Call for Papers [Special Topic]
Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering The special topic calls for papers on Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering and such papers will appear in the journal Higher Education of Social Science as a special column. Affiliated research area: Social Sciences, Education
1 Description The impact of EC2000 on the humanities/social sciences (HSS) component of engineering curricula concerns both engineering and the HSS faculty members. This paper reviews how the events of the last fifty years have affected the role of the HSS in engineering education. After World War II a strong effort was made to strengthen the scientific basis of the undergraduate engineering curricula to better prepare students for graduate study and research. At the same time there was an effort to return the HSS, which had been neglected during WWII, to a more important role in this curriculum. By the late 1960s this had led to overcrowded curricula. Dissatisfaction with the HSS led to calls for reforms, but in the press of other events, these went largely unheeded. In the post-Cold War era, industry's need to compete in the global markets has put other demands on the engineering curriculum that may further diminish the role of the HSS. Some tentative conclusions are drawn from these events about the future prospects of the HSS under EC2000.
Requirements In addition to the Review and Original Articles by invited speakers, we are inviting you to submit a relevant research paper on Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering for consideration. Papers will be subject to normal peer review and must comply with the Guide for Authors. To submit papers to the “Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering � Special Topic, please go to With your submission, please state clearly to the editor that your manuscripts are submitted to the Special Topic Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering .
Related Conferences: International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS'01)
Related Journals (Special issue): CSCanada Higher Education of Social Science Journal
Related Articles: Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering Education-Postwar to Postmodern and Beyond
About The Journal Higher Education of Social Science (ISSN 1927-0232 [Print]; ISSN 1927-0240 [Online]) is a leading peer reviewed academic journal published bimonthly. The first publication time was 30th September, 2011. The journal promotes the
exchange of ideas and rational discourse between practicing educators and educational researchers in social scie nce aspect and contributes to the understanding and/or the improvement of educational processes and outcomes. The Journal aims to serve the needs of faculties, researchers, administrators and those concerned with the present and the future of higher education. This Journal also encourages discussions about higher education at the perspectives of social science within and among relevant professional and academic communities and researchers at social science level. Articles will combine phenomenon analyses, the development of higher education, discussions of education methods and other issues which are important to faculty, administrators, and program managers. More detailed information about the journal can be discovered in We sincerely welcome you to submit articles to the special column of our journal. If you rightly have a manuscript in 2 this field, please don’t hesitate to write us an email with the subject of “Submission for HESS Special Topic: Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering (”. We look forward to your submission at;! More detailed information about the special topic, pertinent conferences, related journals (special issue) and relevant articles can be discovered from our websites:
Higher Education of Social Science (HESS) CSCanada Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures (CRDCSC) Address: 758, 77e AV, Laval, Quebec, H7V 4A8, Canada Http://; Http:// E-mail:;;