4 minute read

Danielle Mendoza

Have you ever wanted to write a best-selling book? Danielle Mendoza is the founder of Confident Concept, helping brilliant and busy women scale their business by creating a high-level strategy for bringing their dream project out of their head and into the world. Business On Purpose is her international, bestselling multi-author book series aimed at giving women in business the opportunity to authentically connect with others by telling their stories.

What motivated you start Confident Concept?

At four months pregnant with my second child, I received the life-altering news that I had basal cell skin cancer. It was a shock, and treating this curable cancer became a real struggle, culminating in the removal of a third of my top lip in 2016. This experience led me to a personal awakening where I had to seriously consider my mortality and decide what I wanted my legacy to be. During this time, I realized I didn’t want to leave this world before I had the chance to share my gifts & talents with others, and that struck me at my core. No woman should die before she’s had the chance to create a legacy. But many do.

Why is it important to think about our legacy?

We often live their lives doing without intention, fulfilling our roles as mom, wife, community member, volunteer, and business owner without considering our legacy. We all leave a legacy behind, but doing so with intention is the key to creating the true story of who we are. I had to wake up and decide how I wanted to create my legacy. Since then, I’ve created a successful business, hosted multiple podcasts, and become an international bestselling author. But none of that would’ve happened if I wasn’t in- tentional. Now I’m dedicated to combining my unique skills of creativity and efficiency to help brilliant women strategize on how to leave a lasting impact!

What is unique about women entrepreneurs?

Most women in business don’t just wake up one day and think “You know what? I’ll start a business to make some money.” Our mission runs deeper than that. We want to impact the world by living out our unique purpose. Business On Purpose is an op- portunity for women to highlight what they’ve overcome, what’s it taught them about themselves, and how they’re using their grit, courage, and insights to better serve people today.

These stories are profound and vulnerable, and, in a world of surface level business hype, it’s refreshing to connect on a deeply human level. Women everywhere have stories of struggle and triumph, and even though it can feel like we’re the only one going through something, we’re not alone. Though the details of each story are different, the perseverance and grace demonstrated by these women are universal.

The real-life stories of loss, struggle, and self-discovery from our first volume, which was published in August 2022, will touch reader’s hearts. I’m currently in the writing and editing phase with our authors of the second volume, which will launch later in 2023.

Thank you for sharing a little about your journey.

What are some of the ways that women can work with you?

Women can book a no-obligation call with me via my website, to see if we are a fit to work together, at https://www.confidentconcept.com/book-a-fit-call. I do have the book series, but I spend most of my time working with women one-on-one as a book coach. Over a nine-month process, we create a fully -customized action plan to write your book in 90 days, edit it, choose cover art, and all of the steps needed to launch. Then I use my proprietary method to get your book to Amazon best seller status!

How do we find you on social media? I like to hang out on Instagram!


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