DestinationCollege2022 - April 2022 Senior Newsletter

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Senior Program

April 2022

DestinationCollege2022 | Senior Newsletter

Senior Celebration

Last Dollar Grant

April 28th!

Coming Soon

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Advising Corner


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Stay Connected!

APRIL 2022 Crosby Scholars Senior Calendar It's Scholarship Season! Take note of the Crosby Scholars Scholarship opportunities and find applications for each in the Crosby Scholars Student Portal.




Find more information at or the Crosby Scholars Student Portal. Contact us at



Senior Honors Gala at the Dash! 4/28

KEY: Scholarship Opens Scholarship Deadline Misc. Events





LET'S CELEBRATE! Seniors & two guests are invited to attend, & enjoy dinner & fireworks at the ball park! Registration in the Portal required.


4-Dean Smith 5












WSFCS Spring Break

WSFCS Spring Break

WSFCS Spring Break

WSFCS Spring Break

WSFCS Spring Break

18 Crosby











-Fulton -Bigs for Carolina Medal Success -Joe Neely -John A Taylor -Jessica Hill -Katherine Davis Crosby

-Kay Landry -Ronnetta M Mosby


Scholars Community Service Activities

RSVP by today for Sr Gala

WSFCS Spring Break



Senior Honors Gala at the Dash

Senior Program

April 2022

Timeline For Success Register by April 12th to attend the Senior Gala on April 28th! Submit your mid-year grades to colleges if requested See school counselor to discuss any errors on transcript Research and apply for scholarships; adhere to all deadlines R e v i e w F i n a n c i a l A i d T i me l i n e f o r S u c ce s s , p o s t e d i n C r o s b y S c h o l a r s Student Portal F i n i s h s u b mi t t i n g a d mi s s i o n a p p l i c a t i o n s , i f n o t c o mp l e t e d S u b mi t y o u r F A F S A i f y o u h a v e n o t already S u b mi t C S S / P R O F I L E , i f r e q u i r e d a n d n o t p r e v i o u s l y s u b mi t t e d A p p l y t o t h e Wi n s t o n - S a l e m Foundation for financial assistance (www. ws f o u n d a t i o n . o r g) U p d a t e y o u r c o l l e g e e n r o l l me n t i n your Crosby Scholars student portal

2022 You and two guests are invited to celebrate at our


at the Winston-Salem Dash 951 Ballpark Way, Winston-Salem, NC 27101


Ballpark Dinner at Arrival

Program at 6:15 PM

Fireworks at 8 PM

Attire: Nice casual. Registration is required in your Crosby Scholars Student Portal.

Senior Program

April 2022

Update your College Enrollment Decision in Your Crosby Scholars Student Portal If you have decided the college you will be attending, please update your Crosby Scholars Student Portal with your college name after you make your final decision. Follow the steps below. 1. Log into your Crosby Scholars Student Portal 2. Click the Profile tab 3. Click Edit This Info above the personal info box 4. Scroll to the bottom of the page. The last line will be a drop down box for College Name where the student can select the school. 5. Once the field is populated, click the Update button to save changes. If the college name is not listed, please email or text 336-7777648 with your name, high school, and name of the college/university, and we will add it to the list.


Stay Connected!

Senior Program

April 2022

Need to Another Option for College Enrollment? Consider the CFNC College Redirection Pool The College Redirection Pool is a resource that helps students find open slots in universities for students whose college plans have change or are just beginning the college admission process! Students start by creating a profile through CFNC with information that includes GPA, test scores, and anticipated major. This profile is made available to colleges and universities throughout North Carolina, who can then reach out to the students who meet their specific admissions requirements and recruit them to attend. When recruited, students will also be given information about the financial aid that could potentially be awarded to them from each college. CFNC’s College Redirection Pool becomes available to students on April 1 and can be used through August 31.


Stay Connected!

Senior Program

April 2022

Upcoming Programs and Resources Last Dollar Grant- Launching SOON Crosby Scholars who complete the Program Senior year with a cumulative weighted GPA of 2.0+ are eligible to apply for a Last Dollar Grant (LDG) for up to four years. The Last Dollar Grant will be live in your Crosby Scholars Portal SOON. You will receive communication from Crosby Scholars when the LDG is open to apply. Below you will find the list of documents you will need to apply: 1. A copy of the letter of admission from the institution the student will attend 2. A copy of the financial aid award letter from the institution 3. A copy of the entire Student Aid Report (SAR)


Stay Connected!

Senior Program

April 2022

Mindfulness Corner April Showers... We know it can be easy to feel overwhelmed with time passing by so quickly, or you are just as excited at the prospect that next year is going to look different! Either way don't forget to continue to take care of yourself and remember how far you've come. While you relax, click here to enjoy this free and online Springthemed color by the number page.

Self-Care Tips to Avoid Senioritis It starts with the longer days and warmer weather, then with lack of energy or motivation to do work, followed by a Spring Fever that morphs into Senioritis! Don't let it get the best of you! Make Sure to Get Plenty of Sleep Declutter Your Study and Work Spaces Set Up A Routine That Sticks Drink Lots of Water But Also, Go Outside and Enjoy the Sunshine and Fresh Air!


Stay Connected!

Senior Program

April 2022

The Advising Corner Follow Your College on Social Media Most colleges and universities use Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and even TikTok to keep their students in the loop of exciting events and opportunities happening in their school. Follow them now to stay in the loop of upcoming events, have a better understanding of their posting schedules, and begin your networking with your future peers. You might even be featured in their posts if you tag your college with your acceptance letter!

Consider a Pre-Orientation Program... Not to be confused with Freshman Orientation, which every first-year college student is required to attend. Pre-Orientation is an optional program you can attend before orientation, and usually comes with a fee. Depending on your college and the available programs, pre-orientation would allow you to move onto campus earlier so by the time Freshman Orientation begins you would already have a head start from your peers. Pre-orientations are also topic-specific or extracurricular- some examples of pre-orientation programs include book clubs, camping, marching band, etc.

Check your college website for more information about the preorientation programs they offer!


Stay Connected!

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