3 minute read
What Networking Has Taught Me
Written by Amanda Gregory, Founder of Lawrence Lady Boss Project Photo by Trina Baker

When I started Lawrence Lady Boss Project, a networking group, in early 2019, I pictured a group of boss women out there blazing their path in this world and supporting each other along the way. I envisioned gatherings full of banter, laughter and new memories. I hoped for new connections and an overall feeling of community, our community.
What happened was something I could never have expected. Woman from all walks of life and all different career paths came together and started lifting each other up daily. Businesses supported other businesses, new friendships blossomed and bloomed and it was like a a rally cry broke out.
For me, leading this rally cry has taught me a lot.
It taught me to embrace the differences. Our community is unique when compared to the community I grew up in. Instead of the all American suburb just a few minutes down the road, Lawrence is full of all kinds. All kinds of dreams, all kinds of people, all kinds of beliefs. We build each other up and we encourage each other and when you embrace the differences, you learn, you expand and you grow, too. Networking a large group of women together has been full of so many personalities. Each one of them contributing in their own way to make this community special.
It taught me to celebrate the small things. Each small step towards any large goal should be celebrated. All it takes is one person believing in your dreams, and you are off. I will always celebrate the first small step that led to the success of this project, a business owner said yes to hosting my first Networking Night Out. Had she not said yes, who knows what would have happened. Each small goal achieved since then has led to doors opened and new opportunities embarked on.
It taught me to stop worrying about things out of my control. The details may not always come together as you expected, but if you put your best foot forward, the small things don’t matter at the end of the day. At my second event, I forgot napkins and cups. So we had snacks and drinks but no way to really go about enjoying them. A local business owner swooped in to save me that night and everything else rolled on as planned. These things happen and it is out of your control. It’s how you react that matters. It taught me that not everyone is going to cry your rally cry with you. Networking is only possible with an amazing group of people willing to bend and adjust with you. Every now and again you will run across someone that doesn’t cheer on your dream like they should. Remember those people are not the people you need on your squad. Your network should support and celebrate with you, always. No excuses.

Above all, I have learned just how important networking is. This pandemic is a large, scary, world of unknowns. Small business owners are left out to dry as they have to shut their doors and sit at home, waiting for the worst to pass. I have watched my community come together and do their part to lift these dreamers up. This network of lady bosses that was built to support each other, is doing just that. Supporting, reassuring and doing their darnedest to inspire each other to keep on going. One foot in front of the other.
Everyone adjusts differently to the times that are upon us. Eventually though we will move on, we will get past it and we will find our new normal. Together with our network that supported us all along we will open the doors and welcome our people back in. These days will come and we will look back and remember how our network was there for us. Our people supported us and helped us through.
As for Lawrence Lady Boss Project? I look forward to the day that this network is back together. We will plan another successful Networking Night Out and we will watch the hugs and the laughter be exchanged. This community is like no other, and I am proud to be a part of it.