Longtime TMA Member Celebrates 100th Anniversary! See page 10
The Monitoring Association
NEW Five Diamond Dealer Program Launched The most prestigious designation for security monitoring centers offers new opportunities for qualified dealers TMA is excited to introduce its new Five Diamond Dealer Program. Launched in March, in line with the 2019 TMA Five Diamond Renewal period, this program aims to create a significant market differentiator for TMA monitoring center members
and their key dealers. Additionally, the program provides the means for TMA Five Diamond-designated alarm companies to share the valuable benefits of their designation with eligible dealers in their network. The Five Diamond Dealer Program represents the culmination of more than a year of research, discussion and processing amongst the TMA Contract Monitoring Council, TMA Marketing & Communications Committee, TMA Membership Committee, and TMA Staff, led by the TMA
Five Diamond Committee. Ralph Sevinor, President of Wayne Alarm Systems Inc. and Chair of the TMA Five Diamond Committee, originally presented the program proposal to the TMA Board of Directors at the 2019 ESX Board Meeting. Taking the feedback and questions from the Board back to the groups, they worked together to come to a consensus on framework rules and program criteria. The TMA Board gave the TMA Five Diamond Committee final approval to implement the new program at the 2018 TMA Annual Meeting. “TMA’s Five Diamond designation is the benchmark for excellence for monitoring centers. Designees share a commitment to the highest levels of customer service, education, and standards,” stated Ralph Sevinor, chair, TMA Five Diamond Committee. “We are pleased to offer this valuable new opportunity to dealers and monitoring companies with dealers whose level of commitment is aligned with the Five Diamond designation.” Cover Story, con’t on page 25
New False Alarm Impact Awareness Training Released TMA and the Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC) are pleased to announce the availability of a newly-created false alarm course developed to help TMA member companies educate residential customers on how to use alarm systems responsibly. Studies have shown that alarm user error is the main cause of false alarms, rather than equipment failure. The bottom line is false alarms cost you, your customers, and your community money and resources. Once customers are comfortable with their alarm systems, they will avoid false alarms and maximize their security investment. This course reviews how alarm systems work and what your customer can do to avoid mistakes that cause false alarms. By avoiding false alarms, users will be able to get the most out of their alarm systems and not worry about fines or suspension of services. Your customers can rest easy knowing that when unexpected emergencies occur, their alarm company is there to respond to any alarms generated from their systems. Visit the TMA website, under the Education tab in the top-level navigation, for a detailed course outline and purchase information.
INSIDE: ASAP-PSAP Reaches 49 TMA CSV-01 Opens for Review New TMA Members Five Diamond Companies Regulatory Report TMA’s Summer Move and, more...
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Spring 2019
PRESIDENT’S NOTE TMA Officers President Ivan Spector, Montreal, QC Secretary Steve Walker, Plymouth, MN Treasurer Alan Gilmore IV, Cleveland, OH Vice Presidents Steve Butkovich, Charlotte, NC Morgan Hertel, Corona, CA Don Young, Boca Raton, FL Immediate Past President Pamela J. Petrow, Warrendale, PA
TMA Staff Executive Director Celia T. Besore, MBA, CAE Vice President of Meetings and Conventions John S. McDonald Vice President of Education and Training Julie N. Webber Director of Membership and Programs Illeny Maaza Director of Marketing and Communications Leigh A. McGuire Information Systems Manager Bryan Ginn Member Services Coordinator Malory Todd
Dear Fellow TMA Members, Many of us have endured a tough winter but finally, as the days are continuing to grow longer and the temperatures milder, we can see light at the end of the tunnel. Of course this time of year also brings opportunities to learn more concerning impactful technologies across the security industry. TMA’s Technology Summit was well attended once again this year. Attendees embraced a wealth of information on the latest business practices and emerging technologies that will enable their company to realize new efficiencies and their customers to receive higher quality of service. (See page 14 for more.) ISC West and ESX both offer opportunities to see what is new in our industry and ESX in particular presents some outstanding education opportunities for your entire team. And, please make sure that TMA’s Annual event in Napa, October 12-16, is on your radar – an unparalleled, not-to-be-missed, networking and connecting event. Having recently completed a stimulating Long Range Planning meeting, I can assure you TMA is on the right track and poised for interesting changes as our industry continues to evolve around us. Change and disruption is a consistent theme as many traditional industries are under increasing pressure from new entrants who bring technology which only a few years ago would have seemed improbable to many. Yet, today’s security systems are lifestyle systems which clients interact with in different high-technology ways via smart phones and voice activation. And the technology impact will not be stopping anytime soon. With so much going on, it is more important than ever to stay current and relevant in these busy and more complex times. Your membership and participation in TMA will guide and help you to cut through the clutter and stay on top of your business and what is happening. Don’t miss the opportunities! Your participation is more important than ever. I would like to thank our outgoing Secretary Graham Westphal for his many years of service on the Executive Committee and welcome Steve Walker to the Secretary position. Thank you both. Finally our Executive Director Celia Besore has, as always, been ambitious and busy. Please welcome our two newest TMA staff members: Director of Membership and Programs Illeny Maaza (imaaza@tma.us) and Director of Marketing and Communications Leigh A. McGuire (lmcguire@tma.us) See you soon!
8150 Leesburg Pike, Suite 700 Vienna, VA 22182 703-242-4670; Fax 703-242-4675 www.tma.us Our mission is to advance the professional monitoring industry through education, advocacy, standards, and public safety relationships.
Ivan Spector President, The Monitoring Association Find program and registration information for TMA events at tma.us.
Copyright ©2019 The Monitoring Association. All rights reserved.
Spring 2019
www.tma.us TMA Dispatch | 3
You are the Heart and Soul of TMA By Celia T. Besore, MBA, CAE cbesore@tma.us “It’s all about you!” Since assuming the role of executhe best we can. We plan to deploy tive director at TMA, my team and I have worked faithadditional electronic surveys in the fully to make you, our member, the focus of everything coming weeks and months on a we do. Sounds like common, savvy business practice, variety of topics – again, each one right? But, in truth, understanding your “customer” is a seeking to acquire information to enable us to align our process…it’s a journey. It requires great focus, an active programs and services to offer you optimum value. In curiosity, and unwavering dedication. We can never tandem with these, I will be reaching out to every memassume that we know what challenges you’re facing in ber company by telephone over the course of this year. your company or in your monitoring center or what you And, you’ll be seeing myself and other members of the need from TMA to achieve your company’s business TMA team in person at several industry events in 2019. objectives. We’re excited to connect Just ahead of our annual longwith you in new and differ“All of your customers are range planning (LRP) meeting in ent ways. partners in your mission.” January, we deployed a memberSo, please take a few ship, or Voice-of-the-Customer, moments to take the surveys ~ Shep Hyken as they arrive in your in-box survey. The goal of this survey was two-fold – firstly, our purpose was and give us a piece of your to better understand your experimind when you speak with ence with TMA and how you value our products and us. We’re out to improve every experience you have services. The information provided by respondents with TMA and to exceed your expectations of memberallowed us to identify our strengths, weaknesses, and ship. potential new offerings of value. Secondly, we sought to We are planning our first Virtual Member Town Hall! benchmark your experience against previous years’ surSet for April 23 at 2:00 PM [EST], TMA staff and leaders veys. The results of this survey were subsequently prewill bring you up-to-date on TMA priorities and activisented to those leaders in attendance at the LRP meeting ties for 2019 and beyond and answer any questions you and became a central point of reference and discussion may have. Watch for an upcoming email with registraas we worked to plan for TMA’s next three years. tion information. This one survey represents a milestone in our journey At TMA, we’re making it all about you! of getting to know you, your teams, and your company
TMA 2019 CALENDAR ESX 2019 June 3-6 • Indianapolis, IN TMA Annual Meeting October 12-16 • Napa Valley, CA TMA Fall Operations Management Seminar November 11-13 • Minneapolis, MN
Find TMA’s social media sites at www.tma.us and get connected! 4 | TMA Dispatch www.tma.us
Spring 2019
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Whether you’re a dealer or central station, AlarmNet 360 Insights is a vital tool in your future success – yielding vital business intelligence and helping you make more informed marketing, sales and operational decisions every day. For more information, please visit hwsproducts.com/insights/tma
© 2019 Resideo Technologies, Inc. The Honeywell Home trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.
Spring 2019
www.tma.us TMA Dispatch | 5
TMA’s ASAP-to-PSAP Program Gains Wider Acceptance Since its 2011 launch, TMA’s ASAP-to-PSAP Program has welcomed a total of 49 PSAPs—adding six just since December 2018. The service is designed to increase the accuracy and efficiency of calls for service from alarm companies to PSAPs (Public Safety Answering Point) utilizing ANSI standard protocols. According to Voip. com, roughly 200 million emergency 911 calls are typically routed through one of around 6,500 PSAPs each year in the United States. The City of Roanoke VA is the 49th PSAP in the United States and the seventh PSAP in Virginia to implement the ASAP program. The City of Roanoke went live on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 with Vector Security initially, followed by Rapid Response Monitoring, Protection One, Brinks, Tyco (Johnson Controls), Guardian Protection 49 ASAP Active PSAP’s City of Roanoke, VA Montgomery, AL Boone County, MO Houston , TX Morgan County, AL Cary, Apex, and Morrisville, NC Denton County, TX Little Rock, AR High Point, NC Grand Prairie, TX Chandler, AZ Union County, NC Missouri City, TX Tempe, AZ Wilson County, NC Plano,TX Phoenix, AZ Kernersville, NC Williamson County, TX Washington, DC Monroe County, NY Chesapeake, VA Boca Raton, FL Delaware County, OH York County, VA Collier County, FL Dublin, OH James City County, VA
6 | TMA Dispatch www.tma.us
Manatee County, FL Bucks County, PA City of Richmond, VA Riviera Beach, FL Dauphin County, PA Henrico County, VA Sarasota County, FL Monroeville, PA Loudoun County, VA Prince GeorgeÊs County, MD Chester County, PA Newport News, VA Durham, NC Brentwood, TN Roanoke, VA Guilford County, NC Hamilton County, TN Dane County, WI Johnston County, NC Williamson County, TN Alpharetta, GA Highland Park, TX PSAP’s in Testing or Implementation Charlotte County, FL Frederick County, MD Powhatan County, VA Augusta, GA Galveston, TX
Services, Vivint, ADT, Richmond Alarm, Affiliated Monitoring and Security Central. Boone County, MO was the 48th juristication to come online. Joe Piper, Deputy Director, Boone County Joint Communications, said, “Boone County Joint Communications is delighted to have partnered with the Monitoring Association to successfully implement the ASAP-PSAP program. The automation provided by this integration will help us to reduce alarm response times and ensure call-takers remain available to answer 9-1-1 calls.” Boone County, MO; Dauphin County PA; Williamson County TN; Little Rock AR; and, Plano TX round up the most recent six jurisdictions to come on-board. For more information on ASAP, or to access ASAP resources (videos, webinars, training, and outreach materials), contact asap@tma.us, call Bryan Ginn at +1.703.660.4919, or visit www.tma.us/asap.
Raleigh-Wake County, NC Beaumont, TX Hamilton County, OH Tacoma-Pierce, WA Birmingham, AL Hanover County, VA West Palm Beach, FL Bradley County, TN Harris County, TX Virginia Beach, VA Broome County, NY Indianapolis, IN Burleson, TX Mansfield, OH Chagrin Valley, Bedford, OH Memphis, TN Cincinnati, OH Paradise Valley, AZ ASAP Active Alarm Companies/Monitoring Centers Alarm Detection Systems, Inc. CPI SAFE Security ADS Nashville Doyle Securitas US ADT ESC Security Central
Affiliated Guardian Protection Stanley Alert 360 Johnson Controls UCC ă United Central Control American Alarm Kings III Vector AT&T NMC Vivint Brinks Home Security Protection1 CMS Rapid Response Monitoring Centers in Testing or Implementation Centra-larm Central Station, Inc. FE Moran Guardian Alarm Co. of Michigan Kastle Systems LDS Church Peak Alarm Richmond Alarm SEI Watchlight Wegmans
Spring 2019
Spring 2019
www.tma.us TMA Dispatch | 7
Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How? By Louis T. Fiore, Chair, AICC
The Five Ws (sometimes referred to as Five Ws and How, or 5W1H, are questions whose answers are considered basic in information gathering or problem solving. Let’s use these questions in this quarter’s column. I usually use this column to give you an update on some facet of AICC activity. Apart from this page, you will also find an article by our FCC attorneys elsewhere in this copy of the Dispatch. This quarter, however, I will use this article to tell you “why” you should become a member of AICC. What? The Alarm Industry Communications Committee, (AICC), in some form, began on or about 1969, when the Committee first approached the FCC for a frequency allocation at 460 MHz. In the late 1980’s we asked the FCC to modify our allocation to better use the offsets for alarm data use. Why? The committee has evolved and now performs the following: Provides coordination in a variety of areas between the alarm industry and the FCC, other regulatory agencies, and members of Congress, when needed. Monitors developments at the federal level affecting the ability of the alarm industry to use telecommunications technology in providing protection services to the public. Retains a law firm in Washington, D.C. to represent the industry on wireline and wireless issues and to file briefs with the federal courts on behalf of the industry. Retains a lobbyist who works with members of Congress to attain legislation favorable to the alarm industry. Invites carriers and communication manufacturers to provide updates on current and future deployments. Stays abreast of new technologies affecting alarm monitoring.
Examples of issues we have covered are the following: Cellular sunsets beginning with AMPS, then 2G, and 3G. Lobbying for the so-called “D-block” that eventually was awarded to FirstNet
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Dealing with the FCC and NOAA regarding satellite interference on one of the reserved alarm 460 MHz frequencies Lobbying for our language in Section 275 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Lobbying for the next Telecommunications Act Discussions regarding Net Neutrality New technologies important to the monitoring industry
Currently we are discussing the longevity of LTE as 5G becomes available. We are in discussion with AT&T – the winner of the FirstNet contract – regarding the alarm industry’s use of FirstNet. We have completed a protocol with AT&T that will be used to vet alarm companies to use FirstNet. We have worked with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) (part of the United Nations) to develop criteria allowing international metrological satellites to overfly the United States without interfering with our 460 MHz allocation. We stand ready to lobby Congress whenever they decide to tackle a new Telecommunications Act to both protect our current position and update that protection for new and future technologies. Who are our members? The AICC committee is a sub-committee of TMA. But having said that, because of its makeup, it operates independently of its parent association. It has formed a pan-association committee with ESA and SIA as well as TMA as members. In addition to these associations, membership is composed of alarm companies of various sizes, full service and contract monitoring, and virtually all the manufactures of alarm communications equipment. Yes, it does cost to be a member of AICC separate from TMA dues. The dues money we collect is used to pay our FCC attorneys, our lobbyist and goes toward meeting expenses.
AICC Report, con’t on page 10
Spring 2019
To see or not to see? That is the question. With AXIS Guardian, your customers can have peace of mind knowing their surveillance system is able to quickly see and verify threats as they arise. AXIS Guardian is an entirely cloud-based, managed service platform tailored specifically to the needs of Alarm monitoring providers providing a two-in-one security offering – as a fully integrated alarm and surveillance service. Combining AXIS Guardian, Axis network cameras and monitoring allows for fast video verification and quick response if needed. Installation is simple with a one-click camera connection and the platform also allows for easy integration with alarm systems, audio, access control and video analytics, for more enhanced capabilities. Best of all, it’s completely hosted and managed by Axis – allowing us to help keep things secure and reliable and keeping things hassle-free maintenance for you.
See more at axis.com/guardian
Four Generations and 100 Years Sets Doyle Security Apart On March 17, 1919, entrepreneur John A. Doyle opened Doyle Security in Rochester, NY, which at that time, was in the business of executive protection and private investigations. Today, under the visionary leadership of its fourth generation President and Chief Executive
Officer, John G. Doyle, Jr, the company celebrates its 100th anniversary with more than 25,000 customers throughout Upstate New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania. To what does John attribute the long-term success of his family’s company? Firstly, adaptability and secondly, his team. Readily admitting there are many factors that have played a role in his company’s success over the past 10 decades, John says it’s been a transformative journey. “We’ve worked hard to keep up with both advancements in technology and strategic shifts in the marketplace to adapt how we come to the market,” John observed. When it comes to his team, to which he attributes much of his business success, John has very high praises, saying, “We’ve been very blessed with tremendously talented people. We work together as a great team.” His 10 | TMA Dispatch www.tma.us
outstanding team today does include two of his four grown children—Jack and Alexandra. Jack recently joined Doyle Security full-time as a business development manager and Alexandra works part-time in the company’s digital marketing department. The Doyles offer their employees a unique culture in which to work. Bi-annual employee surveys, company-wide performance success celebrations, and a commitment to giving back to their community are just three of the ways that John has demonstrated his deep commitment to his employees. “We have an excellent reputation for a reason,” Jack shares, “We take great pride in our work, maintain a high standard of customers service, and insist on never cutting corners.” Like his father, Jack worked outside of the family business prior to joining the company. An entrepreneur in his own right, Jack founded a business in Washington, D.C. that facilitated housing for government employees. Both John and Jack identify consumer expectations in the Internet age as one of their company’s primary threats. “Security systems are complex. It’s not a one size fits all type of product/service,” Jack remarks. “It can be tough to communicate with customers who have
unrealistic expectations based on something they’ve read.” John adds, “Residential security today is like the Wild West.” With the fifth Doyle generation now engaged in the business, John is excited to enter a “priceless” new chapter in his life. He and his wife Lauren have welcomed three grandchildren in the past two years – two grandsons and one granddaughter. And so it would seem, the sixth generation of Doyle Security is secure.
AICC Report, con’t from page 8
When and Where? AICC meets quarterly in Washington, DC to be near the government to allow, from time to time, members of Congress or staff address us. Groups of AICC members also meet with the FCC and lobby Congress, when appropriate, on relevant issues. Circling back to why your company should join AICC, one important factor is that of knowledge and influence. What from the list above is or may become important to your company? Can you afford to wait to read about it in a magazine article after you have lost any ability to influence the outcome? While you will eventually discover which of these issues are important to your company and what AICC is doing on your behalf, it is priceless to be at the table when these topics are first discussed, and you have influence on their outcome. How? If you are interested in your company’s joining AICC, please contact me at ltfiore@aol.com. We have a plan in place for you to “test drive” AICC for your first meeting. I sincerely hope you consider joining.
Spring 2019
Impact of DIY on Professional Monitoring for Home Security By Dina Abdelrazik, Sr. Analyst, Parks Associates
Self-installed security solutions have the potential to significantly lower the cost of security, create new monitoring use cases, and, in doing so, expand the market beyond the traditional 20-25% of US households that have professionally monitored security. Parks Associates estimates conservatively that DIY security systems and no-contract, hybrid monitoring solutions enabled by DIY security will expand professional monitoring services to an additional 5% of US households. DIY and smart home products are adding volatility to the market for professionally monitored security and driving changes in the home security business. These solutions do have advantages with lower-cost, contract-free monitoring options that will attract new consumers, but adopting these new offering without eroding the base of traditional customers requires careful navigation of the current business ecosystem. Impact on Recurring Monthly Revenue Security services are sold in tiers, with basic security monitoring as the baseline service at less than $40 per month. Basic monitoring connects the central monitoring center directly to the security control panel through either telephone, cellular, or broadband communication, and from that foundation, dealers can market and sell interactive services, home controls, and video monitoring services to increase monthly revenues. DIY security systems do not command higher monthly fees; rather, since the customer pays upfront for the hardware, dealers do not need to amortize the hardware cost. Generally, dealers pass along the savings from lower acquisition costs
Spring 2019
in the form of lower monitoring fees. Monthly fees are $20 below those of the professional monitoring market, on average, while the upfront hardware fees are higher. Parks Associates research finds 61% of US broadband households intending to purchase security prefer to finance the hard-
ware rather than to pay cash up front. While consumers are generally more price sensitive to upfront cost than recurring fees, each model can attract different segments of consumers. Impact on the Value Chain Revenue Split Traditionally, RMR is split among various players in the value chain. For professionally installed security systems with interactive services, the dealer amortizes the subscriber acquisition cost, less any upfront fees paid by the consumer. The dealer also has to pay the cellular communication vendor, the interactive service provider, and the wholesale monitoring station. New DIY solutions have business models that monetize acquisition costs through upfront fees; therefore, these solutions do not need to charge higher monthly fees to amortize acquisition costs. These DIY systems
also use broadband services rather than cellular services, or use broadband as the primary communications method, lowering communication fees. That method does make them vulnerable to loss of broadband connection, but they do not incur costs for cellular connectivity. They also eliminate communication and interactive service providers from the value chain, further solidifying their cost advantages. DIY devices and systems will expand the security market among non-owners and are likely to cannibalize a portion of value-driven traditional subscribers. Staving off erosion will require aggressive differentiation strategies to prove the value of professional monitoring over self-monitoring, including aggressive marketing of more fully integrated interactive services, home controls and video monitoring services that deliver services enhanced by these new smart home solutions. Video analytics and context-based monitoring are the types of new services emerging in the monitoring business that can help maintain and even expand professional monitoring in the face of challenges from DIY and self-monitored offerings. The vast majority of future security buyers want advanced access and safety monitoring services with the system they are planning to buy, but often these intentions to buy additional control devices go unfulfilled. Parks Associates research indicates price sensitivity to high upfront costs is an obstacle to these purchase intentions. Delivering desired products/ services at the point of sale will also help dealers attract new customers. Parks Associates is an internationally recognized market research and consulting company specializing in emerging consumer technology products and services.
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Spring 2019
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Spring 2019
Four Interchangeable Faceplate Colors Included: Black, Charcoal, Silver, and Pearl
www.tma.us TMA Dispatch | 13
TMA NEWS Insurance Liaison Committee Outreach
TMA wants to identify members that would be interested in joining a newly-reconstituted Insurance Liaison Committee. The Chair of the committee is Donald Young. The Charter of the Insurance Liaison Committee would be to explore ways to deepen the relationship between our members and insurance carriers with the intent of finding ways to reduce your customers’ insurance claims and provide your customers with deeper insurance premium discounts. One of the items that the Committee would explore is the sharing of opted-in customer data between our member companies and insurance carriers. Issues explored would include data privacy, potential data exchange standards and procedures, data needed by the carriers, etc. If you or someone in your company is interested in learning more about this committee, please contact TMA Executive Director Celia Besore by emailing her at cbesore@tma.us or calling her at 703-660-4913.
Just a reminder! It’s time to renew your membership for 2019. If you have not yet renewed your membership, please contact our Membership team. Illeny Maaza imaaza@tma.us Malory Todd mtodd@tma.us
14 | TMA Dispatch www.tma.us
TMA 2019 Tech Summit Explores Risks and Rewards social events facilitated Nearly seventy throughout the conferindustry profesence opened opportunisionals took part in ties for all to gain more, TMA’s 2019 Tech in-depth knowledge Summit this January of products/services, in Salt Lake City, technologies and best UT. Attendees heard practices. from key technology Special appreciation to and legal experts on February 27-28, 2019 • Salt Lake City our generous sponsors a variety of topics who made this year’s event posranging from privacy and risk assible: Avaamo; Dice Corporation; sessment to AI and cyber security. IPtelX; MetTel; OneTel; and, RuTMA is grateful to the members brik. of the Technology Committee, led For those who attended the by co-chairs Steve Butkovich and Summit, you may now access and Sascha Kylau, for the many hours download all presentations that dedicated to the development and speakers authorized TMA to share. delivery of this year’s outstanding Contact TMA Vice President of Edprogram. Outside of the education sessions, ucation and Training Julie Webber for access credentials at education@ the Tech Summit offered attendees, speakers, and sponsors an open and tma.us. relaxed forum to connect one-onone. The networking breaks and
TMA Technology Summit
TMA Staff to Volunteer at Mission 500’s 10th Annual 5k/2k Fundraiser This year, at ISC West, security industry charity Mission 500 marks the 10th anniversary of its flagship event – its Security 5k/2k Fundraiser. TMA staff, including Executive Director Celia T. Besore; Membership and Programs Director Illeny Maaza; and, Director of Marketing and Communications Leigh A. McGuire, will take part in the pre-race set-up and post-race food and bag distribution at the milestone event on Thursday, April 11. Mission 500 is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that works closely with the entire security industry to serve the needs of children living in severe poverty across the United States. “The Mission 500 Security 5k/2k has been successful over the past nine years, raising over $110,000 in 2018 alone, and this year on its 10th anniversary, our target is to hit the $125,000 mark with your help,” said Tom Nolan, Director of Strategic
Partnerships, Mission 500. “The security industry has continued to rally around this meaningful event, which gives participants the opportunity to raise money for a great cause, achieve personal milestones, and have fun with their peers in the process.”
In its 12-year history, the charity has drawn support from across the industry, including: associations; manufacturers; distributors; systems integrators; consultants; and others. Visit www.Mission500.org for more information on the charity and its work.
Spring 2019
TMA Celebrates Intern Graduation
Target: Member Acquistion
Twice each year, TMA hosts interns from Training Futures, a nationally recognized workforce development program that provides training for living-wage professional office careers. Our most recent intern, Saba Yassin, spent three weeks at TMA implementing some of the office and business skills she had acquired in a classroom program. She supported the membership team by updating contact information in our database and assisted in a special historical research project. TMA Executive Director Celia T. Besore, MBA, CAE, attended Saba’s graduation ceremony. We wish Saba much success in her new career!
Help Grow the TMA Community!
Research shows that the #1 way to attract new members to an assocation is a personal invitation from a current member. The more members we have - the stronger and more effective we can be in addressing the issues impacting our industry and our businesses! All TMA members who recruit a new member(s) by August 31, 2019 will be eligible for rewards ranging from $100 off of a TMA purchase to a full registration for the 2019 Annual Meeting. Questions? Let us know - we’re here to help! Call Illeny Maaza at +1.703.660.4918 or email us at communications@tma.us. You can be a winner!
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Spring 2018
www.tma.us • TMA Dispatch | 15
Welcome to a NEW Dispatch feature dedicated to TMA’s NextGen members. The NextGen community is comprised of installation and monitoring professionals, aged 40 and younger. In addition to this new, quarterly feature, look for a newly designed page on tma.us, coming soon!
NextGen Spotlight Ryan Brady Associate at TRG Associates, Inc & Owner at Shoreline Fire Equipment, LLC Old Saybrook, CT What is a typical day for you? At TRG I take part in business valuations, acquisition planning, due diligence and marketing consulting for the electronic security industry as well as the PERS Industry. TRG also continues to work in conjunction with The Monitoring Association in the most comprehensive attrition study ever undertaken in the security industry, which I compile and analyze yearly. At Shoreline Fire Equipment we are a full-service Fire Suppression business servicing Connecticut, Rhode Island, & New York. What does NextGen mean to you? The Next Generation of leaders within the electronic security and professional monitoring industries are at a crossroads. The machines we use to provide both protection and comfort are more connected and elegant than they have ever been and are improving year-over-year. Women and men must run their businesses and service their customers, while simultaneously trying to understand what customers are going to want in the future. At the same time, customers don’t know what kind of intelligent vehicle they would like to have next. The Monitoring Association provides an avenue on the front lines of technological advancements, education, standards, and issues that affect the landscape of our businesses every day; and TMA NextGen aims to make that tangible world filled with crossroads and far-reaching consequences instantly smaller for the future professionals of our industry. What do you like to do in your spare time? I’m a lifelong drummer and, while I went to UConn to study the human brain, I ended up mostly studying marching band drumline and pep band music. I won a championship ring with the UConn Women’s Basketball team in 2009 and all I had to do was drum. So, while the merit of the ring can be called into question, it has my name on it. The NCAA has decided I am also a championship basketball player and who am I to argue. My dream job as a kid was to make movies so when16 | TMA Dispatch • www.tma.us
ever I get the chance, I try and keep that dream alive. Today’s inexpensive professional caliber cameras and my friends, who work for free make my dream possible. One of those films, “Ian and the Bishop,” was selected by the Reykjavik International Film Festival. I am also the co-host of The Westworld Podcast, available for free on Soundcloud and an avid fan of Overwatch & Rocket League Esports. Why is the NG group important to TMA and to the industry? NextGen is The Monitoring Association’s community of resources made up of both likeminded Next Generational talent, as well as people who have been successful in the industry over decades and generations. The ability to pick the brain of someone going through exactly what you are, followed immediately by someone who has made the same leaps and mistakes that are in your path themselves, is invaluable. Those of us engaged in TMA’s NextGen hope to foster these conversations and relationships. At its best, this community can provide an all-encompassing back-bone for both the industry and your own personal businesses or place of employment. Why should members join NG? The people. Being a member of TMA checks off so many boxes within itself when it comes to understanding and reacting to the marketplace and your customers. When attending the industry gatherings such as the TMA Annual Meeting, TMA Fall Ops, ESX, or the Technology Summit as a NextGen member, you’ll have a unique opportunity to confidently stand and discuss the challenges and successes we all face every day.
Words from the Wise Words from the Wise offers TMA’s NextGen a little, thought-provoking pearl of wisdom from an experienced TMA member. “Get involved with associations and industry events such as ESX. You will meet people who have been in the alarm industry for years and are happy to answer your questions and give you advice because they have already been through it. You will be amazed at what you can learn from others in our industry, plus it allows you time to look at your business from a different perspective. When you attend association meetings, you will learn about things effecting our industry either statewide or nationwide. If you are not at these meetings, you may miss something important such as taxation of monitoring. Along the way you will build lasting friendships with industry leaders.” Shannon Woodman, Chief Operating Officer, Washington Alarm
Spring 2019
ANSI/TMA CS-V-01 2019 Standard Review Period Open The TMA CS-V-01 Committee completed revisions to its ANSI/TMA CS-V-01 2019 and opened a 60-day review and comment period on April 1, 2019. This standard defines methods by which false notifications for signals received from security systems can be greatly reduced. It was prepared under the direction of the Security Industry Standards Council (SISC) members with the participation of The Monitoring Association (TMA) members, Security Industry Association (SIA) members, Electronic Security Association (ESA) members, ASIS members and the Canadian Alarm Association (CANASA) members. This standard takes confirmation to its next level by defining multiple-attempt confirmation, biometric, audio and video confirmation. Additionally, this document defines methods by which it can be determined an unauthorized activity is in progress and cannot be identified, thus false notifications can be greatly reduced. Various states and local units of government have adopted this standard, recognizing the lifesaving benefits monitored security and fire alarm systems provide. New technologies and successful efforts to reduce false alarms have led to this standard. Visit the Standards page at www.tma.us to review and comment.
Washington State Issues New Tax on Alarm Monitoring
As of April 1, Washington State began imposing an excise tax on alarm monitoring services. The Washington State Department of Revenue (DOR) contends that alarm monitoring is an automated procedure, or an electronic service, and therefore is considered taxable as a DAS (Digital Automation Service). Since 2014, the Washington State Electronic Security Association (WAESA) has had an ongoing dialogue with the DOR in an attempt to explain the monitoring process. A central station visit and letters from UL and monitoring station owners to the DOR were unsuccessful in deterring the tax. WAESA is continuing to pursue this issue through legislation. State repersentatives have introduced a bill in the State House of Representatives what would exclude traditional alarm monitoring services from retail sales tax. That bill is currently in committee awaiting a hearing. Unfortunately, even if the bill is successfully passed, it would not be effective until July 1, 2019. For the most up-to-date information on the tax, visit www.waesa.org.
Sur-Gard System 5 with visual verification support. A powerful, yet more compact virtual receiver. REDUCED FALSE ALARMS
Building on the Sur-Gard legacy, SG-System 5 supports alarm verification solutions to significantly reduce costs associated with false alarms. The more compact footprint facilitates space management while offering the highest account density per U rack available in the industry. Built-in redundancy for power and auto-switching assures continuous performance of all peripheral devices connected to the output ports.
Industry-leading reliability and unbeatable capacity, all in a compact receiver. For more information on products featured here call 1-800-418-7618 or visit www.sur-gard.com Spring 2019
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The Monitoring Association (TMA) is pleased to share news from and about TMA members. Please send your news and announcments to communications@tma.us.
People News
Product/Service News
UL’s Tallman Retires Longtime friend of TMA Pete Tallman retired from UL after 49 years of service. Tallman came to UL’s Alarm Certificate Service “by chance” after a tour with the U.S. Army. In his retirement announcement, he noted, “For me it has been a captivating journey in which I have met many remarkable people...and for that I am deeply grateful.” TMA is grateful to Tallman for his professional collaboration and numerous contributions. Tallman will continue to stay connected through LinkedIn.
OpenEye Helps Restaurant Improve Operations and Employee Training OpenEye improved training and operations and helped quick service restaurant Dos Toros efficiently manage locations in multiple cities. Download the customer story to read more at www.openeye.net.
TMA Members Inducted into SSI Hall of Fame Class of 2019 Congratulations to former TMA President Dick Sampson and Steve Van Till, president and CEO, Brivo, on their induction into SSI’s Industry Hall of Fame, which hails those who have contributed most significantly to the security industry. Each will be formally recognized at an event taking place April 9, on the eve of ISC West, during the SAMMY Awards at the Sands Convention Center in Las Vegas. Charlie Platipodis Joins SightLogix Security industry veteran Charlie Platipodis has joined SightLogix as vice president of sales and marketing. Bold Group Appoints New VP of Operations Dan Reynolds has joined the Bold Group as the Vice President of Operations. Reynolds will oversee the Customer Care and Implementation teams for both the Alarm Monitoring and Financial Management product lines. Guardian Alarm Names New VP Guardian Alarm, one of the nation’s largest independently-owned security companies, recently named Peter J. Stouffer vice president of acquisitions. Per Mar Security Services Celebrates CEO, Michael Duffy’s, Iowa Business Hall of Fame Induction Per Mar Security announced that Michael L. Duffy, chief executive officer and chairman of Per Mar Security Services, was inducted into the Iowa Business Hall of Fame. PerMar Welcomes Chris Edwards PerMar Security Services has appointed Chris Edwards to the position of President of Electronic Security. In his new role, Edwards will be responsible for all aspects of the Electronic Security division, including sales, operations, marketing, the monitoring center, customer care, and data entry.
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DMP Releases Multiple New Products DMP has released several new products, including: Dealer Admin™ 2.16 Update; XR Panel Update Version 191; 1100 Series Encrypted Wireless Devices; and Virtual Keypad Browser 2.11. Visit www.dmp.com for detailed information on each new product of interest. Guardian Alarm Launches New Remote Video Monitoring Service, Virtual Guardian Virtual Garden is a multi-dimensional security program that leverages remotely-monitored video and audio technology to enhance on-site security systems. The virtual security service is an augmentation solution for companies that require additional support in the background of traditional security services. With intelligent technology and smart cameras, Virtual Guardian provides 360-degree coverage to help identify a security issue at the first sign of threat. SightLogix Introduces Dual-Video SightSensor TC SightLogix recently introduced the SightSensor TC. The SightSensor TC uses an outdoor intrusion sensor – thermal video – to detect targets with high accuracy in darkness, rain, and snow. An integrated HD visible imager provides color video assessment. AES Announces New Training Video Learn more about why antenna size matters when you’re setting up a network in a new AES Training Academy video. simPro Named Top Software Product simPRO has been named a Top 20 Most Popular Field Service Management Software product by Capterra, a free online service that helps organizations find the right software. simPRO eliminates the hassle of field service management, reduces paperwork, refines office processes, streamlines field operations, increases profit, maximizes your workforce productivity, and enables more business growth. As it is cloud-based, it can be used anywhere, anytime to facilitate decision making and execution in real time. This also means the software can scale easily as the business grows.
Spring 2019
Company News Alarm.com Wins Security Product of the Year at CES 2019 Alarm.com won the Consumer Technology Association’s Mark of Excellence Award for its innovative training program, the Alarm.com Academy. The Alarm. com Academy is a comprehensive training program for service providers, offering support to help service providers optimize all areas of their business. Its in-person and online programs and resources help Alarm.com’s partners to become experts in selling, installing and supporting Alarm.com products and services, and enable them to capture new market opportunities. Bold Perennial Becomes Bold Group Bold Perennial has formally changed its name to Bold Group in the wake of the recent acquisitions of SIMS, Inc. and Secure Global Solutions (SGS). The new name was announced to attendees of the SedonaOffice Users Conference in Marco Island, Florida. Per Mar Security Services Acquires All Channel Electronics Per Mar Security Services announced it has acquired All Channel Electronics based in Madison, Wisconsin. Rich and Pat Gmeinder, owners of All Channel Electronics, are retiring, and all of the All Channel Electronics employees will be joining Per Mar. Guardian Protection Services Announces New Partnership with Pittsburgh Pirates Guardian is now the “Official Smart Home Security Provider of the Pittsburgh Pirates.” The new deal also includes the rebranding of the PNC Park bullpen space with Guardian becoming the presenting partner of the area as well as expanded in-park advertising and media. Doyle Security Expands in New York With CIA Security Buy Doyle Security acquired the customer accounts of Commercial Instruments & Alarm Systems (CIA Security), a privately held company based in Fishkill, N.Y. The acquisition significantly expands Doyle’s geographic scope and reach in New York State. Doyle will retain the current CIA offices in Fishkill and Catskill, N.Y. Along with its existing headquarters, Doyle operates New York branch offices in Albany, Syracuse and Buffalo, and Erie, Pa.
branch. Security Specialists’ owner, John Kerce, and his team will be joining ADS Security. Aeryon Acquired by Flir Systems A world-leading maker of sensor systems that enhance perception and heighten awareness, Aeryon was recently acquired by FLIR Systems. Being part of FLIR Systems brings a path to include the SkyRanger unmanned aircraft system into part new, broader solutions for public safety that would have never been possible on our own.
Other News TMA is supporting the upcoming Alarm Certificate Services’ webinar series offered by UL, LLC. Applying the Code to Supervising Station Systems April 17, 2019 – 12:00 PM CST Tying it All Together: Using the Code to Require a Fire Alarm Certification Program May 15, 2019 – 12:00 PM CST To learn more about UL’s Alarm Certificate Services Program, visit their website at UL.com/AlarmService
In Memoriam Remembering those friends from within the security industry who have passed… Rick Cahill, Central Station Manager, Alarm Detections Systems, Inc. (December 19, 2018) William Allen Fritts, Sr., former president of Honeywell Fire Systems. Donations made be made to Durham Volunteer Fire Company, P.O. Box 154, Durham, CT 06422. (May 13, 2019) George P. Gunning, co-owner and former CEO of USA Alarm Systems. Donations may be made to California Alarm Association or the WBFAA UATC. (February 14, 2019) William “Jerry” Jerome Schubert, founder of National Alarm Computer Center (NACC). (December 23, 2018)
ADS Security Acquires New Accounts in S.C. ADS Security (ADS), a regional security and automation company headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, has acquired the customer accounts of Security Specialists in Lexington, South Carolina. ADS will service the new customer accounts out of its Columbia, South Carolina For current TMA news about the association, industry, and members, visit or subscribe to our blog at themonitoringassociation.wordpress.com
Spring 2019
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TMA Members Mark Anniversary
Please join TMA in celebrating the spring membership anniversary of the following companies:
Please join TMA in welcoming our most recent new members: Security Technology Services Provider Members Initium Novum LLC Valparaiso, IN Key Contact: Kevin J. Babich Tel: +1.249.386.2001 Email: kevinb@initiumnovumllc.com Initium Novum LLC was founded to provide IT managed services to the wireless telecommunications vertical market.
Celebrating More Than 25 Years of Membership in TMA:
36 Years Honeywell Security and Fire
47 Years ADT, LLC Bay Alarm COmpany
35 Years Merchant Alarm Systems, Inc. DGA Security Systems, Inc.
44 Years Doyle Security Systems
34 Years American Alarm and Communications, Inc.
41 Years Supreme Security Systems, Inc.
Celebrating 25 Years of Membership in TMA: Altronix Coporation Lowitt Alarms & Security Systems, Inc.
38 Years Alarm Detection Systems, Inc. King Tsushin Kogya Co, Ltd.
Associate Members
Montgomery Public Schools Montgomery, AL Key Contact: Derrick Glenn Tel: +1.334.223.6754 Email: derrick.glenn@mps.k12.al.us www.mps.k12.al.us
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re Webin
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USI Insurance Services White Plains, NY Contact: Robert Tockarshewsky Tel: +1.914.459.6292 Email: robert.tockarshewsky@usi.com www.usi.com USI Insurance Services is a national leader in insurance brokerage and consulting in property-casualty, employee benefits, personal risk services, retirement, program, and specialty solutions.
tu na
IPtelX, LLC Bay City, MI Key Contact: L Jordan R. Dice Tel: +1.989.891.2900 Email: jordan.dice@iptelx.net www.iptelx.net A leading provider of mission critical and cost-efficient IP telecom services, IPtelX provides a robust and secure global network to alarm and security companies throughout North America. We are the trusted telecom carrier for reliable alarm signal communications.
TMA Virtual Product Review The Five Ws and How of AICC
April 16, 2019 | 2:00-3:00 PM [EST] Reserve your front row seat for this dive into the interworking of the Alarm Industry Communications Committee, or AICC. Discover the important role this organization plays in the fast-paced security sector and why it’s valuable for your company to get involved and stay connected. It’s all about knowledge and influence. Learn how AICC engagement positions your company to influence the outcome of legislation that may dramatically impact your future bottom line.
Systemize your Security Business to Succeed April 24, 2019 | 12-12:15 PM [EST]
This TMA Virtual Product Review will answer the question, “What is security business management software? Discover the top 10 reasons why security companies might employ business management software today and how it works. Learn what features your company should be looking for when evaluating software and what add-ons may offer your company new efficiencies. Presenter: Glenn Nott, simPRO US president
Presenter: Lou T. Fiore, Chair
Visit www.tma.us to register.
Visit www.tma.us to register.
Interested in sharing your company’s products or services with TMA members, contact Leigh A. McGuire at lmcguire@tma.us or +1.703.660.4916. Spring 2019
TMA Five Diamond Member Companies These monitoring centers have received or renewed their TMA Five Diamond designations since the publication of Ackerman Security Systems Norcross, GA www.ackermansecurity.com Dispatch Center, Ltd. San Antonio, TX www.dispatchcenter.net Federal Response Center, Inc. Springfield, MO www.federalprotection.com LDS Church Security Salt Lake City, UT www.ldschurch.org Stanley Security Canada Montreal, QC www.microtec.ca
It’s Renewal time! Invoices for your monitoring center’s 2019 Five Diamond designation renewal have been mailed to the main contact that TMA has on record. NEW! This year we have made some changes to streamline your renewal process. You may now go online to download a list of your recently certified operators to submit with your renewal. Also, be certain to look for details about our new TMA Five Diamond Dealer program! Launched in March, this program allows you to extend the benefits of Five Diamond with your key dealers.
We’re Moving! By the time the summer issue of Dispatch hits your desk, TMA will be moving to its new offices located just a short distance from our current location. Please make a note in your contacts and share with others in your company. Our new address, as of July 1, 2019, is: The McLean Office Building 7918 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 510 McLean, VA 22102 All other contact information will remain the same.
Our new AlarmBiller® Pro system has all the core features of AlarmBiller® with four key enhancementss designed to save time and increase efficiency in your business: Inventory Management Time & Attendance Sales Automation eForms
BOLDGROUP.COM • 800-255-BOLD Spring 2019
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John Prendergast jap@bloostonlaw.com
AICC Response to New Rules Regarding Central Station Channel Restrictions
As previously reported, on October 22, 2018, the FCC adopted the final order in WP Docket No. 16-261, changing the restrictions on use of all central station alarm frequencies. While the FCC has made it possible for non-alarm entities to apply for central station voice and signaling channels, the Commission has provided certain protections for central station operations. For example, the FCC has made TMA the exclusive coordinator for the central station frequencies. This positions TMA to make sure that any proposed used of a central station frequency will not cause interference to existing alarm operations or otherwise “have a demonstrable, material, adverse effect on safety.” Also, the FCC adopted TMA’s proposal (reflected in the TMA-LMCC consensus plan submitted to the FCC last year) to allow alarm company use of the central station voice channels for signaling only operations, thereby creating more potential channels for AES and similar alarm radio operations in areas where the central station offsets are exhausted. Further, the FCC adopted TMA’s proposal (also reflected in the consensus plan) that alarm signaling on the central station offset frequencies is co-primary to co-channel or adjacent
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channel base, mobile or data operations. This will give TMA the ability to better protect low power alarm radio operations from interference caused by non-alarm operations on either the offsets or the high powered voice primaries. In the wake of these rule changes, it is expected that there will be the filing of numerous applications for central station voice channels by entities seeking these channels for traditional land mobile operations, especially trunked operations. TMA has already received expressions of interest by several entities. STATUS OF ACTION ITEMS: 1. Apply now for planned central station operations: In the face of the rule changes, at least some central station alarm companies have applied for new or modified use of central station channels, either offsets or primaries, to ensure that current and planned operations have the necessary spectrum and signal coverage. Existing licensees should ensure that their license provides a wide enough operating area to cover existing customers and foreseeable growth of the existing systems. With the incremental growth of mesh technology systems through the addition of customer locations (that are classified as “mobiles” and therefore not subject to separate FCC licensing), it is possible that an existing system may have grown over the years to where it is near or exceeds the boundary of the operating radius shown on its FCC license. 2. Modified Coordination Protocol: On December 5, 2018, TMA reached a modified Consensus Protocol with LMCC to ensure to the greatest extent possible that a sensible approach is taken on coordination of non-central station operations on alarm channels, especially with regard to the offsets. TMA and LMCC have provided the modified Consensus to the FCC’s staff. 3. Petition for Reconsideration: On December 27, 2018, TMA filed a
Petition for Partial Reconsideration seeking to march back access to central station low power “offset” channels used to send alarm signals to the central station. TMA demonstrated in the record that this small handful of channels are dedicated to sending safety of life and property messages, in direct cooperation with public safety; that the offset frequencies are heavily used, and demand is growing due to the retirement of the copper phone network and rapid changes in cellular formats; that the licensing of non-central station operations, especially those allowing voice communications, can disrupt the timely delivery of alarm signals reporting fires, home invasions, medical alerts and other emergency situations; and that there was no demand demonstrated in the record for non-central station use of these channels. No party refuted these showings. AICC demonstrated that the Order’s modification of the use restriction on these channels creates the risk that frequencies needed for life safety alarm operations will be depleted in many markets by less urgent uses. Such outcome runs counter to clear and unrefuted evidence in the record, reaches beyond the scope of the original rule making proposal without adequate justification, and ignores less restrictive alternatives established in the record. 4. Preparation for concurrence requests: TMA has had multiple conference calls and is taking steps to establish internal procedures for processing concurrence requests for use of central station channels by non-alarm applicants. A time/date stamp procedure will be used to determine rights of applicants seeking spectrum in the same area. TMA is determining the amount it will charge for concurrence fees.TMA has set up a credit card payment option for coordination/ concurrence requests, to make sure TMA is paid in a timely fashion for concurrence requests, and to ensure that central station applicants are not at a disadvantage when applying for alarm channels.TMA is setting
Spring 2019
REGULATORY UPDATE up a testing process for making sure that its concurrence procedures are adequate. Satellite Update TMA continues to participate in the FCC’s World Radiocommunication Advisory Committee (WAC), advocating for a power flux density limit adequate to protect alarm radio operations from harmful interference. And TMA continues to participate in the U.S. Working Group 7B effort on this spectrum. The Report prepared by Working Group 7B (Satellites) continues to contain a sliding power flux density (PFD) limit designed to protect alarm operations from satellite interference. Nationwide Carriers Promise to Stop Selling Location Data to Third Parties, Potentially Harming PERS Operations On January 14, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile variously issued statements indicating they would stop selling their customers’ phone location data to third parties, after Motherboard reported that it was able to hire a bounty hunter to track a specific phone on the T-Mobile network for $300. According to the article, the bounty hunter was able to provide a screenshot of Google Maps indicating the phone’s current location, which turned out to be “just a couple of blocks from where the target was.” The article describes the channels through which the location data was obtained – it appears that it was not obtained directly from the carrier, but rather from a series of aggregators and bail industry sources. Since its article, Motherboard has received communications from the three nationwide providers indicating they would stop selling location data to aggregators, though the companies indicate it will negatively impact their ability to provide certain roadside assistance and fraud prevention services. Motherboard also reported that Verizon recently told the Washington Post that it was closing its own remaining location
Spring 2019
aggregator contacts as well. A spokesperson for Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) told Politico that the FTC “must investigate these clear abuses of Americans’ personal data.” Wyden, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel also called on the FCC to look into the matter. Unfortunately, certain alarm companies indicate that they count on obtaining location information, primarily through aggregators, in order to provide effective PERS services. In particular, PERS systems can use cellular triangulation in order to find a customer that is in distress. Therefore, AICC is in the process of reaching out to the relevant players to determine if there is a middle ground that will continue to facilitate important life safety operations such as PERS, especially since alarm customers want their location data to be used to find them in the event of a medical or other emergency. Help on Capitol Hill is already appearing: As reported by Politico, on January 29, Rep. Bob Latta (R-Ohio) urged caution about a report that wireless companies shared user location data with third parties, saying there can be consumer benefits to such arrangements. “Sometimes people want to throw the baby out with the bathwater,” Latta said during a keynote speech at the State of the Net conference. Latta, who is the top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Telecommunications Subcommittee, added: “There are many valuable pro-consumer uses for that location data,” citing roadside assistance, fraud monitoring and Life Alert medical monitoring services. “There’s a lot of folks out there that do rely on that geo-location data.” Latta noted how his own mother relied on this Life Alert technology following a fall. Latta said that his office is currently in discussions with other committee members about seeking more information from the parties involved in location services. “We want to make sure we are preserving consumer
access to life-saving services while protecting privacy,” he said. FCC Issues Proposal to Expand Unlicensed Use of 6 GHz Band The FCC has proposed to expand the unlicensed use of portions of the 1200 megahertz of spectrum in the 5.925-7.125 GHz (“6 GHz”) band. Comments will be due February 15, 2019 and Reply Comments will be due March 18, 2019. The FCC has made clear that it will need to ensure that licensed services operating in the band will continue to thrive. The FCC indicates that the ability of unlicensed devices to use this band may also complement new licensed 5G services by allowing providers to offer a full range of services to consumers, while at the same time securing U.S. leadership in the next generation of wireless services. A variety of incumbent licensed services occupy different portions of the 6 GHz band. As a result, the FCC proposes to tailor rules that will support the compatibility of unlicensed operations in each portion of the band, by ensuring that its proposed rules are consistent with existing technical requirements that are applicable to Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices that already operate in the 5 GHz band. Under the FCC’s proposal, unlicensed devices that are capable of providing increased Internet connectivity on a low-cost basis would be permitted to operate in portions of two 6 GHz sub-bands (totaling 850 megahertz of spectrum), subject to their use of an equipment-based automated frequency coordination (“AFC”) mechanism that would prevent the unlicensed devices from transmitting on frequencies that could cause harmful interference to incumbent operations. Lower powered indoor operations would be permitted to operate in two other sub-bands (totaling 350 megahertz of spectrum). The 6 GHz band is exclusive non-federal spectrum and is host to over almost 48,000 incumbent radio
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REGULATORY UPDATE stations operating on a primary basis in the following radio services: (a) fixed microwave point-to-point services, (b) Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS), (c) Broadcast Auxiliary Service, and (d) Cable Television Relay Service. The FCC notes that the fixed microwave services are used for highly reliable point-to-point microwave links that support a variety of critical services such as public safety (including backhaul for police and fire vehicle dispatch), coordination of railroad train movements, control of natural gas and oil pipelines, management of electric grids, long-distance telephone service, and backhaul for commercial wireless providers such as traffic between commercial wireless base stations and wireline networks. In this regard, the 5.925-6.425 GHz (U-NII-5) and 6.525-6.875 GHz (U-NII-7) bands are the most heavily used by the common carrier fixed point-topoint microwave service and private operational fixed point-to-point microwave service licensees. And, in the 6.875-7.125 GHz (U-NII-8) band, fixed service links are restricted from intersecting with the service areas of television pick up stations, which effectively limits the use of the band by common carrier and operational fixed point-to-point microwave services. The FCC is proposing to expand unlicensed use in both the U-NII-5 and U-NII-7 bands. The FCC’s proposed rules are intended to provide an opportunity for devices such as smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, and IoT devices to be economically designed to operate across both the 6 GHz and U-NII bands. The new unlicensed uses proposed by the FCC are designed to protect important incumbent licensed services that operate (and continue to grow) in various sub-bands of this spectrum. Under the proposed rules, the FCC believes that unlicensed use of the band will be compatible with these incumbent licensed services. To do this, the FCC has proposed to divide the 6 GHz band into four sub-bands, each based on the prevalence and characteristics of the incumbent services that operate
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in that spectrum. In the 5.925-6.425 GHz and 6.525-6.875 GHz sub-bands of the 6 GHz band, the FCC would permit only “standard-power access points”—using power levels permitted for unlicensed use in the U-NII-1 and U-NII-3 bands – to operate on frequencies determined by an AFC system. Other portions of the 6 GHz band, specifically the 6.425-6.525 GHz and 6.875-7.125 GHz sub-bands (totaling 350 megahertz), are used by mobile stations where the locations of the incumbent receivers are not necessarily known or cannot be easily determined from existing databases. Because the lack of location information on mobile stations makes an AFC approach impractical, the FCC has proposed to allow only indoor “low-power access point” operation in these sub-bands – using lower, more restricted power levels applicable to operations in the U-NII-2 band. The FCC would also permit client devices to operate across the entire 6 GHz band while under the control of either a standard-power access point or a low-power access point. Alarm service providers and equipment manufacturers should determine whether the unlicensed 6 GHz spectrum proposal would constitute an opportunity for more effective wireless alarm operations. FCC Issues $93K Consent Decree for Unauthorized Transfers of Control The FCC recently issued a $93,000 consent decree against Mobile Communications America, Inc. (Mobile Communications) for engaging in a series of unauthorized transfers of control and assignments of license beginning in 2013. In 2018, Mobile Communications discovered that over the prior four year period, it had completed stock or asset transactions numerous radio licenses without first obtaining prior authorization from the FCC, and that at least two of its licenses had inadvertently been allowed to expire without being renewed. The licenses involved in these transactions were in both the Part 90 Private Land Mobile Services and the Part 22 Public Mo-
bile Services. It is critically important that alarm service providers holding FCC licenses be aware of the FCC’s requirements concerning transfers and assignments. While it is clear that transactions involving acquisitions of unrelated entities would be subject to prior FCC authorization, many licensees are surprised that pro forma transactions – in which the beneficial ownership or control of the licensee is not changed – also require prior FCC authorization. Depending upon the type of license involved in the transaction, FCC approval can take a substantial period of time. As a result, you should start the applicable FCC approval process the moment a transaction is on the horizon. con’t on page 25
TMA 2019 Event Calendar June 3-6, 2019 ESX Indianapolis, IN Premium ESX registration is just $199 through April 21. TMA committees, board and membership meetings are June 2-3; education and other events are June 3-6. Make your plans now for indianapolis! October 12-16, 2019 TMA Annual Meeting Napa Valley, CA Registration and housing open now at www.tma.us November 11-13, 2019 Fall Operations Management Seminar Bloomington, MN TMA will be exhibiting at these industry exhibitions: Connections May 21-23, 2019 San Francisco, CA APCO 2019 August 11-14, 2019 Baltimore, MD
Spring 2019
H.R.156 - Anti-Swatting Act of 2019 Sponsor:
Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-16] (Introduced 01/03/2019)
S.151 - TRACED Act Sponsor:
Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] (Introduced 01/16/2019)
House - Energy and Commerce; Judiciary
Senate - Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Latest Action:
Latest Action:
Senate - 01/16/2019 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
House - 01/03/2019 Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be
This bill amends the Communications Act by adding liability for a civil forfeiture for violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), per the standard FCC forfeiture rules. The bill also provides for an additional penalty of up to $10,000 for intentional violations on top of the forfeiture. The forfeiture’s statute of limitations is 1 year, or 3 years if the violation is intentional. This bill also requires providers of voice services to adopt call authentication technologies, enabling a telephone carrier to verify that incoming calls are legitimate before they reach consumers’ phones, and directs the FCC to initiate a rulemaking to help protect subscribers from receiving unwanted calls or texts from callers using unauthenticated numbers. Given that the TCPA has been an issue for the alarm industry for some time, the creation of authority for the FCC to issue its own forfeitures, in addition to the current provisions for a private right of action, only provides another avenue for liability. It is unclear how the FCC’s authority would interact with the private right of action, but it is possible that the FCC would take a more favorable approach to alarm industry use of autodialers than some courts have. H.R.451 - Don’t Break Up the T-Band Act of 2019 Sponsor:
Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-16] (Introduced 01/10/2019)
House - Energy and Commerce
Latest Action:
House - 01/10/2019 Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
This bill would repeal Section 6103 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012. This section provided that the FCC must reallocate the spectrum in the 470–512 MHz band (a.k.a. the “T-Band spectrum”), which is currently used by eligible public safety entities, by 2021. Surrender of the T-Band was part of the justification for awarding public safety additional 700 MHz spectrum for broadband operations, via “FirstNet”. Unfortunately, many if not most public safety entities are finding that surrender of their T-Band spectrum will compromise their existing communications capabilities, and strand a tremendous investment in radio networks. It is our understanding that several alarm companies operate in the T-Band. Accordingly, this bill deserves AICC’s support.
Spring 2019
subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
This bill also amends the TCPA to provide for enhanced penalties for the transmission of misleading or inaccurate caller identification information with the intent to trigger an emergency response. Specifically, it provides for up to 5 years, or 20 if bodily injury results, due to a “swatting” incident. It defines an emergency response as “any action to protect life, health, or property by (i) law enforcement; (ii) state or private not-for-profit organization that provides fire, rescue, or emergency medical services; or; (iii) a public safety answering point. While this will not likely impact alarm companies themselves, it may help deter harmful swatting activities that waste public safety resources and is therefore a revision to the TCPA that AICC can support. COVER STORY, from page 1 Five Diamond member companies will be able to invite dealers of their choosing to participate in the dealer program. We have also instituted new, lower dues rate categories for participating dealers to join as Security Technology Services Provider members in an effort to accommodate smaller companies who wish to join TMA and participate in the dealer program. TMA President Ivan Spector, added, “TMA’s mission has long been focused on advancing professionalism across the monitoring industry. With the addition of the Five Diamond Dealer program, TMA is positioning a new network of security dealers to be recognized for excellence in the services they provide and to, ultimately, achieve greater recognition and success.” If you would like to learn more about TMA Five Diamond Designation or the new TMA Five Diamond Dealer Program, contact Malory Todd, TMA member services manager, at mtodd@tma.us. 5th Edition Now Available!
A Practical Guide to Central Station Burglar Alarm Systems
Update your library with the fifth editon of “A Practical Guide to Central Station Burglar Alarm Systems.” Order your copy today at www.tma.us.
www.tma.us TMA Dispatch | 25
Wireline Report Mary J. Sisak mjs@bloostonlaw.com
FCC Adopts Reassigned Number Database to Reduce Unwanted Calls Alarm industry companies will have a new mechanism to help prevent running afoul of the Telecommunications Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) when placing calls and sending text messages where a customer’s telephone number has been reassigned to another, with the FCC’s creation of a single, comprehensive database that will contain reassigned number information from each provider that obtains North American Numbering Plan (NANP) U.S. geographic numbers, including toll free numbers. The database will enable any caller, such as an alarm company, to verify whether a telephone number has been reassigned before calling that number. The FCC has provided a “safe harbor” from liability for callers who verify numbers in accordance with its rules. In response to concerns raised by AICC and others, the FCC has attempted to set the parameters of the database to minimize its costs. However, the database is not likely to be available
for over a year, as operational and technical issues are considered and a database administrator is selected. To implement the database, providers will be required to report the last date of permanent disconnection associated with their allocated and ported-in numbers to the reassigned numbers database administrator (Administrator) on the 15th day of each month. The obligation to provide number information will be on all reporting carriers as defined in the FCC’s numbering rules, which include wireless, wireline, and interconnected VoIP providers that obtain numbers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) and providers that receive their numbering resources indirectly. The obligation to report the permanent disconnect status of toll free numbers will be on the Toll Free Numbering Administrator. An alarm industry company caller can then voluntarily decide to use the database to determine whether a telephone number has been permanently disconnected after a date certain and therefore is no longer assigned to the party the caller intends to reach. The date provided by the caller “may be any past date on which the caller reasonably is certain that the consumer the caller intends to reach could in fact be reached at that number.” According to the FCC, “[a]ll legitimte callers should have the telephone number associated with the consumer they are attempting to reach and either the date they contacted that consumer or the date on which the caller could be confident that the consumer could still be reached at that number.”
The database will contain only the date “of the most recent permanent disconnection of a particular number in order to enable a caller to determine whether that number has been permanently disconnected since a date provided by the caller.” When a caller queries the database using a number and a date, the database will provide a response of “yes”, “no”, or “no data” to explain whether the number has been disconnected (and possibly reassigned) since the date provided. The FCC states that establishing a database that returns only a “yes”, “no”, or “no data” response to queries “best protects consumer privacy and providers’ commercially sensitive information because callers will not have access to the underlying data.” Alarm industry companies that want to access the database will be required to certify in writing that they (and any agent acting on their behalf) will use the database “solely to determine whether a number has been permanently disconnected since a date provided by the caller for the purpose of making lawful calls or sending lawful texts.” The FCC directs the Administrator to obtain this certification from each new user during the enrollment process and before allowing a new user to access the database. Once the database becomes operational, callers that wish to avail themselves of the safe harbor must demonstrate that they appropriately checked the most recent update of the database and the database reported con’t on page 29
Make TMA’s Operator Level 1 Part of Your New Hire Onboarding When it comes to training your new operators, look to TMA’s Operator Level 1 Online Training Course. It’s the standard for monitoring center operator training. Modules reflect the most current technology capabilities and customer service practices in today’s most effective monitoring centers. Go to www.tma.us to learn more and to purchase.
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Spring 2019
Monitoring Center Operator Level 1 USA and international graduates completed November 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019 Training Graduates First Name Last Name Shadia Abdull Anthony Acosta Jessica Ake Wilma Alas Julie Alexander Amber Ali Chandra Allen Stephanie Allen Monique Alston Eddie Alvarez Juan Andrade Noel Aponte Rojas Anthony Arribas Asia Atkins Yolanda Bahre Cassandra Bailey Corey Baker Jarred Baker Juan Balderas Tracey Baldwin Abdullah Baoom Emma Barber Margrett Barber Susanne Barras Jonathan Bates Vladimir Batinic Gerard Beaman Tobiana Beauvais Robyn Becker Patrick Beckley
Company E Moran Supreme Security Systems Securitas Electronic Security National Monitoring Center Habitec Security United Central Control Post Alarms Systems Securitas Electronic Security United Central Control National Monitoring Center Allied Universal Security Genesis Security Services, Inc (PR) Supreme Security Systems Brinks Home Security Interface Security Systems Vector EAST Statewide Central Station Redwire Interface Security Securitas Electronic Security Telsco Security Systems (CA) Vivint, Inc Interface Security Systems THRIVE Intelligence United Monitoring The City of Calgary (CA) Supreme Security Systems Alarm Specialist Corp Blackline Safety (CA) Safeguard Security a Division of SAFE Alarms Jessica Bernal Turner Security Systems Kenneth Bone Interface Security Systems Kaiden Bowers Kings III of America Jason Bradley Guardian Protection Services Danielle Branch Global Guardian, LLC Daniel Brooks Tech Systems Inc Nashalette Broussard Acadian Katie Brown Doyle Security Nicole Brown National Monitoring Center Marie Claire Bruent ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Carl Bullinger Interface Security Erin Bustamante Kings III of America Jack Butler AZ Security Control Malik Campbell Verse Media Cynthia Caron ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Lisa-Marie Carriere Northern911 (CA) Julio Carrillo Safeguard Security a Division of SAFE Alarms Carlos Alberto Carrillo-Cara ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Joel Cartagena Johnson Controls Quinette Carter CenturyTel Security Systems Bailey Casselman Vivint, Inc Joe Castellano Global Guardian, LLC Kelsey Casto Kings III of America Jade Cave Vector EAST Lelia Celestine Interface Security Brandon Cepeda SecureSafe Solutions Morgan Chacon Avantguard Monitoring Centers Samantha Chalfy Alarm Specialist Corp Mohamed Cherkaoui ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Stephen Cheslik Northern911 (CA) Michelle Cichillo Statewide Central Station Stacey Clarke Acadian Angeline Clayton Time Warner Security Cherray Clifton United Central Control Rachel Cole Securitas Electronic Security Damaris Concepción Genesis Security Services, Inc (PR) Alan Cook Allied Universal Security Logan Corkill Custom Communications Inc Melissa Coskren Verse Media Scott Costello Federal Response Center Erica Cotton Interface Security Systems Kiki Cromwell Wayne Alarm Systems, Inc. Joshua Crooke Cen-Signal Mark Curtiss Vivint, Inc Aaron Da Costa ADT Canada Inc. (CA)
Graduated 12/27/2018 1/18/2019 1/28/2019 1/15/2019 1/20/2019 1/22/2019 1/17/2019 1/25/2019 1/21/2019 1/15/2019 11/7/2018 12/13/2018 1/16/2019 11/24/2018 12/12/2018 11/5/2018 11/9/2018 11/8/2018 11/20/2018 1/29/2019 12/24/2018 12/14/2018 11/21/2018 1/23/2019 12/8/2018 12/6/2018 1/26/2019 12/16/2018 1/14/2019 1/29/2019 1/14/2019 11/21/2018 11/1/2018 12/13/2018 1/3/2019 1/22/2019 1/24/2019 11/21/2018 11/9/2018 11/14/2018 1/27/2019 12/3/2018 11/2/2018 12/1/2018 11/21/2018 1/10/2019 1/16/2019 12/6/2018 1/17/2019 12/5/2018 12/15/2018 1/3/2019 11/1/2018 11/19/2018 11/29/2018 12/22/2018 11/6/2018 1/23/2019 12/20/2018 12/14/2018 11/2/2018 12/21/2018 12/21/2018 12/5/2018 1/25/2019 1/12/2019 1/23/2019 1/20/2019 12/3/2018 11/17/2018 1/15/2019 1/10/2019 12/6/2018 12/14/2018 11/14/2018
First Name Last Name Alok Dandekar Jessica Davis Nancy Davis Terissa Dawson Jennifer DeManty Derrenbacher Jonathan Ken Deth Hope Devor Angelo Diamante Jesus Diaz Rebecca Dillon Jackie DiNoia William Ditchburn Mariana Dominguez Jeremie Doucet Brendan Dougherty Kathy Douglass Angela Dover Lana Downing Devona Drewes Stephanie Dueck
Company Kings III of America Per Mar Security Services Dispatch Center, LTD Interface Security iWatch Communications Wegmans Asset Protection G4S Secure Integration LLC United Monitoring ADS Security L.P. iWatch Communications Vivint, Inc Cape Cod Alarm BrinkÊs Canada Limited (CA) Federal Response Center ADT Canada Inc. (CA) The Protection Bureau Cape Cod Alarm Comporium SMA Solutions Inc Valley Security & Alarm National Monitoring Center Damar Security Services/Security Response Center (CA) Jennifer Duong National Monitoring Center Nick Dupuis Damar Security Services/Security Response Center (CA) Devontae Dyer THRIVE Intelligence Jacqueline Eche Guzman ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Hunter Eddy Avantguard Monitoring Centers Dameika Edwards Redwire Daniel Eller COPS Monitoring - Tennessee Andrew Ellis The City of Calgary (CA) Kyle Ellis Olgoonik Solutions, LLC Norena Estrada Avantguard Monitoring Centers Leilani Felise Peak Alarm Company Lauren Flanders Avantguard Monitoring Centers Autumn Fletcher Engineered Protection Systems, Inc. Jacob Foote Peak Alarm Company Jessica Foster Guardian Protection Services Veronica Foster Brinks Home Security Victoria Foster Interface Security Systems Shannon Franceschi Bay Alarm Amalgamated Security Services Ltd. (TT) Melek Fraser Kim Freeman Custom Communications Inc Brieyonna Frye Kings III of America Samantha Gable The Protection Bureau Jesse Garcia Interface Security Crystal Gentry Washington Alarm Lorita Giles Habitec Security Jeremy Gilmer United Monitoring Anna Glushkov UAS Makenna Goble Avantguard Monitoring Centers Zach Gochberg Avantguard Monitoring Centers Bret Goesch Avantguard Monitoring Centers Ashanti Gomez Acadian Alexis Gonzalez GMST (PR) Alize Gonzalez Verse Media Jean Gorcyca Floyd Total Security Eric Gorman Avantguard Monitoring Centers Robert Granberry Interface Security Systems Vicky Green ADS Security L.P. Carl Greer SSC Services Inc. dba CenSignal Deyjenay Gregory Securitas Electronic Security Tara Gunderson Towne Monitoring Service Miranda Gutscher Securitas Electronic Security Jennifer Joann Hallada Security Central Inc. Rachel Hamilton Vivint, Inc Dax Haney Vivint, Inc Kevin Harris Securitas Electronic Security Robyn Harris Securitas Electronic Security Abigail Haskell Vivint, Inc Kim Hawkins Redwire Amber Headley Alarm Specialist Corp Brit Hefty Dispatch Center, LTD Zach Hellewell Avantguard Monitoring Centers Lisa Hennigar Central Security & Communications Rose Hernandez Genesis Security Services, Inc (PR) Billy Herring Security Central Inc.
Graduated 12/4/2018 12/6/2018 11/8/2018 1/12/2019 11/24/2018 11/17/2018 11/6/2018 12/14/2018 12/15/2018 1/27/2019 12/29/2018 12/13/2018 1/15/2019 12/22/2018 12/7/2018 12/22/2018 12/28/2018 1/9/2019 11/28/2018 1/15/2019 1/23/2019 1/15/2019 1/23/2019 11/6/2018 11/17/2018 1/23/2019 11/28/2018 11/1/2018 12/11/2018 11/7/2018 1/13/2019 11/26/2018 11/6/2018 1/24/2019 1/10/2019 12/30/2018 11/23/2018 12/6/2018 1/3/2019 12/2/2018 12/25/2018 12/4/2018 11/18/2018 1/28/2019 1/21/2019 12/11/2018 12/10/2018 1/19/2019 1/23/2019 12/12/2018 11/15/2018 12/23/2018 12/28/2018 11/28/2018 1/14/2019 11/7/2018 11/21/2018 12/16/2018 12/18/2018 1/25/2019 12/6/2018 11/28/2018 11/17/2018 12/13/2018 11/9/2018 1/10/2019 1/25/2019 12/16/2018 11/28/2018 12/12/2018 11/8/2018 12/22/2018 12/14/2018 12/14/2018 11/23/2018
French Canadian
27 | TMA Dispatch www.tma.us
Spring 2019
First Name Last Name David Hester Catie Hilkens Allison Hill
Company Interface Security Habitec Security Safeguard Security a Division of SAFE Alarms Janiecia Hill CenturyTel Security Systems Jules Adam Hirwa ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Kristen Holt Peak Alarm Company Dee Holtkamp Safeguard Security a Division of SAFE Alarms Paul Honeycutt Kings III of America Donna Horne Interface Security Susanne Horne Vivint, Inc Patrick Houston National Monitoring Center Naeeree Hovanessian National Monitoring Center Victoria Hudson Alarm Specialist Corp Thomas Hughes Redwire Elexandrial Hurd Interface Security Sabrina Ininahazwe ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Roberto-David Jaen-Benitez ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Robyn Johnson National Monitoring Center Sabrina Johnson United Central Control Spencer Johnson Avantguard Monitoring Centers Theodore Johnson Kings III of America Hillary Johnstone National Monitoring Center Janet Joly Northern911 (CA) Asia Jones Securitas Electronic Security Brent Jones ADS Security L.P. Keila Jordan Per Mar Security Services Sean Joyce G4S Secure Integration LLC Justin Kalix UAS Kenneth Kanekamp Vivint, Inc Rodrigo Kaschel The City of Calgary (CA) Quentin Kelley Interface Security Sarah Kelly Security Central Inc. Amber Kiefer United Monitoring Logan Kile THRIVE Intelligence Emmalee Kozlewski Avantguard Monitoring Centers Sabrina Lai Paladin Technologies (CA) Danzavian Lamb THRIVE Intelligence Justin Lamb FE Moran Alana Larsen Verse Media Chelsey Larsen Avantguard Monitoring Centers Amelia Latimer Federal Response Center Jacob Lee Avantguard Monitoring Centers Gabriela Lepe National Monitoring Center Vanessa Lesniak Central Security & Communications Johnathan Lesnik Securitas Electronic Security Ann Leverette Verse Media Justine Lewner Acadian James Leyva Cape Cod Alarm Ashley Lillie Blue Ridge Monitoring Chereliah Lindsey Securitas Electronic Security Kasee Little National Monitoring Center Aleila Lofton Bay Alarm Shonna Logan Center for Domestic Preparedness Jessica Loper Verse Media Peter Lopez GMST (PR) Della Lort Time Warner Security Blake Lynch Tech Systems Inc Carlisha Lynch Safeguard Security a Division of SAFE Alarms Olivia Lyons Acadian Daniel Macias Vivint, Inc Matthew Madewell Federal Response Center Daniel Mansfield Central Security Group Nationwide, Inc. Tammy Mariutto Vector WEST Nicholas Martinez Kings III of America Melanie Martins Peak Alarm Company Kyle Mass Avantguard Monitoring Centers Manuela Mathias Securitas Electronic Security Joanna Maystead THRIVE Intelligence Jensine McCrea Vivint, Inc Tyler McGregor Time Warner Security Wanda McKnight Interface Security Systems Miguel Melgar Blackline Safety (CA) Karen Mellinger Safety Systems, Inc. Carol Mellon Securitas Electronic Security Viviana Merlos Washington Alarm Elise Mhoon Acadian Andrea Miller Safeguard Security a Division of SAFE Alarms Tiffany Miller Custom Communications Inc Adriana Mondragon Interface Security Hector Montalvo Interface Security Adrian Montijo U-Haul Co Alarm Center
Graduated 12/16/2018 11/16/2018 11/3/2018 11/14/2018 11/21/2018 11/21/2018 12/10/2018 1/18/2019 1/27/2019 11/21/2018 11/6/2018 11/9/2018 1/30/2019 11/28/2018 1/10/2019 11/28/2018 11/21/2018 12/3/2018 11/12/2018 11/7/2018 12/4/2018 11/9/2018 1/4/2019 11/28/2018 12/19/2018 1/18/2019 1/9/2019 12/18/2018 12/14/2018 1/2/2019 11/28/2018 11/26/2018 12/4/2018 12/11/2018 1/23/2019 12/13/2018 12/12/2018 12/28/2018 11/29/2018 11/7/2018 12/24/2018 12/17/2018 11/15/2018 11/4/2018 1/25/2019 12/22/2018 12/23/2018 12/27/2018 1/17/2019 11/28/2018 11/30/2018 12/22/2018 12/14/2018 1/29/2019 12/28/2018 12/21/2018 1/18/2019 11/7/2018 12/14/2018 11/18/2018 11/17/2018 11/15/2018 12/4/2018 11/29/2018 11/5/2018 12/14/2018 11/13/2018 12/14/2018 1/12/2019 12/21/2018 1/15/2019 1/8/2019 12/3/2018 1/28/2019 11/8/2018 12/23/2018 1/27/2019 12/28/2018 12/17/2018 12/16/2018 1/30/2019
First Name Last Name Alina Moore Rodquelle Morgan Dayzha Morrison Emily Moseman Kharim Mubili Billy Mugusha Blanche Mulangu Luis Mutt Joseph Nazaire Grant Nielsen Robert Nunley Ian Nuttall Jamie OÊBrien Wilda Octave Jim Ogarey Chandra Oglesby Anderson OÊKelly Amanda Oraweic Aaron Owings Shaun Palm James Palma Steven Panagidis Catherine Parenteau Kayla Parsons Nileshkumar Patel Sanjay Patel Angeliqua Pauze Nathan Peet Jadhia Pena Jasmine Peoples Jennifer Pereyra Gabriela Perez Brian Peterson Lisa Phillips Aurelia Pichon Dinalee Polanco Susan Pollock Stephen Poole Joseph Porter LaShanna Prince Natasha Pringle Brianna Propst Stephanie Ramirez Jessica Rathel Jennifer Recinos Amy Reddick Stephen Reeder Katherine Rehman Shannon Reilly Elizabeth Riesterer Seleana Rimmer Deb Rini Janene Rivera Addie Robbins Curtis Robertson Margarita Rodriguez Sajim Rodriguez Amy Romaine Vanessa Romero Adarious Ross Niklas Ross Asia Rostkowski Kathleen Rouse Mariangelis Ruiz Vasace Sails Joshua Salomon Sample-Barnes Zarita Cleven Samuels Leslie Sanchez Emma Sanlon Jorge Santiago Benjamin Santos Janette Santos Freddy Saucedo Alex Sauz Lee Scheuer Arielle Schiano Sarah Schrantz Maridee Schroder Margaret Schury Celina Scott Scott-Thomas Brittany LaÊQuia Secession Norm Seegers Emily Shackelford
Company Avantguard Monitoring Centers Interface Security Systems Interface Security Vivint, Inc Time Warner Security ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Blackline Safety (CA) GMST (PR) Tech Systems Inc Vivint, Inc Per Mar Security Services Avantguard Monitoring Centers ADS Security L.P. ADT Canada Inc. (CA) iWatch Communications THRIVE Intelligence Vector WEST Avantguard Monitoring Centers Federal Response Center LDS Church Security Verse Media ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Paladin Technologies (CA) Blackline Safety (CA) ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Alarm Specialist Corp ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Security Response Services, Inc. Interface Security Acadian Interface Security United Central Control Alarm Specialist Corp CenturyTel Security Systems ADT Canada Inc. (CA) Interface Security Life Safety Monitoring, LLC The City of Calgary (CA) Time Warner Security United Central Control Washington Alarm Federal Response Center Brinks Home Security Cen-Signal Brinks Home Security Kings III of America Avantguard Monitoring Centers Kings III of America Paladin Technologies (CA) Acadian Metrodial Corporation The Protection Bureau Alarm Specialist Corp Securitas Electronic Security CPI Security Systems, Inc. United Central Control Brinks Home Security Tech Systems Inc Kroger Central Alarm Control Ackerman Security Systems Avantguard Monitoring Centers Avantguard Monitoring Centers Hunter Security Inc GMST (PR) ADS Security L.P. Avantguard Monitoring Centers United Central Control FE Moran National Monitoring Center Acadian Avantguard Monitoring Centers Interface Security Interface Security Interface Security Acadian Cape Cod Alarm Doyle Security Kroger Central Alarm Control Avantguard Monitoring Centers UAS Post Alarms Systems Interface Security Securitas Electronic Security Paladin Technologies (CA) Kings III of America
Graduated 12/21/2018 1/15/2019 11/4/2018 12/13/2018 12/21/2018 11/28/2018 1/20/2019 12/28/2018 12/20/2018 12/15/2018 1/13/2019 11/15/2018 12/18/2018 11/14/2018 1/21/2019 1/10/2019 1/15/2019 1/23/2019 12/15/2018 12/11/2018 11/26/2018 12/11/2018 12/20/2018 12/17/2018 11/14/2018 12/4/2018 1/2/2019 11/10/2018 11/9/2018 1/12/2019 1/7/2019 11/12/2018 12/19/2018 12/15/2018 1/10/2019 1/22/2019 11/12/2018 12/11/2018 11/12/2018 12/18/2018 1/29/2019 12/18/2018 11/13/2018 12/6/2018 11/25/2018 11/1/2018 11/6/2018 1/18/2019 1/2/2019 12/18/2018 12/21/2018 1/18/2019 1/16/2019 1/25/2019 11/29/2018 12/3/2018 11/23/2018 11/27/2018 1/18/2019 12/6/2018 12/13/2018 12/15/2018 12/27/2018 12/28/2018 12/22/2018 1/22/2019 12/18/2018 1/29/2019 11/9/2018 11/30/2018 1/23/2019 11/29/2018 11/23/2018 12/24/2018 11/13/2018 1/4/2019 12/2/2018 11/6/2018 1/22/2019 12/12/2018 12/17/2018 11/15/2018 12/14/2018 11/27/2018 1/18/2019
French Canadian 28 | TMA Dispatch www.tma.us
Spring 2019
Patience Ryan Geraldine Jenna Amanda Hansel Tina Jack Ravin Shauna Lynn Tyler Sami Alberto Alexandria David Tina DeVonn Chinelo Ernesto Arturo Barbara Harry Nathan Hannah Kelsea Sterling Jennifer Steven Stephanie Jessica Justin Chris Tasha Shanighla Lolita Camrie Larnell Marcia Ethan Andrew Bonaja Mashira Stacie Sydni Tumonie Anjanae Jena Andrew Reed Katrina John JaÊMarquis
Company Checkview Corporation Paladin Technologies (CA) 1 FE Moran FE Moran Securitas Electronic Security Habitec Security Brinks Home Security National Monitoring Center Time Warner Security National Monitoring Center Cape Cod Alarm Vivint, Inc Interface Security Systems THRIVE Intelligence Securitas Electronic Security Federal Response Center Time Warner Security Kings III of America Alarmco Boise Mutual Security Services THRIVE Intelligence Guardian Protection Services Avantguard Monitoring Centers ADT Canada Inc. (CA) 1 ArmstrongÊs National Alarm Monitoring (CA) Stufflebean Federal Response Center Sumka The City of Calgary (CA) Sylvain Metrodial Corporation Taggart Avantguard Monitoring Centers Talbert Vector WEST Taylor Paragon Systems Inc. Tewelde Washington Alarm Theiss Federal Response Center Thomas THRIVE Intelligence Thompson Guardian Protection Services Thomson Securitas Electronic Security Thornhill Paladin Technologies (CA) 1 Tibbets Avantguard Monitoring Centers Torres GMST (PR) Trevino Vivint, Inc Turley Centralized Vision Tveisme Vyanet Operating Group Inc. Tyson Mutual Security Services Udoka Paladin Technologies (CA) Valentin Per Mar Security Services Valenzuela Interface Security Valenzuela Vivint, Inc Vasquez Supreme Security Systems Veenstra Johnson Controls Velasquez Avantguard Monitoring Centers Verschage Per Mar Security Services Vick Interface Security Victor Interface Security Villarreal Valley Security & Alarm Villeneuve Damar Security Services/Security Response Center (CA) Walinski Security Solutions Inc. Wall Avantguard Monitoring Centers Wallace Monitoring America Alarm Co-Op Walton Acadian Washington National Monitoring Center Westbrook Center for Domestic Preparedness Westbury Avantguard Monitoring Centers White Paragon Systems Inc. Wilkes Interface Security Systems Willden Avantguard Monitoring Centers Williams National Monitoring Center Williams Interface Security Williams Interface Security Systems Williams FE Moran Williams Acadian Wilson Kings III of America Wilson-Toney Interface Security Systems 1 Witherington Hunter Security Inc Wolf Habitec Security Woll LDS Church Security Woods Acadian Wrzesinski Safe Systems Young Dozier Securitas Electronic Security
Spring 2019
Graduated 12/13/2018 1/29/2018 12/27/2018 12/7/2018 1/25/2019 1/8/2019 11/23/2018 1/15/2019 11/12/2018 1/15/2019 1/28/2019 11/11/2018 1/15/2019 1/31/2019 1/14/2019 12/21/2018 11/12/2018 12/4/2018 12/15/2018 11/22/2018 11/7/2018 1/7/2019 12/21/2018 2/6/2018 11/8/2018 12/16/2018 11/8/2018 12/18/2018 12/19/2018 1/15/2019 11/9/2018 1/7/2019 12/24/2018 1/7/2019 1/31/2019 1/25/2019 1/27/2018 11/15/2018 12/28/2018 12/15/2018 11/29/2018 12/13/2018 11/20/2018 12/13/2018 12/21/2018 11/22/2018 12/13/2018 1/25/2019 1/17/2019 12/20/2018 12/24/2018 1/24/2019 11/12/2018 12/11/2018 1/22/2019 1/20/2019 11/7/2018 11/4/2018 12/20/2018 12/3/2018 11/16/2018 11/13/2018 11/5/2018 12/11/2018 12/7/2018 11/8/2018 12/1/2018 12/6/2018 11/1/2018 12/14/2018 1/18/2019 1/21/2018 12/14/2018 1/21/2019 1/26/2019 1/10/2019 1/27/2019 1/25/2019
Wireless Report, con’t from page 26...
“No” when given either the date they contacted that consumer or the date on which the caller could be confident that the consumer could still be reached at that number. This means that alarm industry companies that wish to obtain the “safe harbor” will be required to access the database at least once a month, and possibly twice a month, and modify their calling lists, accordingly. Callers bear the burden of proof and persuasion to show that they checked the database before making a call. If the caller correctly follows the FCC’s rules, the FCC states that the safe harbor “would then shield the caller from liability should the database return an inaccurate result.” To promote the accessibility of the database, the FCC requires the database “to offer the ability to process low-volume queries (e.g., via a website interface), as well as to support high-volume queries (e.g., via batch process and/or standardized application programming interfaces or other protocols).” The Administrator’s costs to operate the database will be recovered through usage charges that the Administrator will collect from callers that choose to use the database. The FCC also requires the Administrator to set usage charges at a level designed to recover, over time, the database creation costs paid by providers. The FCC states that the providers’ internal costs of tracking and reporting permanent disconnection dates to the Administrator will be routine operational expenses that providers will recover in their existing fees and charges. The Toll Free Numbering Administrator, Somos, Inc., will recover its costs from Responsible Organizations (8XX service providers) through its tariffed rates. Callers that seek to access the database also will likely incur setup costs to establish commercial relationships with the database administrator and to update their systems to query the database. The FCC estimates the startup costs for callers could include one day of development and three days of testing. However, the FCC notes that there will be a low-cost, Internet interface for small companies. The FCC referred questions of how the fee structure should be designed and the initial amount of fees to the North American Numbering Council (NANC). The FCC directs NANC to issue its recommendations by this summer for implementing and operating the reassigned numbers database, including a Technical Requirements Document, and recommended fee structure, and fee amounts. The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau and the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau will then seek public comment on the Technical Requirements Document. The FCC states that it expects to incorporate the Council’s guidance and any relevant comments submitted by interested parties into its decisions to contract with an Administrator. AICC will continue to follow this matter and report on the proposed fee structure when it is released for comment later this year. www.tma.us TMA Dispatch | 29
First Name Last Name Jacob Shannon Anthony Sharp Diamond Shelton Stacey Sherwood Cervera Shirley Chris Siebert KiÊAna Sillemon Elizabeth Skajem Jason Slater Chyna Smith Daryn Smith Morgan Smith Peter Smith Amanda Snyder Kelly Snyder Christina Solis Makayla Sovay Devon Spencer Thomas Stafford Kanetra Stallings Michael Standlee Christina Stewart Garet Stokes Sophie St-Onge Bobbie Sue Strum
Monitoring Center Operator Level 2 Training Graduates First Name Last Name Stacey Clarke Corrin Calvert Angeline Avin Angela Montalbano Jonathan Pyo Brandee Thomas Jessica Moe Tuerah Rooks Jenna Cabuhat Lea Makinano Ari Larson David Turley Bob Hall Stan Nerhaugen Steve Witcpalek Michael Carnovale Jahziel Bosch Julie Erilus Brandaye Hardgers Jean Baptiste Vanessa Emily Lafferty Justin Lincoln Ashly Rodriguez Shiris Roque Frantz Saintil Wilna Sanon Shanteria Short Gianna St Martin Vanessa Vergin Breanna Wilcox Haley Baltzer Kristan Barker Morgan Colon Kayla Davis Samantha DeJesus Carissa Forrest Matthew Gould Brittany Gould Darlene Healy Sadie Kountouris Destiny Lloyd-Boyd Briana Mason Wilfredo Medina Dominic Pippetti Crystal Uzdevenes Candice Bergren Kevin Gordon Adan Sanchez Mariana Villa April Youngblood Andrea Blair Daniel Eller
Company Acadian ADS Security L.P. Alarm Specialist Corp Alarm Specialist Corp Alarm Specialist Corp Alarm Specialist Corp Alarmco Bay Alarm Bay Alarm Bay Alarm Centra-Larm Monitoring, Inc. Centralized Vision Checkview Corporation Checkview Corporation Checkview Corporation City of Toronto (CA) COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - Boca Raton COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - New Jersey COPS Monitoring - Scottsdale COPS Monitoring - Scottsdale COPS Monitoring - Scottsdale COPS Monitoring - Scottsdale COPS Monitoring - Scottsdale COPS Monitoring - Tennessee COPS Monitoring - Tennessee
Graduated 1/8/2019 1/13/2019 12/5/2018 12/4/2018 12/4/2018 12/21/2018 12/5/2018 12/5/2018 12/22/2018 2/6/2018 1/3/2019 11/27/2018 12/24/2018 12/13/2018 12/28/2018 1/5/2019 1/5/2019 1/4/2019 1/10/2019 1/5/2019 1/4/2019 1/5/2019 1/9/2019 11/13/2018 1/8/2019 1/4/2019 12/31/2018 1/4/2019 1/9/2019 1/4/2019 1/16/2019 1/19/2019 12/20/2018 1/20/2019 12/20/2018 12/6/2018 1/23/2019 1/8/2019 12/4/2018 1/29/2019 1/19/2019 1/15/2019 1/14/2019 1/18/2019 12/29/2018 12/10/2018 1/8/2019 12/29/2018 12/17/2018 11/6/2018 11/12/2018 11/2/2018
USA and international graduates completed November 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019
First Name Last Name Michaela Perry Sean Record Logan Corkill Tiffany Miller Kelly Edwards Steven Holly Michael Katie Nancy Alexa Kyle Anna Kirra Emilee Gavin Andrew Jesse Eric Jessica Kenn Sean Noel Rose Jason Angela Jessica Erica Camilla Dawn Sharlene Ellie April Janine Ashley Melba Amanda Stacey Matthew Alainah Joseph Leonard Katrina Allen Hector Rachel Lana Steven
Company COPS Monitoring - Texas COPS Monitoring - Texas Custom Communications Inc Custom Communications Inc Damar Security Services/Security Response Center (CA) Glowa Damar Security Services/Security Response Center (CA) Rosario Damar Security Services/Security Response Center (CA) Desat Damar Security Services/Security Response Center (CA) Brown Doyle Security Hole Electro Watchman, Inc. LeValley FE Moran Alford Federal Response Center, Inc. Brown Federal Response Center, Inc. Garrett Federal Response Center, Inc. Garrison Federal Response Center, Inc. Lightwine Federal Response Center, Inc. Matney Federal Response Center, Inc. Wells Federal Response Center, Inc. Garner Fire Protection Service Corporation Brennan G4S Secure Integration LLC Deth G4S Secure Integration LLC Joyce G4S Secure Integration LLC Aponte Rojas Genesis Security Services, Inc (PR) Hernandez Genesis Security Services, Inc (PR) Bradley Guardian Protection Services Hilbert iWatch Communications Barlow Life Safety Monitoring, LLC Franklin Life Safety Monitoring, LLC Owens Life Safety Monitoring, LLC Maltby Security Alarm Monitoring Inc. Bender SecurTek (CA) Hanson SecurTek (CA) Jacquemart SecurTek (CA) Pesto SecurTek (CA) Schullman SecurTek (CA) Wiens SecurTek (CA) Wirges-Henderson SecurTek (CA) Wray SecurTek (CA) Hoffman SecurTek (CA) Pollon SecurTek (CA) Nazaire Tech Systems Inc DiBello Time Warner Security Walker Time Warner Security Clem Turner Security Systems Esparza Turner Security Systems Cambria United Monitoring Downing Valley Security & Alarm Villarreal Valley Security & Alarm
Graduated 12/12/2018 11/18/2018 1/27/2019 1/28/2019 1/13/2019 1/10/2019 1/2/2019 1/14/2019 12/6/2018 12/6/2018 11/14/2018 12/16/2018 12/7/2018 12/22/2018 12/20/2018 12/21/2018 11/18/2018 12/22/2018 11/3/2018 11/6/2018 11/8/2018 1/14/2019 12/16/2018 1/3/2019 12/14/2018 11/27/2018 11/27/2018 12/18/2018 1/16/2019 1/3/2019 11/7/2018 11/29/2018 11/8/2018 12/13/2018 11/20/2018 11/5/2018 11/17/2018 11/1/2018 11/29/2018 11/2/2018 1/2/2019 11/19/2018 11/15/2018 1/28/2019 1/21/2019 12/13/2018 12/17/2018 12/18/2018
Spring 2019 Advertising Index The Monitoring Association extends their appreciation to the following advertisers for their generous support: Altronix, page 12 www.altronix.com
DMP, page 13 and belly band www.dmp.com
Axis, page 9 www.axis.com
IPtelX, page 7 www.iptelx.net
Bold Technologies, pages 2 and 21 www.boldgroup.com
NAPCO, page 32 (Back Cover) www.napcosecurity.com
Central Insurance Agency, page 15 www.ciainsures.com
Resideo, page 5 www.resideo.com
DICE Corporation, page 31 www.dicecopr.com
Tyco, page 17 www.tycosecurityproducts.com
The TMA Dispatch is published quarterly by The Monitoring Association (TMA). Send address changes to TMA, 8150 Leesburg Pike, Suite 700, Vienna, VA 22182 or to membership@www.tma.us. Subscription policy: Individual subscriptions are available without charge to TMA members. Back issues of the Dispatch are obtainable for $10, if available. TMA does not provide legal advice, business advice or any other kind of advice that should be relied upon in making business decisions, and does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person or company for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in the material contained herein, regardless of whether such errors result from negligence, accident, or any other cause whatsoever. Printed in the USA.
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Spring 2019
Spring 2019
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