1 minute read

Strategic Planning Process Begins

Charting the best course for growth, stability and serving students is complicated. So most colleges and universities rely on a strategic planning process to help guide them forward.

At Saint Ben’s and Saint John’s, rooted as we are in our Benedictine traditions of listening, respect for persons and community living, formulating a new strategic plan is no small task. And this time around, the stakes are especially high. The last combined strategic plan was written in 2015 and was meant to end in 2020 – but it was extended while the boards of trustees went through the process of Strong Integration.


Now that Strong Integration is being implemented, the Common Boards are in place, the missions of both Saint Ben’s and Saint John’s are affirmed, and President Bruess is in office, it is time to chart the course for the next several years.

Throughout this spring, we are facilitating on- and off-campus meetings to recognize and hear the current understanding of each group related to their shared needs and priorities. Additionally, we will focus on the collective vision and direction for both institutions. The learnings from the various groups will help inform and shape this nimble strategic plan to be shared with all constituents, to prepare for implementation and the rolling approval of new initiatives as they are ready.

On campus there will be focus group meetings to understand the current campus-wide insights and needs required to achieve success. Off campus, we’re in the midst of a nationwide series of joint alum events, sharing information and gathering input. Watch your email or our website at csbsju.edu/csb-alumnae/events to learn when one is coming to a city near you.

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