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In TMA News
ASAP-to-PSAP Service Beefs-up for the Future
TMA Wage & Comp Survey Released
Make sure your compensation packages are inline with today’s industry averages for all positions in your business.
TMA’s Wage & Comp Survey provides monitoring and security services companies with salary and benefits information to guide hiring and compensation decisions.
The Survey was created in partnership with TMA member, TRG Associates, Inc., a consulting firm that specializes in the security alarm industry.
The Survey collected wage and benefits information from the year 2018 for the following areas: • Demographic Data • Types of Monitoring and
Installations • Monitoring Center • Executive & Operational
Management • Dealer/Installer • Customer Support • Sales and Marketing • IT & Telecom Services • Benefits Packages Participation in the Survey was open to all security monitoring companies. Company specific information is not published to ensure confidentiality.
“This, our latest Wage & Comp Survey, demonstrates our commitment first and foremost to the success of our members, and secondarily to the industry in which we come together, collaborate, and yes, compete,” stated Don Young, President, TMA. “This survey is an excellent reference tool for any company in this space that seeks to better understand the current landscape for talent acquisition and compensation.”
$82,000 The average compensation for a Monitoring Center Manager
The Wage & Comp Survey is now available for sale on TMA’s website (www.tma.us). The purchase price is $400 for TMA members and $500 for non-members.

TMA launched its ASAP-to-PSAP service in 2011. The Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP) is a public-private partnership designed to increase the efficiency and reliability of emergency electronic signals from monitoring companies to PSAPs. ASAP utilizes ANSI standard protocols developed cooperatively by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) and TMA. With ASAP, critical life safety signals and accurate information are processed in seconds, not minutes, through the Nlets system of stateto-state PSAP communication, insuring that complete and accurate information is transmitted to the PSAP, or Emergency Communications Center (ECC), every time.
TMA is currently upgrading its dedicated ASAP servers to a cloud environment. The transition to the cloud will future-proof the ASAP infrastructure, eliminating the continuing costs of replacing hardware when it reaches end-of-life. The cloud conversion will also enable additional PSAP communication methods, as well as update monitoring center connectivity from VPN’s to software-based SSL.
“ASAP is fulfilling its original intent to modernize communications between monitoring centers and public safety,” stated Celia T. Besore, Executive Director, TMA. “The program’s growth, resulting from increased ECC adoption, has and will continue to make the service beneficial.”
IN TMA NEWS>> Data Gives Rise to New TMA Standard Initiative
Stanley Security’s Mark McCall to head development
In July, TMA issued an industry-wide call for participation in its newest draft standard designated as TMA-AVS-01. The new standard aims to create standardized “alarm scoring” metrics derived from data collected by public safety similar to how location accuracy and crash severity scoring are used.
“How do we define data? Do we respond differently?” questioned TMA President Don Young during TMA’s August 17 th Virtual Town Hall Meeting. “We will hyper-focus on intrusion, working with data from public safety and security systems to establish a standard that assigns priority to intrusion alarms.”
The increasing use of data by public safety has had a positive impact on the services they provide to the public. Public safety officials in municipalities establish alarm response policies specific to their jurisdiction. The new standard will provide for the calculation of alarm scores by an alarm monitoring center process and technology. Alarm scores transmitted to public safety in a standardized manner will minimize workflows within public safety. It allows public safety to take advantage of the data without the burden of receiving and analyzing it themselves. Calls for service to Emergency Communication Centers (ECC) that include a standardized scoring metric can assist public safety departments that opt-in to the program with their alarm response policies. Additionally, the standard can enable processes for data relative to a Call for Service to be “pulled” by public safety on demand.
Likewise, datasets generated by commercial sources, such as the alarm industry, can be a valuable data source to public safety. Real time data collected by security providers will serve to improve situational awareness, as well as first responder safety. Sensor innovation driven by technological advances has raised the quantity and quality of data collected by alarm systems.
In line with ANSI standards development protocols, TMA has convened a committee of stakeholders to lead the development of the standard. The committee, led by Mark McCall, Stanley Security, will be asked to complete their initial draft of the standard within 120 days of the first committee meeting. Larry Folsom, I-View Now, and David Holl, Lower Allen Township, will serve as Committee Co-Chairs.
“We have a lot of data to score and analyze,” stated Mark McCall. “We’ll look at historical information in combination with other data such as environmental, video, and personal data.”
Following completion of the draft document, committee participation for an additional three to a six-month period will be required during the public review and comment phase, and for completion of the final draft.
Look for regular updates and calls for participation as the standard develops. If you have any questions regarding this standard, or other TMA standards initiatives, contact TMA staff liaison Bryan Ginn at bginn@tma.us.
View the presentation on the new standard on the pandemic resources page of www.tma.us.
TMA Names New Standards Committee Chair
TMA is pleased to announce that Glenn Schroeder, Chief Technology Officer, NetOne, Inc., has been appointed as Chair, TMA Standards Committee. Glenn bring 40 years of alarm industry knowledge and experience to his new role. Over the span of his career, Glenn has held key senior leadership positions in Information Technology, Corporate Finance, Central Station, Customer Service, Field operations, and sales disciplines.
“Standards creation is rewarding, but challenging, work. In defining best practices, standards help business, the economy and the safety of everyone. They affect all of us every day, wherever we go, and in whatever we do,” stated Glenn. “Having the opportunity to spend over 40 years in this industry, it is a privilege to be able to contribute my knowledge, expertise, and experience to influence the development of standards that could better the lives and business of the future.”
Please join us is welcoming Glenn to this pivotal role.

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