1 minute read
Introducing Sheena Yap Chan: Keynote speaker, Coach, and Author
My name is Sheena Yap Chan and I am a Keynote speaker, coach, podcaster and author on building self confidence. It has been my mission to elevate women especially Asian women since we are so underrepresented and we face so many cultural and gender issues. I want women to realize what is possible for themselves when they have the confidence to take action in turning their dreams into reality.
What hurdles did you have to go through in your career journey?
I went through so many hurdles such as overcoming fear, embracing the unknown, not seeing my worth, embracing rejection and embracing my failures. A lot of times, the one thing that stops many women from starting their own ventures is confidence.
What was the defining moment that pushed you in the right direction?
The one thing that really helped me build my confidence is by seeking help. Most women think we have to face our journeys alone which is far from the truth. Seeking help can really help you build your confidence because there are other women rooting for you and helping you build yourself up when you are not always confident. You can hire a coach or join a women’s group. Support can go a long way and there is no shame in asking for help.
What are some goals that you have set for yourself or your business?
My goal is to continuously lift women up. The pandemic has negatively affected women globally. I saw an article last week talking about how women globally lost an income of $800 billion from the pandemic. If we can keep building women up and help them see their worth, we can create so much positive change in the world
Is there anything you want readers to know about you?
I have a book called Asian Women Who Boss Up that you can pre-order a signed copy. Here is the link: https://sheenayapchan.com/ product/asian-women-who-boss-up-book/ How can readers find you on social media or online? https://taplink.cc/sheena.yap.chan https://taplink.cc/thetaoofselfconfidence