Crystal's Spot Mag Feb/March 2024

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Crystal’s SPOT MAG





Crystal Clear

JOY! That’s my word for 2024 as I embrace my life, my business, my family, and my friends. I started this magazine as a labor of love, and it has been the joy of sharing these amazing stories and spotlighting our women to watch and features that has made me continue through every obstacle and roadblock. This year marks a significant milestone for us, as we transition to a bi-monthly publication. This change is born out of our unwavering commitment to spotlight and celebrate the incredible achievements of women in business and to provide you, our cherished readers, with an abundance of tools and inspiration to flourish on your own paths.

One of the greatest joys for me has been hearing from women who have come up to me to share how a feature in the magazine changed the way they viewed themselves. The numerous features who have become close friends and the stories that our readers have come back and said were instrumental in their growth remind me daily of the impact of our work. These moments of connection and transformation are what fuel my passion and reaffirm our mission to empower and uplift every woman’s voice.

Our February/March issue is a testament to our dedication to empowering and uplifting voices that inspire change, growth, and resilience. We’ve curated content that not only entertains but enlightens, ensuring that every page you turn is a step forward in your personal and professional journey.

We’re thrilled to introduce an emotional forecast by our resident writer and southern psychic, Angie Campbell. Angie’s insights offer a unique perspective on the year ahead, blending intuition with wisdom to guide you through the seasons.

Our national feature shines a spotlight on Sara Jenkins, a jewelry designer and entrepreneur whose creativity and business acumen have set her apart in the industry. In Crystal’s Corner, we dive into the transformative effects and benefits of utilizing affirmations. This personal exploration is close to my heart, as I share the profound impact affirmations have had on my own life and invite you to integrate them into your daily routine for empowerment and self-growth.

Our “Women to Watch” section features the remarkable Dora Spectacular, whose journey and achievements are nothing short of inspirational. Dora’s story is a powerful reminder of the incredible potential within each of us to make a difference and leave a lasting impact.

Additionally, we’ve included a must-read article on podcasts that offer valuable insights and stories to enrich your life and business. And for those navigating the ever-evolving landscape of technology, our AI tips for Business provide practical advice to harness the power of artificial intelligence in your endeavors.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Your support fuels our mission to create a space where every woman’s voice is heard and her potential celebrated. Here’s to a year of growth, discovery, and empowerment.


December/ January events

From the VIP screening of The Color Purple sponsored by KU chapter of and in collaboration with ArtLoveCollective. This event sold out all the seats at the Regal Cinema in Lawrence, KS (right top)

Inclusive Holiday Market: Presented by Black:30 and MercTribe Designs. brought 107 vendors and 3500 in attendance at this one day event! (bottom 3)

Our founder Crystal Swearingen meeting with fellow REALTORS and state legislatures to discuss housing issues facing our community at the Topeka Capital (top left)


In this edition of Crystal’s Spot Mag, we’re thrilled to introduce a special section that not only celebrates the strength, wisdom, and diversity of women’s voices but also bridges the captivating world of our podcast, “Crystal’s Spot,” with the vibrant pages of our magazine. Season 6 of our podcast was a journey filled with insightful conversations, heartfelt stories, and invaluable lessons shared by our guests. Among these inspiring episodes, we had the privilege of hosting four phenomenal women, each a beacon of excellence in her field, who left us and our listeners empowered and enlightened.

These women, hailing from various backgrounds and industries, brought to the table their unique perspectives, transformative experiences, and actionable advice that resonated deeply with our audience. From groundbreaking achievements to personal triumphs, their stories are a testament to the resilience and power of women across the globe.

In our “Hear Her Story” section, we’re excited to spotlight these extraordinary guests, sharing highlights from their interviews on “Crystal’s Spot” and diving deeper into their journeys. This feature aims to not only celebrate their accomplishments but also to inspire our readers to pursue their passions, embrace their individuality, and make an impact in their communities and beyond.

Join us as we honor these remarkable women, whose voices and visions contribute to shaping a more inclusive, equitable, and vibrant world. Their tips, lessons, and insights are more than just words; they are beacons of hope and catalysts for change. So, turn the page and get ready to be inspired by the stories of these incredible women, each a shining example of leadership, creativity, and courage.

Welcome to Hear Her Story – a celebration of empowerment, achievement, and the unstoppable force of women who are making their mark on the world.


Spark Your alpha with Sha Sparks

Season 6 Episode 5

Shā Sparks has taken the obstacles of abuse, addiction, depression, anger, low self-worth, and more to guide others transform their trauma into trea-

Shā is the CEO (Chief Excitement Officer) of Sparks of Fire International, LLC, a Certified Fearless Living Coach and Trainer, host of The Power of Investing in People Podcast, author of “How to Get Your Voice Back”, and Co-Founder of #FIRESTARTERS Book Project.

As a coach and trainer, she guides leaders to step out of their comfort zone so that they embody the tools and skills to lead with emotional intelligence and intellect through her Spark Your ALPHA™️ program.

Live Life on Fire with Guest Lynita Mitchell Blackwell

Season 6 Episode 13

Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell is the Intui- tive Business Coach™️ who leads her clients to Live Life on FIRE for the Ultimate Successful Life with peace, joy, and fulfillment! Lynita has built an award-winning law firm and publishing house, is a #1 Bestselling Author, CPA, an ordained New Thought Minister, and recognized nationally as an outstanding community leader. Based on her latest book, Lynita loves sharing the formula to the Ultimate Successful Life with Peace, Joy, and Fulfillment!


Unlocking the Secrets of SELF Made U with Tracy Season 6 Episode 19

Tracy Pleschourt, the Founder of Self-Made U and the co-host of the Tracy & Gracie Becoming Podcast is a certified life coach who helps men and women learn How to think to achieve their goals and overcome the ob- stacles in their life.

Most people have spent their life learning What to think only to be tested on their ability to memorize. After spending so much time, energy and money searching for silver bullets and dead end solutions Tracy realized she was trying to solve the wrong problem. Learning to think of yourSELF as the solution is the secret to life.

When you stop thinking of yourself as the problem and start thinking of yourSELF as the solution: You put your time and effort into solving the real problem - not circumstances, but solving the problem of how you are FEELING.

Tracy has mastered and now teaches a simple framework necessary to manage your mind and eliminate any obstacle in life, including overeating, overdrinking, time management, career & relationship changes and professional development.


Resilience and Reinvention: Deanna Kuempel’s Inspiring Story

Season 6 episode 18

As a serial entrepreneur and the dynamic host of the Label Free Podcast, Deanna’s life is a testament to resilience and success. I’m incredibly honored that she chose to open up with me about her challenging journey, overcoming abuse and human trafficking, and rising to become a successful businesswoman. Our discussion delves deep into the importance of communication and leadership in business, highlighting the crucial role of human interaction and relationship-building in achieving success.

Deanna offers a deeply personal insight into her health journey, significantly impacted by her late husband’s illness and struggle with drug addiction. She also shares the inspiring story of launching her fashion company, including how she successfully kickstarted her debut line through a crowdfunding campaign. Her fashion journey has graced prestigious runways like StyleWeek in Rhode Island and the Cadillac Design Challenge with StyleChicago, cul- minating in a charitable runway event against human trafficking, which she masterfully organized. Additionally, she ventured into creating a skincare line, which thrived until the pandemic.

In 2019, Deanna channeled her energies into creating the Label Free pod- cast. As its host, she passionately advocates for living life without societal labels, emphasizing authenticity and unapologetic self-expression. She firmly believes that people are more than their titles and accomplishments, a central theme of her podcast that promotes inclusivity and the courage to overcome life’s obstacles.

Don’t miss out on this enthralling conversation on Crystal’s Spot!

To dive deeper into Deanna’s incredible journey and the impactful work she’s doing, visit her online at Label Free Podcast

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February/March: Unlock Your

Inner Powerhouse and Embrace Success

Welcome to the Emotional Forecast for February/March, where we dive into the mystical realm of tarot to uncover the energies that will shape your emotional landscape in the coming months. So, grab a cup of your favorite tea, cozy up, and let’s explore the emotional forecast together!

**King of Wands: Unleash Your Natural Leadership**

As we kick off the new year, the King of Wands takes center stage, reminding you of your innate leadership qualities. You are a natural-born leader, and it’s time to unleash the powerhouse that resides within you. Embrace your ambitions with unapologetic determination and fearlessly pursue success in all aspects of your life. Let your fiery spirit guide you towards greatness.

**Page of Pentacles: Manifesting New Opportunities**

In the realm of manifesting dreams, the Page of Pentacles brings exciting news. Get ready to welcome new opportunities into your life. Keep honing your skills, expanding your knowledge, and cultivating meaningful connections. Embrace the art of daydreaming as you envision the glorious future that awaits you. This is your time to shine, so embrace it with open arms.

**The Wheel of the Year: A Fortunate Twist of Fate**

Prepare yourself for a fortunate shift in destiny as the Wheel of the Year takes a spin. Consider this a lucky break, a cosmic turning point that propels you towards karmic lessons, the chaos of creation, and serendipitous moments that lead to transformation. This reminds us of the wisdom shared in the movie “Eat, Pray, Love” when Liz quotes, “ruin is a gift, ruin is the road to transformation.” Embrace the unexpected, for it holds the keys to your growth.

**Ace of Pentacles: Your 24 Karat Year**

As we move further into the year, the Ace of Pentacles graces us with its golden presence. This is the card we’ve been hoping you would receive for 2024, signaling the dawn of your 24 karat year. Prosperity and abundance are finally knocking at your door. Stay focused on the positive aspects of your life and actively prepare for the manifestations you’ve been diligently working towards. Your dreams are within reach.

**7 of Swords: Triumph in the Face of Deception**

While the 7 of Swords typically signifies deception or betrayal, it takes on a different meaning for you. This card symbolizes victory over adversity. You have triumphed over the


clutches of death, sadness, and self-destruction. Instead of being a victim, you have emerged as a victor. Celebrate this triumph and let it fuel your confidence as you continue on your path.

**5 of Wands: Completion and Flow**

The 5 of Wands reinforces the message of triumph and completion. It represents the successful completion of a task that felt overwhelming or resembled a battle. As we enter the new year, this card brings good news—a smoother journey lies ahead, characterized by more flow and less stress. Embrace the ease and fluidity that await you.

**10 of Pentacles: Your Dream Come True**

Lastly, we bask in the glorious energy of the 10 of Pentacles. This card is a testament to your success and abundance. As the card quote states, “I am successful, and I share my wealth with those I love.” Your dreams of helping others while enjoying financial security and pure prosperity are coming true. Look around, and you’ll see happiness and abundance not only within yourself but also in your family and those who work alongside you. It’s a beautiful sight to behold.

As we conclude our emotional forecast, remember to stay true to yourself, embrace your natural leadership, and fearlessly pursue success. Manifest new opportunities, trust in the twists of fate, and celebrate your triumphs along the way. May this year be filled with abundance, love, and joy for you and all those who surround you.

Here’s to an extraordinary journey ahead! Cheers!




What inspired you to start Gems by SJ?

I have always enjoyed sewing, crafting, and working with my hands. We have an RV which is one of my family’s most enjoyable things to do. Two summers ago, I just happened to bring along beads and supplies to play around with making necklaces (I don’t sit still well and there is a lot of downtime while traveling/driving). I made a rainbow necklace for my childhood best friend whom we were visiting in Denver. She is a nurse and wore it to work with her scrubs and basically started selling them off her neck and taking orders! She calls me the next week and says “Sara, everybody loves these necklaces, I have sold ten of them! You must start a business!” And that is what I did!

How long have you been in business?

I’ve been in business about one year. I started small by selling on Etsy and Instagram; adding in more product, ideas, and business practices each month. I launched an official website in November 2023. I am now in several local Austin and Texas boutiques, also in FL, LA, and AZ... with many more on the horizon!

I love your mission statement “Create a more colorful world”... what’s behind the bold and colorful jewelry selection?

Thank you! I have always been a colorful and vibrant person. Everything in my life since a very young age just screams color! When you ask my four year old daughter what her favorite color is, she will quickly state “rainbow”, well she gets that from her Mama! This is very apparent by my colorful jewelry. I have had a great career with several cool and challenging jobs, but none of them spread joy or brought a smile to someone’s face quite like my jewelry seems to.

How much has your company been able to donate with your fundraising efforts and dedication to give $5 from every purchase?

We have donated just under $4000 between product and monetary contribution. This is something big on my heart and a goal of my business to share our success as much as possible.

What has been your most effective marketing avenue?

I am honestly still trying to figure this one out. As im portant as I feel social media is, I find it exhausting. And constantly changing algorithms do not help!

I would say my most effective “marketing” is someone wearing a necklace. They make such a statement and grab so much more attention in person vs in a photo on line. Every time I have one on (which is always ��),I ge complements left and right.

(Which is also an obstacle... how do I illustrate the beau ty through a photo?!)


balance your time with your 3 children and meeting client and customer

I am wearing many hats and learning there is a lot involved with this business! From the sourcing of the stones and findings; laying out the design; then putting together and knot ting the necklace (each necklace is hand knotted between the stones). I have become a photographer and also attempting to be decent at social media (I keep joking I need to

I do what I can from my phone or computer on the run and I have learned that when I plan and prep ahead, I can get a lot more of the physical making done. I do a lot of knot ting from baseball and soccer tournaments! Always balancing and juggling work and life,

Share a highlight in your journey that made you realize that you were on Right now, this is simple, as I am still in my infancy... when someone complements a neck lace I am wearing and I say “thanks, I made it”... seeing their reaction is everything to

People have been so very supportive of what I am doing (and “people” vary from friends/ family, customers to strangers.) I ended up randomly having coffee and sharing my story become my biggest cheerleader. When we left she said to me, “I don’t see why you can’t Goodness, when a stranger loves what you are doing and can make you feel the way she

What are some obstacles you’ve encountered in your business? How did


you overcome that?

Starting a business in general, has been my largest obstacle. This business started very organically, so I have had a lot to learn. Down to the physical necklaces, most everything has been self-taught.

My dreams are a lot larger than the amount of time I have in a day. It is quite the challengetrying to do it all. I have such a hunger to grow this business, but I also have this beautiful family and three growing kiddos who of course, demand a lot from me.

Where do you see your business in the next 5 years?

I see my jewelry in boutiques and stores all across the country. I want SJ to be a household name and known for giving back.

If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice when you were first starting out, what would it be?

What I still tell myself daily... keep plugging away and stay positive. And continue to spread joy!

Rome wasn’t built in a day, it all takes time.

If something doesn’t quite go as planned, I try to move on and distract myself. I like to go to other maker’s pages and compliment them and what they are doing.

If I’m having a bad day, I am going to do my best to contribute to someone else having a good day!

I also love gifting a necklace off my neck. A few times when a stranger has complemented my necklace, I have literally taken it off my neck and placed it on theirs! Such a rewarding way to make someone’s day and spread joy.

What advice would you offer to young women aspiring to venture into the business world?

Ask for what you want. (What is the worst that can happen? They say no.) Support other women! By supporting each other, women can foster a sense of solidarity and empowerment. When it comes to business or motherhood- There is nothing like the support of a tribe on your side!


The power of affirmations in developing a winning mindset.

When I decided to make the switch from running my home daycare to beginning a commission only business in real estate I was taking a huge risk. That risk only increased when a few short years later I went through a divorce and had to now provide for my 3 daughters on this commission only career. I knew how to sell homes but I didn’t know how to run a business and to me those are 2 completely different skills. Becoming a business owner one has to accept responsibilities for the wins and losses, this was a process and it took years to develop that mindset. Being a business owner you have to generate leads, market yourself and your product, learn accounting, retain clients, perfect customer service, build new relationships and much more. When I’m feeling overwhelmed or not sure on how to move forward I go back to the basics and start listening to what I’m telling myself and rely back on my affirmations. Whether you write it down or recite it when driving affirmations can help you reset when doubt and anxiety sneak their way into your day.

I wanted to start 2024 with sharing a few of my favorite affirmations and you can save this page to pin somewhere where you can see it. You can also write them down on post-its or notecards and keep them in your car, purse, bathroom mirror and office.

One of my newest affirmation, was shared by a dear friend and fellow entrepreneuer and she told me she says it daily. This is a great one whenever business is slow, “I am happy for my next 2 paying clients”

Here are ten affirmations to guide and inspire you through 2024:


1. I am deserving of love

2. I attract positive energy and opportunities into my life

3. I am divinely guided at alltimes

4. I am powerful, I am strong, I am successful

5. I am worthy

6. I am worthy of good things

7. I am becoming the best version of me

8. My Life is Abundant

9. I am thankful for today

10. I am healthy, wealthy, and happy

Dora Chu

The Spectacular Journey of Dora Chu: Fashion, Resilience, and Empowerment

In the glitzy world of fashion and entertainment, where the dazzle of the runway meets the glare of the spotlight, Dora Chu, known to many as DoraSpectacular, stands out not just for her vibrant personality but for a story that’s as inspiring as it is unique. With a career that has spanned interviewing celebrities and fashion icons at prestigious events like New York Fashion Week and Paris Haute Couture, Dora’s journey is a testament to the power of positivity, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of one’s passions.

Born into a family where she felt overshadowed by favoritism towards her brothers, Dora faced feelings of belittlement early on. Yet, it was this challenge that propelled her towards finding her own voice and space in the world. Her journey into the business world was not a straight path


but a vibrant tapestry woven from experiences in modeling, acting, and even working for the National Auto Show Circuit. A chance video brought her to the attention of a Dallas-based fashion media company, marking the beginning of her career in interviewing at fashionable events.

Dora’s entrepreneurial journey was marked by both setbacks and significant turning points. The folding of the Dallas company she initially worked for could have been a full stop, but for Dora, it was merely a comma. She learned the importance of stepping out of comfort zones and the growth that comes from embracing uncertainty.

Dora’s path wasn’t devoid of disappointments. A promising opportunity to become the Morning Host on a popular TV station fell through abruptly, a setback that, while disheartening, strengthened her faith and resolve. It was a lesson in looking beyond the immediate to the potential blessings in disguise.

Throughout her journey, Dora has drawn strength from a blend of personal development, humor, and the support of friends, family, and mentors like her entertainment attorney, Raymund King. King’s diverse life experiences and accomplishments have been a source of inspiration, alongside Dora’s own dedication to improvisational comedy and a belief in the power of a positive plan.

For Dora, success isn’t measured in financial gains but in resilience, character, and the impact made on others. The feedback from those touched by her work affirms the value of her efforts. Tools for mental wellness, time management, and the importance of “wasting time” wisely reflect her approach to life and business.

One of Dora’s mentors, Paul Neinast (RIP) used to say that 95% of our dreams and goals don’t work because of issues. Our perspectives on ourselves, others, situations, can be transformed to enable healthier lives and reach our dreams and goals.

Looking ahead, Dora envisions her brand expanding into multiple projects that inspire and promote positive self-development, laughter, and love. Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs, especially young women, is to trust their instincts, be assertive, and define their mission statements with clarity and purpose.

Stay tuned for a “Hot Date Hot Mess” dramedy project releasing soon on social media with Love Coach Jennifer Styers and LA based production assistance. Dora’s team is currently working on a developing a TV show with a wonderful well known actor featuring fantasy, drama, comedy and therapeutic aspects.

Dora’s journey is a powerful reminder of the strength found in overcoming adversity, the importance of self-belief, and the impact of giving back. Her story encourages us all to find our own spectacular paths, armed with the knowledge that we are “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” (Psalm 139:13-14).

In a world often dominated by the external, Dora Chu’s story is a vibrant beacon of the beauty and strength that come from within, a message she eagerly shares with the world through her work, her challenges, and her triumphs.


Unleashing the Power of AI: Five Essential Tools for Small Businesses

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. For small businesses, harnessing the capabilities of AI tools is not just a competitive advantage but a necessity for staying ahead in the market. When I recently spoke to Manuj Aggarwal, one of the foremost AI experts of the past 24 years who holds four patents in AI technology and works with Microsoft and other large companies as an advisor, he had suggestions for how small businesses and entrepreneurs can best deploy AI. I have added two additional favorites to his list!

Among the myriad of AI tools available, three stand out to Mr. Aggarwal as indispensable for small businesses: ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Google AI. Let’s explore how these tools can be leveraged and the diverse use cases they offer.

ChatGPT: Conversational Excellence

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a state-of-the-art language model that excels in natural language understanding and generation. Its applications for small businesses are diverse, with one of the most notable being customer service.

Customer Support Automation:

Small businesses often struggle to provide round-the-clock customer support. ChatGPT can be integrated into websites or messaging platforms to automate responses, answer frequently asked questions, and even handle basic troubleshooting. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also frees up valuable human resources for more complex tasks.

Content Creation:

Creating engaging and relevant content is crucial for marketing efforts. ChatGPT can assist in generating blog posts, social media content, and product descriptions. Its ability to understand context and produce coherent text makes it a valuable tool for content creation, saving small businesses both time and effort. One of my favorite ways to use ChatGPT is to put in an article or prompt that I’ve already written and see what suggestions it makes to help the words and concepts flow better.

Midjourney: Artistic Image Generation

Midjourney assists with creating eye-catching visuals, save time and money, and create unique graphics to match your brand and vision. As an entrepreneur, it can sometimes be difficult to afford high image stock photos (which also may be used by others), graphic designers, and custom photo shoots.

Midjourney can turn your ideas into compelling visual representations of your brand. The key is to hone in on exactly what you are looking for in your graphic using prompts, or short text phrases such as single words, phrases, or emojis.


A few Midjourney prompt best practices include:

• Using simple and common words such as planet, dress, tiger, woman.

• Your phrase needs to be specific. Take the “A rainbow-colored butterfly flying across a field of flowers during a sunset” phrase as an example.

• Ensure you combine adjectives that best describe the image you want. Words like “Beautiful, colorful, detailed, intricate, massive, powerful”.

• If you want an art style, add the name of an artist. Names like Vincent Van Gogh, Picasso, Salvador Dali, M.C. Escher.

• Illustrate the style you want. Words like “Abstract, Contemporary, Cubism, Cyberpunk, Fantasy, Impressionism, Minimal, Modern, Realism, Surrealism” will help.

Google AI: All-encompassing Capabilities

Google AI offers a suite of tools and services that cover a wide range of applications, making it an essential component for small businesses looking for a one-stop solution.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP):

Small businesses can leverage GCP for scalable and cost-effective cloud computing solutions. From storage to machine learning, GCP provides a robust infrastructure that allows businesses to scale as they grow without the need for significant upfront investments.

Google Workspace:

Formerly known as G Suite, Google Workspace integrates productivity tools like Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Meet. This suite facilitates seamless collaboration among team members, enhances communication, and streamlines workflow processes.

If you run an e-commerce business and are aiming to enhance your online presence, here is an example of how you can use these three tools together. ChatGPT can be employed for customer engagement and content creation, Midjourney for creating graphics, and Google AI for hosting the website on GCP and managing collaborative efforts through Google Workspace. Two tools that I have loved that work seamlessly with those mentioned above are Simplified and PitchDB. Simplified harnesses the power of AI to not only create marketing verbiage and images, but to also create and edit video and then post it all to your social media platforms. PitchDB allows you to find the right platforms and customize pitches to appear on podcasts, as a speaker at conferences, and even to the media through their AI and keyword tools.

These tools collectively offer a robust foundation for businesses looking to thrive in the digital era. By integrating these tools into your operations, your business can unlock new possibilities, enhance customer experiences, and make data-driven decisions that propel them towards success.

Sources: ChatGPT

Blue Shadow Generative AI

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Welcome to a new year filled with exciting possibilities! If becoming a homeowner is at the top of your resolutions, let's turn that dream into a reality Follow this comprehensive checklist designed to guide you on the path to homeownership.


Clarify your homeownership goals Are you looking for a starter home, upgrading, or investing?


Evaluate your current financial situation

Check your credit score and work towards improvement if needed

Establish a budget that includes savings for a down payment, closing costs, and potential moving expenses


Consult with a mortgage broker to determine the loan amount you qualify for

Obtain a pre-approval letter to strengthen your offer when you find the perfect home


Set up a dedicated savings account for your homeownership fund

Explore down payment assistance programs and first-time homebuyer grants


Identify neighborhoods that align with your lifestyle, preferences, and budget

Consider proximity to schools, work, amenities, and future development


Determine your non-negotiables and must-haves in a home

Prioritize features that align with your lifestyle and future plans


Familiarize yourself with the closing process and associated costs

Work closely with your real estate agent and mortgage broker for a smooth transaction

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