Summer 2014
Don’t Forget Virtual Legal Q&A
July 30, 2014, 1:00 p.m. EDT
CSAA 2014 Annual Meeting October 17 – 22, 2014 Bermuda
CSAA 2014 Fall Operations Seminar November 9 -11, 2014 Sarasota, FL
In This Issue ASAP-to-PSAP Program Accelerates.....................................1 FCC 600 MHz Incentive Auction.......1 President’s Note..............................4 Back to Home Base: Fall Ops.........10 CSAA Education............................11 CSAA News...................................12 Ten Ways to Encourage Professionalization in Your Organization ................................15 Social Media Trends......................18 Regulatory Update........................19 CSAA Member News.....................26 CSAA Member Spotlight ...............29 Online Training Grads....................30 CSAA Five Diamond.......................38 CSAA New Members .....................39 Advertising Index.........................40
Summer 2014
ASAP-to-PSAP Program Accelerates In an emergency, speed and accuracy are critical. That’s why CSAA International, along with the Association of Public Safety Communications Professionals and National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS), created the “ASAP (Automated Secure Alarm Protocol) to PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point)” alarm response program. ASAP reduces errors and increases speed of first responders reacting to alarms. It’s the next generation for the processing of information from alarm monitoring stations needing emergency dispatch. Benefits of the ASAP program: • Authorities can respond to emergencies faster; • Improved accuracy/fewer dispatch errors; • Reduced call volumes to 9-1-1 centers. ASAP is supported by the International Association of Police Chiefs (IACP), the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), and the National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA). It is active in cities including Richmond, VA, Houston, TX, Washington, DC, and Tempe, AZ. Read on for the latest on this innovative and important program.
APRIL CSAA released a video highlighting the progress of the ASAP-to-PSAP Program. In the video, Ed
Bonifas and Pam Petrow, co-chairs of the ASAP Steering Committee, explain how ASAP reduces the overall call volume, processing time, and error potential at 9-1-1 Centers. The video shows the program at work in several cities around the country. (CSAA thanks Honeywell for sponsoring the production of this video.) Bill Hobgood, Project Manager, Public Safety Team, Department of Information Technology, City of Richmond, Virginia reported that the ASAP ANS renewal was published for comments as required by the ANSI standards development process. Hobgood explained that the External Alarm Interface Exchange became an American (See ASAP, Page 6)
FCC 600 MHz Incentive Auction Rules Create Opportunity for Additional Unlicensed Spectrum that Can Be Used by Alarm Devices by John A. Pendergrast, Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP
In May, the FCC adopted rules to implement the 600 MHz Broadcast Television Incentive Auction. This will set the table for an auction that will provide a significant amount of spectrum for cellular and other wireless carriers to use in augmenting their coverage and ability to provide wireless broadband services, which are no doubt being used more and more by alarm companies. However, the 600 MHz rules offer another potential benefit for the alarm industry: A portion of the 600 MHz Spectrum will not be sold at auction, but instead will be made available for low power, unlicensed use nationwide. This allocation can augment the spectrum available to alarm equipment manufacturers for unlicensed door and window (See FCC page 8) CSAA Dispatch • | 1
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CSAA Executive Committee
President’s N ote By CSAA International President Jay Hauhn
President Jay Hauhn, Boca Raton, FL First Vice President Pamela J. Petrow, Warrendale, PA
Dear Fellow CSAA Members,
Second Vice President Joe Nuccio, Beltsville, MD Secretary Graham Westphal , Pacheco, CA
It’s been said that when humans first settled down and began to farm crops some 9,000 years ago, one day a man found out that some of his grains had fermented in a piece of pottery. He tried it and
Treasurer Ivan Spector, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Immediate Past President Bob Bean, Honolulu, HI Executive Vice President & CEO Stephen P. Doyle, Vienna, VA
Csaa Staff Executive Vice President & CEO Stephen P. Doyle Sr. Vice President of Finance & Administration Madeline Fullerton McMahon Vice President of Meetings & Conventions John S. McDonald Vice President of Membership & Programs Rebecca (Becky) Lane Vice President of Marketing and Communications Elizabeth Welsh Lasko IT and Accounting Coordinator Dympna Williamson Executive Office Assistant Administrator Monique Brent Member Services Coordinator Malory Todd CSAA Headquarters: 8150 Leesburg Pike, Suite 700 Vienna, VA 22182 703/242-4670; Fax: 703/242-4675
said, “This is good stuff!” The next day he had a group of friends over and they had a meeting about how this grain turned into a marvelous elixir. Shortly thereafter they set standards for brewing this thing called beer. Then they began to sell it. But not without a meeting first. After that they had to put locks on the storage areas to keep it safe, and our security industry was born. Unfortunately, the local king found out about it and sent in the tax man … and so another ancient profession, tax collection, was also born. Humans have always needed to meet in person to exchange ideas, iron out issues, fight the necessary fights, learn from those in the know, and pick the brains of those with the best ideas. Since the mid-90s, the promise of the internet revolution has been that everything would be done online and that associations’ in-person meetings would become a thing of the past. Yet our industry associations are still here, educating, listening, motivating, challenging, solving problems, discussing new trends, making new friends and learning from those we respect. More than ever CSAA, and our sister associations, are working to improve the amount of meaningful content we deliver online and in person, and at meetings like ESX, our Fall Operations Management Seminar, and our Annual Meeting. For ESX, your Education Committee devotes themselves to developing educational programs that are timely and specific to the needs of those people who manage our central stations. This is the most “content rich” program in our industry. Our CSAA Fall Operations Management Seminar has developed a unique culture and following. More education, yes! However, here our central station managers learn most from each other as this event focuses on “face-time” and addressing important issues of the day in a very personal way.
And of course, there is our CSAA Annual Meeting. This October we will be privileged to have as our guests the top leaders from all of the AHJ organizations. This meeting of the public and private sectors takes place only at our annual event. The benefits to our industry have been enormous over the years. However, CSAA has formed an Annual Meeting Advisory Committee to look at the overall structure of the meeting to see what we can do to improve and attract more industry attendees. We are committed to featuring more speakers from outside our industry to help us see new technologies and how we will be affected in the future. This may mean including some controversial and thought-providing content, as well as inviting notable subject-matter experts. Future meetings will be closer to home as we concentrate on what brings value to you and your attendance at the meeting. We recognize our successes but also our challenges, and we will ask for your help as we begin to grow your CSAA Annual Meeting anew! Best wishes to all.
Jay Hauhn
CSAA President © 2014 Central Station Alarm Association International All rights reserved
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ASAP from page 1
National Standard in January, 2009 after being vetted by APCO and the CSAA following the initial 2 ½ year pilot between Vector Security and the two Virginia 9-1-1 PSAPs: York County and the City of Richmond. All APCO standards are periodically reviewed and must be renewed every five years. The standard, now known as the Automated Secure Alarm Protocol or ASAP, was vetted for renewal in 2014.
Alarm Protocol Program is Ushering Technology into Central Stations” that was published in Security Dealer & Integrator. “With more than 100 central stations contracted to participate in the ASAP program from CSAA; and new
complete an extensive questionnaire to determine if their technology is compatible to the ASAP program. The ASAP Outreach committee completed a new brochure to introduce PSAPs to the ASAP program. The brochure supports outreach efforts to PSAPs and encourages them to contact CSAA to begin the process of determining their status. The brochure is available for download on the CSAA ASAP website.
“ASAP is extremely important to public safety and welfare because it will save time in public safety communication centers, speed the response to critical events, and greatly reduce the likelihood of error caused by human interface.”
The updates to the standard include new features that have been successfully tested as a proof of concept and subsequently incorporated into the ASAP program. Many of these updates relate to the implementation of the CSAAmanaged Message Broker which required changes to the schema. The public review and comments period are important steps in the standard development process This provides an opportunity for all interested parties to review and contribute their comments. At press time, the public comments period had concluded, and ANSI approval was expected shortly. “The revision to the alarm exchange is a significant step in enabling a more effective data exchange between PSAPs and the alarm industry. As more CAD and alarm automation providers take advantage of the ASAP program, the ASAP technical blueprint becomes increasingly important to the interface development process,” said APCO International President Gigi Smith.
MAY Pam Petrow wrote an article, “How the CSAA’s Automated Secure
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-- Ed Bonifas, past president, CSAA PSAPs either adding the capabilities to existing computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems or providing specifications in new RFPs, we have the momentum to change the very foundation of how central stations communicate,” said Petrow in the article. Find the article online at www. securityinfowatch. com/11409673.
JUNE Petrow announced that Connecticutbased Security Solutions, Inc. had joined the growing group of contracted ASAP Charter Members, which includes the recent additions of Buckeye Protective Services in Canton, OH and ESC Central in Birmingham, AL. “We are in the midst of testing multiple central stations and PSAPs for onboarding and are excited about the level of activity in the program,” said Petrow. Interested PSAPs must
Intergraph® Security, Government and Infrastructure (SG&I) announced that the Washington, DC Office of Unified Communications (OUC) was one of three 2014 Icon Award winners, a prestigious honor for innovative organizations utilizing Intergraph SG&I’s solutions to improve public safety in their communities. The awards were announced at HxGN LIVE in Las Vegas, where Stephen Williams, OUC Chief Operations Officer, made a presentation focusing specifically on the ASAP-to-PSAP program, which Washington, DC began implementing in 2013. The DC OUC handles emergency and non-emergency calls for the Metropolitan Police Department, DC Fire, EMS, and dozens of other area agencies. Williams’s presentation detailed how ASAP works and elaborated on its benefits, such as the reduction in 9-1-1 call volume and errors, along with decreased response times.
JULY The ASAP Outreach committee will host an “ASAP Outreach Training Webinar” to help CSAA volunteers reach out to PSAPs. For more resources and information, visit the ASAP-to-PSAP site at Summer 2014
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FCC, from page 1
contacts, PERS, remote cameras, etc. And the 600 MHz spectrum will allow better propagation than current unlicensed spectrum in, e.g., the 900 MHz and 2400 MHz bands, allowing alarm companies to cover greater distances with their unlicensed devices (which should translate into cost savings). While a full text of the Incentive Auction Report and Order (FCC 14-50) has not yet been released, an FCC staff summary of the Order explains the process by which television spectrum will be “repacked” so that some can be sold at auction, some can be used for unlicensed operations, and the remainder used by broadcasters in a more efficient way than currently done. The summary indicates that the Commission has adopted a 600 MHz Band Plan with specific paired uplink and downlink bands to support Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) technologies, and it will divide the uplink and downlink bands into multiple five megahertz “building blocks.” In addition, the Band Plan incorporates technically reasonable “guard bands”, including the duplex gap (i.e., a portion of spectrum separating transmit from receive channels), to prevent harmful interference between licensed services. Depending on the amount of spectrum repurposed through the incentive auction, staff has indicated that a total of 14 to 28 megahertz of guard band spectrum will be available for unlicensed use. In addition, the Commission will make an additional six megahertz of spectrum available by allowing unlicensed use of TV channel 37 at locations where it is not in use by incumbent broadcasters, subject to the development of the appropriate technical parameters to protect the incumbent Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (“WMTS”) and Radio Astronomy Service (“RAS”) from harmful interference. Following the incentive auction and the post-auction transition, TV White Space devices may continue to operate on 8 | CSAA Dispatch •
channels allocated and assigned for primary television services, consistent with current FCC rules. White Space devices differ from unlicensed band devices in that they operate within the licensed TV Band, but only in areas and on channels where the licensed spectrum is not being used by a licensed broadcaster. In contrast, unlicensed band devices typically operate at low power and use shared spectrum that has been set aside for unlicensed use. The Commission anticipates that there will be at least one channel not assigned to a television station in all areas of the country at the end of the repacking process, and the FCC intends, after additional notice and opportunity for public input, to designate one such channel in each area for shared use by wireless microphones and TV White Space devices. The Commission expects a significant amount of spectrum to be available for continued White Space use, particularly outside of the central urban areas of the largest television markets. Any other unused television channels in a market following the incentive auction will also be available for White Space device as well as wireless microphone use. The Commission is planning to initiate a rulemaking proceeding after the release of its Incentive Auction Report and Order to consider changes to its existing Part 15 rules to facilitate unlicensed use of the television bands, 600 MHz Band guard bands and channel 37. Lou Fiore, chair of the Alarm Industry Communications Committee (AICC), noted that this is a very timely and unique opportunity to garner additional free spectrum (under Part 15) for the alarm industry as the use of wireless devices, both narrow bandwidth and wider bandwidth proliferates. AICC and its attorneys along with the alarm equipment manufacturer members of AICC will carefully monitor this proceeding, and vigorously participate, so as to help ensure that the maximum amount of 600 MHz spectrum will be available in a fashion that will maximize its usefulness for unlicensed alarm devices. John Prendergast is an attorney with the law firm of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy& Prendergast, in Washington, D.C. For more information, please call 202-6590830 or see Summer 2014
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Back to Home Base: The CSAA 2014 Fall Operations Management Seminar explores the Connected Home Teresa Gonzalez and Joe Miskulin, CSAA Education Committee Co-Chairs, with Stephanie S. Morgan, Ph.D
Security Systems News recently reported that the security industry’s majority hold on the smart home market may only last another five years, as cable and telephone companies begin to enter the market. How can security companies maximize their advantage in the connected home? The CSAA 2014 Fall Operations Management Seminar gets down to the business of best practices in the connected home, November 9 -11, in Sarasota, FL. The programming kicks off with an exploration of the training implications of the connected home. Starting with a super session on training best practices in video verification, the program will also explore false alarm management in the “internet of things,” the top metrics for monitoring the connected home, dealing with connected devices’ data integrity issues, and how to leverage the talents of Gen X and millennial employees. In addition, the 2014 Fall Ops will spend time examining what good customer service means in the age of the connected home. Central station leaders who have successfully moved customer service out of the monitoring center will discuss their approach alongside their peers who have successfully integrated customer support within central station operations. Further, leaders in customer service will speak to how to create a culture that is service-oriented and customer-focused while still maintaining efficient, cost-effective operations. Following on this theme, attendees will tour All American Monitoring, a thirdparty central station nationally recognized for its award-winning technical support and customer care. (Tour and transportation is included in the registration price.) You can see photos of the newly-constructed CSAA Five
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Diamond central station of this company with 41 years in the industry at Finally, by popular demand at last year’s Fall Ops, held in Salt Lake City, UT, attendees may now submit questions and topics in advance for discussion during the Open Session. The Open Session, moderated by Joe Miskulin and CSAA staff, is a traditional highlight of Fall Ops for its energetic debate, and lively discussion. Send your questions to to hear your peers in the industry share their expertise, opinion, and experience! Now is the time to get set to up your connected home game by attending the CSAA 2014 Fall Operations Management Seminar. Read about sessions, speakers, hotel information, and registration here: . Check back frequently to read updates on programming as the details are finalized! Teresa Gonzalez is President of United Central Control based in San Antonio, TX. Joe Miskulin is Manager of Central Monitoring for State Farm Insurance, headquartered in Bloomington, IL. Find out more about the CSAA Education Committee at http://www.
Summer 2014
Teresa Gonzalez and Joe Miskulin, Co-Chairs of the CSAA Education Committee with Stephanie S. Morgan, Ph.D.
This year’s CSAA Annual Meeting, October 17–22, at the Fairmont Southhampton in Bermuda will be unlike the Annual Meetings that have come before it.
Annual Meeting 2014:
Facing the Future At the January 2014 CSAA Long Range Planning Meeting held in Key West, FL, discussions about the Annual Meeting programming prompted CSAA President Jay Hauhn to create the Annual Meeting Advisory Committee (AMAC). Along with the CSAA Education Committee, the AMAC is reviewing changes to the annual meeting programming in order to meet the future of the monitoring industry. The 2014 meeting will see new networking opportunities for attendees to interact with speakers, special guests, and AHJs. Morning Straight Talk speakers will introduce the day’s topics during the buffet breakfast, encouraging attendees to engage with each other about industry trends. Disruptive innovations and movements will be the hot topics under discussion in Bermuda. Accordingly, one of the most recent ripples in electronic security – Google’s acquisition of Nest in January – will serve as a jumping off point. The educational programming for the 2014 Annual Meeting will focus on movements in security such as DoIt-Yourself,changes in Video Verification and monitoring the “Internet of Things” through meta data, drawing on experts
Summer 2014
inside and outside of monitoring to discuss what these movements mean to both the security industry and its constituencies. On Tuesday, October 21, the programming will circulate around DIY and self – monitoring, including tentatively planned talks on how the insurance industry views these new technologies such as DIY systems, and why some big players in the insurance sector are electing to provide discounts to customers. In addition, panel discussions moderated by CSAA leaders will explore DIY and its associated legal liability, as well as the view on DIY security from new entrants to the electronic security market. On Wednesday, October 22, the educational programming will explore the continued value of professional monitoring. Panel discussions will take on company valuation in light of Google’s acquisition of Nest, and consider the possibilities of leveraging meta-data within the monitoring center from the technological platform of the Internet of Things. The 2014 Annual Meeting programming will wrap up with interactive roundtable discussions on video veri-
The Mergers & Acquisitions Market After Nest It’s been an exciting year in the security market. One of the most talked-about developments has been the January acquisition of do-it-yourself fire and carbon monoxide monitoring manufacturer Nest by Google. At the CSAA 2014 Annual Meeting, Barry Epstein of Vertex Capital will discuss what the Nest acquisition means for security company valuation today and what it could mean tomorrow in an in-depth look at the mergers and acquisitions marketplace.
(See FUTURE, page 14) CSAA Dispatch • | 11
CSAA News International Outreach CSAA’s International Outreach Committee will hold its Second Forum on Saturday, October 18, immediately prior to the beginning of the 2014 CSAA Annual Meeting in Bermuda. In the past year, the members of the committee expanded its network, and at the Forum participants from around the globe will address topics of common interest to all. The Forum will address issues of international standards and best practices, “Elevating the Profession” through education and certification, and how to work with global authorities. Visit international-member-resources/ for more information.
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CSAA Alarm History Museum Expansion The CSAA Alarm History Museum has recently been expanded, allowing the display of additional artifacts from our industry’s past. The enlargement and renovation of the Museum also allowed CSAA to increase its conference facilities to accommodate up to 40 people. To donate alarm industry artifacts, contact Steve Doyle ( The Alarm History Museum is a 501-C3 non-profit organization, and donations or contributions are tax deductible. Photos can be scanned and returned if requested. Changes in Store for ESX 2015 Alarm Industry Expo (AIE), an entity jointly owned and operated by Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) and Electronic Security Association (ESA), has contracted with Tradeshow Logic of Marietta, GA to produce the 2015 Electronic Security Expo in Baltimore, MD next June. The two event organizers have already begun the transition process from
AE Ventures, which will conclude its run as show producer with the June 2014 event in Nashville. ESX will have a fresh set of eyes and powerful event management capabilities in Tradeshow Logic to leverage the brand and grow ESX in the coming years. “We want to thank AE Ventures for their entrepreneurial passion, thoughtful approach and exceptionally hard work in developing ESX since its inception in 2008,” said ESX Chair George De Marco. “Because of [their] focused efforts and teamwork with the association partners, ESX is in a strong position to continue growing the show and delivering a brand that is meaningful and relevant to security professionals.” (See CSAA News, page 13)
Summer 2014
CSAA Launches Survey of Central Station Monitoring Companies’ Wage and Salary Practices Report will assist alarm companies with compensation and hiring decisions
CSAA is launching an extensive Wage and Salary Survey to assist businesses within the industry with competitive compensation practices. This is the first update to the initial survey done in 2005 and will be the most extensive snapshot of industry practices to date. The purpose of the survey is to assist monitoring companies with hiring and compensation decisions. CSAA Past President Bud Wulforst, who was instrumental in the development of the survey, said, “The information gathered through this survey will be useful to central station companies looking to improve or expand their businesses. If, for instance, you are a national monitoring
company, how do you know what is a fair and competitive wage in Missouri vs. California? And what if you are only monitoring video, as opposed to fire, burglary, PERS, temperature, or other monitoring outlets? This survey will help get you that data. ” The survey will collect information from the year 2013 in the following areas: • • • • • • • • • • •
Demographic Data Types of Monitoring Executive & Operational Management Central Station Positions Office Positions Sales Positions Marketing Positions Dealer & Customer Support, Data IT & Telecom Services Benefits Packages Position Descriptions
Participation is open to all monitoring companies in the industry—both CSAA members and non-members. Companyspecific information will not be published to ensure confidentiality. The survey was created by the CSAA Contract Council (Don Maden and Morgan Hertel, chairs; Jim McMullen, primary coordinator) and is facilitated by Barnes Associates, Jupiter, FL. For more information and to participate in the survey, visit Survey results will be available in digital format by the fall of this year.
(See CSAA News, page 14)
(See Excellence Awards, page 30) Summer 2014
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FUTURE, from page 11
fication, another movement within the security sector that is redefining both monitoring and its traditional relationships. Even with all these changes in store at the CSAA 2014 Annual Meeting, many of your favorite features of the CSAA Annual Meeting will be back again in 2014. You can count on the beautiful island surroundings, world-class golf facilities, fivestar accommodations, and the fine dining and entertainment that make the CSAA Annual Meeting unique. Don’t wait! Now is the time to register for the 2014 Annual Meeting. You can do so online here: event/2014-csaa-international-annual-meeting/ or call 703242-4670. Check back to the website frequently to read updates on key note speakers, panel sessions, and recreational opportunities! Teresa Gonzalez is President of United Central Control based in San Antonio, TX. Joe Miskulin is Manager of Central Monitoring for State Farm Insurance, headquartered in Bloomington, IL. Find out more about the CSAA Education Committee at http://www. Stephanie S. Morgan, Ph.D. is formerly CSAA International’s Vice President of Education and Training. For more information on CSAA education, visit our website:
CSAA News, from page 13
CSAA Members Receive Special Pricing on Customer Service Training Services Now Available to Members in Canada What is key to your business success? A well-trained work force, including your customer service staff. Telephone Doctor can provide your staff with the tools they need to handle all your customers. Through an agreement with CSAA, Telephone Doctor offers CSAA members a special discount on DVD, online or live customer service training. Recently introduced is the series “What To Say When™”, featuring 30 short modules which cover a variety of interpersonal relationship challenges
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that occur in the workplace. This is perfect for communication training, team building and office etiquette. Each 4-5 minute installment offers actionable ideas which viewers will immediately implement to improve communication within the organization.
CSAA Awards Announcements The 2014 CSAA Excellence Awards and Marketing Marvel Award will be announced at ESX in June 2014. Watch for coverage in the fall issue of Dispatch.
Sample Topics Include: What to Say When . . . • Someone Resists Change • A Co-Worker is Negative • You’re Asked to Compromise Your Ethics • Someone Breaks a Commitment • People Are Wasting Time Online • Generations Clash For more information, visit http://www. Be sure to identify yourself as a CSAA member to receive the special pricing offer.
Summer 2014
Ten Ways to Encourage Professionalization in Your Organization Stephanie S. Morgan, Ph.D.
There is a cartoon popular among corporate trainers that depicts a conversation between two executives over the value of continuing education. One asks, “What if we invest in training our employees and they leave?” The other responds, “What if we don’t, and they stay?” This cartoon is a simplification of a complex issue, but how a company’s leadership views its employees informs how it view training, and vice versa. If you equate your human resources with your physical resources, and expect to throw them away once you’re done with them, this will inevitably come true. An employer who promotes continuing education encourages (but does not guarantee) employee loyalty. Supporting staff growth sends a clear message that you want to invest in the people who work for you. (An employee who gets lots of training but no promotions will likely take his/her expertise elsewhere, of course.) The “loyalty factor” may help reduce costs associated with hiring but it also does important work that is harder to measure, like minimizing skill gaps, creating a culture of personal investment, and building a group commitment to asking, “how can we do better?”
Below are ten ways to promote your employees’ initiative to continue to learn, build their expertise, and professionalize themselves and your operation.
1. Check your attitude.
Professionalization in the broadest sense starts as soon as a prospective employee comes through your door. You, your facility, and your established team project the image of what “professional” means for your company. Do you encourage continuing professionalization through education and training? Or do you send the unconscious message that the status quo is good enough, or that continuing education is just a hoop to jump through?
2. Get off to the right start. On-boarding helps new employees hit the ground running within your organization, but beyond just teaching these people where the copier paper is kept, it also helps them acclimate to your culture. On boarding is also a great opportunity to tell new employees that they should keep improving their skills.
3. Pay for education. This is an employee benefit that benefits you, too. Providing tuition reimbursement or purchasing training courses in bulk can yield savings, as well as guide employees to the opportunities available to them.
4. Provide time to learn. Providing training onsite or just bracketing hours for employee selfstudy turns continuing education into a habit for individuals and companies.
5. Tie continuing education to performance reviews. Establishing professionalization goals and objectives for each year help tie learning with what employees do every day. In addition, evaluating professionalization goals allows you to recognize and measure achievement.
6. Model the habit. It is hard to convince an entry-level employee to commit to accumulating new competencies (See TEN Ways, page 16)
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Ten Ways, from page 15
if it seems like the boss is exempt. Make a point of reporting back to your team on what you learned in a recent CSAA Signature Series webinar or an interesting product you spotted at ESX.
7. Share ideas.
partnerships can provide a new perspective on a common issues and build relationships for innovation and collaboration.
9. Promote mentoring. Supporting learners means supporting trainers. Give experts the opportunity [read time] to contribute to training in both formal and informal ways. Allowing experts and senior employees to mentor junior staffs offers benefits to both, as well as your company. Studies show that mentor relationships promote better communication skills for both mentor and mentee, as well as deepen institutional memory and values alignment.
10. Recognize achievements. One way to guarantee better employee buy-in is to make sure edicts about continuing education are not top-down decisions. Staff members should play a role in identifying and prioritizing opportunities for learning. During the CSAA 2013 Fall Operations Management Seminar, Suzie Nye, Central Station Manager at Avant Guard in Ogden, UT, shared one great technique for creating a meaningful idea exchange that leveraged talent while also modeling the continuing education habit. Nye explained that she successfully decentered the responsibility for developing on-going education by making it a revolving task among her central station team. Once a month, a different senior team member would research and report on a technique, idea, or process relevant to central station operations. Since the topics are chosen by the presenter with his/her colleagues in mind, the short educational sessions are immediately useful, relevant, and interesting to the group. In addition, rather than providing comprehensive, in-depth education, these presentations open the door to new avenues and opportunities.
8. Partner to bridge gaps. Not every company can afford a full-time trainer, let alone a training department. That said, smaller organizations might be more susceptible to critical skill gaps as an industry evolves. One way to effectively leverage your human capital and training resources can be through partnerships. Potential partners include any organization with complementary training objectives, such as other security sector organizations, colleges and universities, and public sector entities. Not only can partnering allow you to take advantage of bulk discounts or shared overhead costs, but these 16 | CSAA Dispatch •
This strategy relates back to the first. If you make a point of recognizing employee achievements, from building a new competency to earning a degree, you show, rather than tell, your team that you value their efforts. This recognition could be a note of congratulations on the bulletin board in the staff room or a gift certificate to a local restaurant, the effect is the same: You see and support continued learning. Conversations about change in our industry often circulate on how rapidly emerging technologies are altering what consumers expect and how we do business. At first glance, it appears that relying on past successes is now harder for both companies and workers given the rate of technological innovation and economic volatility. In reality, resting on one’s laurels has never been a good idea. Strong companies who survive the long haul do so because they are able to meet external changes with smart internal ones. That same principle holds true for individuals; people who continue to challenge themselves to grow in their jobs and develop new skill sets are not only employable for the qualifications they currently possess, but also their proven ability to learn and adapt to change. A company that employs adaptable, knowledgeable achievers is preparing for the future. A company that continues to provide those workers with opportunities to learn is investing in its own longevity. In the next issues of CSAA Dispatch, I’ll drill down into what it means to assess learning outcomes and establish an education ROI benchmark. In the meantime, CSAA Education wants to hear from you! Send your ideas and questions to education@ Stephanie S. Morgan, Ph.D. is former Vice President of Education and Training for CSAA and staff liaison to the CSAA Education Committee. For more information on CSAA education, visit our website: www. Summer 2014
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Social Media Trends
LinkedIn: Working Social By Ryan Brady
“Relationships Matter” is the slogan for the professional networking social media site LinkedIn. Currently available in 20 languages, LinkedIn has more than 300 million members in over 200 countries, with 67% of all members hailing from outside the United States. And to top it all off, the fastest growing demographic for LinkedIn users is students/recent college graduates, with over 39 million members present and accounted for. So what do all of those numbers actually mean, and why is it important? Don’t worry about those questions. That’s what I’m here for. While Facebook asks what you read and watch on TV, LinkedIn has always been more focused on what you can do and how that applies to your overall career landscape. When creating a LinkedIn profile, you are asked to summarize your accomplishments, list your work experiences to show true real-world value, and enumerate your special skills to which others may attest, as if they are reviewing a restaurant. You are building an online resume that is ever-changing and being augmented by the people with whom you come in contact, both on LinkedIn and through your day-to-day job activities. You can also add links to articles, videos, or any other type of media that helps to build your brand. That is what LinkedIn is really all about – building and nurturing your online brand, and making it easy to let someone else know who you are, what you can do, and, critically, how you can help each other.
You can list the different types of analyses you are capable of performing all day (I know I do), and still only scratch the surface of LinkedIn’s capabilities. For those of you on LinkedIn and not really using it because of any stigma you think it might have, I understand. For many years it had
“LinkedIn is not just a website you visit to scope out someone’s email address anymore – it’s now a living, breathing social creature…” “problems” -- hacker issues, competing with Twitter, Facebook etc. on the level of just being “cool” enough. I was one of those people. When I got a LinkedIn notification my first response was that of immediate disgust. LinkedIn was full of recent graduates who were grasping at
internet straws, and it seemed like no one else wanted to come to the party. But that is changing. LinkedIn is not just a website you visit to scope out someone’s email address anymore – it’s now a living, breathing social creature that can be used for mutual benefit by you and whomever you choose, using messaging and group threads. This is where I believe the real value of the site is most prevalent. Interest groups can be formed based on just that - common interests. These groups can host discussions, which are moderated by group owners and managers. In my opinion, once you have enough of the population of your company or organization engaged, LinkedIn is the new listserv of today – and it’s basically free. These groups can be private or public, and people must actually join the group to post messages, which limits the deep, dark abyss that is complete anonymous messaging. The CSAA LinkedIn group, (See SOCIAL MEDIA, page 22)
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Regulatory Update
Wireless Report By John Prendergast
AICC Comments on GlobalStar Proposal to Use Part of Wi-Fi Spectrum On May 5, AICC filed comments on Globalstar’s proposal to establish a terrestrial wireless network, using not only its satellite radio spectrum but also part of the unlicensed Wi-Fi spectrum. AICC is concerned that Globalstar’s operations in the 24732483.5 MHz portion of the Wi-Fi band could inadvertently hinder public safety response to emergency situations by causing interference to critical alarm signals sent with the assistance of Wi-Fi equipment commonly operating on spectrum immediately adjacent to that band. With the availability of more effective encryption technologies, a growing number of alarm systems include Wi-Fi connectivity in the alarm panel. Increasingly, alarm systems are incorporating WiFi-enabled sensors in alarm devices. In addition, certain alarm technologies are incorporating access to the internet, including WiFi connections, as a way to accomplish an affordable alternative path to the central station. Multiple entities have raised the concern that interference and band crowding due to Globalstar’s proposed operations to the millions of existing WiFi devices already in use could force an unnecessary and extremely burdensome
replacement process, which must be weighed against any benefits from Globalstar’s new service. With more and more WiFi devices being deployed in alarm operations, AICC shares this additional concern. AICC has asked the FCC to order that thorough testing be conducted by an independent testing authority, before a determination can be made that Globalstar’s proposed system can go forward. Affected stakeholders (including alarm industry representatives) should be allowed to participate in the testing process. AICC also supports the Commission’s proposal that Globalstar not be granted any additional interference protection rights in the unlicensed bands, but instead be subject to the same rules that apply to other unlicensed users. Finally, AICC asks the FCC to confirm that Globalstar’s proposed operations would protect GPS operations.
Cellular Kill Switch Update The U.S. Senate and many state legislatures are addressing the need to mandate the installation of “kill switches” (a system for remotely disabling smartphones and wiping personal data) in cell phones/devices. A study by Creighton University indicates that Americans annually spend $4.8 billion on cellphone insurance and $580 million on replacing phones that they have lost, and that consumers could save $2.6 billion a year if they phones had “kill switches” installed. The rationale is that if a smartphone can be shut
off after it is stolen, there will be no incentive for thieves to steal them, keeping consumers safe and saving them some money in the bargain. Kill Switch legislation has been fought by the cellular industry at the Federal and State level. Several weeks after voting to squash a bill that would require anti-theft technology in all cell phones, the California state Senate on May 8 voted to advance the “kill switch” bill. “We have a crime wave on our hands,” Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco said of the many cell phone thefts in the Bay Area. “We are trying to keep our constituents safe on their streets and in their neighborhoods.” Even as legislatures wrestle with the question of whether to make the new technology mandatory, CNN is reporting that the kill switch will become standard for new phones by July 2015, according to a pledge backed by most of the wireless industry’s major players. Apple, Google, Samsung and Microsoft, along with the five biggest cellular carriers in the United States, are among those that have signed on to a voluntary program announced by the industry’s largest trade group, CTIA-The Wireless Association. Many saw CTIA’s move to voluntarily offer kill switches as a way to thwart a landslide of support for legislation requiring the technology. On a national level, both the House and Senate have bills mandating kill switches. For the alarm industry, the potential significance of any Kill Switch legislation is twofold: 1. To what extent do alarm companies rely on wireless phones in the possession of employees to maintain communications about (See REGULATORY UPDATE, page 20)
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emergencies or other situations, and could a hacker activating the kill switch jeopardize the central station’s ability to carry out its functions, creating a liability exposure? 2. Would any language in Kill Switch legislation, if adopted, impose unnecessary or unduly burdensome requirements on cellular-based alarm devices?
FirstNet Seeks Replacement as General Manager Resigns Bill D’Agostino, the general manager of First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet), is stepping down from the position for “personal and family reasons,” according to an April 14 press release by the FirstNet board. Mr. D’Agostino’s resignation comes just shy of his one-year anniversary in his capacity as general manager. Deputy General Manager T.J. Kennedy is taking over during the interim period while a replacement is sought. FirstNet is an independent entity within the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration charged by Congress to design and build a high-speed broadband network in the 700 MHz band that is free of the interoperability limitations that affect first responders across the country, and enables the transmission of a broader array of media than just voice traffic, such as documents, images and video. AICC and the alarm industry has been working with FirstNet toward exploring a relationship that would allow alarm companies to access the public safety broadband network, subject to priority for public safety communications. Some industry sources are asking whether D’Agostino’s departure will slow the launch of FirstNet’s broadband network, at a time
when FirstNet has come under criticism that it needs to engage in more open decision making in its procurement process.
FCC Proposes to Allocate 150 MHz of Spectrum to “Citizens Broadband Radio Service” The FCC has issued its proposal to provide more spectrum for general consumer use, carriergrade small cell deployments, fixed wireless broadband services, and other innovative uses, through the creation of a new Citizens Broadband Radio Service. The Commission is proposing rules for the Citizens Broadband Radio Service in a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) (FCC 14-49) that advances the Commission’s efforts to meet the growing demand for spectrum by proposing to make 150 megahertz available in the 3.5 GHz Band. The FNPRM proposes innovative spectrum sharing techniques to unlock the value of the spectrum between 3550 MHz and 3650 MHz, and seeks comment on extending the proposed service to the 3700 MHz band. Specifically, the FNPRM proposes a three-tiered access and sharing model comprised of federal and non-federal incumbents, priority access licensees, and general authorized access users. Together, the proposals seek to promote flexibility and innovation by leveraging advancements in technology to facilitate sharing between different users and uses, including incumbent government uses. Federal and non-federal incumbents would be protected from harmful interference from Citizens Broadband Radio Service users. Targeted priority access licenses would be made available for a variety of uses, including mobile broadband. General authorized access use would be permitted in
a reserved amount of spectrum and on an opportunistic basis for a variety of consumer or business-oriented purposes, including advanced home wireless networking. This is of obvious interest to alarm service providers and device manufacturers, who should promptly determine how they may best take advantage of the proposed technology and determine if any tweaks to the FCC proposal are advisable. Access and operation within the 3.5 GHz band would be managed by a spectrum access system, a dynamic database or databases that incorporates technical and functional requirements necessary to manage access and operations across the three tiers. In addition, the FNPRM seeks comment on technical, auction, and allocation rules. Comment deadlines have not yet been set.
FCC Increases Availability of Spectrum for Wi-Fi and Other Unlicensed Uses in 5 GHz Band The FCC has adopted a Report and Order (FCC 14-30) that makes an additional 100 megahertz of spectrum in the 5 GHz band more accessible for unlicensed use. This action by the FCC increases the total amount of spectrum currently available for use by unlicensed devices and networks by 15 percent, and paves the way for accelerated growth and expansion of new Wi-Fi technology that the FCC says will enable speeds of one gigabit per second or more. Since more and more alarm systems are incorporating Wi-Fi technology, the expansion of available spectrum for such operations could be a valuable development, although it will require device manufacturers to design equipment that will comply with the new rules for this spectrum.
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SOCIAL MEDIA, from page 18
1056 members strong as of this article (for a shameless plug of an example), provides a wealth of knowledge from industry experts asking and answering the biggest questions in the industry today. Now you can also use LinkedIn for employee recruitment with what they call “job credits.” Your company, which can have its own page on LinkedIn to represent you even further on the internet, can include an “Apply with LinkedIn” button on your home page. This allows potential employees to apply right from the website using their alreadyassembled LinkedIn profiles as resumes, again streamlining a process that can be very expensive elsewhere. These job credits can get you a 5-job listing pack for $395 per job or a 10-job listing pack for $295 per job, which compare favorably with other job listing sites. (And remember, 300 millions users….) So LinkedIn offers a lot of functionality and a seemingly free addition to your work life, but I think it’s important to know how websites
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such as LinkedIn are making money at the end of the day. Most users of the website, an estimated 90%, pay absolutely nothing and use only what is free to them on the website. The largest amount of income LinkedIn sees is from recruitment solutions where corporations pay to enhance their brand and search for talent offerings using the website. There are also marketing solutions and basic advertising, like any other social media site, where users give their personal and work information and they then use that to redirect pay-perclick, targeted ads at you. It’s something every one of them does, and they won’t be stopping anytime soon. A smaller segment of their income comes from their premium subscription based services, which give you more modules to work with for job seekers, recruiters, business users, and sales professionals.
2 seconds), LinkedIn is now just getting over the odd social stigma it has had for the past few years and entering into its own. As it continues to grow and be used more efficiently, LinkedIn will effectively turn into a service that can be successfully added to both you and your companies’ internet brand, which I’d argue is skyrocketing in importance each and every day.
For a website that is growing at a phenomenal pace (a new user about every
Ryan Brady is an Associate with TRG Associates, Inc. He can be reached at:
Find CSAA on LinkedIn: From there, click “follow” to receive updates from our page, and find the link to our group to request to join.
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The new rules are applicable to Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices in the 5 GHz band and remove a current restriction on indoor-only use and increase the permissible power for devices using the 5.15-5.25 GHz portion of the band. This will allow U-NII devices to better integrate with other unlicensed portions of the 5 GHz band to offer faster speeds and reduce congestion at crowded Wi-Fi hot spots such as airports and convention centers, the FCC said. The FCC’s ruling was widely praised by manufacturers of consumer electronics and advocates for unlicensed wireless networks. “WiFi is about to get bigger, better, and faster,” said unlicensed spectrum advocacy group WifiForward in a statement. WifiForward is a consortium of Google, Microsoft, consumer device groups and sellers and the cable operators. The FCC’s ruling could be just the first step in a broader opening-up of the unlicensed band. A pending NPRM (FCC 13-22) contemplates making available an additional 195 megahertz of spectrum in the 5.355.47 GHz and 5.85-5.925 GHz bands for U-NII use.
Wireline Report Mary J. Sisak
FCC to Propose New Net Neutrality Rules The FCC was expected to release proposed rules intended to protect the open Internet at its meeting on May 15. It has been reported that the proposed rules will prohibit Internet providers from blocking websites, but it will permit Internet providers to charge website and content providers to obtain faster speeds for Internet
traffic. The new proposed rules are the FCC’s response to a federal court order which struck down the net-neutrality rules adopted by the FCC in 2010. The original rules prohibited Internet providers from blocking websites or discriminating against Internet traffic. Interested parties will be able to file comments on the FCC’s proposal before it is finalized. In related news, Netflix and Comcast announced an agreement whereby Netflix will pay Comcast for Netflix traffic (i.e., streaming video services) sent to Comcast customers. Netflix also is seeking similar arrangements with other broadband providers.
AICC Asks the FCC to Require Changes to AT&T’s Proposed IP Transition Trials AICC, consumer groups and competitive communications providers, expressed concerns in comments to the FCC with AT&T’s proposed Internet Protocol (IP) service transition trials. AT&T is seeking approval to conduct two trials for full IP transition in wire centers in rural Carbon Hill, Alabama and suburban Kings Point, Florida. In the trial wire centers, AT&T proposes to offer subscribers a choice of either U-verse Voice-overIP (for those subscribers already within AT&T’s existing footprint for this service), Wireless Home Phone, Wireless Home Phone and Internet with 4G LTE Broadband service, or 4G LTE, although some customers will continue to have no option other than plain old telephone service (POTS). In comments, AICC urged the FCC to require a number of changes to the proposed trials before they are approved. Among AICC’s chief objections to AT&T’s proposed trials, Wireless Home Phone and Wireless Home Phone and Internet with 4G LTE do not currently support alarm monitoring and
medical alert services. AICC urged the FCC to withhold approval of the trials until AT&T demonstrates that its proposed alternative services support alarm services and comply with the National Fire Protection Association fire code standard in NFPA 72, which contains certain requirements that managed facilities-based voice networks (MFVN) must meet to be an acceptable method for fire alarm signaling transmission from a protected premises to a supervising central monitoring station. Specifically, pursuant to NFPA 72, a MFVN service should be functionally equivalent to traditional TDMbased telephone service provided by authorized common carriers with respect to dialing, dial plan, call completion, carriage of signals and protocols, and loop voltage treatment. In addition, MFVN must provide a number of features, including 8 hours of standby power supply capacity for MFVN communications equipment located at the protected premise or field deployed and 24 hours of standby power supply capacity for MFVN communications equipment located at the communication service provider’s central office. AICC also urged the FCC to require changes to AT&T’s proposed notifications in connection with the trials to ensure that sufficient notifications to consumers and alarm service providers are provided. Among other things, AICC argued that AT&T’s outreach and customer notifications should contain information regarding alarm system function and the affect a change in communication service may have on a customer’s alarm service, including whether AT&T is complying with MFVN standards and how customers can report any problems they experience after their communication service is changed to ensure data is properly collected and analyzed. AT&T also (See REGULATORY UPDATE, page 25)
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should directly provide information to consumers about the impact of power failures on its network and the customer’s equipment and it should advise the customer at the time of installation of broadband and/or wireless services when available, to contact the alarm company and test the alarm system. AICC also argued that AT&T should be required to provide timely notice to alarm companies and other service providers that will be impacted by the trials concerning the project rollout timelines so that measures can be taken to address issues and to provide any necessary system updates to protect against any discontinuation of service and that AT&T should conduct meetings with the alarm industry, including AICC and the alarm companies in the affected areas, to discuss the technical parameters of the IP
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services that will be offered so that alarm companies can respond to any disruption in alarm service and evaluate the success of the trials. The FCC is expected to rule on whether and how AT&T’s trials can proceed shortly.
AT&T Pushes Telco Deregulation in the States AT&T has continued its efforts to seek legislation in the states to deregulate its provision of telecommunications service and to allow it to terminate traditional communications services. Thus far in 2014, AT&T has pursued such legislation in Colorado, Kentucky and Michigan. AICC filed letters with state officials in Michigan and Kentucky raising concerns about the proposed legislation and seeking modifications to make sure alarm customers and service providers are
not harmed as a result. In particular, AICC seeks to ensure that before POTS is eliminated, alternatives to POTS meet the requirements of managed facilities-based voice networks and continue to provide line seizure, have sufficient back-up power, and properly encode and decode alarm panel tone messages. It is anticipated that AT&T will continue its deregulation efforts in the states. John Prendergast, Sal Taillefer, Benjamin H. Dickens, Jr. and Mary J. Sisak are attorneys with the law firm of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy& Prendergast, in Washington, D.C. For more information, please call 202-659-0830 or see www.
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CSAA Member News
The Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) International is pleased to bring you the following news from CSAA members. Please send your news items and announcements to CSAA’s Marketing and Communications Department at:
Ackerman Security Ackerman Security sponsored the Gwinnett Chamber “Medal of Valor” Awards for the ninth year. The Gwinnett Chamber held the annual Medal of Valor Awards presentation and Public Safety Awards on March 26, 2014 at the Gwinnett Center in Atlanta, GA. “We are proud to be sponsoring this for our ninth year in a row. The Police, Fire, and Medical professionals in our community selflessly dedicate themselves to Gwinnett County residents each and every day and are deserving of our respect, admiration and support”, said Terry Aronson, Director of Sales at Ackerman. This year’s awards included the Lifesaving Award, Medal of Merit, Communications Person of the Year, Public Safety Unit of the Year, Medal of Valor, and the Purple Heart. The event was attended by over 400 public safety officials, friends and family who turned out to recognize the brave men and women who serve Gwinnett County. Photos courtesy of Ackerman Security
Bold Technologies Bold Technologies announced the appointment of Chuck Speck as President of Bold Technologies on March 19, 2014. Speck brings more than twelve years of relevant industry experience to his new role, having previously served as Vice President, Chuck Speck Director of Sales, and Support and Implementation Manager for Bold Technologies. Speck serves on the Board of Directors for Bold Technologies and is also a shareholder in the company.
Prior to joining Bold Technologies, Speck served as Division Director for Robert Half Technology and Director of Operations for Premiere Global Services. Speck has been a key factor in the significant growth of Bold Technologies, and he has helped the company grow from 18 employees to the nearly 50 staff members currently employed. Speck, who has maintained an active sales role since joining the company, recently completed his 300th central station partnership for Bold Technologies.
comCables and PSA In April, comCables announced a new partnership with PSA, the world’s largest electronic security cooperative. PSA members are responsible for over $2 billion annually in security, fire, and life safety installations. These leading security systems integrators specialize in the design, installation, integration, and maintenance of access control, video surveillance, intrusion detection, fire, and life safety systems. “We are very excited to add PSA as a strategic partner for our low voltage and structured cabling solutions,” said Mike Capulli, Vice President of Sales for comCables. “PSA’s partners will benefit from our proven IP cabling solutions as the industry continues to trend towards IP convergence. comCables looks forward to building this partnership and filling a gap in PSA’s product offering.” “PSA is thrilled to begin our partnership with comCables. Their end-to-end cabling solutions make them a perfect fit in the PSA line card,” said Craig Patterson, Director of Vendor Management.
Door & Hardware Institute On March 1, 2014, Keith Pardoe, DAHC/CDC, FDAI, CDT, assumed the position of Director of Technical Development. Keith’s primary responsibility and focus will be the ongoing development of DHI’s technical education products, ensuring they remain current and relevant to the industry’s needs. As the chief technical spokesperson for DHI, Keith will represent the organization and the industry to the numerous codes and standards bodies within the U.S. He will continue to assist as a technical instructor, as well as handle advocacy and awareness presentations for the Door Security & Safety Foundation. (See CSAA Member News, page 27)
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DMP Digital Monitoring Products (DMP) has named Jack Conard to the newly created position of DirectorMarket Development, Retail Solutions, West. Conard will work with members of the DMP authorized dealer network, vendor partners, and retailers to promote the sale of DMP products in retail installations. He began his career in the security industry in 1992 with Rollins Protective Services. He subsequently held sales and management positions in several other security-related organizations. Most recently he was with Protection One, Inc., Jack Conard where he rose from the position of District Manager to Director of Commercial Sales, the position he held prior to joining DMP. As a District Manager, he successfully grew the organization’s RMR, installation revenue, and sales rep productivity. DMP has named Hunter Pardue to the position of Dealer Development Manager in the company’s South East Region. He will be responsible for developing new sales and providing ongoing service to DMPauthorized dealers in Georgia, South Carolina, and the Florida Panhandle, and will be helping them to grow their businesses. Prior to joining DMP, Hunter was a Sales Account Manager for DH Pace Systems Integration, responsible for design and sale of security integration-based Access Control, CCTV, and Intrusion System products and Hunter Pardue services. He gained additional industry experience in his previous role as a Sales Account Manager at Linder Security Systems. There he was responsible for new business development and strategic account management for high-end systems delivered to customers across Georgia. He also started, owned, and operated a successful residential/ commercial security company.
Monitronics Winner of Two 2014 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer ServiceSM Monitronics’ Alarm Response Center has won two Bronze Stevie® Awards in the eighth annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Monitronics won in the Contact Center of the Year category for the second consecutive year and was also recognized in the Front-Line Customer Service Team of the Year category. The awards were presented during a gala banquet at the Bellagio in Las Vegas in February.
The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service are the world’s top sales awards, contact center awards, and customer service awards. The Stevie Awards organizes several of the world’s leading business awards shows including the prestigious American Business AwardsSM and International Business AwardsSM. “Our team focuses on treating every alarm with the same sense of urgency as they would want for their own home and family,” said Darin Anderson, Monitronics’ Vice President of Monitoring Operations. “We’re honored to win, and we remain dedicated to protecting what matters most to our customers.”
Security Networks Dealers Transition to Monitronics Monitronics has officially converted over 200 Security Networks dealer affiliates to the Monitronics Dealer Program – one of the final steps in integrating the two companies since the acquisition of Security Networks in August 2013. Security Networks dealer affiliates completed training during the month of February and began originating new accounts under the Monitronics brand in March. With approximately 620 dealers on board, Monitronics has one of the nation’s largest networks of security dealers, with operations in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico. When the entire transition is complete, Monitronics will provide alarm monitoring service to over 1 million customers out of its central monitoring center in Dallas.
Brandt Phillips
Napco Security Technologies, Inc. announced the recent promotion of Brandt Phillips, who began with the company as its mid-central regional sales manager, to Commercial Fire & Security Director of Sales for the country.
In Phillips’s new role at Napco, he’ll have a Commercial Systems Solutions focus in fire and intrusion systems, combining multi-technology addressable, conventional and UL-Commercial Grade wireless fire and burglary devices, as well as new wireless and networked communication options, and remote systems management. Phillip, a third generation member of the security industry, has worked on the manufacturing side for 12 years, before which he spent 10 years as a dealer/integrator, owning and operating multiple security companies.
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Continental Access Releases Powerful 2.9 Version of CA3000 Enterprise Security Software ContinentalAccess, a division of Napco Security Technologies, Inc., has recently released new CA3000 version 2.9 software, that not only provides robust access control functionality and seamless integration with alarms, locking and a growing list of video systems, but offers a host of many new sought-after features including; the ability to run the CardAccess 3000 and associated applications as Windows™ services and the ability to control access to the CardAccess GUI using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Support for the Continental’s new and robust Super-Speed 16 door Accelaterm Controller is also available. Plus, more video integration partners have been added to their growing list, now including Pelco, HiTron, Milestone, Dedicated Micros, as well as Salient & Integral. Take a recent video tour online at
Per Mar Rick Sidlowski recently joined Per Mar Security Services as the Sr. Vice President of Administration/Chief Financial Officer. Bringing with him 25 years of experience in financial operations, Sidlowski also has extensive experience working in the Rick Sidlowski Security Industry. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management, Lincolnshire, IL. With a history of working with Per Mar Security Services since 2011, Bradley Duffy recently accepted the position of Vice President of Physical Security and Managing Director. He has held positions of General Manager and Area Sales Bradley Duffy Manager with Per Mar, and is an active member in numerous Security associations and organizations in the Des Moines area. Duffy graduated from University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and a Supplementary Major in Philosophy.
Dean Guyette
Guyette began his career with Per Mar in 1979 as the Accounting Manager and served in a number of capacities over the years, including Vice President of Physical Security, Vice President of Administration, Chief Financial Officer and most recently, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.
RFI Communications & Security Systems RFI is pleased to announce that Ken Frank has joined their team of professionals as Senior Account Executive. His background includes 20 years of integration experience as well as 9 years of manufacturing experience as an RSM in Access Control and Video Systems. Frank has designed and sold systems from small in scale to large scale enterprise deployments. He is familiar with Healthcare, Bio-pharma, Ports, Education, and High Tech and mixed use facilities in addition to Government applications. He will work closely with new and existing RFI clientele, assisting in the development of business as well as work on new concepts to be applied within a range of vertical markets.
TRI-ED Mark Ingram joined TRI-ED as Vice President of U.S. Sales. An industry veteran over the past several decades, Ingram has carved out a long and very successful career in the security industry. Most recently, he served as Director of U.S. Sales for FST21. Prior to that, he worked as Manager of Strategic Mark Ingram Distribution Sales for Pelco by Schneider Electric and as President of Visonic Americas. Ingram had previously held several senior sales positions at ADI, where he worked as a VP in various capacities for nearly twenty years. James Rothstein, Executive Vice President, has been promoted to Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). Rothstein is an integral part of the organization and among the management team that acquired the business in 2005. He has 25 years’ experience, including several executive management positions James Rothstein within the security industry. In his new role as CMO, he will focus on supplier relationships and strategic marketing. Mirza Chughtai, Vice President of Information Technology, has been promoted to Chief Information Officer (CIO). Chughtai joined TRI-ED in 2013 and brought over 15 years
Dean Guyette of Per Mar Security Services retired on April 30, 2014, after 34 years of service to the company. Mizra Chughai
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of technology industry leadership and management experience to his role with the company. Before joining TRIED, he served in senior IT management positions at Arrow Electronics, Inc. (ARW), a leading electronic components and computer products distributor, and at Qimonda North America Corp. Gary Perlin, Director of CCTV Products, has been promoted to Vice President of Strategic Sourcing. With nearly 30 years of CCTV experience, Gary Perlin Perlin has held various senior roles in the industry and, prior to joining TRI-ED in 2010, served as VP of Video Product Management for a leading industry manufacturer where he developed and directed their line of CCTV products. Among his new responsibilities will be video product management and overseeing the cable and datacomm product category. Please send press releases and announcements for consideration to
Mid Cal Alarm Association The Mid Cal Alarm Association (part of the California Alarm Association) held their first successful golf tournament in November 2013. From the proceeds, Mid Cal was able to purchase and install five camera systems for the Fresno Police Department substations, including the gang prevention unit. They worked with CSAA member Interlogix on this initiative. In addition, Mid Cal was also able to help the Reedley Police Department, which had lost one of their K9 police dogs. Mid Cal was able to donate $2000 towards their goal of $12,000 and $15,000 – the cost of a new police dog. The next Mid Cal golf tournament is Monday, November 17, 2014. Players are invited from all over the country. This year, proceeds from the tournament will benefit the Fresno Sheriffs Department as well as the Marjaree Mason Center.
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CSAA is such a staunch supporter of our industry. It stands to reason that TRI-ED, as North America’s largest independent distributor of security and low voltage products, would return that support as an Associate Member. Delivering valuable resources for central station monitoring companies, suppliers, distributors, consultants and other members of the alarm industry, CSAA continues to set the standard and raise the bar on best practices and standards. As a distributor, TRI-ED’s role is to equip dealers and integrators with superior solutions to service their end-user customers. TRI-ED is committed to exceeding that expectation, one customer at a time. With its 65 locations across North America, including a technical sales team, TRI-ED delivers the best products and services from over 500 of the industry’s leading suppliers. TRI-ED feels very strongly about supporting the industry and CSAA in their important work. CSAA, as part of the monitoring arm of the industry, has set the benchmark of professionalism for central station alarm companies with its Five Diamond certification program. This is exactly the kind of professional association TRI-ED wishes to partner with, as they adhere to the highest possible standards. Stations who earn CSAA’s Five Diamond distinction represent the “best in breed” as they are committed to providing an advanced level of performance. In addition, they continue to earn that accolade with annual reviews and renewals, and by adhering to the highest level of ethical business practices. CSAA also serves as a wonderful conduit for TRI-ED to connect with all sectors of the industry. The association’s vast professional network provides mutually beneficial opportunities for the exchange of ideas and best practices. CSAA facilitates networking events, educational offerings, certifications and legislative efforts that continue to move our industry forward. CSAA is not only focused on educating central station operators. Like TRI-ED, they share a commitment to educating dealers and integrators. Working cooperatively together, we can deliver even more value to them and their businesses. TRI-ED has always recognized the importance of partnering with our industry associations, including SIA, ESA, and CSAA. Their innovative initiatives have resulted in the advancement of the industry. We are privileged to work together with them. CSAA’s annual meeting is always a highlight on the calendar. Not only because of the exotic destinations, but because of the cutting-edge education that continues to propel our industry toward greater excellence in central station monitoring. . Pat Comunale is President and CEO of TRI-ED Distribution. CSAA Dispatch • | 29
Central Station Operator Level 1 Training Graduates (January 2014 – May 2014)
The Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) is pleased to present its list of graduates from the Central Station Operator Level 1 Online Training. These operators have fulfilled all of the requirements to pass Level 1. First Name
Last Name
Marissa Jose’ Adrian Eric Donnette Ruth Gina Candyda Tony Heather Calderon Wadie Stephen Renee Amber Janee Catherine Melissa Michael Kayla Karen Michelle Shannon Andrew Shamoii Duane Jericka Rachel William Manuel Maritssa Eric Naussica Alfredo Eric Janella Matthew James Linda Rob Linda Cory Deonna Sue Alex Latavia Malcolm Michael Cody Jasmine Ashanti Julius Ta’Regina Kwasi Sheila Scott Julia Johne’l Hannah David Ana Amber Norah Cathleen
Abernathy FE Moran 1/23/2014 Acosta Martinez Alarmas Centinela 1/21/2014 Adams Watchlight Corporation 3/4/2014 Affleck Vivint Inc. 3/24/2014 Alcaraz Monitronics International 1/24/2014 Alleva Guardian Security Services, Inc. 2/25/2014 Alonso Per Mar Security Services 1/25/2014 Alonzo Time Warner Security 5/2/2014 Alvarenga AlarmWatch 4/11/2014 Amanda Moon Security Services Inc 2/26/2014 Andrawos National Monitoring Center 1/14/2014 Angeletti Interface Security Systems 4/22/2014 Antonio Monitor America 3/28/2014 Armstrong Quick Response 3/17/2014 Arnold Central Security & Communications 4/16/2014 Asare AT&T 3/26/2014 Auer Trans-Alarm 4/22/2014 Austin Safeguard Security & Communications 3/23/2014 Aviles Sony 3/7/2014 Baez Metrodial Corporation 4/11/2014 Baier Kennedy Quick Response 3/15/2014 Bailey California Security Alarms, Inc 3/28/2014 Baird Walgreens 2/14/2014 Baker Reliance Protectron Montreal 4/23/2014 Baker VRI 3/18/2014 Ba-Lacy Diebold Incorpoarted 5/3/2014 Ballard VRI 3/18/2014 Banister Vector East 1/20/2014 Banuelos Matson Alarm 1/16/2014 Banuelos Superior Central Station Inc. 4/18/2014 Barnes Amherst Alarm, Inc. 4/7/2014 Barnes Monitronics International 3/4/2014 Barrezueta Monitor America 4/17/2014 Battaglia Amherst Alarm, Inc. 1/6/2014 Bautista California Security Alarms, Inc 1/31/2014 Beall Vector West 4/24/2014 Bear HEB Grocery 2/22/2014 Beck Vyanet Seecurity & Technology 5/3/2014 Beecroft California Security Alarms, Inc 2/13/2014 Belanger Dynamark Monitoring 3/1/2014 Bell Guardian Security Services, Inc. 2/25/2014 Bellard WM Security Services, Inc 1/30/2014 Bernache Sony 3/13/2014 Bess Vivint Inc. 1/18/2014 Bew Ackerman Security Systems 1/11/2014 Bew Ackerman Security Systems 5/7/2014 Biggerstaff Securitas USA 2/8/2014 Bisbing Safeguard Security & Communications 4/4/2014 Blackman Panhandle Alarm and Telephone 3/5/2014 Blair Interface 3/4/2014 Blake G4S Government Solutions 2/10/2014 Blocker Monitronics International 1/11/2014 Boateng Safeguard Security & Communications 3/29/2014 Bogle Time Warner Security 4/7/2014 Boivie Interface 1/29/2014 Boland Doyle Security 2/23/2014 Bolden Time Warner Security 5/2/2014 Bonin iWatch Communications 4/10/2014 Bonka Security Corporation 4/30/2014 Boone Monitronics International 4/3/2014 Booth VRI 2/18/2014 Borges Northern911 3/30/2014 Borrelli Vector East 1/20/2014
French Canadian S panish
First Name
Last Name
John Tina Angeleah Ryan Greg Antoinette Ashley Kris Tavia Kimberly Shannon David Corey Matthew Scott Dailey Briana Casey Cedric Jessica Jasmyn Tareek Amanda Olivia Wendy Walter Shaun Paul Danika Elliott Justice Jan Brittnie Michelle Scott Michael Shannon Elizabeth Shayeshia Elma Damon Sabrina Karla Marie Sonia Kera Patti Kelly Amy Tammy Stephanie Diana Esmeralda Jasmine Cody Michael Stephanie Laura Yolanda Rick Derick Tina Penny
Borto Walgreens 5/6/2014 Boss American Burglary & Fire, Inc 5/2/2014 Bostick Safeguard Security & Communications 3/31/2014 Bouska Ackerman Security Systems 1/12/2014 Bowman Walgreens 2/14/2014 Boylan COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 4/6/2014 Brackett Seacoast Security 3/18/2014 Brackin Pro-Vigil,Inc 1/2/2014 Bradley Monitronics International 1/12/2014 Brady Vector West 1/7/2014 Branco California Security Alarms, Inc. 3/28/2014 Brathwaite DGA Security 3/19/2014 Brazeau Northern911 3/27/2014 Brenton Securitas Security Services - SoundTransit 1/27/2014 Brewer Fifth Third Bank 2/13/2014 Brian Interface 4/17/2014 Brisco AT&T 3/26/2014 Bristol Engineered Protection Systems, Inc. 3/22/2014 Broddie Total Monitoring Service 2/3/2014 Brooks CMS Monitoring 4/27/2014 Brooks Fifth Third Bank 3/27/2014 Brown Affiliated Monitoring 4/17/2014 Brown Monitoring America Alarm Co-Op 3/19/2014 Brown Reliance Protectron Montreal 3/17/2014 Brown Security Alarm Corporation 3/20/2014 Brown Thrive Intelligence 2/26/2014 Brown UAS 1/3/2014 Brown Wayne Alarm Systems, Inc. 4/22/2014 Brunelli First Alarm 4/24/2014 Bruton Time Warner Security 4/4/2014 Buchanan Security Solutions Inc. 5/6/2014 Buckland Northern911 4/1/2014 Bullock Vivint Inc. 1/21/2014 Bunce Midstate Security Company, LLC 1/25/2014 Burdge Vivint Inc. 3/17/2014 Burns Interface Security Systems 2/25/2014 Burry UAS 3/10/2014 Bushue Comporium 1/8/2014 Bussey Monitronics International 1/9/2014 Butler Time Warner Security 3/24/2014 Byington Vivint Inc. 1/21/2014 Calderon Grand Central Station 3/28/2014 Calderon Monitronics International 1/17/2014 Caldwell Grand Central Station 3/11/2014 Camacho California Security Alarms, Inc. 2/12/2014 Cameron Interface Security Systems 1/14/2014 Campbell ATT Digital Life 1/30/2014 Campbell Vector East 2/11/2014 Campbell Vector West 2/27/2014 Campbell Vector West 3/26/2014 Cantalini California Security Alarms, Inc. 3/28/2014 Cantu HEB Grocery 2/16/2014 Cantu Superior Central Station Inc. 4/18/2014 Cardinal Sentinelle Alarm 2/7/2014 Carlton Security and Communications Cabling Co. 3/31/2014 Carpenter Northern911 4/1/2014 Carter ATT Digital Life 1/23/2014 Cascarella Metrodial Corporation 4/10/2014 Castille Acadian 4/5/2014 Casto G4S Secure Solutions 2/25/2014 Castrillon Alarm Specialist Corp 3/24/2014 Caulder Ackerman Security Systems 3/16/2014 Cayer Northern911 3/14/2014
(See Level I Online Training Grads, page 31) 30 | CSAA Dispatch •
Summer 2014
Level 1 Online Training Grads, from page 30 First Name
Last Name
Kelli Alejandra Vickie Noreen Elias Yves Lena Alberto Stephanie Francisco Xavier Tiffany Kelly Sandra Jason Adam Michelle Mike Crystal Ebony Hayes Christal Ann Sydarra John Jennifer Steven Christopher Trinity Rickey Angel Maria Robin Melanie David Mary Kevin Alex Anthony Nicole Kylissa Darren Audrey Dominic Yolanda Pablo Albertte Alvin Amber Tammy Barbara Alisha Jonna Christina Kaylee Alix Jada Deirdre Eddie Oliver LaToya Kristen Mark Diana Joshua Valerie Patricia Jordan Sarah Charlene
Cecil Sonitrol 3/11/2014 Chacon United Central Control 3/26/2014 Chaisson Watchlight Corporation 2/27/2014 Chambers UAS 3/14/2014 Chapa United Central Control 4/15/2014 Charbonneau Northern911 3/11/2014 Chartrand Northern911 3/14/2014 Chavez HEB Grocery 2/19/2014 Cheng Reliance Protectron Montreal 3/5/2014 Chevasco Mora SW The Security World 4/15/2014 Chevrier Northern911 3/10/2014 Chillson Time Warner Security 4/4/2014 Chishelm Northern911 3/28/2014 Choi Sony 3/7/2014 Christensen Vivint Inc. 1/14/2014 Christgau CRC 1/24/2014 Ciprian Quick Response 3/19/2014 Clark Acadian 3/12/2014 Clark Interface 2/24/2014 Clay Moon Security Services, Inc. 2/28/2014 Clifton AT&T 3/26/2014 Clifton Security Corporation 4/30/2014 Coats COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 4/5/2014 Cockburn Northern911 4/2/2014 Cogdill COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 4/4/2014 Coles The Monitoring Center 3/14/2014 Coles The Monitoring Center 3/19/2014 Collins Alarm Specialist Corp. 3/24/2014 Collins ATT Digital Life 2/4/2014 Colon GM Security Technologies 3/19/2014 Columbus Vivint, Inc. 3/5/2014 Comer Ackerman Security Systems 4/8/2014 Conrad ATT Digital Life 1/28/2014 Cook Ahold USA 3/1/2014 Copaira Dynamark Monitoring 3/3/2014 Cordeiro Affiliated Monitoring 4/24/2014 Correa Affiliated Monitoring 2/20/2014 Costanzo CMS Monitoring 3/14/2014 Cowgill Alarmco 4/25/2014 Cox Quick Response 3/12/2014 Crimmins Interface 1/28/2014 Crutchley Dynamark Monitoring 2/23/2014 Cruz Safeguard Security & Communications 3/21/2014 Cruz Sony 3/11/2014 Cuellar Monitronics International 5/4/2014 Cuillerier Northern911 4/2/2014 Culberson ATT Digital Life 1/30/2014 Culbertson Diebold 2/3/2014 Curci Time Warner Security 3/24/2014 Curtis AT&T 3/26/2014 Cyr Northern911 3/21/2014 Czarnecki Interface Security Systems 2/25/2014 Dahling Transalarm 4/20/2014 Dalton Engineered Protection Systems, Inc. 4/24/2014 Dancause Acadian 3/20/2014 Davis Loss Prevention Services, Inc. 4/16/2014 Davis Sievers Security 4/2/2014 Davis The Questcom Group, Inc. 4/17/2014 Davis Time Warner Security 3/5/2014 Davis Time Warner Security 3/5/2014 Davis VRI 2/18/2014 Deane Seacoast Security 3/15/2014 Del Valle Monitronics International 5/4/2014 DeLarge Quinte Kawartha Alarm Systems 2/16/2014 Delaurentis Walgreens 5/6/2014 Delorme Northern911 3/8/2014 Desjardins Reliance Protectron Montreal 3/28/2014 Devoe-Mendoza AlarmWatch 4/23/2014 Dias City Of Toronto 3/29/2014
First Name
Last Name
Robert Javina Derek Pam richard Rose Jamie Alicia Erik Stephen Christopher Brian Erik Linda Antoinette Eromomhen Stephanie Kris Ieshia Geoffrey Christine Kasey Katrina Tanesha Julia Shana Rose James Lauren Conrad Amanda Robin Alisi Jessica Mary Jo Christina Joshua Ruben Christine Erika-Anne Lucie Cindy Rick Nicole Matthew Shane DeRoyce Bell Kayla Sharyl Maya Logan Debora Genny Marilyne Victoria Christina Patrick Christian Martin Toccara Adrian Ethan Jasmine Kenneth Sarah Matt Meggan Laura
DiBurro G4S Monitoring & Data Services, Inc. 3/27/2014 Dickens Time Warner Security 3/4/2014 Dillman Fifth Third Bank 4/22/2014 Dillon Security Corporation 4/14/2014 dizon California Security Alarms, Inc. 3/11/2014 Dorce Alarm Specialist Corp 1/21/2014 Dorian Northern911 3/30/2014 Dorn Monitronics International 3/25/2014 Dorr Alarm Specialist Corp 4/3/2014 Douthit Monitronics International 1/24/2014 Duffey ATT Digital Life 1/25/2014 Duncan Safeguard Security & Communications 3/31/2014 Dunn Securitas Security Services - SoundTransit 4/26/2014 Durant Affiliated Monitoring 2/19/2014 Durrette Mutual Central Alarm Services, Inc. 4/29/2014 Eboh Quick Response 3/25/2014 Eder Total Monitoring Service 1/31/2014 Elhajj Seacoast Security 3/17/2014 Ellegor comporium 1/8/2014 Elliot Alarm Specialist Corp 3/28/2014 Engelke Interface Security Systems 2/25/2014 Engle VRI 3/19/2014 Escoe Monitoring America Alarm Co-Op 3/24/2014 Evans Doyle Security 3/8/2014 Ewy Time Warner Security 3/24/2014 Exorphe Microtec / Alarmcap 3/19/2014 Fair CenturyTel Security Systems 1/16/2014 Fantroy AT&T 3/26/2014 Farmer Matson Alarm 2/5/2014 Fastenau AlarmWatch 4/14/2014 Festog Vector West 1/7/2014 Fiscoe Time Warner Security 4/4/2014 Fisi Guardian Security Systems, Inc. 3/17/2014 Fite VRI 4/22/2014 Fleckenstein UAS 3/1/2014 Fletcher FE Moran 4/14/2014 Flores Monitronics International 5/6/2014 Flores United Central Control 3/26/2014 Fortier Sentinelle Alarm 4/25/2014 Fortin Reliance Protectron Montreal 2/13/2014 Fournier Northern911 3/9/2014 Fournier Northern911 3/11/2014 Fox Security Alarm Corporation 3/17/2014 Francolini Northern911 3/23/2014 Frederick Per Mar Security Services 3/27/2014 Fredrick SecurTek 4/2/2014 Freeman ATT Digital Life 1/22/2014 Fregoso VRI 1/22/2014 Frisby VRI 4/22/2014 Frohe Doyle Security 2/22/2014 Fuller Ackerman Security Systems 1/11/2014 Fultonberg Acadian 3/22/2014 Funk Time Warner Security 4/4/2014 Gabrys Security Corporation 4/6/2014 Gadoury Sentinelle Alarm 2/4/2014 Gainey ComSouth 3/4/2014 Gale Amherst Alarm, Inc. 1/17/2014 Galster Time Warner Security 4/4/2014 Gamon-roy Northern911 4/5/2014 Garcia Interface Security 5/4/2014 Gaston CPI Security Systems, Inc. 4/10/2014 Gates AT&T 3/26/2014 Gates Monitoring America Alarm Co-Op 3/27/2014 Gause Monitronics International 5/2/2014 Gay AT&T 3/26/2014 Gearardo Security Corporation 4/6/2014 Geiger Amherst Alarm, Inc. 3/30/2014 Gelderblom Engineered Protection Systems, Inc. 4/6/2014 George Watchlight Corporation 2/24/2014
(See Level I Online Training Grads, page 32) Summer 2014
CSAA Dispatch • | 31
Level 1 Online Training Grads, from page 31 First Name
Last Name
Ryan Tyler Andy Shannon Brock Steven Joshua Peter Eddie Juan Jacob Geronimo Celeste Rodrigo Adam Quinn Taylor Donald Carnel Krystle Alexandra Angel Joanne Taliyya Yul Cherlena Dakota Roxana Erica Ivan Autumn Alizcia Shelia Jean-Charles Rebecca Kelsi Nichole Morgan Christian Ivory Kelly Kalie Deshannon Kyle Naimah Elizabeth Taylor-Anne Courtney Iriecka Michael Richard Scott Allison Ebony Theresa Erik Tiffany Kearney Casey Shevonne William Donna Patrick Todd La Taneka Joey Monica Victor Karen
Gibbs Seacoast Security 3/14/2014 Gibson Quick Response 3/13/2014 Gill Sentry Alarm Systems 3/5/2014 Gilroy UAS 2/28/2014 Glann Wegmans Asset Protection 4/4/2014 Glenn G4S Government Solutions 2/19/2014 Goldberg Walgreens 2/14/2014 Goldring Monitor America 4/18/2014 Gomez Sony 2/27/2014 Gomez WM Security Services, Inc 4/10/2014 Gonzales Monitronics International 2/22/2014 Gonzalez COPS Monitoring Scottsdale 1/1/2014 Gonzalez United Central Control 4/15/2014 Gonzalez Fernandez Usuario Final 2/8/2014 Goodwin Atlas Security Service, Inc. 2/25/2014 Gordon Thrive Intelligence 2/26/2014 Gordon VRI 1/21/2014 Gould Affiliated Monitoring 2/21/2014 Gourdine Monitor America 3/14/2014 Grady Time Warner Security 2/14/2014 Grant AT&T 3/26/2014 Grant Vector East 4/4/2014 Graves The Monitoring Center 2/28/2014 Green Affiliated Monitoring 2/17/2014 Grier AT&T 3/26/2014 Gross Monitronics International 2/23/2014 Groves Fire Monitoring of Canada Inc. 1/22/2014 Grubbs Fifth Third Bank 3/13/2014 Guerrero Galindo Alarm Specialist Corp 3/20/2014 Guerrero Galindo Alarmas Centinela 1/27/2014 Guilliam Safeguard Security & Communications 3/27/2014 Gurule California Security Alarms, Inc 2/11/2014 Guy Global Monitoring Solutions 4/1/2014 Guy-Andy Microtec / Alarmcap 2/21/2014 Hall FE Moran 4/8/2014 Hall VRI 1/22/2014 Hampton Monitronics International 1/11/2014 Hampton Time Warner Security 3/24/2014 Hancock Vivint Inc. 1/12/2014 Hanson Per Mar Security Services 3/29/2014 Hard Reliance Protectron Montreal 2/17/2014 Harden Total Monitoring Service 2/2/2014 Harding Peak Alarm Company 3/7/2014 Harding The Monitoring Center 3/14/2014 Hardy Time Warner Security 5/2/2014 Harner AT&T Digital Life 1/22/2014 Harris Bay Alarm 1/15/2014 Harris Monitronics International 1/11/2014 Harris Monitronics International 3/4/2014 Hart Securitas Security Services - SoundTransit 4/12/2014 Harwood Seacoast Security 3/18/2014 Hatkoff Securitas Security Services - SoundTransit 4/26/2014 Hatton VRI 2/18/2014 Hawkins Redwire 4/24/2014 Hayduke Time Warner Security 2/14/2014 Hayes Damar Security Services/Security Response Center 1/7/2014 Hayes Monitor America 5/5/2014 Hayes Turner Security 2/13/2014 Hayes VRI 1/21/2014 Hazel Affiliated Monitoring 2/19/2014 Heath Vivint, Inc. 3/18/2014 Hegg Vyanet Security & Technology 5/6/2014 Helderman Diebold 4/18/2014 Helgerman Vector West 4/24/2014 Henderson Sony 2/20/2014 Hennigan Grand Central Station 3/17/2014 Heredia RFI 2/12/2014 Hermosillo Monitronics International 3/25/2014 Hernandez Central Security & Communications 4/8/2014
First Name
Last Name
Luis Maribel Ian Araceli Gloria Hector Hugo Robert Jean Ryan katherine Joseph Gloria Phillip Malinda Janice Braden Sara Taylor Greg Kayla Emily Hakim Joshua Brandon Timothy Mia Erwin Manuel Happiness Nicole Melinda Brittany Jaala Jami Alecia Christina David Mitchell Tracey Elizabeth Brittnay Wood Trina Brian Kevin Ashleigh Kristen Cassandra Stephanie Alexis Armand Domonique Thomas Gregory Joshua Martin Leon André Vanessa Phillix James Veno Christopher Terrence Melanie Jonathan Joanna Stacey Sherri Tracy
Hernandez Monitronics International Hernandez Monitronics International Hernandez Moon Security Services Inc Hernandez Superior Central Station Inc. Hernandez Vyanet Security & Technology Hernandez Ortiz Alarmas Centinela Hernandez, Jr. HEB Grocery Herring AT&T Heskamp Safeguard Security & Communications Hicks Fleenor Security Systems Higgins Direct Connect Alarm Hillson Affiliated Monitoring Hillstock Time Warner Security Hockenberry Diebold Hodgins The Monitoring Center Hofmann Johnson Controls Hogan Security Corporation Hoogland The Monitoring Center Horton ATT Digital Life Houze COPS Monitoring Tennessee Howell Fifth Third Bank Howell-Lindo Affiliated Monitoring Hughes Dynamark Monitoring Hughes Time Warner Security Humphries Dynamark Monitoring Hunt AT&T Digitial Life Ibanez Salas Alarmas Centinela Iwuoha Bay Alarm Izzi The Protection Bureau Jackson UAS Jackson VRI Jackson VRI Jacokes Security Corporation James DGA Security Jaramillo California Security Alarms, Inc. Jarvis Bay Alarm Jasek Dynamark Monitoring Jessie Alarm Center Inc. Jimenez Metrodial Corporation Jimmerson Time Warner Security John Interface Johnson Central Security & Communications Johnson HEB Grocery Johnson Per Mar Security Services Johnson Quick Response Johnson Safeguard Security & Communications Johnson Seacoast Security Johnson Time Warner Security Johnson Vector West Jones AT&T Digital Life, Inc. Jones Redwire Jones ATT Digital Life Jones ATT Digital Life Jones ATT Digital Life Jordan Alarm Tech Central Services, Inc. Jordan Time Warner Security Joseph Microtec / Alarmcap Juarez Superior Alarms Jusino GM Security Technologies Justice Doyle Security Kanagalingam The Monitoring Center Kane CMS Monitoring Kau Vivint Inc. Kennedy Northern911 Kentner The Protection Bureau Kimach CenterPoint Technologies King Diebold Kinnermon Time Warner Security Kirk Time Warner Security
3/3/2014 3/24/2014 3/7/2014 4/16/2014 4/30/2014 1/31/2014 2/18/2014 3/26/2014 3/28/2014 2/23/2014 1/6/2014 4/20/2014 3/24/2014 4/18/2014 3/28/2014 3/21/2014 4/27/2014 4/18/2014 3/4/2014 4/20/2014 3/18/2014 1/20/2014 2/23/2014 3/3/2014 3/8/2014 3/15/2014 1/22/2014 3/13/2014 4/27/2014 3/1/2014 2/18/2014 4/22/2014 4/27/2014 3/10/2014 3/9/2014 1/30/2014 3/7/2014 1/17/2014 4/25/2014 3/4/2014 4/27/2014 4/16/2014 2/6/2014 3/28/2014 3/18/2014 3/25/2014 3/19/2014 5/2/2014 2/27/2014 3/29/2014 1/2/2014 1/23/2014 3/3/2014 3/4/2014 2/12/2014 5/2/2014 2/24/2014 4/22/2014 3/24/2014 2/20/2014 4/3/2014 4/25/2014 3/23/2014 4/3/2014 3/16/2014 4/5/2014 2/3/2014 5/2/2014 3/24/2014
(See Level I Online Training Grads, page 33) 32 | CSAA Dispatch •
Summer 2014
Level 1 Online Training Grads, from page 32 First Name
Last Name
Avram Klein Guardsmark 2/21/2014 Lynn Kline Time Warner Security 2/14/2014 Kelly Kloeble Paladin Security Group 3/19/2014 Stephen Knapp Fifth Third Bank 3/20/2014 Grant Knowles Fifth Third Bank 3/6/2014 Nancy Konan-Waideth Reliance Protectron Montreal 3/17/2014 Dawn Konas FE Moran 1/21/2014 Jedd Kotas ATT Digital Life 3/3/2014 Jake Kramer Quick Response 3/13/2014 Dennis Kraus UAS 3/12/2014 Melanie Krawanski-Provencher Reliance Protectron Montreal 4/17/2014 Rebecca Krouse Per Mar Security Services 3/1/2014 Jeffrey Kurtz Alarm Tech Central Services, Inc. 2/27/2014 Ana La Rosa Sentinelle Alarm 2/6/2014 Dillon Laird Alarm Specialist Corp 3/21/2014 Kelly Lamarr Affiliated Monitoring 4/25/2014 Tanya Lambert Alarm Center Inc. 2/18/2014 Jay Lance ATT Digital Life 1/22/2014 Barbara Landsman Time Warner Security 4/4/2014 Nia Lanier Washington Alarm 4/1/2014 Stacy Lanner Reliance Protectron Montreal 2/21/2014 Joshua Larsen Securitas Security Services - SoundTransit 4/29/2014 Anna Lathrop CRC 1/14/2014 Kathy Laursen Watchlight Corporation 3/6/2014 Lautanen AT&T Digital Life, Inc. 3/17/2014 David Lavacot Vivint, Inc. 3/3/2014 Anthony Joshua Lavaki Vivint Inc. 3/31/2014 Lavin Vector EAST 3/6/2014 Lou Melanie Lavoie Northern911 3/21/2014 Lavoie Northern911 4/1/2014 Kristina Law Ackerman Security Systems 1/5/2014 Towanna Jon Lawrence CenterPoint Technologies 4/5/2014 Lebrun Northern911 3/13/2014 Casey Carla Leiva Vivint Inc. 1/19/2014 Leonardo Electronix Systems CSA, Inc. 2/3/2014 Kristin Lepine Northern911 3/9/2014 Julie Marie Lequeux Acadian 1/21/2014 Letourneau Vivint, Inc. 3/3/2014 Johnathan Jason Leveille Reliance Protectron Montreal 3/26/2014 Lewis Diebold 2/11/2014 Tiffany Charles Lin APS Security Ltd/ACME Protective Systems Limited 2/6/2014 Robert Lockett AT&T Digital Life, Inc. 3/28/2014 Wesley Lofton AT&T Digital Life, Inc. 3/29/2014 Brittany Long UAS 3/18/2014 Lopez California Security Alarms, Inc 2/12/2014 Irma Lopez Superior Central Station Inc. 4/19/2014 Juan Analia Lopez Vivint Inc. 1/17/2014 Colleen Love Central Security & Communications 4/17/2014 Vicky Lowe Walgreens 3/19/2014 Basil Lumba Securitas Security Services - SoundTransit 4/28/2014 Michael Luna HEB Grocery 2/27/2014 Maaske Security Corporation 4/9/2014 Paul Tiffany Mack Affiliated Monitoring 2/20/2014 Michelle Madison ATT Digital Life 1/23/2014 Raphael Maille Northern911 3/17/2014 Caitlin Makey Northern911 3/30/2014 Malicad-Bunda California Security Alarms, Inc 2/3/2014 Michelle Malicia Paladin Security Group 3/26/2014 Ivan Adrian Malone Bay Alarm 1/2/2014 Mervin Maraj The Monitoring Center 3/6/2014 Ana Marapao SecurTek - A SaskTel Company 3/28/2014 Andre Marier Northern911 3/30/2014 Davina Marin Total Monitoring Service 3/23/2014 Adam Martens Dynamark Monitoring 2/21/2014 Polina Martin Alarm Specialist Corp 3/20/2014 Qianna Martin AT&T Digital Life, Inc. 3/30/2014 Maggie Martinez Monitronics International 2/28/2014 Nyssa Martinez Superior Central Station Inc. 4/17/2014 Pedro Martinez Superior Central Station Inc. 4/15/2014
First Name
Last Name
Aya Martinoli Security Alarm Corporation 3/19/2014 Gregory Mastroianni Diebold 4/18/2014 Candace Matson Matson Alarm 2/24/2014 shenilla maxwell Ackerman Security Systems 3/16/2014 Jarmesha Mayfield Monitronics International 3/23/2014 Dany Mbonimpa Reliance Protectron Montreal 2/24/2014 Derek McCain Watchlight Corporation 3/4/2014 Tabitha McCloy-Chattard Vivint, Inc. 2/28/2014 Sarah McCormack Damar Security Services/Security Response Center 1/7/2014 Tricia McCormick Watchlight Corporation 3/3/2014 Andrena McCullough comporium 1/2/2014 Saira McDermott Electronix Systems CSA, Inc. 2/10/2014 Brittany Mcdonald CenturyTel Security Systems 3/14/2014 McDonald Security Corporation 4/30/2014 Jessica Regina McGee Time Warner Security 3/25/2014 Dave Mcgrath Fidelity Investments 4/1/2014 Melanie McIntyre Reliance Protectron Montreal 2/20/2014 Sean McManus Fifth Third Bank 1/15/2014 Melanie McNally Watchlight Corporation 3/6/2014 Nicholas McTaggart ATT Digital Life 1/24/2014 Meghan Medford Seacoast Security 3/16/2014 Medrano ATT Digital Life 3/7/2014 Daniel Merari Mejia Monitronics International 4/3/2014 Gladys Mejia Securitas Security Services - SoundTransit 2/27/2014 Mejorado ATT Digital Life 3/7/2014 Carlos Stephanie Melanson Northern911 3/30/2014 Mendiola California Security Alarms, Inc 2/21/2014 Valerie Jordan Mendoza United Central Control 1/16/2014 Blanche Mentesana Watchlight Corporation 2/27/2014 Merced-Taylor Monitronics International 2/28/2014 Meiko Billy Mian The Monitoring Center 3/5/2014 Mikulas Security Alarm Corporation 3/24/2014 Ila Heather Miles Vyanet Security & Technology 5/2/2014 Joie Milioto Metrodial Corporation 4/25/2014 Millard Transalarm 4/8/2014 Laura Keutoria Millender Monitronics International 5/7/2014 Miller Interface Security Systems 3/25/2014 Kareem Austin Miller Per Mar Security Services 5/1/2014 Shelia Mingo Mutual Central Alarm Services, Inc 4/14/2014 Kelsey Minor VRI 1/21/2014 Craig Mitchell WM Security Services, Inc 1/31/2014 Moiwo ATT Digital Life 3/7/2014 Joseph Kiara Molina Interface Security 3/22/2014 Humberto Molina United Central Control 2/24/2014 Monares Grand Central Station 3/18/2014 Craig Diana Montante Cruz Dominion Mexico 1/5/2014 Montez De Oca Acadian 1/31/2014 Oscar Corey Moody Time Warner Security 5/2/2014 Keirra Moore ATT Digital Life 1/30/2014 Kayte Moore Dynamark Monitoring 2/25/2014 Patrick Moore G4S Government Solutions 2/15/2014 Xavier Ulises MorgadoTenario Alarmas Centinela 1/20/2014 Lindsey Morgan Monitronics International 3/7/2014 Morris Monitor America 4/28/2014 Bryan Jerrica Morrison FE Moran 1/15/2014 Ariadne Moss AT&T 3/26/2014 Jenny Munger Transalarm 4/24/2014 Sara Murray InterTECH Security 2/25/2014 Nacchio Metrodial Corporation 4/16/2014 Julia Kaitlyn Nappi Alarm Tech Central Services, Inc. 5/1/2014 Danielle Narayan Reliance Protectron Montreal 2/21/2014 Antonio Navarro Protection One Alarm Monitoring Inc. 5/2/2014 Michele Neale Vyanet Seecurity & Technology 5/7/2014 Julie Nelson Safe Systems 3/14/2014 Nguyen California Security Alarms, Inc 3/13/2014 Paul Maurice Nichols Seacoast Security 3/16/2014 Barb Niedzalkowski Quick Response 3/22/2014 Niesing Northern911 4/2/2014 Julia Mariline Noisette Reliance Protectron Montreal 3/3/2014 (See Level I Online Training Grads, page 34)
Summer 2014
CSAA Dispatch • | 33
Level 1 Online Training Grads, from page 33 First Name
Diana Izamar Jazel Kristine Jennifer Olusola Kevin Kheila Shelby Susanne Magdalena Stephanie Yesenia Ruben Grace Julie Rebecca Joseph Andre Tammy Zana Carole Aidette Keeazharae Holly Lori Adam Cassandra Dari Jared Jeremy Jennifer Krista Jorge Amanda Martha Bud Randall Tamara Denise Michael Sara Sheila Steve Patricia Zachary Jeff Anne Virginia Chris Chenae Alakina David Patricia Melanie Diana Patrick Karen Brooke Tonia Walter Steve Anne Shawn Mayela Adam Annie Edson Raquel
Last Name
Norat UAS 3/6/2014 Nunez Monitronics International 3/4/2014 Nunnelly Ackerman Security Systems 5/4/2014 Obidoza Paladin Security Group 3/31/2014 Odom Global Monitoring Solutions 3/27/2014 Ogunrinu DGA Security 3/11/2014 O’Hare Doyle Security 2/21/2014 Oliveras GM Security Technologies 4/1/2014 Olson Bay Alarm 2/20/2014 Oosting Quinte Kawartha Alarm Systems 2/15/2014 Orczewska Guardian Security Services, Inc. 3/23/2014 Ortega First Alarm 1/29/2014 Ortega Monitronics International 5/4/2014 Osorez Monitronics International 5/1/2014 Otaiza Alarm Specialist Corp 3/27/2014 Owen Guardian Security Systems, Inc. 3/16/2014 Paavola Northern911 3/10/2014 Paez Interface Security Systems 2/25/2014 Paquette Northern911 3/29/2014 Paquette Northern911 4/1/2014 Parham United Central Control 3/26/2014 Parkinson United Central Control 2/24/2014 Parra Monitronics International 3/21/2014 Parson Time Warner Security 5/2/2014 Parsons Armstrong’s Communication, Ltd. 3/6/2014 Pasanen Northern911 3/7/2014 Patterson Monitronics International 1/10/2014 Paul InterTECH Security 1/24/2014 Paul The Monitoring Center 3/24/2014 Pawlaczyk Doyle Security 3/21/2014 Payne HEB Grocery 2/20/2014 Pearce Safeguard Security & Communications 3/27/2014 Pederslie Guardian Security Systems, Inc. 3/1/2014 Perdomo Echeverriaga BROU 2/2/2014 Perez Alarm Specialist Corp 3/23/2014 Perez California Security Alarms, Inc. 4/1/2014 Perkins Seacoast Security 3/15/2014 Perry Interface Security Systems 4/22/2014 Perry Time Warner Security 3/24/2014 Perryman The Safeguard System, Inc. 3/14/2014 Peterson Walgreens 5/6/2014 Peterson Transalarm 4/24/2014 Pettigrew Per Mar Security Services 2/11/2014 Piard Reliance Protectron Montreal 1/26/2014 Piccione Metrodial Corporation 4/18/2014 Pierce Vivint Inc. 1/19/2014 Pifer Guardian Security Services, Inc. 2/21/2014 Pilon Northern911 3/9/2014 Pilon Northern911 3/12/2014 Pimentel California Security Alarms, Inc. 4/8/2014 Pitts AT&T 3/26/2014 Poamo Guardian Security Services, Inc. 4/6/2014 Poirier HEB Grocery 2/12/2014 Pontiflet California Security Alarms, Inc. 4/8/2014 Portelance Northern911 3/19/2014 Poulsen First Alarm 4/30/2014 Powell Dynamark Monitoring 3/1/2014 Prakash Grand Central Station 3/22/2014 Prell Engineered Protection Systems, Inc. 3/20/2014 Prewitt Scarsdale Security Systems, Inc. 3/26/2014 Pyper Midstate Security Company, LLC 1/28/2014 Rai Paladin Security Group 3/17/2014 Rainville Northern911 3/8/2014 Rakes G4S 1/20/2014 Ramirez Monitronics International 5/6/2014 Ramirez RFI 3/9/2014 Ramirez Vector East 4/8/2014 Ramos Sony 2/27/2014 Ransdell Moon Security Services Inc 2/28/2014
First Name
Last Name
Saundra Mayet Paula Stephen Marion Robert Raven Christa Linda Petra Benjamin Matthew Lou Anne Marc La\’Anna Lisa Amanda Surra Suzanne Bernie Amy Shekera Tanya Fabian Antoinette Benjamin Victor Dante Sierra Amanda Evan Ashley Christopher Samantha David Crystal Melody Joseph Luis Melody Sara Kerry Kylie Stephanie David Susan John Christine Matt Lorenzo Christopher Steve Tyler Ciara Stephen Danielle Gladys Preeti Cathy Cindy Travis Kerry Johnny Kendrick Boyd Donna Doug Jessica Leslie
Ready Securitas Security Services - SoundTransit 4/12/2014 Redmon Time Warner Security 5/2/2014 Reed Diebold 2/3/2014 Reed Guardian Security Services, Inc. 4/1/2014 Reese HEB Grocery 2/21/2014 Regler COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 4/14/2014 Reliford Time Warner Security 3/6/2014 Remer Vector West 2/27/2014 Reneau Time Warner Security 5/2/2014 Renfroe Monitoring America Alarm Co-Op 3/21/2014 Resendiz HEB Grocery 2/18/2014 Reynolds Northern911 3/23/2014 Ricard Northern911 4/8/2014 Ricciardelli Monitor America 1/9/2014 Richardson Time Warner Security 5/2/2014 Richer Northern911 3/9/2014 Rickey VRI 3/19/2014 Rigers First Alarm 4/22/2014 Rike Guardian Security Services, Inc. 3/16/2014 Roberts Seacoast Security 3/19/2014 Robinait Northern911 4/1/2014 Robinson Affiliated Monitoring 4/19/2014 Robinson Seacoast Security 3/23/2014 Rodrigues Monitronics International 1/10/2014 Rodrigues California Security Alarms, Inc. 3/13/2014 Rodriguez GM Security Technologies 3/12/2014 Rodriguez Superior Central Station Inc. 4/18/2014 Rodriguez Vivint Inc. 1/23/2014 Rogers FE Moran 1/30/2014 Rogers Global Monitoring Solutions 3/28/2014 Rogers Monitoring America Alarm Co-Op 3/21/2014 Rojas United Central Control 2/4/2014 Rollini Alarm Specialist Corp 3/27/2014 Roman Total Monitoring Service 3/17/2014 Romero Thrive Intelligence 2/26/2014 Romero United Central Control 4/15/2014 Rosado Ackerman Security Systems 1/5/2014 Rosario Securitas Security Services - SoundTransit 1/24/2014 Rosas RFI 4/6/2014 Rose Seacoast Security 3/26/2014 Ross Quick Response 3/14/2014 Ross Interface 1/10/2014 Rountree Federal Response Center 3/27/2014 Rowland Security Corporation 4/20/2014 Ruhinda Reliance Protectron Montreal 2/20/2014 Russo Acadian 1/23/2014 Ruth Time Warner Security 3/24/2014 Rutherford Monitor America 5/7/2014 Rutherford Walgreens 2/14/2014 Saavedra Interface 4/24/2014 Sacks Alarm Specialist Corp 4/18/2014 Salazar Superior Central Station Inc. 4/16/2014 Salzwedel Midstate Security Company, LLC 2/4/2014 Sanchez Safeguard Security & Communications 4/4/2014 Sandoval United Central Control 4/16/2014 Satrom Monitronics International 5/5/2014 Saucedo United Central Control 4/15/2014 Sawkar Vector EAST 4/8/2014 Schroeder Northern911 4/2/2014 Schroeder Northern911 4/11/2014 Schubert Wal-Mart Alarm Central 4/6/2014 Schumeyer Metrodial Corporation 4/25/2014 Scott Fifth Third Bank 3/28/2014 Scurlark Thrive Intelligence 3/26/2014 Scypion AT&T 3/26/2014 Seamon Time Warner Security 4/4/2014 Sears Safeguard Security & Communications 3/23/2014 Sefah AT&T 3/26/2014 Segui Alarm Specialist Corp 3/21/2014
(See Level I Online Training Grads, page 35) 34 | CSAA Dispatch •
Summer 2014
Level 1 Online Training Grads, from page 34 First Name
Last Name
Christopher Segui Alarm Specialist Corp 3/20/2014 Barry Seigel Interface Security Systems 4/22/2014 Manon Senechal Reliance Protectron Montreal 4/23/2014 Ojeda Sergio Interface 3/30/2014 Kathryn Sexton VRI 2/18/2014 Salman Shabbir Individual 3/14/2014 Daniel Shaw Nexgeneration Central 1/9/2014 Mercedes Sheffield Securitas Security Services - SoundTransit 4/12/2014 Shelby Sonitrol 3/11/2014 Angela Janessa Shields Global Monitoring Solutions 3/31/2014 Katherine Shorey Quinte Kawartha Alarm Systems 2/18/2014 Terry Shoup Midstate Security Company, LLC 1/29/2014 John Sifuentes ATT Digital Life 1/28/2014 Cedrick Simard-Bordeleau Reliance Protectron Montreal 4/7/2014 Simmons Interface Security Systems 1/14/2014 Shanail Janice Simpson Fifth Third Bank 1/28/2014 Amanda Sinnett CenterPoint Technologies 4/3/2014 Jordan Sinwelski Walgreens 3/20/2014 Joanne Sivret Northern911 4/1/2014 Crystal Slaght Paladin Security Group 3/18/2014 Kelsi Slavik Safe Systems 2/26/2014 Devin Smith AT&T Digital Life, Inc. 3/19/2014 Eric Smith COPS Monitoring Tennessee 4/18/2014 smith DGA Security 3/18/2014 kimeco Matthew Smith FE Moran 4/15/2014 Smith RFI 4/2/2014 William Sharon Smith Security Corporation 4/14/2014 Philyyaka Smith Thrive Intelligence 1/26/2014 Smith United Central Control 2/4/2014 Caitlin William Smith US Security Associates/ Andrews International 2/23/2014 Domonique Smith US Security Associates/ Andrews International 2/21/2014 Tangelia Smith WM Security Services, Inc 4/28/2014 Stephen Snarski Walgreens 3/20/2014 Snow Whidbey Telecom 1/8/2014 Lourdes Hugo Solis WM Security Services, Inc. 4/27/2014 Joshua Sonnier Acadian 3/20/2014 Cody Sorensen Mountain Alarm 3/18/2014 Andrea Sorrell VRI 3/19/2014 Spady Armstrong’s National Alarm Monitoring 2/10/2014 Lisa Erica Specht Northern911 3/8/2014 Spencer Ahold USA 3/3/2014 Penny Caroline Spencer Northern911 3/9/2014 Spencer Vivint Inc. 3/17/2014 Steven Sperano The Protection Bureau 1/8/2014 Nicholas Enzo-Adamo Sprio Reliance Protectron Montreal 4/22/2014 Angele St. Denis Northern911 3/30/2014 Sylvia St. George Northern911 3/30/2014 Stafford Superior Central Station, Inc. 4/17/2014 Thomas Stallsworth Safe Systems 4/28/2014 Lachelle Kim Stambaugh Seacoast Security 4/22/2014 Staup Dynamark Monitoring 3/2/2014 Brett Steadman Vector West 2/27/2014 Alexandra Jason Stephenson Time Warner Security 3/24/2014 Meghann Stevens Global Monitoring Solutions 3/31/2014 Dinorsha Stevenson comporium 1/7/2014 Robert Stiff Grand Central Station 3/4/2014 Gregory Strabel ATT Digital Life 2/2/2014 Evelyn Suazo Time Warner Security 5/2/2014 Taralynn Subbiondo CMS Monitoring 3/10/2014 Kalita Sutton Vivint, Inc. 3/3/2014 Swanson UAS 1/24/2014 Kristin Tara Sykes-Holmes California Security Alarms, Inc. 1/2/2014 Sebastien Sykucki Reliance Protectron Montreal 3/21/2014 Vincent Szutu City Of Toronto 4/17/2014 Felix Tallibas Superior Central Station Inc. 4/17/2014 Ariel Taylor ATT Digital Life 3/3/2014 Brooke Taylor VRI 3/19/2014 Eduardo Tellez Superior Central Station Inc. 4/16/2014 Sixta Teniente California Security Alarms, Inc. 2/12/2014
First Name
Last Name
Alain Theresa LaToya Melanie Daniel Sandra Barbara Heiler Marissa Phillip Karen Sharil Levi Bobbi Jo Rick Annick Maleah Vicky Dejah Yves Alexis Alisha Sonja Virginia Shaun Larry Gaby Melvin Aida Leslie Michael Angela Eric Kris Donna TaRaya Spring Darren Tylan Stephanie Kathy Michael Shannon Brittany Rick Judy Maureen Sandra Jamie Danielle Terry Anita Charnika DIONNE Robert Cassy Amanda Christina Carlandra Barry Sonja Celine Thomastrius Christine Carley Heidi Nick Naishea Patrice
Theriault Northern911 3/10/2014 Tiller Monitronics International 3/1/2014 Tillman Bay Alarm 2/27/2014 Toby Northern911 3/23/2014 Tolliver Grand Central Station 3/14/2014 Tomanelli Metrodial Corporation 4/12/2014 Tomsett Vyanet Seecurity & Technology 5/6/2014 Torres Alarm Specialist Corp 4/6/2014 Torres Guardian Security Services, Inc. 4/26/2014 Tovar United Central Control 1/16/2014 Towers Seacoast Security 3/16/2014 Tracy Time Warner Security 5/2/2014 Tressel Guardian Security Services, Inc. 3/21/2014 Trinka Vivint, Inc. 3/3/2014 Trivette Loss Prevention Services, Inc. 3/18/2014 Trotter Northern911 4/3/2014 Truelove AT&T Digital Life, Inc. 3/19/2014 Truong Alarm Specialist Corp 3/21/2014 Tupua CPI Security Systems, Inc. 3/22/2014 Turcotte Reliance Protectron Montreal 2/19/2014 Tutson ATT Digital Life 1/30/2014 Twort Alliance Alarms 3/4/2014 Upton California Security Alarms, Inc. 1/31/2014 Valencia Bay Alarm 1/16/2014 Valentine UAS 2/25/2014 VanDyke Security Equipment Inc 3/8/2014 Varela Alarm Specialist Corp 3/28/2014 Velez GM Security Technologies 3/20/2014 Velez GMST 3/19/2014 Vesel Sievers Security 3/19/2014 Vignery Sony 2/20/2014 Viianen Northern911 3/17/2014 Vincent Time Warner Security 2/14/2014 Visser Transalarm 4/8/2014 Walczak Vector West 4/24/2014 Walker First Alarm 1/19/2014 Wallace HEB Grocery 2/24/2014 Ward The Monitoring Center 2/28/2014 Ward Transalarm 4/8/2014 Ward Vector Philly District 3/12/2014 Warhol Transalarm 4/10/2014 Washabaugh RFI 3/9/2014 Watkins InterTECH Security 2/5/2014 Watts VRI 3/18/2014 Weibel Interface Security Systems 3/25/2014 Weitzel UAS 2/27/2014 Welde UAS 3/12/2014 Welsh Watchlight Corporation 3/3/2014 Wendhausen Per Mar Security Services 4/24/2014 Wesemann SecurTek 3/27/2014 Westbrook Interface Security Systems 2/25/2014 White AT&T 3/26/2014 White Monitronics International 3/24/2014 WHITE Quick Response 3/24/2014 White Safeguard Security & Communications 3/24/2014 Whitehead Watchlight Corporation 2/26/2014 Wiegand Northern911 4/2/2014 Wilding Maximum Security Systems 2/24/2014 Williams Ackerman Security Systems 1/4/2014 Williams ATT Digital Life 3/3/2014 Williams Metrodial Corporation 4/12/2014 Williams Monitronics International 2/21/2014 Williams AT&T 3/26/2014 Williams Vector East 3/6/2014 Wills Diebold 2/3/2014 Wilson Fifth Third Bank 2/11/2014 Wimberly Interface Security Systems 3/25/2014 Wires Time Warner Security 3/4/2014 Woodard Ackerman Security Systems 3/23/2014
(See Level I Online Training Grads, page37) Summer 2014
CSAA Dispatch • | 35
Central Station Operator Level 2 Training Graduates (January 2014 – May 2014)
The Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) is pleased to present its list of graduates from the Central Station Operator Level 2 Online Training. These operators have fulfilled all of the requirements to pass Level 2. First Name
Last Name
Louis Candyda Renee Samantha Amber Kayla Michelle Andrew Alfredo Charles Christopher Tiffany Sue Lauren Chris Dale Kevin Greg Doris Veronica Victoria Wendy Shaun Nicole Sabrina Marie Kelly Alanna Cody Jessica Jason Mike Stephen Jessica Ashley Rebecca Steven Kevin Jeremy Melanie Wesley Tim Laura Corinne Norrus Yolanda Miles Andrew Love Caitrice David Yalanda Alonna Matt Megan Sarah Gerald Robert Michael David Rose Dominic Brenda Amber
Acevedo Walgreens Alonso Per Mar Security Services Antonio Monitor America Apostle COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Armstrong Quick Response Aviles Sony Baier Kennedy Quick Response Baird Walgreens Barrezueta Monitor America Bassett COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Bell COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Benchoff Dynamark Monitoring Bernache Sony Blum Walgreens Bodiford United Monitoring Bonifas Alarm Detection Systems, Inc. Booth COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Bowman Walgreens Boyd COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Branham COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Branham COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Brown Security Alarm Corporation Brown UAS Burgess COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Calderon Grand Central Station Caldwell Grand Central Station Campbell Vector EAST Cardellia COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Carlton Security and Communications Cabling Co. Carr Doyle Security Choi Sony Ciprian Quick Response Clausen COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Claywell C.O.P.S. Monitoring - Texas Location Cliver COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Cloud-Heinle Matson Alarm Cody COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Coleman COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Connal C.O.P.S. Monitoring - Texas Location Conrad ATT Digital Life Cooley Guardian Protection Services Coote Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation Copeland COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Copeland UAS Cruz Mutual Central Alarm Services, Inc. Cruz Sony CRUZ Mutual Central Alarm Services, Inc. Cunningham COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Dameron Sentry Watch, Inc. Danuser Checkview Corporation Davidson Quick Response Davis Grand Central Station Davis Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation DeLaurentis COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Deluca COPS Monitoring - New Jersey DiBenedetto Mutual Central Alarm Services, Inc. DiBurro G4S Monitoring & Data Services, Inc. Donahue Time Warner Security Donovan Time Warner Security Dorse Alarm Specialist Corp Eason C.O.P.S. Monitoring - Texas Location Eichfeld COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Eller COPS Monitoring - New Jersey
First Name
Last Name
4/2/2014 2/28/2014 3/29/2014 2/8/2014 3/19/2014 5/11/2014 3/22/2014 4/1/2014 4/21/2014 1/31/2014 2/2/2014 2/27/2014 5/11/2014 2/18/2014 3/16/2014 1/28/2014 2/7/2014 3/24/2014 2/2/2014 1/30/2014 2/1/2014 3/29/2014 3/20/2014 2/1/2014 4/11/2014 3/11/2014 2/14/2014 2/4/2014 3/31/2014 2/26/2014 5/9/2014 3/20/2014 2/5/2014 2/20/2014 1/26/2014 1/28/2014 2/2/2014 1/31/2014 2/25/2014 4/18/2014 5/8/2014 2/7/2014 2/3/2014 5/9/2014 4/14/2014 5/11/2014 5/2/2014 2/3/2014 3/14/2014 2/20/2014 3/23/2014 3/25/2014 3/26/2014 2/1/2014 2/2/2014 4/26/2014 4/13/2014 4/20/2014 4/3/2014 3/21/2014 4/28/2014 2/8/2014 2/9/2014
Chris Lauren Charles Nicole Michelle Joey Jeremiah Jasmine Brianna Nikki Rick Matthew Heather Zois Cherene Brock Brian Jamie Joshua Peter Eddie Nicole Aaron Carnel Randy Deana Dawn Deveney Brek Diana Theresa Tiffany La Taneka Ciara Joey Monica Natalie Shona Corrin Audrey Jeff Frank LaKeshelia Matt Brandon Jacquelyn Rich Donald Kamil Joanna Veronica Darrin Do Hyun Joanna Steven Anatoli Jake Rebecca Brenda Arielle Jamie Tom Daisy
Falzone American Alarm & Communications, Inc. 2/22/2014 Farmer Matson Alarm 1/23/2014 Farnsworth COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/3/2014 Farnsworth COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 1/29/2014 Fera COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/2/2014 Flake C.O.P.S. Monitoring - Texas Location 5/9/2014 Fleming COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/4/2014 Flournoy COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/4/2014 Flournoy COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/1/2014 Fortune Vector Philly District 3/18/2014 Fox Security Alarm Corporation 4/8/2014 Frederick Per Mar Security Services 5/3/2014 Freshour Walgreens 4/1/2014 Gasis COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 1/26/2014 Gaudette COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 1/31/2014 Glann Wegmans Asset Protection 4/26/2014 Goganzer COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 1/30/2014 Goggin G4S Monitoring & Data Services, Inc. 4/13/2014 Goldberg Walgreens 4/3/2014 Goldring Monitor America 4/21/2014 Gomez Sony 5/6/2014 Gonzales COPS Monitoring SCOTTSDALE 3/16/2014 Gooden COPS Monitoring SCOTTSDALE 4/10/2014 Gourdine Monitor America 3/14/2014 Gowen SecurTek 3/31/2014 Graf COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/4/2014 Grams Checkview Corporation 5/14/2014 Green COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton Location 4/28/2014 Grover Avantguard Monitoring Centers 1/24/2014 Hale COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/4/2014 Hayduke Time Warner Security 4/2/2014 Hayes Monitor America 5/6/2014 Henderson Sony 5/10/2014 Henderson COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/7/2014 Hennigan Grand Central Station 3/26/2014 Heredia RFI 2/14/2014 Hiester COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/2/2014 Holmes COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton Location 4/23/2014 Hulse-Houze COPS Monitoring TENNESSEE 4/23/2014 Hushea Quick Response 3/19/2014 Ibbotson COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/2/2014 Imparato Walgreens 3/20/2014 Jacobs Bay Alarm 3/20/2014 Johnsen American Alarm & Communications, Inc. 2/1/2014 Johnson Quick Response 3/19/2014 Johnson Time Warner Security 4/3/2014 Jones COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/7/2014 Jones Security Industry Specialist 2/11/2014 Karczewski Walgreens 4/3/2014 Kauffman COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 1/30/2014 Kelly COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/9/2014 Kern COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/2/2014 Kim Alarm Specialist Corp 3/19/2014 Kimach CenterPoint Technologies 4/26/2014 Klocek Time Warner Security 1/23/2014 Korchmariouk Walgreens 3/30/2014 Kramer Quick Response 3/13/2014 Krouse Per Mar Security Services 3/26/2014 Krzemien Vector Security 3/14/2014 Langley COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/1/2014 Larkey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/3/2014 Lavin COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/8/2014 Lawrence Quick Response 3/24/2014
(See Level I Online Training Grads, page 37) 36 | CSAA Dispatch •
Summer 2014
Level 2 Online Training Grads, from page 36 First Name
Last Name
Alanna Kristin Christopher Kyle Jennifer Patricia Michael Carol Emily Aya Candace Craig Michelle dawn Steven Geoff Benjamin Matthew Ila Geri Traci Zach Shelia Rhonda Ben Ben Nicole Craig Savannah Brooke Bobby Amanda Ebony Bryan Siheam Kirby Dennis Anthony Antonio MATT Chantel Traci Kevin Jordan Lisa Jared Sheila Kenneth Bridget Nicole Karen Natasha Ashley Annie Edson Angela Shelby
Lawson COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Leonardo Electronix Systems CSA, Inc. Lignelli Doyle Security Littrel Security Equipment Inc Loder COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Logue Vector Philly District Maahs COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Maier Vector Philly District Marich COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Martinoli Security Alarm Corporation Matson Matson Alarm McAllister Security Alarm Monitoring McCann COPS Monitoring - New Jersey mcdonald ComSouth McFadden Mutual Central Alarm Services, Inc. McIntosh COPS Monitoring - New Jersey McManus Mutual Central Alarm Services, Inc. Metzger Wegmans Asset Protection Mikulas Security Alarm Corporation Miller Security Equipment Inc Milligan COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Milne Paladin Security Group Mingo Mutual Central Alarm Services, Inc. Minor Quick Response Molloy Pro-Vigil, Inc. Molloy Pro-Vigil, Inc. Molyneaux SecurTek - A SaskTel Company Monares Grand Central Station Montgomery Alarm Specialist Corp Moore COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Morgan COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Morrell COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Morris COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Morris Monitor America Morris COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Mullenburg CRC Murray Mutual Central Alarm Services, Inc. Natale Veterans Electric LLC Navarro Protection One Alarm Monitoring Inc. NIEVES Quick Response Northrup COPS Monitoring - New Jersey O’Donnell COPS Monitoring - New Jersey O’Hare Doyle Security Pace COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Paone Vector Philly District Pawlaczyk Doyle Security Pettigrew Per Mar Security Services Phifer WM Security Services, Inc Pipitone COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Ponder COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Prakash Grand Central Station Pringle Safe Systems Pritchett C.O.P.S. Monitoring - Texas Location Ramirez Vector EAST Ramos Sony Ramos COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Ramsey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey
First Name
Last Name
3/31/2014 5/2/2014 2/25/2014 3/15/2014 2/1/2014 3/25/2014 2/11/2014 3/19/2014 1/26/2014 4/6/2014 2/24/2014 4/8/2014 2/6/2014 2/27/2014 4/18/2014 1/31/2014 4/20/2014 4/13/2014 4/24/2014 4/2/2014 2/1/2014 3/11/2014 4/27/2014 3/23/2014 3/4/2014 1/27/2014 3/10/2014 3/21/2014 3/21/2014 2/3/2014 1/29/2014 1/29/2014 2/2/2014 4/28/2014 2/11/2014 2/13/2014 4/20/2014 3/31/2014 5/13/2014 3/20/2014 2/1/2014 1/30/2014 4/11/2014 4/10/2014 4/23/2014 3/24/2014 3/14/2014 3/6/2014 1/31/2014 2/2/2014 4/9/2014 4/24/2014 2/20/2014 4/10/2014 5/6/2014 2/5/2014 1/29/2014
Ramsey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 4/3/2014 Rachael Amber Ramsey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/2/2014 Tuji Randrianasolo Quick Response 3/18/2014 Jessica Recio Per Mar Security Services 2/1/2014 Jennifer Regan COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 4/2/2014 Derrick Respress Quick Response 3/22/2014 Spencer Rhine Time Warner Security 5/7/2014 Teri Roach Security Equipment Inc 3/21/2014 Stephanie Roberts Wal-Mart Alarm Central 4/7/2014 Jerry Rodriguez Sentinelle Alarm 2/11/2014 George Rosenbaum State Farm Central Monitoring 1/30/2014 Sara Ross Quick Response 3/16/2014 Steve Rowe Wayne Alarm Systems, Inc. 2/25/2014 Matt Rutherford Walgreens 3/23/2014 Christine Rutherford Monitor America 5/8/2014 Nicole Rutter COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/7/2014 Efrain Saenz Red Hawk Fire & Security Monitoring 5/12/2014 Sanchez COPS Monitoring SCOTTSDALE 4/23/2014 Lynnea Preeti Sawkar Vector EAST 4/8/2014 Schrecengost Guardian Protection Services 4/15/2014 Jacob Vikki Scott Midstate Security Company, LLC 2/1/2014 Jacob Shannon Checkview Corporation 3/3/2014 Renee Shepherd COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/8/2014 Sheppard COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 1/29/2014 Shelley Doug Smith COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/5/2014 Domonique Smith US Security Associates/ Andrews International 3/1/2014 William Smith US Security Associates/ Andrews International 3/3/2014 Gabriella Sohn COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/12/2014 Veronica Solis ASG Security 3/15/2014 Cody Sorensen Mountain Alarm 3/24/2014 Elenie Sotonn Checkview Coporation 2/24/2014 Spessard Dynamark Monitoring 3/2/2014 Jason Natalie Stanley COPS Monitoring SCOTTSDALE 3/13/2014 Dorothy Stein COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/2/2014 Stevens Time Warner Security 2/8/2014 Anthony Michele Stevenson COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 1/29/2014 Robert Stiff Grand Central Station 3/15/2014 Stunek Checkview Corporation 2/6/2014 Chris Anthony Tabbita COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 1/31/2014 Tallman COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 1/30/2014 Catherine Adam Thao RFI 2/14/2014 Mardee Tjepkes WH International 5/14/2014 Tolliver Grand Central Station 3/21/2014 Daniel Caleb Trahan Bay Alarm 3/20/2014 Trout COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 1/31/2014 Levi Cindy Vankoughnett Falcon Security 1/25/2014 Michael Vignery Sony 5/5/2014 Eric Vincent Time Warner Security 4/1/2014 Megan Wagner COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 1/30/2014 Reilly Wegmann American Burglary & Fire, Inc. 3/24/2014 Dionne White Quick Response 3/24/2014 Christine Williams Vector EAST 3/11/2014 Virginia Woolsey Quick Response 3/24/2014 Lacey Wright Wal-Mart Alarm Central 3/18/2014 Darcy Wytaske CRC 1/23/2014 Ryan Zellars COPS Monitoring - New Jersey 2/8/2014 Rachel Zinner Monitor America 4/23/2014
Level 1 Online Training Grads, from page 35 First Name
Last Name
Dannette Shaughn David Brittney Virginia Tamara Kia Joseph
Woodard Siemens Industry, Inc. Woodruff Alarm Center Inc. com Woods AT&T Woods Monitronics International Woolsey Quick Response Wunsh Northern911 Xiong Monitoring America Alarm Co-Op Yancy Interface
Summer 2014
First Name
Last Name
5/7/2014 2/10/2014 3/26/2014 3/23/2014 3/23/2014 3/18/2014 3/18/2014 1/30/2014
Tomaneca Francisco Andrew Tristan Rachel Robert Brandon Nancy
Young AT&T 3/26/2014 Zapata Monitronics International 5/6/2014 Zimmerman HEB Grocery 2/5/2014 Zinck Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation 3/5/2014 Zinner Monitor America 4/21/2014 Zoeller Safeguard Security & Communications 3/26/2014 Zorn Monitronics International 3/21/2014 Zuniga United Central Control 2/4/2014
CSAA Dispatch • | 37
CSAA Five Diamond Central Stations
Following are the CSAA central stations that have received or renewed their CSAA Five Diamond certifications since the publication of the Spring 2014 issue of Dispatch. CSAA applauds their commitment to the highest training standards in the central station monitoring industry. Questions about the CSAA Five Diamond program? Contact Monique Brent at or 703-242-4670 x 12. Acadian Command Central (since 05/2009) Baton Rouge, LA Acadian Monitoring Services (since 12/2010) Elk Grove Village, IL Acadian on Watch (since 01/2005) Lafayette, LA Ackerman Security Systems (since 09/2008) Atlanta, GA ADS Security (since 09/2003) Nashville, TN AFA Protective Systems, Inc. (since 01/ 2014) Syosset, NY Affiliated Monitoring, LLC (since 09/2005) Union, NJ Ahold USA Control Center (since 02/2012) Jessup, MD Alarm Central LLC (since 03/2006) Kansas City, MO Alarm Detection Systems, Inc. (since 08/2003) Aurora, IL Alarm Monitoring Services, Inc. (since 06/2008) Monroe, LA
“Five Diamond embodies everything our company stands for. It’s excellence for our customers, excellence for our employees; it really tells the dealer in a very crowded marketplace that we’re one of the best of the best.” – Trey Alter, Dynamark Alarmco - Boise (since 07/2008) Boise, ID Alarmco - Las Vegas (since 06/2006) Las Vegas, NV Alarme Sentinelle/Sentinel Alarm (since 12/2010) Montreal, QC, Canada AlarmWatch (since 08/2010) Atwater, CA Alert Alarm of Hawaii (since 09/2004) Honolulu, HI All American Monitoring (since 01/2011) Sarasota, FL Allstate Security Industries, Inc. (since 09/2006) Amarillo, TX
American Alarm and Communications, Inc. (since 04/2004) Arlington, MA American Burglary & Fire, Inc. (since 11/2005) Fenton, MO Amherst Alarm Inc. (since 03/2004) Amherst, NY APS Security Ltd. (since 09/2005) Vancouver, BC, Canada ASG dba Argus Security (since 07/2009) McAllen, TX ASG dba San Angelo Security Service (since 03/2009) San Angelo, TX AT&T Digital Life (since 04/2013) Norcross, GA (See Five Diamond, page 39)
38 | CSAA Dispatch •
Summer 2014
CSAA New Members
CSAA is proud to welcome the following new members. North American Members KELCOM /Security, One Leamintong, Canada KELCOM has been providing businesses and consumers with high quality communication solutions, asset tracking, security, and document solutions since 1969. With the customer always in mind, they strive to offer the most cutting edge products and services, and are quickly becoming the name of choice for businesses and consumers across Southwestern Ontario. Their business and consumer solutions range from an answering service, barcode scanners, business voice and data solutions, cellular telephones, high speed internet, mobile computing devices, multifunctional document products, pagers, security alarm systems, TEAM smartphones, two-way radios and VoIP digital phone services. Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc., Encino, CA Life Alert® is a Personal Emergency Response and Home Medical Alert System company that saves lives from catastrophic outcomes, using a unique technology to provide superior home audio monitoring protection. Founded in 1987, Life Alert® provides its service to members nationwide. The company employs over 600 people, and is the creator of the famous line “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” Life Alert® handles over two million calls a year, and on average saves at least one life from a catastrophic outcome every 10 minutes (over 52,900 in 2013). For safety, security and emergency protection, the UL listed, the company provides coverage for fire, ems, CO Gas and home invasion. www.
held appointments as Director Civil Aviation, Permanent Secretary of Transport and Assistant Cabinet Secretary of Bermuda. BSG provides locksmithing, fire suppression, burglary, guard services and more, and wants to follow U.S. standards.
Associate Member ASAPer, LLC, Evanston, IL A software provider, ASAPer is an interactive messaging hub for home and corporate security systems. When an alarm occurs, ASAPer provides a chat room for call list members to resolve the issue. The services allow the user to chat via web, SMS or email, reach members who haven’t responded, and see real-time updates from the alarm monitoring center.
Consultant Member P.J. Raymond, Inc., Toms River, NJ An international consultant providing monitoring and security services with multilingual capabilities, Peter Raymond has been in the security business for many years and specializes in Latin American countries. He works also with ASIS, SIA, and other International Organizations. To learn how your company can benefit from CSAA membership and take full advantage of our resources and opportunities, contact Becky Lane, CSAA Vice President of Membership, at membership@csaaintlorg or 703-242-4670 x18.
International Member Bermuda Security Group Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda Bermuda Security Group (BSG) was founded in 1969 and was joined by Bermuda Central Station in 1980. Herman Tucker acquired the Company in 2002, bringing over 20 years’ experience in the Public Sector including 9 years at the executive level of the Bermuda Civil Service. He also
CORRECTION: In the Spring 2014 issue of Dispatch, we misspelled the name of one of our new members and misidentified their location. We regret the error, and extend a special welcome to Northern 911 of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
Five Diamond, from page 38
AT&T Digital Life (since 04/2013) Farmers Branch, TX
Atlantic Coast Alarm (12/2009) Mays Landing, NJ
Barcom, Inc. (since 11/2007) Swansea, IL
AT&T Digital Life (since 03/2014) Dallas, TX
Atlas Security Services (since 03/2005) Springfield, MO
Bay Alarm Company (since 01/2006) Pacheco, CA
AT&T Digital Life (since 03/2014) Atlanta, GA
Summer 2014
AvantGuard Monitoring Centers (since 01/2007) Ogden, UT
Buckeye Protective Service, Inc. (since 10/2012) Canton, OH (See Five Diamond, page 40) CSAA Dispatch • | 39
Five Diamond, from page 39
Capital One Bank (since 11/2013) Laurel, MD
Comporium Security (since 04/2012) Rock Hill, SC
Centerpoint Technologies (since 06/2006) St. Louis, MO
Comtronics (since 08/2010) Jackson, MI
Centra-Larm Monitoring (since 06/2009) Manchester, NH Central Security and Communications (since 08/2013) Indianapolis, IN CenturyLink Security (since 02/2005) Monroe, LA Checkpoint Systems (02/2010) Chanhassen, MN CPI Security Systems (since 08/2009) Charlotte, NC
Cooperative Response Center (since 03/2011) Austin, MN COPS Monitoring (since 04/2014) Boca Raton, FL COPS Monitoring (since 04/2014) Williamstown, NJ COPS Monitoring (since 12/2012) Nashville, TN Custom Alarm/Custom Communications (since 06/2011) Rochester, MN
DGA Security Systems (since 02/2005) New York, NY Diebold, Inc. (since 12/2003) Honolulu, HI Diebold, Inc. (since 11/2003) Uniontown, OH DMC Security Services, Inc. (since 09/2005) Midlothian, IL Doyle Security Systems, Inc. (since 02/2004) Rochester, NY Dynamark Monitoring, Inc. (since 02/2012) Hagerstown, MD ECAM Secure (since 06/2010) Gardena, CA (See Five Diamond, page 41)
Summer 2014 Advertising Index
CSAA International thanks the following advertisers for their generous support. ADVERTISER
Altronix...............................Page 17
DMP.............................Pages 12-13
Micro Key Solutions...........Page 23
Axis Communications........Page 21
DSC/Sur-Gard.....................Page 44
MAS.......................................Page 7
Bold Technologies...............Page 5
Honeywell............................Page 2
The Mechanic Group...........Page 9
DICE Corporation.................Page 3
Interlogix............................Page 43
For more information about advertising opportunities, contact the CSAA Marketing and Communications Department at communications@ or 703-242-4670, ext. 16.
The Dispatch is published quarterly by the Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) International. Send address changes to: CSAA, 8150 Leesburg Pike, Suite 700, Vienna, VA 22182; or to Subscription policy: Individual subscriptions are available without charge to CSAA members. Back issues of the Dispatch are obtainable for $10, if available. CSAA International does not provide legal advice, business advice or any other kind of advice that should be relied upon in making business decisions, and does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person or company for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in the material contained herein, regardless of whether such errors result from negligence, accident or any other cause whatsoever. Printed in the USA.
40 | CSAA Dispatch •
Summer 2014
Five Diamond, from page 40
Engineered Protection Systems (since 06/2004) Grand Rapids, MI
Interface Security Systems (since 08/2004) Earth City, MO
Monitronics International (since 02/2005) Dallas, TX
Falcon Security/ Quinte Kawartha Alarm Systems (since 03/2014) Belleville, ON, Canada
Interface Security Systems, Inc. (since 11/2012) Plano, TX
Moon Security Services (since 01/2012) Pasco, WA
Federal Response Center (since 01/2006) Springfield, MO
InterTECH Security,LLC (since 02/2008) Warrendale, PA
Mutual Central Station Alarm Services (since 05/2009) New York, NY
Fifth Third Bank (since 10/2004) Cincinnati, OH
iWatch Communications, Inc. (since 01/2008) Beaverton, OR
Nationwide Central Station Monitoring Corp. (since 04/2007) Freeport, NY
Johnson Controls, Inc. (since 10/2011) Milwaukee, WI
Northern 911 (since 03/2014) Sudbury, ON
Fire Monitoring of Canada (since 05/2009) St. Catharines, ON, Canada First Alarm (since 12/2007) Aptos, CA Fleenor Security Systems (since 07/2006) Knoxville, TN Gillmore Security Systems (since 01/2009) Cleveland, OH Grand Central Station (since 11/2008) Hayward, CA Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (since 09/2006) Warrendale, PA H.E.B. Grocery (since 03/2014) San Antonio, TX Huronia Alarm & Fire Security (since 06/2013) Midland, ON, Canada Ingeneria de Monitoreo y Sistemas Intelligentes S.A. de C.V. (since 08/2013) San Pedro Garza Garcia, N. L., Mexico Summer 2014
LDS Church Security (since 05/2012) Salt Lake City, UT
Paladin Security Group, Ltd. (since 04/2008) British Columbia, Canada
Loss Prevention Services (since 03/2011) Clemmons, NC
Panhandle Alarm & Telephone Co. (since 10/2008) Pensacola, FL
Lowitt Alarms – Metrodial (since 11/2004) Hicksville, NY
Peak Alarm (since 02/2006) Salt Lake City , UT
Matson Alarm (since 06/2008) Fresno, CA
Per Mar Security Services (since 06/2005) Davenport, IA
Merchants Burglar Alarm Systems (since 11/2007) Wallington, NJ
The Protection Bureau (since 11/2007) Exton, PA
Microtec Security (since 10/2011) St. Augustine de Desmaures, QC, Canada
Quick Response Monitoring Alarm Center (since 10/2005) Cleveland, OH
Microtec Security (since 10/2011) Anjou, QC, Canada
Redwire (since 03/2012) Tallahassee, FL
Monitoring America Alarm Co-Op (since 02/2009) Tulsa, OK
Reliance Protectron (since 03/2010) Montreal, QC, Canada (See Five Diamond, page 42) CSAA Dispatch • | 41
Five Diamond, from page 41
Reliance Protectron (since 04/2010) Ottawa, ON, Canada Reliance Protectron (since 04/2010) Quebec City, QC, Canada Reliance Protectron (since 04/2010) Vancouver, BC, Canada RFI Security (since 10/2006) San Jose, CA SAFE Monitoring Technologies (since 12/2010) San Ramon, CA www.safemonitoringtechnologies. com Safe Systems (since 08/2004) Boulder, CO Safety Systems, Inc. (since 03/2012) Jackson, MI Security Alarm Corporation (since 06/2012) Port Charlotte, FL Security Alarm Monitoring (since 05/2009) Woodlyn, PA Security Equipment, Inc. (SEI) (since 06/2004) Omaha, NE Security Partners, LLC (since 07/2010) Anaheim, CA Security Partners, LLC (since 05/2007) Lancaster, PA Security Service, Co. (since 09/2012) Fleetwood, PA www.securitybeyondpeaceofmind. com
42 | CSAA Dispatch •
Security Solutions, Inc. (since 01/2012) Norwalk, CT
Universal Security Monitoring, LLC (since 06/2010) Gainesville, FL
SecurTek Monitoring Solutions (since 05/2010) Yorkton, SK, Canada
Vancouver Fire & Security (since 07/2012) Richmond, BC, Canada
SentryWatch (since 02/2008) Greensboro, NC
Vector Security, Eastern District (since 08/2003) Plymouth Meeting, PA
State Farm Insurance (since 03/2004) Bloomington, IL 61791 Superior Central Station (since 06/2007) McAllen, TX
Vector Security, Western District (since 08/2003) Warrendale, PA VRI, Inc. (since 04/2006) Dayton, OH
SVI Systems, Inc. (since 05/2009) Stuart, FL
Walgreens (since 04/2012) Deerfield, IL
Time Warner Cable Security (since 03/2011) E. Syracuse, NY
Wal-Mart Alarm Central (since 06/2012) Bentonville, AR
TNT Security Services L.L.C. (since 10/2006) Tulsa, OK
Washington Alarm, Inc. (since 12/2006) Seattle, WA
Total Monitoring Services (since 01/2012) Sacramento, CA
Watchlight Corporation (since 4/2013) El Cajon, CA
Trans-Alarm, Inc. (since 04/2007) Burnsville, MN
Wayne Alarm Systems (since 12/2003) Lynn, MA
United Monitoring Services, Inc. (since 04/2004) Columbus, GA Universal Atlantic Systems, Inc. (since 03/2004) Broomall, PA
Wegmans Food Market Inc. (since 04/2008) Rochester, NY WM Security Services, Inc. (since 02/2008) Houston, TX
Summer 2014
Summer 2014
CSAA Dispatch • | 43