Est special topic energy securities

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Call for Papers [Special Topic]

Energy Securities The special topic calls for papers on Energy Securities and such papers will appear in the journal Energy Science and Technology as a special column. Description The onset of policies to reduce carbon emissions in the light of overwhelming evidence of anthropogenic climate change in developed nations has set in train a series of both academic and political debates concerning the ability of economic blocks, nation states and local communities to meet (often rising) energy demands whilst reducing CO2 emissions. Yet analyses of energy security often neglect to critically examine four key aspects that form the central assumptions under lying energy policy making. First, a considerable amount of scholarship has been focused on macro-level and state-led political initiatives that seek to perpetuate existing modes of energy governance, without making reference to the ways in which energy policy can and should be re-scaled to account for more distributed and community-focused networks of production and consumption. Second, scholarship tends to treat ‘demand’ as either a given or something which is treated uncritically, therefore positioning efforts at demand reduction within the narrow confines of existing social norms and practices, without recourse to potential new modes of ‘living and being’ and thus radial social transformations for low carbon futures. Third, the very terms ‘energy’ is often treated as a discrete entity, both isolated from production and consumption practices and the ways in which energy is implicated across both scales and sites of (often non-) energy related processes. Finally, scholarship needs to adopt a more critical framing of energy securitization through exploring the ways in which critical social and political theory can be used to understand decision making and policy formation. This special topic therefore aims to attract papers that critically explore one or more of these themes as a way of setting new agendas for both energy research and the social science of climate change in developed nations.

Requirements In addition to the Review and Original Articles by invited speakers, we are inviting you to submit a relevant research paper on Energy Securities for consideration. Papers will be subject to normal peer review and must comply with the Guide for Authors. To submit papers to the “Energy Securities” Special Topic, please go to With your submission, please state clearly to the editor that your manuscripts are submitted to the Special Topic Energy Securities.

Related Conferences: June 24-27, 2013, San Jose Marriott, San Jose, Calif. National Nuclear Security Conference November 15-16, 2012. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius, Conference on Energy Security: Outlook & perspectives in the Baltic Sea region October 31- November 1, Washington D.C., IAGS-NATO Energy Security Conference

Related Journals (Special issue): Journal of Contemporary European Research (Special Issue: Energy Supply Security in the 'New Europe') Energy & Environmental Science Int. J. of Global Energy Issues (Special Issue: Energy Security in the 21st Century) The China and Eurasia Forum (Special Issue: Energy Security)

Related Articles:


Bambawale, M. J., & Sovacool, B. K. (2011). China’s energy security: the perspective of energy users. Applied Energy, 88(5), 1949-1956. Chalvatzis, K. J., & Hooper, E. (2009). Energy security vs. climate change: Theoretical framework development and experience in selected EU electricity markets. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13(9), 2703-2709. Greene, D. L. (2010). Measuring energy security: Can the United States achieve oil independence?. Energy policy, 38(4), 1614-1621. Garg, A., & Shukla, P. R. (2009). Coal and energy security for India: Role of carbon dioxide (CO< sub> 2</sub>) capture and storage (CCS). Energy, 34(8), 1032-1041. Jacobson, M. Z. (2009). Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security. Energy & Environmental 2 Science, 2(2), 148-173. Kruyt, B., van Vuuren, D. V., De Vries, H. J. M., & Groenenberg, H. (2009). Indicators for energy security. Energy Policy, 37(6), 2166-2181. Recommended Editor or Reviewer (Name, Affiliation, E-Mail, Research Field Von Hippel, D., Suzuki, T., Williams, J. H., Savage, T., & Hayes, P. (2011). Energy security and sustainability in Northeast Asia. Energy Policy, 39(11), 6719-6730.

About The Journal Energy Science and Technology (ISSN 1923-8460 [PRINT]; ISSN 1923-8479 [ONLINE]) is dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary platform for detailed and comprehensive investigations, analyses and appropriate reviews on energy science and technology. EST publishes peer-reviewed original scholarly high-quality work such as analytical, numerical, or experimental results and physical analyses of processes of lasting scientific value. Those pertaining to modeling, theory, analysis, simulations, technology development, experiments, and visualization and measurement techniques are also appropriate for the journal. Energy Science and Technology is indexed by CAS of America, DOAJ of Sweden, CNKI of China, Journal TOCs of England, Open J-gate of India, and ProQuest LIC. It is filed by Library and Archives Canada, Gale, EBSCO Publishing, Ulrich's of America, and collected by the database AMICUS of Canada. More detailed information about the journal can be discovered in We sincerely welcome you to submit articles to the special column Energy Securities which also serves as the subject of your paper. If you rightly have a manuscript in this field, please don’t hesitate to write us an email with the subject of “Submission for EST Special Topic: Energy Securities ( )”. We look forward to your submission at ; . More detailed information about the special topic, pertinent conferences, related journals (special issue) and relevant articles can be discovered from our websites:

Energy Science and Technology (EST) CSCanada Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures (CRDCSC) Address: 758, 77e AV, Laval, Quebec, H7V 4A8, Canada Http://; Http:// E-mail:;;

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