SIDS is defined as the unexplained, sudden death of a baby less than a year old. Also sometimes referred to as “crib death,” SIDS often occurs during sleep and babies are found in their cribs. There are no symptoms or red flags, and it is therefore impossible to stop when it occurs.
Unlike other infant illnesses that have symptoms and red flags, SIDS is only diagnosed post-mortem. After a baby dies unexpectedly, doctors, law enforcement officers, and other authorities investigate to find a cause. If thorough examination and testing do not reveal any clear cause of death, it may be ruled a case of SIDS.
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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the number one cause of death among children between 1 and 12 months old. The majority of SIDS deaths occur between 1 and 4 months of age. Babies who are premature, male, African American, American Indian, or Alaskan Native have been shown to have a higher risk of SIDS.¹
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SIDS is not caused by a contagious agent or infection, so it cannot be spread or caught. Vaccines and medicines for infants do not cause SIDS; instead, there is evidence to suggest vaccinations can help protect against it. We don’t understand much about the root cause of SIDS; current research is exploring a potential link to certain in-born brain defects.²
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Sleeping on the belly or side before one year of age (causes blood pressure and brain oxygen to drop) Family history of SIDS Low birth weight (especially in premature babies)
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Brain defects (may or may not be detected before death) Exposure to secondhand smoke/smoking during pregnancy Hazardous sleep environments (cosleeping, unsafe cribs, overheating)
Above all else, always place a baby under one year old on its back to sleep. The baby should be in a crib, never cosleeping with you. Use firm crib materials and do not provide soft blankets or toys that can block the mouth and nose. Searching “Pediatrician Near Me”? If you live in the New York area, the pediatric team at Crystal Run Healthcare can monitor your baby’s health and give you even more SIDS prevention tips.
Crystal Run Healthcare is a trusted New York medical center offering multidisciplinary care for patients of all ages and experiences. With the help of a Crystal Run pediatric doctor, you can keep your baby safe from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and other serious risks. You can easily book an appointment with many Crystal Run Healthcare physicians through the website or contact us if you need additional assistance.
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https://medlineplus.gov/suddeninfantdeathsyndrome.html#cat_47 https://safetosleep.nichd.nih.gov/safesleepbasics/causes