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Welcome to the fuzzy sweater, cozy sock, and pumpkin everything season. We are headed for a fantastic end of the year with several emotions to look forward to. This doesn’t come without a bit of work on our part. October, if you didn’t notice, was about releasing. Release unfulfilling relationships, unnecessary struggle, and inconsistent patterns that no longer serve you. Luckily November rolls in with a sense of relief. We have cleared the air in our lives and now can finally take a much-needed deep breath. We’re also allowing new ideas and new opportunities in now that we’ve cleared the way and have room to take a deep breath! By late November, you’ll be enjoying big smiles and even more self-accomplishment. So relax and enjoy the holiday and family while gearing up for December. The last month of this year is going to bring great comfort. You’ll look back and see how everything always work out and that this beautiful universe has always supported you. This will be a time to look at next year with a fresh new perspective. We are leaving fear completely in the past and welcoming the New Year and the New You. If you want to make health goals be sure to start now instead of 2022. You’ll get a head start and ring in the New Year with even more feelings of accomplishment and show the universe you’re ready to shed the old and welcome the new. I wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season. Give smiles and hugs away like candy and remember to honor this beautiful journey. Best Wishes Southern Psychic Angie Campbell