Crystal's Spot Spring 2024

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Crystal’s SPOT MAG


Crystal Clear

Hello Beautiful Readers,

Spring has sprung, and oh, how glorious it is! With everything blooming and the world looking like a painting, it’s the perfect backdrop for our vibrant Spring issue of Crystal’s Spot Mag. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The earth laughs in flowers,” and believe me, this season, we’re laughing along—joyously celebrating growth, renewal, and all things bright and beautiful.

We kick things off with something truly special for our green-thumbed enthusiasts. Dive into the delightful world of native gardening with the incredible Evelyne Bahn from Lawrence, who teaches us how to weave local flora into our daily landscapes. Evelyne’s passion and knowledge are absolutely infectious—you won’t be able to resist the urge to get your hands a little dirty!

Lights, camera, action! Get ready to be captivated by the extraordinary Deborah Correa, a national feature filmmaker and director whose stories not only entertain but resonate deep within. Deborah’s dedication to her craft is seriously inspiring and makes for a fascinating read. You won’t want to miss what she’s got to share about her latest cinematic adventure.

And guess what? We have a sparkling new column that’s just too good to miss! Say hello to the social media guru with the fabulous Sande Stevenson, who’ll be spilling all the secrets on how to keep it real and consistent across your social feeds. Perfect for anyone looking to up their social game and truly connect with their audience.

A massive THANK YOU to all of you who’ve been with us through this amazing journey. Your support means the world and it’s what keeps this magazine the lively, sparkling community it is.

Looking to spread the word about your business or know someone incredible who should be featured in our pages or on our podcast? Head over to to find out how to advertise with us or to submit a nominee. We love seeing our community grow!

Thanks a million for tuning in to our spring celebration. Here’s to a season filled with laughter, learning, and loads of new opportunities.

With all my joy,

Crystal Swearingern

Luxury Lifestyle Limitless The Spot Mag LETTER FROM THE EDITOR


Evelynn Atkinson: Embracing the Chaos and Beauty of a Native Garden

In a delightful exploration into the world of native gardening, I had the pleasure of speaking with Evelyne Bahn, a passionate gardener who has transformed her conventional yard into a thriving native garden. Evelyne’s journey into native gardening began unexpectedly and has grown into a deep passion for nurturing an ecosystem right in her backyard.

Starting Out: Evelyne’s adventure started one ordinary day when her family was away. Facing the task of mowing the lawn, she pondered, “What if I got rid of the lawn altogether?” Her husband, familiar with ecological gardening, suggested transitioning to a native garden. “He knew Elliot from his work at a local ecological center, and Elliot recommended planting native species that essentially care for themselves after establishment,” Evelyne explained.

Choosing Native Plants: Driven by curiosity and her husband’s insights, Evelyne dove into researching native plants that would thrive in her local climate. “We looked into various native species like Liatris, which blooms beautifully in spring, and Echinacea, which is not only aesthetically pleasing but also attracts monarch butterflies,” she shared. Her garden now hosts an array of wildlife, including swallowtails, hummingbirds, and even dragonflies, which naturally help control the mosquito population.

Sustainable Practices: Evelyne emphasizes sustainability in her gardening. “In autumn, I lay down cardboard and compost to enrich the soil naturally. This method not only recycles waste but also prepares the soil for planting in the spring,” she said. This approach has helped her manage the challenging clay soil in her garden, transforming it into a fertile ground for native flora.

Design and Layout: When it comes to designing her garden, Evelyne prefers a natural, informal layout that mimics native habitats. “I plant in clusters and allow the plants to grow freely. This not only creates a more natural look but also provides ample space for wildlife to thrive,” she explained. Her design strategy includes ensuring something is always in bloom from early spring to late autumn, providing continuous support for local pollinators.

Education and Community Engagement: Evelyne is also keen on educating others about the benefits of native gardening. “I often use an app to learn about new plants and share this knowledge with neighbors and their children,” she mentioned. By engaging the community, she hopes to spread awareness and encourage more people to consider native gardening.

Reflections and Future Plans: Reflecting on her journey, Evelyne expressed joy in the evolving nature of her garden. “Each year brings new plants and new life. Watching everything come into bloom after returning from a trip was mesmerizing,” she recalled. Looking forward, she plans to enhance the garden’s accessibility with pathways to allow visitors to enjoy the beauty up close without harming the plants.

Conclusion: Evelyne Bahn’s native garden is more than just a space for plants; it’s a thriving ecosystem that supports local wildlife and promotes biodiversity. Her story is a testament to the beauty and resilience of native plants and the rewards of embracing a little chaos in the garden. For those inspired by Evelyne’s journey, starting a native garden might just be the next step toward contributing to environmental conservation right in your backyard.

Beate shares her insights on the dangers of the current trend where anyone can spend a fortune on a brief course and emerge with a title, often mistaken for real authority. She emphasizes the importance of becoming “super ultra hyper-aware” of who you are, steering clear of the hype, and recognizing the distinction between being an influencer or celebrity and being a genuine subject matter expert.

With her background as a business strategist, Beate outlines the three critical elements necessary to build real authority: strategy, knowledge, and authenticity. She critiques the common pitfalls many fall into, mistaking desires for strategies and underlining the importance of having a clear, actionable plan that goes beyond mere wishes for wealth or success.

Beate’s conversation is a must-listen for anyone looking to establish themselves as an authority in their field. She challenges listeners to ask themselves what they truly are authorities in and provides a blueprint for building that authority grounded in expertise, not just titles or hype.




Crystal Swearingen Staci Gray

1:29 10:10 Organize to Scale


This week on Crystal’s Spot, host Crystal Swearingen invites Staci Gray, the visionary founder behind Organize to Scale, for a transformative discussion on building a business that flourishes without consuming you. Organize to Scale has carved a niche in empowering content creators and real estate syndicators to execute strategies for profit and peace of mind, ensuring they don’t lose themselves to operational chaos or compromise their relationships.

In an episode of practical wisdom and actionable insights, Crystal and Staci delve into the philosophies and strategies underpinning a truly scalable business. They explore the delicate balance between rapid execution and maintaining personal well-being, offering listeners a guide to navigating the often tumultuous journey of entrepreneurship without sacrificing the essence of who they are.

Listeners will walk away with valuable tips on structuring their businesses to not only survive but thrive. From fostering effective systems and processes to the importance of clear communication and delegation, this episode is a treasure trove for anyone looking to elevate their enterprise to the next level.

Please tune in to discover how to harness the power of organization to transform your business into a self-sustaining entity that enriches your life, rather than ruling it. It’s time to achieve that elusive harmony between profit and peace of mind, with Crystal Swearingen and Staci Gray guiding you every step of the way.


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May/June: A Journey of Transformation

Welcome to our enchanting journey through the emotional forecast for May and June. Get ready to ride the waves of transformation!

“The Tower”

Brace yourselves, folks! This card signals the end of a challenging cycle that has tested your resilience for a whopping nine years. It’s time to break free from the chains of pain and let your world burst forth with all the lessons you’ve trudged through. Goodbye, tough times, and hello, fresh beginnings!

“Six of Swords”

Trust falls, anyone? Put your faith in your higher power, whether it’s the universe, God, or yourself (because you’re pretty awesome). You’re exactly where you need to be to manifest your wildest dreams, so keep your eyes on the prize and trust that the universe has your back. Ready, set, trust fall!



Rawr! Picture this: half lion, half woman. This card is a perfect representation of your inner strength. Take a moment to acknowledge just how incredibly strong you are. You’ve weathered storms, conquered mountains, and emerged as a true warrior. It’s time to embrace your inner lioness and roar with confidence!

“The Hanged Man”

Let’s get our free-fall on, folks! The universe is like your personal theme song, carrying you through this wild ride called life. So, sit back, relax, and trust everything is falling into place. It’s time to let go of control, surrender to the unknown, and enjoy the exhilarating free fall into your best life. Wheee!

“Eight of Swords”

Psst, fear, you sneaky little thing! Here’s a secret: you’re nothing but an illusion. Don’t let fear keep you small and stuck in a never-ending loop. The moment you decide to see beyond its tricks, you’ll realize that your future outcome is already within your grasp. It’s time to break free and align yourself with the abundant future that’s waiting for you.

As we embark on this transformative journey, let’s release the past, embrace our inner strength, and sprinkle a little humor along the way. Get ready to laugh, cry, and discover the magic within yourself! Bring on the Spring!


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Deborah Correa

In this edition of our magazine, we sit down with Deborah Correa, a visionary filmmaker whose journey from aspiring director to established entrepreneur encapsulates the spirit of perseverance, creativity, and the relentless pursuit of dreams. Correa’s story is not just about navigating the complex world of film and business; it’s a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of embracing failure, and the indomitable will to create impactful stories.

Q: Can you provide a brief overview of your journey into the business world?

A: My journey began at Emerson College, where I studied film before working at PBS. The desire to direct led me to Los Angeles, where I faced numerous challenges, including the closure of a Disney digital studio I worked for and the struggle to find work after a prestigious directing workshop. However, these setbacks only fueled my determination, eventually leading me back to LA, where I have since worked on various projects, including two short films and a feature film. LA has truly become my home.

Q: What inspired you to start or join your business?

A: My inspiration to become a director was planted during a challenging childhood in Colombia amid the narco-wars. Stories became our escape and salvation, igniting a passion for storytelling that I’ve pursued relentlessly.

Q: Describe one of your earliest challenges and how you overcame it?

A: The sting of rejection and isolation was a significant challenge. To navigate the industry’s cruelty, I focused on bringing warmth and inclusivity to my sets, striving to change the narrative around how artists are treated.

Q: Can you highlight a key turning point in your entrepreneurial journey?

A: A profound personal crisis taught me the importance of resilience and perspective. The near loss of my son helped me prioritize life’s true values, enhancing my capacity to handle stress and focus on what truly matters.

Q: Describe a setback or failure you’ve faced in your business journey. How did it shape you?

A: Failure has been my greatest teacher. The early struggles and perceived failures in my career taught me the value of perseverance, the importance of listening to my inner voice, and the necessity of embracing every setback as a step closer to achieving my dreams.

Q: What resources, books, or mentors significantly influenced your business perspective during challenging times?

A: Works like Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way and the Netflix documentary This Changes Everything have been instrumental in shaping my perspective, along with the teachings of Sarah Jenks and the wisdom of Baha’i teachings on equality and empowerment.

Q: What has been your most proud achievement in your business journey so far?

A: Directing The War Between, my first feature film, has been my proudest achievement. It’s a story that challenges conventional narratives and showcases a significant, yet overlooked, part of history, brought to life with an incredible team and at historically significant locations.


Q: How do you measure success in your business?

A: Success for me is being able to sustain my life through my work while telling stories that resonate, bring people together, and highlight our shared humanity.

Q: Share a moment where you felt that all the hard work and sacrifice was worth it.

A: The moments my son expressed a desire to follow in my footsteps and seeing the impact of my films on audiences are my most rewarding experiences. They affirm the power of storytelling to heal and unite.

Q: How do you prioritize tasks and manage time effectively?

A: My day begins with a combination of coffee, meditation or prayer, and exercise, setting a foundation for productivity and focus. This routine enables me to tackle the most critical tasks first, ensuring that I make the most of each day.

Q: Where do you see your business in the next 5 years?

A: I envision directing full-time, contributing to a production company dedicated to creating enduring stories, and mentoring young filmmakers through their journeys.

Q: If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice when you were first starting out, what would it be?

A: I would advise my younger self to enjoy the journey, embrace every experience, and silence negative self-talk. Understanding that rejection and failure are merely steps toward achieving one’s dreams is crucial.

Q: What advice would you offer to young women aspiring to venture into the business world?

A: Know yourself, be your own advocate, and listen to your inner voice. Embrace your power and stand firm in your values and vision.

Q: How has being a woman shaped


your business experience, and what can industries do better to support women in business?

A: The underrepresentation of women directors highlights the industry’s challenges in valuing and marketing female perspectives. Industries must recognize and embrace the unique insights women bring to storytelling.

Q: Are there any charities, organizations, or initiatives that you’re involved in or support?

A: Supporting veterans through The Heroes Journey and other organizations is close to my heart, helping to bridge the gap between defenders and civilians through storytelling.

Q: How do you give back to the community or support other aspiring entrepreneurs?

A: My involvement in my alma mater’s alumni association and volunteering at my son’s school are ways I contribute to nurturing future storytellers and filmmakers.

Q: What’s one message or quote that you live by and would like to share with our readers?

A: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” This quote reminds us of the importance of valuing our unique paths and experiences, fostering a mindset of gratitude and self-appreciation.

Deborah Correa’s journey is a powerful reminder of the resilience required to overcome adversity and the transformative power of storytelling. Her experiences offer invaluable insights for anyone looking to make their mark in the business world or any field driven by passion, creativity, and a desire to impact the world positively.

Redefining Success: My Personal Journey


This issue’s Crystal’s Corner took me a while to write. I have been looking at my career and sometimes I get caught up in comparison with my fellow Realtor colleagues who are selling more than me or have more business than me. Then, I take a breath and realize my journey to success is personal and can’t be compared to anyone else.

I’ve learned that success is deeply personal and cannot be measured solely by comparing ourselves to others. It’s about setting personal goals and celebrating each step taken toward them, whether they lead to financial stability or enriched personal relationships.

In my own experience, I’ve found that true success often looks like having a harmonious relationship with loved ones. It’s about the quiet satisfaction of paying your bills every month without the stress of financial overload, knowing your family will enjoy a hearty meal at the end of the day. This shift towards valuing life’s simpler pleasures, like spending quality time with our children signifies a profound change in our collective mindset.

Reflecting on my journey, I’ve seen how my notion of success has evolved over the years, particularly through life’s inevitable ups and downs. With over 16 years in real estate, I’ve witnessed many personal and professional growth phases. Early in my career, like many, I was driven by traditional markers of success. However, life’s twists and turns, including a pivotal divorce, reshaped my priorities significantly.

Today, my most significant achievements are not quantified by promotions or accolades but by the laughter and love shared with my children and the small, precious moments we spend together. Every year I schedule a trip for us to be able to reconnect and create memories. This is even more important as they are growing into young adults. This spring break we took a family trip with my sister, her husband, and my nephew Jayden.

Sitting and reflecting on those moments, I sometimes am in awe of how my life has turned out. So when I catch myself comparing my level of success and doubting my work ethic, I reflect on what’s really been my priority and family has always been my #1.

Adopting this perspective doesn’t mean settling for less. Rather, it reflects a deepened understanding of what truly matters, an insight I’ve gained through both triumphs and trials. For me, setting a financial target that allowed me to provide for my family comfortably and save for annual vacations was a goal. Once I reached this target, the sense of satisfaction and security was immense.

I also measure my personal success by how positively I impact our community and the lasting impressions I leave on those around me. These efforts provide a profound sense of accomplishment. It’s about being okay with not always being at the forefront but instead finding contentment in our roles within our families, friendships, and communities. It is crucial to cultivate gratitude for what we have and to focus on what brings us joy and fulfillment.

We also need to recognize the importance of flexibility in our definitions of success. Life is unpredictable, and our goals and needs can change. Being open to this change and adjusting our measures of success is practical and essential for our well-being.

Looking ahead, I encourage all of us to embrace a measure of success that resonates on a personal level, focusing less on external validation and more on the internal satisfaction that I’ve found to be so vital. Let this be the year we all thrive by our own standards, fostering what truly brings us joy and peace.

The Power of Self-Evaluation: A Path to Self-Discovery and Growth


As we journey through life, it’s natural to seek clarity and purpose. We often find ourselves pondering questions about our direction, our goals, and our overall satisfaction. In the quest for self-discovery and personal growth, many avenues present themselves, each offering promises of enlightenment and fulfillment. One such path, often overlooked yet profoundly impactful, is the practice of self-evaluation.

This year, I have embarked on a mission to explore my path and delve into the depths of self-discovery. It was during this quest that I encountered the wisdom of Allan Knight, a former Zen monk, who introduced me to his transformative nine-step process. Unlike conventional methods that focus solely on envisioning a future state through vision boards or gratitude practices, Knight’s approach emphasizes mindset development and self-mastery.

At the core of Knight’s first teaching lies the practice of connecting with the present moment—a foundational step in the journey

of self-evaluation. By cultivating mindfulness and awareness, we gain insights into various facets of our lives. From health and fitness to career aspirations, from personal development to spirituality, it is important to review every aspect of our lives with a keen eye.

Monthly self-evaluation exercises serve as checkpoints along the path, allowing us to assess our progress and realign our priorities. Through a series of probing questions and reflective prompts, we confront our strengths and weaknesses head-on. This process isn’t merely about scrutinizing our flaws; it’s about gaining a holistic understanding of ourselves as multifaceted beings.

By embracing self-evaluation, we empower ourselves to set meaningful goals—both short-term and long-term. We identify areas for improvement and devise strategies for growth. Each month brings fresh insights and opportunities for refinement, fueling our journey toward self-actualization.


One of the most profound revelations I’ve experienced through this practice is the recognition that growth is not a destination but a continuous journey. Every moment presents an opportunity for learning and evolution. By committing to regular self-assessment, we cultivate a mindset of perpetual improvement.

Moreover, self-evaluation fosters a deep sense of accountability and self-awareness. We become attuned to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, allowing us to make conscious choices aligned with our values and aspirations. Through this heightened self-awareness, we navigate life with greater clarity and purpose.

Self-evaluation catalyzes for personal transformation. As we confront our limitations and embrace our potential, we unleash our inner reservoirs of resilience and creativity. Challenges become opportunities for growth, setbacks become lessons in resilience and failures become stepping stones toward success. In essence, the practice of self-evaluation is not merely a tool for self-improvement; it’s a philosophy—a way of life. It reminds us that the journey of self-discovery is as much about the process as it is about the destination. It’s about embracing the full spectrum of our humanity—flaws and all— and striving to become the best versions of ourselves.

As I reflect on my journey thus far, I realize that I have just begun, yet am filled with gratitude for the transformative power of self-evaluation. It has illuminated my path, guided my choices, and empowered me to embrace the beauty of growth. And as I continue on this journey, I do so with renewed vigor and a deep sense of purpose, knowing that each step forward brings me closer to the truest expression of myself.

Learn more about Allan Knight at

Anika Jackson is a senior communications and marketing professional with over 25 years of experience working with diverse brands and clients to build local and global interest and create meaningful, synergistic relationships between brands and consumers. Anika produces and hosts the Your Brand Amplified® podcast, a Listen Notes top 0.5% podcast. In addition, she is a graduate level professor at USC Annenberg and co-producer and co-host of the USC MediaSCape speaker series and podcast. Separately, she is VP of PR at Full Capacity Marketing and president of the ISF women’s expo and a board member for the International Soccer Festival. Ms. Jacksonis a bestselling Amazon author in the women’s anthology, Business on Purpose Vol. 2.

She is a member of the Intuit Small Business Council, serves on the advisory board for UC Santa Barbara’s Women in Leadership executive program, and contributes her knowledge and thought leadership for the benefit of multiple local, national, and global nonprofits. Most recently, Anika is pursuing her MBA at Villanova, specializing in AI/ ML and Marketing.


Hey there, fellow content creators! My name is Sande Stevenson I am a St. Louis, MO born and raised wife, mom to my amazing 7-year-old twins, Jaxson & Jayla, and full-time content creator and I’m thrilled to dive into the behind-the-scenes of how I approach developing content within my niche and maintaining a healthy balance between regular uploads and high-quality content. (I should also mention that I graduated from the University of Kansas and met my husband, Julian, there, I am so excited to contribute to this incredible magazine regularly!)

I’m also not your average cookie-cutter influencer—I’m all about embracing individuality, expressing yourself, being who you are, and I encourage you to do the same! So, as we dive into this article, expect nothing less than genuine insights and encouragement to be your authentic self on your social media journey! Let’s break the mold and shine together!

So grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if that’s your jam) and let’s get started!

Just to give you some background on myself as a content creator, I have been a full-time content creator for 14 years, with over 342,000 subscribers and millions of views across my YouTube channels, along with a thriving community of over 44,000 followers on Instagram and over 5100 followers on TikTok.

I’ve also been fortunate to work with some incredible national brands such as Walmart, Target, Casey’s Pizza, Party City, Lysol and more which has been a dream come true, allowing me to share authentic experiences and products with my followers!

Also, while you’re here, make sure to follow me on these social media platforms:

Youtube: @TheSocialiteLife @TheSocialiteLifeTV

Instagram: @SocialiteSande

TikTok: @SocialiteSande

Developing Content within My Niche: When it comes to creating content, I like to keep it real and relatable. (I am not one of those influencers who have the perfect aesthetics like the white cabinets and white countertops… I like to keep it real with my audience, which is what resonates with them)

Social Media

My approach is simple: I draw inspiration from my everyday life as a busy mom of twins and share practical tips, heartfelt stories, and delicious recipes that resonate with my audience! I should also mention that how you structure your posts depends on the platform you are on, so, for example, Instagram is very niched down whereas TikTok is a little bit more flexible. It just depends on what your goals are and what social media platform you’re trying to grow!

Maintaining a Balance for High-Quality Content: Balancing regular uploads with high-quality content is key to keeping your audience engaged. One tip I swear by is planning ahead. Set aside time each week to brainstorm content ideas, create a content calendar, and batch-produce content whenever possible! This allows me to stay organized and ensure that I’m consistently delivering valuable content without sacrificing quality!

Recommended Strategies for Audience Engagement: Building a loyal community of followers requires more than just posting content—it’s about fostering genuine connections and engaging with your audience!

Here are some strategies that have worked wonders for me: Authentic Storytelling: Share personal anecdotes, struggles, and triumphs to humanize your brand and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Interactive Content: Experiment with interactive features like polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions to encourage audience participation and feedback.

Consistent Branding: Maintain a cohesive brand aesthetic across all your social media platforms to establish brand recognition and attract your target audience.

Engage with Your Audience: Take the time to respond to comments, messages, and DMs to show your audience that you value their input and appreciate their support.

Leveraging Comments, Live Streams, and Interactive Elements: Comments, live streams, and other interactive elements are powerful tools for

keeping your audience invested in your content.

Here’s how I leverage them: Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Respond to comments thoughtfully and engage in conversations with your audience to build rapport and foster a sense of community.

Host Live Q&A Sessions: Go live to answer questions, share behind-the-scenes glimpses, and interact with your audience in realtime.

Encourage User-Generated Content: Encourage your audience to share their own experiences, tips, and recipes using a branded hashtag, and feature their content on your profile to showcase community involvement.

Tips for Building and Growing Your Following: Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your following, here are some additional tips to help you succeed on social media:

Know Your Audience: Take the time to understand your target audience’s interests, preferences, and pain points, and tailor your content to meet their needs.

Consistency is Key: Consistency is key to building momentum and gaining traction on social media. Stick to a regular posting schedule and stay true to your brand.

Collaborate with Others: Collaborate with fellow creators, brands, and influencers in your niche to expand your reach and tap into new audiences.

Stay Engaged: Don’t just focus on growing your following—focus on nurturing your existing community by staying engaged, responsive, and authentic.

By following these strategies and staying true to your unique voice and brand, you’ll be well on your way to creating compelling content, fostering a vibrant community, and growing your following on social media.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so be patient, stay consistent, and enjoy the journey! Happy creating!

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