me in an instant; I saw myself pivoting like a basketball player, barely setting my moving foot down before picking it up and spinning to face a different direction. It was not a peaceful

Did you know that Daring Spirits offers a program that teaches you to apply your clairvoyance in your own “real life”? It’s called See Your Life, and it’s available at


In that instant, I saw how I could ease my over-loaded circuits. I saw how I could back down the intensity I'd been piling on myself, and shift my vibration to something more comfortable for my body to handle.

Stop. Breathe. Simply be where I'm at, take a moment to validate and appreciate all the things that have been lit up, released, brought in, or otherwise bubbled through my consciousness. Exhale, and energetically shift my weight. And then, pick up the other foot. Life isn't a basketball game, there is no rule against traveling, here. Immediately, I felt a physical change. My shoulders dropped about a foot and a half, my jaw unclenched, and the buzzing in my brain faded. I felt lighter. More free. Calm. Capable. Empowered.

It was a fun reminder of the power of clairvoyance. I didn't outwardly change a single thing (there's still a metric butt ton of stuff to be done — there always will be). I simply read the energy of what I was feeling; I let a picture pop up that gave me the relevant information.

AMP it up!

Real life meditation for real life results. Yes, you know meditation is good for you...and you don't know how to fit it into your busy life. We can help. Use our Active Meditation Practice Program (AMP) and see how meditation can work for you.

Crystal Connection Aventurine Is it luck? Is it Magic? Maybe she's born with it? Or maybe it's AVENTURINE?! Carry this stone with you when you want to attract prosperity, winning and wealth. Balance your heart chakra with this stone, as well, and you will boost your feelings of tranquility, personal empowerment, and even strengthen the bonds in your relationships. Allow Aventurine to harmonize your energies, provide mental clarity, and protect and boost your heart chakra. Witness magical opportunities unfold before your eyes! Power Mantra: "I am open to attracting and receiving the best opportunities and abundance for my highest and best good, at this time. Thank you and so it is!

Aromatic Elixers The Blending Library

Frankincense & Lavender Essential Oil Blend Emotional Support: Confident, Comforting, Strength, Hopeful and Supportive Physical Support: Sore muscles, wounds, scars, irritated skin, anti-aging Build your own blends!

Add a little bit of a carrier oil such as coconut, almond, or grape seed *Consult a physician regarding usage if pregnant, for children, and the elderly

Boo-Boo Blend: 2 drops Frankincense & Lavender 2 drops Tea Tree or Melaluca

"I Can't Even" Blend: 2 drops Frankincense & Lavender 2 drops Bergamot

Purchase this oil and find much, much more at my Youngevity website!

Goals and Resolutions Galore!

Kailee Holbert/ Holistic Lifestylist & Soul Coach

We're halfway through the year! How are your goals coming along?

We’re already half way through the year! Let’s get back on track and refocus on our goals, but first let’s get real with ourselves! We’ve either given up on our New Year’s Resolutions already, we’ve fallen off track with focusing on our health, or we want to revisit our goals to get that summer body. If you gave up on those New Year’s Resolutions or have fallen off track, that’s completely okay!

I don’t believe in beating ourselves up over falling off track with our health. The thing though is a lot of us beat ourselves up if we do fall off track, especially us women. It’s just the nature of the beast, I guess. If you’re anything like me, your schedule is crazy busy, there’s no time to fit in that workout or meal prep and going to the gym is expensive. You feel drained, groggy, and guilty, I totally understand. Oh, the lists could go on.

Here are are a few things to remember when you find yourself in these positions: Be gentle on yourself. Seriously, you’re doing the best you can. If you miss a day, a week, or a month of eating healthy or working out it’s seriously no big deal.

Schedule some time for you. If you take time to journal or meditate, schedule some extra time to get that workout in. It can simply be a gentle yoga flow, going for a walk, or dropping that booty to do those squats!

Refocus on your goals. We’re half way through 2017, so revisit your wellness goals anyway. You’re a work in progress.

Find that motivation. I literally will scroll through Instagram or Pinterest to get my motivation back in working out. Remember why you started.

View it differently. Don’t think of working out or eating healthy, as a chore or that it’s expensive. Think of it as you are taking care of yourself. Your body is your temple, remember that.

Now that we’ve taken a new, or different, approach to how to be gentle on ourselves and to views on it all, it’s time to take action. Write those goals down, write them in a journal, write them on sticky notes and place them around your house or bedroom, and get going! To help you out to get back on track, here’s a little recipe that will cleanse your body and wake you up in the mornings! I call it the Ultimate Wake-Up Cleanse! {continued on next page}

Ultimate Wake-Up Cleanse! m .co ut 0 o ck ul36 spo! e Ch yso d in h alt ps an e .h e ti w r ww r mo fo

- Large glass or bottle of water, 32 oz bottle is preferred for this recipe! (Preferably a reusable water bottle, especially so you can refill it with water throughout the day!) - 2 tbsp. of raw un-pasteurized organic Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 tsp. Cinnamon - 1 tbsp. Honey - 1/2 Fresh Lemon - Fill with warm water and enjoy

Children of the Sea

Lila Jones

When I stand with my feet in the

Working with mermaid energy

When I started showing symptoms

saltwater, waves crashing against

begins with connecting to their

of PTSD after working in Alaska,

me I feel something much deeper

source, the sea. The ocean is my

I worked very closely with the

than can be put into words.

own version of God-source energy

mermaids to help give me insight

There’s a beautiful gift that comes

because it is where life on earth

as to why I couldn’t seem to move

from the ocean, which is the

originated from. The connection

on from a particular life event. At

source of all life on the planet. Her

comes from the high-heart energy

first it was the events in Alaska

waters control the seasons and

center, a seat of loving magic

themselves. I was unable to

weather patterns all over the

within our bodies. The teal color is

process being sexually harassed

globe. She gives rain, moves

like a tropical sea balancing gently

even though the event occurred

mountains, and all water

between the heart and throat

years prior. The mermaids would

eventually returns to her vast open

chakras. When you tap into this

bring pearls to help me find my


energy, the mermaids will reveal

triggers, find ways to bring myself

themselves to you and dive deep

out of anxiety attacks, and even

In a mermaid tail I feel myself

into your emotions and

helped me find old patterns that

energetically blossom. This

subconscious bringing pearls of

led me into those situations.

connection has allowed me to talk

wisdom and insight for you. When they bring these pearls of

to whales, turtles, sharks, and even receive a kisses from fish. I felt

Mermaids go deep. There’s no

light to the surface, meditate on

more comfortable in the water

such thing as a shallow insight

the pearl. Ask the pearl what it is,

than I ever did on land. It opened

when working with them. They

where it came from, and what it

me energetically enough that my

will bring up things you have long

wants you to know. At first the

mermaid sisters on the other side

thought you moved past only to

mermaids will bring things easy to

reveal themselves to me as I swim

find it has affected your life more

release. The more you work with

bringing the ancient wisdom of the

ways than you realized. They will

them, the deeper you allow them

seas for me to share. They hold

reveal your deepest emotions to

to go, the more internal progress

pearlescent light in their hands

unburden you to help you stand in

you will see in your healing

offering insights, songs, wisdom,

your personal power completely


and grace.

unhindered and free.

Weaving the Magic into your Life Lynne Hartwell @l' Many of us associate the word “Magic”

All that is required is a shift in perspective

with the world of fairy tale, folklore, myth,

and the way we think. Changing your

and mysticism. Something otherworldly,

thoughts from one of pessimism or

and not “real” in everyday life. The truth is

criticism (we are our own worst critics at

that Magic exists, and you can weave it

times) into one of greater optimism and

into your life everyday if you choose.

possibility really can make a difference and bring about a new outcome.

Think “What else is Possible?” whenever you hit a challenge or roadblock. Remember you have

Think of it as a web, and we are the

more control over your life than you may realize.

weavers of our own reality. The

By simply converting thoughts of failure or being

thoughts we think influence the

stuck into “What else is Possible” it shifts your

actions we take, which affect the

mindset, shifting your vibration. Things Will change, but you need to actively attract &

outcome of everything we do.

seek them!

Thoughts spin outwards from usmuch like the web of a spider. What

Convert complaining/gossiping into something

gets caught into the web we weave

more productive. If you find yourself thinking or

will match energetically the vibration

speaking critically of another-is there anything you can do to help that person in any way? Sometimes

the web consists of (what we put in

offering solutions to someone we find annoying can

we get returned back to us, as “like

help them discover better alternatives that bring

attracts like” in philosophy).

about a more positive outcome.

Incorporate either meditation, Yoga, Reiki, or Tai Stop what you are doing every day for about 3-5

Chi/Qigong into your daily routine. All these

minutes and find something of beauty and just

practices aim at shifting your overall vibration

appreciate it. You can do this several times a day

and raising your Chi (energy).

if you wish.

Make time daily to do something for YOU-shut

Get outside in nature as often as possible. Nature's

out the outside world and problems and do

energy (the trees and plants, rocks, earth, water,

something that is soothing to your soul.

etc.) is so very beneficial in grounding our energy and helps us to feel better at the emotional,

Listen to music you love. Sound Vibration has a

physical, and spiritual level.

powerful affect on our very DNA, and can shift your vibration from one of a lower to higher frequency. Also, attend sound vibration energy

Movement is the elixir of your Soul-exercise,

healing events or meditations. Sound vibrations,

dance, or just moving about is very important in

when experienced in person, shifts us at the

shifting your vibration and thoughts from

cellular level-having longer term positive effects

something stuck or stagnant into greater vibrancy

on us.

and clarity.

By incorporating changes that bring about a more positive outlook in our lives, we send out threads of higher vibrations from all angles. This helps us manifest more into our lives that benefits us in positive ways-and sometimes in ways we never anticipated! Blessings, Lynne

TRUE LOVE: Beyond All Boundaries and Expectations

Re-merging with the other half of yourself is no light matter. Yet, Hollywood's depiction of romantic relationships seems to overlook it. Even the New Age conversations about the term "Twin Flames" seems too fleeting for the seriousness of the Celestial Marriage.

A Twin Flame is just that--the other half of your soul incarnated in another form. For the unfolding of the Age of Aquarius, a huge part of the Divine Plan for Earth is to re-establish true love onto the third dimensional plane of reality. One of the manifestations of the Fall of Atlantis was humanity moving into an unbalanced, primarily left brained sphere of consciousness where subjects such as intuition and emotions were disregarded, hence leading to the utter disrespect of the Divine Feminine.

Adam and Eve, whether seen as literal or metaphorical, are examples of the Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine polarity. When paired together in absolute harmony, Divine Union is exemplified in physical form through two vessels. Mother and Father God in flesh. Another, even more profound and elevated example, are none other than the pairing of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.

Yuri Zagerus @divineinnocent

Middle Eastern poets of the earlier eras, such as Rumi,

Purification of old thought forms and ways of being

wrote piece after piece devoted to capturing the

must be shed, as those are conditioning blocks

blissful and ecstatic nature of love. They understood

preventing total consumption into operating as one

romance was a gateway to experiencing the Love of

entity with your beloved.

God and Union with the All. As someone with Venus and Pluto both in Scorpio, you can imagine how

There is no such thing as rejection or

intensely and seriously I take matters of the heart. To

misunderstandings in such a state. Unified mind and

someone such as I, love is never fleeting, and even in

heart, synchronized for one goal--service to the

childhood I understood its importance. I innately

Divine--is something many of us are either currently

new of my Twin as a toddler, where on the planet he

experiencing, or preparing to experience as part of our

was located, and the significance of our future fated

reasons of existence on Earth. To become "We" is


actually to become "One", and to operate as a single entity in which the Higher Power of Heaven moves

However, it must be remembered and noted: to

through you to do its will.

experience Union is to first experience it within. You are already a complete vessel. It is you acknowledging

True love is real. It is up to you to open yourself to it,

the sacredness of self that will help attract this mission

by first remembering you are it. All begins from

into your life. That is correct: Union between Twins is


a mission. A Divine responsibility. This is why, the time of preparation before reuniting with each other, is most crucial. It should be seen as equivalent to a monk praying and fasting in the wilderness.


From sugar and caffeine to innumerable chemical additives, food Addiction is a struggle common in the modern world. Unfortunately, conventional wisdom gives us little we don’t already know. Thankfully, Heidi Tungesvick has created a simple and easy, do-it-yourself 13-point protocol will be life changing. Life is meant to be enjoyed!

Order your copy on Amazon, today!

Oracle Card Spread Need clarity, quickly? New to oracle cards, and you need a simple place to start? Try this 4 card spread with your tarot or oracle cards! Shuffle 'em up, cut 'em, lay 'em out! 1. What is actually going on? 2. What can you learn from this? 3. What will happen if you learn from the challenge? 4. What is the over all theme of the reading?

The Overall Lesson




The Situation

The Challenge

3 The Outcome

Angel Connection Are you in need of some help igniting your spark of passion, creativity, and magic? Connect to Arch Angel Michael, for assistance! Close your eyes, place your hands over your heart (like angel wings!), and take a deep breath. The angels always need to be INVITED in to help you, so ask Micheal to guide you to find self growth outside of your comfort zone, to remove fear and anger, and replace them with courage and a feeling of success! Powerful changes occur when you take a balanced risk or push yourself to do something different. Michael will clear blocks from your sacral chakra, which is located a few inches below your belly button, and is the color orange.

Spend a few minutes looking at the prayer board (below) and use it to connect to Michael's energies, as well as your sacral chakra.

Terry Romine

"Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."- Arthur C Clark What is magic? It's the experience of the

She also had the ability to change functions on her

unexplained or unexpected that thrills us. We look

computer just by wishing it so. Volume changes,

for logical explanations that elude us. We wonder

internet connections when the network was down,

how such a thing could happen in the rule- enforced

files magically moving from folder to folder when

Reality that we live in. It baffles the mind, and

she didn't find them where she expected.

stretches the imagination. If can open our eyes to new expressions of belief, and to expand our minds

Another type of magic is things done by the Little

to new levels and boundaries.

People. Sometimes we have "Gremlins" that cause things to disappear only to return to where

Magic can happen anyplace and anytime, usually

they were supposed to be sometime later. There was

when we least expect it. One example that I can

an instance once where I had just finished

testify to: my late wife was a natural empath. She

assembling a bed. My small toolkit I had left under

had the ability to do strange and magical things

the bed, and when I went to retrieve it, it was no

without even thinking about them. One day out at

longer there. Puzzled, I searched everywhere I could

the lake cabin, she went inside while three of us

think of for where I might have left it to no result.

were standing around the door talking. Now there

Two weeks later, I was retrieving a sock from under

was only the one door and no other way to exit the

the bed when lo and behold, there sat my toolkit,

cabin. After a brief time, she walked up behind us

right where I had left it.

appearing as if by magic, without coming out of the cabin. All three of us reacted to her reappearance, as

Perhaps you have had similar experiences or heard of

if none of us had seen her exit the cabin. We asked

someone experiencing things out of the ordinary?

how she had done that and she remarked that she had

Speak gratitude when these things happen! They are

come out and walked right past us. If she did, she

a glimpse into the alternate dimensions of reality

was invisible at the time.Â

that allow such mystical things to happen.

"What is a Tarot reading?"

"Can you tell my future?" "Is energy healing REAL? How does it work?"

"I think I'm an Empath, now what?

"Which Arch Angel should I call on?" Got questions? The Wizard is in! Whether your'e new to metaphysics and spirituality, or if you've been a student for a while, there's always a curiosity that needs to be satisfied! Email our Wizard, Terry Romine, and he might have an answer for you! We will choose a question to publish in the next issue. *no personal questions or lotto numbers, please  Email:

Ask Terry your questions!

follow us on Instagram! @crystalconnectionsmagazine

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