WHAT IS KIWIN’S? Crystal KIWIN'S is one of the nine divisions in CNH KIWIN'S, the 32nd District of Key Club International. We are a high school service club that expands throughout California, Nevada, and Hawaii.
Our Schools Bravo Medical Magnet High School Fairfax High School Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies University High School Palisades Charter High School
Major Emphasis: Live2Learn Minor Emphsais: Pediatric Trauma Program
July 28 Annual UCLA Craniofacial Picnic
UCLA Sunset Canyon Recreation Center 111 Easton Drive | 1-4 PM
This service event is to accompany approximately 300 kids who have had craniofacial surgery due to facial differences. There will be a picnic as well as fun and games!
This August Officer Training Conference (OTC) Fairfax High School 7850 Melrose Ave | More Details Soon
Attention all Crystal officers! Make sure to attend our annual KIWIN’S Officer Training Conference, where up and coming officers can participate in workshops and get to know each other!