Crystal June Divisional Newsletter

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Crystal Chronicles Divisional Newsletter June 2017








Officers' Training Conference Beach Palooza



Crystal Banquet Starry Night

Crystal Division gazed at the stars during Crystal Division’s banquet, which officially concluded the 2016-2017 year. The banquet took place at Marmalade Cafe located at The Grove. The night was filled with laughter, delicious food (including a variety of pastas, a burger, and a salad option), and divisional bonding. At the banquet, Furthermore, divisional positions were announced and the newly appointed officers were installed. Noticeably outstanding members were given recognition for their dedication and service. Finally, to conclude this wonderful night, heartwarming speeches were executed by Andrew Choi, Sena Ji, Mina Choi, Julie Han, and Vincent De La Cruz, and even a couple tears were shed. All in all, it was a night to thank all past and present members of Crystal for improving our schools and community. Special thanks to Vincent De La Cruz, the 2016-17 Diamond Lt.G, for traveling a great distance to be with us. Also, much thanks and gratitude to Mr. Bashir, Goldstone Division’s Regional Advisor, for taking time to come to our Banquet. Crystal was so happy and fortunate to spend time with you!

Awards & Recognition

Distinguished President Mina Choi Fairfax High School

Distinguished VP Anna Ji Fairfax High School

Distinguished President Paulyn Lao Palisades High School

Distinguished Secretary Rachel Ahn Palisades High School

Polar Bear of the Year Alexandra Aladham Palisades High School

Distinguished President Julie Han University High School

Distinguished Treasurer Jiho Kim Fairfax High School

Distinguished Divisional Board Valeria Apolinario (Palisades) Ashley Truong (Fairfax)

Distinguished Historian Jillian Wong Palisades High School

All-Star Award Richard Jang Fairfax High School

MOST IMPROVED CLUB Fairfax High School

HELLO 2017-2018


Hey guys! My name is Mina Choi, and I'm your 2017-2018 Crystal EA alongside with Richard Jang (Executive Assistants)! I love to go out with my friends to hang out. On the contrary, I sometimes also like to stay home all day by myself and under my blankets and watch Netflix. My dream is to travel around the world with people I love and my favorite food is pineapple pizza (-: I am so excited to be working with you all this upcoming term and can't wait for what we'll be able to accomplish together!! I hope I get to meet all of you soon and create strong bonds with you as well! Alsoooo I'm here for you any of you so if you need anyone to talk to drop by my instagram (-; bbyg.mina!! (HAHA shameless promotion) But in all seriousness, I am extremely eager to have this amazing opportunity to serve you this upcoming term!!

My name is Richard Jang, and I hold the honor of serving as your 2017-2018 Executive Assistant alongside Mina Choi! I've been in KIWIN'S since my Freshman year! It's been 2 wonderful years since I've been in this organization. I will be an upcoming junior this year and look forward to what's in plan for this year! In my Freshman year I was a Freshman Representative, and in my Sophomore year I was an Event Coordinator. Some hobbies I love to do is volunteering and getting involved within my school and community! I also enjoy running and biking! As an EA I have 3 main goals I'd like to accomplish during my term. I would like to increase member recognitions throughout our division, by recognizing officers and members every month, and increase the number of members in each club by at least 50%! I would also like to make our DCM's more engaging and fun. I look forward to serving crystal and working with everyone this term! Signing out!



Hey polar bears! My name is Jiho Kim, and I was recently selected to be your Divisional Treasurer! Yay! In freshman year, I was the Club Spirit Chair and in sophomore year, I was the Club Treasurer for Fairfax Senior High School. So far, I have been in KIWIN’S for two years, and I have absolutely loved being part of my Ohana. I love screaming, cheering, reading, taking hikes, listening to KPop, volunteering, sleeping, and eating. As Divisional Treasurer, I really hope to extend communication within the division, treasurer-wise. As I have been treasurer before, I hope to share my experiences and regrets with the newly elected club treasurers to make the division grow as a whole. Selling merchandise and overall taking off some of the expenses for our members is my goal, and I hope that we can accomplish a lot this year with Crystal’s Divisional Board!!

DIVISIONAL BOARD Hello everybody!!! My name is Lauren Joo and I am very happy and lucky to be representing you as your Divisional Bulletin Editor! I go to LACES high school. Some of my hobbies are playing tennis and watching Korean dramas. I also really like trying things for the first time! I've been in KIWIN'S since 9th grade and as a current sophomore about to enter junior year, I want to do the most I can for KIWIN'S. In freshman year, I was heavenly involved in KIWIN'S as grade representative, which allowed me to become treasurer in sophomore year. Currently, I am in charge as president of LACES KIWIN'S. Not only do I hope to create aesthetically pleasing newsletters and forms, but I also want you to be able to be informed about what's going on in our Crystal family by letting you guys access these documents that open up Lauren Joo to so much information! I can't wait to meet so many of you guys DIVISIONAL BULLETIN EDITOR and don't feel hesitant to ask me about KIWIN'S or life in general!


Hey Crystal!!! I'm Alexandra Aladham. I'm a Sophomore at Palisades Charter High School and I will be my school's KIWIN'S president for this term. I've been in KIWIN'S since Freshman year and I was appointed the event coordinator position. During this term, I will also be one of the divisional spirit chairs! I'm so excited for this position and I can't wait to lead Crystal into cheers at DCON and Fall Rally. I want to make new decorations for Crystal and add cheers that can help us when the spirit stick!!! Other than KIWIN'S, I like to cook and play tennis. I also enjoy reading. As Pali's president and Crystal co-division's spirit chair, I have many hopes and ideas to help Crystal have an amazing year of service!

Hello, the folk of America. My name is Oliver Pizarro, but you can call me Olive. I have been in KIWIN's for one-half of a summer and plan to stay involved for the rest of my high school experience. I enjoy singing in my band, playing guitar, running, and being involved with the Red Cross. I hope to accomplish many things as Spirit Chair. I want to increase the spirit of my own school, New West Charter, who have never had a KIWIN's club before. I would love to get more people excited about KIWIN's at all the yearly events. I would like to do many other things but sadly I have run out of time. Hope to see you the next time I see you! Oliver Pizarro DIVISIONAL CO-SPIRIT CHAIR








Knock Knock! Who’s there? YOU AND ME AT THE OFFICER’S TRAINING CONFERENCE HOSTED BY YOUR LT.G! The Officer’s Training Conference is an opportunity for all members and officers to further explore the responsibilities and duties of their position or the position that they are interested in. KIWIN’S, at first glance, does seem kind of funky and confusing, but NO WORRIES--we got you covered! At OTC you will have a greater understanding of our Ohana system and the roles that you play in it! WAIT, there’s more you say? AT OTC, you will be able to bond with your Crystal Ohana and potentially some special guests in some icebreakers, creative workshops, games, and info sessions. DON’T MISS THIS CHANCE! OTC is mandatory for all officers, but not limited to officers. MEMBERS, WE’RE LOOKING AT YOU!

Details TBD

Still waiting on that summer tan? Miss the way the waves echo in your ear and how your toes curl against the toasty sand? Well you won’t have to wait for long because Beach Palooza is right around the corner! Come join Crystal, Diamond, Goldstone, Jet, and Turquoise Division on our annual beach event! This is a great opportunity to make new friends out of our division, get to know other District Board members, play volleyball and other fun games, or just splash around in the water. The excitement never ends!

Details TBA







T C O N AC Julie Han Crystal Lt.G Ig: Julzie28 Thomas Ngo Bravo Club President Ig: tiredshonen Anna Ji Fairfax Club President

Lauren Joo LACES Club President Ig: laurennn.joo Alexandra Aladham Palisades Club President Ig: alexandraaladham Joseph Baylis University Club President Ig: suis3i


Divisional Leadership Team Mina Choi Executive Assistant Ig: bbyg.mina Richard Jang Executive Assistant Ig: jang.richard0703 Jiho Kim Divisional Treasurer Ig: Victoria_chang8743 Lauren Joo Divisional Bulletin Editor Alexandra Aladham Divisional Co-Spirit Chair Oliver Pizarro Division Co-Spirit Chair Divisional Media Correspondence: Position Available. Contact Julie


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