11th Grade
Take a look at your financial situation and be sure you’re on the right track to pay for college.
Get in-depth information on the Federal Student Aid Programs. Create your own FSA ID if you don’t have one yet. **
The FSA ID is a username and password that you will use for your child’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Need help? You and your child should watch the “How to Create an Account Username and (FSA ID)” Video.
Make sure your child is researching scholarship opportunities at their target schools and through local, regional, and national organizations. CFNC Scholarship Search is a great starting point to familiarize yourself with opportunities for scholarship and state grant funding. Look for Crosby Scholarship opportunities for seniors in Crosby Connect in Fall 2026. Ask your employer whether scholarships are available for employee’s children. (Ex. SECU, Military or civic organizations.)
Learn about student and parent loans in Federal Student Loans: Basics for Students and Federal Student Loans: Direct PLUS Loan Basics for Parents.
**You must create your own FSA ID. Your child must create their own. Creating your child’s account or your child creating your account may cause confusion later and will slow down the FAFSA process.