TMA Dispatch, Summer 2022

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TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022


TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022


Inside Summer 2022

CONTENTS What is CSR? Can your company benefit?


CSR, or more formally Corporate Social Responsibility...what is it? You may have seen it in your news briefs or heard it mentioned in your professional business circles, but never really focused on it. Alaina Sonksen, DMP Cares Coordinator, and Mark Hillenburg, DMP Director of Marketing, authored this issue’s cover story on the topic. In their words, it’s a “Beginner’s Guide” to CSR. DMP is just one of TMA’s members that has embraced giving back to the community their team lives and works in. Be inspired!




TMA and Security Systems News recently announced the launch of a new DEI award, which will be presented for the first time at TMA’s 2022 Annual Meeting. Learn all about it!

There’s a lot going on in TMA Standards these days. From the proposed TMAAVS-01 Standard to the NFPA 72 2025 cycle opening. Catch up on the latest initiatives and learn how to get involved.

04 President’s Message

16 LAW


12 TMA News

Privacy laws proposals are under review on both the national and state levels. This issue’s Law column takes a closer look at what is happening in Utah and Connecticut. How will these legal precedents affect your business?

Dr. Juhanna Rogers, Vice President, Racial Equity and Social Impact, CenterState CEO, follows up her presentation at this year’s Mid-Year Meeting with additional insights.

17 MEETINGS OPSTech22, TMA’s first in-person meeting since 2019, is set to take place in Charlotte, NC on September 11-16. Preview highlights from the five-days of peer-led education sessions.

TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

22 RESEARCH The coalescence of improved DIY systems, adjacent smart home devices, and the ensuing growth potential are increasing competitive factors for a relatively stable market structure. Catch-up on the latest research from Parks Associates.

05 CEO’s Message 08 Member News

25 Wireline Report 26 Wireless Report 30 FirstNet Certified 31 New Members 32 IQ Certified 33 Five Diamond 37 Operator Online Graduates 45 ASAP-to-PSAP



Price Increases for TDM

Copper Retirement and Discontinuance of TDM Recently you may have heard that there is a POTS line Sunset coming in August of this year. We have seen a lot of panic and concern over this and most of this stems from misinformation that occurs whenever something confusing happens and people don’t fully understand the buzz words, terms and acronyms that get tossed around during conversations and press releases. This white paper attempts to describe what is happening and some of the likely results that will come out of this. I also want to apologize in advance as there are a lot of the same types of words in the document but it’s important to make sure we use the correct ones, as one would do with medical terms. Many years ago, the FCC put in place a rule that forced LECs (Local Exchange Carriers) like AT&T, Verizon, Centurylink, etc. to provide services to CLECs (Competitive Local Exchange Carriers) at wholesale rates. For example, if you wanted to use a CLEC as your carrier/phone provider, but they didn’t have copper in the ground to the building, the Local Exchange Carrier was forced to provide last-mile services at wholesale costs. Now fast forward to today, prices for certain services purchased from competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) are likely to go up by August 2, 2022 as a result of FCC actions taken in Order 19-72A1. This FCC Order allowed price cap incumbent LECs (ILECs) (such as AT&T, Verizon, and CenturyLink) to cease complying as of August 2, 2022 with certain requirements that provided benefits to competitive

LECs. Specifically, the FCC granted forbearance from the Unbundled Network Element (UNE) Analog Loop and Avoided-Cost Resale obligations imposed on price cap incumbent LECs (ILECs) in the Communications Act. UNE Analog Loops are one type of copper loop that had price caps and that ILECs were required to make available to competitors. These loops can provide only legacy TDM voice service. Specifically, the Avoided-Cost Resale obligation requires price cap ILECs to “offer for resale at wholesale rates any telecommunications service that the carrier provides at retail to subscribers who are not telecommunications carriers.” Avoided-Cost Resale obligations are used by competitive LECs to provision legacy TDM voice service to business customers. By granting forbearance, the FCC allowed price cap ILECs to stop providing these benefits to competitive LECs after a three-year transition period, which ends August 2, 2022. If you purchase service from a CLEC that is using price cap ILEC facilities or services as part of its service offering, you could be impacted by this FCC action. This would apply to both the monitoring stations, as well as the subscribers’ facilities and the costs of POTs line or other TDM services. So what this means in English is that after August 2nd this year, the wholesale rate for these services no longer has to be at low rates, the LECs are going to be raising rates for these services, and in turn, the CLECS will be forced to raise the rates to the consumers and/ or monitoring centers. We have already

seen examples of rates going up as much as 10 times, which at that point is cost prohibitive to use. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the FCC also has taken other actions that are leading to the retirement of copper lines and the discontinuance of TDM service. Specifically, the FCC has made it easy for carriers to discontinue TDM service by streamlining the section 214 discontinuance process and to retire copper lines by streamlining the network change notification process. AT&T, Verizon and CenturyLink have been filing 214’s to discontinue TDM services for specific states/locations for several years. This why we have seen outages and problems occurring regionally, as carriers are swapping out TDM central office switches with new VoIP switches. Even though the consumer still has what looks and feels like a POTS line, it is really just an analog conversion for the last mile, and then it is converted to SIP or other packed-based voice transmission services. When they file to discontinue TDM service, carriers must show that a replacement service is available. As for the retirement of copper lines, the FCC essentially only requires notification before a carrier can retire copper. There has been a constant stream of carriers

The views, thoughts and opinions in this article belong solely to the author and not necessarily to his employer.


President, continued on page 7

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

MESSAGE FROM TMA CEO CELIA BESORE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Measuring Trust Why is it so important and how to go about it In an industry where our customers rely on us 24/7 to protect their life and property, trust is of critical importance. A relationship of trust with public safety is also of great importance. There has been significant research undertaken by organizations and consultancy firms in relation to the trust consumers place in the businesses from which they buy goods and services. One such organization is Trust Across America (TAA), which helps to enhance trustworthy behavior in organizations. One of their initiatives identified that the TAA top 10 most trustworthy U.S. public companies outperformed the S&P 500 by 30%. With the most recent world-wide Edelman Trust Barometer highlighting how businesses are now more trusted (61%), than government (53%), NGOs (57%), and media (51%), it is critically important for companies to be purposeful in how they manage trust as a key performance indicator. The consulting company Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (Deloitte) defines trust as the foundation of a TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

meaningful relationship, which is built through actions that “demonstrate a high degree of competence and the right intent, which result in demonstrated capability (possessing the means to meet expectations); reliability (consistently and dependably delivering upon promises made); transparency (openly sharing information, motives, and choices in plain language); and humanity (genuinely caring for the experience and well-being of others). The Trust Framework A February 2023 Deloitte article provides a framework to help you measure and manage such an important strategic and critical asset. Based upon a statistical study of over 3,000 executives around the world, Deloitte identified 17 domains (many interrelated) that can be measured and influenced to increase the level of trust among your stakeholders. 17 Domains Identified by Deloitte as Critical to Trust: (in order of importance to building trust according to the executives surveyed) • Product quality • Customer experience

Financial integrity and health Authentic and resilient leadership Innovation, intelligence, and technology Ethics Culture and purpose Compliance Data integrity and protection Strategic governance Workforce experience Conduct Digital engagement Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) Environmental social and governance (ESG) Cyber Crime (fraud and abuse)

As I mentioned before, the domains are interrelated. For example, “cybersecurity actions can be closely linked with data privacy and protection, whereas ethics can be reflected in an organization’s culture, values, and mission statement.” The importance of each domain to building a company’s trust is also related to the industry in which it operates. For instance, a bank will rate financial integrity and health, crime, data integrity, conduct and ethics higher than other domains. The importance of each domain is also a function of the perspectives and expectations of stakeholders. Employees’ congruence between their values and their employer’s culture and purpose, for example, will impact their trust and therefore their commitment to the organization. Companies tend to spend more effort in building up actions in domains where they feel they have more familiarity. In the Deloitte study, crime showed up as the top domain that executives felt more capable of controlling, due to their familiarity with actions geared to avoiding it; in contrast, innovation, CEO, continued on page 6 [5]

CEO, continued from page 5 intelligence, and technology were at the bottom in terms of familiarity and capabilities. Building Trust As we all know, “what gets measured gets done ... If you know the impact you want to create and how much of it has already taken place, then half the battle is knowing what further changes need to be made.” The first step to enhance your company’s trust factor is to measure it. Identify the various different stakeholder audiences and survey them to identify the trust behaviors within each domain they expect from your company. Next, you must identify trust gaps in areas within your organization by comparing expectations with reality. If it is impractical or unfeasible to tackle these gaps at the same time, prioritize which area should be addressed first. Choice is typically related to the strategic priorities of the organization. Next, engage in activities that will drive trust. For example, if customer experience is key, what steps can you take to ensure that every customer contact in your company is carried out at the highest levels? And lastly, create a close loop system where your company continuously measures trust to proactively identify and address any potential issues that may lead to significant trust gaps. The predominant portion of TMA member businesses provide services designed solely for the purpose of securing life, property, and information. Both commercial and residential customers place an enormous amount of trust in the highlytrained professionals employed by members and rely on their knowledge, experience, and expertise to reduce or eliminate the risk of loss when every second counts. In essence, trust is the actual foundation of the goods, products, and services our members sell. It is vital, as research has repeatedly demonstrated, that business owners continually assess and measure the degree to which its customers feel secure and trust that when an intrusion, fire, or other threat arises, they can be confident in the security your team provides when it matters most.

TMA Dispatch, Summer 2022 7918 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 510 McLean, VA 22102 703-242-4670; Fax 703-242-4675 About TMA The Monitoring Association (TMA) is the trade association representing the professional monitoring industry. Our membership community is composed of companies spanning all industry sectors, including monitoring centers, systems integrators, service providers, installers, consultants, and product manufacturers. TMA is dedicated to the advancement of the professional monitoring industry through education, advocacy, standards, and public-safety relationships. Our Mission Our mission is to promote and advance professional monitoring to consumers and first responders through education, advocacy, and the creation of standards. Our Vision A safer world through professional monitoring. Copyright 2022 The Monitoring Association All rights reserved. TMA Officers President Morgan Hertel, Corona, CA Vice Presidents Steve Butkovich, Charlotte, NC Alan Gilmore IV, Cleveland, OH Steve Walker, Plymouth, MN Secretary Justin Bailey, Ogden, UT Treasurer Shannon Woodman, Seattle, WA Immediate Past President Don Young, Boca Raton, FL TMA Staff Chief Executive Officer Celia T. Besore, FASAE, MBA, CAE Vice President of Meetings and Conventions John S. McDonald Vice President of Education and Training Julie N. Webber Director of Membership and Programs Illeny Maaza

Celia T. Besore, CAE CEO, TMA

Director of Marketing and Communications Leigh A. McGuire

Lawrence A. Cunningham, “Opinion: Why high-quality, trustworthy companies have beaten the S&P 500 by 30%-50%”, 2 Barometer.pdf 3 Deloitte, “A new measure of trust for consumer industries”, deloittedigital/us/documents/offerings/offering-20200706-hub-trust-hx.pdf 4 organizational-trust-measurement.html 5 Sandra Sucher and Shalene Gupta, The Power of Trust, How Companies Build It, Lose It, Regain It (Public Affairs, 2021), p. 136.

Information Systems Manager, ASAP Service Manager Bryan Ginn



Programs and Administrative Coordinator Tara Compher

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

President, continued from page 4 providing notification to retire copper lines in various states and localities for several years. Accordingly, companies should put procedures in place to ensure they are aware of any notifications regarding the retirement of copper lines and/or the discontinuance of TDM services. Most of the time these notices come in very small print on the fivepage bill you get every month, and that for the most part we throw away and never read. It’s important to understand several things, Carriers have no choice but to move all voice calling to packet-based facilities. There are several reasons for this, the first is that the old TDM central office switches have not been made for over a decade, and parts and service are just not available any more. Second, underground and pole-mounted copper is so old that it’s no longer reliable; it is breaking and wearing out. With the cost of copper compared to fiber, there really isn’t a choice but to install fiber. And lastly, the cost of moving voice traffic is so much more efficient when using packet-based services that, in order to stay competitive, carriers have to move in that direction. Make no mistakes; the POTS that we knew in the 70s and 80s is a thing of the past, and is going away every day across the country. Now that for the most part the 3G sunset is behind us, the next big thing is to get your subscribers off POTS and on to other technologies. This is so much easier than before, with lots of options and choices. It’s time to get them moved to either IP, Cellular, or Private Mesh Radio. Special thanks to Mary J. Sisak at Blooston Law for getting this materially correct. Morgan Hertel President The Monitoring Association

TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022


MEMBER NEWS >> PEOPLE MAKING NEWS Richard Flores IV, CPP, has been promoted to Supervisor, Physical Security Operations at Puget Sound Energy. Chief Scott Knight and Chief Joe Estey Join SIAC SIAC is pleased to report that we have added two new, highly respected police chiefs to our staff. They have been interviewed, vetted, and accepted part time positions at SIAC. Welcome Chief Joe Estey, former President of IACP and Chief Scott Knight, former IACP Executive Committee member of two terms. Bold Welcomes New Director of Customer Support Joe Kaler is the new Director of Customer Support for the Bold’s Alarm Monitoring Division. Joe is working hard to implement strategies to provide an exceptional level of service and support for their customers.

Dean Belisle to Serve as DMP’s New National Sales Trainer DMP is pleased to announce Dean Belisle has accepted the position as new National Sales Trainer. Dean will work to help enhance the sales skills of DMP authorized dealers, leading to higher levels of support and in turn, increased dealer success. Before accepting his role at DMP, Dean worked in a similar capacity in training and consultation. He started in the security industry working at his family business, gaining a deep understanding of management and sales, as well as installation and technical knowledge.

PRODUCTS MAKING NEWS Alula Launches New Enhanced Video Platform Alula announced the release of its powerful new video platform on April 26th. Featuring new camera models, AI-based object detection, enhancements to video clip

navigation and viewing in the Alula Smart Security App and advanced video capabilities through the new Slimline Touchpad PRO. These new products and capabilities strengthen the role that video plays as a core component of professional security, and further reinforces Alula’s position as a fullservice solutions provider. COPS Monitoring Releases MYALARM. CHAT to Improve Subscriber Security & Reduce False Alarm COPS Monitoring launched MYALARM. CHAT to help its dealers improve customer satisfaction by giving them the ability to make more informed decisions about their security in real-time. MYALARM. CHAT addresses alarm verification and notification calls in three ways: instant SMS/Text notification to designated parties the way they prefer; a link to a secure chat room where

Bosch Security Manager The Bosch Security Manager (BSM) mobile app provides you with full flexibility to manage all aspects of your intrusion security systems including: arming and disarming your system, the ability to receive alerts when needed, and full access to the complete history of past alarms or system events.

Full control of your intrusion system from anywhere Bosch Security Manager mobile app for B Series, G Series systems


Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

MEMBER NEWS >> customers can share information about the alarm in real-time; and resolution options customers can use to either electronically cancel the alarm or escalate speed of police dispatch. NAPCO Introduces New Professional NAPCO HD Video WiFi Cameras & Doorbell NAPCO Security Technologies is excited to introduce new Professional NAPCO HD Video WiFi Cameras & Doorbell, now in-stock and available. Put video accounts online in less than 10 minutes with affordable pro video and gain incremental RMR from residential and SMB accounts. The NAPCO HD video WiFi cameras & doorbell offer top features, including Night Vision or New Ultra StarLight Night Vision, 2-Way Talk and HD Resolution Video, up 30fps@2.0MP (1920x 1080). Easily scan and enroll in seconds, just scan the QR code and connect to any 2.4GHZ wireless router. NAPCO Hosted Cell-Based Access Control System Wins ESX Innovation Award 2022 NAPCO Security Technologies’ AirAccess® Access Control System, featuring automatic-networking via popular Napco StarLink® Cellular, has been chosen as the winner of the ESX Innovation Award 2022, for “Access Control/ID Systems in Access Control/ID System for Hosted / Managed Access”.

MEMBERS MAKING NEWS AlarMax Distributors Acquires Cassidy Technologies and Expands to 25 Locations Across the U.S. The acquisition of Cassidy Technologies’ branches, in St. Paul, MN and Des Moines, IA, will continue to expand the AlarMax national, U.S. footprint. Cassidy Technologies customers will now enjoy an expanded product assortment, greater branch inventory levels and AlarMax’s considerable buying power, providing better dealer pricing.

TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

Rapid Response Monitoring Celebrates 30 Years With Rebrand & New Customer Care Center Rapid Response’s newest facility, called the Customer Care Center, will provide 15,000 square feet of additional monitoring center operations, adding 100 monitoring specialists to its current support team. The Customer Care Center, located in Henderson, NV, will be connected to Rapid Response’s two fullyindependent, hot-redundant command centers in Syracuse, N.Y. and Corona, Calif. via secure multi-carrier MPLS connections. DMP® Owners Forum Spotlights Industry’s Best Dealers With Annual DMP Awards

TMA Members Make Fortune’s List of 100 Best Places to Work For Congratulations to Wegmans Food Markets (#3) and Comcast (#16) for being identified on Forbes 2022 list of Best Places to Work For. For 25 years now, Fortune has published this list based on a rigorous methodology administered by its partner, Great Place to Work.

GET ...engaged ...inspired ...empowered

...challenged DMP hosted its annual Owners Forum for its top dealers in Las Vegas. The annual DMP Awards was initiated to recognize select outstanding dealers. Recipients are selected based on various criteria, including recognized milestones as a DMP dealer, sales-volume recognition and Dealer of the Year Awards in various categories. DMP Recertified to ISO-9001:2015 After Outside Audit of its Quality Management System After an external audit of DMP’s ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System, DMP achieved recertification with no non-conformances. ISO 9001:2015 is a non-industry specific certification and is intended for any organization that wants to implement and maintain a quality management system. Some of the benefits of implementing this certification include streamlining processes, lowering waste, customer turnover, repeated orders, while increasing sales and profits.


There are few limits to what you and your team can get out of your TMA membership. Get more.


TMA and Security Systems News Announce Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Leadership Award The Monitoring Association (TMA) and Security Systems News (SSN) have partnered to create a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Leadership Award with the goal of promoting and fostering a more inclusive workforce throughout the security industry. Today’s business world requires that businesses create, foster, and encourage diversity and inclusion in the workplace to be successful. Doing

so stimulates innovation; drives better decisions; makes teams more agile; and results in better business outcomes for employees and customers. These improvements result in higher levels of employee engagement and better financial performance. The idea for the “TMA/SSN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Leadership Award” emerged from a small working group composed of TMA CEO Celia T. Besore; TMA President-Elect Steve Butkovich; SSN then-Editor Paul Ragusa, and staff in 2021. The award will be given to TMA members who demonstrate a commitment to DEI policies and programs across their organization. “TMA, together with Security Systems News, seeks to be an agent of change and to raise awareness of the significance [10]

and the value of DEI initiatives within the security business sector. We’re proud to introduce this new award as a means to bring this critical issue to the forefront, to inform, and to empower companies to embrace and embed these core principles,” stated Celia T. Besore, CEO, TMA. “With workforce development one of key topics within security today, the focus and conversation has turned to building a strong company culture that attracts quality candidates and inspires them to want to stay and grow in your company,” added Paul Ragusa, former editor, Security Systems News. “Creating an environment that is inclusive, open and based on a strong DEI framework is key to successfully retaining top talent, and this new award was created to recognize companies that are leaders in this area.” The efforts and achievements need to be demonstrated through specific work with other individuals or groups, or through a specific product, initiative, innovative programs, or activities that have a visible, tangible, or measurable impact on the perception of, attitude toward, and respect for a truly inclusive environment, where individuals are valued for their talent and able to reach their full potential. Each nominee will be asked to deploy the TMA/SSN DEI Employee Assessment Survey to their employees. The web-based assessment tool consists

of approximately 40 questions covering eight facets of DEI practice within your organization. (Companies will receive only a summary report without individual responses.) Each nominee will also be required to submit one to four “Shared Success Examples” of how their organization implements DEI-related activities in the following areas of focus, such as: • Workforce Diversity • Multicultural Outreach • Community Involvement The TMA/SSN DEI Leadership Award aims to: • Raise industry awareness of the importance and value of being a diverse and inclusive industry. • Recognize TMA member organizations who have developed innovative initiatives to foster DEI efforts within their organization. • Initiatives may include new hiring policies; practices to create and retain diverse candidate pools; best practices for facilitating difficult dialogue; and how to create an effective diversity program within your organization. • Inspire business strategies and industry best practices that reach out to diverse populations. • Through analysis and sharing of the information obtained from the TMA/SSN DEI Employee Assessment Survey, organizations across the industry can gain valuable insights into the development or improvement of their own DEI policies and programs. Companies interested in applying for the award may go to tma-ssn-diversity-equity-and-inclusiondei-leadership-award/ to begin the nomination process. Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

Why waste money resubmitting battery calcs? DMP’s new PowerCom LTE Fire Communicator is designed with its own power supply, giving you everything you need in a self-powered packaged solution with a regulated, power limited, switching power supply that meets UL, CSFM, NFPA, FCC and FDNY compliance standards. Who else gives you all this, plus free supervised network communication to the central station? Only DMP. For more information, go to

We make your company more valuable. 877-725-1114 | Find us @DMPAlarms on most social platforms.


Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch


2022 TMA/SDM Excellence Awards Winners Announced The Monitoring Association (TMA) is pleased to announce the winners of its 2022 Excellence Awards and Marvel Technology Award. This year’s awards were presented virtually on Monday, April 25th by TMA President Morgan Hertel and the award sponsor, SDM Magazine. “AvantGuard is thrilled to be the recipient of the TMA Monitoring Center of the Year Enterprise Business Level award. We are grateful for our dealer partners who trust us with monitoring their subscribers,” stated Justin Bailey, president, AvantGuard Monitoring Centers. “I am grateful for the phenomenal team we have built at AG and look forward to great things ahead as well. We love doing meaningful work every second of every day.” For past winners and more information, visit The 2023 Excellence Awards application period will open December 15, 2022. Visit the TMA website at for entry details. Join in congratulating this year’s winners: Monitoring Center of the Year Enterprise Level

Monitoring Center of the Year SMB Level

AvantGuard Monitoring Centers

EPS Security

Monitoring Center Manager of the Year

Monitoring Center Operator of the Year

Marcos Reyes Kimberlite-Sonitrol Corporation

Sydney Johnston EPS Security

Monitoring Center Support Person of the Year LaMar A. Shroyer Dynamark Monitoring, Inc.


2022 Marvel Technology Award Winners Share Winning Solution News of mass shootings, retail crime syndicates or even catalytic converter thefts, invariably show up security lapses, poor video footage and a lack of real-time monitoring. What can we do to improve security and provide better safety to our communities? Sentry AI and USA Central Station have come up with just the right solution for security dealers to address this pressing societal problem and their technological innovation won The Marvel Technology Award given by TMA/SSI. This is also a huge business opportunity for monitoring centers and security dealers to increase their recurring revenues, according to Hien Nguyen of Sentry AI. While the number of security cameras installed worldwide has been exploding, only 5% of the 400 million cameras are actively monitored to prevent crime! Tom Camarda of USA CS adds, “You don’t need to hire an army of people to monitor the live cameras. Sentry AI software analyzes the videos, removes false alarms, and highlights anomalous events to our agent who then interacts with customers and law enforcement to prevent crime. With the software doing the heavy lift, offsite video monitoring has become a more costeffective solution, allowing a single operator to monitor multiple unattended sites remotely.” A 9-camera account in Connecticut had 31,430 activations in Feb 2022, given the snowy weather. Ms. Nguyen said Sentry AI filtered 99.95% of them and sent only 16 alarms to the monitoring center! Sentry AI uses Situational Awareness to filter out such false alarms triggered by weather, shadows, trees, or animals. The filtered alarms, camera live view, arm/disarm functionality, are available on the Sentry AI portal and a mobile app. Receiving alarms on the mobile app allows customers and guards to react quickly to prevent crime, and abort any false alarms, saving valuable calling time for monitoring agents and unnecessary police dispatches. Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch



Power for 12 & 24VDC controllers, devices, and peripherals


Tango power supply/chargers provide faster, safer deployments, eliminating high-voltage by utilizing 802.3bt PoE. • Converts PoE to 12VDC and 24VDC simultaneously • Power your access system from a single cable, reducing costs and increasing profits • Built-in LiFePO4 battery charger


TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022




A Beginner’s Guide to

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY By Alaina Sonksen, DMP Cares Coordinator Mark Hillenburg, VP Marketing, DMP

If you’re asking yourself, “What is Corporate Social Responsibility?” … You’re not alone. Even if this phrase is foreign to you, I’m willing to bet that your company is operating with some level of Corporate Social Responsibility already. You might just not use that term to describe it. Here’s a digestible definition and explanation, that way we’re all on the same page: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) describes a company’s conscious efforts to leave a positive impact on the world instead of a negative one. CSR can be exercised in a variety of different avenues – ethical business practices, economic decisions,


Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

environmental impact, employee welfare, philanthropy work, and more. These efforts can be internal to your company or customer-facing. They can be localized to your community or have global reach. As you can see, Corporate Social Responsibility is a broad concept that can be expressed in a myriad of ways. With that being said, you get to decide what it means for your organization and what you want to do about it. Before you get busy trying to figure out what kind of Corporate Social Responsibility you’re already doing or contemplating what you “should” be doing, I’d encourage any company owner or leadership team to pause and ask yourself a few questions first: 1. What does your mission statement say? What are your company values? When it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility, it’s tempting to think about the outcomes. Sure, CSR can lead to increased employee retention, decreased carbon emissions, X # of dollars donated to charity, or a million other positive results. I urge you – don’t start with the end in mind. Start at the very beginning, with the foundational elements of your company – your mission, vision and values. What if you haven’t established a mission statement, or don’t have any company values? Start there. You’ll be glad you did, and not just for this reason alone. Your mission, vision, and values make up the compass that guide your business and how you operate it – including IF and HOW you engage in this thing called “Corporate Social Responsibility.” If you haven’t ever considered your mission statement or company values, here are a few questions to get you started: What is the purpose of your business? What qualities and characteristics would you use to describe your “star” employees and employees you want to hire in the future? What standards and expectations do you hold TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

3. So, what do you want to do?


good is

good for business. ~ Richard Branson yourself to? What are your dreams and aspirations for your business? Getting clear on these things will serve you well in all areas of your business. They serve as clear guide posts for your future because you’ve already decided what really matters. Next, ask yourself: 2. Do you want to engage in any kind of Corporate Social Responsibility? Call it “doing good” or “giving back” or whatever makes it feel familiar. Does “doing good” matter to your organization? Refer back to your mission and values. If the answer is no, carry on with business as usual. Just because the word “Responsibility” is attached to something, doesn’t mean you have to do anything about it. There is no Corporate Social Responsibility police. It’s your business after all – you get to decide how to run it. If you’ve decided YES, you want to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility, you can move to the next step… Identifying and acting.

Gather a consensus from your executives, or poll your entire pool of employees – always keeping your company values at the forefront. What kind of Corporate Social Responsibility “matches” your organization? Do your people care deeply about sustainability and preserving the environment? Maybe you’ll discover a common passion for philanthropy and volunteer service among your employee base. You’ve already done the hard part – defining your core values and mission. Now you get to do the fun part – identifying the specific causes you care about and starting to pursue them. Understanding the term “Corporate Social Responsibility” is a challenge of its own. Actually putting it into practice is no small feat. I’ll leave you with one last reminder and piece of encouragement: Focus on your why (your mission and values) before your what (activities and outcomes). At the end of the day, Corporate Social Responsibility is about leaving your community and world better than you found it. And that is work worth doing, no matter what you call it.

Does your company have an established CSR initiative? If yes, please let us know. We’d like to share your journey with other TMA members. How did you get started? What challenges did you initially face? Email a brief introduction to your story to [15]

LAW >>

New State Privacy Laws Focus on Utah and Connecticut By Kelly DeMarchis, Venable, LLP, Venable, LLC

In May 2022, Connecticut signed into law the Connecticut Act Concerning Personal Data Privacy and Online Monitoring (“CTPA”), which is set to take effect on July 1, 2023. The CTPA adopts the same general framework as Virginia’s and Colorado’s privacy laws, with many provisions of the CTPA either mirroring or drawing heavily from both laws.

Utah and Connecticut have become the fourth and fifth states, respectively, to pass comprehensive privacy laws, joining three other states—California, Virginia, and Colorado—which each have privacy laws going into effect over the next year. The Utah Consumer Privacy Act (“UCPA”) was signed into law in March 2022, providing new rights for Utah consumers and placing new responsibilities on “controllers” and “processors” that handle personal data pertaining to Utah residents. The UCPA, which will become effective on December 31, 2023, will apply to companies that either conduct business in Utah or target consumers in the state and satisfy certain thresholds related to annual revenue and the control or processing of personal data. Similar to other state privacy laws, Utah provides consumers with new rights to [16]

access and delete personal data, as well as to opt out of personal data sales and targeted advertising. Unlike other state privacy laws, Utah does not require controllers to offer consumers a right to correct inaccurate personal data. In general, the scope of the UCPA is narrower than some of the privacy laws enacted in other states, imposing obligations only with respect to data about consumers and excluding “pseudonymous” data from the scope of consumer rights. The UCPA also defines “sale” more narrowly compared to California’s and Colorado’s privacy laws. An exchange of personal data constitutes a sale in Utah only when monetary consideration is provided by a controller to a third party, whereas California and Colorado laws include personal data exchanged for “monetary or other valuable consideration” in the definition of “sale.”

The CTPA provides consumers new rights to access, delete, and confirm whether a controller is processing the consumer’s personal data, as well as rights to opt out of targeted advertising, the sale of data, and profiling in furtherance of solely automated decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning the consumer. In a departure from other state privacy laws, the CTPA includes an exception to the right to confirm whether a controller processes personal data if such confirmation would require the controller to reveal a trade secret. The CTPA places certain obligations on controllers, including to limit the collection of personal data to what is “adequate, relevant and reasonably necessary” for the purposes for which such data is processed. Data controllers must also obtain consent before processing sensitive data, which includes personal data revealing precise geolocation. This contrasts the UCPA’s Privacy Laws, continued on page 20 Cultivated over 120 years, Venable’s capabilities span virtually e ver y industr y and all areas of re gulator y and government affairs, corporate and business law, intellectual property, and complex litigation. Learn more about the practice at

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch



The intersection of Monitoring Center Operations and Technology By Julie Webber, Vice President of Education and Training, TMA

CPI Security is hosting OPSTech for a week of professional monitoring education focused on video monitoring, leadership, successful strategies for managing your remote workforce, standards updates, and technology solutions for your monitoring center. SUNDAY (Sept. 11): Opening Reception Celebrate together as we reconvene for the first time in person since 2019. Join your industry colleagues at our evening opening reception. You can pick up your registration credentials, hear from TMA leadership about the state of our industry, and participate in an Ice Breaker event. MONDAY (Sept. 12): Video Day Sessions Attend five sessions where experts will discuss how to set-up and maintain your video monitoring center. Whether you are new to video or already in the business, these sessions will provide insight into the most current industry guidance. Session 1: What is Today’s Video Monitoring? Learn the new way of selling interactive video services to your existing and new customer base. Session 2: The Components of Video Monitoring Inthis excellent tutorial about the components of a video monitoring system, participants will cover all aspects of what an effective video monitoring site looks like from the

end-user site, including recommended system communications for your monitoring center. Session 3: First Steps – Planning Learn how to define your system requirements and refine your operational designs. With the right equipment and right installation and configuration, you will eliminate most of your daily operational challenges. Session 4: Service Opportunities – Types of Interactive Video Services and RMR Understand the various types of interactive video monitoring and see how RMR Video monitoring is not just the installation of a camera. Session 5: Day-to-Day in the Video Monitoring Center After a full day of understanding how to set up and grow your video monitoring business, this closing session will cover how to expertly develop and implement procedures and operator training programs that reduce false dispatches. Session 6: Closing Conversation— Highlight Recap, Q&A

FEATURED TOUR|CPI Security The tour, a favorite of OPSTech attendees, will be hosted by TMA member CPI Security. Headquartered in Charlotte, NC, CPI Security was founded in 1991 with just 10 employees and 300 customers. Today, as one of the top 10 largest security providers in the U.S., CPI Security professionally install and monitor smart home security systems throughout the Raleigh-Durham region. The company offers best-in-class equipment including encrypted intrusion detection devices, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, full HD security cameras with 24/7 recording, and innovative smart home technology. Its recently redesigned monitoring center also features leading-edge technology. TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022


TUESDAY (Sept. 13): Operations With the pandemic came a lot of industry changes in what can best be described as a major upheaval as to how monitoring centers are able to run their businesses and keep their employees out of harm’s way. These sessions offer an overview of topics related to managing a remote workforce and other relatable leadership challenges and opportunities. Session 1: Balancing Communications between In-house and Remote Workers Hear from your peers their experience with refining their methods of communication with their in-house and remote workforce. Session 2: Keeping Track of Productivity This practical session will address new ways to track productivity within your monitoring center. Session 3: Assimilating Culture - with a Hybrid Workforce Understand the best ways to implement the remote worker experience without losing your company values. Session 4: Born in the Pandemic – What to Keep and What to Let Go Learn from your counterparts what and why certain systems and procedures thrive and get some guidance on how to save time and money by letting go those that do not serve you. Session 5: Meet Your Mentor(s) Brought to you by TMA’s NextGen Committee’s popular series, hear from Steve Butkovich and Sascha Kylau about their journeys in the industry. WEDNESDAY (Sept. 14): Operations Participate in an overview of various general topics related to leadership, DEI, false alarm reduction, and PERS. Session 1: Leadership in the Monitoring Center Topic This is a leadership topic on business readiness geared towards managers and supervisors. Session 2: Setting up a DEI program in the Monitoring Center This is an action-based topic that should provide step-by-step guidance based on a case study or other success stories about [18]

the positive impact of a formal DEI program in the monitoring center. Roundtable Breakout Discussions/ Report Backs Come with a problem and leave with a solution! Roundtable discussion topics planned for Visual Verification and False Alarm Reduction, Video Monitoring, Managing a Remote Workplace, Technology Infrastructure and Process Functions, Professional Monitoring Opportunities, Hiring Challenges and Onboarding New Employees, and Training to Productivity. Tables will report back discussion highlights so that everyone can benefit! Session 3: Reducing False Alarms - What is the Next Step? This is an opportunity to present new standards guidance, as well as collect feedback on future standards. Session 4: PERS - Monitoring for Independent Living With technology improvements, PERS Monitoring is still a major service area to increase RMR in the monitoring center. Session 5: Addressing Challenges for Onboarding New Hires New to the Industry Take back actionable guidance on realworld hiring and onboarding challenges when recruiting outside of the industry. THURSDAY (Sept. 15): Tech Sessions Steve Butkovich and Sascha Kylau, Co-chairs of the Technology Committee will host two days of technology-based programming. Sessions are geared towards those who support technology within the monitoring center. Keynote: “Next Gen Monitoring Bringing Monitoring Technology Into the 21st Century” Rob Raisch, Chief Architect, Monitoring Integration, SimpliSafe, Inc., will discuss emerging trends in the market including general best practices and some of the work SimpliSafe has been doing in the area. Session #1: A.I. and the AVS-01 Standard Automation Vendors will talk about impact and solutions associated with artificial intelligence.

Session #2: Cyber Security Immutable Backups You can’t stop cyberattacks, but neutralizing their effects can ensure business continuity. Session #3: FBI Cyber Update Official FBI update to help stakeholders guard against the ever-evolving ransomware threat environment and help cybersecurity professionals and system administrators’ guard against the persistent malicious actions of cyber actors. Session #4: Disappearance of Premisebased PBX and Migration to Cloud Telephony Simplify your business communications with next-generation cloud solutions that allow you to be as involved as you want and identify potential cloud migration problems before they impact your monitoring center. Session #5: War on POTS Participate in a discussion about how our industry is seeing changing infrastructure of the switches within the PSTN topology that adds enough degradation to reduce alarm delivery success rates. FRIDAY (Sept 16): Tech Sessions Keynote: Video Redaction - Privacy Legislation in the Future Learn more about how comprehensive legislative proposals that generally regulate the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by businesses will impact our industry. Session #1: CSaaS (Central Station as a Service) and Receiver Farms This roundtable session will discuss the benefits of moving receiver infrastructure, and or automation to the cloud. Session #2: Best Practices for Purchasing Public Cloud Services Industry subject matter experts will discuss important considerations when purchasing AWS and Azure. Closing Session: Round Table Discussion and Wrap Up

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch


Get Involved in Standards Your engagement, or lack thereof, in security industry-related standards development will impact your business for decades to come. By Glenn Schroeder, Chair, TMA Standards

AVS-01 Developed by TMA members and professionals from across the public safety community, this new standard completed its Preliminary Technical Review on June 17, 2020. After considering the changes that were received, the committee expects to begin the commencement of the official ANSI public comment period in July. Q&A sessions are being scheduled throughout this process. NFPA As we mentioned before, TMA Standards Committee members work with other SDOs to provide input and guidance on issues that impact monitoring centers. TMA is a Standards Development Organization or SDO accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). As an SDO, participants on TMA Standards Committees develop standards that benefit the security industry, regulators, public safety, and of course, consumers. TMA Standards Committees members also work with other SDOs to provide input and guidance on issues that impact monitoring centers. Get involved or someone else will do it for you! If you do not participate, you are essentially allowing your competitors to make crucial decisions that will have a significant impact on your business for years to come. It’s not hard to join or to learn. TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

We have a variety of roles for interested members and welcome the participation of professionals from across your organization with varying degrees of experience. Committee Chairs and leaders with decades of experience in standards development are anxious to share and connect with you for the betterment of the industry. Join us today Sign up on the website standards/tma-standards-get-involved/ or contact Bryan Ginn, TMA Staff Standards Liaison at or Glenn Schroeder, TMA Standards Committe Chair at Listed below are the most currently active standards committees. I hope you will see the impact these programs have on your business and get involved.

NFPA has initiated the process to consider changes to the 2025 edition of NFPA 72, The National Fire Code. TMA, TMA members, and others have submitted suggested revisions. The respective NFPA committee will review these revisions to the code during their first draft meetings in July. TMA representation on these committees will cast their vote as directed by TMA. They welcome your input. UL UL follows a continuous development model, meaning it accepts proposals to modify the standard at any time. TMA’s UL Standards Committee regularly creates and submits proposals to UL for consideration and development. This includes the requirements and revisions to work from home WFH monitoring. [19]

Privacy Law, continued from page 16

To our valued members...

controllers provide notice to consumers and an opportunity to opt out of processing sensitive data. Both the UCPA and CTPA vest exclusive enforcement authority in the state attorneys general. Neither law provides consumers with a private right of action, nor do they explicitly delegate regulatory authority to any state agency. The CTPA requires the Connecticut General Assembly to convene a task force to study certain privacy-related issues, and the task force must submit a report on its findings and recommendations by January 1, 2023.

Central Insurance Agency, Inc (CIA) is a specialized agency for the security and alarm industry. CIA contracts with several insurers to provide customers with competitive prices, broad coverage and wide line of products. The agency strives to provide each customer with responsive expertise. We provide insurance to companies that offer Burglar, Fire, CCTV, Access Control, Home Automation, PERS/Medical Alarms, Armed & Unarmed Guard/Patrol Response, Fire Suppression and Armored Car Services.

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Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch


The Business Imperative for Acting on Equity & Inclusion There are steps that everyone can take to begin their journey By Dr. Juhanna Rogers, Vice President, Racial Equity and Social Impact, CenterState CEO

More and more, businesses are being looked to for leadership on the most pressing challenges facing not just our economy, but our society. As employees and customers alike continue to place a priority on the values of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), there is

“Advancing equity work it is not just about the statements we make, it’s about the intentional strategies that we commit to and act on.” TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

an expectation that corporate leaders engage on issues of race and social justice, and lead change. It is not uncommon for this to feel like new territory for leaders, managers and individuals, and it may be unclear about how and where to begin. As business leaders, you may ask - how can we be more intentional about this work, and invest in a more inclusive and equitable workplace? There are steps that everyone can take to begin their initial assessment and embark on path toward change: • Create a vision: admit where you are falling short in the areas of DEI within your organization, and set a goal to raise that bar. • Create the space: identify a diverse team to start the conversations

within your organization, seek insight and differing perspectives. Do not assume that convening a diverse group alone can address these matters. Your goal should be to gain deeper insight into the lived experiences of people of all backgrounds, and an understanding of how race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation or differing abilities affects the work environment, or potentially your clients and customers. That requires skills, and intentional training and education. Be intentional about how you can create greater equity within your company and for its employees – be that in pay, recruitment, or how you market your produce and services. Train your managers – they play a critical role in creating a welcoming and inclusive workspace. Commit to growing, learning or changing something that you can do differently. Develop metrics to drive your goals toward actual impact.

The eyes of our communities, country, and the world are increasingly on corporate leaders for their action, or lack thereof. Advancing equity work it is not just about the statements we make, it’s about the intentional strategies that we commit to and act on. The most courageous thing you can do at this moment is start! CenterState CEO’s Racial Equity and Social Impact portfolio is here to help you excel on these matters. Contact us at resi@ for more on how we can assist in your DEI journey. [21]


A Look Into the Dynamic Residential Security Market Determining the value of professional monitoring By Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

Affordability The residential security industry has reduced prices on devices, services, and subscriptions over the past few years. Low-cost solutions have the potential to drive considerable churn among current subscribers. However, this downward pricing pressure can also open the market to new buyer segments, such as mainstream buyers who are more cost-conscious. New market segments are emerging where affordability is the primary purchase driver.

The residential security industry has experienced meaningful growth in recent years after holding slow, steady growth for decades. The coalescence of improved DIY systems, adjacent smart home devices, and the ensuing growth potential are increasing competitive factors for a relatively stable market structure. Historically, firms like ADT, Brinks Home, and Vivint focused their competitive messaging around years of experience, customer service, brand power, and reviews. The entry of cable and telecommunication companies, beginning with Comcast in 2010 and followed by Cox Communications brought new competition, products, and solutions. Then, in 2015, DIY players began to sell security services directly online to consumers, while [22]

traditional providers’ counterpoint was to differentiate their offerings by touting the benefits of professional installation. These changes, accelerated by COVID, has shifted the market in the past few years forcing traditional players to create new options for consumers in installation, services, and added applications. At the same time, consumers are becoming more tech-savvy. The level of differentiation between providers is quickly eroding given the commoditization of monitoring services. Over the next five years, these key areas have the greatest potential impact on determining where market share could land in the future.

Expanding Beyond Basic Monitoring Parks Associates research finds that consumers are interested in monitoring services beyond intrusion detection and core security use cases, as 27% of US broadband households are interested in a service that analyzes their indoor air quality and recommends needed actions. Additionally, the firm reveals that the majority of smart thermostat owners said they would be likely to pay $5/ month for an HVAC dealer to remotely monitor the health of their heating and cooling equipment 24/7, notify them if issues occur, and advise them on needed maintenance to prevent major problems. Further, these low-cost add on services have the potential to drive considerable churn among existing subscribers. Focus on Privacy and Security With 74% of consumers declaring strong concern about security and data privacy, it is not clear whether consumers feel comfortable relinquishing control/access to their security providers. Data privacy and security features will continue to Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

Looking to hire or be hired?

Check out TMA’s online Job Board. Members can post open positions and search for free!

be a critical feature for all companies to invest in. In March 2022, Google announced the purchase of cybersecurity firm Mandiant for $5.4 billion, an asset that could be added to their existing home security product line. Protecting Property and the Whole Home Most consumers can find a system that fits their use case and provides the peace of mind that they are seeking, but many traditional security solutions have gaps in their coverage where there is too much time between detecting the break-in, sounding the alarm, and the arrival of the police to prevent property damage or loss. New solutions, enabled by smart home connectivity and remote control, can enable quicker automated notifications, faster response, more immediate and direct intervention, and a more effective system. Consolidation & Partnership Security players believe there is a major opportunity in services that help consumers manage energy. There are several indications that products/ services that help consumers save energy are gaining interest. Eight percent of U.S. Internet households report owning power-generating solar panels (Solar PV), double the rate 5 years ago. Security system owning households strongly over-index on solar ownership, TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

with 17% of all security system-owning households reporting that they also own solar PV panels. Creating a Unified Point of Control Interactive services, which provide the ability to monitor a smart home system via a smartphone, have become standard in new security systems and continue to show increased adoption year-over-year. Sixty-one percent of smart home device owners use an app that controls multiple products and half use some form of a security system app to do so. As a result, tech giants, product OEMs and other platform providers are eager to create a unified point of control outside of security to ensure they also can “own” part of the relationship with the consumer. As new providers have emerged from adjacent categories and beyond, consumers have many more factors to consider when deciding on what kind of security works for them. With both traditional and DIY companies being viable contenders to own the biggest shares of the market share, it is important for these premium players to continue the innovation that delivers value-added features across all segments.


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For more information on this research, or other Parks Associates studies, please visit [23]


Airbnbs: Current Security Crisis

There are steps that everyone can take to begin their journey By Ryan Brady, TRG Associates

The properties are owned by individuals and a security system isn’t required. When you go to the Airbnb website to rent a space, you can filter through options such as beachfront, air conditioning, and having a grill. As you scroll down the filter options, you will eventually reach safety options. There, you can choose specifics to be essential to your rental preferences. Currently, that section is only populated by smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, with no security systems included.

Airbnb has a torrid history when it comes to cameras in their rented-out spaces. In fact, there have been many articles written that posited said spaces have a “hidden camera problem,” The Airbnb policy on cameras states: “To help provide hosts and guests with peace of mind, security measures like security cameras and noise monitoring devices are allowed, as long as they are clearly disclosed in the listing description and don’t infringe on another person’s privacy. Rules about devices apply to all cameras, recording devices, smart devices, and monitoring devices.” While that covers an important issue on one side of today’s coin, I would like to today discuss the other side--break-ins at non-Airbnb.

This issue has gotten national media coverage as of late. Many Bachelor/ Bachelorette parties have posted tiktoks of before and after crime scenes of their belongings being stolen while out on the town. This is a particular problem in Nashville, TN, a common tourist destination. As of 2019, Nashville was ranked 19th for American ADR, the average rate at which properties are reserved using Airbnb, and 10th in RevPAR, Revenue earned per available rental in America. According to an article written on August 20, 2020, for WKRN in Nashville Tennessee by Erica Francis, ‘It’s really gotten out of hand’ as there were three break-ins in two days, at one Airbnb complex.

The lack of security and monitoring does represent an opportunity with a group of renters who are becoming more and more conscious of their own safety within the confines of their Airbnb, as well as the safety of their belongings. Every video posted on social media showing a stack of presents and luggage for the soon to be wed and their group of friends – now gone and taken calls to mind the, “Where is the security/camera system fire?” I am using an Airbnb property this summer and one of my first questions was, is there a security system? Are their cameras? What besides the lock on the door is providing me peace of mind? It isn’t hard to imagine that many questions like these will be getting asked more and more across America and internationally in the coming years.

Airbnbs are famously not owned or operated by a publicly-traded company. [24]

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch


The Wireline Report Latest News on Telemarketing By Salvatore Taillefer, Partner, Blooston Law (

Parties Agree to Dismiss California Net Neutrality Challenge On May 4, the ACA, CTIA, NCTA and USTelecom entered into a joint stipulation with the attorney general of California dismissing the case challenging California’s 2018 net neutrality law in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California. With this, the challenge to the law is formally terminated.

FTC Proposes Enhancements to Telemarketing Sales Rule At its April Open Meeting, the FTC adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing amendments to the Telemarketing Sales rule. Comment and reply comment deadlines have not yet been established. The Telemarketing Sales rule applies to any plan, program, or campaign to get consumers to purchase products or services by use of one or more telephone and more than one interstate telephone call. To the extent alarm industry members are soliciting via telephone calls, the following questions on which the FTC seeks comment may have some relevance: •

Whether the FTC should amend the rule’s record-keeping provisions to require telemarketers

to retain information in seven new categories, such as keeping recordings of robocalls. Whether the rule should require telemarketers to provide consumers with a simple notice and cancellation, such as click-to-cancel, when they sign up for subscription plans; and Whether the Telemarketing Sales Rule broadly should stop treating telemarketing calls made to businesses differently from those made to consumers. Generally, such calls currently are exempt from certain provisions of the rule.

In particular, additional record-keeping of ongoing sales efforts may be onerous and expensive to implement, and the elimination of the so-called business-tobusiness exemptions may create a need to expand existing systems.

The California Internet Consumer Protection and Net Neutrality Act of 2018, or SB-822, essentially codifies the Net Neutrality rules that were repealed at the end of 2017. These rules regulated broadband Internet access service and added protections for consumers, including alarm companies, in the form of prohibitions on blocking or throttling traffic and other discriminatory practices. SB-822 opens the door for other states to follow suit where the FCC has declined to act. The decision to dismiss the case comes after an order by the Ninth Circuit in January denying a motion for preliminary injunction against the enforcement of SB-822. Pricing Changes for Reassigned Numbers Database; Guidance on Safe Harbor On April 8, the FCC announced that it is improving its Reassigned Numbers Database by updating its subscriber rate structure to support access by callers so they can avoid making unwanted calls and clarified its safe harbor rules to encourage the use of the database. Specifically, the FCC recently approved Wireline, continued on page 29

TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022



The Wireless Report

FCC opens 4.9 GHz spectrum; T-band repeal By John A. Prendergast, Managing Partner, Blooston Law (

could jeopardize the ability of public safety to respond to genuine alarms that have been properly screened by central station personnel. Public safety associations supported AICC’s efforts.

Update on AT&T 3G Sunset As AT&T has implemented its 3G sunset, it has encountered certain issues that have seemingly caused it to take a more deliberate approach, resulting in multi-week slow-downs in certain parts of the country that have helped alarm companies racing to replace 3G radios ahead of the shutdown of AT&T service. While these slow-downs have been beneficial to the alarm industry, it is expected that AT&T will speed up its 3G sunset pace early this summer. Therefore, alarm companies that still have 3G retrofits to perform should proceed with all due haste to accomplish them. Fortunately, while supply chain issues still exist, AICC has been advised that the availability of replacement radios is improving. Second, as previously reported, the FCC brokered a roaming arrangement [26]

between AT&T and T-Mobile, that allowed certain alarm devices to continue working on the T-Mobile 3G network. However, T-Mobile’s 3G service is scheduled to sunset on July 1, 2022, so alarm companies that are using this patchwork measure should hurry to the permanent upgrade to 4G alarm radios by that date. Next Generation 911 Update From 2011 to 2013, AICC participated in the FCC’s rulemaking proceedings concerning “Next Generation 911” (or NG 911). AICC filed multiple comments pointing out that proposals to allow next-gen devices to send alarm signals/ video and date directly to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) without being screened would likely re-create the false alarm issue that plagued the alarm industry in its early days, and otherwise overwhelm the PSAPs. This outcome

The FCC rulemaking eventually focused on less relevant details of NG 911, such as allowing Text-to-911 and determining how to fund NG 911. However, the bigger initiative of implementing NG 911 nationwide is resurfacing, as reflected in recent legislation (the NG 911 Infrastructure Bill) and a pending petition filed by the National Association of State 911 Administrators (NASNA) asking the FCC to proceed to formulate a comprehensive NG 911 plan. Therefore, the time to refocus the FCC on AICC’s NG 911 false alarm concerns has arrived. Accordingly, AICC has reached out to the relevant FCC staffers, and will soon be submitting comments and making presentations to make sure alarm industry concerns are addressed. FCC Initiates Proceeding on RF Receiver Performance The FCC has established a proceeding (ET Docket No. 22–137) in which it seeks to promote improvements in radio frequency (RF) receiver performance, including through use of incentives, industry-led voluntary approaches, FCC policy and guidance, or regulatory requirements. According to the associated Press Release, the Notice of Inquiry will “take a fresh look at the role of receivers and how improved receiver performance can promote more efficient spectrum use and enable valuable new services to be introduced that will benefit the American public.” Comments are Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

due on or before June 27, 2022, and reply comments are due on or before July 27, 2022. The NOI seeks comment on a number of issues related to this initiative, including a gathering of up-to-date information on receiver performance, advances in receiver technologies, and various approaches for promoting development and adoption of more interferenceresilient receivers. In particular, the FCC indicates that receivers without sufficient interference immunity performance can “diminish opportunities for innovative spectrum uses that drive economic growth, competition, security, and innovation.” Comment is also sought on the FCC’s authority to act in this regard. Certain alarm devices have encountered interference over the past few years from adjacent channel operations in the UHF band, and the FCC’s proceeding can be both a possible source of stricter regulations on receiver performance, and an opportunity to participate in the shaping of Federal policy regarding receiver performance and interference mitigation. All alarm device manufacturers should monitor this proceeding, and may want to consider participating in it. FCC Urges Communications Companies that Use Uninterruptible Power Supply Devices to Guard Against Security Threats The FCC is urging companies that use uninterruptible power supply (UPS) devices as either a primary or backup power source to review the Joint Cybersecurity Advisory (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and Department of Energy (DOE)), Mitigating Attacks Against Uninterruptible Power Supply Devices. Those agencies have become aware of threat actors gaining access to a variety of internet-connected UPS devices, often through unchanged default usernames and passwords. CISA and DOE recommend that communications companies, along with all other critical infrastructure entities, immediately TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

review all UPSs and similar systems in order to ensure that they are not generally accessible from the internet. And to the extent that UPS devices or similar system’s management interfaces must be accessible from the internet, that those devices have compensating controls, such as ensuring the device or system is behind virtual private network, enforcing multifactor authentication, and applying strong, long passwords. With the situation in Europe and other parts of the world, the FCC’s advisory points out the need for target hardening from cyber and other threats. Drone Defense Update On April 25, Fox News reported that the Biden administration is rolling out its first whole-of-government plan to counter threats posed by drones to the United States, as malicious actors are increasingly using unmanned aircraft systems to commit crimes and conduct illegal surveillance, industrial espionage and more. A senior administration official has warned that the proliferation of the technology has introduced “new risks” to public safety, privacy and homeland security. The administration has therefore rolled out the “Domestic Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems National Action Plan,” in order to proactively address threats and protect the United States against “nefarious UAS activity.” The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has highlighted some of the many ways that drones can be dangerous. The administration official said the new plan was developed in coordination with multiple agencies, the intelligence community and regulatory professionals in an effort to close “critical gaps in policy and law” that impede the government’s ability to “defend vital national security interests.” The plan seeks to safeguard the airspace, communications spectrums, individual privacy, civil liberties. “To protect our homeland and prevent their growing use from threatening the safety and security of our people, our communities, and our

institutions, this counter-UAS National Action Plan will set new ground rules for the expanding uses of UAS and improve our defenses against the exploitation of UAS for inappropriate or dangerous purposes.” Only certain agencies within the Departments of Homeland Security (DHS), Justice (DOJ), Defense and Energy currently have the authority under existing federal laws to conduct UAS detection and counter-UAS mitigation activities. Other departments may have the authority to conduct the activities, but not for all locations that are deemed high-risk. The proposal announced last month seeks to expand authorized agencies, as well as to include all sectors of critical infrastructure as authorized locations to UAS detection and counter UAS mitigation. The proposal also seeks to authorize the State Department to conduct domestic drone detection and counter-drone mitigation activities. The administration is also proposing authorizing the CIA to conduct UAS detection and mitigation activities to protect domestic locations, and to authorize NASA to conduct detection activities to protect its locations. Within the plan, the Biden administration is requesting congressional cooperation to enact a new legislative proposal to expand the set of tools and actors who can protect against UAS. The proposal also seeks to expand UAS detection authorities for state, local, territorial and tribal law enforcement agencies and critical infrastructure owners and operators. The proposal would also permit critical infrastructure owners and operators to purchase authorized equipment to be used by appropriate law enforcement agencies to protect their facilities. The alarm industry has expressed concern over the increasing risks that drones create to their efforts to protect protected premises, especially high value operations, and venues such as sports stadiums and other venues that would [27]

be difficult to protect from a drone strike or aerial spying/sabotage operations. The administration’s Domestic CounterUnmanned Aircraft Systems National Action Plan represents a more clearcut turn away from protecting drone use at all costs, and a recognition of the threats that drones pose to all aspects of life. To the extent that this national action plan allows the involvement of critical infrastructure industries in drone defense efforts, it may create an opportunity for alarm companies to gain a place at the table, especially those that protect utilities, transportation hubs and other critical infrastructure. Any legislation or rulemaking proceedings that grow out of the plan should be closely monitored, and perhaps the subject of alarm industry input. Spectrum Innovation Act of 2022 Introduced in House, Senate On April 28, U.S. Representatives Mike Doyle (D-PA-18) and Bob Latta (ROH-05), and U.S. Senators Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) and John Thune (R-SD), introduced the Spectrum Innovation Act of 2022, which is aimed at freeing up new airwaves for wireless broadband use by the public. As drafted, the key provisions of the Act would require an auction within seven years of enactment of at least 200 MHz in the 3.1-3.45 GHz band for non-Federal use, shared Federal and non-Federal use, or a combination of the two. “Our entire economy runs on mobile broadband technology today,” Congressman Doyle observed. “Congress must make as much spectrum as possible available for improved broadband service for consumers and for promoting new, innovative use of our airwaves. The Spectrum Innovation Act would do just that.” “I’m proud of the bipartisan work that went into the Spectrum Innovation Act of 2022,” said Latta. “This legislation is absolutely vital to deploy robust 5G networks, close the digital divide for rural Americans, and will allow [28]

innovators to create next generation communications technology.” “The Spectrum Innovation Act of 2022 demonstrates a balanced approach to making critical mid-band spectrum in the 3.1-3.45 GHz band available for commercial use. In consultation with relevant federal partners, the legislation would allow this band to be modeled after the successful 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Service shared-use approach, which has been proven to protect the important federal uses of the band, garnered an unprecedented number of auction participants, and supports a wide range of use cases.” More mid-band spectrum being made available in the CBRS model could be a good thing for alarm companies. Much of the spectrum will presumably be sold at auction, which may be less than exciting for most alarm companies, but the CBRS model in the 3.5 GHz band (immediately adjacent to what the new bill is teeing up for commercial use) dedicates some spectrum for “General

Access” use, without having to bid in an auction. Hopefully, more General Access spectrum will be allotted from the 3.1-3.45 GHz band, potentially creating more options for alarm companies as they incorporate broadband apps into their operations. As usual, the devil will be in the details as Congress and the FCC move forward with this initiative.

Stay up-to-date on proposed legislation that may impact your business.

Visit TMA’s online Newsroom.

Your operators are on the front lines of your business. Learn more about TMA’s Online Operator Level 1 and Level 2 courses. Find out why so many monitoring centers use it for their new employee and refresher training. When it comes to operator training, turn to TMA, the most trusted provider.

Train. Motivate. Advance. Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

Wireline, continued from page 25

new usage pricing that will “give users more pricing options, lower prices for most subscribers, and discounts for caller agents subscribing to the highest tiers.” More information about pricing can be found on the Reassigned Numbers Database website at The FCC also clarified for callers that using agents to check the database will not impair their eligibility for a safe harbor from liability under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. “The clarification resolves potential confusion about whether the use of agents – an option many callers may choose for convenience – would deprive them of the safe harbor.” Specifically, the Reassigned Numbers Order stated that both callers and their agents can query the database; however, neither the Order nor the rules make clear that the caller may be eligible for the safe harbor if its agent makes the query. Accordingly, the FCC clarified that a caller that otherwise meets the criteria for the safe harbor does not need to perform the query of the database itself, but may instead rely on a query made on its behalf by a duly authorized agent. Callers should be aware that they, not their agents, are responsible for providing proof that the most recent version of the database was queried and it returned an erroneous response. Further, the caller should be prepared to prove that it authorized the agent to query the database on its behalf prior to making the calls at issue. The Reassigned Numbers Database is an important tool for alarm companies to ensure that the numbers their systems call have not been assigned to others, potentially exposing the company to liability under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Ex Parte Filing Raises Uncertainty in FCC SIP Code Proceeding In a previous Dispatch article, we noted the FCC recently expanded pool of SIP Codes for call blocking on IP networks TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

to include 603, providing carriers with another option to perform notification to the caller. Accordingly, callers’ equipment – including alarm companies – will need to be looking for this code, as well as 607 and 608, to receive notifications that calls are being blocked. The ISUP code, which is returned when the call blocked call is destined for a nonIP network, is 21. A recent ex parte filing, however, suggests that these codes do not follow technical standards and, as a result, can cause confusion. According to Robinson Management Service, IETF standards provide that SIP codes 603 and 607 indicate user call blocking, while 608 indicates provider call blocking. Similarly, International Telecommunications Union standards define ISUP Code 21 as indicating user call blocking, and that it is necessary to include a location code to determine whether the block was initiated by the user or the provider. Under the FCC’s rules, Robinson Management Service argues, it is not possible for legitimate callers seeking redress for mistaken call blocking to identify who initiated the block and, accordingly, whether the block is appropriate. Alarm companies should be aware of the distinction drawn by Robinson Management Services, and contact Ben Dickens (202-828-5510, or Sal Taillefer (202-828-5562, if they encounter issues.

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TMA 2022 Meetings 2022 TMA Mid-Year Meeting April 26-28 th Vir tual 2022 TMA OPSTech September 11-16 th Charlotte, NC 2022 TMA Annual Meeting October 29-November 2 nd JW Marriott Marco Island Beach Resor t Marco Island, FL

TMA Virtual Town Halls Proposed TMA-AVS-01 Question & Answer Sessions Each one begins at 1:00PM/ET. • Thursday, July 26, 2022 • Monday, August 15, 2022 • Thursday, September 1, 2022

Visit for the latest meeting details.

TMA DISPATCH, SUMMER 2022 ADVERTISERS INDEX  Altronix, page 13  Bosch, page 8  CIA, page 20  DMP, page 11  Evolon, page 2  NAPCO, page 47 Email for information on ho w you can reach members of the TMA community. Sponsorships are also available for our 2022 e vents. Contact John McDonald at to discuss available options. [29]


FirstNet Certified Companies  ADT, LLC, Boca Raton, FL  Advance Alarms Inc., Broken Arrow, OK  AFA Protective Systems, Inc., Syosset, NY  Affiliated Monitoring, Union, NJ  Allstate Security Industries, Inc., Amarillo, TX  American Alarm and Communications, Arlington, MA  Arco Security Central Station Corp., Miami, FL  AvantGuard Monitoring Centers, LLC, Ogden, UT  Bay Alarm Systems, Concord, CA  CenterPoint Technologies, LLC, Brentwood, MD  Central Alarm Control, Miami, FL  Central Monitoring & Dispatch, Pittsburgh, PA  Convergint Technologies, LLC, Renton, WA  COPS Monitoring, Williamstown, NJ  CPI Security Systems, Charlotte, NC  Criticom Monitoring Services, Longwood, FL  DGA Security Systems, Inc., New York, NY  Dispatch Center Ltd., San Antonio, TX  DMP, Springfield, MO  Electronix Systems Central Station Alarms, Inc., Huntington Station, NY  Emergency 24, Des Plaines, IL

 Grand Central Station, Inc., Livermore, CA  Interface Security Systems, Earth City, MO  Intruder Alert Systems of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX  Johnson Controls Security Solutions, LLC, Boca Raton, FL  Kings III of America, Coppell, TX  Matson Alarm Co., Inc., Fresno, CA  Midwest Alarm Company, Inc., Sioux Falls, SD

TMA-AVS-01 – Alarm Verification Standard

 NAPCO Security Systems, Inc., Amityville, NY

In line with the 60-day public comment period for the TMAAVS-01, TMA’s Standards Committee scheduled five, stand-alone Virtual Town Halls for TMA members and other stakeholders.

 National Monitoring Center (NMC), Lake Forest, CA  Nationwide Security Corporation, Branford, CT  Per Mar Security Services, Davenport, IA  Rapid Response Monitoring, Syracuse, NY  Safe Tech USA, Ltd., Melville, NY  SCN Security Communication Network, Inc., Corona, CA  Security Equipment, Inc., Omaha, NE  Sentinel Alarm Company, Stowe, VT  Southwest Dispatch Center, Richardson, TX  Stanley Convergent Security Solutions, Plymouth, MN  Statewide Monitoring Corp., Staten Island, NY

 Engineered Protection Systems, Inc. Grand Rapids, MI

 Tech Electronics, Inc., St. Louis, MO

 Federal Response Center, Inc., Springfield, MO

 The Fireline Corporation, Baltimore, MD

 The Fireline Corporation, Baltimore, MD

 Vector Security, Inc., Warrendale, PA

 Telular, Atlanta, GA  Triple S Alarm Co., Little Rock, AR

 First Alarm, Aptos, CA

 Vivint Smart Home, Provo, UT

 Force Security Solutions, LLC, Manassas, VA

 Vyanet Operating Group, Inc., Bend, OR

 Global Monitoring Solutions, Denham Springs, LA

 Washington Alarm, Inc., Seattle, WA

 Goldring Protection, Freehold, NJ [30]

 Wayne Alarm Systems, Inc., Lynn, MA

Security, monitoring, and public safety practitioners are encouraged to attend one or more of these sessions to share comments, ask questions, and exchange dialogue with the Standards Committee and their peers. Register to attend on one of these dates on TMA’s website: • • •

Thursday, July 26, 2022 Monday, August 15, 2022 Thursday, September 1, 2022

Do you have knowledge or expertise to share with TMA members? Technology or business topics are welcome. Consider contributing an article! The deadline for submissions for the Fall TMA Dispatch is August 15th. Email questions to

As of June 22, 2022

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch



Guayaquil, Ecuador +1 (593-4) 6020060

Join us in welcoming our newest members to the TMA community! To view a complete list of new members, go to


M2M Services Boca Raton, FL +1 (800) 403-7029 Phillip Galaboff, Chief Strategy Officer M2M Services is a technology company, providing universal alarm communicators, connectivity, and interactive services to a global network of thousands of professional alarm companies. The company leverages its best-inclass engineering capabilities to deliver products of the highest quality at the most affordable price. Its footprint is spread to 30+ countries on five continents, serving over 5000 businesses and impacting the daily lives of more than 1 million end-users.

YourSix Roseville, MN +1 (800) 687-3014 Michael King, Director of Sales – Distribution & Security YourSix is an award-winning Physical Security as a Service (PSaaS) provider. The Y6OS pure cloud platform leverages a unique convergence of surveillance, access control, audio, sensors, artificial intelligence, and monitoring to deliver a singular operational intelligence and physical security solution.

TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

YourSix’s commitment to innovation continues to transform the industry through its open standards-based framework, robust cybersecurity protocols, and ongoing advancements powered by machine learning/artificial intelligence. YourSix was founded in 2015 and headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota. In 2021, Inc. 5000, the most prestigious ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies, ranked YourSix Inc., No. 208 in America. YourSix also ranked No. 12 on the 2021 Vet100 list.



Deerfield, IL Founded over a century ago in 1901, Walgreens has a rich and colorful history of continuous improvement and innovation at Walgreens. From inventing the world’s first chocolate malted milkshake to the creation of one of the most popular and sophisticated mobile applications in retail shopping today, we have transformed ourselves into a leader within the retail and drug industry. Walgreens, one of the nation’s largest drugstore chains, is the Retail Pharmacy USA Division of Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., a global leader in retail and wholesale pharmacy.

Totem is a company with more than 15 years of experience in the implementation of projects at a national and international level. Its areas of specialty include engineering, construction, and integration of electronic security systems for companies and homes. The company has two business units: Managed Electronic Systems and Fire Detection and Extinguishing Systems. We are continually striving to be competitive in all aspects of quality, technology, services, and administration; creating and constantly improving our technological solutions in accordance with market developments. Totem’s goal is to become a regional benchmark for the development and innovation of monitoring and auditing services for industrial processes based on technology and data analytics.


Global Guardian

Charlotte, NC Global Guardian is a leading Duty of Care provider. Headquartered just outside of Washington, DC, Global Guardian provides a comprehensive, integrated, and customized suite of security, medical and emergency response services to protect the people, physical assets, and brand of companies of all sizes and government. These services are also available to families and individuals, all with the simple push of a button. Our Asset Security Division, located in Charlotte, NC, is a UL listed Central Monitoring Station, offering innovative, thoughtful, and cost-effective monitoring services


using advanced, NDAA-compliant technology, including: • Surveillance and remote guarding with the ability to monitor a wider field of view and react quicker than traditional guards to proactively deter criminals • Custom-built intrusion detection systems that meet the requirements of insurance providers • Access control to prevent data loss, theft, or breach of privacy • Solar-powered systems as a 100% wireless solution and green initiative • 24/7 Operations Center designed to respond in under 90 seconds to incidents at monitored locations around the world.

Guardian Alarm Company +1 (800) 782-9688 Guardian Alarm is one of the largest, independently-owned security companies today. From single-family homes to multiple corporate locations, all the way to corporate high-rise office buildings, the company uses the latest technology and offers top service and support. Established 90 years ago, Guardian Alarm and Medical Monitoring is headquartered in Southfield, Michigan, and provides a variety of property and life-saving solutions to protect what matters most. UL and FM Certified.

Property Protection Monitoring, Inc. Lowell, MA +1 (877) 794-3344 Property Protection Monitoring, Inc. is a family-owned monitoring station in New England. It has been in business since 1998 and takes pride in offering customized services tailored to every client’s needs. Unlike some larger corporations in the industry, customers can always speak with us. There is no extensive waiting on hold or pressing numerous buttons to speak with a live person. [32]

PPM is strictly a third-party monitoring station and does not service or install equipment.


Secure Source International Surprise, AZ +1 (888) 514-2610 Secure Source International was founded in 2005 on the principle that security needs to be personal, honest, and individually applicable. For over a decade, the company has given its clients peace of mind, allowing them to better focus on their business. Its multi-faceted approach has allowed it to rise above its competitors by offering a one-stop shop for all security needs. By manufacturing its own camera systems, and relying on its central command center for the monitoring and response of its systems, it is able to ensure the level of quality its clients deserve. The company’s success is a result of its drive to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to technology, as well as its ability to establish strong relationships with each client and local authorities. The company makes it a priority to communicate openly and effectively to establish a foundation based on trust and proven competency. It understands that every site is unique, which is why its employees sit down with each client individually to construct the perfect system for their needs. The company’s objective is two-fold: to secure assets, and to save thousands of dollars over its competitors and other means of security. Its comprehensive options include hard-powered surveillance systems, solar-powered surveillance systems, virtual fencing, motion video sensors, alarm and light deterrents, and on-site security guards through its security guard partners.

IQ Certified Companies TMA is pleased to introduce and recognize the following companies who have become IQ certified as of June 22, 2022. Advance Alarms, Inc., Broken Arrow, OK Advanced Alarm, Inc., Tonawanda, NY Allstate Security Industries, Inc., Amarillo, TX Amherst Alarm, Inc., Amherst, NY Genesis Security Services, Carolina, PR Guardian Protection Warrendale, PA National Monitoring Center, Lake Forest, CA Rapid Response Monitoring Services, Inc., Syracuse, NY COPS Monitoring, Williamstown, NJ S S C Services Inc. dba Cen-Signal, Columbus, GA Securityhunter, Inc., Baltimore, MD Wayne Alarm Systems, Inc., Lynn, MA

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch


Congratulate TMA’s 2022-23 Five Diamond Designees! The monitoring centers listed below are designated TMA Five Diamond though April 2023. This designation marks a commitment to the highest industry standards. Acadian Monitoring Services, LLC Lafayette, LA Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 01/2005

Alert 360 Tulsa, OK Full Service Monitoring Designated since 08/2018

Barcom Security, Inc. Swansea, IL Full Service Monitoring Designated since 11/2007

ADT JCTX (formerly Protection One) Irving, TX Full Service Monitoring Designated since 10/2014

All American Monitoring Sarasota, FL Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 01/2011

Bell Canada Toronto, ON Full Service Monitoring - Canada Designated since 04/2015

Affiliated Monitoring Union, NJ Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 09/2005

Allstate Security Industries, Inc. Amarillo, TX Full Service Monitoring Designated since 09/2006

Bell Canada Winnipeg, MB Full Service Monitoring - Canada Designated since 04/2020

Affiliated Monitoring Houston, TX Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 05/2022 New in 2022!

American Alarm and Communications, Inc. Arlington, MA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 04/2004

Centra-Larm Monitoring Inc. Manchester, NH Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 06/2009

American Electric Power Columbus, OH Proprietary Monitoring Designated since 11/2020

Central Monitoring and Dispatch, Inc. Pittsburgh, PA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 02/2022 New in 2022!

Amherst Alarm Inc. Amherst, NY Full Service Monitoring Designated since 03/2004

CenturyLink Security Monroe, LA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 02/2005

AT&T Digital Life, Inc. Richardson, TX Full Service Monitoring Designated since 07/2013

Comporium SMA Solutions Inc. Rock Hill, SC Full Service Monitoring Designated since 04/2012

Atlantic Coast Alarm Mays Landing, NJ Full Service Monitoring Designated since 12/2009

Cooperative Response Center, Inc. (CRC) Austin, MN Full Service Monitoring Designated since 03/2011

Alarm Detection Systems, Inc. Aurora, IL Full Service Monitoring Designated since 08/2003 Alarm Detection Systems, Inc. (formerly Safe Systems) Louisville, CO Full Service Monitoring Designated since 08/2004 Alarmco, Inc. Las Vegas, NV Full Service Monitoring Designated since 06/2006 Alarme Sentinelle / Sentinel Alarm Montreal, QC Full Service Monitoring - Canada Designated since 12/2010 TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022


COPS Monitoring Lewisville, TX Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 06/2014

Fire Monitoring of Canada, Inc. St. Catharines, ON Full Service Monitoring - Canada Designated since 05/2009

Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc. Encino, CA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 11/2014

COPS Monitoring Williamstown, NJ Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 05/2014

Gillmore Security Systems Inc. Cleveland, OH Full Service Monitoring Designated since 01/2009

Life Safety Monitoring, LLC Munhall, PA Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 01/2018

Damar Security Systems Sarnia, ON Full Service Monitoring - Canada Designated since 11/2012

GM Security Technologies San Juan, PR Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 10/2011

Metrodial Corporation, Inc. Hicksville, NY Full Service Monitoring Designated since 11/2004

DGA Security Systems, Inc. New York, NY Full Service Monitoring Designated since 02/2005

Holmes Security Systems Fayetteville, NC Full Service Monitoring Designated since 12/2017

Mutual Security Services/a Kastle Systems Company New York, NY Full Service Monitoring Designated since 05/2009

Dynamark Monitoring, Inc. Hagerstown, MD Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 02/2012

Huronia Alarm & Fire Security, Inc. Midland, ON Full Service Monitoring - Canada Designated since 06/2013

Electronix Systems Central Station Alarms, Inc. Huntington Station, NY Full Service Monitoring Designated since 06/2005

Interface Security Earth City, MO Full Service Monitoring Designated since 08/2004

Ellijay Telephone Company Ellijay, GA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 04/2015 Engineered Protection Systems, Inc. (EPS Security) Grand Rapids, MI Full Service Monitoring Designated since 06/2004 Federal Response Center Springfield, MO Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 01/2006


Interface Security Plano, TX Full Service Monitoring Designated since 11/2012 iWatch Communications Beaverton, OR Full Service Monitoring Designated since 01/2008 Kastle Systems Falls Church, VA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 06/2014

National Monitoring Center Irving, TX Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 06/2016 National Monitoring Center Lake Forest, CA Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 06/2016 Nationwide Central Station Monitoring Corp. Freeport, NY Full Service Monitoring Designated since 04/2007 Paladin Technologies Victoria, BC Full Service Monitoring - Canada Designated since 06/2016 Peak Alarm Company, Inc. Salt Lake City, UT Full Service Monitoring Designated since 02/2006

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

Per Mar Security Services Davenport, IA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 06/2005 Post Alarm Systems Arcadia, CA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 12/2014 Quick Response Cleveland, OH Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 10/2005 Securitas Electronic Security, Inc. Honolulu, HI Full Service Monitoring Designated since 12/2003 Securitas Electronic Security, Inc. (formerly known as FE Moran Security Solutions, LLC) Champaign, IL Full Service Monitoring Designated since 12/2006 Securitas Electronic Security, Inc. Charlotte, NC Full Service Monitoring Designated since 03/2022 Securitas Electronic Security, Inc. Uniontown, OH Full Service Monitoring Designated since 11/2003 Security Alarm Corporation Port Charlotte, FL Full Service Monitoring Designated since 06/2012 Security Alarm Monitoring, Inc. Woodlyn, PA Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 05/2009

TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

SecurTek Monitoring Solutions, Inc. Winnipeg, MB Full Service Monitoring - Canada Designated since 05/2022 New in 2022! SecurTek Monitoring Solutions, Inc. Yorkton, SK Full Service Monitoring - Canada Designated since 05/2010 Siemens Industry, Inc. Irving, TX Full Service Monitoring Designated since 03/2004 Simon Operational Intelligence Center Indianapolis, IN Full Service Monitoring Designated since 01/2020 Sonitrol Great Lakes Grand Blanc, MI Full Service Monitoring Designated since 02/2022 New in 2022!

The Watchlight Corporation El Cajon, CA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 03/2014 U.S. Monitoring, Inc. Oklahoma City, OK Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 08/2018 United Central Control San Antonio, TX Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 08/2004 United Monitoring Services, Inc. Columbus, GA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 04/2004 Universal Atlantic Systems (UAS) Paoli, PA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 04/2004

Superior Central Station, Inc. McAllen, TX Full Service Monitoring Designated since 06/2007

Universal Monitoring, LLC Charlotte, NC Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 02/2018

Tech Systems Inc. Buford, GA Wholesale Monitoring Designated since 12/2019

Valley Security and Alarm Fresno, CA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 10/2017

Telsco Security Systems Edmonton, AB Full Service Monitoring - CA Designated since 02/2016

Vancouver Fire & Security Richmond, BC Wholesale Monitoring - Canada Designated since 07/2012

The Las Colinas Association Irving, TX Proprietary Monitoring Designated since 11/2021 New in 2021!

Vector (East) Plymouth Meeting, PA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 08/2003


Vector (West) Warrendale, PA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 08/2003 Vigilante Security, Inc. Troy, MI Full Service Monitoring Designated since 05/2016 Vivint Inc. - MN Eagan, MN Full Service Monitoring Designated since 03/2014 Vivint Inc. - UT Provo, UT Full Service Monitoring Designated since 03/2014 VRI-The Care Center Franklin, OH Full Service Monitoring Designated since 04/2006 Wayne Alarm Systems, Inc. Lynn, MA Full Service Monitoring Designated since 11/2003 Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. Rochester, NY Proprietary Monitoring Designated since 04/2008 WH International Response Center Rockford, MN Full Service Monitoring Designated since 12/2004

Learn how to earn your Five Diamond certification. Visit tma-five-diamond/


Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch


Monitoring Center Operator Level 1 Training Graduates Name Muhammad Abbasi Martha Aceves Nathaniel Adams Jalayah Addison Blanca Aguirre Dallas Alefteras Alexis Alexander Morgan Alexander Javad Ali Aidrous Ali Celina Allen Jerika Allen Kory Allison Jayson Ambrose Alex Anderson Joseph Anderson Gail Anderson Lindsey Anderson Ma’Lika Anderson Lyka Andres Anthony Arana Celia Archer Laticia Arias Jennifer Armijo Luisa Arreola Omar Asskaryer Nikko Avery Richard Ayala Hafid Bahena Nathan Baker Collis Banks Cody Barger Daja Barley Jaicee Barnes Shay Barney Nicole Barquero Desirae Beach Angelyk Beaulieu

Company United Central Control Bay Alarm Vivint, Inc. United Central Control Vivint, Inc. Vivint, Inc. Blue Ridge Monitoring Vivint, Inc. Statewide Central Station Vivint, Inc. Allied Universal Technology Services Vivint, Inc. VRI Doyle Security Avantguard Monitoring Centers Securitas Electronic Security UAS Valley Security & Alarm Vivint, Inc. BMO Financial Group (CA) Allied Universal Technology Services Sonitrol Great Lakes Vivint, Inc. United Central Control ADT Security Alarm Monitoring Inc Interface Security Vivint, Inc. Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers The Aerospace Corporation American Burglary & Fire, Inc. Affiliated Monitoring ADT Vivint, Inc. Vivint, Inc. U.S. Monitoring, Inc. ADT By Telus (CA)

TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

Graduated 4/8/2022 4/7/2022 3/22/2022 3/21/2022 3/22/2022 4/3/2022 2/10/2022 4/3/2022 4/7/2022 4/25/2022 3/22/2022 3/19/2022 2/8/2022 4/8/2022 2/28/2022 2/11/2022 3/23/2022 3/4/2022 4/27/2022 4/2/2022 2/23/2022 2/16/2022 3/22/2022 3/28/2022 2/16/2022 3/1/2022 3/15/2022 3/22/2022 2/22/2022 2/22/2022 4/17/2022 3/19/2022 2/26/2022 2/1/2022 3/21/2022 3/19/2022 4/18/2022 2/25/2022

Name Louvenia Bell Evan Bell Geneve Benson Arianna Benson-Sutton Nicholas Beres Noah Bernard Franco Bibolotti Ashley Bieneman Asher Billings Curry Binion Christian Biorn Halli Black Stephanie Blackwood Angel Blaquera James Bloodsaw Shania Blue Jared Blume Shivonne Bolton Vittoria Boorman Blair Born Susanna Bossolono Janeil Bostic-Humphrey Richard Boston Kierra Bottoms Baylee Boucher Lisa Bowman Paul Boyer Amanda Bradley Samuel Brassanini Teigha Bridges Tronnescia Bright Romaine Bromfield Daisy Brook Keith Brookins Jr Derek Brooks Shirley Brown Steven Brown Joseph Brown

USA and international graduates completed February 1, 2022 to April 30, 2022

Company Security Engineers Inc. Security Engineers, Inc. United Central Control Vivint, Inc. BMO Financial Group (CA) Guardian Protection Services United Central Control DMC Security Services, Inc. Vivint, Inc. Securitas Electronic Security Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers Amestica Tech Systems Inc Life Alert Emergency Response Kings III of America Washington Alarm Vivint, Inc. Affiliated Monitoring Vivint, Inc WH International Vivint, Inc. MSpace Limited (TT) Securitas Electronic Security SMART Security Pros, LLC dba Mobile Video Guard Avantguard Monitoring Centers Vivint, Inc. Kroger Central Alarm Control Doyle Security Avantguard Monitoring Centers Blue Ridge Monitoring Brinks Home Security Tech Systems Inc Vivint, Inc. Vivint, Inc. Scarsdale Security Systems, Inc. ADT Dynamark Monitoring Operational Intelligence Center

Graduated 4/6/2022 4/18/2022 3/18/2022 3/20/2022 4/17/2022 2/26/2022 3/7/2022 4/11/2022 3/21/2022 2/25/2022 2/24/2022 3/8/2022 3/2/2022 3/7/2022 3/21/2022 3/6/2022 4/5/2022 2/11/2022 4/24/2022 4/22/2022 4/22/2022 2/19/2022 2/11/2022 2/14/2022 4/22/2022 2/13/2022 2/15/2022 4/10/2022 3/2/2022 4/5/2022 2/14/2022 3/1/2022 3/24/2022 2/27/2022 2/24/2022 2/17/2022 2/6/2022 2/14/2022 [37]

Name Julian Bulskis Kevin Burch Marissa Burgess Willard Burton Courtney Busby Adrion Butler Kaleel Byrd Alejandro Caballero Logan Calder Christy Callahan Courtney Calloway Fernando Cameron Isabella Cano Elizabeth Carlin Marcia Carr Errand Carter Alfonso Castaneda Yesenia Castillo Steven Castro Araceli Cervantes Bradley Cervantes Natasha Champlin Cynthia Chappell Donye Chappell German Chavez Luis Chiessa Vincent Chinn Hailey Christensen Jennifer Christy Michelle Cicchillo Kathryn Cisco Jenna Claiborne Joanne Clark Dale Clark Alex Clawson Kelley Clements Nickie Cleveland Spencer Coates Shanna Cochnauer Arielle Cohen Ryana Cole Semiah Cole Julian Cole Brittney Coleman Latasha Coleman Ashley Collis Zulette Colon Melanie Commisso Kalley Cook [38]

Company COPS Monitoring - New Jersey NextEra Energy / FPL Corporate Security Vivint, Inc. Vivint, Inc. Center for Domestic Preparedness Allied Universal Technology Services COPS Monitoring - Maryland United Central Control Damar Security Services/ Security Response Center (CA) Vivint, Inc. National Monitoring Center GM Security Technologies Avantguard Monitoring Centers Central Monitoring & Dispatch SMART Security Pros, LLC dba Mobile Video Guard Vivint, Inc. U.S. Monitoring, Inc. Vivint, Inc. GMST Life Alert Vivint, Inc. Vector WEST U.S. Monitoring, Inc. Vivint, Inc. Life Alert Emergency Response ADT Interface Security Avantguard Monitoring Centers Vivint, Inc. Statewide Central Station COPS Monitoring Vivint, Inc. Avantguard Monitoring Centers Vivint, Inc. Avantguard Monitoring Centers Vivint, Inc. VRI The Aerospace Corporation Alert 360 Quick Response Monitoring Affiliated Monitoring Interface Security Systems Vivint, Inc. ESC Central Vivint, Inc. Dynamark Monitoring GMST BMO Financial Group (CA) Avantguard Monitoring Centers

Graduated 2/3/2022 4/14/2022 3/22/2022 3/23/2022 3/8/2022 3/8/2022 3/26/2022 2/16/2022 4/8/2022 3/24/2022 4/5/2022 3/31/2022 4/25/2022 2/2/2022 3/7/2022 2/15/2022 4/15/2022 3/22/2022 3/24/2022 3/2/2022 3/1/2022 4/30/2022 4/24/2022 3/24/2022 3/2/2022 2/11/2022 3/19/2022 3/16/2022 3/24/2022 4/3/2022 3/2/2022 2/9/2022 2/21/2022 3/24/2022 3/3/2022 4/8/2022 2/27/2022 3/27/2022 4/27/2022 3/25/2022 2/11/2022 4/21/2022 4/3/2022 2/14/2022 4/2/2022 2/6/2022 3/27/2022 4/10/2022 3/2/2022

Name Elizabeth Cook Whitney Cooper Garett Corwin

Company VRI COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Allied Universal Technology Services Laquana Cosey Vivint, Inc. Christine Counts COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Daniel Courreges ADT Kaylee Covella da Costa Vivint, Inc. Jeremy Cox Alarmco Heather Crafton Blue Ridge Monitoring Rebecca Craig Allied Universal Technology Services Jabriell Crawford VRI Jahlon Crenshaw Vivint, Inc. Sedonia Cribbs Per Mar Security Services Caleb Crump ETC Communications Amy Culbertson Blue Ridge Monitoring Lane Cumpton COPS Monitoring - AZ Shade Dabell Avantguard Monitoring Centers Jessica Dacosta COPS Monitoring - Texas Yulanda Danielly VRI Joe Dattilo Wegmans Food Markets Inc. Caleb Davis Avantguard Monitoring Centers Brittany Davis Comporium SMA Solutions Inc Tyler Davis COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Abrielle Davis Securitas Electronic Security Greg Davis The Aerospace Corporation Tommy Davis, Jr Vivint, Inc. Mariah Dawahoya AZ Security Control Chelsea Dawahoya AZ Security Control Kayela Daye Vivint, Inc. Jennifer De Lira-Garcia United Central Control Diandra Dean Affiliated Monitoring Kerry Dean Paladin Technologies (CA) Sharifa DeArmon Vigilante Security, Inc Alexis Defilipo Statewide Central Station Aaron DeKover Avantguard Monitoring Centers Ben Dennis Guardian Protection Services Jessica Diaz COPS Monitoring Amber Dickson DGA Security Kara Dishon Mahoney Alarms Jalen Dixon Turner Security Systems, Inc. Greg Doan Fire Monitoring of Canada, Inc. (CA) Patricia Donato United Central Control Claire Dorlus COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton MarcDaline Dorsainvil DGA Security David Dos Santos COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton Shea Douglas Interface Security Cedric Doumassy Vivint, Inc. Kaayla Dowden National Monitoring Center Cody Duncan COPS Monitoring - Tennessee Madison Dunyon Avantguard Monitoring Centers Malin Ehrlin Vivint, Inc. Arwah El Quaouatli Brinks Home Security

Graduated 3/2/2022 2/4/2022 4/5/2022 2/18/2022 4/25/2022 2/16/2022 4/2/2022 4/15/2022 4/26/2022 4/12/2022 3/10/2022 2/28/2022 2/11/2022 3/24/2022 4/6/2022 2/9/2022 3/4/2022 2/12/2022 3/3/2022 3/2/2022 3/1/2022 3/31/2022 3/20/2022 2/25/2022 3/27/2022 3/19/2022 3/13/2022 3/25/2022 3/20/2022 4/16/2022 3/1/2022 2/9/2022 4/27/2022 4/20/2022 3/21/2022 3/14/2022 3/8/2022 3/7/2022 3/11/2022 4/30/2022 2/7/2022 4/27/2022 3/9/2022 4/13/2022 3/27/2022 3/31/2022 4/24/2022 4/13/2022 4/4/2022 4/11/2022 3/31/2022 2/12/2022

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

Name Cortney Elder Charity Ellis Krista Emswiler Evelyn Encinas Ahkeem Erskin cason esquivel Luke Everhart Marcus Falconer Sandy Fanning David Farr Devinair Favors Jade Fehrenbacker Brynlee Felt Zaneta Fenton Anija Ferguson Heather Fischer

Company VRI National Monitoring Center Dynamark Monitoring COPS Monitoring - Scottsdale Vivint, Inc. ADT Vivint, Inc. Alarm Detection Systems, Inc. VRI central monitoring dispatch Scarsdale Security Systems, Inc. Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers VRI VRI Huronia Alarm & Fire Security, Inc. (CA) Devon Fitzgerald Affiliated Monitoring Kaylee Flores Dispatch Center, LTD Janet Flores Life Alert Emergency Response Tuawn Floyd DGA Security Jade Ford Avantguard Monitoring Centers Naomi Foster Interface Security Systems Taylor Franklin Kings III of America Dominique Franklin Statewide Central Station Heather Frauens Life Safety Monitoring, LLC Phil Frederick Doyle Security Tanisha Freeman Titan Monitoring A’Donna Fuller VRI Mike Gallagher Dynamark Monitoring Sherry Games Vivint, Inc. Jason Gandy Allied Universal Technology Services Jennylee Garcia GMST Ray Garcia SecurTek (CA) Leighann Gardner ADT Jarrett Gardner Interface Security Systems Celsey Garegnani Blue Ridge Monitoring Valencia Gary Vivint, Inc. Jasmine Garza Affiliated Monitoring Cristina Garza Superior Central Station Inc. Rachel Garza United Central Control Laura Gette COPS Monitoring - AZ Benjamin Gifford Avantguard Monitoring Centers Jodie Gillespie Guardian Protection Services Tiana Gillespie Guardian Protection Services Angela Gilmore COPS Monitoring - Maryland Candela Gimenez Life Alert Emergency Response Gary Girard SecurTek (CA) Evan Gleason SecurTek (CA) Kaley Goetz Per Mar Security Services Theresa Golden COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton Steven Goldfinger Alarmco Rafael Gomez Castro G4S Costa Rica (CR) TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

Graduated 4/5/2022 4/13/2022 3/2/2022 3/24/2022 4/23/2022 2/18/2022 2/2/2022 4/28/2022 2/8/2022 2/8/2022 2/25/2022 3/24/2022 2/25/2022 2/8/2022 3/8/2022 2/16/2022 2/20/2022 3/18/2022 4/24/2022 4/13/2022 4/27/2022 2/9/2022 2/23/2022 2/25/2022 2/15/2022 4/14/2022 4/5/2022 3/6/2022 3/3/2022 3/20/2022 4/27/2022 3/25/2022 3/22/2022 2/21/2022 2/9/2022 2/24/2022 2/7/2022 4/22/2022 3/16/2022 4/3/2022 3/11/2022 4/25/2022 3/28/2022 3/1/2022 3/26/2022 4/1/2022 3/22/2022 4/4/2022 2/13/2022 3/12/2022 2/26/2022 2/18/2022

Name Alexis Gonzalez Luis Gonzalez Irene Gonzalez Camila Gonzalez Amanda Graham Laurel Grant Sheena Grau Cayden Gray Melanie Gray Francesca Greding Reginald Green Nicole Griffin Amanda Grose Emily Gross Deandra Grove Tiffene Groves Brenda Guerrero-Ortiz Edwin Guerrero-Ortiz Tiffany Guitron Joshua Guthaus Daisy Guy Eric Guzman Gina Halbert Anli Hall Qunay Hall Haley Hannan Paul Hargate Ashley Harper Irene Harrel Qiana Harris Richard Harris Rhiannon Harris Tara Harrison Kristin Harrison Kyra Hartmann Ashley Haskins Gina Hayden Chasity Hayden Sharlee Heart Megan Hensley Abraham Heredia Aaliya Hernandez Marlene Herrera Daniel Herris Lisa Hessley Brandi Hibbard Cam Hill Nicole Hill Mia Hopkins Nikisha Horne Trey Houck Keith Howard

Company GMST Life Alert Emergency Response Statewide Central Station Vivint, Inc. Per Mar Security Services Avantguard Monitoring Centers Vivint, Inc. Avantguard Monitoring Centers Blue Ridge Monitoring Avantguard Monitoring Centers The Aerospace Corporation National Monitoring Center Securitas Electronic Security Sonitrol Great Lakes VRI Affiliated Monitoring Interface Security Systems Interface Security Systems United Central Control Sonitrol Great Lakes Blue Ridge Monitoring AZ Security Control Vivint, Inc. Blue Ridge Monitoring VRI Guardian Protection Services Vivint, Inc. Blue Ridge Monitoring Affiliated Monitoring American Electric Power Security Operations Center Interface Security Scarsdale Security Systems, Inc. Damar Security Services/ Security Response Center (CA) Vivint, Inc. WH International American Burglary & Fire, Inc. Sonitrol Great Lakes WH International Alert 360 Costco Wholesale Avantguard Monitoring Centers Vivint, Inc. Dispatch Center, LTD Securitas Electronic Security Wegmans Asset Protection Vivint, Inc. Fleenor Security Systems Per Mar Security Services Sonitrol Great Lakes Securitas Electronic Security Avantguard Monitoring Centers COPS Monitoring - Tennessee

Graduated 3/27/2022 2/26/2022 4/21/2022 2/3/2022 2/15/2022 4/27/2022 4/5/2022 4/20/2022 2/14/2022 4/22/2022 3/11/2022 4/21/2022 3/18/2022 2/1/2022 3/10/2022 4/20/2022 3/31/2022 4/21/2022 4/28/2022 3/17/2022 2/23/2022 2/23/2022 2/10/2022 2/8/2022 3/14/2022 2/17/2022 2/9/2022 2/17/2022 2/27/2022 2/18/2022 2/10/2022 2/24/2022 3/29/2022 3/24/2022 4/22/2022 4/2/2022 3/16/2022 4/25/2022 4/12/2022 4/24/2022 4/9/2022 3/22/2022 2/17/2022 2/25/2022 3/13/2022 3/20/2022 3/21/2022 2/25/2022 2/2/2022 2/27/2022 4/21/2022 4/6/2022 [39]

Name Elise Huzeker Chinedu Ikeme Trevor Ingram Kaylee Ingram Aubrey Ingram Carmen Irizarry Heidi Jackson Kayla Jackson Elena Jacobsen Konnor Johnson Jennifer Johnson Russell Johnson Kathryn Johnson Erika Johnson Helena Johnson Catrina Johnson Erin Johnson Emily Johnson Jayme Johnson Courtney Johnson Allan Jones Jackson Jones Cierra Jones Perteria Jones Garciela Jones Sandra Jones Jeffrey Judd Latai Kaumatule Anna Keith Addie Keller Edna Kelley Arvesha Kelly Tyler Kenway Joyce Ketchum Jenifer Khati Ali Khatib Robert King Rebekah King Craig Kitts Sasha Kitungi Gerald Klaas Cody Knudsen Oghenero Kowo Timothy Kreyling Emily Krueger Abby Kulseth Morgan Kurtz Robert Kusziner Gregory Laffoon Christine Laforgia Samantha Lamb Dale Land [40]

Company Vivint, Inc Interface Security Avantguard Monitoring Centers iWatch Communications Sonitrol Great Lakes GMST American Burglary & Fire, Inc. VRI Vivint, Inc. Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers National Monitoring Center Per Mar Security Services Per Mar Security Services SMART Security Pros, LLC dba Mobile Video Guard U.S. Monitoring, Inc. Vivint, Inc. VRI Allied Universal Security Avantguard Monitoring Centers COPS Monitoring - Scottsdale National Monitoring Center Vivint, Inc. Vivint, Inc. Vivint, Inc. Vivint, Inc. Doyle Security Avantguard Monitoring Centers Engineered Protection Systems, Inc. Vivint, Inc. VRI Alert 360 Interface Security The Aerospace Corporation Securitas Electronic Security Vivint, Inc. The Aerospace Corporation Telsco Security Systems (CA) Interface Security Systems U.S. Monitoring, Inc. Kings III of America Avantguard Monitoring Centers United Central Control Vivint, Inc. AZ Security Control COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Avantguard Monitoring Centers Statewide Central Station Avantguard Monitoring Centers VRI

Graduated 4/29/2022 3/7/2022 4/5/2022 4/1/2022 3/25/2022 3/27/2022 3/19/2022 4/5/2022 4/5/2022 3/1/2022 3/1/2022 3/25/2022 4/20/2022 2/22/2022 2/8/2022 2/17/2022 2/14/2022 4/15/2022 3/21/2022 2/6/2022 2/2/2022 3/4/2022 3/12/2022 4/13/2022 3/22/2022 2/11/2022 3/23/2022 4/13/2022 4/13/2022 4/21/2022 2/3/2022 2/7/2022 4/5/2022 2/28/2022 4/25/2022 3/29/2022 2/15/2022 3/21/2022 3/13/2022 2/10/2022 2/9/2022 4/14/2022 3/18/2022 3/2/2022 2/20/2022 2/11/2022 2/18/2022 3/9/2022 3/28/2022 4/22/2022 3/24/2022 4/5/2022

Name Company Guarionex Landrau GMST Emersyn Larsen Vivint, Inc. Jessica Lawson Avantguard Monitoring Centers Jessie Laxson Federal Response Center Mary Layton American Burglary & Fire, Inc Chelsey Lee VRI Natasha Leilua Vivint, Inc. Rachel Lemmon Kings III of America Mason Lindsay Vivint, Inc. Hailey Lloyd Securitas Electronic Security Natalie Lloyd Vivint Inc. Alyssa Lomovsky Statewide Central Station Moises Lopez GMST Gwendalyne Lopez Statewide Central Station Tiffany Lovings Interface Security Systems Brandie Lung Costco Stacy Lyons Blue Ridge Monitoring Gauge Lysdale Alert 360 Renarta Mack National Monitoring Center Williams Macua Life Alert Emergency Response Carla Maldonado Interface Security Jose Maldonado Principe Genesis Security Services, Inc Leigh Mandap Telsco Security Systems (CA) Christy Maniscalco Statewide Central Station Daniel Mares Alert 360 Savannah Markert COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Fabricio Marquez The Aerospace Corporation Lidanis Marrero GM Security Technologies Martin Marron Affiliated Monitoring Paola Marroquin Life Alert Emergency Response Stephanie Marroquin United Central Control Shelby Marsh Avantguard Monitoring Centers Chenequa Marsh VRI Stacey Martin Interface Security Brian Martin The Aerospace Corporation Ashley Martinec Vector WEST Lilia Martinez ADT Luke Martinez Affiliated Monitoring Yesenia Martinez VRI Danny Mason Affiliated Monitoring Malyia Matthews Kings III of America Kennedy Matua Avantguard Monitoring Centers Jenna Mayle Securitas Electronic Security Armstrong Mbi Atem Paladin Technologies (CA) Felix Mburanumwe Brink’s Canada Limited (CA) Nosha McClain Doyle Security Jerry McCollum Engineered Protection Systems, Inc. Sarah McCormack Damar Security Services/ Security Response Center (CA) Demeterice McDonald Brinks Home Security Robin McGilveary National Monitoring Center William McKenna Central Monitoring & Dispatch Teyah McKenzie Securitas Electronic Security

Graduated 3/13/2022 3/24/2022 4/12/2022 2/27/2022 4/14/2022 4/5/2022 3/21/2022 2/23/2022 4/1/2022 4/8/2022 4/27/2022 4/20/2022 3/25/2022 3/4/2022 3/31/2022 2/10/2022 2/23/2022 4/21/2022 3/4/2022 4/11/2022 3/18/2022 3/31/2022 2/10/2022 4/15/2022 4/4/2022 3/13/2022 3/18/2022 3/27/2022 2/28/2022 4/16/2022 4/22/2022 4/8/2022 2/28/2022 4/13/2022 3/17/2022 4/27/2022 2/18/2022 2/28/2022 3/29/2022 2/18/2022 4/25/2022 3/23/2022 3/18/2022 3/31/2022 4/7/2022 4/4/2022 2/22/2022 4/10/2022 2/17/2022 4/13/2022 2/1/2022 2/25/2022

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

Name James McKillip

Company Allied Universal Technology Services Robert McKnight Avantguard Monitoring Centers Kayla McLean Allied Universal Technology Services James McLean Vivint, Inc. Roneisha McMullen Allied Universal Technology Services Courtney McQueen Per Mar Security Services Luis Melendez Falero Genesis Security Services, Inc Gary Melton Securitas Electronic Security Brittany Mendels AZ Security Control Rodolfo Mendez Superior Central Station Inc. Michelle Merillo Statewide Central Station Trinity Metler Vivint, Inc. Margarette Meyers National Monitoring Center Laura Meyne Vivint, Inc. Timothy Mick Vivint, Inc. Talia Miller Avantguard Monitoring Centers Ashlyn Miller Vivint, Inc. Keegan Minerd Vector WEST Marissa Mingo Securitas Electronic Security Caitlyn Mireles COPS Monitoring - Texas Maliyah Miser U.S. Monitoring, Inc. James Mitchell Avantguard Monitoring Centers Adrienne Mix American Burglary & Fire, Inc. Samira Mohamed Vivint, Inc. Samantha Molinas Alarm Detection Systems, Inc. Francisco Moncada Life Alert Emergency Response Cecilia Moncivais Superior Central Station Inc. Jennifer Montanez Otero Genesis Security Services, Inc Elizabeth Montgomery-Wofford Life Safety Monitoring, LLC Bryson Moore Avantguard Monitoring Centers Hope Moore Interface Security Jason Moore Tech Systems Inc Gail Moore Vivint, Inc. Dede Moore VRI Franshua Morales Gonzalez Genesis Security Services, Inc Shawn Moran Vivint, Inc. Vanessa Moreira Centralarm April Moreland Securitas Electronic Security Ashley Moreno Life Alert Emergency Response Ashley Morris Vivint, Inc. Hailey Morrison-Errickson Vivint, Inc. Brock Mott Avantguard Monitoring Centers Andrew Mower Avantguard Monitoring Centers Shingai Muchena Interface Security Ryan Munas American Electric Power Security Operations Center Tess Musgrave Avantguard Monitoring Centers Luis Mutt GMST Madelynn Myers Avantguard Monitoring Centers Elizabeth Nelson Avantguard Monitoring Centers TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

Graduated 2/23/2022 3/22/2022 4/19/2022 2/6/2022 3/22/2022 4/29/2022 3/12/2022 2/24/2022 2/19/2022 3/18/2022 3/11/2022 4/3/2022 3/4/2022 2/4/2022 3/22/2022 3/22/2022 3/25/2022 3/8/2022 2/26/2022 2/13/2022 4/19/2022 3/23/2022 3/20/2022 2/27/2022 4/19/2022 2/25/2022 3/16/2022 3/9/2022 2/8/2022 3/31/2022 4/24/2022 4/29/2022 2/8/2022 3/8/2022 3/26/2022 3/21/2022 3/23/2022 4/8/2022 4/6/2022 3/21/2022 2/17/2022 2/15/2022 2/21/2022 4/12/2022 3/22/2022 3/2/2022 3/27/2022 3/23/2022 3/15/2022

Name Tyler Newbold Marquis Nichols Saige Nield Brandon Nixon Ky Nwangoro Samuel Ochoa Kersuse Octave Kenora Ogarro Abbey OLeary Ernest Oliva Kesha Olive Jacob Ollis Adrian Olsen Jared O’Neil Emily Oramas Massiel Ormeno Jacob Ortiz Thomas Osegueda Candise Paige

Company Fire Monitoring of Canada, Inc. (CA) Allied Universal Vivint, Inc. Securitas Electronic Security National Monitoring Center Avantguard Monitoring Centers COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton Life Alert Emergency Response Vector WEST Affiliated Monitoring Alert 360 Securitas Electronic Security Costco Centralarm COPS Monitoring - Texas Vivint, Inc. GMST Vector WEST Damar Security Services/ Security Response Center (CA) Gabrielle Papapietro Statewide Central Station Penny Parkhurst Damar Security Services/ Security Response Center (CA) Laurell Parks United Central Control Pamela Parra United Central Control Kendell Partain Blue Ridge Monitoring Summer Passeos Vivint, Inc. Anitra Patterson United Central Control Isaiah Patterson Vivint, Inc. Niko Pavlos Quick Response Monitoring Hazel Pavon Avantguard Monitoring Centers Graciela Pavon Vivint, Inc. Garrett Payne Costco Wholesale Michele Payne SecurTek (CA) Stephanie Pearson Costco Jamie Pearson Vivint, Inc. Maria Pena Vivint, Inc. Elizabeth Pepper Tech Systems Inc Shalanda Pereira Kings III of America Erica Perez Vivint, Inc. Toiya Perkins Life Alert Emergency Response Roxanne Perodeau WH International Morgan Petersen WH International Solana Peterson Avantguard Monitoring Centers Colonda Peterson Comporium SMA Solutions Inc Luis Petit Vivint, Inc. Dominick Petrucelli The Protection Bureau Keisha Phelps Fleenor Security Systems Levonshanae Phillips COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton Kylie Pierce Avantguard Monitoring Centers Ashton Pittam Avantguard Monitoring Centers Ronsha Poitier Tech Systems Inc Hannah Pollasky Vivint, Inc. Richard Pond Tech Systems Inc

Graduated 3/17/2022 4/29/2022 3/22/2022 2/18/2022 4/21/2022 2/22/2022 3/9/2022 4/24/2022 2/8/2022 3/4/2022 3/10/2022 2/25/2022 2/13/2022 3/17/2022 3/6/2022 4/1/2022 3/26/2022 4/5/2022 4/15/2022 2/22/2022 2/15/2022 4/3/2022 4/5/2022 2/8/2022 3/18/2022 3/14/2022 3/22/2022 2/8/2022 3/17/2022 2/9/2022 4/23/2022 3/23/2022 2/14/2022 4/6/2022 3/22/2022 4/6/2022 2/22/2022 4/24/2022 3/3/2022 4/28/2022 4/26/2022 3/9/2022 4/1/2022 3/21/2022 2/17/2022 3/21/2022 3/28/2022 2/21/2022 3/2/2022 3/2/2022 2/14/2022 3/31/2022 [41]

Name Cari Porter Gil Porto Takoya Powell Katrina Prince Bria Quarant Paul Quemado Kimberly Quintanilla Lucas Quintrequeo Anthonie Ramierez Malerie Ramirez Kris Ramirez Rivera Nancy Ramirez-Torres Vanessa Ray

Company U.S. Monitoring, Inc. Vivint, Inc. Interface Security National Monitoring Center Statewide Central Station Kings III of America United Central Control Avantguard Monitoring Centers GMST National Monitoring Center Genesis Security Services, Inc Vivint, Inc. Allied Universal Technology Services Brittany Ray CenturyTel Security Systems Saisha Raymond Avantguard Monitoring Centers Stephanie Redden Vivint, Inc. Teresa Redding Paladin Security Group (CA) Dylan Reddin-Grard COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Dominic Reding AZ Security Control Ali Reeves Paladin Technologies (CA) Amberine Rehman-Khan Bay Alarm Steve Remington Quinte Kawartha Alarm Systems (CA) Jose Reyes GM Security Technologies Steven Rider Vivint, Inc. Maria Rious SMART Security Pros, LLC dba Mobile Video Guard Jonathan Rivera GM Security Technologies Gisselly Rivero Avantguard Monitoring Centers Sunciare Roberson National Monitoring Center James Robertson Interface Security Systems Temerra Robinson Affiliated Monitoring Teirra Robinson Vivint, Inc. Morgan Rockefeller Alert 360 Saraly Rodriguez Interface Security Valeria Rodriguez Kings III of America Jannessa Rodriguez Superior Central Station Inc. Ivan Rodriguez Vivint, Inc. Karina Rodriguez-Garcia Vivint, Inc. Norma Rojas United Central Control Yanny Romero Interface Security Noemi Romero Vivint, Inc. Alexandria Rudolph COPS Monitoring Ethan Rushton SecurTek (CA) Grant Russell The Aerospace Corporation Caitlin Rutherford Dynamark Monitoring Malachi Ryan Avantguard Monitoring Centers Chandra Ryder Costco Ariana Sadler Vivint, Inc. Gurkamalpreet Sahota Costco Wholesale Heyner Salazar-Lopez Costco Wholesale Jason Saldivar Life Alert Emergency Response Ariana Saldivar Vivint, Inc. [42]

Graduated 4/15/2022 3/31/2022 4/26/2022 2/22/2022 4/13/2022 2/22/2022 4/19/2022 3/4/2022 3/27/2022 4/5/2022 4/15/2022 3/18/2022 2/23/2022 2/23/2022 2/24/2022 4/6/2022 2/7/2022 4/20/2022 2/6/2022 2/4/2022 3/3/2022 4/12/2022 3/30/2022 2/6/2022 2/14/2022 3/25/2022 3/30/2022 3/4/2022 2/9/2022 4/18/2022 4/22/2022 3/17/2022 2/11/2022 3/22/2022 3/15/2022 2/10/2022 3/21/2022 4/2/2022 4/29/2022 4/5/2022 3/8/2022 3/31/2022 4/2/2022 2/8/2022 2/22/2022 2/8/2022 4/2/2022 3/29/2022 4/26/2022 4/30/2022 2/9/2022

Name Trevor Salisbury Gabriel Salzar Taquanda Sampson David Sanchez Joseph Sanders LuShonda Sanders Amanda Sanderson Keishla Santiago Skyra Schwab Dominique Scott LeKoa Scott Rhondijaah Seeraj Jason Sewell Jalpa Shah Emori Shankles Dorothy Shelton Gabriel Shepard Zachary Shields Daijah Shine Susan Shipley Bridgett Shorter Hailey Siegrist Ticolia Simpson Tyler Sindt Gurkirat Singh Kiarra Slate Zach Sloan Jessica Smith Tyler Smith Aaron Smith Tiffany Smith Monica Smith Jennifer Smith Christian Smith Jessica Smith Connor Smith Ashley Smockrovich Jessica Sneed Alexus Snyder Brooklin Sohar Robin Som-Oeur Azi Sorenson Alicia Soto Shari Staley LaSonya Stanton Mary Stearman Kelsey Steed Katelyn Stephens Daniel Stephens Jamie Stewart Sesen Stewart Haley Stier Autumn Stout

Company Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers Vivint, Inc. Life Alert Emergency Response Blue Ridge Monitoring Vivint, Inc. Vivint Inc. GM Security Technologies Vivint, Inc. Interface Security Systems Vivint, Inc. Vivint, Inc. SMART Security Pros, LLC dba Mobile Video Guard SecurTek (CA) Securitas Electronic Security Vivint, Inc. Vyanet Operating Group Inc. Avantguard Monitoring Centers VRI Interface Security Systems Pro-vigil Inc United Central Control Vivint, Inc Per Mar Security Services Costco Life Alert Emergency Response Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers Costco Costco Wholesale Guardian Protection Services Kings III of America Life Alert Emergency Response Operational Intelligence Center Vivint, Inc. Securitas Electronic Security Vivint, Inc. Per Mar Security Services Securitas Electronic Security Securitas Electronic Security Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers United Central Control iWatch Communications Vivint, Inc. U.S. Monitoring, Inc. Vivint, Inc. Alarmco Compass Security Solutions Vivint, Inc. VRI U.S. Monitoring, Inc. Avantguard Monitoring Centers

Graduated 3/4/2022 4/25/2022 3/22/2022 2/26/2022 2/9/2022 4/24/2022 3/26/2022 3/27/2022 4/20/2022 2/9/2022 3/23/2022 2/16/2022 2/14/2022 4/28/2022 2/25/2022 2/7/2022 4/28/2022 3/22/2022 3/8/2022 2/9/2022 3/16/2022 2/20/2022 4/23/2022 2/12/2022 2/21/2022 3/16/2022 2/22/2022 3/7/2022 2/11/2022 4/6/2022 2/17/2022 3/18/2022 2/26/2022 2/27/2022 3/25/2022 4/8/2022 3/18/2022 4/26/2022 4/8/2022 4/8/2022 2/23/2022 3/1/2022 4/21/2022 2/23/2022 3/18/2022 4/18/2022 4/1/2022 2/10/2022 4/28/2022 3/24/2022 3/16/2022 4/13/2022 4/9/2022

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch

Name Company Danielle Studstill Security Alarm Monitoring Inc Alithia Summers VRI Megan Summersill-Harvey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Leah Sumner VRI Akhil Surepeddi American Electric Power Security Operations Center Samuel Szendre Avantguard Monitoring Centers Paige Szulkowski Guardian Protection Services Chad Talbot Vivint, Inc. MD Tarek Vivint, Inc. Julie Taukei Vivint, Inc. Justin Tavares BMO Financial Group (CA) Andrew Tejada Vivint, Inc. Jewel Thomas Affiliated Monitoring Chelsea Thompson First Alarm Kassidy Thompson Kings III of America Linda Thompson Redwire Jenna Thompson Vivint, Inc. Caitlin Tippetts Vivint, Inc. Richard Torres Costco Whilmarie Torres GMST Maria Torres Life Alert Emergency Response Samiya Toussaint COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton Tyler Tripp Avantguard Monitoring Centers David Troiano Security Instrument Corporation Olivia Truesdale Blue Ridge Monitoring Rachel Tuke Paladin Security Group (CA) Fredy Umanzor Interface Security Ruby Uribe Vivint, Inc. Cynthia Valdez United Central Control Elizabeth Valli Interface Security Systems James Vanlangeveld Avantguard Monitoring Centers Ronjae VanRooyen UAS Marco Vazquez Avantguard Monitoring Centers Yariandalee Vega GMST Amanda Villalobos United Central Control Gonzalo Villegas Allied Universal Technology Services Thomas Visentin NextEra Energy / FPL Corporate Security Steven Vogt National Monitoring Center David Wagner Tech Systems Inc Jessica Wagstaff Central Monitoring & Dispatch, Inc Tabitha Wakefield Vivint, Inc. Andrea Walker VRI Elizabeth Wall Alert 360 Shelly Warburton Damar Security Services/ Security Response Center (CA) Rachel Ward Avantguard Monitoring Centers Justin Wareham Telsco Security Systems (CA) Wanda Warren National Monitoring Center Nicholas Washington Securitas Electronic Security Antwaun Washington Tech Systems Inc TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

Graduated 4/19/2022 4/10/2022 3/15/2022 4/5/2022 3/8/2022 2/10/2022 3/8/2022 4/4/2022 3/31/2022 3/23/2022 3/8/2022 3/22/2022 2/18/2022 4/28/2022 3/18/2022 2/23/2022 2/10/2022 4/3/2022 2/14/2022 3/24/2022 4/2/2022 3/15/2022 4/5/2022 2/9/2022 2/8/2022 4/12/2022 2/12/2022 3/23/2022 3/20/2022 3/7/2022 3/16/2022 3/28/2022 3/3/2022 3/27/2022 3/15/2022

Name Lyndsey Weaver Jody Wells Jacob Whitaker Kiera White Kelsey White Morgan White Kylie White Bradford Wickman Forrest Wigdahl LaShawn Wiggins

Company Avantguard Monitoring Centers WH International Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers Vector WEST Vivint, Inc. AZ Security Control WH International SMART Security Pros, LLC dba Mobile Video Guard Marquisha Wilbert Interface Security Jessica Wilburn Vivint, Inc. Liz Wiley Avantguard Monitoring Centers Tiara Wilkin Vivint, Inc. Katrinia Williams CenturyTel Security Systems NyJeria Williams COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton Zorie Williams COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton Akacia Williams COPS Monitoring - Maryland Diana Williams Interface Security Tiffany Williams Per Mar Security Services Jullian Wilson ADT D Kavvin Wilson ADT Samantha Wojda United Central Control Jaycee Wolfe Interface Security Carl Woods ADT James Drew Workman Costco Tarius Wright Vivint, Inc. Precious Yang Vivint, Inc. Amanda Yatron National Monitoring Center Savannah Yazzie AZ Security Control Alexandra Ybarra United Central Control Shauneen Young Securitas Electronic Security Amber Zimtbaum Vivint, Inc. Stacy Zinken Vivint, Inc. Adylene Zuniga Vivint, Inc.

Graduated 4/5/2022 4/22/2022 3/3/2022 3/22/2022 4/21/2022 3/28/2022 4/22/2022 2/25/2022 4/22/2022 2/15/2022 2/10/2022 3/24/2022 2/23/2022 3/23/2022 3/6/2022 3/15/2022 3/26/2022 3/22/2022 2/1/2022 4/16/2022 2/10/2022 2/20/2022 4/25/2022 4/6/2022 2/24/2022 2/11/2022 3/21/2022 3/18/2022 4/5/2022 2/20/2022 3/15/2022 4/8/2022 3/24/2022 2/10/2022 4/24/2022

4/19/2022 4/15/2022 4/20/2022 4/29/2022 2/10/2022 4/5/2022 3/8/2022 4/6/2022 4/16/2022 2/22/2022 2/10/2022 3/4/2022 2/25/2022 4/8/2022 [43]

Operator Level 2 Training Graduates Name Phillip Adams Louiscreas Akins Lindsey Anderson Wadie Andrawos Kevin Belyski Lynne Brawner

Company Kings III of America Alarmco Valley Security & Alarm National Monitoring Center Electronix Systems CSA, Inc. Safe Systems/Alarm Detection Systems Brendan Bryant Allied Universal Steve Calabrese Doyle Security Brian Campbell Federal Response Center Elizabeth Carlin Central Monitoring & Dispatch Alexis Carrion Guardian Protection Services Dave Carter Vector EAST Bill Congdon Wegmans Asset Protection Bill Congdon III Wegmans Asset Protection Lestine Daniels Alarmco Andrea Dragon Electronix Systems CSA, Inc. Shannon Dvorak Per Mar Security Services Elijah Edmondson Alarm Detection Systems, Inc. Michelle Espinoza National Monitoring Center Phil Fico Wegmans Asset Protection Heather Fischer Huronia Alarm & Fire Security, Inc. (CA) Jimena Flores National Monitoring Center Isaac Gasca Alarmco Wendy Gethicker Sonitrol Great Lakes Amanda Graham Per Mar Security Services David Gullett National Monitoring Center Grant Halladay National Monitoring Center Kennedy Hampton Operational Intelligence Center Bryon Hawkins Kings III of America Abigail Herschell Operational Intelligence Center Cam Hill Fleenor Security Systems Nicole Hill Per Mar Security Services Angelo Jaramillo Bay Alarm Christopher John Wegmans Asset Protection Tynean Johnson National Monitoring Center Helena Johnson Per Mar Security Services Catrina Johnson Per Mar Security Services Tori Jones-Linesby Bay Alarm Irene Kacy COPS Monitoring - New Jersey Sasha Kitungi Telsco Security Systems (CA) Jacey Kleiner Securitas Electronic Security Raylee Leimer Federal Response Center Marshawn London Kings III of America Jose Maldonado Principe Genesis Security Services, Inc Leigh Mandap Telsco Security Systems (CA) Thai Marling Kings III of America [44]

Graduated 2/3/2022 2/10/2022 3/7/2022 4/6/2022 2/25/2022 4/18/2022 3/1/2022 4/7/2022 3/15/2022 3/4/2022 2/1/2022 2/9/2022 4/8/2022 2/5/2022 4/29/2022 2/22/2022 2/14/2022 3/1/2022 4/11/2022 3/22/2022 3/25/2022 4/11/2022 2/17/2022 4/4/2022 3/11/2022 4/7/2022 4/8/2022 2/24/2022 3/23/2022 2/10/2022 4/11/2022 4/7/2022 4/20/2022 3/22/2022 4/10/2022 2/18/2022 3/12/2022 3/7/2022 3/9/2022 3/3/2022 2/19/2022 2/27/2022 4/15/2022 4/22/2022 3/3/2022 4/3/2022

Name Company Cyndee Mars Quick Response Monitoring Jenny Mathias Securitas Electronic Security Shane May National Monitoring Center Matt McAdam National Monitoring Center LeighAnn McAllister Securitas Electronic Security Mollie McInnish Federal Response Center Tina McNamara Electronix Systems CSA, Inc. Luis Melendez Falero Genesis Security Services, Inc Cynthia Miller Federal Response Center Natasha Misco Operational Intelligence Center Jennifer Montanez Otero Genesis Security Services, Inc Franshua Morales Gonzalez Genesis Security Services, Inc Angela Nappe National Monitoring Center Jayleen Nava Alarmco Susan Patriquin Paladin Technologies (CA) Keisha Phelps Fleenor Security Systems Levonshanae Phillips COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton Laurencia Richards Kings III of America Jessica Rico-Garcia Alarmco Andrew Rohlf Alarmco Araceli Roque Alarm Detection Systems, Inc. Nate Ruff Amherst Alarm, Inc. Ashley Scott National Monitoring Center Cliff Sessoms Operational Intelligence Center Bridget Shaffer Quick Response Monitoring Christine Shaw National Monitoring Center Taylor Shobe Securitas Electronic Security Todd Shuff National Monitoring Center Chyna Smith National Monitoring Center Christian Smith Operational Intelligence Center Katelyn Stephens Alarmco Lakeshia Stone COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton Todd Surman Wegmans Asset Protection Kelly Turk Electronix Systems CSA, Inc. Engineered Protection Systems, Inc. Kaylee Warner Thomas Watson ADT Commercial LLC

Graduated 3/23/2022 3/2/2022 4/8/2022 4/6/2022 3/2/2022 3/6/2022 2/22/2022 3/12/2022 2/24/2022 3/30/2022 3/9/2022 3/28/2022 4/10/2022 3/12/2022 4/4/2022 4/6/2022 4/29/2022 3/29/2022 3/12/2022 2/18/2022 3/1/2022 4/18/2022 4/8/2022 2/19/2022 3/31/2022 4/6/2022 3/8/2022 4/6/2022 4/7/2022 3/23/2022 3/13/2022 4/29/2022 2/28/2022 2/15/2022 3/10/2022 3/13/2022

Summer 2022 | TMA Dispatch


TMA’s ASAP-to-PSAP Reaches 109

ASAP saves time, improves accuracy, and increases efficiency between PSAPs and Monitoring Centers. Learn more on TMA’s website.

109 ASAP Active PSAPs (As of June 22, 2022) Alabama Montgomery Morgan County Talladega County Arkansas Little Rock Arizona Chandler Paradise Valley Phoenix Tempe Tucson Colorado City & County of Denver Jefferson County Florida Boca Raton Bradenton Charlotte County Collier County Manatee County Pasco City Riviera Beach Sarasota County West Palm Beach Volusia County Georgia Alpharetta Atlanta Augusta/Richmond Dekalb County Indiana City of Lawrence Hendricks County Indianapolis/Marion County

Kentucky Owensboro-Daviess Maryland Prince George’s County Minnesota Anoka County City of Bloomington Dakota County Ramsey County Rice and Steele County Missouri Boone County North Carolina Cary, Apex and Morrisville Durham Fayetteville/ Cumberland County Guilford County High Point Iredell County Johnston County Kernersville Raleigh – Wake County Union County Wilson County New York Broome County Cayuga County Monroe County Oneida County Onondaga County Ontario County Suffolk County

Ohio Cincinnati Delaware County Dublin Hamilton County Licking County Westerville Pennsylvania Bucks County Chester County Cumberland County Dauphin County Elk County Monroeville Tennessee Bradley County Brentwood Hamilton County Memphis Murfreesboro Nashville Williamson County Texas Beaumont Burleson Denton County Galveston County Grand Prairie Harris County Highland Park Houston Missouri City Plano Williamson County

Virginia Arlington County Chesapeake Chesterfield County City of Richmond Colonial Heights Hanover County HarrisonburgRockingham Henrico County James City County Loudoun County Martinsville-Henry County VA Mecklenburg County Newport News Portsmouth Powhatan County Prince William County Roanoke Virginia Beach York County Wisconsin Dane County Washington Kitsap County Thurston County Valley Comm, Kent, WA Washington DC

PSAPs in Testing or Implementation Alabama Birmingham Florida Lee County Illinois Aurora Louisiana Orleans Parish TMA Dispatch | Summer 2022

Maryland Frederick County North Carolina Brunswick County Ohio Chagrin Valley, Bedford Mansfield

Texas Allen Washington Bremerton Tocoma-Pierce


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Through a partnership with, TMA has added 57 courses featuring a total of 75 hours of CEU-approved content.

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Troubleshooting Series

NEC for the Low-Voltage Contractor

In addition, TMA has partnered with the California Alarm Association and Syncomm Management Group, Inc. to offer the National Training Program‘s (NTP) Field Service Technician 1 (FST1) program.

Fiber Optics

Customer Service


Project Management



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