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MAY 2007 N˚.1 Vol.4

featured artistsmay ]]__] Yf]WU `Y][\hcb a]_Y \Uff]gcb DiV`]g\YX Vm. B]Wc`Y 5bXi^Uf AYX]U GYfj]WYg

May 2007 • N°1 Vol.4

May 2007

A collective by artists for artists. Tell everyone.

Hello Everyone! Again, thanks to everyone who has participated in this wonderful issue of IC. I am pleased to announce that some of the artists featured in this month’s issue are also featured in UK’s premier Design Publications such as Computer Arts and Advanced Photoshop User magazines. IC is reaching out to all continents and we are happy that designers all over the world are participating in our publication. Nicole Andujar Editor-in-Chief/Publisher/Art Direction editor@iniciativacolectiva.com Ana Guaqueta Marketing Director marketing@iniciativacolectiva.com Chixink Media Services All works published at the discretion of the editor. Send queries by email to the attention of the editor. Please allow 2 weeks for answer. Web: www.iniciativacolectiva.com

You may also visit our website and make a donation directly to our PayPal® account. Advertising rates: advertising@iniciativacolectiva.com Call for Submissions We are accepting entries for our next zine to come out in July.

Copyright 2007 Chixink LLC and Chixink Media services. All rights reserved. No part of this ezine may be reproduced in any matter whatsoever without written permission.

Submission deadline: June 20th 2007

Sponsorships / Donations: Chixink LLC 10160 NW 3rd Street Pembroke Pines, FL 33026

On the cover: ‘Ravage’ by Mike Harrison www.destill.net mike@destill.net

Please send your submissions to: info@iniciativacolectiva.com

Iniciativa Colectiva is actively looking for publishers and printhouses to publish its first annual in time for Miami’s Art Basel this December. We plan to feature the best of the year’s work featured in IC so always remember to keep sending your best work over to us and if selected, you will be invited to participate in our annual. Deadline for the annual will be announced in the following months. I would like to keep encouraging you to keep working as hard as you are. Keep your dreams alive and let them show through your work. Don’t let anyone tell you you cannot do anything or achieve greatness, you won’t fail if you try. Design for life. Nicole Andujar Creative Director

May artists : aaron winters____________________________________________ [usa] ben hewitt _ ______________________________________________[uk] fontaine anderson___________________________________ [australia] guiselt thaiz______________________________ [dominican republic] iikki_ _________________________________________________ [spain] lucas buick & ryan dorshort _______________________________ [usa] mike harrison _ ___________________________________________[uk] mike spicer______________________________________________ [usa] noah breslau ____________________________________________ [usa] marian rupp________________________________________[germany] stefan zetzsche______________________________________[germany] teis albers_______________________________________ [netherlands] thomas moon_ ___________________________________________ [usa] victor murillo__________________________________________ [spain] andrew piscane __________________________________________ [usa] paola gonzalez _ _____________________________________ [mexico] sarah scott _ _____________________________________________ [usa] alicia kidd________________________________________[puerto rico] cesar sommer____________________________________________[uk] erica leighton ___________________________________________ [usa] noah ‘syo’ belleza_ _______________________________ [philippines] nunzio_ __________________________________________________[uk] patricia gil ______________________________________________ [usa] roberto muĂąoz ____________________________ [dominican republic]

MAY 2007

w i t h i n teractive hyperlinks!


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click on artist to go to that page

..................................................28 featured artists iikki. Mike Harrison...................................44 Erica Leighton...................................90

illustration & design

Aaron Winters.....................................9 Ben Hewitt.........................................10 Fontaine Anderson............................14 Guiselt Thaiz.....................................18 Marian Rupp.....................................23 Stefan Zetzsche.................................24 Lucas Buick & Ryan Dorshort.............38 Thomas Moon...................................41 Mike Spicer.......................................54 Noah Breslau.....................................56 Teis Albers........................................62 Victor Murillo....................................67


Andrew Piscane................................71 Paola Gonzalez..................................74 Sarah Scott........................................76


Alicia Kidd........................................83 Cesar Sommer..................................84 Noah ‘Syo’ Belleza........................... 100 Nunzio............................................. 104 Patricia Gil...................................... 110 Roberto MuĂąoz................................ 112 Contacting the artists...................... 117 Credits............................................ 118




‘phontaggonista’ by aaron winters


IC10 ‘panacea’ by ben hewitt

‘the music machine’ by ben hewitt



‘bad gramma’ by ben hewitt


IC14 ‘paintmonster’ by fontaine anderson

‘one lady band’ by fontaine anderson


IC16 ‘sara’ by fontaine anderson

‘tea lady’ by fontaine anderson



‘metamorfosis’ by guiselt thaiz



‘shizuka tomoko’ by guiselt thaiz


IC22 ‘1888’ by guiselt thaiz

‘be free’ by marian rupp



‘wasabi’ by marian rupp



‘design high’ by stefan zetzsche


featured artist


24 years old • spain


1. What type of medium do you work with and explain how you use it? (Paint, design, photography, collage) Truthfully, I don’t like to talk about only one medium and get stuck with only one type of design. I love DESIGN with caps, without any labels, and the more multidisciplinary you are, the better. This is why I touch upon all disciplines, graphics to web, motion, animation and interior design. The idea is to design, without limits. 2. What was your main interest in producing this artwork, or is there a statement you wanted to convey? Since I have dedicated myself seriously to design, most of my projects have been commercial, meaning they are commissioned by clients mixing their needs with my aesthetic vision. I have never designed to convey other ideas, such as political ideas or religious ones. I am more interested solely with aesthetics. ttI try to design what my client asks for, in other words, elegance, well designed in some occasions; or antique or baroque or grunge other times, but never beyond aesthetics, never with subliminal messages. :)

3. Tell us about your creative process, do you have any rituals, routines you follow? How does your artwork come together? (Do you use found objects, image banks, etc) The places where my biggest inspirations come from are from my bed as well as the shower, hahaha...I think that laying down with my eyes closed and some music if possible helps with my creativity. Music is one of the most important factors for me and it helps me, for instance, at the time when I have to animate video to calculate rhythms and intonations. Also, I always look for inspiration from other designers, work that may fit along with what I am trying to convey and prepare at each moment, this helps me have an initial vision, an initial sketch which of course will vary greatly as I develop it.

5. What would you say is one of your greatest accomplishments? Each project I finish is different from the one before, and each of them has their good and bad aspects, but evidently I have my favorites. The video I made for the Circus was very special for my career as well as Miele’s video which is my favorite. As far as graphics, I love the design I made for Carlos Beceiro’s Mandolina CD and as for web, my most original work was for StarofAsh. 6. Where does your inspiration come from? Or is there any particular movement, artwork or artist you find yourself influenced by? I couldn’t really say, there is not one concrete movement which has fully inspired me. What I try to do is get the best out of every one of them. Each time I try to get away from doing everything solely on the computer and I see myself getting more into the crafts, watercolors, tempuras, chinese ink and rapidographs. This mixed in with digital post-production is what I would define my style as, my identity. I always try to give a personal touch of craft. Evidently I have my favorite illustrators as well as designers, Klaus Haapaniemi, Christian Montenegro, Erté, Camilla Engman, and studios such as Non Format, Bleed.no, Grand People. In general, I believe that I try to take my work toward a mix of design and nordic elegance (norwegian influence principally); a more artisan approach to design, more folkloric... 7. How do you see yourself five years from now? How do you see your artwork evolving from now? To think about 5 years from now is craziness to me, and more so having in mind that my life has changed and evolved in such a way in less than a year. I have been on my own only 8 months and in just that time, I have achieved things I never thought I was able to in all my life. I would like one day to have my own studio. A small studio that would be dedicated solely to design, without labels, graphic design, web, video and interior design...I think Bleed.no is my main reference point for that. name: Ritxi Ostáriz Heras mail: ritxi@iikki.com web: www.iikki.com msn: iikkimsn@hotmail.com

4. How did you get started with your artistic career? Some years ago I began drawing comics based on my friends stories. Some time later after I got my first computer I started coloring the comics and then wanted to publish them on the internet and from then I began animating them in Flash... That was how I started with design, and from then on I began learning about the theories of design, it’s history and its pioneers, putting the comics aside thus entering a whole new world.

IC28 the magik 7 - iikki - featured artist


IC30 ‘personal illustration’ by iikki

‘art by miele’ by iikki



‘starofash’ by iikki


IC34 ‘pink me, i’m famous’ by iikki

‘sacha sacket’ by iikki



‘digital thesis’ by iikki



‘synthetic’ by lucas buick & ryan dorshort



‘koi’ by thomas moon



‘style21’ by thomas moon

‘vormator submission’ by thomas moon


featured artist

mike harrison united kingdom


1. What type of medium do you work with and explain how you use it? (Paint, design, photography, collage) I work with various mediums, but the tool I use the most is digital i.e. Photoshop/illustrator. But I often draw elements which are then scanned in and used in artworks. I also do like some photography, going out on shoots with my friends, trying out different conceptual shots. 2. What was your main interest in producing this artwork, or is there a statement you wanted to convey? My main motivation when producing the work was just a personal one, some are things I wanted to try out such as different techniques, others are ideas that came into my head one day and I wanted to make it into a visual. I do sometimes like to portray an idea or convey a statement, but I like the viewer of the work to take their own interpretation from the piece. 3. Tell us about your creative process, do you have any rituals, routines you follow? How does your artwork come together? (Do you use found objects, image banks, etc) My creative process is fairly simple, if I have an idea, which is usually when I’m not at my computer, I try and note it down somewhere. If not then I have a good memory in that area! Then I usually do a basic sketch of what I want it to look like i.e. composition and elements used.

5. What would you say is one of your greatest accomplishments? I think that would have to be the end of 2006 when I gained entry to depthcore (www. depthcore.com) which I consider to be at the cutting edge of the design community scene, with some of the best young creatives producing artwork for their releases, so that was great to become part of that. Early this year I have been featured in a couple of well known magazines, Digit and Advanced Photoshop, that was a great opportunity, and I was very happy to know that people were taking more interest in me and my work. 6. Where does your inspiration come from? Or is there any particular movement, artwork or artist you find yourself influenced by? This is such a generic question hehe. Well I get inspiration from lots of things, mainly just life itself. My ideas often stem from not thinking about computers at all, just popping into my head at random times. 7. How do you see yourself five years from now? How do you see your artwork evolving from now? In five years I would hope to be working in a kickass design studio enjoying every day and having a laugh with like-minded people! My artwork will definitely evolve, there are things that I would like to try out but need more time, such as motion design. Name: Mike Harrison Mail: mike@destill.net Web: www.destill.net

If I need stock images for a piece, I will try and gather lots together before starting so I have a nice resource if I need it. I then add everything into the piece and it all comes together. 4. How did you get started with your artistic career? I have been creating digital artworks for around 2 and a half years now. My earliest memory of creating anything in digital illustration was by my interest in photography. I was always out taking photos, and then I randomly stumbled upon some photo manipulations on the web somewhere, and thought that it was really interesting. So I got myself a copy of Photoshop, and being a beginner, I used to mess around with the easiest thing on there, filters, and at the time it was cool but I wanted to try out some new stuff. So I started to play with lots of stock photos from free sites, and all the stuff I made was just photo manipulations using 1 or more pictures. Wanting to expand my horizons, I was inspired by some more illustrative works I’d seen, and so I had a go at that, and adding a more creative and personal touch to my works, which is where I feel most comfortable with creating today.

IC44 the magik 7 - mike harrison - featured artist


IC46 ‘2007’ by mike harrison

‘naturalle’ by mike harrison



‘g funk wizard’ by mike harrison



‘mannequin strike force’ by mike harrison


IC52 ‘manifestation of desire’ by mike harrison

‘a fish story’ by michael c. hsiung



‘the pen hold’ by mike spicer



‘alice’ by noah breslau



‘self portrait‘ by noah breslau



‘danielle and horseface’ by noah breslau


IC62 ‘biostrukture’ by teis albers

‘goddess’ by teis albers



‘bold cover’ by teis albers


IC66 ‘animal conversation’ by teis albers

‘aw’ by victor murillo


s e i r t n e call for

deadline for the july issue june 20th, 2007 The new issue for Iniciativa Colectiva is requesting you to send in your best work so it can be showcased and exhibited in our bi-montly online magazine. IC is a magazine for artists, by artists. Become a part and Participate! Entries should be sent in as high resolution flat JPGs (300 dpi) and should follow the format of 7" x 9" (178mm x 229mm) Make sure you include your name, email, country of origin and website information (if available) for proper credit. Visit our website to download the current issue. Send submissions to: info@iniciativacolectiva.com

A collective for artists, by artists. Tell everyone.


‘leave me alone


PAINTING IC70 ‘cago ’ & ‘quiero’ by leticia ceballos

‘untitled’ by andrew piscane



‘third birch’ by andrew piscane



‘atlantis’ by paola gonzalez



‘christine’ by sarah scott



‘jen’ by sarah scott


IC80 ‘stephanie’ by sarah scott

‘saskia’ by sarah scott IC81



‘homeless home’ by alicia kidd IC83


‘untitled’ by cesar sommer



‘untitled’ by cesar sommer


‘bettina’ by cesar sommer


featured artist

erica leighton

24 years old • united states


1. What type of medium do you work with and explain how you use it? (Paint, design, photography, collage) Purely digital. My best friend is PhotoShop CS2 at the moment. I create, buy, use stock images. I manipulate them by means of cropping, coloring, digital painting, lighting, distortion, texture... 2. What was your main interest in producing this artwork, or is there a statement you wanted to convey? Sometimes there is a goal subject where I’m trying to say something. Those pieces are few and obvious. “Keepsake” had a goal about the environment, one of the few. A girl putting pieces of a forest in a jewlery box, thus the name “Keepsake”, when it’s all gone I figure it’ll mean that much. For the most part (even if I do have a statment or emotion I’m exploring) I like to leave it pretty open to the viewer. I do this so you can make your viewing experience your own and for me not to tell you what you are seeing. I am really big on titles, it can change an entire piece. Sometimes there is a goal subject where I’m trying to say something. Those pieces are few and obvious. “Keepsake” had a goal about the environment, one of the few. A girl putting pieces of a forest in a jewlery box, thus the name “Keepsake”, when it’s all gone I figure it’ll mean that much. For the most part (even if I do have a statment or emotion I’m exploring) I like to leave it pretty open to the viewer. I do this so you can make your viewing experience your own and for me not to tell you what you are seeing. I am really big on titles, it can change an entire piece.

6. Where does your inspiration come from? Or is there any particular movement, artwork or artist you find yourself influenced by? Music. Very very big influence on my work, I can easily say 40% comes from the music I listen to, can’t live without it. Emotions are a big part of course, but my music drags it out because real raw emotion prevents me from working (working with memories, nothing too fresh). 7. How do you see yourself five years from now? How do you see your artwork evolving from now? Aside from my personal life (married with children). I honestly couldn’t say. The internet is how I get out there. I can’t really network on the outside right now. I hope it evolves, it has been a slow yet steady process. So, as long as I remain prolific, I do think it will evolve. I don’t know where it will go though, I don’t expect anything, I just keep on going, for me.

3. Tell us about your creative process, do you have any rituals, routines you follow? How does your artwork come together? (Do you use found objects, image banks, etc) I browse stock, which for me is very inspiring at times. I do not like to browse other artwork (before creating), I prefer to not be influenced by a finished product from another artist. 4. How did you get started with your artistic career? Career? I wish I could call it that. I’ve always been doing something “artistic”. It’s not really a choice, if I’m not I can’t think right or let emotions out. I went to art school for a very short time and dropped out. I started working with mainly digital less then 3 years ago. 5. What would you say is one of your greatest accomplishments? Art wise...? Getting to the point where what I see behind my eyes translates to the image I create. Therefore, I’m not quite there yet.

IC90 the magik 7 - erica leighton - featured artist

‘endless skies’ by erica leighton


IC92 ‘ave’ by erica leighton

‘changes’ by erica leighton


IC94 ‘earth angel’ by erica leighton

‘just a thought’ by erica leighton


IC96 ‘keepsake’ by erica leighton

‘moreover’ by erica leighton


IC99 ‘one pill’ by erica leighton

‘sweet self’ by erica leighton



‘take me home’ by noah ‘syo’ belleza



‘ken’s truck’ by noah ‘syo’ belleza



‘untitled’ by nunzio



‘untitled’ by nunzio


IC108 ‘untitled’ by nunzio

‘untitled’ by nunzio



‘jeff’ by patricia gil



‘pluma’ by roberto muñoz

‘bodeguismo’ by roberto muñoz



‘naturaleza muerta’ by roberto muñoz

‘higher fidelity’ by roberto muñoz




P.O. BOX 2618, Dubai-UAE ’Mob: + 971 50 8436325 E-mail: zixyon@gmail.com link: zixyon.2ya.com




aaron winters



ben hewitt



fontaine anderson

fontaine@designcentric.com.au n/a

guiselt thaiz






lucas buick & ryan dorshort love@synth.tc


mike harrison



mike spicer



noah breslau



marian rupp



stefan zetzsche



teis albers



thomas moon



victor murillo



andrew piscane



paola gonzalez



sarah scott



alicia kidd



cesar sommer



erica leighton



noah ‘syo’ belleza






patricia gil



roberto muñoz



credits may0707 Fonts used: defeqto, Rockwell, Sushimix and BD Bardust All Content Copyright 2007. Iniciativa Colectiva. All rights reserved. Published by: Nicole Andujar and Chixink Media Services. Copyright Notice: All work contained within this issue of Iniciativa Colectiva is the property of the respective artist.

No reproduction of any content is allowed without proper written permission to the artist. Magazine Illustrations by Nicole Andujar Thank You: Maxtango, Humble Voice, deviantart and the artists, my family and friends for their inspiration and continued support.

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