Crystal May Divisional Newsletter

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Crystal Chronicles Divisional Newsletter May 2017

Table of Contents

DCON Feels..........................................................3 Letter from your IP LTG.......................................4 Hello from your LTG............................................5 Presibears in the Ha-House...............................6-7 MAY DCM..........................................................8-9 Banquet Theme Release...................................10-11

DCON: Right in the Feels “This year's DCON was my third and last and it was filled with nothing but memories that I will remember for a lifetime. From the past DCONs I have attended, I would remember our division working hard and practicing the cheers together in hopes of getting that spirit stick. For 3 years we were unable to get it until this year. I can't even begin to express the feelings that were going through me as I heard the sound of Crystal's name being called out. At that moment it really felt like time had stopped because after all that effort and years of practice, it had finally paid off. I know years from now I'll get flashbacks of that moment and the feelings I felt that night will reappear as if I were reliving it all over again. DCON this year was really special to me not only because of this moment but because the feeling of our ohana was strongest here than the years in the past.�

-Paulyn Lao, Palisades, current senior

To cheer until the words get embedded into our skin and to drown in the spirit. To be yourself and yet be KIWIN'S. To work in a common direction and encourage one another. To reflect upon our achievements and smile. DCON 2017. -Jiho Kim, Fairfax, current sophomore

"This year was my first year at DCON and it was an amazing experience to meet new people from different districts and feel the Kiwanis spirit. I will never forget the moment when my division won the spirit stick and witnessed the happiness from all the members. I can't wait for DCON 2018!"

-Dorji Gyeltshen, Uni, current sophomore "DCON was an exhilarating experience where I got to meet other fun and adventurous kiwins members. Workshop were informative and interesting, and how I got to volunteer at the stop hunger now workshop was a time of great fellowship and contribution."

-Benny Chung, Fairfax, current sophomore "DCON 2017 was an amazing experience that really showed me how committed everyone is to KIWIN'S and to service. I loved every single second of the workshops, general sessions, and talent show! I can't wait to go next year with my school, the entire Crystal division, and our Spirit Stick!"

-Alexandra Aladham, Palisades, current freshman

A Letter from your IP Lt.G Hey Crystal! For the new members, my name is Andrew Choi, the Crystal Division IP Lieutenant Governor for the 2016-2017 KIWIN’S year. It was a great honor to serve you all as Lt.G. All of your hard work, dedication, enthusiasm, and most importantly, love for your community and this wonderful organization, are all things that have humbled me and helped me grow morally, in character, and mentally. Continue to represent the KIWIN’S ohana spirit to your friends, family, and community wherever life leads you all. Thank you all so much for allowing Crystal to collectively raise thousands in funds for charity and thousands of hours. Without your hard work, KIWIN’S would not have been able to break that glass ceiling this year. For the underclassmen, keep on doing what you all are doing. Seniors, congratulations once more on whichever journey you chose for the next chapter in your life. As we all begin this new chapter in our lives, for some, a major chapter, I wish you all the best of luck on your future endeavors. I love you all so much and I hope we meet again. Thank you for making my KIWIN’S Adventure Book fun and memorable! With Love and Gratitude, Andrew Choi IP Crystal Lt.G ’16-‘17

Hello from your 2017-2018 Lt.G Hi there Crystal! My name is Julie Han, and I am proud to be serving as your 2017-2018 Crystal Lieutenant Governor. I would like to congratulate all of you for a successful year of dedication and fulfillment in service under KIWIN’S. Thank you for your active participation, kindness, and spirit. It motivates and inspires me to work harder for each and every one of you and my heart grows fonder every single time I am surrounded by your presence. Initially, I was a shy and soft-spoken freshman, but now, I’m a shy and soft-spoken rising senior! All jokes aside, KIWIN’S has definitely allowed me to advance in public speaking, leadership, and has given me an opportunity to be part of a family, oh so great--my Crystal ohana. During my term, I hope to achieve several goals: to further bind the schools within Crystal Division by hosting more divisional events and socials; to increase member participation in district events such as Fall Rally, DCON, Awakeathon, and etc; to charter New West Charter High School and Larchmont Charter High School; to re-incorporate the suspended KIWIN’S club at UCLA Community School; and to carry on the diligent and wonderful lieutenant governor lineage that my predecessors have passed on so humbly. If you want to get to know me a little bit better, read on! I am the IP President of University KIWIN’S (2016-2017) and have been a dedicated member ever since freshman year, when my older brother told me to join some club that reminded me of a fruit. KIWIN’S runs through my mind as often as food runs through yours, which is safe to say--pretty often. Besides breathing in more KIWIN’S than oxygen, I like to explore technology, jam out to music, play my guitar, dance occasionally, Meet New people, play sports, cook/bake, and sleep, when life spares me some time. Going back on track, I look forward to serving you and I cannot wait for what Crystal brings for us next. I am so thankful and see you all soon! Yours in Service, Julie Han Crystal Lieutenant Governor

Meet the 2017-2018 PRESI-BEARS Hey! I'm Thomas Ngo and I'm Bravo KIWIN'S president for the 2017-18 school year. I hope to revitalize the spirit for KIWIN'S at my school, and I look forward to meeting new people. I want my last year of high school of be one of fun, fulfillment, and friends. :-)))

Thomas ngo, Bravo HS, 12th

Hey Crystal! My name is Anna Ji! I am the new president for Fairfax KIWIN'S. I am so excited to serve and lead my club as president! As president, one of my major goals I would like to achieve is increasing membership in the club. Another goal that I am looking forward to achieve is having more exciting service events that would interest members to come. I also plan to have many fundraisers not only for our club but for district projects! I am so thrilled to work with my board and other clubs! I hope to share the same experience I had in KIWIN'S with others and show others what KIWIN'S is truly about!

Anna JI, Fairfax HS, 11th

Lauren Joo, LACES HS, 11th

Hello, my name is Lauren Joo and I am the president of LACES KIWIN'S. As president, I will work on making LACES KIWIN'S a more dedicated member within the Crystal Division. I will do this by encouraging existing members of our club to volunteer their time in both service and volunteer events. Because many seniors have left our club, there are only a few former members, so another one of my goals will be to increase membership.

Hey Crystal Cuties! My name is Alexandra Aladham and I am the new Palisades Charter High School KIWIN'S president! I am an incoming Sophomore and I can't wait to spend my next three years in KIWIN'S with all of you. I have many goals as president, but one of the most important is to increase club membership. I also plan to do more fundraisers for our major and minor projects along with our district project. I am so excited to attend all divisional and district events with my club members and have an amazing and fun year of service!

Alexandra Aladham, Pali HS, 10th grade My name is Joseph Baylis and I'm currently the newly elected president of the University High's KIWIN’S Club. Next year I'm definitely looking forward to working with everyone a part of KIWIN’S in events and fundraisers. I'm also looking forward to accomplishing several goals, such as increasing club membership, creating more/increasing the amount of community service events for my club and others to participate in.

Joseph Baylis, Uni HS, 12th grade

May DCM Recap The most recent DCM was our first divisional meeting of the 2017-2018 year. With a bustling count of 57 members, both new and old members got a feel for what KIWIN'S is like through ice breakers, games, food, a special guest, and a brief information session explaining the overall system of KIWIN'S, the 32nd district of Key Club International.

PROM with Crystal DCMs are where the magic happens...

IP Diamond Lt.G Vincent De La Cruz with our very own Crystal cutie Jillian Wong

Crystal Banquet Theme



Details TBA

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