Study and travel in GERMANY!!

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Study and travel in Germany

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Presentation topics We will talk about... Introducing Germany and its importance in the European Union  Ausbildung (Vocational training) –Dual Education  Fort- und Weiterbildungen- Qualification courses for people with higher education  Voluntary social year in the Field of Culture (DAS FREIWILLIGE SOZIALE JAHR IN DER KULTUR (SHORT: FSJ KULTUR))-Individual topic for Voluntaries for 1 year max.  Your way-travel and discover Germany  Summer schools and camps (information is attached)  Service and counselling 

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Germany – A fascinating country 

Largest member of the EU with a population of more than 82 million people – nearly 10 % are foreigners

Located right in the heart of Europe

Cities: Berlin – capital with 4 million inhabitants, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Heidelberg are the biggest cities....

Various landscapes and pleasant climate: Up to 100 sunny days

Cultural diversity: museums, theatres, opera houses…

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Germany – A fascinating country

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Quality „Made in Germany“ 

You have surely benefited from Germany`s

innovative strength... perhaps without even knowing it

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The MP3 format – a German innovation

Mercedes-Benz, BMW & Volkswagen

Sportswear from Puma and Adidas

Pharmaceuticals from Bayer are “Made in Germany”

And much more.....


The European Union – Enlargement 

Creating an even larger and more dynamic zone of peace, stability and prosperity in Europe

Easy travelling within Europe without any further visa and passport controls

 

i-Rock gmbh Comfortable - paying with one currency unit in most of the EU-countries No duties for products bought within the European Union


Wide variety of study opportunities 


Technical Universities

Universities of Applied Sciences

Colleges of Art and Music

Private universities and colleges

Universities of Co-operative Education

Ausbildung –Dual education in Top Germany companies

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Structure of the German higher education system •

Traditionally, the first degree offered at German universities is a Magister or Diplom, which begins after high school and takes 4-5 years to complete, depending on the type of institution.

After graduation qualified students may decide to complete their doctoral degree which usually lasts 3 to 4 years. Such a degree requires the preparation of a research project and a scientific thesis.

Recently introduced International Degree Programmes (IDPs) offer a more flexible approach to study – especially for international students. International degrees such as Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees exist along with the traditional structure.

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Basic structure of German Ausbildung- Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Dual VET System

General Education

Higher Education


3.5 - 6 years

i-Rock gmbh 10 - 13 school years

Full-time Vocational Schools

2 - 3.5 years

2 - 3.5 years

Labour Market

Seek and find a training place • Look for information on local German employers providing VET. Ausbildung places you can find in specific web pages, Write a top CV (Lebenslauf) and excellent motivation letter (Anschreiben) • Search for a training place offer • Apply for training places at companies • Select a company

Ausbildungsvertrag - Similar to a work contract (prove by IHK (handelskammer) - chamber of commerce)

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• Legal basis for in-company training in Dual VET • Provided and registered by chamber organisations • Regulates: • Duration of training • Beginning and end of training • Probation time • Vacations • Content of training • Training allowance • Termination of contract • Signing a training contract establishes a formal training relationship between the company and the trainee Start of work-based learning in Dual VET


How Dual VET training plan works? Monday





In-company training

Vocational school education

• Based on in-company training standards (minimum standards) defined in "training regulations" • Step by step, trainees take over duties and tasks in the workplace, and in the process contribute to production

• Based on vocational education standards defined in the framework curriculum for vocational subjects (2/3) • Based on framework curriculum for general school subjects (1/3) • Classroom-based learning

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Final examination • Organised by chamber organisations Examination board • Composed of representatives of: • Employers • Employees • Vocational school teachers (government) • In general does not include those who trained the trainee • Assesses and grades trainee

Dual VET certificate • •

Issued by chamber organisations Nationally recognised by government Training contract ends Professional career 11 begins

Fort- und WeiterbildungenQualification courses Anyone looking for a successful career in our time should be able to keep up with the rapidly changing labor market. We support you in your career advancement or reorientation with the right continuing education and training. At our renowned academies, you can achieve recognized degrees in the following areas:

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   

Social-and healthcare system Economy (Specialists, Specialists, Business Economists) Management & Management Master courses


Germany – A wise choice for study and research 

A high standard of living and excellent conditions

for your study at a moderate level of costs

Average cost of living: 750 € per month for a single person (depends on the region)

No (or low) tuition fees for undergraduate students

Only some postgraduate courses charge tuition fees, but they

Ausbildung -VET is free! During the Ausbildung time student is payed min of salary

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are less expensive than in most other comparable countries

Outstanding Ph.D. students are often sponsored by universities

 •

or other funding institutions Social fee (approx. 110 €) which must be paid by every student includes e.g. free use of local public transport system 13

Germany – A wise choice for study and travel 

Students have a good and comfortable life on and off-campus

Well-equipped road and rail network enables pleasant travelling

The intercultural atmosphere creates an inspiring climate for study and research – 12% are international students

The Deutsche Studentenwerk - an institution for all student’s social needs

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Lots of cultural events as well as sports and leisure activities

Travel cross Germany and Europe

offer Student tickets and travel packages

and provides counselling for international students


German – No language barrier • Lots of IDPs use English as the academic language – in order to manage daily life and to find German friends you have to acquire a basic knowledge of German • For students there are many opportunities to learn German:

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 E-learning: /  German courses: and our partner language school in Germany that provide you German courses before you start to settle in Germany. Language courses are provided with accommodation and without. Summer camps can be helpful if you plan your career pass in Germany in year advance.  For higher education Standardised German language test DaF is required, for AusbildungVET requsred Goethe certificate level B2 : 15

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The way to Germany 


A student visa is necessary for non EU-citizens. For the application several documents e.g. passport, university`s admission letter, proof of sufficient financial resources, health insurance certificate are required. For more information contact the German Embassy in Your country

Financial resources

8.460 € per year Studying is a full-time occupation, but students may find a part-time job on or off-campus in order to gain practical experience and to improve their financial situation: Up to 20 hours per week or 180 half days per year are allowed

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For undergraduate courses:

higher education entrance qualification – if not equivalent to the

German „Abitur“ a 12-months bridging course is necessary, evaluation of your local School diploma is necessarily

For postgraduate courses:

Bachelor‘s degree in the relevant discipline

Language requirements:

English or/and German according to the course language, level B2 is sufficient

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 Specific requirements depending on the respective course

High qualifications, scientific spirit, curiosity and thirst for knowledge and new experiences 19

Legal conditions for international students and scientists - The new Immigration Act

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• Foreign Academics will be allowed to stay for at least 1 year in Germany to work or look for work

• Highly qualified people can be granted a settlement permit immediately


Planning time line In advance 1 year 9 months 6 months 4 months

To Do

i-Rock gmbh Collect information about course content, requirements, application procedure etc.

Download application papers from internet or contact the university

Send complete application to the university in consideration of the application deadline Visa application, accommodation

Arrival in Germany Enrolment, health insurance, registration 3rd month

Extension of visa 21

Want to know more? 

Services and counselling

we offer our full support to you to start your new life in Germany

Visa formalities

please contact to the German Embassy or consulate in your country.

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Welcome to Germany!!! A country where you can strive for scientific goals and enjoy a great student life!

i-Rock gmbh Hermine Markosyan Crystal Tour, division of i-ROCK GmbH D-11082,Roctock Cell phone in Kuwait: +965 9555 8635 web page: email:, FB: @tour.crystal


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