PubDate: 06-24-2010
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LIFE&ARTS Coming Friday
Shop Talk time
Short North discounter profiled D3
Other films to open, too
Sydney Tyler plays on a tree swing after putting up a tent in her grandparents’ backyard with her mother, Marla.
SETTING UP CAMP This weekend, hundreds of groups across the country will pitch tents, make s’mores and get away from gadgets for one night
onnie Stover’s children love to camp out: sleeping outdoors, gathering around the fire and telling stories in the tent. Beyond all the nature stuff, though, camping holds a few added attractions. “I really like staying up late,” said 9-year-old Emily. “And I love to cook s’mores.” Whatever the lure, Mom welcomes it. Stover vividly remembers camping as a child, and she wants her five children to have similar experiences. “It’s inexpensive, it’s outdoors, it’s nature, it’s family time together, and it’s good memories,” said the 41-year-old Grove City resident.
The National Wildlife Federation wants others to understand firsthand what Stover enjoys several times a year: On Saturday, the nonprofit conservation group will sponsor the sixth annual Great American Backyard Campout, designed to draw Americans out of the house and into nature, even if nature consists of a manicured lawn next to a patio. “This is all part of our campaign called ‘Be Out There’ — to make sure kids get outdoor time,” said Karoline Hurd, a senior events manager with the federation. Last year, Hurd said, the event attracted about 90,000 participants nationwide. This year, organizers asked participating groups — instead of individ-
The Great American Backyard Campout, sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation, will take place Saturday. For more information or to register, visit “Get Outside” at
By Melissa Rayworth ASSOCIATED PRESS
uals — to register with the federation, making it difficult to gauge whether the event has grown. As of Monday, about 500 teams had signed up, Hurd said, with 21 from Ohio including groups from Columbus, Bexley and Gahanna. Camping can be especially valuable today as an antidote to the myriad electronic distractions facing young people, said Jonathan Bonness, director of camping with the Simon Kenton Council of the Boy Scouts of America. “It’s a good alternative — to force youth to be outdoors where they can learn about daddy longlegs and bugs and weather, to experience a
Plenty of advice for modern parents provokes debate: Is nursing better than formula? Is full-day kindergarten enriching or exhausting? How young is too young for television? Pose such questions, and watch the fireworks begin. But ask whether children today spend as much time playing outdoors and exploring nature as previous generations did, and you’ll find little disagreement: They don’t. Nationwide, worried parents tell stories of neighborhoods where children are neither seen nor heard. “I speak all over the country, and it’s a concern that comes up all over,”
See FUN Page D6
‘Yearbook’ showcases top bands By Kevin Joy THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH
Meghan Ralston understands the perks of a good band portrait. She’s a photographer, after all, and a lover of local music. Good art can mean publicity for the artist. Publicity equals buzz. Buzz can launch a career (or, at least, lure more bodies through the door). Oftentimes, though, small, newly formed groups aren’t focused on such details, said Ralston, 29, who owns a photo studio in Grandview Heights. “You don’t realize the difference until you have really good ones.” It’s why the East Side resident has been working since last summer on a project that marries the two affections: The Hot 17 is a glossy, 50-page book featuring articles and photos of 17 central Ohio bands that — based on Ralston’s opinions and her discussions with area music-venue
Fresh-air fun still possible with push
SHOW & TELL Trumpeter to perform New York trumpeter and composer Jacob Wick will perform the program “Swarm” from 6 to 8 tonight in the OSU Urban Arts Space. Also performing solo and as a duo with Wick will be Columbus percussionist Ben Bennett. The performance space occupies the old Lazarus building Downtown, 50 W. Town St. For more information, call 614292-8861 or visit
OSU grad’s sculptures chosen
ABOVE: East Side resident Meghan Ralston, a photographer and localmusic aficionado, acquiring a taste for her newly self-published book
employees — are deemed worthy of a listener’s time and money. The criteria: Bands had to be locally based, have recently released See BOOK Page D2
Two works by Sudanese artist and Ohio State University graduate Mohamed-Saeed Omer are among 40 original works at the new U.S. embassy complex opening Thursday in Khartoum. Photographs, sculpture, paintings and fiber works by 25 American and Sudanese artists were selected for the embassy and depict themes such as ritual, identity and spirituality. Omer’s works are the wood sculpture Dinka Bull and Tanihso, which
is made of silver, metal, glass, plastic, wood, plaster, shells and fabric.
Show set for ceramics, prints “Natural Insights,” an exhibit of works by printmaker Nicholas Hill and ceramist Denise Romecki, will open today and continue through July 23 in the Concourse Gallery, Municipal Services Center, 3600 Tremont Rd., Upper Arlington. Hill, an art professor at Otterbein College, is showing a new series of 20 large-scale works informed by his impressions of Japan. Romecki’s nature-oriented works range from detailed wall pieces to See SHOW & TELL Page D3
TAKING A BREAK Joe Blundo will return to Life (& Arts) next Thursday.