Crystal's Spot Mag Fall 2023 Issue

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FALL 2023




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Crystal Clear As autumn leaves blanket the ground and the promise of cooler days beckons, we’re elated to present our Fall issue, dedicated to celebrating the strength, ingenuity, and dynamism of women in business. Leading our ‘Women to Watch’ section is Diana Bzydyk, a formidable realtor who has seamlessly navigated the bustling real estate hubs of Chicago and Beverly Hills. While we’re on the topic of business excellence, discover how to infuse corporate wellness into your workspace with insights from mindfulness expert Anthony Gonzalez. Dive into the world of real estate investment as our very own Crystal Swearingen demystifies the art of growing wealth. Our national spotlight is on Anna Reger, the ingenious founder of FlipLok, a revolutionary product that’s taking the nation by storm. And, to tickle your taste buds and nourish your body, celebrity chef and nutritionist Rachel Beller graces our pages with delectable yet health-conscious food tips. Our journey through this issue is a testament to the inspiring stories of countless women and their allies, who together chart new terrains in business and life. Thank you for joining us on this expedition and for your continued patronage. As 2024 approaches, we promise to bring you even richer content, more inspiring features, and an array of practical tips to empower your every step.

Crystal Swearingen, Founder | Editorial Director Luxury Lifestyle Limitless

The Spot Mag


AROUND TOWN Photos from S Thetics’ annual fall event where they showcase new products and services while raising money for Bert Nash Community Heath Center. Top Left: S.Thetics Director of Marketing & Operations Ashley and Owner Shea Kruse Photo Credit: Gaskins Photography Bottom right: Elevate Lawrence’s inaugural event hosting women in business and a morning of motivational speakers and business leaders.




Rachel Beller We recently caught up with Celebrity Nutritionist and Chef Rachel Beller and CEO of Beller Nutrition Institute LLC, after her recent episode on Good Morning Ameria and asked her a few questions on how we can live a healthier life!


1. What are some simple substitutes that make a big impact someone can do in their morning routine? Adding fiber boosters has a big impact and easily upgrades your AM routine. as it instantly doubles your fiber intake. Adding fiber boosters such as chia seeds, basil seeds, whole hemp, ground flax, psyllium are all great. Start with just a couple and then diversify and rotate. They help jump start/fast track your day and get you to your daily fiber goal. Fiber assists with your bodies natural detoxification Here are 5 other benefits fiber can do for you: Hormonal balance - removes excess hormones (cholesterol, estrogen) Assists with weight management Promotes gut health Balances blood sugars Supports immunity 2. In preparing for the holidays what are some tips to help you stay on track and not live in regret if you overindulge? Plan ahead. Have a game plan during the holiday season. Keep quick and easy meals on hand. Forecast certain events - if you know you have a party to attend, offer to bring something that will help with your health goals. Plan your meals for that day. Don’t go hungry etc. Drink one of the Beller Nutrition Power Tonics with basil seeds (helps curb appetite). 3. We always see a lot about magic food and different trends… What do you see as some healthy

and nutritious options for people to incorporate into their daily diet? There is no magic food but, there is a lot to benefit from if you establish a consistent pattern of eating that includes pure, wholesome foods. Also further upgrading your routine with power foods is important. You always want to add new concepts within nutrition that you can sustain and that you can autopilot. A key reason is that with nutrition, the benefit comes from that cumulative effect over time. Adding certain spices to your AM routine and your dinners is one example. Consistently ingesting 30+ grams of diverse sources of fiber is another example. Consistently eating proteins that give you a return for your health i.e. lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, edamame, tofu. Thank you for time and sharing of these tips to jumpstart our health! Hope everyone enjoys your yummy receipe!

Fiber Breakfast Cookies Prep Time: 10 mins ∙ Cook Time: 20 mins ∙ Serves: 2 INGREDIENTS 2 bananas, peeled 2/3 cup rolled oats (sprouted preferred) 2 tablespoons chia seeds or ground flax 1 teaspoon avocado oil 1 teaspoon Morning Boost Power Spice Blend* 2 tablespoons protein powder (nut or seed) DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. In a mixing bowl, use the back of a fork to mash the bananas. Fold the remaining ingredients into the mashed bananas and mix well. Using clean hands, create four large cookies. Place on the lined sheet pan. Bake 15–20 minutes, until mostly set. Let cool on the pan 10 minutes before serving. *Substitute spice blend with ½ teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon, pinch of each: ground ginger, nutmeg, allspice, ground cloves.



Cultivating Work Wellbeing By Anthony Gonzalez, LCSW, QS During my college years, I spent most of my summers and winters working in a cardboard factory. It was invaluable work for an 18-year-old grappling with life’s directions. Among the skills and work ethics I learned there, the pre-shift routines stand out. Our shift manager would gather the team, and we’d engage in basic stretching, movement exercises, twists, and bends— preparing our bodies for the physical labor ahead. Reflecting on it, this was my introduction to a “wellness” program, priming the body for the shift’s demands, fostering camaraderie, and sharpening our focus. An apt practice for a blue-collar setting. 8

Thankfully, companies of all sizes now recognize the significance of employee and corporate wellness programs. These initiatives do more than just elevate team spirit and overall well-being. The “Return on Wellbeing Study” by GymPass (2023) suggests that a well-structured wellness program can bolster the company’s bottom line by reducing absenteeism, enhancing retention, and boosting productivity. Intriguingly, the study showed that 90% of companies assessing their wellness programs observed a notable positive return on their investment. However, integrating such programs can be daunting, especially for small businesses and startups operating on limited budgets. So thequestion we as ourselves as company owners, investors, HR managers are where do we start? Below I’ve included a few ideas and channels to consider when building a comprehensve employee wellness culture. Prioritize Mental and Emotional Health: Consider implementing a comprehensive Employee Assistance Program (EAP) like Telus Health or one available through your insurance provider. Research underscores that mental health profoundly affects performance and absenteeism. Facilitating access to mental health resources can diminish the stigma associated with seeking assistance. If budgets are tight, collaborate with local therapists to secure

special rates for your staff. Gamify Wellness: Apps like Wellable gamify well-being, fostering a collective spirit. Such platforms allow users to track activities, whether it’s counting steps or monitoring meditation durations, and they underscore the importance of collective healthy behavioral shifts. Similarly, apps like Calm, Headspace, Cope Notes, and Fitbit have corporate plans that support and oversee wellness activities. Educational Initiatives: Arrange workshops on stress management, effective communication, and emotional resilience. These sessions can endow the entire workforce with tools to uplift and support one another. Classes on healthier nutrition choices, phycical health or topics specific to your staff can be invaluable but these events should be held regularly. Incentivize Wellbeing: Explore perks such as discounted gym memberships, in-office massage sessions, flexible scheduling, meditation classes, hybrid scheduling (if feasable) and other innovative offerings. Such initiatives can enhance morale and foster a sense of community. Leadership Training: A two-tiered approach can be transformative. Begin by offering training opportunities for emerging leaders within your organization. Additionally, arm existing leadership with skills in communication, problem-solving, motivational techniques, pedagogical diversity, and emotional intelligence. This creates an ambiance where employees feel appreciated, innovative, and anchored. From my consultancy with varied corporations, I’ve witnessed the positive impact of these mindful steps. Even adopting a single strategy from the list above can create a ripple of positive change. By prioritizing your team’s holistic health, you’re not just boosting morale—you’re elevating your enterprise’s mission. As our understanding of productivity in the modern workplace deepens, it’s imperative we adopt inventive and compassionate strategies for our staff. Let’s collaboratively elevate corporate wellness culture from an exception to a norm. For those seeking expert counsel in sculpting your wellness program, we’re at your service. Anthony Gonzalez, LCSW, QS Alere Emotional Health LLC





End of Year thoughts by Crystal Swearingen

Earlier this year I started the year with a word for the year, the word I chose was “intentional”. Little did I realize how crucial this would become as the year unfolded. When the housing market – in which I’m engaged as a boutique broker/owner – began to shift, everything changed. Interest rates surged, leading to agents leaving the industry. Sellers, realizing they couldn’t secure a new home with their current 3% interest rate, decided to stay put, triggering a national housing shortage. And then there were builders, burdened with construction loans, grappling with doubled payments to banks. Amidst these uncontrollable shifts, a lesson emerged: I had to be intentional about how I allocated my time, money, and energy. The world is brimming with distractions. As I write this on a sunny Sunday afternoon, my phone incessantly buzzes with notifications, and my MacBook threatens to shut down due to a dying battery. Such situations demand choices: do I let these interruptions derail me, or do I proceed with focused intention? 12

It might seem trivial—just turn on “Do Not Disturb” or plug in the charger. But real-life isn’t always that straightforward. You might end up in the kitchen for a quick drink, checking on your children, or tending to your pet. By the time you return, your initial momentum is lost. So, here’s my challenge to you: before this year concludes, set aside time to plan out your next 12 months. Whether that means booking a quiet hotel room, spending a night at your office with your favorite snacks and tools, or renting a day-office at a co-working space, make the effort. The autumn/winter is an ideal time to set goals and plan for the year ahead. Reflect on this year’s achievements and, importantly, your setbacks. Understand your failures to glean lessons from them. To be transparent, I experienced a fantastic financial year in 2021. However, 2022 brought with it a flawed partnership that drained much of my savings. I spent much of 2023 grappling with feelings of betrayal and questioning my self-worth. This year was about recuperation, from past judgments and finding forgiveness. Moving forward, intentionality should be at the core of our actions. As you plan for 2024, deeply consider your aspirations and the sacrifices you’re prepared to make. If you aim to lose weight, for instance, you might need to carve out time for meal prepping or lay out your gym clothes the night before. The change requires letting go of old habits to cultivate new, healthier ones. I wish you all an amazing wrap up to 2023 and can’t wait to see what we can all accomplish in 2024 as we are intentional in setting our boundaries, goals and our terms to get the success we desire!





Anika Jackson recently set down with innovator and entrpreneuer Anna Reger to discuss her new product FlipLok. Thank you Anna for sharing your story and allowing us to get to know you better and learn about your mission to make schools safer!

What inspired you to create FlipLok? As a mother of six children, I understand the challenges and joys of parenting. We all want our children to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment, where they can learn and thrive. However, life isn’t like the portrayals of the “family ideal” shown in old sitcoms such as The Brady Bunch or Leave It to Beaver. While love prevails in our household, we still need to embark on uncomfortable conversations, such as discussing stranger danger or the birds and bees, which are necessary for our children's safety and well-being. In today's world, there is a new topic that is scarier than anything my parents ever had to discuss with me - school safety. I vividly remember the day my youngest daughter came home from school and told me about the lockdown procedure they practiced in response to an active threat situation near her elementary school. It broke my heart to hear her say that she didn't know what to do if her teacher wasn't with her or how to know if the door was locked. My child was scared, and as a parent, I felt helpless too. Unfortunately, this fear and uncertainty are not unique to my family. Countless school administrators, teachers, and first responders also feel helpless in the face of this growing epidemic. Our children are expected to learn while under duress, and research from Stockholm University shows that stress can hinder their ability to retain information and learn effectively This lead to us designing and creating Fliplok. With Fliplok, we spent a lot of time developing the product and getting it patented before bringing it to market. There is a great deal of education we have had to


do with our marketplace segments (schools/hospitals, businesses, individual consumers) to help them understand how we are different, stronger, and more reliable than other products on the market.

Can you highlight a key turning point in your entrepreneurial journey? With our latest venture, there have been a few turning points. One is the first school sale we made. It's easier to get into other doors when one has opened. Another one is the TEDx talk I recently did on my mission of empowering children and creating school safety. A third one has to be appearing on QVC and having great sales with our home lock system! 16

Describe a setback or failure you've faced in your business journey. How did it shape you? When I was first launching FlipLok, I had a major setback. Naysayers told me that we could not put our safety devices in schools, that it would not work. As with everything else in my life, I didn't give up, which helped me continue pushing myself.

What resources, books, or mentors significantly influenced your business perspective during challenging times? Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon’s Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart, by James R. Doty. The book shares the story of Mr. Doty and reinforces the idea that you can truly do anything you put your heart and mind to. My husband really connected with this book, so we turned it into a family book club - all our kids read it and we discussed the book together.

What has been your most proud achievement in your business journey so far? There have been many proud moments with FlipLok, from receiving our patent, to the first school install we had. I was able to give a TEDx talk, and our product was showcased on QVC. I've been able to stand in my purpose and passion to create solutions that empower children and families.

How do you measure success in your business? Is it through financial gains, impact, growth, or something else? Having my safety devices installed in schools and seeing the "aha" moment of superintendents and other school officials when we show them how this will help their entire school community. That's the best feeling.

How do you prioritize tasks and manage time effectively? If it's going to take me 5-15 mins I do it right away. If it takes 30 mins-1 hour I time block. If it will be a longer task I set the time aside. Planning your time accordingly helps me stay on track. I typically do things that are the most important, if it has a deadline I work to get it done before then. I make a list the day before of what is necessary to be done the next day and if something small comes up I will do that then return to my list. I always keep a notebook to help me stay organized. If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice when you were first starting out, what would it be? I would have started standing in my power sooner. It was very powerful for me to realize that if I move forward and I get over my fears or my insecurities, then I can reach back, I can help somebody else. That motivates me to continue to do the work that I’m doing.

What advice would you offer to young women aspiring to venture into the business world? If you walk into the room and you hold your own and you stand in your power, then everybody must give you equal respect in the room. And I think that that’s one of the things that as women, we need to work more on for ourselves.



As we conclude the third quarter and gear up for year-end tax preparations, I thought it would be beneficial to share some frequently asked questions and tips to ensure a productive discussion with your tax preparer. 1. As a small business owner what is the must have tool to have when it comes to keeping track of your income and expenses? I would say that the “must have” tool is actual documented, accurate and complete records that you can sort and add notes to. Excel works fine as you can download most bank and credit card transactions into a .csv or excel file and identify the nature of the expense. However, if you do a lot of business, it can become quite overwhelming. I personally prefer QuickBooks because it allows you to automatically import those same transactions and categorize them much quicker and easier than doing it manually with Excel. 2. As we are wrapping up 2023 what are some things a business owner can do to make sure they are prepared for the upcoming tax seasons before meeting with their accountant? Start now gathering your bank and credit card statements. Obtain copies of receipts for any purchases of $1000 or more. Make sure your mileage records are up to date. If you operate in crypto markets, download (or record) the dates and amounts paid. The forms typically provided to the IRS for crypto sales don’t include the cost (basis) so it is up to you to provide the amount cost you paid. The more accurate that your numbers are, the better. Estimate your current profit or loss so that you can make tax positive moves before the end of the year. 3. What are some small tweaks people can do to make sure they maximize their nontaxable income? What are the guidelines for self-employed contributions to Ira/ Roth’s for 2023? There are several things you can do to lower your tax bill. (Be sure to consult a tax professional for information specific to your situation) • Pay for your own health insurance.

• Maximize your retirement savings contributions. As a business owner, you have higher limits and more ways to save for retirement. • Use your car for business purposes and KEEP GOOD RECORDS. • Keep track of the assets that you purchase - computers, furniture, equipment, vehicles.... These may be depreciated or expensed. • Work at home? Claim the home office deduction. • Keep track of interest paid on business purchases - credit card interest, loan interest, or finance charges. • Find an experienced tax planner and/ or preparer to be sure all of your deductions are claimed. 4. How do I make my life easier as a small business owner and how do I make your life easier as a bookkeeper, tax advisor or tax preparer? Keep in mind that we are here to assist you. The best way for us to do that is to provide you with accurate information that can only come from complete and accurate information. Provide all of the information needed - bank/credit card statements, tax forms, receipts, etc. Your financials are based on several inputs so having all of the information at one time makes it easier to make informed decisions. One new or changed item can change several line items so it is best to provide as much information as possible. We are not looking for your shopping habits - we want to be able to identify anything you may have overlooked or find ways to save you money. 5. What are the limitations I have in hiring my children for my business and how much can I pay them and deduct within the irs guidelines? As long as your kids are doing actual work, your business can hire them tax free. Your business deducts the wages and they are not required to pay taxes on the income AS LONG AS it is under the standard deduction amount for single individuals. You can also contribute to an IRA for them up to $6,000 and that amount is typically deductible to the business. Consult a tax professional for more information on your specific situation.

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Owning a home is not only a place to live but also a powerful tool for building wealth. Here are some key factors to consider when weighing the benefits of homeownership for wealth building: Equity Appreciation: One of the primary ways homeowners build wealth is through equity appreciation. Over time, real estate tends to appreciate in value, which means that your home can become more valuable than when you initially purchased it. This appreciation builds equity, which is the difference between your home’s market value and the amount you owe on your mortgage. As your equity grows, so does your net worth. Forced Savings: Owning a home is a form of forced savings. With each mortgage payment you make, you are building equity and increasing your ownership stake in the property. Unlike renting, where your monthly payments go towards the landlord’s investment, homeownership allows you to build wealth in the form of home equity.


Unlocking Wealth: The Hidden Treasures of Homeownership

Mortgage Paydown: Another way homeowners build wealth is through mortgage paydown. As you consistently make mortgage payments, a portion of each payment goes towards reducing the principal balance owed on the loan. Over time, this reduces your debt and increases your equity in the property. 20

Tax Benefits: Homeownership also offers tax advantages that can contribute to building wealth. Mortgage interest and property tax deductions are common tax benefits for homeowners. By reducing your taxable income, these deductions can result in significant savings, allowing you to keep more money in your pocket. Leverage: Real estate allows homeowners to leverage their investment. By putting a relatively small down payment, typically 20% of the purchase price, you can control and benefit from the full value of the property. If the property appreciates, your return on investment is based on the total value of the property, not just your initial down payment. Home Improvements: Making strategic home improvements can also contribute to wealth building. Well-planned renovations and upgrades can increase your home’s value, allowing you to capture additional equity when you decide to sell. Stability and Generational Wealth: Homeownership provides stability and the opportunity to create generational wealth. By owning your home, you have control over your living situation, and you are not subject to rent increases or the risk of eviction. Additionally, homeownership allows you to pass down the property to future generations, providing a valuable asset that can continue to appreciate over time. Investing in homeownership is a long-term financial commitment, and it’s important to consider various factors such as market conditions and personal financial goals. However, for many individuals, owning a home can be a significant step towards building wealth and achieving financial security.

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Diana Bzdyk In a recent trip to Los Angeles I met this amazing and inspiring REALTOR who was not only making a name for herself in Beverly Hills, the ultra luxury market in California, but also had a thriving and successful practice in Chicago! As many of my readers know I am also licensed in Kansas, Missouri and California and I was excited to see what she had figured out along her way in growing her market share in 2 distinctly different real estate markets. I am so excited to introduce you all to this issues Woman to Watch Diana Bzydyk Tell us about how you got started in Real Estate? I fell into real estate. When I was first buying my place, I decided to purchase pre-construction. Agents didn’t want to work with me as they felt I was not a credible buyer, I went through hell to even get a contract for me to sign! I started seeing others having the same issues a couple of years later once I settled in. I started looking at Open Houses for friends and family for fun and then I decided to do real estate for “vacation money” since I already knew most of the development, knew how to develop through my mom’s company and I saw that my clients responded well to me and my help. Within 9 mos of part time work, I was the #2 salesperson in the office. I then took it more seriously and slowly shifted from my full time job in marketing to real estate and almost 20 years later, here I am. I do beleive the world sends you signals and my experience was my signal. How Do You Balance Working Two Robust Markets I work non-stop. But for me it does not feel that way. Most of my clients become friends so for me, I am having quality time with friends solving problems. So loving what you do makes you not feel like you are stretched thin because you love it. I have a team in Chicago that covers my showings when i’m not available. But, I am always present, I know all the ins and outs of buildings and negotiate every step of the way. My vendors such as stagers, photographers, marketing team have worked with me so long that they know how to shoot, decorate etc. without me standing over them. It is a trust that I built and they built with me too. In California, I am part of a larger team that manages much of the same. My top priority that translates in both markets is care, empathy, as this is a stressful but exciting time and attention to detail. We are in this together and I am helping real people achieve their financial goals.


Beverly Hills and Chicago are both prestigious and competitive real estate markets. What inspired you to break into the luxury real estate sector in these cities, and how did you navigate the initial challenges? Chicago was my stomping ground. I grew up in the city, I took buses and trains to Harold Washington Library, I shopped at Marshall Field’s, I bought popcorn at Garrett’s, I hung out at Rock n’ Roll McDonald’s, I loved the energy. I was fearless. Looking back at it now, I wonder what people thought when they saw this tiny 11 year old girl just wandering by herself. With that knowledge, I met people and clients that transferred to Chicago that leaned on my intel of the city and trusted me. My clients took me into the prestigious homes because as their career and milestones grew, so did I. I grew with them. My clients have pulled me every step of the way. In the past decade many had asked for me to work with them in CA. I always viewed CA as too competitive but I then found the courage to start new and guess what…. I succeeded. My clients pushed me and I thank them for it. They pulled me into CA. Now I have clients asking me to also come to FL and NYC and help them there. Never say never…. Personal branding is paramount in the luxury market. Can you share some unique strategies or elements that helped you craft and elevate your brand in the luxury real estate space? 24

Branding is very important but branding for me was different. I didn’t spend that much time on social media or any advertising. I was just being genuine and reach out to clients every time I think of them. When I am in their neighborhood and see a new restaurant, I share it with them. When I take on another client and see a property near my other client, I may make intros if I think they would be a good friend group to know. So my brand is really just “care and being genuine”. I am a great problem solver, my clients turn to me for a myriad of reasons outside of real estate as they know that I would be happy to help in any way. Design a home, sure and better yet, I can help you get even better pricing, looking for a job? Let me see how I can network and introduce you, have questions on a particular school, yep, let me intro you to families that are there for the real truth and experience. I am happy to help in any way possible. How do you adapt your strategies to cater to the unique clientele and demands of each market? I base everything on the personalities and needs of my clients. For example if you are more of a homebody, then your choice of location may be more based on work location and location wants such as proximity to water, your activities, etc. If you are more of an extrovert, you want to be near your friends or the center of the action and have all the restaurants, nightlife and activities within minutes of you. I ask how my clients live. Each has a different list of needs and for couples it becomes marriage counseling as each may have very different needs and wants and you navigate the waters with them to find the best compromise and solve their problems.


In a sector where word-of-mouth and reputation are everything, how do you go about building your clientele base, especially when you were first starting out? Almost 20 years ago, the world was so different. I met my first large client on craig’s list when he responded to my listing of a pre-construction property I was thinking of selling. That ad landed me that client and a few more. My client felt ignored in his search similarly to me. We connected on that. He was also a superconnector. He introduced me to his whole community and network. I rose the ranks quickly with him and all his referrals as their lives changed and I am happy because now I have 50+ friends that I have made along the way of helping them achieve their home goals. It was one by one but it was genuine. People will always know when they are being used. I check in with people all these 20 years. I genuinely like 99% of my clients.        For women entrepreneurs or agents looking to make their mark in luxury real estate, what are your top pieces of advice to find success and build lasting client relationships?

Always be open. I meet people daily, whether on walks or ordering coffee. Tomorrow I have a meeting with someone I met who I thought was a construction worker on the street that spoke to my dog. Turns out he has a portfolio of luxury properties valued at about $50+M. I am meeting with his kids on a property tomorrow how to best market it for short term rentals. I now am more engrained in his life and hope to grow my relationship with the kids to grow my network. On Thursday nights, if free, I meet with the same group of people I met by chance at a coffee shop that have similar interests in business and are retired. We laugh and are joined by common thoughts on life. Our ages span 35 between us but there is something to learn. I like hearing their stories and they like my “one line zingers”. I can dish them so quickly and they enjoy that. They trust me as a person and in turn they connect me with potential clients. Remember, YOU ARE ENOUGH. Lastly, if you are the smartest person in the room, leave. You are the average of the 5 closest people to you, if you don’t like that average, level up, when you do, you level up your thinking, your network and your life.   Are there any emerging markets that you are keeping an eye on besides, Beverly Hills and Chicago?


Wyoming, Oregon, Tennesee has seen some huge shifts into luxury which now make locals feel unrest as they are priced out. These are continuing to grow with no end in sight. Any plans to expand your real estate business in new markets? NYC and Miami….watch out. You never know….. My clients are already requesting, I may have to take them up on that one day.

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