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Creative Networking in 2021

By Amanda Gregory

It is safe to say that 2020 will go down as the year nobody expected, but it will also be remembered as the year we adapted, overcame, and got creative. In the grand scheme, 2020 made us think outside the box. But look at us now - facing 2021 with open eyes and open hearts. Hoping the worst is behind us but knowing that “normal” may still be far off. In the world of networking, - getting creative has been the name of the game. Almost two years ago, I founded Lawrence Lady Boss Project here in Lawrence, Kansas. We had just gotten in our one-year anniversary party, where we thought the flu was the worst of our concerns when the pandemic hit the very next month. Networking was put on hold! Like so many other organizations and industries, networking thrives off person-to-person contact and interaction. So how does one find ways to connect when a literal pandemic hits? They think outside of the box.

For Lawrence Lady Boss Project, that looked like virtual networking events, socially distanced in-person events and cancelling or changing plans to basically make it work as things constantly changed. When I look towards 2021, I hope to get back to in person networking, but I know it may be months before we can even attempt that. So what’s a person to do when you need to network with other people in your community?

Here are five ways to creatively network this spring.

1. Join a virtual happy hour networking event.

If you are local to Lawrence, the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce has been putting together virtual events for most of the pandemic. By attending the virtual events and seeing people in your community, even virtually, you can start to put faces to names so that when the in-person events return, you’ve already got a jump start on whose who.

2. Say yes to an opportunity that may make you uncomfortable. Did someone ask you to be on their podcast, but it makes you nervous? Say yes! You can hide behind a screen or phone and save yourself the worry. Did someone ask you to hashtag or share something about their business on social media, but you are so not tech-savvy? Now is the time to learn! Again - you can hide behind a screen and there is the option to delete or edit if you make a mistake. Did an opportunity come up to expand your business but you just aren’t sure if now is the time? Do it! Believe in yourself and jump out of that comfort zone.

3. Slide into a small business’ direct messages and introduce yourself. It’s cliche and awkward, but if you share your admiration, you can build a connection off a single message. It can grow and expand, and it may even lead to our #4 tip.

4. A collaboration. One of the best ways to expand your network is to connect with other businesses and bosses and grow together. Have you always pictured your product in a certain store? Propose a collaboration. Love the way someone carries themselves and want them to represent your brand? Propose a collaboration. Just love a companies product and want to do a giveaway? Propose a collaboration. The worst thing that can happen is they say no. But you never know if you don’t try!

5. RSVP to one of Lawrence Lady Boss Project’s virtual Networking Night Outs. I hope that 2021 will bring us back together in person, but until then, we will meet virtually for an opportunity to introduce ourselves and win some giveaways. We know it’s not the same, but it’s still a great way to be present in your community.

2021 feels like a fresh start after a year like 2020. All that creative thinking we established last year has to follow us to this year. Imagine what we can do if we always think outside the box regarding all things business, but especially networking.

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