CRYSTAL KIWIN'S June 2018 Newsletter

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JUNE 2018


T HIS IS S U E Lt. G’s Note What is KIWIN’S?/Upcoming Events Meet The DLT/Our Kiwanis Advisors Club Pages L.A.C.E.S Palisades University Fairfax Bravo

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May DCM Recap Banquet Recap Julie’s Goodbye Letter Directory

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FIND US ON THE WEB @crystalkiwins

Crystal KIWIN’S

Website coming soon!

Crystal KIWIN’S is one of nine divisions of CNH KIWIN’S, the 32nd District of Key Club International.

LT. G’S NOTE YO YO YO Crystal Cuties! If you didn’t already know, my name is Mina Choi, and I will proudly be serving you as your next 2018-2019 Crystal Lieutenant Governor. I am currently an incoming senior at Fairfax High School, and I am ecstatic to work alongside each and every one of you to have a successful, fun, and memorable term.

Mina Choi

Crystal Lieutenant Governor

I initially began my KIWIN’S journey first semester of freshman year, when my brother forced me to join this unknown but loud and enthusiastic club. To be completely honest with you guys, I simply thought this club would be like any another other, where I would join just so I could fill out a blank space on my college application. Boy, was I wrong. By meeting more amazing and inspiring people within this organization, I began to realize the importance of this club which instilled in me a sense of identity and belonging into a new family, an ohana. I hope that throughout my term, I can be a part of your KIWIN’S journey and have an impact on your growth as a KIWINer. I have faith that as an ohana, we will work hard to strive for what we believe in as an unified organization and to give back to our community with dedication and hard work.

Yours in Service,

Mina Choi

Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S 32nd District of Key Club International Crystal Lieutenant Governor 2018-2019

WHAT IS KIWIN’S? Crystal KIWIN'S is one of the nine divisions in CNH KIWIN'S, the 32nd District of Key Club International. We are a high school service club that expands throughout California, Nevada, and Hawaii.

Our Schools Bravo Medical Magnet High School Fairfax High School Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies University High School Palisades Charter High School

Major Emphasis: Live2Learn Minor Emphsais: Pediatric Trauma Program


July 28 Annual UCLA Craniofacial Picnic

UCLA Sunset Canyon Recreation Center 111 Easton Drive | 1-4 PM

This service event is to accompany approximately 300 kids who have had craniofacial surgery due to facial differences. There will be a picnic as well as fun and games!


This August Officer Training Conference (OTC) Fairfax High School 7850 Melrose Ave | More Details Soon

Attention all Crystal officers! Make sure to attend our annual KIWIN’S Officer Training Conference, where up and coming officers can participate in workshops and get to know each other!


MEET THE DLT The Divisional Leadership Team is appointed to work alongside the Crystal Lt. G, Mina, in leading all five Crystal schools. The 2018-2019 DLT has been selected! Spirit Captains Leo B. Karla P.

Media Correspondents Sarah T. Esther O.

Divisional Bulletin Editor Cira D.

Executive Assistant Alexandra A.


Mr. Bashir District Administrator

Mr. Ross

Regional Advisor

Mr. Dimsdale Assistant District Administrator

Mr. Santo

Kiwanis Advisor


meet the





Treasurer Dina A.

Vice President Yi-Jun K.

President Grace K.


Nara H. & Irene P.

Historian Aria R.

MEET GRACE, OUR 2018-19 PRESIDENT Hey guys! My name’s Grace Kim and I am the LACES Crystal KIWIN’S President for the upcoming school year. My goals for the term is to increase membership by 35%, raise $1500 or more for the major and minor emphases as well as other charities, participate in more Kiwanis events, host more fundraising and service projects, and to keep up membership retention. And of course, make early bird dues! I look forward to service with all of you very much :)



On June 22nd, some of our members went to Burns Park to make some hard cash! We sold water, soda, and chips for a couple of hours to fundraise for both PTP and our club. Even if it was hot, we introduced ourselves with a smile and advertised both our wonderful organization and our delicious goods.

2 Feeding the Soul While Feeding the Hungry


On June 30th, LACES KIWIN’S members will go sort, inspect, and repackage food that was donated from local drives. If you see us there, we’ll definitely be meeting the closed toed shoe requirement!



Treasurer Elisa K.

Vice President Wendy C.

President Ogechi O.

Secretary Marina C.

Historian Nikki J.

MEET OGECHI, OUR 2018-19 PRESIDENT What’s up, Crystal KIWIN’S! My name is Ogechi Onyenechehe and I am the Palisades Charter High School Crystal KIWIN’S President. For the 2018-2019 term my goals are to increase membership by 40%, build a closer relationship and work with our Kiwanis, raise more than $1,000 for charities, major & minor emphasis and the governor projects, and increasing the membership rates for district events. I am super excited for a new and SPIRITED year with you all!



2 Make A Mess Day


Thirst Project is a worldwide youth organization fighting to end the water crisis around the globe. Our club did a jar fundraiser for the Thirst Project, accepting all donations for a month until the beginning of June. We raised $307.04 to help end the global water crisis! Make A Mess Day is a service event held at Bergamot Art Complex sponsoring our Santa Monica Kiwanis. This fun event was about helping kids from ages 4-14 to have a creative weekend of creating art, from paintings to drawings.



Treasurer Aaron R.

Vice President Karla P.

President Eurielle S.


Zina B. & Pradeep M.

Historian Odina C.


Yo Crystal Cuties! My name is Eurielle Secarro and I am University High School Crystal KIWIN’S President. For the 2018-2019 term my goals are to increase membership and retention, create and find enjoyable events for members, raise more than $1000 through fundraising, educate members about major and minor emphasis projects, the governor’s project, and to try to increase member attendance in district events. I'm really excited for this new term with everyone and I hope we could all have a great year :)

FUNDRAISING TIPS WITH TREASURER AARON ROVINSKY Having trouble with your fundraisers? You’ve come to the right place! We all have difficulty fundraising for one reason or another, so here are a few tips to help make your fundraisers be as successful as possible:

change the date and swap out volunteers who might cancel on you. This also gives you time to advertise and ensure as many people as possible know about the fundraiser.

Advertise! This may seem obvious, but clubs often don’t make full use of the resources available to them. Post your fundraiser on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.), put up flyers around your school, and get a spot in the morning announcements. You can also set up a Remind group for your club to let your members know to spread the word!

Spice up your fundraisers! There are infinite possibilities for your fundraisers, so if you’ve been doing the same kind of fundraiser for the past few months, try to change it up in order to keep buyers and your own volunteers engaged. You can plan a Chipotle fundraiser, for example, where Chipotle donates half its profits to your club! Or you can set up a boba fundraiser, because who doesn’t love boba?

Plan ahead! Make sure you have the fundraiser completely planned out at least three weeks before the event. This way you have time to, if necessary,

Don’t get too ambitious with your events! Of course, it’s important to go above and beyond in order to host a successful and engaging fundraiser, but


Website coming soon!

be realistic about your goals. Be sure to consider how much students are willing to spend, how large your school is, how many volunteers you can get to work the fundraiser, and how much your club is able to spend to buy supplies. If the fundraiser is last minute, use Krispy Kreme! You can place an order with Krispy Kreme as late as two days before the fundraiser — of course you shouldn’t plan to do this, but if it comes down to it, Krispy Kreme fundraisers are extremely fast and convenient. There’s a lot that goes into planning every event your club hosts, so hopefully some of these tips helped give you an idea of what you can do to make your fundraisers (and all your other events) more fun, efficient, and successful!



Treasurer Pedro H.

Vice President Jenny K.

President Jiho K.

Secretary Audrey C.

Historian Cira D.

MEET JIHO, OUR 2018-19 PRESIDENT Hey guys, my name is Jiho Kim and I am the President of Fairfax Senior High School Crystal KIWIN’S for the 2018-19 term! I hope to focus on extending K-family relations, raising $2000 or more from donations and fundraising for charity projects, increasing membership by 30%, and keeping more members active until the end of the term. Thank you, and I look forward to serving, chanting, and growing with all of you. :)

LATEST AT FAIRFAX 1 Volunteering at Barks & Bitches

Barks & Bitches is a dog adoption shop across the street from Fairfax High, where KIWINNERS can volunteer after school and on the weekends. It is an ongoing service opportunity.

2 Fighting Hunger with

Hashtag Lunchbag


Hashtag Lunchbag is a monthly service event held at The Parlor on Melrose, where participants help pack lunches to feed local homeless people.



Treasurer Jenny P.

Vice President Lauren I.

President Miguel C.

Secretary Andrea M.


Lawrence K.

MEET MIGUEL, OUR 2018-19 PRESIDENT Hey what is up my doods, it’s Miguel Conste and I am the president for Bravo’s Crystal KIWIN’S. This term will truly be a special one for Bravo as I am ready to create change and make Bravo’s Crystal KIWIN’S club truly great again. In the beginning of the school year, I hope to add 10-20 incoming freshmen or returning sophomores into the club in order to keep the club active throughout the whole school year. I also plan on holding at least 3-5 fundraisers to decrease costs for district events or even just membership fees. I look forward to work with my board members to take the club to reaching heights like we have never seen before.

1 LATEST AT BRAVO 1 Girls on the Run LA (GOTRLA) 2 Echo Park Lotus Festival


GOTRLA (Girls On The Run LA) was a very adorable event where little girls ranging from the age 3-17 would gather at a local park and have a small festival to “develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles through dynamic, interactive lessons and running games, culminating in a celebratory 5k run.” The future event my board members and I are truly looking forward to, is the Lotus festival occuring in Echo Park occuring during the month of July. This event absolutely looks beautiful and anyone that would volunteer will really enjoy this event for the scenery.



MAY 2018 DCM Cheviot Hills Park “As the new term starts, our Crystal Lt.G, Mina Choi just had the first divisional council meeting on May 19, leading it with spirit and fire. Set in Cheviot Hills Recreation Park I had a great time enjoying the scenery of the park and the Ohana of my fellow KIWINNERS. After finishing the pledge, led by me, and the key club pledge, by Alex, we then went into learning who our new term Presidents were for the upcoming year. We had a few words from our IP Crystal Lt.G, Julie Han, who did a phenomenal job last year. We then moved onto playing a balloon popping game to break the ice where I was surprised to see old friends and make new ones. Then we went into a mini spirit battle dance off, and even though my team lost, it was so much fun watching the last two teams duke it out to the point where Mina had to call it a tie because they were so good at the game that neither of them would lose.


After snacks, we all went by the benches to help make friendship bracelets (leis) with one another as the meeting came to an end. It was a great way to kick off the year, and I hope our DCMs and the upcoming year as a whole stay just as fun and exciting!”

-- Pradeep Muthaiya, University KIWIN’S Secretary



June 23, 2018 Annual Crystal Banquet “Our Crystal Banquet this year was a truly unforgettable experience. I am so glad I was able to attend with all my fellow Crystal Cuties. The food was amazing and I loved hearing the KIWIN'S spirit in the room when the shout-outs started rolling. Even the advisors were able to show their fierce spirit. The night was full of laughs from start to finish. After dinner, our amazing IP Lt. G Julie Han, handed out awards to some outstanding Crystal members, officers and clubs. When it was time for speeches, our Lt. G, Mina Choi, started off with her speech, thanking everyone that had been by her side this past year. Afterwards, I gave my speech, and maybe shed of few tears along the way. Later, Jiho Kim, the Fairfax KIWIN'S President, gave her speech, followed by our amazing IP mama bear, Julie Han. As the banquet came to an end, each club showed their KIWIN'S love by surprising Julie with a gift to thank her for all that she contributed to our division. With our IP Lt. G about to shed some tears, we made sure to crank the music up and take some unforgettable photos. Although the banquet only lasted three hours, time flew by so fast. I couldn't believe it was ending, but I am happy I was able to experience it with my amazing Crystal ohana.�

-- Alexandra Aladham, Executive Assistant



JU L I E WHAT’S UP CRYSTAL CUTIES? Hey guys. It’s me again, Julie. I think you all know me, but for a quick intro: I like making mukbangs, wearing a plant on my head, and spending all my time with YOU. Thank you for such an amazing year together this term. We’ve grown so much in numbers, hours, and love for one another. I’ll never forget the times we played with dogs, made tutus, and LIVED at Pan Pacific Park. It’s impossible to think of Crystal without smelling that grass and picturing that amphitheater. As one year transfers over to the next, I hope you all will maintain your astonishing character, while infinitely increasing your motivation, passion, and dedication to service. You have all proved to me that finding a home in this organization and division is possible regardless of your varying backgrounds and personalities. Being in KIWIN’S strengthens your strengths, and builds calluses over your weaknesses as you learn to be a kinder, more perseverant, and greater YOU each day. Continue to welcome more and more friends and peers into KIWIN’S just like you’ve welcomed me. I love you Crystal, thank you!

Julie Han


Crystal Lieutenant Governor 2017-2018

Julie Han

2017-18 Crystal Lieutenant Governor


2 OGECHI O. Palisades President

MINA CHOI Crystal Lt. G

JIHO K. Fairfax President

V @o.ogechie W patie.o13

V @bbyg.mina W minaluvsyou01

V @vceraser W jiho_kim

MIGUEL C. Bravo President

EURIELLE S. University President

GRACE K. LACES President

V @_jmpc W jmconste

V @fairyeuri W xiarielle

V @graceefacee W haigrace 13


for chilling with us


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