Class of 2024
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Please note: This webinar is being recorded.
Many resources we will use and reference come from College Essay Guy!
Guy free resources: Podcast Youtube Videos
do I have to write to apply to college?!
It depends! But generally, you can expect to write at least one (likely more) of the following essays:
Personal Statement (650 words max)
Supplemental Essays for specific colleges (usually 250-350 words max)
Scholarship Application essay
What makes a great Personal Statement?
Values (aka info)
Insight (so what?)
Vulnerability (is it personal?)
Craft (clear, logical, well-written)
650 words max word count
Brainstorming is
7 Common App prompts you can choose from (one option is a noprompt prompt)
Brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm!
Don't narrow down your topic or choose a prompt too early in the brainstorming process.
so important!
Be authentic!
Don't be afraid to talk out loud or brain dump on the page. Your essay should not be a summary of your activities resume.
Your essay does NOT have to be a story of the hardest challenge you've ever faced in order for it to be compelling.
uses 1) common topics and 2) makes common connections
Common Topic: Common Connections:
Mission Trip
"Taught me how to be grateful for what I have, and that anyone no matter the circumstance can have joy"
Sports Injury
"Taught me resilience and to never give up"
That does NOT mean these topics can't be a part of your essay, just don't make them them your WHOLE essay
Tip: *There is an extra (optional) COVID-19 essay prompt on you Common App, save most of your COVID-19 reflections for that prompt instead of on your personal statement!
A montage is a series of seemingly unrelated events or moments that, put together, combine to create a coherent, connected story.
You want it to be about something you know a lot about, and you want it to be able to relate to multiple parts of who you are.
This path is useful if you’ve faced personal challenges. It basically involves describing three things: challenge you’ve faced + effects on you what you did about it what you learned
Use details, details, and more details!
How can Crosby Scholars help me with essay writing? sign up for a 1:1 Essay Coaching session or submit an essay draft to our Essay Review Service (beginning in August) attend an Essay Writing 201 on August 3rd reach out to your Senior Advisor
Please complete the Exit Survey via the QR code or the link in the chat.